Typical GenZ. Such amateur public speaking/communication skills. STOP TALKING ABOUT WHAT YOUR GOING TO TALK ABOUT AND THEN PIVOT TO A DIFFERENT SIDE TOPIC!! You'd be fired in any professional setting, because nobody can effectively listen to you!!
He maybe a "high ranking member" in the cult now, but once the money flow stops, it will be over. Cults have a nasty tendency to clean people from their belongings and money.
After doing a bit of research I've worked out that Braille made about $18 million from ad revenue alone, and all the skaters barely got paid any money. Aaron and his wife have both given at least $1million to church (they got an award for it) so It's safe to assume that 95% of the money went into their pockets. (their being that all of the owners are scientologists, including aaron, troy, lance and chloe (the girl in the recent vids)) Aaron is THE leader of scientology in SanFran, so he's going to be making a lot of money off his new recruits in the area even if Braille stops tomorrow. What I think the most worrying part is that ALL the current Braille employees and owners are scientologists, it would not be difficult to find some scientologist skaters (Gabe) when you're the LEADER of the city. He could then use Braille as a recruitment area for kids learning to skate. Nigel, Ricky, Uzi, Glo, JD, Moge etc leaving is the best thing that could happen to then.
@bloodredroses88 that's how business works. You made lots- pay your workers minimum wage so they won't quit. And you make the rest. Happens everywhere. You simply get paid enough not to quit.
@@willmax95 honestly I couldn’t sit through it. Appreciate you putting it out there, I’d just write a script or something cause it just feels like you’re holding onto the information until the end of the video
@@toothlesstnez sorry to hear. I feel like when I script stuff, skaters hate it. I also get too nerdy & focused on specific words when I script that I sound like a robot LOL think im more inclined to go penguinz0 style on videos. Just did a lousy job cutting my one or two bad moments out in this. Rest of the vid is good
ots easy. dude was too cheap yo pay his employees so we thought they were friends who skate until kyro fired them without warning then list everything and broke his foot.
its easy. dude was too cheap to pay his employees so we thought they were friends who skate until kyro fired them without warning then lost everything and broke his foot.
Honestly I really like Ricky, MO, Nigel, Glo, Uzi, JD. It hits me in the feels that Aaron burned those guys so bad. If someone built you, you can at least send a text to let the homies know, last day is x day...... seems like the bare minimum.
Disnt braille build then, though? Who would nige, uzi, glo etcl be without braille etc. The smart ones left and dint hang around it couldnt of been that bad. If nigel came back and hung around for this long.
He is extremely brainwashed hopefully he hits rock bottom and comes out of it that is always a possibility but he has to literally lose everything for that to happen.
@@phillipreisenauer3573 thats really nice of you to say, thank you. I hope to have you around for the long haul on my channel. People like you are who I hope are watching my videos.
Scientology is what's behind separation... Everyone,anyone, celebrities.etc. state detachment from family,friends is mandatory.... separation was inevitable with his ascension in scientology
@@st_troy lmao I bet, yeah I once checked their page out & thought I could learn a trick or two from the channel then didn’t go back after that to now all of this. Its a huge mess im glad you enjoyed my breakdown of it☺️
I wonder whether that decision came from his parents. He is just a kid after all. If I had a son, there is no way that I would let him associate with an organisation like Braille.
Only fairly recently did I learn that Ak was involved with the Nuthouse. THEN, I knew why I always felt a strange vibe while watching the guy interact with the crew. Moist Critical should DEFINITELY do a deep dive on this saga coz it's got EVERYTHING you should warn your kids about. Nice vid.
The funny thing is Aaron probably blocks everyone without replying because thats what the cult forces you to do when people mock them. So while this fire is burning Aaron is just throwing a blanket over it to pretend its not happening meanwhile its just making the fire massive.
Its hilarious how much Aaron is lying about this new position he got in scientology. Theres no denying it. Its on the websites naming his promotion and everything being said about him. But yet lies lies lies. But this is how scientologists work.
