My favorite part of these videos are where you go into a dungeon with a weird mechanic and explain it or some trick to it. Even though I’ve cleared all the normal content I still like learning these things because there’s room to improve. Recently I learned the frogs in Dohn Mheg cast a buff that the tank can interrupt, I’ve been in that dungeon 100 times and never knew. I feel like that could be a whole video series by itself, just highlighting lesser known mechanics people might have missed or tips that make a dungeon easier, like the Strayborough teacups!
The last video you mentioned sleeping the mech turtle in lv99 dungeon. Well I was finishing up the picto grind and ended up there, and remembered that for the turtle. Thanks!
Even more tips, Physical Ranged (Machinist, Dancer, Bard) can also interrupt! I believe it's called Head Graze, which acts the same as the tanks' Interject, but from range!
My favourite use for AST is level 50 MINE content, as it has a far more extensive toolkit than WHM and doesn't struggle with MP (i.e. it feels far less torturous to play). As for more normal scenarios, I feel the job needs a fair bit of streamlining / pruning to make it more enjoyable to play as optimizing it feels like a chore, rather than something pleasant to work towards (lots of effort for minimal damage gain from Earthly Star and the like).
While lvling sage in dawntrail I was told by a dps only player "Sage should be the only one mitigating the tank, the tank doesnt have to use any of their mitigations to get through a dungeon The tank wholeheartedly agreed The tank and dps were friends Me and my bf droped from that party and reported them for greifing willingly
Yikes... That is a weird take at least. Years ago I had a tank that refused to use defensives because he insisted the healer should be spending their time healing and if they're attacking then it meant he could slack more 😰
I... did not expect a sudden Koone reference with the "WATER IN THE FIRE WHYYY" part. That caught me massively offguard. That brief chaos when Divination is up is the exact reason why I main AST. I'm a bit sad that I sometimes waste the defensive cards if there's really no need to use them but suddenly making my brain wake up because "Oh dear, my 2 minutes is up" helps me quickly derust and get my bearings.
For Lost City of Amdapor, if the group is topped off you can easily survive one Ruinious Omen but the second will wipe you. Granted most groups will have the DPS to kill the boss before he casts it a second time. It MIGHT be possible to survive it using a tank LB, I personally haven't tried it myself. Though I do get that it's a good habit to do the mechanics even if power creep means it's not really needed. Also, if I'm tanking I will open the chests myself and deal with the mimics (got to earn those Grand Company Seals somehow!). If I'm not tanking I'm probably healing and will keep an eye out for anyone opening the chests with mimics, since the mimics hit a lot harder than other enemies. Fun fact: did you know that Warrior can solo.... Fun fact (for real): While getting the Light and Mahatma stages of my ARR relic done sync'd (I'm weird I know) I ended up doing Haukke Manor (Hard) a lot as Paladin/Warrior. We probably all know the final boss of that dungeon doesn't play well with power creep and can summon the final add after she has already gone below the HP for instant-killing the final add and casting her AoE that will wipe the group. Most groups will throttle DPS after the 2nd add spawn to deal with this, but I found through experimenting that you can use tank LB to survive it as well. About the only times outside of Alexander and Endsinger that tank LB is useful outside of high end content.
@@CaetsuChaijiCh there was one time we wiped (forgot the duty), I was tank and nearly killed the boss but ran out of mitigations. Someone mentioned (nicely) that if I had used tank LB I might have been able to survive and finish the boss.
Assuming you really wanted to undraw a card then having the action kinda makes sense. While you *can* "unclick" a buff on a controller it's a royal PITA and having bound that to controller key beats this all the time.
It's not just that Undraw was worse than clicking the buff off - it's that there was *literally no reason* to ever use it. Drawing a new card would overwrite the old one, and there was no penalty for holding one forever. It would be like if guage-based jobs had a button that would empty their guage for no benefit.
Exactly! When I've been asked what undraw could be useful for, I think the one thing I could think of was "if, say, a content creator wanted to produce the illusion that they didn't already draw a card, they could use undraw to toss their current one before turning on the recording software" 🤣
Oh crap! 6:28 LOOK MA! I'M ON TV! And being called a solid, predictable tank Q_Q If I remember right, My friend (Rai in the video) got into the dungeon and the previous tank and healer left due to some argument. My friend then told me their situation in FC chat and I queued in to help them. And after a while you joined! \^^/
Wow, I think I joined during the second pull of the dungeon? 😂 How did the tank and healer get into such a big argument that fast?! 🤣 You did super well! 😄
2:22 I'll be perfectly honest, I am sure that at least 90% of the times I have used Superbolide, it is because I have fat-fingered the keyboard key and hit it by mistake. I always apologise and explain my idiocy afterwards.
7:35 Here's something I keep noticing in boss 3 in the 93 dungeon that I should mention. Spoilers below, ofc. Once a slab is placed down, you can step in it! I noticed this in my own playthroughs. It's most important for the wind slab, since it has that knockback that is a bit scary if you treat the slab itself as unsafe.
It can be rough trying to give advice sometimes, had an fc member who was tanking and I was a mnk for that run. tank wasn't doing proper cooldowns, clemency spam and not enough aoe so I ended up taking the agro many times. Stood right on top of them hoping they'd aoe, I used my defensive even arms length just to live and try to ease the pressure for the poor healer. I attempted to give advice since they asked and when I said arms length is a defensive they said I was crazy and argued it wasn't, luckily the fc backed me up on it but it seemed the tank decided that crazy statement was enough for them to not listen to the other advice I'd given on cooldown usage. Maybe one day I'll go for mentor and end up in even weirder situations.
