Senhora tuyet não deixa esta velha ruim com vc não,ela não w mais sogra sua ela já te judior dimais roba suas coisas manda esta velha ruim ir morar com a filha dela e vc seja feliz ☺️ com oficial da comuna.Antonia Brasil ❤❤❤😊😘🙏🙏
Не зря офицер оставил у себя старую Красную книгу дома Тайет.. Возможно что новую украдут, и она просто будет недействительной. А по старой восстановят права Тайет на этот дом. И опять её спасёт этот порядочный человек, офицер. Когда же Тайет наконец оценит все его старания и поймёт,что именно он к ней испытывает настоящие чувства. Удивляюсь, зачем Тайет, которая умная, так поступает.. Зачем так усложнять свою жизнь.. Есть пословица:-Дважды в одну реку не войдëшь..
Отправь её назад к дочери . Вы ей больше не кто. Вы итак много вреда получили. Берегите свою жизнь и здоровье. Запирайте двери где лежат деньги и документы пожалуйста.
Me to she want listen the ex-mother-in-law was trying to go in the room to find money to leave and buy alcohol but the door was .locked that was good. Tuyet needs to start fighting back and stop being on soft that is not her family I also are running out of words.
Eso se llama durmiendo con el enemigo. UD estaba muy tranquila amiga y debió cerrar ese ciclo definitivamente y mantener alejada a esas persona pero ahora la vida se le volverá a complicar por no ponerle freno a su corazón. Cuánto lo siento y no me gustaria dejar de seguirte pero creo qye a ninguno de tus seguidores nos gusta ver como tu misma estas atrayendo mas desgracias a tu vida y no nos haces caso cuando solo queremos ayudarte
No amiga no diga que su vida es infeliz, tienes vida, tienes salud y tus seguidores te amamos. Son esas malas personas que quieren que vivas infeliz, por eso debes alejarlos de tu vida
Tuyet no meu Paiz as sogras vao para as filhas ou ficao em casa delas tu ja nao es nada a ela nao estas para aturala que va para o filho dela o filho que lhe deia para ela beber eu ja a tinha ma dado para os filhos dela nao queiras essa responsabilidade a tuá mae vive a maneira dela e nao te chateia mais uma vez te digo manda pára os filhos dela abraço de teu fa Portugal ❤
Bonjour ma belle Tuyet j'espère que tu vas bien ? Au sais que te regarde toujours mes fais attention ton ex veux retourner avec toi tu seras plus heureuse avec cette famille tu seras mieux avec le policier ma chérie réfléchi bien tu es divorcé pourquoi ta permis ton ex belle mère de rester chez toi
@@banthituyet-9999da nu ai ce sa vorbesti tu cu femeia aia alcolica care te uraste ,iti fura bani ,pasarile ,legumele ,iti maninca mincarea pe furisi tu realizezi ce fapte face ?te comanda si lista poate sa continue deci bagati mintile in cap si termina cu oameni acestia de nimic pradatori intelege draga ca te sfatuieste o lume intreaga de peste tot pamamintul tu spui :doar va multumesc si continui sa creezi tot aceleasi fapte nu sin bune terminati cu provocarea la acte de violenta ,ura si rautate schimbati actiunile in pace ,liniste ,iubire ,bunatate sau ce acestea sau terminat pe la voi ,nu stiti decit ura sa folositi !!!!??????🤦🤦🤦🤦🤗
Omg. Tuyet u make me so upset. Shouldn't allow her to stay in your house. She's talking bad things behind your back. This evil will never changed. Don't tolerate with her and do evil things to you.
TUYET,sua cunhada ligou para seu ex marido e falou que ela se divociou, ele não aceita e anda disse que vc é a esposa dele porque vc é muito gentil e tem que cuidar da mãe dele,garota não seja mais gentil com esta família. Vc não deveria aceita esta senhora louca vc já sofreu com ela e o marido,eles não que a responsabilidade com a velha por ela ser viciada ,eles não são. Ais sua família seu e. Marido disse que ainda cuida de vc mesmo estando longe mas como se ele nunca te ajudou em nada e roubou a mãe fugiu sumiu. Agora ele tem mulher e filho foi infiel mesmo sendo casado,e fala que vc não pode casar por vc ser muito gentil,seja esperta contrata um advogado fala com seu amigo para quando ele voltar vc já está preparada,ele não tem direito em nada se vc não tomar cuidado vão querer sua casa,sendo que já não era mais da sua sogra,vc trabalhou muito até esta doente de tanto trabalhar pra comprar o terreno, ele sumiu e deixou a mãe viciada pra vc cuidar. Não aceita manda ela embora eles não tem direito nenhum, parece que vc gosta de sofrer, mulher sai fora desta família vc não deve nada a eles enquanto vc estava com ele só trabalhava era uma empregada pra eles sendo maltratada pela velha,se eles não quer cuidar da mãe vc não tem obrigação de ficar com ela. No meu país quando os filhos casam vão embora não dá certo os sogros ficar entromentendo na vida dos filhos. Não aceite um homem que já tem mulher e filho,ele só te quer para cuidar da mãe dele, nenhum deles que a mãe viciada com eles,seja decidida mandam todos pra cadeia. Não tem a dor eles não gosta de vc,ele vai esta de volta enfrenta eles,no meu país quando o marido trai a mulher deixa sem nada porque o errado foi ele,quando ele ver que vc recuperou o terreno e sua casa está bonita limpa e organizada vai querer ter direito. Procura um advogado fala com oficial seu amigo e sua mãe para te orientar. Deixe sua casa trancada e leva embora esta velha alcoólica logo. Falo do Brasil
Ms tuyet,let your ex mother in law go back to her own daugther.shes just giving stress on your daily life.forget about them. Concentrate for the commune officer so that your life be change to happy life
Tuyet hati2 sama mantanmu dia akan datang segeralah minta bantuan hukum supaya tidak salah paham dan pintu ke tempat tidur kunci selalu takut hal tidak diinginkan datang hati2 dan waspada ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Es muy noble, muy educada y amable tiene que pedir ayuda para que no le quite el marido todo lo que a luchado para conseguir lo que a echo con su esfuerzo
Ponte las pilas tu ex viene a pelear contigo no le parece bien que tú rehagas tu vida y seas feliz busca ayuda profesional y prepárate el hombre es egoísta y malo
Тает, не понимаю тебя Теряю уважение к тебе. Ты на грани беды, своими опрометчиваемыми поступками можешь потерять все. Будет обидно если потеряешь своего друга. Твой бывший и его семейка приложат к этому все силы. Семья алкоголиков, ты гробила самое здоровье чтобы содержать их мать алкоголичку... А я теряю к тебе интерес, думаю что многие твои друзья тоже.
