@@awats72752 oh my mistake.. must have been one of those fully semi automatic assault bolt action black rifles with a bump stock the media keeps talking about.
you are in a patrol and hit a trip wire in the woods wired to a shot timer. *beep* Me: SHIT WE'RE DEAD. *Rapid gunshots* Jerry: WHOOOOAAAAAHHHH BANZAI!!!!!!!!!
Now matter how many countless times I see this man shoot, I'm still sitting here shaking my head in disbelief. That 2 pops in 3 targets display makes me go DAMN! everytime. Unreal.
This 2-part video series was awesome! Lining up several different weapons in the same class made for a nice, apples-to-apples comparison. I really appreciated your to-the-point, helpful comments... it's always nice to get a little bit of your extensive knowledge and perspective. Best of all, we get so see you shoot them and hear your immediate thoughts--even more of that would be great (how the trigger felt, recoil, balance, etc.). Much better than 99% of the reviews or comparisons out there. Please do more like this 2-part set. I'm guessing this format will draw a ton of viewers!
Jerry, you and Ian of Forgotten Weapons, you make my after-work-evenings. THANK you for these entertaining, informative fun videos! Just wanted to say that.
I own a Ruger PC Carbine 9mm 16" model 19122 floating barrel, aluminum handguard, collapsible stock. Very accurate, reliable, with great ergonomics. I am very pleased with it.
Looked like your personal build, the CMMG, and the SIG handled the best. I'm interested in that CMMG delayed blowback mechanism and how it felt to you.
Picking up my new Ruger PCC 9mm model 19122 tomorrow morning looking forward to having some fun. $800 out the door. Lots of inexpensive modifications are available for the Ruger.
An entire country breathed a sigh of relief after 6:49 when Jerry said “Let’s take Iraq”, then clarified by saying “plate rack”. Everyone knew Jerry had a 57 round mag, and a PCC...there would be no survivors!
GET SOME!! Man i gotta get me at least one, very cool. We are just getting the Ruger Pc9 in my local store in Canada now and want one. It is most likely the cheapest of the bunch in many aspects. That Sig intrigues me but is probably 3x the price of the ruger
Finally, I just bought maybe the last MPX PCC 16" Gen III in U.S (not available anywhere) yesterday. It goes along with my MPX9 8" with retractable brace. I am in heaven:-) Hope one day I can shoot like Jerry...No chance!!
8:30 What brass catcher is that & how is it quickly fixing to the rifle? does it come with a rail attachment or is that part of it homemade? The AR catchers I've found just velcro around the barrel.
Wouldn’t want to break into his house. I wouldn’t even feel safe in numbers. I can imagine a gang of 7 breaking in and all they’d hear is *BEEP* and they’d all be in the floor in under 3 seconds
Thinking, all these years of Jerry breathing the dust blowing out of gun barrel ports, he should have his blood lead levels tested. One ingredient in primers is lead. Lead vapors are the risky stuff.
Two questions: Is it true that PCC, being blow back, will eventually break the hammer pins? And, what is the distance to the plate rack in this video? Thanks, keep em coming.
Not that I know of, interestingly enough, the simplicity of the blowback design leads to reliability, generally. Straight blowbacks can have increased recoil but it depends on the individual and what not; the Reuger is well known for it’s managed recoil. I think the plate rack is about 20-25 yards, guessing.
Jerry, I bet those rosters were mad that you woke them up that early. Your the only person I’ve seen that’s will go out and run 500 rounds, then go have breakfast, all before 8am.
I wonder if the bump stock or whatever the hell it was called wasn't band and was used in conjunction with a binary trigger how well would it do against an actual fully automatic firearm and then the Miculek finger. So yeah the man himself finger vs a binary trigger system with or without the bump stock and a dedicated machine gun which would come out on top?
My wife just kept asking what the hell is beeping. I said greatness..
The smoke alarm honey. Jerry just smoked a lot of steel.
I have this visual of going hunting with you. It would be "BEEP" bang bang bang. 2 Rabbits and a Elk dead.
wait.. that's not right. you heard three bangs. That means 2 rabbits, 3 pheasants and an Elk. He shoots 6 times you know... :)
@@6point5 rob thought he was using a bolt action
@@awats72752 oh my mistake.. must have been one of those fully semi automatic assault bolt action black rifles with a bump stock the media keeps talking about.
you are in a patrol and hit a trip wire in the woods wired to a shot timer.
*Rapid gunshots*
this guy cracks me up!!! He's like the Bob Ross of guns...before you even realize what's happened he's created a masterpiece of death on steel
Bahahaha right!
Now matter how many countless times I see this man shoot, I'm still sitting here shaking my head in disbelief. That 2 pops in 3 targets display makes me go DAMN! everytime. Unreal.
4:36 shoots so damn fast the last 2 plates took hits basically at the same time. amazing speed/accuracy.
Neat, sometimes plates hesitate to fall, not to say Jerry is slow.
