Ngl this is one of the best videos syphers made in a long time, brings chapter 1 sylhet memories back where he would play with random duos. I hope we see more random duos content in the future, even though the players don’t all need to be carried now 😂
Fortnite is ABSOLUTELY, still a fun game. I believe that its just the way that you have to spend time playing the game. IF you have fun playing with friends, do that, if its comp or creative, or anything, then do it. and this goes with any game, if you spend time doing what you don't like, it wont be fun.
17:06 it's insane how NickEh30 also talked on stream about how shooting those videos and how long it takes is demotivating, it truly shows, respect to both of you, great vid!!
I'm a dad that picked up on fortnite to play with my daughter and I just want to say sypher you are an amazing role model for not only kids but also for parents I'm so happy for everything you do for everyone I can't wait for more videos
A common kind of grass is used to cover the ground in places such as lawns and parks. Grass is usually the color green. That is because they are wind-pollinated rather than insect-pollinated, so they do not have to attract insects. Green is the best colour for photosynthesis. Grasslands such as savannah and prairie where grasses are dominant cover 40.5% of the land area of the Earth, except Greenland and Antarctica.[4] Grasses are monocotyledon herbaceous plants. They include the "grass" of the family Poaceae, which are called grass by ordinary people. This family is also called the Gramineae, and includes some of the sedges (Cyperaceae) and the rushes (Juncaceae).[5] These three families are not very closely related, though all of them belong to clades in the order Poales. They are similar adaptations to a similar life-style. With about 780 genera and about 12,000 species,[3] the Poaceae is the fifth-largest plant family. Only the Asteraceae, Orchidaceae, Fabaceae and Rubiaceae have more species.[6] The true grasses include cereals, bamboo and the grasses of lawns (turf) and grassland. Uses for graminoids include food (as grain, shoots or rhizomes), drink (beer, whisky), pasture for livestock, thatch, paper, fuel, clothing, insulation, construction, sports turf, basket weaving and many others.
@@kent0488it’s because the game does not have what most players want but in chapter 4 season 2 the peak was 1.9 mil now it’s over 2 mil so it will most likely go up again next season and chapter 5
@@kent0488nah I feel more people will play fortnite now due to the custom content from creators which will bring new players in who aren’t interested in battle royales
IM THinking of getting back into Fortnite i always watch your Vids regularly and see how much fun u have while playing and idk how u stay so dedicated 😀But this vid helped to persuade me to start playing again becasue of what i watched hopefully the next time i comment you see it and hopefully im playing Fortnite by then ☺
Loved the video brings back so many memories and I loved it when you played on controller and the you kept missing shots and the inspirational music slowly went down I cried inside when you played on controller
To be honest you surprised me with this video when he taped a cactus to himself like what dedication is that. This is what I call a quality video i'm liking a subing on this acc too props to sypherpk.💕💗💓💞
29:10 watch Sypher literally get unalived... until zero ping steps in and says "na your good man! What I'm gonna do is make sure your your bullet damage gets sent to the fortnite servers 1st so he dies and you come back to life 🤜🏾🤛🏾" Daaaamn, Sypher out here trying to show us that fortnite is fun but accidentally showing us why it's not 😅
I feel there's a difference between a game being fun and putting effort to have fun. Cause I can put effort to have fun in the most boring game as long as I make it fun to me. Fortnite isn't the type anymore (at least to me) that is fun by itself.
The Fortnite community would be much smaller if PK didn’t join the hard work editing and playing the game he is the resson how I join PK love u PK 36:55
This video took me over 12 HOURS!
One of my favorite videos I've made, especially the final challenge :) Enjoy!
i’m fire comment
I love watching you Sypher keep it up
Keep up the good work. Appreciate everything you do for us!! ❤❤❤
This has got to be the biggest Sypherpk challenge EVER. Amazing dedication Sypher 👏👏
Sypherpk inspires me.. My parents said if i get 40K followers They'd buy me a professional camera for recording..begging u guys , literally
@@namantherockstarbro you make music come up with a better lie lol
@@AC7..77it’s fake
I'm better than Sypher, My content is better!
Ngl this is one of the best videos syphers made in a long time, brings chapter 1 sylhet memories back where he would play with random duos. I hope we see more random duos content in the future, even though the players don’t all need to be carried now 😂
I like seeing sypher have fun and laughing and messing around. Amazing vid.
i don’t
“I just gOt a FrIEnd request from I showspeed” killed me dude
I hear it I agree
Bro, what a video. This is what you call dedication. The raid at the end was awesome.
Honestly Sypher, this is probably your best video ever, or at least in a while. I absolutely loved this, and it was really fun to watch.