@willmax95 instead of getting mad, ask me what I think is bad. Talk to the people who click on your videos to see how they can get better. Don't throw a fit, communicate and the crazy thing about that is. If you were to interact and talk with me I'd probably end up subscribing and watching. All you have to do is not talk in a circle about something, just have to get to the point. I shouldn't watch 1/3 of the video and still have NO IDEA what he did. For example, I went and watch another video that was same length. They immediately said what he did and why everyone is mad then dove into it.
Scientology is mostly at fault here...but I think its important to keep in mind that most businesses will treat their employees like this. Were just workers to make the owners as much money as possible while they pay us as little as possible. Aaron just did it while pretending he cared about his employees.
Nigel has been a part of braille for probably closer to 12 years. Ricky is newer and glo is newest. You also didnt mention that once gabe left, that was the real start to the actual downfall. Gabe was the heart and soul of braille.
Going off some of the "leaving braille" videos, Kyro was working his guys pretty hard, even through injuries. Then there was certain videos that seemed pretty irresponsible like "SPARK TRUCKS VS GASOLINE", where they're testing different fuels for flammability, nobody seems to know whats going on and its a miracle nobody ended up with skin grafts.
It’s been years since I’ve watched a Braille video and I just found out about Aaron Kyro being a Scientologist, but this all sounds pretty much directly related to Scientology. I’ve learned a lot about Scientology over the past several years and it definitely falls into the “hurting people” category. The amount of physical, mental, emotional, and financial damage it has done to people is insane.
Hanging out for the ‘surviving Kyro’ doco to come out. Dude gazed at young boys with that creepy vibe who he invited to stay the night at his warehouse.
Negativity in the skateboarding world is a tricky subject. The regular everyday skater you find at the park smoking and being loud may be negative to you, but this is THEIR FORM of positivity. This could be their positive escape from a bad home life and of course other things. This doesn’t apply to everyone but I do feel the “negative” side of things he was painting was cliche. And down right to it can come from any form of extracurricular activities and is not only subject to skating.
Is anyone surprised Braille went bust? Kiro was Donating Millions to Scientology. I wouldn’t be surprised if the church made him sell Braille or took over something related just to milk more money out of him.
I stopped liking and respecting Aaron Kyro 6 maybe 7 years ago when I witnessed him bashing someone that he claimed to be teaching how to skate, he literally shamed someone new to skateboarding on a TH-cam video
If I’m honest the first red flag 🚩 for me was Fetty being caught out as a kiddy fiddler. I stopped watching around then. But now I see all this Scientology shit, makes me think that they targeted young kids for so many disturbing reasons. It’s a shame because they actually made great content and I used to watch them every week.
I wish there was a mogulmail version of this... i made it halfway through and im still unsure what the bad thing was, unless its just scientology..? Did he scam people out of money?!
I’ve been watching nearly half this video and still only vaguely know what happened. Some sort of summary of the situation before going into all the reactions from different people would have been really helpful.
@@willmax95I appreciate the breakdown, was just a little hard to follow until I got a grasp on what happened. Used to watch braille videos years ago but haven’t been following lately, saw a random TikTok about it and found my way here looking for answers. Thanks
A couple criticisms. for one, you said Aaron missed the point by focusing on the demolition of the park and how people didn't get their last session, but then when you talked about Ricky and Nigel, you wouldn't stop ranting about... how people didn't get their last session. Also, why do you think Ricky living far away and having to drive 10 hrs roundtrip is a big deal? Most people find work where they live so they don't need to commute, or they move closer to their workplace. Why do you think Ricky deserves more just because he lives far? He should've just moved like any normal employee would. And Aaron can always just find someone else, but decided to let Ricky stay. I'm just speaking from a boss and workplace standpoint. I don't think you're making valid complaints.
Scientology is such a hellhole 😢 I wish Aaron all the best to get out there. The amount of brainwashing they do is insane. Sad for the community and all the people. Aaron doesn't know what he's doing.
that original tik tok video. You are right to ask the question and give people the benefit the doubt. and agree, do what you want without hurting others.
Aaron Kyro spent a million on Scientology over the last 3 or 4 years and he's become the # 1 Executive position in San Fran. Watch growing up in Scientology video from 3 months ago. Ricky was ghosted because he was in the chat with that TH-camr. It's so immature and unprofessional to do what Kyro did to his team of employees.