Yeah giving advice in a way that is convincing isn't easy! A lot of players also just won't receive your advice, whether they want it or not! I guess personally I would've not started with arms length on someone who seems to need to hear that total eclipse spam would be helpful! 😅 You tried your best!
@CaetsuChaijiCh don't worry we didn't start with arms length, that was more towards the crowd control part of our conversation. They had seen me use it as a dps a few times in duties after they died and asked why I kept using it. Usually it's not something I bring up to new tanks but in this case it was surprising they didn't know about it seeing as paladin was their last tank to get to max level. It was a werid few duties for sure 😅
IIRC, for "more than a feeler", the 'proper' way is to have the tank pull the boss as far as they can away from the area where the bubbles spawn, and burn it down there. The bubbles spawn those adds or an aoe hit when they pop, which I think is either proximity or getting hit but honestly not sure. Either way dragging the boss away from the starting spot gives the bubbles time to spread out so relatively few get close enough to do anything. But it's been years since I bothered to play it 'correctly'.
Yeah that makes sense. Others mentioned that there are alternate bubbles that are the ones that explode if you break them, but these days the fight ends so fast that it is unlikely they even spawn! 🤣
I always love the "A day in Mentor Roulette" videos keep up the good work 🥰 also Fun Fact: Did you know that for some reason Astros Macrocosmos and Sages Pneuma share a recast timer? What to do with the information? I dont know but this is the random game knowlage I kinda love because it does not make any sense.
I'm glad to hear that thank you! 😄 That doesn't surprise me! Actually a lot of actions randomly share cooldowns between jobs and... Sometimes there's a logic to it (for example, paladins fight or flight shares cooldown with gunbreakers no mercy and dark knights delirium), and sometimes... There just isn't! (paladins fight or flight does NOT share cooldown with warriors inner release, but DOES share with berserk somehow 😂)
Duty 2: That pack you almost wiped to is definitely the spiciest in the dungeon, which is a real shock to the system considering it's just 4 guys. I spent the last couple days spamming that duty for glams and I always use my invuln for that pull just to make it a bit easier.
I feel you on needing time to derust on astro. I started leveling it again from 80 recently and getting rid of EW muscle memory has been a little challenge.
12:35 it could be argued that having both Summon Selene and Summon Eos as separate actions during Shadowbringers was also pretty useless. I heard that before Shadowbringers Eos and Selene acted differently, though I don't know what that difference was. But by the time I started played, they were just differently coloured fairies that did the same thing. At least now you just have Summon Eos and can use pet glamour to get Selene (and I think also carbuncle?)
oh, i can answer this one as a sch main since ARR. So Eos is almost exactly what she does now but also had a magic defense up aoe as a seperate action, though at the time embrace was /also/ an action on the bar you could hit manually, she still cast it on auto, but i believe if you could micro she was slightly more efficient. Selene on the other hand was more of a support fairy than a heal fairy, where she a silence interrupt, AoE hastes for skill speed and one for spell speed (that was later traded for just a Haste), and gained an AoE esuna when those 2 actions were merged
2:40 even on a healer I'm comfortable with like sage, if I have a tank doing weird unexpected stuff it can still throw me off. I had a tank doing single pulls in tender valley but then like moving on to the next pull when there were one or two mobs left and it... IDK just somehow works out harder than if they just pulled everything.
3:50 I'm of the mind that it's not up to the healer to carry people when they're accumulating multiple vuln stacks. Like obviously try to keep them alive, but I don't think you should be struggling to keep EVERYONE alive because one or two people keep making mistakes. Sometimes it's better to res someone than waste half your kit trying to keep them alive and have nothing later for unavoidable damage...
Definitely. The way you describe is what is known as "chain pulling" in wow and makes sense there due to rotations that have target caps (aoe that only hit at most, say, 5 targets so no point pulling 10, just maintain 5) and rotations that require constant combat to not wind down quickly. Since ffxiv doesn't have either of these things, chain pulling just gets confusing! Also that, I guess the primary problem there with death to vuln stack was that they only had like one or two, and had I been more routined in astrologian, I would've probably been able to save them! 😅 And it is possible it was about the challenge log, but I have a feeling it might not 🤔😅
@@CaetsuChaijiCh Oh I didn't know that about WOW! FF14 is my first "real" MMO (I don't count Ragnarok Online lol) so I'm not very familiar with how others work. That makes a lot of sense!
I struggled playing AST when I was leveling it. I only did dungeons with Trust, doing small pulls, and still the tank died or came really close to it rather frequently (also had multiple wipes on bosses just because I wasn't healing enough). It's the only healer I struggle with. But I have it at level cap now and I probably won't touch it again until the next expansion. The way you marked the doors in Amdapoor really causes me confusion. The marks have numbers on them, but you marked two doors that are meant to be opened together with different numbers. If I were to mark them, instinctually I would mark the first pair of doors with a 1 and the second pair of doors with a 2 (I mark as many pairs as I can at the start). In parties I've been in, if someone else was marking then they paired them by the symbol e.g. the first pair is the hexagon. Inevitably this leads to me opening a wrong door because I see a 1 and must open a door with a 1 first. So now I've given up marking and opening and let someone else handle everything. The last time I was there, nobody marked any doors, and we survived two Ruinous Omens before the boss died without too much issue. In the level 93 dungeon, for the first boss with all of the aoe mess, the danger puddles appear in stages. You'll see one quadrant is always last to be covered, and that will be the safe place to move into for the second part.
