"Filthy Romans think they can use their rams to get in our walls?! Bah! Engineers, build a ram! They can't tear down our wall if we don't have a wall to begin with! If they think they can tear down our walls before we do they have another thing coming! Haha! Checkmate, Norbanus!" -The legend of the Slavic defensive ram, 422 Anno Domini
I remember the beginning of this, and how interested I was in seeing how Jon would fix the most broken empire on the map, and after so many episodes he has turned the Western Empire from a joke into a massive military threat to all barbarians and hordes. May the greatest generals find their rest! This includes Spurius Flavius, the most christian man who ever christianed, Marcus the Gambler, who took one too many, and so many more!
I think it would be a bit of a short epilogue, really - many of our favourites died of old age during the wait for the Slavs, Licianus has a terrible beard, Zeno and Gundobad are Big Damn Heroes, and Vetranio gets a small flogging, but we forgive him quickly...
Jon i love all your videos but your total war series are always my favorites, perfectly paced editing, great commentary, small history lessons thrown into it and just overall interesting storytelling. hence why i am pleading PLEASE do another rome total or medieval total war playthrough!
In the end, the most dangerous horde was the Western Roman Horde then... All hail Emperor Gundobad, slayer of the Slavs and damn sexy devil! And it has been an honor to watch my first MATN RTW series as a subscriber! I binge watched the others. Roma invicta!
Ah, parting is such sweet sorrow... I'm genuinely going to miss this series. Having not played a second of this game myself, I still find myself loving this game, and I can only point to your...infectious affection, if you will, the love and joy that you have playing this game. It shines through in all the bizarre idiosyncrasies that pop up and the wild stories you make up to canonize them. With every episode of this, it felt like I got to live in your imagination, and let me just say that it wasn't a bad place to be at all.
Arise, arise, Riders of Vatranio! spear shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now, ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!
Unironically, it would be brilliant to abandon it right in front of a breach made by the other ram. But really, i think the Slavs just saw Jon building rams and figured they should do the same.
@@MrVlogman101 I imagine they'd brought that ram from their first taking the town and kept it as a memento just in case they needed to move again, as they were getting on and off of it while Jon was moving the camera past them. Also, it must have been an odd six months for the Slavs, between taking two towns, losing them immediately and being able to re-horde, subsequently assembling more troops than the combined populations of the two towns could support from... Somewhere, I don't know, and then being defeated by what can only be described as a Western Roman horde army, before their entire FACTION collapsed because some supposedly handsome Roman emperor went in and beat up their last general in a 4 v 1.
@Holy Roman Empire Thats actually kinda wrong. The Holy Roman Emperor was appointed by the Pope for a while, making it holy. It was ruled by an emperor making it, by definition, an empire. Being Roman is the only thing I can see being mostly incorrect, but it was basically Rome's successor so idk.
Well said! This is my 3rd time watching it and it's by far the most interesting of any of the TW play throughs. I suspect to match it, he'll need to go for one of the mods for a later TW engine.
You should try Europa Barbarorum (a mod that improves historical accuracy in RTW, adds 2 more military reforms to Rome, increases the number of factions, adds a robust auxiliary system, etc.) or Invasio Barbarorum (a mod that moves Barbarian Invasions to the 5th Century, adds playable factions, makes previously unplayable factions playable, and expands the unit rosters of preexisting factions)
Europa Barbarosum is such a slow campaign though. He could try it, sure, but I doubt he'd be willing to do a 100+ episode playthrough that would really do the mod justice
That Devouring Swarm of Horses is probably the most terrifying thing anyone has ever seen. Also Incredible series, Jon! 10/10 Would watch again! And will watch Three Kingdoms.
30:26 >Conquer territory that wasn't yours to begin with >Claim the people that controlled it before you are "invaders" Naw man, that's just Rome for ya xD
What a story this crated, I wish the Total War dev team would make campaigns this hard now days. Harder games that require sacrifices make for better stories. A story is boring without defeat. Its been a great series john, I can't wait for more.
Terrible,, horrible, disastrous mess of a battle... and yet... absolutely amazing!!! This has been a fantastic series and that was one hell of a way to end it!!!