I understand that Aaron most likely has been seriously affected by the loss of the warehouse (despite the positivity he is showing online). But that is no way an acceptable reason for the utter mistreatment of the team! I was a subscriber ever since the infamous glass skateboard incident. But even I’ve unsubbed. As much as many of us started watching for Aaron’s tutorials. Many of us grew to love the team, their shenanigans & most importantly Their camaraderie! So for all this to happen as it has. It’s unforgivable from the teams POV! Aaron had IT ALL! & simply gave it to the church! … silly, silly guy! The beauty of skating is that it doesn’t require you to be anything other than yourself! You know….. totally the opposite of what a certain “RELIGION” stands for! …The Hypocrisy is REAL in this one folks! & the viewers see & understand that. Sad to say it. But, Braille is done now. Fall from grace!? …Not half!!!!🤦🏻♂️
He's a scientologist. He's clearly a weird dude with serious issues. I got into the braile channel for a bit years ago cuz I thought it was a nice wholesome thing, and it seemed like all the guys loved doing it. But all the videos I watched I got a weird vibe from Aaron and the other guys always seemed slightly uncomfortable around him.
I hope Aaron and Steve Berra create a scientology super-group of skaters called "Berraille". They could have some banger vids like "Can we kickflip the Oprah's couch skateboard? Ft. Tom Cruise".
thanks for the explanation. It has been a while since I watched any braille videos and was so confused about the warehouse shutting down. Here is a comment and like to help spread the video
A great incentive to inform the community about the events but a tip for the future. Writing a script is super helpful to keep the information concise. Cause the video feels very disjointed and more of a ramble than a “this is what happened” video.
@@usedjuice3350 sorry, so should I write a script next time? I have ADHd man, doin my best. I’ve got a lot of people who have watched the vid & got all the info. I did rush the edit on this, & meant to cut out a couple lil moments that may have distracted you
If you’re going to make a video about someone/something you don’t need to talk about how you feel about it every second. Otherwise call it. “How I feel about Aaron Kyro” and we know not to watch it
Old Braille was the best then they got too big and mainstream.Arron wanted to keep ranking up in Scientology so he turned his back on Braille and the people who made it what it was.
At first I thought he was corny, then I thought he was ok. Now hes definitely pretty wack with the whole scientology bs. Definitely getting got by Scientology now but hopefully he gets his way out of it. Maybe some of the ex members of Braille can pull him out of it.n
when the guy who has every physical aspect of a crackhead (trust ive seen enough here in NYC to judge) starts off his apology by saying "my personal life is my personal life" then yeah just throw everything out the window after that
Gist of video, aaron has been in scientology for 15+ years, decided to ghost his employees, and faded away. Guy in the video is just milking you for views.
@@slobrat3556 youtube doesn’t show people 3 minute videos anymore. I posted a few only for them to get 13 views then dissapate. Im hoping to have people here with good attention spans
Not everything needs to be publicized and talked about. Like whatever hear two sides of the real story move on your day. Truth comes around eventually but we all dont need to hear it till then cause if one of yall aint accurate or whatevrr then you are just scapegoating them even more. Truth is involving yourself in this shit just makes everyone look bad im not ever gonna bother watching these or taking part in it other than saying this and i think everyone should just keep to themselves and become more successful by not talking about this bs.
Some people just have very short attention spans and aren't capable of deep long conversations that requires critical thinking skills lol. Keep doing you bro
If you are not going to script your vid at least let it flow. "but we'll get into that" 4 or 5 times like I'm being sold snake oil. I don't care to finish the video
I think most of us ogs left that channel awhile ago 😅
@@SourCat420 yeah like I said in the video, I had only gone over to it one other time for a tutorial, that I think might have been ricky
Yea I stoped watching around when they got the wear house. It was awesome when they were just some skaters hanging out at the skate park.
yeah i stopped watching about 5 years ago....