Well, the reason why I just marked it as 1,2 is because its been years since two sets of doors have been needed at all, so I just marked two doors the fastest way I could! 😅
I mark one 1, another I mark 2. You are correct you can't mark two with the same mark, but there's a regular 1 and an "ignore 1" and a "chain 1" so you have a few ways to mark two doors as 1 and 1 if you so desire! 😊
Astro is a fun but wild ride. I also forget to use neutral sect on cooldown. It felt always to me as something to throw when you needed a little extra behind your healing because of just how much it added - that edge to push through if things were going sideways. I know its powerful but like... It just kinda serves as my ace in the pocket. (Something to work on it seems!)
Oh neutral sect doesn't need to be used on cooldown, but if you go through a duty never using it, then you could've used it to spice up, say, suspected aspected benefic on the tank as they start pulling and things like that! 😁 Keeping it as an ace if you're still learning isn't a bad idea though!
Fun fact about the level 97 dungeon. The mobs in the first pull after the second boss all deal only magic damage meaning GNBs and DRKs can use their aoe mits for extra safety. I also think all the orb turrets doe magic damage only as well. Also since you can't parry magic damage camo on GNB is less effective than normal.
I'm currently leveling AST from 90 to 100 so I feel your pain, besides SCH it's my third shakiest Healer to play. I often find myself fighting the kit whereas with WHM and SGE I know exactly what to use and when; the heal order is quite well defined with those jobs. I'm sure I'll get used to it until 100 when I don't play it again for another expansion!
"Sometimes some have a much steeper hill to climb to meet a point others would consider a normal starting point." Man has that been a vibe lately. Dawntrail content has been very consistently shattering my self esteem with how long it takes me to learn it. Coupled with the constant claims of how easy the content is, and being told how bad at the game I am for having trouble with it. I have more or less given up on Dawntrail, and have gone to go clean up some side content in older expansions while I wait for later patches when I can just outgear the content.
I can at least assure you that week one, the various dawn trail dungeons were a lot more threatening, and I don't recall anyone calling them outright easy 🤔 It's more a case of people then later mastering the content and then forgetting that they didn't find it so easy the first time. I'm sorry to hear you've had such a rough time! 😰
Remember grinding my mentor mount I remember doing about 30% guildhests. Remembering even farther to my beginning days I remember doing a lot of those as a brand new player (considering that these are the only multiplayer content before reaching MSL level 15 this isn't that surprising)
If i am correct, in the "more than a feeler" guildhest what you are supposed to do is destroy the stale bubbles to avoid rotten jams spawning, but you have to ignore acid ones. It is a really weird ask because back then in ARR/HW many jobs didnt have aoes til like lvl40ish some like PLD didnt have an aoe til lvl 50
i think not poping the bubbles in more than a feeler spawns slime adds that then attack the party, i dont know if it matter any more but in the hw/arr day it could get pretty hectic when they didnt get dealt with
1:05 whatever, if the Healer doesn't know how to target party members other than the tank, either they're a certified shitter/e-couple, or has been playing for 10 years sort of deal. Not the DPS problem, all we gotta do is press W and hit things.
I mean, that's fair, but in this level range, forcing the healer to heal a dps instead of the tank is likely to lose the healer gcds it could've used to attack! 😅
@@CaetsuChaijiCh Funnily enough, I never'd thought I'd argue for this, but in this exact instance, of a boss's ADD mechanic which forces aggro on the player who kills said add, that if I were the healer, tank, or other dps in the party, and said healer made a statement in chat voicing their chagrin with a Dps taking boss aggro/unavoidable damage/disrespecting mechanics BECAUSE they wanted to stone harder, than I would legitimately speak up and respond with, "It's fine, just heal them and move on, not a big deal". In other words, in this specific dungeon's boss fight, I find the video's takeaway that anyone is "being taught a VALUABLE lesson" is such absolute nothingburger, that I find myself exhausting brain cells to comprehend it & address it seriously. The consequence is neither valuable, nor teachable, because A) healers exist; B) Bloodbath, Second Wind, Job-specific mit/sustain; C) intentional MPK is against ToS; D) game mechanic is when enemies hit you, you take damage. if your hp go to 0, die. After, you can be rez'd. I can quite comfortably say, "this isn't savage", without sounding like the common variety DF enabler. No body checks, no instant KO explosions. There is nothing to teach any player about any actual, new or unfamiliar game mechanics, because this isn't one, other than the fact that "kill add = debuff for boss aggro target", (very cool FFXIV, *UNCOILED FURY* UNCOILED TWINFANG & BITE*) which is something I actually learned or was refreshed upon watching this video. Hence why I find the aforementioned statement completely ALIEN.
@thomasnguyen4427 that's fair, and there is indeed the argument that clearly, the boss was having difficulty killing the dps player just the same. If I meant it as an actual "lesson" or some such, I would probably had made a greater point of it, but I intentionally called it becoming the boss' squeaky toy, which I hoped gave the implication I was trying to be funny 😅 I am sorry for that potential misunderstanding!