Fortnite is ABSOLUTELY, still a fun game. I believe that its just the way that you have to spend time playing the game. IF you have fun playing with friends, do that, if its comp or creative, or anything, then do it. and this goes with any game, if you spend time doing what you don't like, it wont be fun.
17:06 it's insane how NickEh30 also talked on stream about how shooting those videos and how long it takes is demotivating, it truly shows, respect to both of you, great vid!!
Top-tier content as usual!! Love the random duo/squads and raid at the end.
Yea lol
I'm a dad that picked up on fortnite to play with my daughter and I just want to say sypher you are an amazing role model for not only kids but also for parents I'm so happy for everything you do for everyone I can't wait for more videos
Would love to see other big content creators have a try at this in the future
Awesome, love having a longer video to watch too. Sypher really is the goat of content creation at this point.
for fn he’s def top 3
Appreciate your dedication to content! One of your best videos ever!
This was such a great and wholesome video, probably one of the best SypherPK videos I've ever watched!
Awesome Video Sypher & Team 🔥
Omg noskiiiii ahhhhhhh I love you
Ty bro
After 6 years of watching SypherPK, it really hits hard, he has always had amazing content & consistent uploading, great job sypher! ❤
Oh no shit
I'm better than Sypher, My content is better!
You joined youtube 6 months ago big cappp
Sypher's videos are getting more high quality it's so cool
12:38 i felt that 😅😅😂😂
36:50 love the kids reaction!! So wholesome!!
This was actually a good video. Honestly, had me laughing a lot.
Honestly great video man. Editing and content is on point. 👍🏻
Sypher no matter how years of Fortnite content you post !!! It will always be fun to me ! It’s the thought that counts ;)
13:58 everyone must have thought you were a sprayer lol
I don't play fortnite anymore but I still watch Sypher. It's videos like these that make me want to play again and actually feel excited to
The dedication of sypherpk is amazing❤
Well done Sypher! ❤ This is gold content :) Thanks for the dedication to your fans and your craft!
I'm proud of Ali, You've come such a Long way bro.. Congrats on 7 Million Subscribers btw ❤
The team kill is so funny
A common kind of grass is used to cover the ground in places such as lawns and parks. Grass is usually the color green. That is because they are wind-pollinated rather than insect-pollinated, so they do not have to attract insects. Green is the best colour for photosynthesis.
Grasslands such as savannah and prairie where grasses are dominant cover 40.5% of the land area of the Earth, except Greenland and Antarctica.[4]
Grasses are monocotyledon herbaceous plants. They include the "grass" of the family Poaceae, which are called grass by ordinary people. This family is also called the Gramineae, and includes some of the sedges (Cyperaceae) and the rushes (Juncaceae).[5] These three families are not very closely related, though all of them belong to clades in the order Poales. They are similar adaptations to a similar life-style.
With about 780 genera and about 12,000 species,[3] the Poaceae is the fifth-largest plant family. Only the Asteraceae, Orchidaceae, Fabaceae and Rubiaceae have more species.[6]
The true grasses include cereals, bamboo and the grasses of lawns (turf) and grassland. Uses for graminoids include food (as grain, shoots or rhizomes), drink (beer, whisky), pasture for livestock, thatch, paper, fuel, clothing, insulation, construction, sports turf, basket weaving and many others.
The dedication in this video is through the roof. Amazing job putting this video together, It honestly brought back some old memories!
Nine years ago I played eleven scrolls with you when you were trying to get emperor title
Much love to you sypher appreciate all the content always fire 🔥
7:12 sypher looks like devil wtf😂
22:27 it’s the season 2 chapter 3 FNCS music track. I also really like the best and song too.
After 6 years the game keeps growing and growing
the player base is less active by miles, the game peaked in early-mid chapter 1
@@kent0488it’s because the game does not have what most players want but in chapter 4 season 2 the peak was 1.9 mil now it’s over 2 mil so it will most likely go up again next season and chapter 5
@@kent0488nah I feel more people will play fortnite now due to the custom content from creators which will bring new players in who aren’t interested in battle royales
Love the videos keep it up❤
I love your content keep up the great work Sypher
I agree
And that was so cool you added that random duo, like his day was already made that he got a dub with you, but adding him put it over the top
IM THinking of getting back into Fortnite i always watch your Vids regularly and see how much fun u have while playing and idk how u stay so dedicated 😀But this vid helped to persuade me to start playing again becasue of what i watched hopefully the next time i comment you see it and hopefully im playing Fortnite by then
Only OGs know sypher is the king of traps
Love the videos sypher keep up the grind
Nice bro hope your having a blessed day
Great vid Sypher! Keep up the good work!