I was watching around 2016-2017 i think...once they stopped going to the skateparks I stopped watching
Fax i kinda left when carlos left
The guy who made this vid talks like he’s trying to hit a word limit in an essay
Literally watching in 1.5x speed rn
@@troychipampe341 2x speed isn't even enough. i hate watching videos in 2x speed. but fuck dude literally cant watch this without it.
I saw his build and the length and threw into in 2x before he even spoke a syllable
Typical GenZ. Such amateur public speaking/communication skills. STOP TALKING ABOUT WHAT YOUR GOING TO TALK ABOUT AND THEN PIVOT TO A DIFFERENT SIDE TOPIC!! You'd be fired in any professional setting, because nobody can effectively listen to you!!
Thank you! I literally was going to say something about this guys video and how dumb he sounds
He maybe a "high ranking member" in the cult now, but once the money flow stops, it will be over.
Cults have a nasty tendency to clean people from their belongings and money.
@@JCKDPTT lmfao true’
After doing a bit of research I've worked out that Braille made about $18 million from ad revenue alone, and all the skaters barely got paid any money. Aaron and his wife have both given at least $1million to church (they got an award for it) so It's safe to assume that 95% of the money went into their pockets. (their being that all of the owners are scientologists, including aaron, troy, lance and chloe (the girl in the recent vids))
Aaron is THE leader of scientology in SanFran, so he's going to be making a lot of money off his new recruits in the area even if Braille stops tomorrow.
What I think the most worrying part is that ALL the current Braille employees and owners are scientologists, it would not be difficult to find some scientologist skaters (Gabe) when you're the LEADER of the city. He could then use Braille as a recruitment area for kids learning to skate.
Nigel, Ricky, Uzi, Glo, JD, Moge etc leaving is the best thing that could happen to then.
@@bloodredroses88 yikesss
@@bloodredroses88bros an actual villain
@bloodredroses88 that's how business works. You made lots- pay your workers minimum wage so they won't quit. And you make the rest. Happens everywhere. You simply get paid enough not to quit.
7 minutes in and I still have no idea what’s going on… SPIT IT OUT!
I kept your attention for 7 minutes! Must be a good video, I appreciate you being here
@@willmax95 honestly I couldn’t sit through it. Appreciate you putting it out there, I’d just write a script or something cause it just feels like you’re holding onto the information until the end of the video
@@toothlesstnez sorry to hear. I feel like when I script stuff, skaters hate it. I also get too nerdy & focused on specific words when I script that I sound like a robot LOL think im more inclined to go penguinz0 style on videos. Just did a lousy job cutting my one or two bad moments out in this. Rest of the vid is good
Yeah don't listen to that. Scripted stuff is lame. We love authenticity and personality @@willmax95
Brother keeps saying “we’ll get to that” we never go to it 😂 should’ve just done the reaction channel thing it would’ve been more concise
this video felt all over the place. i still don’t understand what happened
@@azazelreficulmefistofelicu7158 okay? its his life?
ots easy. dude was too cheap yo pay his employees so we thought they were friends who skate until kyro fired them without warning then list everything and broke his foot.
its easy. dude was too cheap to pay his employees so we thought they were friends who skate until kyro fired them without warning then lost everything and broke his foot.
i never got into skating but i used to watch braille all the time, so fuckin sad man
Same for me. I'm too big to skate but I used to love braille. When Gabe left I knew something was terribly wrong... People don't leave dream jobs
Me too I even watched until Gabe left. But all this is bad.
Honestly I really like Ricky, MO, Nigel, Glo, Uzi, JD. It hits me in the feels that Aaron burned those guys so bad. If someone built you, you can at least send a text to let the homies know, last day is x day...... seems like the bare minimum.
@@Shay-dn7cz right or even a thank you at bare minimum
Disnt braille build then, though? Who would nige, uzi, glo etcl be without braille etc. The smart ones left and dint hang around it couldnt of been that bad. If nigel came back and hung around for this long.
He is extremely brainwashed hopefully he hits rock bottom and comes out of it that is always a possibility but he has to literally lose everything for that to happen.