@@CaetsuChaijiCh oh ok, well yeah, we all make mistakes in the heat of passion, jimbo. I guess here, tone indicators would actually help my internet listening comprehension neurosis lol TL;DR; I didn't get the joke (it's a mentor vid about mentoring [?])
@shadow_psych7069 I've played on Oce quite frequently back in late endwalker and all I can say is that it is painful! 😂 I also can't visit NA with my characters 😰 maybe one day if travel expands further!
@@CaetsuChaijiCh I play on Light datacentre so maybe someday I'll pop over to Chaos and hope to guest star in your mentor roulette videos :P Though as a side note, I should get on trying to unlock mentor roulette for myself. I have 12 extremes left to finish (a mix of Shadowbringers and Endwalker plus Great Hunt) before I can start that journey myself.
Dude, the devil with the doors mechanic, 2 days ago I did that dungeon for the 1st time with 3 other 1st timers, we did not understand the mechanic and just abandoned the dg so we could search for another roullete
Sheesh! If you were all legit sprouts I could imagine you mightve been lacking the gear necessary to beat over it! 😅 My suggestion next time you run into a problem like this is to Google the dungeon and see if the console games wiki (for example) has a tip for you! It usually does I think! 😊
@@CaetsuChaijiCh someone googled it and tried explaining it but they didn't get it that we needed 2 doors with the same symbols, and we just opened 2 random doors and it didn't work(obviously), and I don't think at our level any of us had those markers things on their bars to use, I'm almost ending the MSQ for HW and haven't used the markers once(that dungeon might have been a good use for them tho)
@renamonking4408 if you're on mouse and keyboard the default hot keys to open the marker menu is shift+M 😁 If You open the party tab you can also open this menu by choosing "signs" 😊 But yeah it is a weird mechanic, and even had you done everything right, you could've opened door number two one second too early and then get hit anyway 😰
I personally used the undraw action if it wasn’t the correct sign I needed (sun, moon, planet). I wanted the best Astrodyne buff possible 😅 even if it meant a DPS didn’t get a buff
Well the thing is that, the speed buff you would get with just two correct cards is already significant, and tossing the card means less of those too, so you also hurt yourself when you used undraw in these situations 😅
One day ill be a mentor. 😂 i dont beg for commends so when that day finially does come it will have been on my own merrit. Maining tank/healer role does help but yeaah. Also that bird pull in vanguard is very brutal for inexperienced tanks. You WILL die if you dont have defensives. Those birds hit like freight trains lol
It's always fun when the healers truly sets in when the drk already used their invuln to try and save the day, as if the living dead itself was meant as a cry for help when it is in fact the opposite 🤣
It really shouldn’t be possible to solo dawntrail content synced as any job in my opinion. I hope we don’t end up in a similar place as late endwalker content. I found Dead Ends to be the only interesting endgame endwalker dungeon to heal because of the item level sync.
Indeed, the fact warrior somehow just... Can anyway is also something I view as a problem - but it can still be entertaining as long as you do it alone and not by forcing a wiped group to watch you do it just because you can😅
My favorite part of these videos are where you go into a dungeon with a weird mechanic and explain it or some trick to it. Even though I’ve cleared all the normal content I still like learning these things because there’s room to improve. Recently I learned the frogs in Dohn Mheg cast a buff that the tank can interrupt, I’ve been in that dungeon 100 times and never knew.
I feel like that could be a whole video series by itself, just highlighting lesser known mechanics people might have missed or tips that make a dungeon easier, like the Strayborough teacups!
I'm glad to hear that! I do try to add the tips whenever I have something! 😄
And also that is actually a good idea 🤔 I will think about that one! 😁
this is one of my favorite things about this series too!
The last video you mentioned sleeping the mech turtle in lv99 dungeon. Well I was finishing up the picto grind and ended up there, and remembered that for the turtle. Thanks!
Even more tips, Physical Ranged (Machinist, Dancer, Bard) can also interrupt! I believe it's called Head Graze, which acts the same as the tanks' Interject, but from range!
I fear the week when a video is titled "a BAD day in Mentor Roulette"
Edit: so far we've had, Good, Great, Weird, Easy and Hard
I'm waiting for it...will be fun in a "enjoyable video" kind of way! xd
I imagine the one thing that could really make it a bad day is if the entire session was filled with insanely boring duties! 😂
@@CaetsuChaijiCh But then you'll title the video "A Boring Day..." (if you upload a video at all).
@hoodiesticks that could be, but wouldn't a boring day also be a bad day? 🤔😊
A bad mentor roulette day is a day where you get nothing but EX trials, your healers and DPS are sprouts, and your co-tank only speaks Spanish.
My favourite use for AST is level 50 MINE content, as it has a far more extensive toolkit than WHM and doesn't struggle with MP (i.e. it feels far less torturous to play). As for more normal scenarios, I feel the job needs a fair bit of streamlining / pruning to make it more enjoyable to play as optimizing it feels like a chore, rather than something pleasant to work towards (lots of effort for minimal damage gain from Earthly Star and the like).
While lvling sage in dawntrail
I was told by a dps only player
"Sage should be the only one mitigating the tank, the tank doesnt have to use any of their mitigations to get through a dungeon
The tank wholeheartedly agreed
The tank and dps were friends
Me and my bf droped from that party and reported them for greifing willingly
Yikes... That is a weird take at least.
