People go to college on Welfare. To better their life. My single parent household worked and cent me to college. Where I don't have to worry about paying back student loans and I went to a 4 year university with people are on welfare going to school. Welfare is a stepping stone to help those who are in need to want to better their circumstances. Nothing more and nothing less
Yesss Preach....they need to get a job, GET A TRADE BESIDES MAKING tired of caring your lazy asz n that includes the lazy asz ppl in my own FAMILY....THEY HATE ME CAUSE I READ THEM FOR FILTH
Same here dineva. When my mom kicked my dad out after years of abuse she had no job. She ended up babysitting just to support the 4 of us and then eventually started work at McDonalds. After about 2 years at McDonald's she got an even better job and is now the manager of a fortune 500 making very good money. She struggled, we struggled but she worked her ass off to make sure the struggle didn't last long and she did it without government assistance.
I had to stop the video for a praise break more then once!!! You are preaching the truth! I knew a young lady with 3 kids..came from a generation of welfare. She had section 8 home with a Benz jeep parked in front. When I laid eyes on that heffas Loui Vuitton luggage set I damn near died....really? ? I'm paying for this??? College educated no kids and corporate job and they eat me up in taxes. Agreed ed let your entitlement match your ambition.
mila W. Ain't it the truth. I'm proud to be part of the working class. But trust if I lose my job I know how to clean office buildings. Grew up cleaning with my mother in the evening after her full time job as a secretary. She taught me work ethics and welfare is temporary and not a lifestyle. Be proud of your struggle those that take advantage are not winning at all...generations of welfare is slavery of the mind.
Yall better learn....I work as a Staff accountant and I took on a job as a Cashier at dollar tree and target to bring in more cash....some people have too much damn pride
You ain't never lied!!!!! please continue to preach!!! As a single woman with NO children and have been working since I was 15... I get so mad at folks on welfare getting better hair than me!!!!
Just seeing this in sentiments exactly. All the taxes that have been taken out of payroll checks. Meanwhile, they getting $5k and $8k back on income taxes. Never have I ever!!! Plus, it's gone in 30 days or less...
I have two degrees lots of student loans and when I couldn't get a job in my field, many different jobs. I was on food stamps for about six months but I worked WHATEVER I could till I could find something. I mean driving a suburban picking up old folks at an adult day care, a teachers aide, a social worker it was a lot. I went back to school at night and got another certification and still had to work odd jobs till I found a job! I don't understand the inability to grow and evolve as a person. It's called assistance for a reason. There needs to be some accountability on the part of the individual and the government giving away in effect,our own money. I work hard every day and because I am single with no children, I will probably owe or get no refund check. Something ain't right about that....
BeautifulQueona No sweetie, you need to send me your resume so I can help you out. Within 30 days of my sister obtaining her bachelors degree, she had a mid level job with Blue Cross...resumes are just buzz words and imagination ☺️🎉☺️
I'm on SSI because I'm bipolar, but I'm going to take advantage of my situation and get my butt in school next year to become a medical secretary so I can get the fuck off of welfare.
I agree 100 percent and those who are claiming this is slavery don't know what slavery is. Slavery is making someone work against their will without pay. They are telling these people that in order to receive benefits they must work, enroll in vocational programs or volunteer which benefit them in the long run. The government program is meant to be temporary relief not a lifestyle. It's funny that the welfare recipients in Maine cut down from 12,000 to 2500.
mickiejames08 look deeper in to what? Them telling able body people that in order to receive benefits they must show their willingness to help themselves?
I know someone on welfare who will work for a month then quit or get herself fired then will file for income taxes and get 5000.00-7000.00 dollars! And I work everyday and end up paying the IRS..pisses me off!
Yes! I always owe come tax time which is why I haven't filed yet! I'm a social worker & have clients on welfare, no job with 5 or more kids, that receive THOUSANDS back at tax time! Last year I owed federal & received a couple hundred from the state!
I was a mother at 17. I refused to apply for section 8 and worked. I received and still do, lots of help from my exes parents such as used clothes, they taught me how to drive, etc (he's in prison so the only support I ever received was when he worked for his parents and they took his money). I took whatever jobs I could mostly temporary ones. I received Wic and healthcare immediately but didn't apply for food stamps until I was 19 and I walked 10 miles per day to career link for remedial classes and then to the college for vocational training. I received a n award from the governor for I kid you not, completing training and getting a job. And getting off of welfare by 20, completely. It felt like getting an allowance for having chores done. You shouldn't get rewarded for doing the things you're supposed to. You do it because it's the right thing.
Love, love, love this!!!! This video literally has me crying because some of these people just don't get it. I was raised in the projects too but I knew very early on that I wasn't made for that life. I ride through the apartments I grew up in from time to time and still see some of the girls I grew up with sitting on the same stoop their mothers sat on. It breaks my heart because we all had the same opportunity to break the cycle.
I agree Dineva! I'm a social worker and worked in the state government in MD before moving to GA & MD has a similar system where you have to work for a certain number of hours, volunteer, or attend school for public assistance! I also agree with fathers being placed on child support before the state should help raising your children! If you are truly disabled or have a disabled child/person you care for, yes you can receive assistance. Also, I BELIEVE WELFARE/STATE AID (not disability) SHOULD HAVE A TIME LIMIT (3-5 years at a maximum)! Yep I said it!