That was just a delayed fall
The level of your professionalism and talent is unmatched Jerry. Best shooting I've seen in a while. Good to have you back.
This 2-part video series was awesome! Lining up several different weapons in the same class made for a nice, apples-to-apples comparison. I really appreciated your to-the-point, helpful comments... it's always nice to get a little bit of your extensive knowledge and perspective. Best of all, we get so see you shoot them and hear your immediate thoughts--even more of that would be great (how the trigger felt, recoil, balance, etc.). Much better than 99% of the reviews or comparisons out there. Please do more like this 2-part set. I'm guessing this format will draw a ton of viewers!
When most people do a mag dump they don't hit much, When Jerry does it he slays everything in front of him.
Even Chuck Norris bows to Jerry's mastery!
Jerry, you and Ian of Forgotten Weapons, you make my after-work-evenings. THANK you for these entertaining, informative fun videos! Just wanted to say that.
It's ~ALWAYS~ entertaining watching Jerry shoot. I could watch you shoot all day long and never get bored. "Thumbs up" from this Kentucky boy.
Last 2 were my favorite. The 2nd to last, the CMMG, was my #1 favorite.
They were both impressive. What was it that attracted you the most?
You are my hero! A true American and fun to watch! I'm 50 yrs old but willing to be adopted if your looking. Lol
I own a Ruger PC9 carbine and I love it, kinda interesting that this one is the only Take-Down style and the Sig is the only gas style
I own a Ruger PC Carbine 9mm 16" model 19122 floating barrel, aluminum handguard, collapsible stock. Very accurate, reliable, with great ergonomics. I am very pleased with it.
Glock 18 57rd flag pole magazine FTW!!!
I always enjoy your videos here in TH-cam. Unbiased and very professional reviews.
Had to watch the video twice since the first time it was hard not to focus on the shooter. Amazing, thanks Jerry.
Don’t think boy, just shoot.
Jerry Miculek
I laughed out loud when he said that!
in other word :focus on what you are doing
this is the best quote ever.
That & 'Git some':
Get some Jerry!!! Awesome video....I liked the format. :-)
CMMG was fast on 6 on the left !
"Don't think boy...just shoot." Love watching Jerry shoot.
So very glad you are back! Like fresh air in a stale room.
Just ordered a CMMG 9mm Glock Resolute300, can’t wait for it to arrive.
Jerry shows in every single video he's better than all other gun Utubers combined ... doesn't need to prove this but does it anyway
Love these videos from the LEGEND!!!
Great video, I like the longer ones with lots of shooting. Really like showcasing different guns.
No CZ EVO? Awesome video regardless.
Not carbine length
@@1994F150L The CZ Scorpion Evo S2 comes in a 16" Carbine version as well, not just the pistol or PDW length.
Looked like your personal build, the CMMG, and the SIG handled the best. I'm interested in that CMMG delayed blowback mechanism and how it felt to you.
Picking up my new Ruger PCC 9mm model 19122 tomorrow morning looking forward to having some fun. $800 out the door. Lots of inexpensive modifications are available for the Ruger.
Jerry makes me wanna go practice ever time I watch him shoot.
Someone needs to make a Jerry Miculek soundboard app
I cant help but smile every time he says "Here we go"
Let *freedom* ring 🇺🇸
I would need a claymore to hit six plates that quickly and that reliably. Very impressive (as always).
Like Christmas morning every time jerry adds a new video!
Jerry "Full Auto☝" Miculek!!!👊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Full Semi Auto
He had to get a tax stamp for his trigger finger.
The electric finger
Jerry doesn't need a full auto... because he's got the Jerry Trigger finger.
God bless you!
Great shooting!! I've shot the riuger and like it. We have a few guys who shoot the Ruger in our weekly league and do very well.
Your shooting skills are just amazing!!!
Sir this this is the ATF, youre gonna need to register your index finger as a machine gun per NFA or have it surgically removed.
Don't laugh. They would if they could.
I'd really like to seen you review the CZ Scorpion evo
Awesome stuff as usual. You don't realise some of the speed here until you look at the video counter at the bottom. Amazing stuff!
1:48 Nice shooting with the Ruger!
4:05 impressive
That MBX looks like it's designed to play USPSA nicely.
That was awesome Great variety of ar's.
The giggle after locking in the 50 round mag 😂🤣👍👍
After seeing this video, I think the shooter matters more than the firearm. JM makes all the PCCs look good.
I think you are right
An entire country breathed a sigh of relief after 6:49 when Jerry said “Let’s take Iraq”, then clarified by saying “plate rack”. Everyone knew Jerry had a 57 round mag, and a PCC...there would be no survivors!
I really like your old school style Jerry I could imagine your daddy telling you when you was first learning to shoot don't think boy just shoot
GET SOME!! Man i gotta get me at least one, very cool. We are just getting the Ruger Pc9 in my local store in Canada now and want one. It is most likely the cheapest of the bunch in many aspects. That Sig intrigues me but is probably 3x the price of the ruger
This is the only channel i check on when they have a new vid.