Years ago I had a tank that refused to use defensives because he insisted the healer should be spending their time healing and if they're attacking then it meant he could slack more 😰
The real weird part was getting 4 Guildhests and NOT getting Under the Armour lol And I don't think I've ever actually seen that one with the bubbles.
Under the armor is like a curse! 😂
But yes I agree!
The bubble one is weirdly rare at times!
I... did not expect a sudden Koone reference with the "WATER IN THE FIRE WHYYY" part. That caught me massively offguard.
That brief chaos when Divination is up is the exact reason why I main AST. I'm a bit sad that I sometimes waste the defensive cards if there's really no need to use them but suddenly making my brain wake up because "Oh dear, my 2 minutes is up" helps me quickly derust and get my bearings.
I'm sure I will get better at the divination management eventually, I'm not even sure why it has such a big effect on my play in big pulls! 😅
For Lost City of Amdapor, if the group is topped off you can easily survive one Ruinious Omen but the second will wipe you. Granted most groups will have the DPS to kill the boss before he casts it a second time. It MIGHT be possible to survive it using a tank LB, I personally haven't tried it myself. Though I do get that it's a good habit to do the mechanics even if power creep means it's not really needed. Also, if I'm tanking I will open the chests myself and deal with the mimics (got to earn those Grand Company Seals somehow!). If I'm not tanking I'm probably healing and will keep an eye out for anyone opening the chests with mimics, since the mimics hit a lot harder than other enemies.
Fun fact: did you know that Warrior can solo....
Fun fact (for real): While getting the Light and Mahatma stages of my ARR relic done sync'd (I'm weird I know) I ended up doing Haukke Manor (Hard) a lot as Paladin/Warrior. We probably all know the final boss of that dungeon doesn't play well with power creep and can summon the final add after she has already gone below the HP for instant-killing the final add and casting her AoE that will wipe the group. Most groups will throttle DPS after the 2nd add spawn to deal with this, but I found through experimenting that you can use tank LB to survive it as well. About the only times outside of Alexander and Endsinger that tank LB is useful outside of high end content.
You know, the big big take away here is that tank lb seems to be wildly under utilized in this kind of content!
@@CaetsuChaijiCh there was one time we wiped (forgot the duty), I was tank and nearly killed the boss but ran out of mitigations. Someone mentioned (nicely) that if I had used tank LB I might have been able to survive and finish the boss.
The tank in that guildhest that started slow was probably busy reading the tutorials
Very likely! And totally understandable, that's also what I mean by, possibly it was the content they needed! 😊
I hope they never remove the /comfort mechanic from these dungeons, it might be janky but it's a rather unique idea ^^
I can't imagine they would! It's such a minor detail, that not knowing isn't going to be devastating for anyone, but really fun when you do know! 😄
7:56 Korone would be proud.
😄 Now I have confidence! 😉😁
I -dont- understand
Rip undraw. You wont be missed. You were never remembered to begin with
🤣 It is even beaten by kaeshi: higanbana in being remembered!
Assuming you really wanted to undraw a card then having the action kinda makes sense. While you *can* "unclick" a buff on a controller it's a royal PITA and having bound that to controller key beats this all the time.
It's not just that Undraw was worse than clicking the buff off - it's that there was *literally no reason* to ever use it. Drawing a new card would overwrite the old one, and there was no penalty for holding one forever. It would be like if guage-based jobs had a button that would empty their guage for no benefit.
When I've been asked what undraw could be useful for, I think the one thing I could think of was "if, say, a content creator wanted to produce the illusion that they didn't already draw a card, they could use undraw to toss their current one before turning on the recording software" 🤣
Oh crap! 6:28 LOOK MA! I'M ON TV! And being called a solid, predictable tank Q_Q
If I remember right, My friend (Rai in the video) got into the dungeon and the previous tank and healer left due to some argument. My friend then told me their situation in FC chat and I queued in to help them. And after a while you joined! \^^/
Wow, I think I joined during the second pull of the dungeon? 😂 How did the tank and healer get into such a big argument that fast?! 🤣
You did super well! 😄
I'll be perfectly honest, I am sure that at least 90% of the times I have used Superbolide, it is because I have fat-fingered the keyboard key and hit it by mistake.
I always apologise and explain my idiocy afterwards.
Here's something I keep noticing in boss 3 in the 93 dungeon that I should mention. Spoilers below, ofc.
Once a slab is placed down, you can step in it! I noticed this in my own playthroughs. It's most important for the wind slab, since it has that knockback that is a bit scary if you treat the slab itself as unsafe.
That is a good point! I guess I for some reason just assumed the book itself was dangerous without ever checking 🤣
It can be rough trying to give advice sometimes, had an fc member who was tanking and I was a mnk for that run. tank wasn't doing proper cooldowns, clemency spam and not enough aoe so I ended up taking the agro many times. Stood right on top of them hoping they'd aoe, I used my defensive even arms length just to live and try to ease the pressure for the poor healer. I attempted to give advice since they asked and when I said arms length is a defensive they said I was crazy and argued it wasn't, luckily the fc backed me up on it but it seemed the tank decided that crazy statement was enough for them to not listen to the other advice I'd given on cooldown usage. Maybe one day I'll go for mentor and end up in even weirder situations.
