Great video, wonderful bike. Noticed your clutch cable on the top left hand nut on the gearbox, not on the right like many others, was that how the originals were? Thank you.
Until 1948, the clutch cable was placed from the bottom on the right side of the engine, where the boss on the gearbox is made, but sometimes the bosses from the production were damaged (failure failed), so the clutch cable was placed at the top to the left. Since 1950, the horn has been moved to the right side and the voltage regulator to the center of the frame and the clutch cable has been routed up the right side.
Perfektní video, chci ho mít přesně takhkle, teď mě čeká výroba uchytu kulometu a kanystrů takže mi video více než dost pomohlo.. Díky
Super schön restauriert.
Pan fapeko je neuvěřitelně šikovnej člověk. Pěkná práce👏👏
Kolejna piękna emka. Jak zwykle dobra robota.
nádherná práce ...
Moc pěkná práce.😁
Great video, wonderful bike. Noticed your clutch cable on the top left hand nut on the gearbox, not on the right like many others, was that how the originals were? Thank you.
Until 1948, the clutch cable was placed from the bottom on the right side of the engine, where the boss on the gearbox is made, but sometimes the bosses from the production were damaged (failure failed), so the clutch cable was placed at the top to the left.
Since 1950, the horn has been moved to the right side and the voltage regulator to the center of the frame and the clutch cable has been routed up the right side.
Ahoj, jsi šikula a prosím tē, jaká to je replika kulometu a kde jsi ji pořídil. Děkuji
Dobrý den, replika kulometu DP 28 je made in Poland
Dobrý večer.kde sa dá zohnať,replika guľometu?
Piękna M72, jaki model opony? Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Polski 🖐
Dziękuję, opony są Mitas 4,00x19 H02
@@Dneprmotoservis dziękuję za info, dużo zdrowia ✌
Dobrý deň.ake je to číslo farby
Číslo barvy neexistuje, barva je namíchána dle originálního ulozenkoveho dílů