Good lord the CMMG was smoking fast😳
Jerry is my hero. Good man.
I like the JP. There's just somethin' special there... I Want 2 of those... You're the Best Jerry!!!
Get Some !!!!!!!!! I would love to have one of those CMMG banshee carbines. Awesome video Jerry M
Great video. Love my Ruger PCC.
Jerry is the GOAT
Finally, I just bought maybe the last MPX PCC 16" Gen III in U.S (not available anywhere) yesterday. It goes along with my MPX9 8" with retractable brace. I am in heaven:-) Hope one day I can shoot like Jerry...No chance!!
Again JP Rifles you get what you pay for top notch quality !!!! Thanks Jerry for vid want more Thanks John Paul !
Bob Freeber I’m a big fan myself.
You can hear the quality when he worked the charging handle, "butter "
Whats that glock mag extension being used on the mags? Does it work on 15 and 17 round glock mags?
Always so happy to see videos from jerry
Thank you for another great video can you do a video on a Korth revolver so i can live vicariously threw you .
Nice video. :) I really liked the Shoot Fast series, hence this was really nice to see another video of similar kind. :)
I bet Jerry has free guns showing up at his house constantly. Every company wants their gun in Jerry's hands on video.
8:30 What brass catcher is that & how is it quickly fixing to the rifle? does it come with a rail attachment or is that part of it homemade? The AR catchers I've found just velcro around the barrel.
I love how he tries not to make you feel like you have no chance to be that fast
Practice makes perfect.
Review the CZ Scorpion please!
th-cam.com/video/-nnBtwv99GA/w-d-xo.html not the same as Jerry but one of my favorite reviewers
Haha jeez I've never seen a 25 Rd mag extention. It looks super funny. Magpul should make a 60rd mag for 9mm. Like a scaled down 5.56 60rd
I will be adding the Ruger one to my collection, at some point.
Me too but i want one of those 50 round glock mags
Jerry Miculek is the shoulder thing that goes up.
This was exactly what I was looking for from Jerry! I just wish you hadn't edited out most of the split times...
Love this format
This is why I come to Jerry. Leave the reruns in. It shows a real comparison between firearms.
Wouldn’t want to break into his house. I wouldn’t even feel safe in numbers. I can imagine a gang of 7 breaking in and all they’d hear is *BEEP* and they’d all be in the floor in under 3 seconds
2 videos in one day......Is it Christmas again?
Thinking, all these years of Jerry breathing the dust blowing out of gun barrel ports, he should have his blood lead levels tested. One ingredient in primers is lead. Lead vapors are the risky stuff.
Two questions: Is it true that PCC, being blow back, will eventually break the hammer pins? And, what is the distance to the plate rack in this video? Thanks, keep em coming.
Not that I know of, interestingly enough, the simplicity of the blowback design leads to reliability, generally. Straight blowbacks can have increased recoil but it depends on the individual and what not; the Reuger is well known for it’s managed recoil. I think the plate rack is about 20-25 yards, guessing.
I think I need to practice more. Nice shooting!
Its encouraging to know even JM's finger get fatigued
So all of these except one are blowback or recoil operated not gas operated like an AR15, I was confused about that at first.
Did you ever find out why? I've been wondering why companies aren't using a DI system but can't seem to find the answer.
Think you worked the CMMG the best.
You make them all look good! What is your favorite???
The Ruger costs about 1/4 as much as any as the others, and is much more concealable. So what are you thinking; competition or survival😉
Neither. I've had accuracy issues with takedowns,,,, must be how I hold them
Talent at its best!
Jerry, I bet those rosters were mad that you woke them up that early. Your the only person I’ve seen that’s will go out and run 500 rounds, then go have breakfast, all before 8am.
Full auto finger! I need one of those.
Wish u would run a PWS PCC & PWS MK116 or 114, 111.
I wonder if the bump stock or whatever the hell it was called wasn't band and was used in conjunction with a binary trigger how well would it do against an actual fully automatic firearm and then the Miculek finger. So yeah the man himself finger vs a binary trigger system with or without the bump stock and a dedicated machine gun which would come out on top?
Jerry got me going to the gun store first thing in the morning
Great video, as always Jerry.
Do You need a permit for that trigger finger?
Jerry for president!
I suspect it would be awesome.
Dude that was EPIC!!! Jerry you are a living Legend!!! Thank you !! 🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸
Every time Jerry gets on the trigger wow!
All i can say is badass, because thats what you are sir!!!!!!!!
I would love to see him demo the scorpion Evo 🦂
Andrew at TFB TV says Jerry Miculek can't run a single action revolver. Sound like a challenge. Let's see you do it Jerry!
Jerry you should do a review of the freedom Ordnance pcc 9m. 600$
I really like the production value. Well done
Great video, always enjoyable!