The zombie growl at 5:40 made me look around quickly in the Minecraft session I was playing. Spooky! And Ars Nouveau has some of the best models in the game. I normally use sand to segment off various parts of the Ocean Monument so I can cheese the elder guardian in a smaller area without so many friends to help him out swimming about.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to beat the elder guardian, drop them below.
The zombie growl at 5:40 made me look around quickly in the Minecraft session I was playing. Spooky! And Ars Nouveau has some of the best models in the game.
I normally use sand to segment off various parts of the Ocean Monument so I can cheese the elder guardian in a smaller area without so many friends to help him out swimming about.
I always have to be careful when watching Minecraft while also playing, because I’ll assume that a mob is in the video and then die.