I really enjoyed that series. Thank you so much for taking the time to put it together! You can easily see the replayability here...you could play WRE a dozen times and never have the same thing happen with all the hordes.
okay.. i protest, Vetranio Flavius is NOT a coward. If anything a bit too brave getting himself overexposed like that, but he did half the bloody work and damn near sacrificed his life for it. Vetranio for emperor damnit!
Haha. You do so much so well. And then again, you focus so much on one part of the battlefield and forget the additional resources at your disposal until your front line has collapsed and then suddenly it’s “where are my spear men?” Who you left a few miles away outside the walls. But seriously, it’s all part of the fun, isn’t it? I enjoy these things so much. Thank you. Xx
Jon... Combat width. At some point "all units attacks 1 unit" is a bit overkill, let alone counterproductive. 54:40 "4-5 fullstack armies, ridiculous mega battle" um, yes? do ... it?
Discovered your channel a few months ago when looking for some Empire Total War videos, stumbled across your Total War playlists to see you've got loads. Taken me a few weeks to get through this series but I have really enjoyed it fair play, really well paced and a good mix of both campaign map stuff and battle content and your commentary is really good. It all combines to make it extremely watchable. I'm looking forward to watching through your Medieval TW playlist next.
Jon your presentation is getting better and better with each new video. Not that you weren't entertaining to begin with, hence my subscription, but you are now arguably the best at what you do. Keep up the good work and I'll keep putting off my own gaming time to watch yours.
Great campaign overall but why did you leave most of the eastern roman lands in the hands of the usurper scum? Wouldn't it be better to completely reunite the empire? Also sassanids are still very powerful and may strike one day in the future.
Looking back on this run, it seems you've had more or less a best-case scenario with no additional hordes (minus the goths) being triggered and the hordes you had to deal with were mostly already rather battered by the time they got to you. When I tried BI, I wasn't so lucky.
Two lengthy RTW series' and he still hasn't quite got the part where if you order too many units to attack one unit (rather than ordering them separately) they'll 'spread out' their targetting and charge a bunch of nearby ones. (...and is still better at this game than me...)
I have been with you since you started your Rome total war series and all the series on the last episode I’m always genuinely sad and can’t wait for more total war.
41:00 "Vitranio, you coward" Coward my left butt cheek. Jon, you never, ever learned anything in this game about Exhaustion (which severely harms both fighting effectiveness, and Morale), and are completely oblivious to when your men get flanked. Enemy troops charged your Exhausted cavalry from the side- it's no wonder they broke. A little pausing and a LOT of resting is absolutely necessary to keep your forces effective in combat. Also, not RUNNING your soldiers everywhere in all your fights (try MARCHING instead). What can a soldier do who charges when out of breath?
Trust me, that has been said before .. his TW series constantly have piecemeal deployment of forces totally isolated from the main army, which never are rested. Very often, a fall back panic would be avoided if a second supporting wave was ready in place.
Seeing you loose 1500 of the best Roman cavalry mostly due to not trying to give out individual orders and prohibiting skirmishers from skirmishing was priceless. Oh lord this is peak comedy Thanks a lot for this series!
As the western Romans defeated the slavs, julianus vatinius smiled down on them, knowing that his empire finally had an heir, and though he knew what would happen, he smiled and said , what a good victory for the true Romans.
That final battle was the cowards way out, Gundobad could've easily defeated the remaining Slav army. Every faction dropped like flies, no battles were lost basically.
So after some quick math via a calculator, the battle around 32:30 has 11,978 Slavs bearing down on the 7,367 Romans. I have not yet finished this video as the time of writing but I wanted to math this part out just out of idle curiosity. It's always fun to see just how insanely big large battles can be in this game.
Somewhere Augustus is smiling. Well done Jon. I've waited for this campaign since the end of your original Rome playthrough, and I'm pretty sure I'm happy with the result. While I can't say I'm particularly interested in Three Kingdoms, I'm _very_ interested in your mention of the old Kingdoms expansion. Especially if it's the America one you're talking about. In any case, I'll be looking forwards to it.
Really sad to see this series end. But with a small relief I never have to hear Jon pronounce "Slavs" as "Slarvs" again. xD Why not go a step further and call them Slarvae, which of course grow into Slarvaflies!
