They should have made either a movie or TV series on the Pirate Queen Grace 0 malley of Mayo instead of that ridiculous 25 million flop on Broadway New York City by the Riverdance producers why they thought a New York City crowd know anything about a 16 th century Irish pirate queen is beyond me
Now they have to have a museum on the hero of Irish revolution Ernie 0 malley and his book the best on that period on another man's wound
I happened to be on Clare Island when this was taking place, a lovely family to meet who travelled near and far to be there
Thanks for sharing your comments!
Grace is my 13th great grandmother.
They should have made either a movie or TV series on the Pirate Queen Grace 0 malley of Mayo instead of that ridiculous 25 million flop on Broadway New York City by the Riverdance producers why they thought a New York City crowd know anything about a 16 th century Irish pirate queen is beyond me