Yeah giving advice in a way that is convincing isn't easy! A lot of players also just won't receive your advice, whether they want it or not!
I guess personally I would've not started with arms length on someone who seems to need to hear that total eclipse spam would be helpful! 😅 You tried your best!
@CaetsuChaijiCh don't worry we didn't start with arms length, that was more towards the crowd control part of our conversation. They had seen me use it as a dps a few times in duties after they died and asked why I kept using it. Usually it's not something I bring up to new tanks but in this case it was surprising they didn't know about it seeing as paladin was their last tank to get to max level. It was a werid few duties for sure 😅
IIRC, for "more than a feeler", the 'proper' way is to have the tank pull the boss as far as they can away from the area where the bubbles spawn, and burn it down there.
The bubbles spawn those adds or an aoe hit when they pop, which I think is either proximity or getting hit but honestly not sure.
Either way dragging the boss away from the starting spot gives the bubbles time to spread out so relatively few get close enough to do anything.
But it's been years since I bothered to play it 'correctly'.
Yeah that makes sense. Others mentioned that there are alternate bubbles that are the ones that explode if you break them, but these days the fight ends so fast that it is unlikely they even spawn! 🤣
I always love the "A day in Mentor Roulette" videos keep up the good work 🥰 also Fun Fact: Did you know that for some reason Astros Macrocosmos and Sages Pneuma share a recast timer?
What to do with the information? I dont know but this is the random game knowlage I kinda love because it does not make any sense.
I'm glad to hear that thank you! 😄
That doesn't surprise me! Actually a lot of actions randomly share cooldowns between jobs and... Sometimes there's a logic to it (for example, paladins fight or flight shares cooldown with gunbreakers no mercy and dark knights delirium), and sometimes... There just isn't! (paladins fight or flight does NOT share cooldown with warriors inner release, but DOES share with berserk somehow 😂)
Duty 2: That pack you almost wiped to is definitely the spiciest in the dungeon, which is a real shock to the system considering it's just 4 guys. I spent the last couple days spamming that duty for glams and I always use my invuln for that pull just to make it a bit easier.
I feel you on needing time to derust on astro. I started leveling it again from 80 recently and getting rid of EW muscle memory has been a little challenge.
It is also one of those jobs that can be so intricate that you much more easily lose the muscle memory with all the things there are! 😅
12:35 it could be argued that having both Summon Selene and Summon Eos as separate actions during Shadowbringers was also pretty useless.
I heard that before Shadowbringers Eos and Selene acted differently, though I don't know what that difference was. But by the time I started played, they were just differently coloured fairies that did the same thing.
At least now you just have Summon Eos and can use pet glamour to get Selene (and I think also carbuncle?)
oh, i can answer this one as a sch main since ARR. So Eos is almost exactly what she does now but also had a magic defense up aoe as a seperate action, though at the time embrace was /also/ an action on the bar you could hit manually, she still cast it on auto, but i believe if you could micro she was slightly more efficient. Selene on the other hand was more of a support fairy than a heal fairy, where she a silence interrupt, AoE hastes for skill speed and one for spell speed (that was later traded for just a Haste), and gained an AoE esuna when those 2 actions were merged
@@iamnotfromearth thanks for the info!
2:40 even on a healer I'm comfortable with like sage, if I have a tank doing weird unexpected stuff it can still throw me off. I had a tank doing single pulls in tender valley but then like moving on to the next pull when there were one or two mobs left and it... IDK just somehow works out harder than if they just pulled everything.
3:50 I'm of the mind that it's not up to the healer to carry people when they're accumulating multiple vuln stacks. Like obviously try to keep them alive, but I don't think you should be struggling to keep EVERYONE alive because one or two people keep making mistakes. Sometimes it's better to res someone than waste half your kit trying to keep them alive and have nothing later for unavoidable damage...
11:18 possibly people logging in for a weekend sesh and doing challenge log, I guess?
Definitely. The way you describe is what is known as "chain pulling" in wow and makes sense there due to rotations that have target caps (aoe that only hit at most, say, 5 targets so no point pulling 10, just maintain 5) and rotations that require constant combat to not wind down quickly. Since ffxiv doesn't have either of these things, chain pulling just gets confusing!
Also that, I guess the primary problem there with death to vuln stack was that they only had like one or two, and had I been more routined in astrologian, I would've probably been able to save them! 😅
And it is possible it was about the challenge log, but I have a feeling it might not 🤔😅
@@CaetsuChaijiCh Oh I didn't know that about WOW! FF14 is my first "real" MMO (I don't count Ragnarok Online lol) so I'm not very familiar with how others work. That makes a lot of sense!
I struggled playing AST when I was leveling it. I only did dungeons with Trust, doing small pulls, and still the tank died or came really close to it rather frequently (also had multiple wipes on bosses just because I wasn't healing enough). It's the only healer I struggle with. But I have it at level cap now and I probably won't touch it again until the next expansion.
The way you marked the doors in Amdapoor really causes me confusion. The marks have numbers on them, but you marked two doors that are meant to be opened together with different numbers. If I were to mark them, instinctually I would mark the first pair of doors with a 1 and the second pair of doors with a 2 (I mark as many pairs as I can at the start). In parties I've been in, if someone else was marking then they paired them by the symbol e.g. the first pair is the hexagon. Inevitably this leads to me opening a wrong door because I see a 1 and must open a door with a 1 first.