This is exactly the kind of army I accidentally discovered was the best I ever fielded in Rome. I was moving some excess generals around that had accumulated in a single city when I wasn't paying attention and they were attacked in route. 5 generals units against a full stack army... They destroyed that army. So I rode them around until they turned gray and then retired them to towns and moved fresh generals into the army. So OP. :D
You spent so much time fighting hordes full of cavalry, but you gazed too deeply into the void. By the end you became the cavalry horde.
Gaze ye not into the abyss, lest the abysses boyfriend get narky
Eh, that was what happened IRL. Byzantine cavalry was among the best.
"Filthy Romans think they can use their rams to get in our walls?! Bah! Engineers, build a ram! They can't tear down our wall if we don't have a wall to begin with! If they think they can tear down our walls before we do they have another thing coming! Haha! Checkmate, Norbanus!"
-The legend of the Slavic defensive ram, 422 Anno Domini
We did them a favor by wiping them out.
In Slavic Dacia cities siege you!
Whatever does that mean, DZ wonders.
In another universe, dacians are now pirates!
This is a Rome that Julianus Vatinius can be proud of.
All good romans can be proud of this
Roma invicta!
And where was the old 8 ball this whole time eh? Busy fluttering about space like a toe nail in the bath water?
I remember the beginning of this, and how interested I was in seeing how Jon would fix the most broken empire on the map, and after so many episodes he has turned the Western Empire from a joke into a massive military threat to all barbarians and hordes. May the greatest generals find their rest! This includes Spurius Flavius, the most christian man who ever christianed, Marcus the Gambler, who took one too many, and so many more!
DOn't forget Caius the Horde Slayer
Jon: always bet on the side with The cavalry
Also jon: *makes Cavalry only army*
And breaks his Cav army, running around every unit the whole time all attacking at once in a disorganised scrum
This was a better finale than Game of Thrones.
Yea that's very sad u know
What is a game of thrones
@@gabepastel3447 it's a tv series (the most popular ever I guess)
Battle of 8 armies
You haven't seen GoT's finale yet, how can you know?
But... we will get an epilogue, right???
One can only hope.
I think it would be a bit of a short epilogue, really - many of our favourites died of old age during the wait for the Slavs, Licianus has a terrible beard, Zeno and Gundobad are Big Damn Heroes, and Vetranio gets a small flogging, but we forgive him quickly...
Many A True Nerd indeed. Would be nice to see though. All the best to you.
I just want to see the map all red. That's all.
@@ManyATrueNerd Why don't you just release the save to your audience and let whoever wants to wrap it up tight go at it themselves?
Jon i love all your videos but your total war series are always my favorites, perfectly paced editing, great commentary, small history lessons thrown into it and just overall interesting storytelling. hence why i am pleading PLEASE do another rome total or medieval total war playthrough!
In the end, the most dangerous horde was the Western Roman Horde then...
All hail Emperor Gundobad, slayer of the Slavs and damn sexy devil!
And it has been an honor to watch my first MATN RTW series as a subscriber! I binge watched the others.
Roma invicta!
Ah, parting is such sweet sorrow...
I'm genuinely going to miss this series. Having not played a second of this game myself, I still find myself loving this game, and I can only point to your...infectious affection, if you will, the love and joy that you have playing this game. It shines through in all the bizarre idiosyncrasies that pop up and the wild stories you make up to canonize them. With every episode of this, it felt like I got to live in your imagination, and let me just say that it wasn't a bad place to be at all.
Arise, arise, Riders of Vatranio!
spear shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered,
a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
Ride now, ride now, ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!
The Ride of the Roman-hirrim.
No, Jon, you see, in Slavic Dacia, ram is used inside wall to break down walls of the Iron Curtain
These *are* Slavs afterall.
No one:
Slavs:"We need a Ram inside the walls!"
Unironically, it would be brilliant to abandon it right in front of a breach made by the other ram. But really, i think the Slavs just saw Jon building rams and figured they should do the same.