***** i will never understand how ppl go out have unprotected sex (prob no birth control either) with a no good man get pregnant then get mad when the gov has certain stipulations before they will help...u made the poor choices! All the forms of birth control we have provides them no excuse! I get some women may not have known the guy was a deadbeat but most of the time they knew bc he had multiple kids and probably wasnt even in a committed relationship with them! U didnt ask the gov to participate in the sex act so hell figure it out on ur own
***** The mother is probably still having some type of relations with the father. Many women live in Sec.8 housing with the father of their children. And get FoodStamps, been doing it for years..
@Vera Smith it is harsh to think of a child going with out. But if you look at the bigger picture, the mothers that live on welfare, section 8 & receive perks for having multiple babies. But, just as the system provides free benefits for housing, food, daycare etc, they provide assistance for free birth control so it's not the system job to take care of a child the mother had knowing she wasn't going to be able to care for. That's selfish!
People beat up on the poor way too much, a living wage should be the law instead of allowing corporations to exploit the labor of those with out a degree. There are countless major corporations in America who don't pay taxes but seldom seem to get called out but the poor get raked over the coals for abusing the system. Am not defending those who take advantage of the system but lets face it the system is broken an has been for a very long time. We need new ideas to bring about real change but take note how those in power cling to out dated ideas that fail to bring about lasting change.
queen elizabeth Service providers and health care providers account for most of the fraud in the system. Doctors billing Medicaid or Medicare for services they never rendered. Grocers charging an extra fee for those using food vouchers or buying food vouchers from recipients at 30% to 40% off it's real value. Small corner store markets will open in low income neighborhoods and jack up their prices because most of their customers use food vouchers, and they know most of the people in that neighborhood do not have cars to drive to normal grocery stores. Utility companies over billing the state when low income customers receive heating assistance. Businesses applying for government grants for special programs like after school tutoring, or job placement training and then billing the state for services they never rendered. The state loses millions upon millions of dollars to the types of fraud I listed above. Individuals committing welfare fraud are a lot rarer than most people think. Most states prosecute an average of 10 to 15 cases of individual welfare fraud each year, while service provider fraud cases prosecuted has an average around 100 cases each year (per state).
Howard Sturrup You have lawmakers who routinely break the law. Let a poor person break the law and all HELL BREAKS LOOSE. Satan is the government and this is why there is NO JUSTICE for the people. We must come together as One Nation Under God and overcome this SICK government with all their wicked agents namely the law enforcement.
I enjoyed this video!!! I will never forget being a Senior in high school discussing plans of college after graduation and what school we were accepted to. There was one individual who said that she was going to have babies and get on Section 8. No lie, I had no idea at all what Section 8 was. Sometimes it is the upbringing that gets people setting these low expectations. I was brought up believing that school was my job and college was the next step rather I wanted it or not. That individual indeed reached her goals. We have to have higher expectations for ourselves and for our children. The day I found out I was pregnant I started a college fund for my child because like me she is going straight to college out of High school.
That's how I was! I did not know about ebt or section 8 until I met a friend on it. My mom stressed college because her and my dad went, graduated and are successful. You are right! It has to do with the upbringing.
Best video ever!!!! You betta use this platform for good!!!! I worked 40 hours a week at Walmart (for 3.5 years) while attending school full time!!!! I graduated, got a decent job AND still need more money. You know what I did??? I got my ass back on that register PART TIME in the evenings ....this time at Target. I'll never be too proud to provide for my family!!!
They will spend $200 and more on some jordans but dont want to pay cash for food. Or sell the food stamps so they can buy the jordans and then go home to no lights and no hot water. I grew up in a bad neighborhood where these things happened alot and got called "bujey" or "uppity" for wanting better for my self and this video just made me feel so much better about my decision on not trying to save or change somebody that clearly dont want to help themselves
As a project landlord in NYC I had a family who made over $130,000 including overtime. I told them they no longer qualified to live in the projects, but they qualified to buy a city subsidized duplex and I would help them fill out the paperwork and give them a referral. They complained that their family lived in that project for over 80 years and they did not want to move away. I told them I wasn't renewing their lease. After they moved into their duplex with their grandmother in the second half as a "section 8" tenant, they understood they was better off away from the projects.
Good points but let's not make the assumption that the only people getting food stamps are those that do not work. That is a misconception. There are a lot of people that work and still receive public assistance so they're also paying for these services through taxes.
What people fail to realize is most of the chronic welfare recipients have deeper issues. Many have mental health & self-esteem issues. Most are just products of their environment. Any woman who keep having babies to get a little money from welfare, and doesn't have any goals or aspirations to do better truly has issues. Especially when she keeps sleeping with no good men who don't care for their children or are drug dealing thugs. It's a sad way to live!
Thank You so much for this post... I'm in tears just listening to this and not tears of laughter but because thank you for saying what is needed.... I have been working full time with three children up until Aug of last year... I have struggled with my health but as of March 2014 the game changed and I have yet to make a full recovery. Just to name a few I have multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and the list goes on... Now that I need the help guess what, Yup I can't get it... Why because others like the ones you are speaking of in this video have abused the system.. I could go deeper but all I can say Brother with tears in my eyes... THANK YOU
THIS is why we love you. You don't just spew shade for views but spill the hard truths that people need to hear to actually make positive changes in their lives.
