“I didn’t leave the C of E, it left me”: Rico Tice talks to TWR-UK about evangelism and his faith.
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- I’m joined today by the Christian minister and evangelist Rico Tice - he’s the co-author of the well known course Christianity Explored and until 2024 he was an Anglican clergyman. His books include Honest Evangelism, Faithful Leaders and Capturing God. In our discussion today we’re going to find out about how Rico came to faith, why he chose to leave the Church of England and how he can encourage us all to be more confident when we talk to those around us about the Christian faith.
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for Rico speaking the truth on the Gospel. I have been in the Church of England from a child but as soon as they started talking about blessing same sex relationship I left and now go to a free Anglican church where the Bible is preached in truth.
Very encouraging beautiful and positive give to Jesus glory
Yes, I agree with the pastor, and so refreshing to see this optimism despite all the recent goings on. We're all tasked with spreading the word, but many need the confidence that it's the right thing to do in this society that's fallen to sin and selfishness.
Agree. Confidence in sharing faith in Jesus, and the pending fear of being arrested for speaking about our wonderful Saviour, Jesus.
As a born again Christian, I had a word from God the other day when praying for The Houses of Parliament, and it was Mathew 21:13 Where Jesus was speaking to the leaders (the Sanhedrin), when he went in to the temple courts in righteous anger and overturned the tables of the money changers.
“It is written,” he said to them, “ 'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it 'a den of robbers."
The people in power in The Houses of Parliament and those in rhe CofE are literally turning their backs on God's word and laughing at Him.
God will ultimately have the last laugh.
What a refreshing interview!
I remember Rico speaking at the Keswick Convention a few years ago. He spoke very well and stuck to the Bible. Shame the C of E has strayed so far from the Bible and what it should stand for.
Great video - and encouraging on many fronts - to teachers in schools helping with CUs, those called to equip the church in evangelism, to folks who might have forgotten the power of opening up God word with someone, to people who thought a dying culture meant the death of opportunity for the gospel... We have been very encouraged this month in seeing folks hungry to read Mark's gospel and come back each week with deep and thoughtful questions. So thankful for CE and the joy of using it to bring people into the orbit of Jesus. Andrew
God bless Rico Tice and the group that are exploring Christianity in our local village! We need lots more leaders like this!
The C of E left us all.
My C of E runs Rico Tice courses. Have a word with your minister if you feel it would help. I am hopeful for all people who seek their spiritual destiny.
I like John Bunyan's book. But I prefer to find study time with my questions to (and from) our New Testament God, in private prayer time. Love to you all.
What Rico is saying is the truth. Anglicanism has become parallel to the Roman Catholicism. It is more ritualistic based on processions, formal litanies and habitual ceremonies. The churches have dwindling numbers and they make every effort to take on all kinds secular outreach activities - yet, without the gospel and biblical teaching, this is in vain.
The Church has for TWO THOUSAND YEARS offered a Holy Liturgy based on processions, formal litanies and habitual ceremonies. The Lord Jesus Christ worshiped at the Temple in Jerusalem which offered a Holy Liturgy based on processions, formal litanies and habitual ceremonies. That is how Christians worship and have ALWAYS worshiped.
The Holy Orthodox Church in England is receiving many converts at the moment, it is the Church founded by Christ.
We Christians worship the Trinity with processions, formal litanies and habitual ceremonies as well as giving our lives to Christ, it isn't either/or. ☦☦☦☦☦☦☦
Displaying your ignorance of the truths of Catholicism here...Yes, Modernism has infiltrated the Church and many so called leaders are clearly not even Christian....but the remnant faithful still believes and lives the fullness of the truth 🙏 see Traditional Catholicism which is growing and drawing many young (despite the best efforts of the infiltrators).
@marcokite There is nothing in the NT about liturgies, priests, creeds and priests, this is reading your tradition back into the Bible
@@andrewwilson6099 if you are genuinely seeking the truth may I suggest you research the early Church Fathers who were closest to the apostles.... the first Christians had their instructions directly from those who knew Jesus. I can't see God waiting 1500 years to correctly establish His Church, can you? A good book is : the four witnesses- the Church in her own words. God bless and guide you
God give us grace to uphold Biblical teaching about sex within marriage between a man and a woman for life. It’s a nice surprise to hear that the local bishop has continued to grant Rico permission to officiate. This is a good testimony!
This is 100% my experience too. I now go to a Reformed Baptist Church. I miss the Eucharist and the Book of Common Prayer but this church is faithful to the Bible.
Which bits of the Bible?
Great to know that you have your PTO back, praise God.
Sandy Bliss
If we recaptured within church what it means to fear God then obedience would be much easier. We have dethroned the gospel by making it cheap. Word of faith and prosperity gospel is taking over many of the more popular 'churches', and feminism has corrupted too many otherwise faithful followers.
Lets remember God is sooo loving and merciful yet it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of God if not covered by the blood of Jesus.
My heart breaks for the sheep that have a wolf as their 'leader'.