@@MrVlogman101 I imagine they'd brought that ram from their first taking the town and kept it as a memento just in case they needed to move again, as they were getting on and off of it while Jon was moving the camera past them. Also, it must have been an odd six months for the Slavs, between taking two towns, losing them immediately and being able to re-horde, subsequently assembling more troops than the combined populations of the two towns could support from... Somewhere, I don't know, and then being defeated by what can only be described as a Western Roman horde army, before their entire FACTION collapsed because some supposedly handsome Roman emperor went in and beat up their last general in a 4 v 1.
How's that possible? Get a ram in defense, I think it's bug or something, or maybe it has an explanation, what's that?
@@FranciscoGomez-tv4ed Jon had 5 rams built, but his army had 4 in their possession, so the fifth just bugged out and switched sides
Being a slav myself I can confirm that our leaders ARE in fact dumb enough to build a Ram inside the walls.
Jon: "U know what, I think that's enough for this video"
Me: No it's nottttt!
I never thought I'd see the day where Jon uses the CavBlob strategy *wipes tear* I'm so proud
"We're gonna learn together today!" This is my favourite side of you, John.
All the great things have to end...
Like me
Holy Roman Empire It was neither holy nor an empire-Voltaire
@@franciscoromero5122 Nor it was effing Roman
@Holy Roman Empire Thats actually kinda wrong. The Holy Roman Emperor was appointed by the Pope for a while, making it holy. It was ruled by an emperor making it, by definition, an empire. Being Roman is the only thing I can see being mostly incorrect, but it was basically Rome's successor so idk.
You? Great? Pfffff
@@franciscoromero5122 Gah. What does François-Marie know? I've never trusted a Frenchman in a woman's wig.
This was easily my favorite series. I thank you for a good time that had me on the edge of my bed.
Well said! This is my 3rd time watching it and it's by far the most interesting of any of the TW play throughs.
I suspect to match it, he'll need to go for one of the mods for a later TW engine.
6:57 Imagine getting baked in the sun in 420 AD in Dimmidi when an earthquake comes out of nowhere.
Gaius: "Hey, who did we just kill?"
Lennius: "Dunno"
Gaius: "Was he Roman?"
Lennius "Don't think so"
Gaius: "Must have been the enemy then! Great!"
The slavs just wanted to be your neighbour they would bring you some vodka, make a party but NOOOOO we need a big battle ba ba ba
What an amazing epic victory and a stunning end to a thrilling campaign!
ironically they arrived against slavs
I was also thinking on the battle of the Pellenor Fields from Return of the King
John, your computer might be able to handle that, I think I can hear the game engine cry.
The Last Video... NOOOO
Me: see's the massive cav charge
Also me: *then the winged hussars arrived*
You should try Europa Barbarorum (a mod that improves historical accuracy in RTW, adds 2 more military reforms to Rome, increases the number of factions, adds a robust auxiliary system, etc.) or Invasio Barbarorum (a mod that moves Barbarian Invasions to the 5th Century, adds playable factions, makes previously unplayable factions playable, and expands the unit rosters of preexisting factions)
Yesss he defo needs to try this.
Europa Barbarosum is such a slow campaign though. He could try it, sure, but I doubt he'd be willing to do a 100+ episode playthrough that would really do the mod justice
That Devouring Swarm of Horses is probably the most terrifying thing anyone has ever seen.
Also Incredible series, Jon! 10/10 Would watch again! And will watch Three Kingdoms.
What a fantastic send off for the series, this is like the Endgame of the MATNCU
Fantastic series as always great Imperator. We look ever forward to the next one. Ave, True to Jon!
Ave, all Romans rejoice with another fantastic campaign!
A true campaign for true Romans!
*Gundobad is leading the battle*
"...Who is going to be on the frontlines but Zeno Flavus..."
-1 perception strikes again!
Zeno was commanding one of the other armies on the field.
This is what an empire of a Spurius can reach! *under breath "if only i wasn't disinherited for Julianus Vatinius"*
There there old friend, he did us all dirty.
>Conquer territory that wasn't yours to begin with
>Claim the people that controlled it before you are "invaders"
Naw man, that's just Rome for ya xD
What a story this crated, I wish the Total War dev team would make campaigns this hard now days. Harder games that require sacrifices make for better stories. A story is boring without defeat. Its been a great series john, I can't wait for more.
