NO FRICKIN JOKE THIS TEAM IS CRACKEDDDDDDDDDDDDDD - ILL BE PLAYING FUT CHAMPS WITH IT AND GETTING 30-0 ALONG WITH EVERYONE WHO MAKES THIS TEAM ( just don't match me) comment 'tassback' for another £50 gift card win chance too xxxx love ya all
My team is called Wengerball FC on FIFA, if that doesn’t deserve £50, I don’t know what does. Regardless, welcome back to the original FIFA 🐐 #tassback
‘Tassback’ finally we have the soothing sounds of Tass back, coupled with great content for us fifa lovers, great to listen too in the car good to have you back
“Tass back” would love those points to finally have a fifa with a bit of money put into it also I think you should try adama traore packed him and he’s been great
#Tassisback! Lets go my guy! So glad to see you back definitely dont have to give gift cards to apologise! You couldn't help losing your motivation bro! Keep up the hard work and make sure your happy with what you do!
NO FRICKIN JOKE THIS TEAM IS CRACKEDDDDDDDDDDDDDD - ILL BE PLAYING FUT CHAMPS WITH IT AND GETTING 30-0 ALONG WITH EVERYONE WHO MAKES THIS TEAM ( just don't match me) comment 'tassback' for another £50 gift card win chance too xxxx love ya all
I've used gulacsi and he was very inconsistent for me.
My team is called Wengerball FC on FIFA, if that doesn’t deserve £50, I don’t know what does. Regardless, welcome back to the original FIFA 🐐 #tassback
‘Tass back’ love how you can have a 1 year break and still be lively and help your viewers
richarlison at striker, shaqiri RW. what're ur guys thoughts?
i like it!
full chem that way, go for it
Does tass know the meaning of chemistry?
Tassback started watching old Tass Fifa videos 😂 cos there was no new ones 😂
Tass is Back finally🐐
tassback baby been missing your content but so glad to see what you make in the future
Can’t wait to see Tass, missed your content. “Tass back” is back baby
Lest gooo tass back cant wait to see the vids again missed u so much keep head up and lets start the grind
Glad to see you are back, you were one of my favourite pros to watch
“tassback” finally the wait is over. Glad you re finally back!!!
Tass back the lord has returned
great to see one of the ogs back "tassback"
"Tass back" welcome back ❤️
#TassBack 🐐, welcome back legend. Great to have u back again 🙌🏼
TassBacK it’s good to see you back uploading fifa videos, enjoy watching your videos and you make it interesting every time
Great to have you back lad!
‘Tassback’ finally we have the soothing sounds of Tass back, coupled with great content for us fifa lovers, great to listen too in the car good to have you back
Tass is back, thank god
'Tass Back' Glad the GOAT is back
TASSBACK back to droping banger videos
Tass back!!!
Missed you so much. Can't wait to see you play🔥⚽🔥
tassback good to have you back on the TH-cam scene
Glad to see you’re back, and even more happy to see that it seems like you’re enjoying creating content again.
Finally tassback 🎉🎉 I have been waiting on this for the longest time. I'm waiting for the fut champs gameplay!!
#TassBack !! MY GUY is BACK. You're about to tear up the Pro scene once again. The old dog still got it!!! #TH14 COME ONNN
An you are the best! Missed the content so much and am so happy to see you back. Looking forward to seeing how you do this season. Tassback!!
Tassback. Glad to see a legend back
So glad to see “Tassback” on fifa ruining people 😂
‘tassback’ - as i said in the last video i’ve missed the content a lot! so refreshing to have you back. love the chilled vibes 🙏
Tass back baby
You're the most underrated FaZe Member!
TassbacK, great to see that you’re back again. Always to me, one of the best FIFA players in the world no matter the result. Keep doing you beast
Tass is back
Tass back 🔥
TassBacK this guys a legend fr how can u not enjoy his content glad to see u back ✅❤️
Tassback ! Bout time my boy returned!! Can’t wait for weekend league vids
Still loving the comeback brother, glad to see the return of the Tass man.
Tassback finally the video I was waiting for
#Tassback so glad to have you back man been way too long ✌️
Bloody hell your back
Tass back cmon lad
“Tass back” would love those points to finally have a fifa with a bit of money put into it also I think you should try adama traore packed him and he’s been great
Tass back! Love this team I had most of these players already so this was nice to make!
@tass back, great to see you back, hope things go well
”Tassback” in Sweden We have a saying that goes: ”Fine people arrive late” thats How I feel about you being back mate. #tassback
Your the 🐐 man ! Your supporting my fav team and not only the best clan in the world . How can anyone top that 🏆
TaskBack!! You’re the goat 🐐
He’s alive!!!
“Tass back” i was genuinely confused when your videos stopped popping up on my timeline 😂
‘tassback’ good to see u back on the scene man
#tassback, glad you’re back Tass, missed your videos ❤️
‘Tassback’ so glad ur back bro your my favourite youtuber its been to long keep up the good work !!!
"Tassback" so happy to see the goat back !!! FIFA 21 isn't ready
looking forward to more videos from the GOAT “tassback”
Lets gooooo Tassyeerrr is back
Tassback! Oi big up tass! Glad to have you back ! My favorite pro player 🤙🏽
‘Tassback’ the goat is back again
#Tassback good to see you back man
“Tassback” said it last time but good to have you back mate❤️
Wait how do you get the chem
couple guys are off chem but trust me it doesnt matter
#TassBack Making lockdown bearable with quality content! Keep it up and Thank you✌🏼
Welcome back
Tass: I remember my outro
Also Tass: Says Peach rather than Peace
Your videos are simply fanTASStic.
"Tassback" the goat is back!!!!!!
TASSBACK let's gooooo
“TassBack” aka the goat is back let’s go can’t wait for WL bro
Looking forwards to more videos man 🙌
#tassback finally, loved your videos so much man🙏
Really enjoying the content mate👍 keep it up
#Tassback notifications on so im notified when you upload👑
tassback THE GOAT
“TassBack” he back back
Tassback 💪🏼💪🏼 ... good to see one of my fav fifa players return! Hopefully for good cuz this fifa is decent haha
TassBacK best pro player
Yas Tass is back. "TASSBACK"
'tassback' I checked several times your channel and finally, u have been uploading.
#TassBack good to have you back love the content, I legit tried almost every team you have ever made a video on so I'll definitely try this team out
#tassback great to see you back bro what have you been doing while you’ve been away from TH-cam?
#Tassisback! Lets go my guy! So glad to see you back definitely dont have to give gift cards to apologise! You couldn't help losing your motivation bro! Keep up the hard work and make sure your happy with what you do!
"Tassback" the fifa goat is finally back
#Tass back ☺️ missed your videos man, you help me get so much better in fifa just by watching your style
"TassBack" The man, the myth, the legend: The goat has returned
Tass back he’s the goat no 🧢
The god has returned
Tass Back. Tassing it around
Custom tactics?
“tassback” happy to see you’re back! Hopefully you can get some more wins on that record
Tassback the goat 🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰
TASSBACK less gooo
TassBack jeeezzzz
Tassback finally
How do i fit depay and promes into this team
Tass back
Oh yeah tassback 🇬🇧💯
And the chemistry?
TassBacK ... and 2 uploads in 2 days!!
“ Tassback” lets gooo
Tass back I want too see the 5 3 2 formation come in faze Tass back