Funky Dineva Watching this made my heart pound! I agree with you because I've been in all angles of this topic, from being raised with the "welfare is life" mentality to getting my education, needing food stamps while I worked, partner getting laid off & can't get hired, being in a position to help the less fortunate.... I have been full circle! Blessed to be steadily employed (my partner as well 14yrs) we're hard working in life & at heart & when we thought the need for assistance was on the horizon again (we have 2 children), the thought of getting assistance was enough to get that hustle in full gear. It's for people who need. in my profession I see a ton of people that come in to apply for a job with NO PEN. FLIP FLOPS. SWEATS. WRINKLED. PANTS SAGGING. NAIL POLISH CHIPPED. FACE PIERCED (I have a facial piercing from the 90s, got rid of it) It's a culture that does not go by race or skin color. When we had to get it together for a job interview we went to the resale/goodwill store for a suit, blazer, blouse etc. GET THAT SHIT DONE. I watch every video you post & laugh my head off, agree, share, but I never comment. I love the shenanigans in your channel, but girl, this one hit close to several of my homes. Thank you for saying this. I believe God appreciates hard work.
I personally love when you do these type of videos. I listen to these and get my life right on together. motivation might be another call for you. The sad thing about it is even the college-educated don't want to work. BTNOMB Please do an updated video or a part 2.
Totally agree! My mother gave me the best advice ever; "Until you figure out what you want to do, do SOMETHING!" Things are tight, but I can take care of myself. I have everything I need.
I can't even begin to explain how you just DID this video. Probably one of the best ones you've done so far. Giving these people real life advice and solutions to real problems. Keep it up PLEASE!
I go to the store and purchase groceries over $100 the cashier automatically assume I'm paying with food stamps. I Dont even qualify for them bad boys.
In Minnesota they have a 60 months cap you can only get 5 year of welfare for your life here which is that is great I think you forced to get yo shit together.
Hey im writing a paper on welfare, here in california if you are a fulltime student you AUTOMATICALLY disqualify for welfare assistance... im trying to argue that students should. the point you made is a point im trying to prove, how is that 60 month cap working out for citizens in minnesota??
Yes, I have a friend that I met on xbox who's from england and he's about 24-25 & I asked him if he had a job and he said no & he had no plans on getting one because the gov provides him with a check to live on every month so there was no reason to.
Yassssssssss!!!!!! I used to work at a grocery store and I used to see ppl with their EBT card buying lobster shrimp T bone steaks and I have to buy my chicken and ground turkey and make that work. This video needs to be share around the world. California needs to get on this welfare reform.
Preach Hunty! I work for DA WELFUR OFFICE, so you are saying exactly what I have been venting about. It's a shame how all the "able bodied" people are on the system. At my office, they are up @ 8:30 in the morning hanging out in front of the building but won't get their a$$es up to go to WORK! And when the warm weather hits, they are gathered out in front of the office with loud music having a damn block party! The poor employees don't even have a place to sit & have peace of mind without the "customers" taking over. And THEN, if they think they "know you" (no dah'lin I am NOT ur friend!), they want to ask you questions about their case, WHILE UR ON BREAK! The bad part about the whole thing is that those that may fall on hard times and really need services, TEMPORARILY, CAN'T GET HELP!! I feel bad for them, because the people that abuse the system make it hard for those who really need the help. At the end of the day, welfare is a CONSPIRACY! It's built for people to be LAZY and be COMFORTABLE & CONTENT with being LAZY! Ms. Dineva, I had to post this video on my FB page! LOL...u are hilarious! YES GAWD!!
Yessss! Go off dineva! I tell ppl that all the time I hate school. Ppl act like its fun. Like we do it for fun but like you said I'm not trying to be broke in the near future.
The whole system is jacked up and we have to do something about it. There's college grads out there who are struggling to find a job. No employer will hire them because they lack experience in the field. WTF! Society says go to college and you'll make a decent living. Student loan companies ripping students off. Look at Sallie Mae. Something has to change.
I'll never understand graduating from college without work experience. Unless your major is Saturn Rings & Jupiter Moon Dust, I don't see how folks are wasting 4 years without hustling to get hands-on experience. The mindset that going to college automatically = job is humbling a lot of folks. People are majoring in "general studies" & "art" at expensive colleges and wondering why they are broke & jobless.
Genese Knox I'm one of those who majored in art. Graphic Design to be exact and there are jobs in the field but many require the minimum of 2 years experience in the field. Something interesting I heard is some white parents will pay for their children's college education with credit cards then file bankrupt.
Start your own business. There are highly credible film makers /vloggers on you tube who are constantly looking for people to send in graphics etc to be used for their videos. Example : Casey Neistat . My cousin is a graphic design major. She graduated with an awesome portfolio to show future employers. How? She started her own business while in college. She now does graphic design for whole foods & teaches (volunteers) at an art program in Houston. Can't find a job, make one. This may read as harsh, but we have to stop waiting for fixes & fixers and just do it ourselves.
Genese Knox I definitely agree. Becoming an entrepreneur is the best way to go that's why I chose that route. Unfortunately many graduates aren't lucky as some of us.
Aaaahhhh LMFAO at the ending tho... "Going to the bar with my last $20... Fuck this light bill and fuck this rent!" LOLOLOL!!! I am on da FLO!! Love me some Funky Dineva!
You said something here in your dissertation that is SO key, I want to point it out. You stated that "your daddy" gave you some pivotal advice that steered you in the right direction in your life. That is Key, so many households have no father figure. So many children miss the key ingredients that a father brings to aid in the formation of a successful adult from childhood. A father gives a child his/her sense of self worth, his/her level of self esteem, the list goes on. Without a father figure in the formative years, so much goes wrong. You're lucky, you had a daddy that cared, that wanted to see you succeed and stand on your own. Good for you.