Don't forget Gabe
@sumo-ninja arguably one of the most important dudes
Aaron Kyro is just a lame Scientologist youth minister who used skateboarding as a catalyst to spread his “religious” pyramid scheme. Lol
@@SlipperHouse THIS! True
“And like, what’s interesting is like, and we’ll get into it but like…”
@@toothlesstnez caught me in a moment I meant to edit around, I was looking down someone texted me. I have adhd sorry😂
@@willmax95cant blame you. I have the same i know how it feels 😅 sometimes it drives me nuts
@@phillipreisenauer3573 thats really nice of you to say, thank you. I hope to have you around for the long haul on my channel. People like you are who I hope are watching my videos.
@@willmax95 dont worry! yeah why not? im still shocked about braille though...
Scientology is what's behind separation... Everyone,anyone, celebrities.etc. state detachment from family,friends is mandatory.... separation was inevitable with his ascension in scientology
After watching this video I still have no idea what happened 😂
I used to watch braille back in the day. It’s been hard to keep up with all the drama going on 😂 but thanks for breaking it down lol
@@st_troy lmao I bet, yeah I once checked their page out & thought I could learn a trick or two from the channel then didn’t go back after that to now all of this. Its a huge mess im glad you enjoyed my breakdown of it☺️
I feel bad for JD he just got on the team right as the doors were closing
I wonder whether that decision came from his parents. He is just a kid after all. If I had a son, there is no way that I would let him associate with an organisation like Braille.
He’s massive talented. I’m sure he’ll be fine
@@malicant123 There might be a scientology connection there ...
@@Dawwwg Well I hope JD doesn't fall into that trap.
@@hermanpesina6328 trueee yep
Only fairly recently did I learn that Ak was involved with the Nuthouse. THEN, I knew why I always felt a strange vibe while watching the guy interact with the crew.
Moist Critical should DEFINITELY do a deep dive on this saga coz it's got EVERYTHING you should warn your kids about.
Nice vid.
Thank you!! It would be funny to see him make a video on it
whats the nuthouse?
Braille died a long while ago tbh, Aaron taught me to Ollie and taught me Scientology is crazy
The funny thing is Aaron probably blocks everyone without replying because thats what the cult forces you to do when people mock them. So while this fire is burning Aaron is just throwing a blanket over it to pretend its not happening meanwhile its just making the fire massive.
Its hilarious how much Aaron is lying about this new position he got in scientology. Theres no denying it. Its on the websites naming his promotion and everything being said about him. But yet lies lies lies.
But this is how scientologists work.
Im 6 mins in and still no clue what he did. Time to find a channel with good content.
@@accountname9872 i know I deliver bad content sorry. I suck and should probably call it. Im a loser and idiot
@@willmax95 yup
@@accountname9872 and you commenter is so much better. Bet it felt good to get whatever issues are going on in your life off in my comments section
@@willmax95 yup
@willmax95 instead of getting mad, ask me what I think is bad. Talk to the people who click on your videos to see how they can get better. Don't throw a fit, communicate and the crazy thing about that is. If you were to interact and talk with me I'd probably end up subscribing and watching. All you have to do is not talk in a circle about something, just have to get to the point. I shouldn't watch 1/3 of the video and still have NO IDEA what he did. For example, I went and watch another video that was same length. They immediately said what he did and why everyone is mad then dove into it.
Scientology is mostly at fault here...but I think its important to keep in mind that most businesses will treat their employees like this. Were just workers to make the owners as much money as possible while they pay us as little as possible. Aaron just did it while pretending he cared about his employees.
He says "I messed up" but never says what he did wrong. Just makes excuses and talks crap about the skate community
@@michaelt6413 yep
And his old wearhouse
Aaron Kyro is an Aaron Kyro problem.
Another Scientologist who can’t get out of his own way.
Nigel has been a part of braille for probably closer to 12 years. Ricky is newer and glo is newest.
You also didnt mention that once gabe left, that was the real start to the actual downfall. Gabe was the heart and soul of braille.
Glo been around a lot longer than Rick, but he wasn’t “on the team” for too terribly long
This is blessing in disguise, Aaron Kyro is now out of the picture, it’s time to capitalize on this mistake
He was removed from revive
I have a braille board from covid times. Don’t really skate often so it’s still a good board so maybe spray paints in order lol
Back in the 90's we used a bit of cotton wet with alcohol to "erase" graphics. That was before the 7.5 and bearings condoms madness.
