00:30 BH's upbringing + coming up and meeting Nip 1:33 Got shot at 17 and became close with Nip at that time 2:53 Getting shot in the back of the head and survive 3:45 Getting back in the streets after getting shot, how did it change you? "I was so close to lose my life, I didn't have a threesome yet, that's messed up!" 04:50 Sneaking out the hospital, trying to get home and run into Nip, he helped me!" 6:24 Nip tells BH to get out the streets "Come to the studio" "He spent so much time in the studio I wasn't used to it at first" 8:04 What was your perspective on Nip? Were you thinking of being a rapper? 10:21 Eagle Energy Ad 11:25 Nip being the first rapper you knew from your hood? 11:58 What do you think he saw in you? 12:55 Nip had the patience to see out his long lasting career "He had so many offers from label he said no to" + breaks down business meetings 14:37 Documentary by Complex filming in the hood + Explains how it went down + From being broke to being successful is amazing 18:19 What did you think about Nip being casual about the way he moved? 19:16 What's the craziest thing you seen being a part of this? "Seeing him going from zero to millions" 20:51 Leaving your hood vs traveling and see the world 21:59 Going to New York for the first time with Nip + Meeting Jonny Shipes 23:03 Nip was never on lean, one sip here and there 24:02 On Sundays he would just be on his motivational tip and study others + the shopping center and being inspired by Rick Ross 26:03 The business mentality from being around Nip + His empire in the hood knowing that is dangerous 27:50 being a millionaire and being a target for the envious and curious as well 28:51 How did you find out the day it happened? "I was in Dallas and got 300 miss-calls in 3 min" + Rushing home 34:15 Do you think this could've been avoided? "Everybody kinda knew "the dude" from around the way but not really knew him" 35:45 Wack100 phone call leaked "Who is Wack100?" 37:54 "Nobody is mad at Blueface for not saying anything" 39:40 "I don't know BG Knock Out and no E. Holder wasn't signed to us" 40:43 The extend of Nip being idolized 42:02 "Game you cool but you're a clown too" 43:48 "Kodak just be talking, I don't even listen, I don't care" + Talking to Lauren everyday 45:47 How long till you weren't messed up because of the loss? "Man, I'm still messed up! He was my everyday homie, knew each other's family" 48:22 How did you manage to put yourself back out there with your music? 50:40 Relationship with Greedo 52:24 Fake love or fake tribute, whats the right way to pay homage?
To me, BH has the most heart out of all Nipsey's friends when it comes to speaking up for him and he was willing to die for his friend. I'm glad to hear that he is still keeping in touch with Lauren and making sure her and the little one is straight. That's a real friend right there! I hope BH, YG, J Stone, and whomever was real with Nipsey have continued success!
Man look bro... Nipsey came in the game wearing a Malcolm X piece.. he knew what his intentions and purpose was... He gave bac to the hood for a reason
Nip was the type of Homie you need in your life for not only wisdom but he was so motivating to every person he came into contact with....Speaks volumes about his character as a man! BH been solid!!!! I want nothing but solid individuals around me!!!!
went to 2 graduations this summer and they honored Nipsey and one of the schools has a little memorial shrine to him... it's crazy that he meant so much to people all over.. rip nip
TotheK I N G D O M exactly. People love saying he wasn’t loved until he was dead 🙄. No, many of us have given him his flowers for years. He was very loved
Been banggin nip since 06 definitely a legend. I use to get looked at sideways for bumpin a crip. Shit he spoke to the real ones going through it in a real way. R.I.P NIP
He definitely is cuz he disappeared after Nip passed when he could've used his death to get as much money as possible. He hasn't been in the media at all
I respect your opinion if you're out of the Matrix I don't believe a word of what this money saying remember he's got loads of people watching him and making sure his sticks to the story of the end of the day why are they hiding all the camera footage from people's phones who were there at that time and where are all the video footage from Nipsey Hussle store and surrounding security cameras to match up with this gentleman story only those people who were there and in that store knows the truth
The Angel and prophet comparison is a bit extreme. He was definitely intelligent and very compassionite towards rebuilding his community. It's fucked up! Black people in the hood deal with so much jealousy and self hate!!!!! W.T.F if you can get out and exploit your talents . You can't keep it real with the hood. Just take a selected few and keep it moving. 💯 facts!
I miss nip man. These interviews are dope. It’s good to see the marathon continue thru his homies. It’s biter sweet, but it’s all we got. Thank you Adam.