I completely agree with everything you've said. My parents are immigrants from Haiti, they came here in their 30s and we have never been on government assistance. We have never lived in the projects. Mind you people who have been here for generations still can't get their shit together. Laziness
I'm so glad you speaking on this important issues I had kids at a young age I way 17had 2kids raise on food stamps for years😏didn't have a high school or a GED then when my kids got older my oldest graduate high school and my now 19year old son is living with my oldest and they working 😏what I did I started putting card on people's car windshield about house cleaning services I charge$20an hour and now I'm 43got my own cleaning business and work with all types of people and my kids are proud and I'm proud if me😏😏😏😏😏😏😏🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹
I have been following you for a few years and this was my favorite video. You touched my heart! I'm sending this to my brother because he needs to hear it. thank you!
Welfare should be a stepping stone. NOT a lifestyle.
glenda secrease it shouldn’t be a crunch for a lifetime it’s to help you make it where you need to be
Keekee pittman that’s what She’s saying.
Tameka Speights-Johnson I know I was agreeing thanks
People go to college on Welfare. To better their life. My single parent household worked and cent me to college. Where I don't have to worry about paying back student loans and I went to a 4 year university with people are on welfare going to school. Welfare is a stepping stone to help those who are in need to want to better their circumstances. Nothing more and nothing less
I don't get how people can pay cash for jordans but can't afford to pay cash for food..........
So in agreement
The audacity of it all
She said "im tired of paying cash for food" that statement made me fight the air!! 😠😠😠
Exactly!! Wth!
Lmao at "fight the air!" 😂
"Well, bitch... what you think we buy food with? Notebook paper?" X_X iDied!!!!! *swan dives into casket*
That's a sign of folks that don't know any better, and that's a damn shame.
"Ima need your Level of Ambition to Meet your Level on Entitlement"...pass the offering plate and let's dismiss!!!!!!
The best Funky Dineva video ever made!
Retweet. His sheree video was good too
This was Quentin speaking ... Ok (in my Dineva voice)
Joyce G Facts
Yesss Preach....they need to get a job, GET A TRADE BESIDES MAKING tired of caring your lazy asz n that includes the lazy asz ppl in my own FAMILY....THEY HATE ME CAUSE I READ THEM FOR FILTH
what chu think we buy food wit? Notebook paper!!?!?!?!??!?!
lol, I died when she said that lol
bydesignmedia "She"?
yes, the character Funky Dineva
😂😂😂😂😂 love his ass
Same here dineva. When my mom kicked my dad out after years of abuse she had no job. She ended up babysitting just to support the 4 of us and then eventually started work at McDonalds. After about 2 years at McDonald's she got an even better job and is now the manager of a fortune 500 making very good money. She struggled, we struggled but she worked her ass off to make sure the struggle didn't last long and she did it without government assistance.
Yes, and we value things more when we struggle and achieve. God bless your Mom for investing in herself and being a validating example for you.
I had to stop the video for a praise break more then once!!! You are preaching the truth! I knew a young lady with 3 kids..came from a generation of welfare. She had section 8 home with a Benz jeep parked in front. When I laid eyes on that heffas Loui Vuitton luggage set I damn near died....really? ? I'm paying for this??? College educated no kids and corporate job and they eat me up in taxes. Agreed ed let your entitlement match your ambition.
Clacci38 I know that's right, Hold my mule!!!
I'm in the same boat, went to college, have no kids and quality for no help. I'm working hard and struggling while others take advantage.
mila W. Ain't it the truth. I'm proud to be part of the working class. But trust if I lose my job I know how to clean office buildings. Grew up cleaning with my mother in the evening after her full time job as a secretary. She taught me work ethics and welfare is temporary and not a lifestyle. Be proud of your struggle those that take advantage are not winning at all...generations of welfare is slavery of the mind.
So true girl!!!
And if I lose my job I sho nuff know how to wait tables.
You'll pay cash for hair but not pay cash for food.....*dead* TELL IT!!!!!!!!!
LOL! "what you think we buy food with? Notebook paper?" Oh my gosh! I love this person. 😂
Yall better learn....I work as a Staff accountant and I took on a job as a Cashier at dollar tree and target to bring in more cash....some people have too much damn pride
8months later and I still watch this video everyday
Nothing but the truth! This video will never get old! Facts, facts, facts!
De'angelo Tolbert And I hope folks not mad when someone like Trump says the same thing. I work tewww hard
I voted for him so I'm sure they will
De'angelo Tolbert how you feeling about that now
Blog Xpressions its 2018 and it still hasnt gotten old
You ain't never lied!!!!! please continue to preach!!! As a single woman with NO children and have been working since I was 15... I get so mad at folks on welfare getting better hair than me!!!!
exactly lol
Just seeing this in sentiments exactly. All the taxes that have been taken out of payroll checks. Meanwhile, they getting $5k and $8k back on income taxes. Never have I ever!!! Plus, it's gone in 30 days or less...
I always come back to this video! This is one my favorite videos because it pushed me to build my confidence to go get my bachelor’s and MBA.
Completely!!! This is my top 3 favorite videos of mine, probably my most favorite!!!!! So much intellect and realness!!!!