Going off some of the "leaving braille" videos, Kyro was working his guys pretty hard, even through injuries. Then there was certain videos that seemed pretty irresponsible like "SPARK TRUCKS VS GASOLINE", where they're testing different fuels for flammability, nobody seems to know whats going on and its a miracle nobody ended up with skin grafts.
WTF I never even saw that but thats absolutely bonkers
It’s been years since I’ve watched a Braille video and I just found out about Aaron Kyro being a Scientologist, but this all sounds pretty much directly related to Scientology. I’ve learned a lot about Scientology over the past several years and it definitely falls into the “hurting people” category. The amount of physical, mental, emotional, and financial damage it has done to people is insane.
“Muah! Blocked!” , Said Aaron Kyro
@@DudeKnukem lmfao
That’s what the alien overlords told him to do
Hanging out for the ‘surviving Kyro’ doco to come out.
Dude gazed at young boys with that creepy vibe who he invited to stay the night at his warehouse.
🙄…goddamn man, get on with it…
@@reginaldwigglebottom4731 I appreciate you being here and watching my video☺️
Gabe Cruz kept the brand together while Aaron was out fucking off. For YEARS.
Negativity in the skateboarding world is a tricky subject. The regular everyday skater you find at the park smoking and being loud may be negative to you, but this is THEIR FORM of positivity. This could be their positive escape from a bad home life and of course other things. This doesn’t apply to everyone but I do feel the “negative” side of things he was painting was cliche. And down right to it can come from any form of extracurricular activities and is not only subject to skating.
Is anyone surprised Braille went bust? Kiro was Donating Millions to Scientology. I wouldn’t be surprised if the church made him sell Braille or took over something related just to milk more money out of him.
Scientology is as much a "religion" as The Children of God. Kyro is basically the David Berg of skateboarding.
I stopped liking and respecting Aaron Kyro 6 maybe 7 years ago when I witnessed him bashing someone that he claimed to be teaching how to skate, he literally shamed someone new to skateboarding on a TH-cam video
Someone told ne they r recreating Braille 3.0! Is that true?😮
@@pratikdharanep.d.8938 lol hope not
If I’m honest the first red flag 🚩 for me was Fetty being caught out as a kiddy fiddler. I stopped watching around then.
But now I see all this Scientology shit, makes me think that they targeted young kids for so many disturbing reasons.
It’s a shame because they actually made great content and I used to watch them every week.
I wish there was a mogulmail version of this... i made it halfway through and im still unsure what the bad thing was, unless its just scientology..? Did he scam people out of money?!
I’ve been watching nearly half this video and still only vaguely know what happened. Some sort of summary of the situation before going into all the reactions from different people would have been really helpful.
@@ShogunsCustomMaps sorry
@@willmax95I appreciate the breakdown, was just a little hard to follow until I got a grasp on what happened. Used to watch braille videos years ago but haven’t been following lately, saw a random TikTok about it and found my way here looking for answers. Thanks
A couple criticisms. for one, you said Aaron missed the point by focusing on the demolition of the park and how people didn't get their last session, but then when you talked about Ricky and Nigel, you wouldn't stop ranting about... how people didn't get their last session. Also, why do you think Ricky living far away and having to drive 10 hrs roundtrip is a big deal? Most people find work where they live so they don't need to commute, or they move closer to their workplace. Why do you think Ricky deserves more just because he lives far? He should've just moved like any normal employee would. And Aaron can always just find someone else, but decided to let Ricky stay. I'm just speaking from a boss and workplace standpoint. I don't think you're making valid complaints.
Aaron is like Griffith and he turned into Femto. He sacrificed Braille which is the band of the hawk and Ricky is Guts
Glos video was so emotional 😭
Scientology is such a hellhole 😢 I wish Aaron all the best to get out there. The amount of brainwashing they do is insane. Sad for the community and all the people. Aaron doesn't know what he's doing.
that original tik tok video. You are right to ask the question and give people the benefit the doubt.
and agree, do what you want without hurting others.