“The ai seems to be doing a good job” it literally just engaged at that point. Up to then, it was all you lol
That Second Last Battle had Around 14000 Men To Register
Terrible,, horrible, disastrous mess of a battle... and yet... absolutely amazing!!! This has been a fantastic series and that was one hell of a way to end it!!!
This was the series that brought me to your channel, and I've watched each episode with great pleasure! thank you very much!
I really enjoyed that series. Thank you so much for taking the time to put it together! You can easily see the replayability here...you could play WRE a dozen times and never have the same thing happen with all the hordes.
Gotta love the Slavs for trying something new like having a ram in their own settlement
okay.. i protest, Vetranio Flavius is NOT a coward. If anything a bit too brave getting himself overexposed like that, but he did half the bloody work and damn near sacrificed his life for it. Vetranio for emperor damnit!
Haha. You do so much so well. And then again, you focus so much on one part of the battlefield and forget the additional resources at your disposal until your front line has collapsed and then suddenly it’s “where are my spear men?” Who you left a few miles away outside the walls. But seriously, it’s all part of the fun, isn’t it? I enjoy these things so much. Thank you. Xx
On the end. Roma invicta. Roma eterna. That was fantastic. Thank you a lot.
This is seriously bittersweet. I have loved this series like nothing else, but all hail the restoration of Rome!
Jon... Combat width. At some point "all units attacks 1 unit" is a bit overkill, let alone counterproductive.
54:40 "4-5 fullstack armies, ridiculous mega battle"
um, yes? do ... it?
It's always fun to watch Jon issue the same unit several orders in 30 seconds and then hear him wonder why they're not doing what he told them to do.
This was a fantastic series Jon. Thank you.
Discovered your channel a few months ago when looking for some Empire Total War videos, stumbled across your Total War playlists to see you've got loads.
Taken me a few weeks to get through this series but I have really enjoyed it fair play, really well paced and a good mix of both campaign map stuff and battle content and your commentary is really good. It all combines to make it extremely watchable. I'm looking forward to watching through your Medieval TW playlist next.
The best RTW playthrough I have and will ever see, thx a lot, it was so much fun and joy to watch
Jon your presentation is getting better and better with each new video. Not that you weren't entertaining to begin with, hence my subscription, but you are now arguably the best at what you do. Keep up the good work and I'll keep putting off my own gaming time to watch yours.
Probably the most entertaining channel available. Love you Rome total war series. Many thanks.
Great campaign overall but why did you leave most of the eastern roman lands in the hands of the usurper scum? Wouldn't it be better to completely reunite the empire?
Also sassanids are still very powerful and may strike one day in the future.
Woof woof the romans have finally reconquered their empire.......without the use of dogs. Woof I’m not woof sad, woof it’s ok...I’ll just leave.
AWWW your still a good boy!
treeshakertucker *happy woof*
*sad woof noises*
It's Ghost and Jon Snow all over again
@@Matthew_Calmert Jon Snow lost my vote last episode.
What a great series. Watched every video, wept for Marcus the Gambler but mostly laughed at the hilarious commentary.
Thank you.
Thank you Jon ! For everything on your channel !
40:20 "skilled cavalry commander"
Sad to see this series has finally ended. But it couldn't have ended any better.
Looking back on this run, it seems you've had more or less a best-case scenario with no additional hordes (minus the goths) being triggered and the hordes you had to deal with were mostly already rather battered by the time they got to you. When I tried BI, I wasn't so lucky.
32:45 Jon, you absolute madlad!
Two lengthy RTW series' and he still hasn't quite got the part where if you order too many units to attack one unit (rather than ordering them separately) they'll 'spread out' their targetting and charge a bunch of nearby ones. (...and is still better at this game than me...)
I have been with you since you started your Rome total war series and all the series on the last episode I’m always genuinely sad and can’t wait for more total war.
That was an awesome finale. Really enjoyed this series.
41:00 "Vitranio, you coward"
Coward my left butt cheek. Jon, you never, ever learned anything in this game about Exhaustion (which severely harms both fighting effectiveness, and Morale), and are completely oblivious to when your men get flanked. Enemy troops charged your Exhausted cavalry from the side- it's no wonder they broke.