I have two degrees lots of student loans and when I couldn't get a job in my field, many different jobs. I was on food stamps for about six months but I worked WHATEVER I could till I could find something. I mean driving a suburban picking up old folks at an adult day care, a teachers aide, a social worker it was a lot. I went back to school at night and got another certification and still had to work odd jobs till I found a job! I don't understand the inability to grow and evolve as a person. It's called assistance for a reason. There needs to be some accountability on the part of the individual and the government giving away in effect,our own money. I work hard every day and because I am single with no children, I will probably owe or get no refund check. Something ain't right about that....
I needed this. I graduated college in December and can't find a job. Time to take my ass down to Target.
Congrats. Sometimes it takes a while but it will happen for you.
nizbt Rodriguez I hope so because working at a coffee shop when they tell you to get a degree to have a better life is aggravating as hell.
BeautifulQueona No sweetie, you need to send me your resume so I can help you out. Within 30 days of my sister obtaining her bachelors degree, she had a mid level job with Blue Cross...resumes are just buzz words and imagination ☺️🎉☺️
BeautifulQueona dont give up! I wish you well and hope you have made it.
I'm on SSI because I'm bipolar, but I'm going to take advantage of my situation and get my butt in school next year to become a medical secretary so I can get the fuck off of welfare.
"Short time sacrifice for longtiume Paradise". Come on through Dineva!!!
Short term sacrifice for long term paradise! Come on Dineva.
Well said...
Yes indeed
You are making my day. I was depreased but now I can't stop laughing. Thank you. God Bless
Nicole Johnson Same here and not trying to add to your depression but it's spelled DEPRESSED lol carry on hun 😄😁🤗
I agree 100 percent and those who are claiming this is slavery don't know what slavery is. Slavery is making someone work against their will without pay. They are telling these people that in order to receive benefits they must work, enroll in vocational programs or volunteer which benefit them in the long run. The government program is meant to be temporary relief not a lifestyle. It's funny that the welfare recipients in Maine cut down from 12,000 to 2500.
Lamb illy Look deeper is all I will say.
mickiejames08 look deeper in to what? Them telling able body people that in order to receive benefits they must show their willingness to help themselves?
Lamb illy
When the time comes, you'll know ;)
Lamb illy Exactly...There isn't anything to look deeper into.
NicoleBee 86
Beloved one, I'm not going to argue with you. If that's what you think, then that's the truth then isn't it? Have a wonderful day :) xXx
Quiet as it's kept, As old as this video is, it's STILL MY FAVORITE VIDEO OF ALL TIMES! THANKS Q.!!!!
I know someone on welfare who will work for a month then quit or get herself fired then will file for income taxes and get 5000.00-7000.00 dollars! And I work everyday and end up paying the IRS..pisses me off!
Yes! I always owe come tax time which is why I haven't filed yet! I'm a social worker & have clients on welfare, no job with 5 or more kids, that receive THOUSANDS back at tax time! Last year I owed federal & received a couple hundred from the state!
im mad u know them too, lol
Now that's messed all the way up!
You better report them. Shit that sounds illegal and is pissing me off
I remember at time growing up people used to be embarrassed being in welfare, now people wear it like a badge of honor smh
I was a mother at 17. I refused to apply for section 8 and worked. I received and still do, lots of help from my exes parents such as used clothes, they taught me how to drive, etc (he's in prison so the only support I ever received was when he worked for his parents and they took his money). I took whatever jobs I could mostly temporary ones. I received Wic and healthcare immediately but didn't apply for food stamps until I was 19 and I walked 10 miles per day to career link for remedial classes and then to the college for vocational training. I received a n award from the governor for I kid you not, completing training and getting a job. And getting off of welfare by 20, completely. It felt like getting an allowance for having chores done. You shouldn't get rewarded for doing the things you're supposed to. You do it because it's the right thing.
Nice work and I hope your life has been and still is better
School aint for everybody....
I need your level of ambition to match your level of entitlement.... love it!
Love, love, love this!!!! This video literally has me crying because some of these people just don't get it. I was raised in the projects too but I knew very early on that I wasn't made for that life. I ride through the apartments I grew up in from time to time and still see some of the girls I grew up with sitting on the same stoop their mothers sat on. It breaks my heart because we all had the same opportunity to break the cycle.
annette williams Exactly!!!
Scraw wall, giraffe skin and gerbil fur?! 😂 I’m so done
Yessss for all of this! Get up! Get out! Do something! Work for what you want!
I agree Dineva! I'm a social worker and worked in the state government in MD before moving to GA & MD has a similar system where you have to work for a certain number of hours, volunteer, or attend school for public assistance! I also agree with fathers being placed on child support before the state should help raising your children! If you are truly disabled or have a disabled child/person you care for, yes you can receive assistance. Also, I BELIEVE WELFARE/STATE AID (not disability) SHOULD HAVE A TIME LIMIT (3-5 years at a maximum)! Yep I said it!
Exactly!! I have a permanent trachestomy(tube in throat to help breath) and my child was born severely premature 25 weeks
***** i will never understand how ppl go out have unprotected sex (prob no birth control either) with a no good man get pregnant then get mad when the gov has certain stipulations before they will help...u made the poor choices! All the forms of birth control we have provides them no excuse! I get some women may not have known the guy was a deadbeat but most of the time they knew bc he had multiple kids and probably wasnt even in a committed relationship with them! U didnt ask the gov to participate in the sex act so hell figure it out on ur own
***** The mother is probably still having some type of relations with the father. Many women live in Sec.8 housing with the father of their children. And get FoodStamps, been doing it for years..
