Viděl jsem to snad stokrát, díky panu Jančaříkovi Jsem si Šumavu zamiloval a začal jezdit na kole a hledal všechna místa, která ukazoval a nejen Šumava.
Just saw this today and it brought back very good memories of my trips to the Sumava. I usually stayed in Srni, very nice village. I plan to visit the Sumava again this summer for the first time in ten years. Looking forward to it. Loved the video.
Byli jsme v hotelu Srní s rodinou a určitě se se chceme vrátit, Šumava je prostě nádherná!
nadherne pohledy a prijemny slovni doprovod. Zdravim vsechny "normalni" cyklisty.
Viděl jsem to snad stokrát, díky panu Jančaříkovi Jsem si Šumavu zamiloval a začal jezdit na kole a hledal všechna místa, která ukazoval a nejen Šumava.
Just saw this today and it brought back very good memories of my trips to the Sumava. I usually stayed in Srni, very nice village. I plan to visit the Sumava again this summer for the first time in ten years. Looking forward to it. Loved the video.
Tak to je prostě nádhera
Je to nadhera👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤩