I was baptized Mormon. And my whole side of my mom’s side is. I burnt the Book of Mormon when I was 12. It made me completely fall from Christ and I’m almost 37. I’m pretty sure I have many generational curses but I honestly feel our Mormon bloodline literally has cursed me since I burnt that book. God has a plan for me and I’m under spiritual warfare! Please pray for me and my family. Amen
Once you are a believer in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior you are bought with the price paid in His death for your sins. All previous curses are released and your old spirit is replaced with God’s Holy Spirit which is the only part of your life now that is guaranteed a life in eternity with God. Satan nor demons can reside in you any longer as they were ejected upon your salvation and in dwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirt and demons do not co-reside in us. Read the book of Romans in the Bible for encouragement. And read the Gospel of John for confidence in the unrelenting Love of Christ. Any generation curse over your life was broken by Jesus Christ. 😊
If you invited Christ in, the past is gone, behold all things are made new. Put on the new man-by faith, and cast down every thought and imagination that says …”your stuck-your past did this to you” cast that down and speak the word over the accuser…(Jesus gave us this example). I am redeemed, I have been bought by the blood of Christ! I am above and not beneath, I might be shaken-but I’m not destroyed! Take every thought captive and cast down any thought that is against the Bible. Spiritual warfare is real! But we won…speaking and building yourself up helps us walk in that victory instead of being afraid.
Listening in from Zambia. 2024 Our friends in false religions and cults can be very nice but misled people, thank you for the reminder to constantly pray for my people that they may not be misled
I’ve had a lot of questions about this very topic. I live in Upstate New York. There are young missionaries here from Idaho and Utah. I actually sit and talk with these young men once a week for about an hour. This short video absolutely reinforces my Christian beliefs against Mormonism. Thank you, Pastor Mark!
The Catholic Church is the largest Christian sect in the world, with 1.278-1.390 billion baptized Catholics as of 2024. This makes up about 50% of all Christians. Any Christian religion that replaces Jesus with another entity would be considered Antichrist, such as Mary or the Pope. Additionally, any church that changes any laws would qualify as Antichrist. Unfortunately, the majority of professed Christians follow the Catholic Church's first-day Sunday substitute Sabbath over God's true seventh-day holy Sabbath. If you claim to be a Bible-following Christian, then you need to follow all 10 of God's Commandments. 'If you love me, follow my commandments' is a phrase directly from the Bible, specifically John 14:15, where Jesus says that demonstrating love for him is through obedience to his teachings and commands.
Galatians 1:8 “But even if we or an Angel from Heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, a curse be on him!” Paul predicted Islam and Joseph Smith’s false prophesy
It's the same way with Christians. Most people that I know who claim to be Christian almost never read the Bible. That's something we as Christians need to do. Without that, we replace scripture with our own notions of right and wrong. People will take their own opinions and attach them to God, believing them to be like the gospel. We must read our Bible to really know God.
Allah calls to die for him, but Christ calls to live for him ! Allah wants submission from all, but Christ offers his love to all ! Allah says he is the best deceiver, but Christ proclaims he is the Truth ! Allah curses those who dont believe him, but Christ wants to save all !✝
Even the Quran says that followers of Jesus are "superior" Surah 3:55 - Behold! Allah said: “O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; *I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith* , to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.
@@martinscrapp7166 According to the vast majority of classical scholars and commentators on the Quran, the “followers” in that verse is referring to the Muslims and the monotheistic non-trinitarian followers of Christ عليه السلام in the Middle East who eventually converted to Islam, not pagan Rome. But nice try twisting the verse.
@@mrschemistry They have their own careers and livelihoods to support their families. They serve for free in addition to their worldly responsibilities.
Only the devil goes around saying look here here are some who are against Christ and that is how you know he is one who is not with God and does not know who Christ is for the one who only brings division Does not come with the Holy Spirit or the truth
Notice how the only thing he could say about Islam is that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ supposedly received revelation from a demon instead of Gabriel. Funnily enough, the Jews said the same thing about Jesus in the New Testament, and this is Jesus’ response: _“How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. _*_If Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but he is finished!?”_* (Mark 3:23-26) Not only do Muslims recite the prayer أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم (“I seek refuge from the outcast Devil”) at least 17 times a day in the 5 daily prayers (more so than “Christians”), but the Quran itself condemns Satan and warns mankind of his deception (i.e. 15:28-44, 7:27, 18:50, 36:60 etc). Quran recitations are also used to cast out demons (ruqya). So according to the Bible itself (not this so-called “Pastor”’s whims and fancies), Islam cannot be from the devil or some other “demonic” entity since that would mean that Satan has “risen up against himself” and casts out himself. So basically, your OWN scripture which you’re bound by buries you and your claims. Got any real arguments?
I've wondered for awhile whether the so-called Eucharist miracles (among others) claimed by the Catholic church were demonic, for the purpose of tricking Catholics into idolatry. Or, more likely, the church is just lying about them and they never actually happened.
God has been performing Eucharistic miracles since circa III-IV century. There is a variety/types of God's Eucharistic miracles and there are over one hundred documented. The website created by the late Blessed Carlo Acutis is the best place to explore - google "The Eucharistic Miracles of the World collated by the late Blessed Carlo Acutis". The bloody type of Eucharistic miracle is where the consecrated elements become visible to the senses as literal flesh and blood. Some of these bloody Eucharistic miracle Hosts have undergone expert scientific analysis. Science on bloody Eucharistic miracle Hosts evidence that they are human heart tissue, the heart tissue is living, the heart is suffering, they are AB blood type, DNA sequencing tests are inconclusive and the presence of only one X sex chromosome means that Jesus Christ was not conceived by male Human sperm. The oldest Eucharistic miracle Host tested is from Lanciano, Italy and is around 1200yrs old! For more details watch the following two youtube videos Scientific Evidence of Eucharistic Miracles - Inspired By Carlo Acutis by The Joy of the Faith Eucharistic Miracles: Scientific Proof - Explaining the Faith by Divine Mercy AB type blood, found in all scientifically analysed Eucharistic miracles, was also found under scientific analysis on the Turin Shroud which science has proven to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. The difference between the two is that the AB blood (and the heart tissue) found in Eucharist miracles is living ("I am the living bread…") and the AB blood on the Shroud is dead. What Eucharistic miracles and the miracle of the Turin Shroud have in common is that they are off the scale fundamentally impossible for humans to replicate. God bless you
We believe in Jesus Christ. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is definitely not being led by "Demonic Forces." The Pastor reflected upon why there are so many churches and Temples in his immediate area. It is because many hundreds of people are finding refuge in this confusion world. They are finding comfort in a testomony of Jesus Christ. They find peace through serving others. This peace comes from the holy spirit.
This pastor has a vested interest in trying to find fault in other churches. If an individual joins another faith it effects his bottom line. As another individual commented, the LDS leaders do not get paid. People serve in the Church for free because they want to better the lives of those they serve. Let us join together in a united front against sin and permissiveness that is bringing our world down. If you have questions life remember to ask God for light and knowledge. James 1:5. " If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."
Even demons believe in Jesus Christ. The LDS are well-intentioned, but they are deceived. The problem with the LDS is that they preach a different Jesus from that of the Bible. The Jesus in the Bible is not a created being, and therefore, Satan/Lucifer, is _not_ his spirit brother. Satan/Lucifer, is a created being just like all the other angels. Just read 1 John 5:7, and you'll see that there is no way Satan/Lucifer, is Jesus "spirit brother". Additionally, LDS believe in baptising the dead by proxy - definitely not biblical doctrine whatsoever. I have an LDS friend (40+ years)...and he is not even sure he is saved! He only revealed this to me very recently, and since then I have been trying to get him to see, that the Gospel as given by Jesus, not Joseph Smith, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
For Years I had that Understanding in the Spirit Mormonism and Islam had too many Resemblances and Facts in Common not to be of the same Origin and the same in the Spiritual Dimension..........Both Refer to a Prophet, Mohammed, Smith that came after a Seal of Prophets, Both consider Jesus just a Prophet and not Son of God, both stress Polygamy, and Carnal-Holiness rather than Walking in the Spiritual Realm with Power, Both use Ex-Communication to Isolate and Persecute True Believers among them, Both Follow ( Prophets that are in Real Life Criminals)..........Way too many Coincidences that Bind the Two like no Other on the Planet...........Selah
Not true. First of all, there is no "mormonism". The people referred to as "Mormons" are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Do a little research.
That is absolutely untrue. Members of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints do not think that Jesus Christ is a prophet. They think that he is the son of God literally. The third person of the Godhead. In addition to heavenly father and the Holy Ghost.
Pastor, how will we recognize the angel mentioned in Revelation 14: 6 if these beings from the unseen world are all demonic. An angel is coming, so how will we know? 6. And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
The funny thing is, Jews could say the same thing about Christians. Jesus' announcement was brought about by an angel. He taught against things which were considered the Law of the time, but were only Traditions. But apparently a young man having a similar experience to the apostle Stephen is obviously demonic because it went against the Traditions that were considered the Law of the time.
first of all, by their actions we know who is for Christ or against Christ. do miracles all u want but ur teachings and other practices will show ur true nature either immediately or in time
Study the book of acts, they had many Holy Spirit experiences. That power is the example of God's church. So one way we connect is pray, also being sharp in the Word. So if you are lacking in both, you could easily be led astray by the power of Satan
I find it ironic that the charismatic signs and wonders pastors preach out against the signs and wonders of false religions like Mormonism and Islam, but don’t seem to realize that they’re seeking after the exact same counterfeit miracles with charismatic theology
I was baptized Mormon. And my whole side of my mom’s side is. I burnt the Book of Mormon when I was 12. It made me completely fall from Christ and I’m almost 37. I’m pretty sure I have many generational curses but I honestly feel our Mormon bloodline literally has cursed me since I burnt that book. God has a plan for me and I’m under spiritual warfare! Please pray for me and my family. Amen
Once you are a believer in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior you are bought with the price paid in His death for your sins. All previous curses are released and your old spirit is replaced with God’s Holy Spirit which is the only part of your life now that is guaranteed a life in eternity with God.
Satan nor demons can reside in you any longer as they were ejected upon your salvation and in dwelling of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirt and demons do not co-reside in us. Read the book of Romans in the Bible for encouragement. And read the Gospel of John for confidence in the unrelenting Love of Christ.
Any generation curse over your life was broken by Jesus Christ. 😊
These two Bible Studies by Stephen Armstrong will bless you greatly
Just believe the gospel and forget about that generational curse BS
If you invited Christ in, the past is gone, behold all things are made new. Put on the new man-by faith, and cast down every thought and imagination that says …”your stuck-your past did this to you” cast that down and speak the word over the accuser…(Jesus gave us this example). I am redeemed, I have been bought by the blood of Christ! I am above and not beneath, I might be shaken-but I’m not destroyed!
Take every thought captive and cast down any thought that is against the Bible.
Spiritual warfare is real! But we won…speaking and building yourself up helps us walk in that victory instead of being afraid.
Listening in from Zambia. 2024
Our friends in false religions and cults can be very nice but misled people, thank you for the reminder to constantly pray for my people that they may not be misled
Love this. It's hard trying to get people to understand
I’ve had a lot of questions about this very topic. I live in Upstate New York. There are young missionaries here from Idaho and Utah. I actually sit and talk with these young men once a week for about an hour. This short video absolutely reinforces my Christian beliefs against Mormonism. Thank you, Pastor Mark!
Please how ?
Am a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 😭 of myself because of low finance but I still believe God😞
It's Elizabeth Ann Hanson doing she's changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need.
$356K monthly is something you should feel differently about....
Lovely! I enjoyed it like I enjoy a $100k monthly around the turn!!!
Glad more people are talking about mormons lol
Hello from Georgia USA. We're praying 🙏 for all of Africa to come to JESUS CHRIST 🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
The Catholic Church is the largest Christian sect in the world, with 1.278-1.390 billion baptized Catholics as of 2024. This makes up about 50% of all Christians. Any Christian religion that replaces Jesus with another entity would be considered Antichrist, such as Mary or the Pope. Additionally, any church that changes any laws would qualify as Antichrist. Unfortunately, the majority of professed Christians follow the Catholic Church's first-day Sunday substitute Sabbath over God's true seventh-day holy Sabbath. If you claim to be a Bible-following Christian, then you need to follow all 10 of God's Commandments. 'If you love me, follow my commandments' is a phrase directly from the Bible, specifically John 14:15, where Jesus says that demonstrating love for him is through obedience to his teachings and commands.
Galatians 1:8 “But even if we or an Angel from Heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, a curse be on him!”
Paul predicted Islam and Joseph Smith’s false prophesy
Most muslims young and old dont know the Koran 😮
It's the same way with Christians. Most people that I know who claim to be Christian almost never read the Bible. That's something we as Christians need to do. Without that, we replace scripture with our own notions of right and wrong. People will take their own opinions and attach them to God, believing them to be like the gospel. We must read our Bible to really know God.
@@Bubbascrub237 They are called "cultural Christians". Even Richard Dawkins is one of them.
Thanks for sharing Pastor
The Lord bless everyone 😊
Wow, Amen
"Shop the Mark Driscoll store". Get your Mormon vs. Islam T-Shirt today.$$$$$$$$
Allah calls to die for him, but Christ calls to live for him !
Allah wants submission from all, but Christ offers his love to all !
Allah says he is the best deceiver, but Christ proclaims he is the Truth !
Allah curses those who dont believe him, but Christ wants to save all !✝
Even the Quran says that followers of Jesus are "superior"
Surah 3:55 - Behold! Allah said: “O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; *I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith* , to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.
well said
@@martinscrapp7166 According to the vast majority of classical scholars and commentators on the Quran, the “followers” in that verse is referring to the Muslims and the monotheistic non-trinitarian followers of Christ عليه السلام in the Middle East who eventually converted to Islam, not pagan Rome. But nice try twisting the verse.
islam appeals to the flesh.
I'll say this for Mormons: Unlike bro evangelical pastors their pastors don't take a dime.
How do they eat?
@@mrschemistry They have their own careers and livelihoods to support their families. They serve for free in addition to their worldly responsibilities.
Only the devil goes around saying look here here are some who are against Christ and that is how you know he is one who is not with God and does not know who Christ is for the one who only brings division Does not come with the Holy Spirit or the truth
Mormons do that ALL the time. They claim THEY ARE the true church. But if you do your research, im sure you'd have questions and think otherwise🤷♀️
I Like to say Jesus it sounds more appropriate.
Notice how the only thing he could say about Islam is that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ supposedly received revelation from a demon instead of Gabriel. Funnily enough, the Jews said the same thing about Jesus in the New Testament, and this is Jesus’ response:
_“How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. _*_If Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but he is finished!?”_* (Mark 3:23-26)
Not only do Muslims recite the prayer أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم (“I seek refuge from the outcast Devil”) at least 17 times a day in the 5 daily prayers (more so than “Christians”), but the Quran itself condemns Satan and warns mankind of his deception (i.e. 15:28-44, 7:27, 18:50, 36:60 etc). Quran recitations are also used to cast out demons (ruqya). So according to the Bible itself (not this so-called “Pastor”’s whims and fancies), Islam cannot be from the devil or some other “demonic” entity since that would mean that Satan has “risen up against himself” and casts out himself. So basically, your OWN scripture which you’re bound by buries you and your claims.
Got any real arguments?
Those that take scripture out of context for an argument, which you just did, show they no nothing of God’s word.
"A lie is not a lie if it is said to keep the peace or deceive the enemy."
I've wondered for awhile whether the so-called Eucharist miracles (among others) claimed by the Catholic church were demonic, for the purpose of tricking Catholics into idolatry. Or, more likely, the church is just lying about them and they never actually happened.
Jesus himself performed the first Eucharist miracle, and commanded us to “do this in memory of me”
God has been performing Eucharistic miracles since circa III-IV century. There is a variety/types of God's Eucharistic miracles and there are over one hundred documented. The website created by the late Blessed Carlo Acutis is the best place to explore - google "The Eucharistic Miracles of the World collated by the late Blessed Carlo Acutis". The bloody type of Eucharistic miracle is where the consecrated elements become visible to the senses as literal flesh and blood. Some of these bloody Eucharistic miracle Hosts have undergone expert scientific analysis.
Science on bloody Eucharistic miracle Hosts evidence that they are human heart tissue, the heart tissue is living, the heart is suffering, they are AB blood type, DNA sequencing tests are inconclusive and the presence of only one X sex chromosome means that Jesus Christ was not conceived by male Human sperm. The oldest Eucharistic miracle Host tested is from Lanciano, Italy and is around 1200yrs old! For more details watch the following two youtube videos
Scientific Evidence of Eucharistic Miracles - Inspired By Carlo Acutis by The Joy of the Faith
Eucharistic Miracles: Scientific Proof - Explaining the Faith by Divine Mercy
AB type blood, found in all scientifically analysed Eucharistic miracles, was also found under scientific analysis on the Turin Shroud which science has proven to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. The difference between the two is that the AB blood (and the heart tissue) found in Eucharist miracles is living ("I am the living bread…") and the AB blood on the Shroud is dead. What Eucharistic miracles and the miracle of the Turin Shroud have in common is that they are off the scale fundamentally impossible for humans to replicate.