@Vera Smith it is harsh to think of a child going with out. But if you look at the bigger picture, the mothers that live on welfare, section 8 & receive perks for having multiple babies. But, just as the system provides free benefits for housing, food, daycare etc, they provide assistance for free birth control so it's not the system job to take care of a child the mother had knowing she wasn't going to be able to care for. That's selfish!
"If your too lazy to work, too dumb to go to school then just volunteer"
Oh my god! Everyone needs to hear this!
Derrick Hines There are a lot of people here in South FL need to hear this!!! Some of these welfare hussies are just "hog-assed" lazy!!!
He telling the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH. PREACH...
school sho ain't for NOBODY!! I enjoyed my undergrad experience but if I could get by without it I wouldve!
People beat up on the poor way too much, a living wage should be the law instead of allowing corporations to exploit the labor of those with out a degree. There are countless major corporations in America who don't pay taxes but seldom seem to get called out but the poor get raked over the coals for abusing the system. Am not defending those who take advantage of the system but lets face it the system is broken an has been for a very long time. We need new ideas to bring about real change but take note how those in power cling to out dated ideas that fail to bring about lasting change.
Then who is it? Further more I wouldn't call it abuse they allow able body persons to get benefits and they sign right up... That isn't abuse
queen elizabeth Service providers and health care providers account for most of the fraud in the system. Doctors billing Medicaid or Medicare for services they never rendered. Grocers charging an extra fee for those using food vouchers or buying food vouchers from recipients at 30% to 40% off it's real value. Small corner store markets will open in low income neighborhoods and jack up their prices because most of their customers use food vouchers, and they know most of the people in that neighborhood do not have cars to drive to normal grocery stores. Utility companies over billing the state when low income customers receive heating assistance. Businesses applying for government grants for special programs like after school tutoring, or job placement training and then billing the state for services they never rendered. The state loses millions upon millions of dollars to the types of fraud I listed above. Individuals committing welfare fraud are a lot rarer than most people think. Most states prosecute an average of 10 to 15 cases of individual welfare fraud each year, while service provider fraud cases prosecuted has an average around 100 cases each year (per state).
Howard Sturrup You have lawmakers who routinely break the law. Let a poor person break the law and all HELL BREAKS LOOSE. Satan is the government and this is why there is NO JUSTICE for the people. We must come together as One Nation Under God and overcome this SICK government with all their wicked agents namely the law enforcement.
I enjoyed this video!!! I will never forget being a Senior in high school discussing plans of college after graduation and what school we were accepted to. There was one individual who said that she was going to have babies and get on Section 8. No lie, I had no idea at all what Section 8 was. Sometimes it is the upbringing that gets people setting these low expectations. I was brought up believing that school was my job and college was the next step rather I wanted it or not. That individual indeed reached her goals. We have to have higher expectations for ourselves and for our children. The day I found out I was pregnant I started a college fund for my child because like me she is going straight to college out of High school.
That is awesome *****
That's how I was! I did not know about ebt or section 8 until I met a friend on it. My mom stressed college because her and my dad went, graduated and are successful. You are right! It has to do with the upbringing.
It's sad ***** because for some that is an ultimate goal and accomplishment. Just sit around and be taken care off by the system.
You'll pay cash for hair but not for food. Preach!
I will never forget the welfare crew in Marietta Cubb Foods back in the day buying up all the damn crab legs and lobster! Lol
NanTheGoldChild That really pisses me off too!!!
NanTheGoldChild lol
And only eat good for a week....lmao
Best video ever!!!! You betta use this platform for good!!!! I worked 40 hours a week at Walmart (for 3.5 years) while attending school full time!!!! I graduated, got a decent job AND still need more money. You know what I did??? I got my ass back on that register PART TIME in the evenings ....this time at Target. I'll never be too proud to provide for my family!!!
They will spend $200 and more on some jordans but dont want to pay cash for food. Or sell the food stamps so they can buy the jordans and then go home to no lights and no hot water. I grew up in a bad neighborhood where these things happened alot and got called "bujey" or "uppity" for wanting better for my self and this video just made me feel so much better about my decision on not trying to save or change somebody that clearly dont want to help themselves
As a project landlord in NYC I had a family who made over $130,000 including overtime. I told them they no longer qualified to live in the projects, but they qualified to buy a city subsidized duplex and I would help them fill out the paperwork and give them a referral. They complained that their family lived in that project for over 80 years and they did not want to move away. I told them I wasn't renewing their lease. After they moved into their duplex with their grandmother in the second half as a "section 8" tenant, they understood they was better off away from the projects.
You was a project landlord? Smh what project was this???
Why are you worried that you live there?
Because your not telling the truth!! You were a landlord in the PROJECTS in nyc? Lol people kill me.
If you've ever worked at one you would know I've signed an NDA. Besides, it's NOYFB
Okay what ever you say babe. I know for a FACT you never did that but I do understand you wanting to get your point across.
Good points but let's not make the assumption that the only people getting food stamps are those that do not work. That is a misconception. There are a lot of people that work and still receive public assistance so they're also paying for these services through taxes.
If you're working and cannot afford food.... There is a problem! Find BETTER WORK! It really is the answer-
What people fail to realize is most of the chronic welfare recipients have deeper issues. Many have mental health & self-esteem issues. Most are just products of their environment. Any woman who keep having babies to get a little money from welfare, and doesn't have any goals or aspirations to do better truly has issues. Especially when she keeps sleeping with no good men who don't care for their children or are drug dealing thugs. It's a sad way to live!