@@w1-em4nq exactly :)
@@w1-em4nq hope to have you here on this channel for the long run
I've said this before Aaron was always the guy I wished wasn't there, the rest of the team made the channel exciting.
Aaron Kyro spent a million on Scientology over the last 3 or 4 years and he's become the # 1 Executive position in San Fran. Watch growing up in Scientology video from 3 months ago. Ricky was ghosted because he was in the chat with that TH-camr. It's so immature and unprofessional to do what Kyro did to his team of employees.
I understand that Aaron most likely has been seriously affected by the loss of the warehouse (despite the positivity he is showing online).
But that is no way an acceptable reason for the utter mistreatment of the team!
I was a subscriber ever since the infamous glass skateboard incident.
But even I’ve unsubbed.
As much as many of us started watching for Aaron’s tutorials.
Many of us grew to love the team, their shenanigans & most importantly Their camaraderie!
So for all this to happen as it has.
It’s unforgivable from the teams POV!
Aaron had IT ALL!
& simply gave it to the church!
… silly, silly guy!
The beauty of skating is that it doesn’t require you to be anything other than yourself!
You know….. totally the opposite of what a certain “RELIGION” stands for!
…The Hypocrisy is REAL in this one folks!
& the viewers see & understand that.
Sad to say it.
But, Braille is done now.
Fall from grace!?
…Not half!!!!🤦🏻♂️
He's a scientologist. He's clearly a weird dude with serious issues. I got into the braile channel for a bit years ago cuz I thought it was a nice wholesome thing, and it seemed like all the guys loved doing it. But all the videos I watched I got a weird vibe from Aaron and the other guys always seemed slightly uncomfortable around him.
I hope Aaron and Steve Berra create a scientology super-group of skaters called "Berraille". They could have some banger vids like "Can we kickflip the Oprah's couch skateboard? Ft. Tom Cruise".
Aaron probably hates South Park.
i stopped watching Braille a while ago b/c i was getting some weird vibes. this does not surprise me at all.
@@franzfrikadelli6074 your vibe check was accurate lol
i saw aaron in MN and hes just a wierdo, scientology ruined him
@@AlastairMurphy-r5w joever
I dont follow drama so braille for life baby!!! Who cares about everyone else. Its just drama and nobody cares!!! Ppl just are sheep
It’s sad, I learned to skate from these guys, RIP THE BRAILLE TEAM♥️
thanks for the explanation. It has been a while since I watched any braille videos and was so confused about the warehouse shutting down. Here is a comment and like to help spread the video
@@carsondaly4545 were you the hater from the other video lol
Dude you really have to re watch the video before you post, you’re talking so much about saying so little
@@AintNodocta sorry I ruined your day :(
Ricky was also in the comments on a live video of a channel called growing up in sciencetology talking about AK. And his position in the cult
You explained nothing, wasted 20 mins on this video thanks
You watched it brother, it must be a good video
You r right but non of the members had any thing tied to the braille business. They didn’t own anything ever
Some keep saying, Braille going back to the roots, thats not the point....
LA to SF is more like a 6 hour drive either way depending on traffic
A great incentive to inform the community about the events but a tip for the future. Writing a script is super helpful to keep the information concise. Cause the video feels very disjointed and more of a ramble than a “this is what happened” video.
@@usedjuice3350 sorry, so should I write a script next time? I have ADHd man, doin my best. I’ve got a lot of people who have watched the vid & got all the info. I did rush the edit on this, & meant to cut out a couple lil moments that may have distracted you
At the end of the day, no one would have left if the environment was healthy and they were all making bank
There's a lot more people who left braille
Thanks for breaking this down, not a skater. This is nuts.
Everyone talking smack about braille but wont unsubscribe?
There is a 14 year old video here on YT on the actual Scientology channel introducing him. 😂
If you’re going to make a video about someone/something you don’t need to talk about how you feel about it every second. Otherwise call it. “How I feel about Aaron Kyro” and we know not to watch it
@@4rreel487 thanks
I was gone when lance left.