How in the word did u already watch it? It’s been out for 2 mins 💀
Not trying to hate just wondering
You didn’t even finish it..
@@AC7..77 cap
12:32 bro got a friend request by Ishowspeed his teammate 😂 😂😂😂
12:22 the moment of silence and then the other guy saying "i just got a friend request from ishowspeed" is the funniest part of the video lmao
TY SO much for raiding the stream lol i cant believe it
6 years and this video is 1 year old now 😂
i just got a friend request from ishowspeed💀💀
Yeah I laughed at that too he sounded like the most toxic 8 year old
@@Iso_lighty i was copying the vid
Ain’t no way
Yoo congrets on 7mil Sypher!! Keep it up! Never give up never what?
When I looked at that thumbnail and name of video I thought you were retiring I almost started crying 😂
The only thing fun is playing squads old with your freinds
👇🏻 anyone here in 2024
Everyone is everyone
“Sigma aim”💀💀💀💀💀💀
25:53 - 25:54
ONLY OGs Will Understand the reason why every single time I walk through that door I ALLWAYS look up for a trap 🔥😌😅
12:34 KILLED ME 😂😂😂
anyone here in 2024?
Me wsp
Me too
Me to wsp
Shut up he’s just begging for replies
Everyone who stayed till the end👇
I liked my own comment
Nice and also same
Don’t give a fuck
Loved the video brings back so many memories and I loved it when you played on controller and the you kept missing shots and the inspirational music slowly went down I cried inside when you played on controller
Love the last challenge the kid was so happy🥺 sypher the goat for being a great content creator and for being a very Nice person keep it up!👍
Who's here in 2024
3 people ne 2
12:37 got on me on the floor laughing
Yo this is the first vid of yours that I laughed this hard in especially the "kill a duo" challenge got my stomach damn hurtin 😂😂
To be honest you surprised me with this video when he taped a cactus to himself like what dedication is that. This is what I call a quality video i'm liking a subing on this acc too props to sypherpk.💕💗💓💞
12:49 “I just got a friend request from ishowspeed” 😂😂
12:13 Bro got a Friend Request Ishowspeed 😂😂😂
29:10 watch Sypher literally get unalived... until zero ping steps in and says "na your good man! What I'm gonna do is make sure your your bullet damage gets sent to the fortnite servers 1st so he dies and you come back to life 🤜🏾🤛🏾"
Daaaamn, Sypher out here trying to show us that fortnite is fun but accidentally showing us why it's not 😅
THE OUTRO MUSIC AT THE END!!! So nostalgic! I miss it!
21:16 blud said now we get down and dirty with a straight face
This is some real og content W
10:43 I aint know sypher had rizz like that 😭😭💯💯
I feel there's a difference between a game being fun and putting effort to have fun. Cause I can put effort to have fun in the most boring game as long as I make it fun to me. Fortnite isn't the type anymore (at least to me) that is fun by itself.
Turns around and fish got me😂😂😂
30:39 how did you get a fright? im half your age i didnt get a fright
bro is actually going insane
This video is amazing! Keep it up sypher 🙏
one of my favorites sypher
Best sypher vid ever
Bro this is one of the best fortnite videos i ever saw. Amazing video!
Love this vid, keep it up bro! 👏
Bro Sypher is such a creative guy man one of the best yt out there
not gonna lie this is kinda heart warming
12:25 starts laughing 12:38 starts crying from laughter
Such a funny video actually got me laughing out loud.
the most fun about fortnite was hopping on with the boys and trash talking eachother even tho we are all pretty bad 😊
The Fortnite community would be much smaller if PK didn’t join the hard work editing and playing the game he is the resson how I join PK love u PK
22:02 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
sypher probably makes the best fortnite content atm
I cant wait to see megamind teaming with the grinch in the next fortnite update
17:59 you just had to put on a red t shirt😂
this is such an awesome vid! all the best fortnite feels!!!
Your the goat keep it up your content is the best😂
I’ve been feeling like fortnite is dying man I miss old fortnite
This was a banger, straight heat. Whatever u wanna call it. Let’s go shyper sheeeesh
Sypher talking to the kids mom is so wholesome
25:47 look at the name above sypher's head 😂😂
no way lmfao
“I just got a friend request from ishospeed”that was so random lmoa💀💀💀12:35
This is the best video you ever make❤❤❤
Fortnite and Sypher are still the 🐐
Sypher your my favorite streamer and also my life inspiration keep up the good work love your videos! 🎮🎧