Some of theses chicks just hood and don't want better for themselves. No deeper issues just lazy and pathetic.
Excuses. They're able-bodied, entitled, and lazy.
I have watched this video more than 60 times, Ms Dineva is serving us the truth.
2023 and i had to pull up this video and watch. my ALL TIME fav!
I had a blast re-watching this! Omg classic Dineva! The content was so real and still relevant. I think you should repost!
This video in a Funky Dineva classic! Better not ever delete this 😂
I love when the notification hit that you did a video!
Yes😂it's like Christmas morning Everytime 😊
P Auluknow right lmao
Man, when I saw it I said "look at GOD" lol
A true blessing everytime!
Preach! I'm with you on it! They need to cut the welfare out for those able body people and secure working people's social security!
I got notebook paper, where can I buy food?
"Well bitch what u think we buy food with? Notebook paper?"
I love you. And right now my hair is layed like the truth. Because you are speaking nothing but the truth. Love Love you
Thank You so much for this post... I'm in tears just listening to this and not tears of laughter but because thank you for saying what is needed.... I have been working full time with three children up until Aug of last year... I have struggled with my health but as of March 2014 the game changed and I have yet to make a full recovery. Just to name a few I have multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and the list goes on... Now that I need the help guess what, Yup I can't get it... Why because others like the ones you are speaking of in this video have abused the system.. I could go deeper but all I can say Brother with tears in my eyes... THANK YOU
S_Hutchinson I pray you may have better health and a guardian angel to protect you and your children.
6 months later and this video still speaks loud and clear !!!
Who's still watching in 2018
Watching in 2019
Melanie yes 2020. This is my FAVORITE video of Funky Dineva and I’m a long time subscriber! Love him yo
Watching in 2020
BABY YOU GOT IN SOME ASSES!!! You better go back to school and get that damn ministry degree cuz you PREACHED!
12:43 😭🤣🤣 I'm screamin all over the place some rims with navigation and backup camera that part took me out
I approve this message. Get up, Get out and Get a job.
THIS is why we love you. You don't just spew shade for views but spill the hard truths that people need to hear to actually make positive changes in their lives.
Dineva you're a fool! I yelled at the "Bitch what you think we buy our food with? Notebook paper! Kmsl jesus take the wheel! I love you!
Funky Dineva Watching this made my heart pound! I agree with you because I've been in all angles of this topic, from being raised with the "welfare is life" mentality to getting my education, needing food stamps while I worked, partner getting laid off & can't get hired, being in a position to help the less fortunate.... I have been full circle! Blessed to be steadily employed (my partner as well 14yrs) we're hard working in life & at heart & when we thought the need for assistance was on the horizon again (we have 2 children), the thought of getting assistance was enough to get that hustle in full gear. It's for people who need. in my profession I see a ton of people that come in to apply for a job with NO PEN. FLIP FLOPS. SWEATS. WRINKLED. PANTS SAGGING. NAIL POLISH CHIPPED. FACE PIERCED (I have a facial piercing from the 90s, got rid of it) It's a culture that does not go by race or skin color. When we had to get it together for a job interview we went to the resale/goodwill store for a suit, blazer, blouse etc. GET THAT SHIT DONE. I watch every video you post & laugh my head off, agree, share, but I never comment. I love the shenanigans in your channel, but girl, this one hit close to several of my homes. Thank you for saying this. I believe God appreciates hard work.
They ain't seen too much work for too little money until they've been a social worker!
***** Amen.
LCSW here!
"Bitch what you think we buy food with? Notebook paper?" 😂😂😂😂
Who is still watching this video in 2020?
aandjmom1 !!!!
“La-Leek Chairs!” 😂😂😂😂 Iykyk Ms. Brandy Webb 😂
I personally love when you do these type of videos. I listen to these and get my life right on together. motivation might be another call for you. The sad thing about it is even the college-educated don't want to work. BTNOMB Please do an updated video or a part 2.
Totally agree! My mother gave me the best advice ever; "Until you figure out what you want to do, do SOMETHING!" Things are tight, but I can take care of myself. I have everything I need.
ratchet is like foundation - it comes in every shade.
I can't even begin to explain how you just DID this video. Probably one of the best ones you've done so far. Giving these people real life advice and solutions to real problems. Keep it up PLEASE!
I go to the store and purchase groceries over $100 the cashier automatically assume I'm paying with food stamps. I Dont even qualify for them bad boys.
In Minnesota they have a 60 months cap you can only get 5 year of welfare for your life here which is that is great I think you forced to get yo shit together.
Erica Lewis In England, you can be on welfare for all of their lives. They make more money than the average working person
Hey im writing a paper on welfare, here in california if you are a fulltime student you AUTOMATICALLY disqualify for welfare assistance... im trying to argue that students should. the point you made is a point im trying to prove, how is that 60 month cap working out for citizens in minnesota??
Yes, I have a friend that I met on xbox who's from england and he's about 24-25 & I asked him if he had a job and he said no & he had no plans on getting one because the gov provides him with a check to live on every month so there was no reason to.
Yassssssssss!!!!!! I used to work at a grocery store and I used to see ppl with their EBT card buying lobster shrimp T bone steaks and I have to buy my chicken and ground turkey and make that work. This video needs to be share around the world. California needs to get on this welfare reform.
Dineva, we owe you an offering for this. You preached, Sugah! You were ON POINT! And I thank you.
Ok...can you please run for President of the United States this election?
I think I'm in love with you now.