Old Braille was the best then they got too big and mainstream.Arron wanted to keep ranking up in Scientology so he turned his back on Braille and the people who made it what it was.
AK is a suppressive person himself, so ironic lol
Pretty sure estimates are that aaron had "donated" at keast $700,000 to scientology.
Man, I feel more confused after watching half this video wtf
@@letspla2 thanks for commenting that. I hope your day gets better & that you can put up a profile picture one day :)
yo forehead SWOLE😭😭
got a bigger brain than you
I haven’t watched Braille vids for a few years but this has floored me… what the hell happened?
Hail Lord Xenu, the great Skating God ! 😂
Blud prayin to atoms
Read JD's I'm leaving post he shouts out everyone buy AK
@@TheFlamingerbil where is his post at
@@willmax95community tab on his youtube channel
@@willmax95 it's in JD's YT community tab.
Hey still thanked AK in the very next line in the post. But I agree AK did F up majorly and screwed over everyone.
Whenever Aaron talks about money or something about not being able to pay, like obviously when your waisting money on a cult
At first I thought he was corny, then I thought he was ok. Now hes definitely pretty wack with the whole scientology bs. Definitely getting got by Scientology now but hopefully he gets his way out of it. Maybe some of the ex members of Braille can pull him out of it.n
with all the earnings, why didnt the warehouse get purchased 10yrs ago
Because Aaron giving all of his money to the church of Scientology isn’t a new thing. He’s been doing it for years.
Aaron told Nigel it would be gone 15:05 july 5th..that was the truth..AK had to be out that day or he would be on the hook for another 15 months
this could have been a good 5 minute video. instead it's 20 minutes of snail paced garbage
@@grenouille1661 the only thing that was garbage was your mom when I was with her last night
Ricky's awesome
when the guy who has every physical aspect of a crackhead (trust ive seen enough here in NYC to judge) starts off his apology by saying "my personal life is my personal life" then yeah just throw everything out the window after that
Trippin balls if you think LA to SF is a 2 1/2 hr drive
@@andrewbltrn5249 what is it?
@@willmax956 hours and 50 minutes. No traffic. 70 the entire way. That’s with 1 quick stop
Professional Scientologist from the San Francisco Bay area.
Yep lol
Always knew something was off about that guy.
Kyro always seemed a little odd to me.
LA to SF is minimum 5 hours probably more.
Yikess yeah in traffic jeeze. Bro was doin like 10-12 hour drives
Gist of video, aaron has been in scientology for 15+ years, decided to ghost his employees, and faded away. Guy in the video is just milking you for views.
@@slobrat3556 yep thats it I suck im bad im terrible bad guy never watch this sucky person
@willmax95 don't beat yourself up, your just playing the TH-cam game, but if I have to watch 10 minutes to see what happened, good lord my man.
@@slobrat3556 youtube doesn’t show people 3 minute videos anymore. I posted a few only for them to get 13 views then dissapate. Im hoping to have people here with good attention spans
Bruh he keeps yapping with no actual content. Holy crap
I’m over 5 mins in and nothing has been explained, or started to be.
@@richc4388 thats what I said when I was with your mom last night
Someone needs to invent the "XenuFlip" or a "XenuSlide" to commemorate Scientology infiltrating the skateboarding world!
Not everything needs to be publicized and talked about. Like whatever hear two sides of the real story move on your day. Truth comes around eventually but we all dont need to hear it till then cause if one of yall aint accurate or whatevrr then you are just scapegoating them even more. Truth is involving yourself in this shit just makes everyone look bad im not ever gonna bother watching these or taking part in it other than saying this and i think everyone should just keep to themselves and become more successful by not talking about this bs.
Some people just have very short attention spans and aren't capable of deep long conversations that requires critical thinking skills lol. Keep doing you bro
This is unwatchable - way too many words in this reaction video..
@@philip2774 brother this isn’t a reaction video I openly tell you. Also work on your attention span, it will help you in other areas of your life
If you are not going to script your vid at least let it flow. "but we'll get into that" 4 or 5 times like I'm being sold snake oil. I don't care to finish the video