I know, I feel better already, that God Jesus Christ is allowing for all the love, respect, and admiration of such a Great humble, kind hearted guy such as Erimas is getting his Flowers 🌻🌹🌹🌹🌹
Nipsey was always talking about Boss Hussle 2 one of his closest homies u can tell BH is still hurt the whole world is still hurt 💔 Rest Easy King Nip 🏁 💙🏁 💙🏁 💙🏁 💙🏁 💙🏁 💙🏁 💙
Smooth dude, i like the fact he doesn't let the Internet get to him about his best friend cuz we all know it takes 0% heart to talk shit about someone on the net.
He is so broken over his bro hes still traumatized he'll never ever be even close to the same person he was. This didn't just kill one it killed many. Killed ppl, hearts, dreams and it killed the history that it was supposed to be. My heart goes out to him and all his family, fans. This community never catches a break it's not right.
@@karmadeluxe6069 niggas just RIDING niips dick OMG I know one of his real (day 1) homies my nigga Sandman RIP but did nigga ain't nobody but a punk-ass lil' bitch who tryna act hard in front of the camera. NIGGA SIT UP STRAIGHT. ACT LIKE YOU KNOW SOMETHING> WTF up with all this "I'm Mr cool you fortunate to have me on here" and shit.
@@ofasanmi7511 last night it was a cold killin gotta keep the devil in his hole nigga but you know how it go nigga I'm front line everytime it's on nigga
“My nicca Hoggy got shot in his head, I got that call n they said he was dead, I couldn’t cry but it hurt a nicca, mostly bcuz he was too young to find his purpose nicca” 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
@@shawjackson2407 I agree but they leveled up so fucking hard these past months since nipsey been gone bro. I love Nipsey got a personal relationship with his circle. But this a good look for us ALL MONEY IN not done.
i don’t watch NO JUMPER interviews like that but THIS ONE? i had to tap in.. tears in my eyes STILL but ima get through this interview..I MISS YOU DON, HEAVEN COULD’NT WAIT TO HAVE YOU🥺🦋!!
@Jay Woods Nah there were some of them that aren't as known. His homie Weedog and another dude definitely did. I don't think they are the type to be on social media like Hoggy was saying they don't go back and forth with niggas on IG.
I can tell this will be an underrated podcast/interview because of the beginning but there’s so much real gems and memories of nip the great thanks Adam love from Canada
@@sayblood8238 weirdo shit like BH said in the interview. When your real and from the hood you dont need to security, you roll by yourself. I even seen him again after the concert was over by himself walking around
Y'all talking about that TAG Bro respect BH. That brand he wearing is Essential clothing by a highend Fashion designer he collabed with Nipsey Hussle Marathon clothing in respect that exclusively released a couple weeks ago only in LA " line around the blocks"but was still advertised on the internet. I'm from Chicago tried copping a hoodie and found out I only could cop instores.
Terrence C these peasants don’t even overstand a real hustler/street representative. MF’s get fresh daily. He don’t even know that tag is there. Had he worn the same clothes he wore on IG yesterday they would’ve had something to say about that too! Fuck em
@@snoopwillpac "my nigga Hoggy (BH) got shot in his head, I got the call and they said he was dead. Look, I couldnt cry but it hurt a nigga. Mostly because he was young to find his purpose nigga" - Count Up That Loot - Mailbox Money
I like nip but he wasn’t a legend before he died! His music wouldn’t even chart ! It’s weird because before he died he probably wouldn’t even sell out big venuies now he probably could sell out stadiums with the hype he has now !
You can tell his Still hearting from losing his best friend . Keep ur head up !! Personally I’ve been fallowing Nip movement since 09 all I can say is rest in heaven . 🏁🏁🙏🏽
I’m the same way when it comes to calls if you not close to me & u callin from numbers idk I won’t pick up but when ppl that’s close calling back to back u already know somethin happened. Shits crazy cuz I know dude would’ve made sure nothing happened to nip if he was there even if it meant his life. And now he gotta live with the thought of “what if I was there that day” for the rest of his life and that shit eats u alive. RIP NIP .
Not true the only reason they did the interview cause they had a 3day Pop up shop In Ny he on photos with the whole team and they was actually working at the pop shop.
