
  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 มิ.ย. 2024
  • 當你以為一日三餐是最基本的生活條件,香港依然有超過130萬人活在貧窮之中,一餐難求。
    當中包括:支持同路舍旗下「社區廚房 The Kind Kitchen」提供更多熱膳餐給區內的無家者和長者,還會增加工作崗位和培訓機會幫助無家者重返社會;而長春社的「糧善展愛坊」亦能夠繼續不遺「餘」力,每日回收街巿檔主剩餘的鮮食,連同其他善心機構捐贈的包裝食品,將這些剩食資源重新分派給社區內有需要的家庭及長者。
    It's hard to believe that over 1.3 million people in Hong Kong are living in poverty and struggling to put food on the table. For these individuals, the idea of having three meals a day is a luxury they cannot afford.
    With support from DBS Foundation, local charities are now able to provide immediate food assistance to more of those in need, ensuring access to essential daily meals.
    This initiative includes The Kind Kitchen, operated by ImpactHK, which will provide additional hot meals to people experiencing homelessness and the elderly in the community. It will also offer more job training opportunities to help those experiencing homelessness reintegrate into society. Meanwhile, the Food Resources Recycling Centre by The Conservancy Association will continue collecting unsold fresh food from market stallholders and packaged food from other charitable organisations, redistributing it to needy families and the elderly in the district.
    Video was produced in partnership with ‪@SouthChinaMorningPost‬

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