So now I've given up marking and opening and let someone else handle everything. The last time I was there, nobody marked any doors, and we survived two Ruinous Omens before the boss died without too much issue.
In the level 93 dungeon, for the first boss with all of the aoe mess, the danger puddles appear in stages. You'll see one quadrant is always last to be covered, and that will be the safe place to move into for the second part.
Well, the reason why I just marked it as 1,2 is because its been years since two sets of doors have been needed at all, so I just marked two doors the fastest way I could! 😅
@@CaetsuChaijiCh Huh, I thought you couldn't have two with the same marks?
I mark one 1, another I mark 2. You are correct you can't mark two with the same mark, but there's a regular 1 and an "ignore 1" and a "chain 1" so you have a few ways to mark two doors as 1 and 1 if you so desire! 😊
Astro is a fun but wild ride. I also forget to use neutral sect on cooldown. It felt always to me as something to throw when you needed a little extra behind your healing because of just how much it added - that edge to push through if things were going sideways. I know its powerful but like... It just kinda serves as my ace in the pocket. (Something to work on it seems!)
Oh neutral sect doesn't need to be used on cooldown, but if you go through a duty never using it, then you could've used it to spice up, say, suspected aspected benefic on the tank as they start pulling and things like that! 😁
Keeping it as an ace if you're still learning isn't a bad idea though!
Fun fact about the level 97 dungeon. The mobs in the first pull after the second boss all deal only magic damage meaning GNBs and DRKs can use their aoe mits for extra safety. I also think all the orb turrets doe magic damage only as well.
Also since you can't parry magic damage camo on GNB is less effective than normal.
That is an interesting point! I hadn't noticed! But that certainly wouldn't help with the fact the tank in my group really liked camouflage! 😅
I'm currently leveling AST from 90 to 100 so I feel your pain, besides SCH it's my third shakiest Healer to play. I often find myself fighting the kit whereas with WHM and SGE I know exactly what to use and when; the heal order is quite well defined with those jobs. I'm sure I'll get used to it until 100 when I don't play it again for another expansion!
Well, maybe it gets more fun with more practice! It is just tough with these kinds of jobs if you aren't enjoying them initially! 😅
"Sometimes some have a much steeper hill to climb to meet a point others would consider a normal starting point."
Man has that been a vibe lately. Dawntrail content has been very consistently shattering my self esteem with how long it takes me to learn it. Coupled with the constant claims of how easy the content is, and being told how bad at the game I am for having trouble with it.
I have more or less given up on Dawntrail, and have gone to go clean up some side content in older expansions while I wait for later patches when I can just outgear the content.
I can at least assure you that week one, the various dawn trail dungeons were a lot more threatening, and I don't recall anyone calling them outright easy 🤔
It's more a case of people then later mastering the content and then forgetting that they didn't find it so easy the first time.
I'm sorry to hear you've had such a rough time! 😰
Remember grinding my mentor mount I remember doing about 30% guildhests. Remembering even farther to my beginning days I remember doing a lot of those as a brand new player (considering that these are the only multiplayer content before reaching MSL level 15 this isn't that surprising)
I suppose so! Although once you figure out better ways, you'll skip that level range of 10 to 14 on alt jobs extremely fast! 😅😊
If i am correct, in the "more than a feeler" guildhest what you are supposed to do is destroy the stale bubbles to avoid rotten jams spawning, but you have to ignore acid ones. It is a really weird ask because back then in ARR/HW many jobs didnt have aoes til like lvl40ish some like PLD didnt have an aoe til lvl 50
Indeed, and even though paladin had something at 50, it was still a cooldown! 😅
I'm still trying to figure out how to use the second bar with keybinds lol
I've set mine up so I hold shift and press the same key to access it! I think the default setup is control plus the button 😊
i think not poping the bubbles in more than a feeler spawns slime adds that then attack the party, i dont know if it matter any more but in the hw/arr day it could get pretty hectic when they didnt get dealt with
I could imagine so! Relatively speaking players would have less hp and probably dealt less damage so the fight could drag on for a lot longer!
1:05 whatever, if the Healer doesn't know how to target party members other than the tank, either they're a certified shitter/e-couple, or has been playing for 10 years sort of deal. Not the DPS problem, all we gotta do is press W and hit things.
I mean, that's fair, but in this level range, forcing the healer to heal a dps instead of the tank is likely to lose the healer gcds it could've used to attack! 😅
@@CaetsuChaijiCh Funnily enough, I never'd thought I'd argue for this, but in this exact instance, of a boss's ADD mechanic which forces aggro on the player who kills said add, that if I were the healer, tank, or other dps in the party, and said healer made a statement in chat voicing their chagrin with a Dps taking boss aggro/unavoidable damage/disrespecting mechanics BECAUSE they wanted to stone harder, than I would legitimately speak up and respond with, "It's fine, just heal them and move on, not a big deal".
In other words, in this specific dungeon's boss fight, I find the video's takeaway that anyone is "being taught a VALUABLE lesson" is such absolute nothingburger, that I find myself exhausting brain cells to comprehend it & address it seriously. The consequence is neither valuable, nor teachable, because A) healers exist; B) Bloodbath, Second Wind, Job-specific mit/sustain; C) intentional MPK is against ToS; D) game mechanic is when enemies hit you, you take damage. if your hp go to 0, die. After, you can be rez'd.