Is it just me, but Incouldnt stop staring at BH "Nipsey Piece". Nip was a mentor to a lot us young brothers tryna find they way out here. Long Liv Nip Hussle from Edmonton,Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦
TomBigDripBrady that’s real shit tho I lost a homie when we was both 14 now that I’m 27. I’m seeing how much far we really had to go. Still miss my nigga and all my lost ones
BH is the best Nipsey interview. Didn’t know Nipsey, but knew his spirit. Man this shit still hurts. I really missed out on seeing a real Kjng do his thing. But one thing for sure, you know who was really close to Nip and Sam by how they move. BH is a real one. God continue to cover him!
The part "No Jumper" doesn't understand about creating a business in the hood. The "business" had a bigger goal than to just make money and move on. Nipsey could have moved his store to Beverly Hills but there is no connection to his community there. The point of the store was to build up his community, provide jobs to his community and "reclaim" his community. All while showing "his community" (meaning the people who live there) that this sort of venture is possible.
NoisyMacbook Yeah, but look what it showed them in the end: if you stay in the hood, you’ll die here. He would’ve been better off leaving the hood and just coming back periodically to give back, taking kids to his place of business for internships, etc.
Interesting how he said Eric Holder disappeared for a while and then started popping back up. That’s a red flag imo, how he even get that close to Nipsey Hussle
Mr. Kontrarian Right thats why Nip told him to get it figured out and from what I heard it was a normal peacefull conversation Nip wasn’r disrespecting dude like that he just told him he heard some rumours and he need to get it straight if he didn’t snitched... so for him to come back 5/10mins later and just shoot the place up was weird af and i think thats why he was able to get so close to him nip didn’t expect it cause they just had a peacefull talk a few mins earlier
Never saw Nipsey on the corny, internet/social media drama, beef bs. He moved like a grown man supposed to. Can't believe how these cats from the West move now. The internet done fckd the game up..
Black who u talkin bout when u say cats from the west cuz to me most the niggas from the west SOLID. These southern and east coast niggas don’t compare to us
This nigga so solid you cant do nothing but respect him. I dont personally know BH but I do live on Slauson. This man always keeps it💯. LA will always have much love for Lauren and Nipsey will always be our King.
Amazing facet about nipsey is he was the a big bro for real for all the lil homies that didn’t have it, a trait passed on to him by his dad & blacc Sam...bh & pac man are prime examples...nip the passer of blessings rest up king Ermias 🇪🇷
You’ll hear more about him... but I want to clear something up.. in 2019 it’s easy to be accused of snitching and come around when some of the dudes that was on your head are in jail right now... it’s a few cats that if they weren’t locked up I guarantee he’d be in hiding... Quite kid... turned killer, alleged informant, start coming around when cats got locked up... i most want to guarantee that wasn’t his first time killing a 60....
I love how he mentioned that Wack, Blueface and em all bang L.A just like Nipsey. If you don’t want to call him a “rap legend” but there’s no way you can deny that Nipsey was a Los Angles Legend. He did so much for the community and was so respected and loved by the city. For other men who live in the same world and were born and raised in the same city as Nip to bring down his name just shapes your envy and hate!
I wouldn't expect nothing less of what Nipsey gave around him and that was being a real solid G! Much love to BH because you can tell the love he had for Nip! Nothing fraud just a true Friend and Brother. This situation is just devastating still. I pray they all heal better as time go on! But...S/N: The Braider they use is the best I've ever! Rows on 100!
00:30 BH's upbringing + coming up and meeting Nip
1:33 Got shot at 17 and became close with Nip at that time
2:53 Getting shot in the back of the head and survive
3:45 Getting back in the streets after getting shot, how did it change you?
"I was so close to lose my life, I didn't have a threesome yet, that's messed up!"
04:50 Sneaking out the hospital, trying to get home and run into Nip, he helped me!"
6:24 Nip tells BH to get out the streets "Come to the studio"
"He spent so much time in the studio I wasn't used to it at first"
8:04 What was your perspective on Nip? Were you thinking of being a rapper?
10:21 Eagle Energy Ad
11:25 Nip being the first rapper you knew from your hood?
11:58 What do you think he saw in you?
12:55 Nip had the patience to see out his long lasting career
"He had so many offers from label he said no to" + breaks down business meetings
14:37 Documentary by Complex filming in the hood + Explains how it went down
+ From being broke to being successful is amazing
18:19 What did you think about Nip being casual about the way he moved?
19:16 What's the craziest thing you seen being a part of this?