A little pausing and a LOT of resting is absolutely necessary to keep your forces effective in combat. Also, not RUNNING your soldiers everywhere in all your fights (try MARCHING instead).
What can a soldier do who charges when out of breath?
Trust me, that has been said before .. his TW series constantly have piecemeal deployment of forces totally isolated from the main army, which never are rested.
Very often, a fall back panic would be avoided if a second supporting wave was ready in place.
Seeing you loose 1500 of the best Roman cavalry mostly due to not trying to give out individual orders and prohibiting skirmishers from skirmishing was priceless. Oh lord this is peak comedy
Thanks a lot for this series!
As the western Romans defeated the slavs, julianus vatinius smiled down on them, knowing that his empire finally had an heir, and though he knew what would happen, he smiled and said , what a good victory for the true Romans.
So today we witnessed the formation of an Archaeologist's wet dream.
You should have named this one the death of a Motherboard and Graphics card.
Please don't end it :( I loved this series
Absolutely legendary series! Thank you good sir.
Bloody fantastic john thrilling watch start to finish great commentary, brilliant game play very funny good job old boy!
That was well done, congratulation Jon. My favorite parts were at the start when everything was going wrong and you were panicking.
That final battle was the cowards way out, Gundobad could've easily defeated the remaining Slav army. Every faction dropped like flies, no battles were lost basically.
Just found this series and your channel. This was excellent, very enjoyable. I look forward to watching more of your videos.
Grand Finale indeed, that big fight was all sorts of epic. Thank you very much for an entertaining campaign, my good man. =)
So after some quick math via a calculator, the battle around 32:30 has 11,978 Slavs bearing down on the 7,367 Romans. I have not yet finished this video as the time of writing but I wanted to math this part out just out of idle curiosity. It's always fun to see just how insanely big large battles can be in this game.
Somewhere Augustus is smiling. Well done Jon. I've waited for this campaign since the end of your original Rome playthrough, and I'm pretty sure I'm happy with the result. While I can't say I'm particularly interested in Three Kingdoms, I'm _very_ interested in your mention of the old Kingdoms expansion. Especially if it's the America one you're talking about. In any case, I'll be looking forwards to it.
This series was amazing Jon! Looking forward to more classic Total War!
Watched this as soon as I woke up, I really loved this series Jon I'm really gonna miss it :)
I guess this giant cavalry battle is called Lasagna the Prequel, or it would be if this was a town. I guess you could always put it on a monument.
Alexander DLC? I know it wasn't as good as the others but... it was good.
Pretty silly when the troops just don’t listen
Every time I see Grand Finale I am as excited as I am sad.
Damn it’s over
Jon, I'd be interested in seeing a challenge run: max difficulty with minimum unit size. It'd be very different.
Brilliant season, favourite that you've done.
Spurius Flavius would have been proud of such a pagan slaughter.
Great job and I thoroughly enjoyed this series!
Loved watching this series, thanks.
My guess shogun 2 fall
Medieval 2 Americas
Really sad to see this series end.
But with a small relief I never have to hear Jon pronounce "Slavs" as "Slarvs" again. xD Why not go a step further and call them Slarvae, which of course grow into Slarvaflies!
Similarly he could say Russian volcanoes spew slava.
That's English for you, vowels change a lot between different accents.
This was just beautiful........just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
Thank you for this series. I discovered your channel with it and subscribed immediately and look forward to future videos now!
Seriously congratulations on the win here. Even on easy the start of this campaign is such a headache it’s so offputting and you can easily lose
I was hoping the Slavs would trigger all the hordes so they could swarm all over. I feel like Jon would have liked an ending like that.
This was a great series. I would like to see another one of this.
Great Work Jon ♡
Bravo Jon!
I'm so sad. I felt in love with these series
This is exactly the kind of army I accidentally discovered was the best I ever fielded in Rome. I was moving some excess generals around that had accumulated in a single city when I wasn't paying attention and they were attacked in route. 5 generals units against a full stack army... They destroyed that army. So I rode them around until they turned gray and then retired them to towns and moved fresh generals into the army. So OP. :D