Thank you Rico for staying faithful ❤
I recently read an interview with John Stott in his republished book ‘Balanced Christianity’ (IVP). He is well known for urging evangelical Anglicans to stay in the CofE, saying, “it’s a good boat to fish from”. Interestingly, he was asked what would signal that it was time to leave the CofE. He said two things: first, major doctrinal errors concerning the person and work of Christ. Second, he said, “if the church were to approve of homosexual partnerships as a legitimate alternative to heterosexual marriage, this so far diverges from the sexual ethic of the Bible that I would find it exceedingly difficult to stay. I might want to stay on and fight for a few more years, but if they persisted I would have to leave.”
Now many bishops are even moving to support homosexual marriage.
Interesting take on what an evangelist is.
Thank goodness he left. The true church sees through how the world wants to get the church body to ask God to BLESS SIN. Welldone Rico Tice for upholding the truth!
Thanks for this. But I have to ask - why is it foggy in your room?
Is that a heaven filter on rico's camera?
Moral - if you're talking into a camera, don't have a light behind you!
Why was your father weeping when his brother was killed an evidence for a lack of true faith? Jesus wept when his friend Lazarus died. Christians mourn as well as anyone else. We need to avoid a toxic positivity that can be seen in some Christian circles.
So exhausting. On one or two theological points you just depart. Purity and theological accuracy matters more than anything else, obviously. Better to be right than loving & compassionate.
I think it's becoming more difficult for Christians to live a Godly life because so many have confused Christianity with holding right-wing political views. I don't understand how Rico Tice can sneer about "liberal progressive individualism" and complain about the Church of England permitting same-sex blessings and yet say nothing at all about the US evangelicals who ignore most of the New Testament and who worship Trump. What about Matthew 25:34-40? What about Matthew 7:21-23? What about Luke 12:1?
I cannot see how choosing a para-church teaching programme over a church is ever a right move. Our Anglican parish church is part of the CofE and entirely faithful to the traditional views Tice describes. We have not and do not intend to leave the CofE - something any traditional church could have done for the last 100 years and more based on his reasoning. Schism is more clearly condemned in Scripture than even SSM. The CofE is already a schism so does not need to add to the list - witness the agonies of the Unblessed Calvin Robinson who is on perhaps his fourth 'Anglican-style' church in about 4 years.
Thank you for such a helpful interview. Rico - you have a God given gift of evangelism and, in particular, I give thanks for your work with the imprisoned.
However I don’t agree with your views completely and find the conservative Christian obsession with sexuality (which Jesus did not talk about) while saying so little about such matters as systematic injustice, the perils of wealth, unkindness, truth, love for one’s neighbour and, indeed love for God curious. However, we are all on a discipleship journey and all of us see through a glass darkly. Thankfully Jesus reminds us that our role is not to judge ….at least not until we have all removed specks from our own eyes.
“They said, ‘Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away.’ ‘It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law,’ Jesus replied. ‘But at the beginning of creation God “made them male and female”. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no-one separate.’”
Mark 10:4-9 NIVUK
Thanks Mike - that is correct but few left the CoE when it accepted divorce which, as you point out, Jesus specifically spoke about.
Indeed - wasn't the C of E founded so that Henry VIII could divorce his wife and marry a younger woman?
Youbreally should be in Christ's vhurch, the body if believers. Not a sectarian division of man seeking its own name and glory, as is the natute of Babylon. If my wife called herself after another's name, I wouldn't happy.
Rico is 'grateful' to the 'bishop' of London??? She is NOT a bishop! Rico is by definition, not an 'evangelical Christian' if he actually believes she's a bishop!
Time for Holy Orthodoxy ☦☦☦
That is your view.
Just remember this man’s PTO was suspended for safeguarding reasons
Thank goodness he left. The Church doesn't need such bigotry.
Best off without him
I left the C or E and now attend a Free Evangelical Church. FIEC. ✝️
I left the C of E and now attend the Holy Orthodox Church into which I was received last year, thanks be to God for all things! ☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦
There is only one church, the Pentecostal church
@peterhesedzao may I enquire what evidence you have for this?
@peterhesedzao, did you know that there is only *one* Church that Jesus Himself said He was going to build?
Matthew 16:18 which says that Jesus, after renaming Peter to Cephas (Gr. "Pebble), that He would "upon this rock (Himself) I will *build My Church..."*
*HIS Church,* NOT any given Denomination. That Church is now the Remnant Church, the future Bride of Christ , that He will soon come to reclaim, and are NOT present between Revelation 5 and 20; those which are, are the Tribulation Saints. But that is another conversation.
However, I am quite sure you will say I have misquoted or pretexted the Matthew passage, but I believe that it has been hijacked by the Catholic Church down the centuries for it's own purposes.
I am glad you are in a Charismatic church, understand that G-d the Father, nor Jesus or the Holy Spirit is NO regarder of Gentile Denominations - indeed, I believe more 'Christians' are going to be left in the pews, come the Harpazo, than will be taken. But that's just me.
So, I hope you are one that is, and then we can chat under our fig trees in the Kingdom.
Keep your heart and faith fixed on Jesus *alone* - everything else is just secondary static. Shalom.
There are true believers...everywhere!!