"Seeing him going from zero to millions"
20:51 Leaving your hood vs traveling and see the world
21:59 Going to New York for the first time with Nip + Meeting Jonny Shipes
23:03 Nip was never on lean, one sip here and there
24:02 On Sundays he would just be on his motivational tip and study others
+ the shopping center and being inspired by Rick Ross
26:03 The business mentality from being around Nip + His empire in the hood knowing that is dangerous
27:50 being a millionaire and being a target for the envious and curious as well
28:51 How did you find out the day it happened? "I was in Dallas and got 300 miss-calls in 3 min" + Rushing home
34:15 Do you think this could've been avoided? "Everybody kinda knew "the dude" from around the way but not really knew him"
35:45 Wack100 phone call leaked "Who is Wack100?"
37:54 "Nobody is mad at Blueface for not saying anything"
39:40 "I don't know BG Knock Out and no E. Holder wasn't signed to us"
40:43 The extend of Nip being idolized
42:02 "Game you cool but you're a clown too"
43:48 "Kodak just be talking, I don't even listen, I don't care" + Talking to Lauren everyday
45:47 How long till you weren't messed up because of the loss? "Man, I'm still messed up! He was my everyday homie, knew each other's family"
48:22 How did you manage to put yourself back out there with your music?
50:40 Relationship with Greedo
52:24 Fake love or fake tribute, whats the right way to pay homage?
Shot out to you for giving the interviews that ppl wanna hear but as a interviewer you are the worst and I'm saying that respectfully.
U the goat I wanna see the whole thing tho but u for the time management
@@malleonwill4574 DAT PART
@@malleonwill4574 why would you say tho?? He alright as host
To me, BH has the most heart out of all Nipsey's friends when it comes to speaking up for him and he was willing to die for his friend. I'm glad to hear that he is still keeping in touch with Lauren and making sure her and the little one is straight. That's a real friend right there! I hope BH, YG, J Stone, and whomever was real with Nipsey have continued success!
True Thoughts 100 Nip made him rich....he better fucking die for him
Nah PacMan holding it down frfr don’t forget to mention him.
@@DecembersOwn247 & Killa Twan, don't forget him
@@hiiipoweriii2211 and j stone
Nip is the person these rappers are all out here portraying themselves to be.
I respect this man for speaking so boldly on these individuals speaking Nips name when it ain’t their business 💯
Fareed The Tailor cut from that cloth
Man look bro... Nipsey came in the game wearing a Malcolm X piece.. he knew what his intentions and purpose was... He gave bac to the hood for a reason
52 Groovin Yupp real fans heard it in his lyrics, he was ready to die by it
Yeah bruh in the the 2000's when it wasn't poupular like it was in the 90s... A real one fr!
Thank you
Right. That's a fact
Nip was the type of Homie you need in your life for not only wisdom but he was so motivating to every person he came into contact with....Speaks volumes about his character as a man! BH been solid!!!! I want nothing but solid individuals around me!!!!
went to 2 graduations this summer and they honored Nipsey and one of the schools has a little memorial shrine to him... it's crazy that he meant so much to people all over.. rip nip
He didn't mean this much till he passed unfortunately.
TotheK I N G D O M exactly. People love saying he wasn’t loved until he was dead 🙄. No, many of us have given him his flowers for years. He was very loved
@@89Drmz facts nip was super loved why he was here that's why it hurt so bad when he died
Been banggin nip since 06 definitely a legend. I use to get looked at sideways for bumpin a crip. Shit he spoke to the real ones going through it in a real way. R.I.P NIP
That Nipsey chain is cold nice tribute piece for his homie
That's not nipsey that's that nigga look at it closely
I was thinking the same thing as soon as I saw it. Super official.
@@calebgray418 that's Nipsey bro
@@calebgray418 that's Nip you fucking dummy
Black Sam seem like a real G. Moves in silence, away from the limelight. All substance. Grind do the talking. I respect that. 💯
top 10 most legendary behind the scenes people in hip hop history and LA history
He definitely is cuz he disappeared after Nip passed when he could've used his death to get as much money as possible. He hasn't been in the media at all
I respect your opinion if you're out of the Matrix I don't believe a word of what this money saying remember he's got loads of people watching him and making sure his sticks to the story of the end of the day why are they hiding all the camera footage from people's phones who were there at that time and where are all the video footage from Nipsey Hussle store and surrounding security cameras to match up with this gentleman story only those people who were there and in that store knows the truth
@henry No question 💯
He's just absent from the body. Tha homie is still here.
BiggQue you so right respect 100%
Thank you
I love this comment
Nipsey was an angel sent to us🏁✨
Yupp young Prophet
You an angel to😇😇😇😇😇
Amen 🙏
The Angel and prophet comparison is a bit extreme. He was definitely intelligent and very compassionite towards rebuilding his community. It's fucked up! Black people in the hood deal with so much jealousy and self hate!!!!! W.T.F if you can get out and exploit your talents . You can't keep it real with the hood. Just take a selected few and keep it moving. 💯 facts!