Preach Hunty! I work for DA WELFUR OFFICE, so you are saying exactly what I have been venting about. It's a shame how all the "able bodied" people are on the system. At my office, they are up @ 8:30 in the morning hanging out in front of the building but won't get their a$$es up to go to WORK! And when the warm weather hits, they are gathered out in front of the office with loud music having a damn block party! The poor employees don't even have a place to sit & have peace of mind without the "customers" taking over. And THEN, if they think they "know you" (no dah'lin I am NOT ur friend!), they want to ask you questions about their case, WHILE UR ON BREAK! The bad part about the whole thing is that those that may fall on hard times and really need services, TEMPORARILY, CAN'T GET HELP!! I feel bad for them, because the people that abuse the system make it hard for those who really need the help. At the end of the day, welfare is a CONSPIRACY! It's built for people to be LAZY and be COMFORTABLE & CONTENT with being LAZY! Ms. Dineva, I had to post this video on my FB page! LOL...u are hilarious! YES GAWD!!
"Polynesian Scraw, & Gerbel hair."😂 "You Hoes is Choozy."😂😂
I swear this is the best video ever! You're so right,educated, bright and we'll rounded. I thank you for this.
Lmaooo “souped up Honda on dubs” 🌚🌚😭😭😭
Yessss! Go off dineva! I tell ppl that all the time I hate school. Ppl act like its fun. Like we do it for fun but like you said I'm not trying to be broke in the near future.
The whole system is jacked up and we have to do something about it. There's college grads out there who are struggling to find a job. No employer will hire them because they lack experience in the field. WTF! Society says go to college and you'll make a decent living. Student loan companies ripping students off. Look at Sallie Mae. Something has to change.
***** That's beneficially for some. Obama knows that this is an issue. He's spoke on it several times. Student loan debt is out ranges in America.
I'll never understand graduating from college without work experience. Unless your major is Saturn Rings & Jupiter Moon Dust, I don't see how folks are wasting 4 years without hustling to get hands-on experience. The mindset that going to college automatically = job is humbling a lot of folks. People are majoring in "general studies" & "art" at expensive colleges and wondering why they are broke & jobless.
Genese Knox I'm one of those who majored in art. Graphic Design to be exact and there are jobs in the field but many require the minimum of 2 years experience in the field. Something interesting I heard is some white parents will pay for their children's college education with credit cards then file bankrupt.
Start your own business. There are highly credible film makers /vloggers on you tube who are constantly looking for people to send in graphics etc to be used for their videos. Example : Casey Neistat . My cousin is a graphic design major. She graduated with an awesome portfolio to show future employers. How? She started her own business while in college. She now does graphic design for whole foods & teaches (volunteers) at an art program in Houston. Can't find a job, make one. This may read as harsh, but we have to stop waiting for fixes & fixers and just do it ourselves.
Genese Knox I definitely agree. Becoming an entrepreneur is the best way to go that's why I chose that route. Unfortunately many graduates aren't lucky as some of us.
I be offended when people say why you buying food... & had to teach myself to be proud i don’t get them! 😂
"Thats to much work for that little bit of money" that's what I say every time I get my pay check but I was raised to work for what you want and need
I'm here at WORK listening and agreeing with everything you are saying.
I agree with you and the Governor of Maine. There are TOO many people milking the system. This needs to be implemented in EVERY state!
I’m all the way in with you @FunkyDineva!!!! Lawd you said that!!!
Aaaahhhh LMFAO at the ending tho... "Going to the bar with my last $20... Fuck this light bill and fuck this rent!" LOLOLOL!!! I am on da FLO!! Love me some Funky Dineva!
This was the best one yet. And thank you for extending a helping hand. Love you so much
Notebook paper??????........ lol
Your offer at the end almost made me cry! That's so beautiful of you. Awesome video!
You said something here in your dissertation that is SO key, I want to point it out. You stated that "your daddy" gave you some pivotal advice that steered you in the right direction in your life. That is Key, so many households have no father figure. So many children miss the key ingredients that a father brings to aid in the formation of a successful adult from childhood. A father gives a child his/her sense of self worth, his/her level of self esteem, the list goes on. Without a father figure in the formative years, so much goes wrong. You're lucky, you had a daddy that cared, that wanted to see you succeed and stand on your own. Good for you.
"the devil got his rent money too" LOL!
I completely agree with everything you've said. My parents are immigrants from Haiti, they came here in their 30s and we have never been on government assistance. We have never lived in the projects. Mind you people who have been here for generations still can't get their shit together. Laziness
Preach! You're absolutely correct! If you want a job you'll find one and no one owes you anything.
I'm so glad you speaking on this important issues I had kids at a young age I way 17had 2kids raise on food stamps for years😏didn't have a high school or a GED then when my kids got older my oldest graduate high school and my now 19year old son is living with my oldest and they working 😏what I did I started putting card on people's car windshield about house cleaning services I charge$20an hour and now I'm 43got my own cleaning business and work with all types of people and my kids are proud and I'm proud if me😏😏😏😏😏😏😏🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹
I have been following you for a few years and this was my favorite video. You touched my heart! I'm sending this to my brother because he needs to hear it.
thank you!
This whole video is a W0RD!
Lmao he stood firm in his word and got that damn uhaul!
What about Corporate Welfare? it's been going on for decades. Cost the nation Billions & Trillions. Get some rules for them also?
Go head on Funky! Preach!!!
The PROJECTS should only be a PROJECT!!! Not a Lifestyle forever & ever!