God bless you
We believe in Jesus Christ. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is definitely not being led by "Demonic Forces."
The Pastor reflected upon why there are so many churches and Temples in his immediate area. It is because many hundreds of people are finding refuge in this confusion world. They are finding comfort in a testomony of Jesus Christ. They find peace through serving others. This peace comes from the holy spirit.
This pastor has a vested interest in trying to find fault in other churches. If an individual joins another faith it effects his bottom line. As another individual commented, the LDS leaders do not get paid. People serve in the Church for free because they want to better the lives of those they serve.
Let us join together in a united front against sin and permissiveness that is bringing our world down.
If you have questions life remember to ask God for light and knowledge. James 1:5.
" If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."
Even demons believe in Jesus Christ. The LDS are well-intentioned, but they are deceived. The problem with the LDS is that they preach a different Jesus from that of the Bible. The Jesus in the Bible is not a created being, and therefore, Satan/Lucifer, is _not_ his spirit brother. Satan/Lucifer, is a created being just like all the other angels. Just read 1 John 5:7, and you'll see that there is no way Satan/Lucifer, is Jesus "spirit brother". Additionally, LDS believe in baptising the dead by proxy - definitely not biblical doctrine whatsoever.
I have an LDS friend (40+ years)...and he is not even sure he is saved! He only revealed this to me very recently, and since then I have been trying to get him to see, that the Gospel as given by Jesus, not Joseph Smith, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
@@CuDoggo5343 Am from USA 🇺🇸 I'm LDS/Mormon am a Trump Supporter, and I Support Isreal while having a Jew flag 🇮🇱. I'm also learning Hebrew Jew
For Years I had that Understanding in the Spirit Mormonism and Islam had too many Resemblances and Facts in Common not to be of the same Origin and the same in the Spiritual Dimension..........Both Refer to a Prophet, Mohammed, Smith that came after a Seal of Prophets, Both consider Jesus just a Prophet and not Son of God, both stress Polygamy, and Carnal-Holiness rather than Walking in the Spiritual Realm with Power, Both use Ex-Communication to Isolate and Persecute True Believers among them, Both Follow ( Prophets that are in Real Life Criminals)..........Way too many Coincidences that Bind the Two like no Other on the Planet...........Selah
Not true. First of all, there is no "mormonism". The people referred to as "Mormons" are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Do a little research.
That is absolutely untrue. Members of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints do not think that Jesus Christ is a prophet. They think that he is the son of God literally. The third person of the Godhead. In addition to heavenly father and the Holy Ghost.
@@cheryleighmerrill2086 How about the Rest of it........??
Dude really just described the Old Testament. 💀
Pastor, how will we recognize the angel mentioned in Revelation 14: 6 if these beings from the unseen world are all demonic. An angel is coming, so how will we know? 6. And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
The counter arguments in the comments have gotten pitiably monotonous .
The funny thing is, Jews could say the same thing about Christians. Jesus' announcement was brought about by an angel. He taught against things which were considered the Law of the time, but were only Traditions.
But apparently a young man having a similar experience to the apostle Stephen is obviously demonic because it went against the Traditions that were considered the Law of the time.
if only the pastor had proof.
Can anyone provide a real world example of a healing or some other miracle that is being attributed to Satan and not Christ?
first of all, by their actions we know who is for Christ or against Christ. do miracles all u want but ur teachings and other practices will show ur true nature either immediately or in time
Putting Obama in office twice was the biggest miracle I can think of. That and the whole pandemic nonsense.
@@matthewmbober4426 this past election was a battle between good and evil
Muhammad was visited by a demon, Islam is Bologna
Study the book of acts, they had many Holy Spirit experiences. That power is the example of God's church.
So one way we connect is pray, also being sharp in the Word. So if you are lacking in both, you could easily be led astray by the power of Satan
You should really be concerned about the contradiction in your preaching.
You seem to believe satire as true because it relates to your hate rhetoric.
I find it ironic that the charismatic signs and wonders pastors preach out against the signs and wonders of false religions like Mormonism and Islam, but don’t seem to realize that they’re seeking after the exact same counterfeit miracles with charismatic theology
like speaking in tongues and being slain in the spirt both demonic miracles
@@geoffreypalmer2661 not even that. It's just peer pressure. You'd never do it unless you were told to.
How much did you get paid to say these things?
Our prise is in Heaven.