@@kevinalexander2741 nah he was a prophet like Malcolm X but in his own way
Bro chill as hell
I miss nip man. These interviews are dope. It’s good to see the marathon continue thru his homies. It’s biter sweet, but it’s all we got. Thank you Adam.
YES made me emotional
Lenny Coco Yeah. Shit still hella sad bro.
Hoggy a real one , respect to him for this interview
A real homie right here.. Thanx for riding for "THE GREAT" i feel alot better knowing nip really got homies that will ride for him salute to BH
I know, I feel better already, that God Jesus Christ is allowing for all the love, respect, and admiration of such a Great humble, kind hearted guy such as Erimas is getting his Flowers 🌻🌹🌹🌹🌹
Nipsey was always talking about Boss Hussle 2 one of his closest homies u can tell BH is still hurt the whole world is still hurt 💔 Rest Easy King Nip 🏁 💙🏁 💙🏁 💙🏁 💙🏁 💙🏁 💙🏁 💙
Smooth dude, i like the fact he doesn't let the Internet get to him about his best friend cuz we all know it takes 0% heart to talk shit about someone on the net.
BH , Blacc Sam , Killa Twan , Supreme , Capone, Pacman and J.Stone true to the that ALL MONEY IN brand fa sho..real ones
Nico The Real - Cuzzy Capone, Cobby Supreme and Killa Twan
Pacman ran off when it got real
Killa Twan , Rimpau , Cobby Supremse Cuzzy Capone Adam & Blacc Sam t60
Can't forget KillaTwan and Cobby Supreme
Lil kodi pge too
This is the interview I’ve been waiting for
You took the words out of my mouth! Him and J Stone!
Him and his J Rocc
This 1 was the best yet 👍
Shock G The Game been a weirdo
“Hoggy like Shrimp when it’s chilled”.... S/O to BH.... Real one... You can tell he solid!
Lol i love how u can hear nip shout everybody out
He is so broken over his bro hes still traumatized he'll never ever be even close to the same person he was. This didn't just kill one it killed many. Killed ppl, hearts, dreams and it killed the history that it was supposed to be. My heart goes out to him and all his family, fans. This community never catches a break it's not right.
I need a blacc Sam intreview
Probably won’t happen I would love for sam to do an interview but I think he just still hurting like a mf
Nah if you know or met sam he don't do camera's!
I doubt it will ever happen
Black Sam don’t do interviews or Soc media... 🙏🏾 He’s busy securing the future!!!!
Hell naw with all the fake love i wouldnt speak on my bro i would be like fuck all yall dont need to explain anything yall should know already
U can tell BH a real one
Yah sound dumb asf when yah say that
Micheal Mateja how so?
I can't stand "I'mma too cool ass nigga". Only reason I'm entertaining this fuckery interview is cuz of Nip.
@@6LjacK Get your bitch ass on nigga this his interview
@@karmadeluxe6069 niggas just RIDING niips dick OMG I know one of his real (day 1) homies my nigga Sandman RIP but did nigga ain't nobody but a punk-ass lil' bitch who tryna act hard in front of the camera. NIGGA SIT UP STRAIGHT. ACT LIKE YOU KNOW SOMETHING> WTF up with all this "I'm Mr cool you fortunate to have me on here" and shit.
"Prolific so gifted I'm the type that's gon go get it no kidding" -Nip
.. Breaking down a swisher in front of your building, sitting on the steps feeling no feelings..
@@ofasanmi7511 last night it was a cold killin gotta keep the devil in his hole nigga but you know how it go nigga I'm front line everytime it's on nigga
@@quasheenac hunnit proof flow, smashing bad hoes, running up the checks in the streets selling dope,
Playah Ship all y’all gY
“My nicca Hoggy got shot in his head, I got that call n they said he was dead, I couldn’t cry but it hurt a nicca, mostly bcuz he was too young to find his purpose nicca” 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
Aye count up that loot, count up that loot!
@@tretucker8004 Black on black Benz young nigga salute.
Is that another hoggy he talkin bout coz this hoggy alive
This life is short let’s make it worth it nicca!