I can quite comfortably say, "this isn't savage", without sounding like the common variety DF enabler. No body checks, no instant KO explosions. There is nothing to teach any player about any actual, new or unfamiliar game mechanics, because this isn't one, other than the fact that "kill add = debuff for boss aggro target", (very cool FFXIV, *UNCOILED FURY* UNCOILED TWINFANG & BITE*) which is something I actually learned or was refreshed upon watching this video. Hence why I find the aforementioned statement completely ALIEN.
@thomasnguyen4427 that's fair, and there is indeed the argument that clearly, the boss was having difficulty killing the dps player just the same. If I meant it as an actual "lesson" or some such, I would probably had made a greater point of it, but I intentionally called it becoming the boss' squeaky toy, which I hoped gave the implication I was trying to be funny 😅
I am sorry for that potential misunderstanding!
@@CaetsuChaijiCh oh ok, well yeah, we all make mistakes in the heat of passion, jimbo. I guess here, tone indicators would actually help my internet listening comprehension neurosis lol
TL;DR; I didn't get the joke (it's a mentor vid about mentoring [?])
10:10. Poor marauder getting only 2 gcds in 15 seconds.
What DC does he play on? I'm curious if I ever have a chance of joining one of his runs. Lol
I play on louisoix-chaos(EU) 😊
@CaetsuChaijiCh Dang. You should make a trip to NA servers some time (Primal :D) and give tips on bad ping. Lol
@shadow_psych7069 I've played on Oce quite frequently back in late endwalker and all I can say is that it is painful! 😂
I also can't visit NA with my characters 😰 maybe one day if travel expands further!
@@CaetsuChaijiCh I play on Light datacentre so maybe someday I'll pop over to Chaos and hope to guest star in your mentor roulette videos :P
Though as a side note, I should get on trying to unlock mentor roulette for myself. I have 12 extremes left to finish (a mix of Shadowbringers and Endwalker plus Great Hunt) before I can start that journey myself.
I've heard it said...
Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach.
I mean sometimes that is the case, but that saying is often meant to suggest that teaching isn't a difficult skill to learn
Dude, the devil with the doors mechanic, 2 days ago I did that dungeon for the 1st time with 3 other 1st timers, we did not understand the mechanic and just abandoned the dg so we could search for another roullete
Sheesh! If you were all legit sprouts I could imagine you mightve been lacking the gear necessary to beat over it! 😅
My suggestion next time you run into a problem like this is to Google the dungeon and see if the console games wiki (for example) has a tip for you! It usually does I think! 😊
@@CaetsuChaijiCh someone googled it and tried explaining it but they didn't get it that we needed 2 doors with the same symbols, and we just opened 2 random doors and it didn't work(obviously), and I don't think at our level any of us had those markers things on their bars to use, I'm almost ending the MSQ for HW and haven't used the markers once(that dungeon might have been a good use for them tho)
@renamonking4408 if you're on mouse and keyboard the default hot keys to open the marker menu is shift+M 😁
If You open the party tab you can also open this menu by choosing "signs" 😊
But yeah it is a weird mechanic, and even had you done everything right, you could've opened door number two one second too early and then get hit anyway 😰
@@CaetsuChaijiCh Oh ok ok, thank you for the help ^^
Yesterday I failed the turtle guildhest cuz the tank refused to read chat and killed it.
That's the silliest way to fail a duty 😕
Yeah that is the one time I've failed a guildhest. I didnt have my keyboard on my ps5 so i had to slowly watch the turtle die in ammused bewilderment.
@@TheKeyblader133 The healer even rescued the tank to the plant twice in an attempt to stop him.
I personally used the undraw action if it wasn’t the correct sign I needed (sun, moon, planet). I wanted the best Astrodyne buff possible 😅 even if it meant a DPS didn’t get a buff
Well the thing is that, the speed buff you would get with just two correct cards is already significant, and tossing the card means less of those too, so you also hurt yourself when you used undraw in these situations 😅
One day ill be a mentor. 😂 i dont beg for commends so when that day finially does come it will have been on my own merrit. Maining tank/healer role does help but yeaah. Also that bird pull in vanguard is very brutal for inexperienced tanks. You WILL die if you dont have defensives. Those birds hit like freight trains lol
By the time you'll be a mentor you'll be ready to be good at it! 😁
And yes I could imagine so, they really surprised me too! 😂
For me, anyone who begs for commendations doesn't deserve one. It does take awhile to get the 1500 commends but keep at it!
Vanguard is rough on tanks especially when ur DRK and try to use living dead and healer heals you instead 😂
It's always fun when the healers truly sets in when the drk already used their invuln to try and save the day, as if the living dead itself was meant as a cry for help when it is in fact the opposite 🤣
very disappointed no frieren mimic joke
It's the one dungeon where I don't touch the chests! 😅🤣
I should've thought about that!
It really shouldn’t be possible to solo dawntrail content synced as any job in my opinion. I hope we don’t end up in a similar place as late endwalker content. I found Dead Ends to be the only interesting endgame endwalker dungeon to heal because of the item level sync.
Indeed, the fact warrior somehow just... Can anyway is also something I view as a problem - but it can still be entertaining as long as you do it alone and not by forcing a wiped group to watch you do it just because you can😅