Hearing him speak about when he found out broke my heart. It still hurts so much R.I.P. Nipsey. 😢😢
I noticed Jstone more of the laid-back use caution with words type ... BH the type to tell it like it is and be vocal but political like nipsey
@@tsunamiwaving3121 CERTIFIED. He playing chess wit the word play. J Stone know how to talk cause he know exactly what he thinking.
Terrence C Nothing Like Nipsey
@@shawjackson2407 I agree but they leveled up so fucking hard these past months since nipsey been gone bro. I love Nipsey got a personal relationship with his circle. But this a good look for us ALL MONEY IN not done.
@@tsunamiwaving3121 im aware of they background before you guys even heard of these artist.
Terrence C crazy you can see how all his friends work 😩😩
i don’t watch NO JUMPER interviews like that but THIS ONE? i had to tap in.. tears in my eyes STILL but ima get through this interview..I MISS YOU DON, HEAVEN COULD’NT WAIT TO HAVE YOU🥺🦋!!
PistolBoY that’s a female bro chill
an honor.
I bet
ᴀɴ H⃠ᴏɴᴏʀ
@@BRENENHARRISyall ain't even a snoovaK foo
BH been solid. No gimmicks just a real dude.
i cant help but drop tears cause he reminds me so much of Nip. BH keep it pushing Locc RESPECT
Hoggy kept it real about Game and that other clown.
Clowns stick together = Wack 100, The Game, and Blueface. Wack and Game are grown men too which makes it worse.
@Jay Woods Nah there were some of them that aren't as known. His homie Weedog and another dude definitely did. I don't think they are the type to be on social media like Hoggy was saying they don't go back and forth with niggas on IG.
Trust me it’s ones like 1 shot... Hop1, N head, Cobby, etc he better worry about... Wee Dog too. And my nigga Cuzzy Capone.
No Money out
All money in like brinks truck
When he said "This Nip, this ain't just ANY homie. " I felt that shit to the max.
u suck for not time stampin
Finally someone, I felt actually care about Nip
Just as Nip said in his song " you got a soul to save !!! REAL TALK.
I can tell this will be an underrated podcast/interview because of the beginning but there’s so much real gems and memories of nip the great thanks Adam love from Canada
This guy is right on so many levels about everything he just explained
toronto canada right on every level. whole team is solid
kawsality That was cool to know tho why be a dickhead and comment ok
@@sayblood8238 weirdo shit like BH said in the interview. When your real and from the hood you dont need to security, you roll by yourself. I even seen him again after the concert was over by himself walking around
I pray bro and all of Nipsey’s friends and family find peace... some close deaths you never get over.
This shit was real deep. A real homie losing his everyday homie. I know how it feels. Rip Nip
Be real wit ya self
Y'all talking about that TAG Bro respect BH. That brand he wearing is Essential clothing by a highend Fashion designer he collabed with Nipsey Hussle Marathon clothing in respect that exclusively released a couple weeks ago only in LA " line around the blocks"but was still advertised on the internet. I'm from Chicago tried copping a hoodie and found out I only could cop instores.
Terrence C these peasants don’t even overstand a real hustler/street representative. MF’s get fresh daily. He don’t even know that tag is there. Had he worn the same clothes he wore on IG yesterday they would’ve had something to say about that too! Fuck em
rasta man needs to be more people in these comments that speak facts like that respect. These other dudes act feminine with the gossiping and giggling
@@rastaman305 salute to you OG bless up 💎💎💎👁️🧠
I like that water...haha
BH been there since day one 💯💯
Nip always shouted his name out in his music. This interview is dope
@@snoopwillpac "my nigga Hoggy (BH) got shot in his head, I got the call and they said he was dead. Look, I couldnt cry but it hurt a nigga. Mostly because he was young to find his purpose nigga" - Count Up That Loot - Mailbox Money
Reporting live from lynwood California letsgetit allhustle salute B.H long live hussleDaGreat💪💯🙏
Finally someone said what tf needed to be said!
J Stone called wack 100 out for the disrespect and Killa twan called blueface out as well. They all spoke up for Nip
Homie is right ! Everything he’s saying correct
1 lie... Nip wasn't a legend before he died.
The Freaky Robber In my eyes he was . I was down with nipsey’s movement ever since roll the windows up .
The Freaky Robber cuz u one of the weirdos showing love late
@@thefreakyrobber0 Nipsey was a legend outside of music. Please do your research.
I like nip but he wasn’t a legend before he died! His music wouldn’t even chart ! It’s weird because before he died he probably wouldn’t even sell out big venuies now he probably could sell out stadiums with the hype he has now !
"I'm trippin behind Lauren... Nip know she good for life" That a real homie right there.
Nip Energy Embedded In BH As It Did In All Of Us
You can tell his Still hearting from losing his best friend . Keep ur head up !! Personally I’ve been fallowing Nip movement since 09 all I can say is rest in heaven . 🏁🏁🙏🏽
45:20 😢😢please keep seeing Lauren she needs the support nip was such a strong presence in her life she needs his boys to stand in
I’m the same way when it comes to calls if you not close to me & u callin from numbers idk I won’t pick up but when ppl that’s close calling back to back u already know somethin happened. Shits crazy cuz I know dude would’ve made sure nothing happened to nip if he was there even if it meant his life. And now he gotta live with the thought of “what if I was there that day” for the rest of his life and that shit eats u alive. RIP NIP .
A$I crew are loyal non clout chasing solid homies and Brand in general
m gee Go Choke on a Grilled Cheese Sandwich 🥪
@@mgee1723 but you got nip as your icon, you a whole weirdo lame ass nigga
Not true the only reason they did the interview cause they had a 3day Pop up shop In Ny he on photos with the whole team and they was actually working at the pop shop.
@@muhfkajones how is rimpau disloyal, he known nip the longest.
@@lovelyj241 so what are you suggesting?
Is it just me, but Incouldnt stop staring at BH "Nipsey Piece". Nip was a mentor to a lot us young brothers tryna find they way out here. Long Liv Nip Hussle from Edmonton,Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦
Shot in the head at 16
“I ain’t even had a threesome yet” 😂😂😂😂
TomBigDripBrady that’s real shit tho I lost a homie when we was both 14 now that I’m 27. I’m seeing how much far we really had to go. Still miss my nigga and all my lost ones
@@Nerdmatic crazy bro
Niggas lucky these fools out here can only get there hands on them small caliber weapons cause my man got hit and it was over.
Cody Loco Hoggy is blessed. God made sure he fulfill his purpose here on Earth.
No cap, but Nipsey was an Avid Speaker. He was wise😆, well read, and when he spoke he had something to say. He was Gifted, Prolific.
Good to hear BH tell his story and speak his piece🏁
Much respect to Hoggy.. Great interview...He's a definition of a real HOMIE. ALL $ IN REST IN POWER KING NIP 🏁💙👑💯⭐
rip nip ❤️
Well respected. I like the way that homie is carrying this interview.
BH is the best Nipsey interview. Didn’t know Nipsey, but knew his spirit. Man this shit still hurts. I really missed out on seeing a real Kjng do his thing. But one thing for sure, you know who was really close to Nip and Sam by how they move. BH is a real one. God continue to cover him!
The part "No Jumper" doesn't understand about creating a business in the hood. The "business" had a bigger goal than to just make money and move on. Nipsey could have moved his store to Beverly Hills but there is no connection to his community there. The point of the store was to build up his community, provide jobs to his community and "reclaim" his community. All while showing "his community" (meaning the people who live there) that this sort of venture is possible.
That definitely true
NoisyMacbook Yeah, but look what it showed them in the end: if you stay in the hood, you’ll die here. He would’ve been better off leaving the hood and just coming back periodically to give back, taking kids to his place of business for internships, etc.
well said firm handshakes
Interesting how he said Eric Holder disappeared for a while and then started popping back up. That’s a red flag imo, how he even get that close to Nipsey Hussle
Mr. Kontrarian Right thats why Nip told him to get it figured out and from what I heard it was a normal peacefull conversation Nip wasn’r disrespecting dude like that he just told him he heard some rumours and he need to get it straight if he didn’t snitched... so for him to come back 5/10mins later and just shoot the place up was weird af and i think thats why he was able to get so close to him nip didn’t expect it cause they just had a peacefull talk a few mins earlier
Lapd sent him
Set up bro
I was thinking same thing...like how he was possibly co-ersed to do sumthn? Or just coincidentally poppin bk up?
This and J Stone the best No Jumper interviews ever imo.
Rest In Peace Nip Hussle
Probably die up in these streets, but ill survive through my name.
~ Nipsey Hussle.
I love BH he's real and straight to the point one of the real ones that really can speak on Nip I love this interview 💜
this was a great interview ! Appreciated !
Never saw Nipsey on the corny, internet/social media drama, beef bs. He moved like a grown man supposed to. Can't believe how these cats from the West move now. The internet done fckd the game up..
Yup the internet is a distraction
Black who u talkin bout when u say cats from the west cuz to me most the niggas from the west SOLID. These southern and east coast niggas don’t compare to us
Rew2rtyggggrr 21345gf4455666666666
K5 yall got goofy niggas too internet exposing all
Bh attitude is if you aint from Crenshaw don’t speak on nip😂💯
This nigga so solid you cant do nothing but respect him. I dont personally know BH but I do live on Slauson. This man always keeps it💯. LA will always have much love for Lauren and Nipsey will always be our King.
Amazing facet about nipsey is he was the a big bro for real for all the lil homies that didn’t have it, a trait passed on to him by his dad & blacc Sam...bh & pac man are prime examples...nip the passer of blessings rest up king Ermias 🇪🇷
Great interview. Appreciate him keepin it real about knowing who Eric Holder is.
Yea cause gang politics no snitching nobody want to ever make that clear , so glad he put it out there too
You’ll hear more about him... but I want to clear something up.. in 2019 it’s easy to be accused of snitching and come around when some of the dudes that was on your head are in jail right now... it’s a few cats that if they weren’t locked up I guarantee he’d be in hiding...
Quite kid... turned killer, alleged informant, start coming around when cats got locked up... i most want to guarantee that wasn’t his first time killing a 60....
I would’ve liked to hear more about the killer. What was he like growing up, what happened afterward, does he regret it, etc...
He gave a real mature answer to the Kodak black situation
I love how he mentioned that Wack, Blueface and em all bang L.A just like Nipsey. If you don’t want to call him a “rap legend” but there’s no way you can deny that Nipsey was a Los Angles Legend. He did so much for the community and was so respected and loved by the city. For other men who live in the same world and were born and raised in the same city as Nip to bring down his name just shapes your envy and hate!
yo this the first interview ive watched all the way through in a while... shout out BH, rest up nip
BH is a real one. Definitely an inspiration to me. Young homie becoming the big homie. leveling up
This a real good friend right here.
Foreal finally someone said it! Nugga you from the Valley! For you outsiders those two different worlds.
I wouldn't expect nothing less of what Nipsey gave around him and that was being a real solid G! Much love to BH because you can tell the love he had for Nip! Nothing fraud just a true Friend and Brother. This situation is just devastating still. I pray they all heal better as time go on! But...S/N: The Braider they use is the best I've ever! Rows on 100!
You can tell Nip had an influence on BH life. Hold your head bro. Don’t let the bs slow you down.
I would love to hear black Sam interview when his ready too speaking on his brother career and up bringing the man who knows him best much love to BH
Yes me too.
Wack dont wanna see blacsamm on the real
Sam would woop that boy
@Akoben Renaissance "and nobody wanna fight fatz and blaccsamm got the Macc right" C.I.P NIP
Don’t even entertain his “wack” ass. He ain’t worth it
RIP Nip .... the true Real 1 fo sho ... Hussle &Motivate !
Viva la humanidad
Not all Mexicans rocking with nip homeboy
Roland Valdez Did he say that?
Keep the positive vibes going
B.H keep it real!!!!💯 long live Nipsey Hussle!!!
BH was a real Patna much Respect !!!!! Oak Cliff Tx n here
Margo Norris what's your Instagram
I see a lot of Nipsey in him
U can tell he was around Nip alot.... The sound of his voice and his wordplay remind u of Nip. BH soild💪
This is what I wanna see dude seem like he holds no punches
He a real GANGSTA
Nipsey/Stack Bundles/Mac Dre/Mossberg/Slim Dunkin
Shouldv Bheen Recognized As Great While They Was Here.
Always Appreciate str8 up
Not at All..But the Way Muthafukas was Screaming it like he was,made him hotta than he was when he was alive
Mac Dre was a clown weak ass rapper that since 94 track slap tho all that other goofy shit keep it
The Grand Historian u sound he’ll stupid homie
Ebe bandz was cold
@@TheGrandHistorians its "since 84" jackass smh
Marathon Forever BH a Real 1
Salutations to the bro BH. Definition of Loyalty ⚜️
Hoggy keepin it 100 great interview
Got an even greater respect for BH. Keep ya head up young king and continue pushing.
BH definitely have me intrigued to hear More.!
King BH. Cuz we need music ASAP!!!
I feel BH..ALL FACTS..its hard loosing a day 1..rest well Nip
Losing a everyday smh
Bro really painted a picture. Nip spirit is present.
Clarity of BH ice crazy hella watery .
Long live king Hussle 🏁 🏁
Can can look in his eyes and tell he's speaking from the heart