Hello ms.tuyet why you care that old demanding woman she's not your mother -in-lae anymore and remember his son he tricked you and he married already so,now it's time to marry someone too and please think that mr.cadastral he loves you dearly so think carefully that old woman always demands you
Meine liebe Tuyet ich bin eine Deiner Verehrerinnen und sehr traurig nicht mehr Eure Stimmen zu hören.Ich lese Deine Geschichte,es ist nicht das Selbe.Bleibe stark und lass Dich nicht von Deinem Ex überrumpeln.Rufe Herrn Huon zur Hilfe.Bis Morgen.
What you did now will bring you troubles be careful don't trust your sister in law or your bad husband be careful because you are going to be in trouble again and I will feel really sorry for you this time with all my love to you ❤️
Tuyet… you just don’t know how to be happy and live in peace. Now the Son is coming upset you are divorced and is ready to fight you. You should had let the daughter take her mother back home. You better get yourself a lawyer? Call the police and report them and have your ex mother n law put in a police for addiction. Why did you do this to yourself. I no longer think you are suitable for the officer. You like this type of drama and you want your husband back and that’s why y you. Snot commit to having a relationship with the officer! You are do sad but I no longer sympathize with you, because you are the blame for what’s going to happen to you next!
Rekao je sestri preko telefona da nece pristati na razvod Samo ce se uvaliti u kucu i ponasati se kao gazda. Tujet ne slusa nase savete. Ja bi oterala staru vesticu i otisla kod majke na nekoliko dana da vidim sta ce kockar uciniti. Jednom je prokockao kucu pokusace opet
Don't agree about the divorce? He abandoned you Tuyet and leave a huge amount of debt. Now that you redeemed that land he will come back and won't agree to a divorce. Now let somebody sneak to his new life as well with a new wife and child enough ground for him and that ex mother in law of your should be return immediately to his biological daughter. Ask you mom to stay with you for a while because there would be a fight between you and your ex husband. And pls have a lawyer and inform the police about his coming especially the good policeman who helped you in that problem so with the official. Fight for your right Tuyet.
Tuyet se lo tiene merecido, porque no escarmientan!! Ella sigue enamorada de ése hombre y por eso tiene la esperanza de recuperar lo que nunca ha tenido, el amor de ése hombre, ni amor propio
Tuyet does not want her husband back after all he did to her he married to some one else he divorce tuyet a while back I love tuyet she now has someone
Здравствуй,дорогая Тайет, они замышляют очень не хорошие дела,а можно сделать, продать этот дом и купить в другом месте ,вот уж наверно точно они не будут никакого отношения к вам,а так они не оставят вас в покое пока ваша бывшая свекровь жива и будет требовать алкоголь,но её надо лечить.
Дорогая Тает !Я с уважением смотрю твои будни , горжусь твоей силой Духа и честной позицией по жизни. Но сегодня меня насторожило поведение дочери и свекрови. Дочь плетет интригу от имени своей матери, за твоей спиной. Твоя доброта ими понимается как слабость и неумение защищать себя и свою свободу по жизни. И бывший муж тоже с плохими намерениями. уже намерен вернуть снова имущество и оставить тебе заботу о своей матери. Эти дети не желают заботиться о ней. Очень огорчило твоё обещание поделиться землёй со свекровью. Этого делать, даже говорить об этом, никак нельзя! Много подписчиков сердечно переживают за твою судьбу, я тоже. Поделись ,поговори честно с офицером, прими его помощь, делай поступки, согласно законам твоей страны. Защити себя !!!! Огорчена видео за сегодня. Буду надеяться на завтра, жду приятных новостей. Мужества и здоровья тебе ! Мы переживаем и поддерживаем тебя. Я , Надежда, с надеждой буду ждать добрых вестей. Обнимаю всем сердцем. Стойкости и удачи.
No intentarlo sino hacerlo. Con esa actitud perderás a muchas personas que te siguen, porqué te quieren,es insoportable verte tropezar siempre con la misma piedra💔😢o sea aceptando su maltrato mental y físico
For someone that’s smart can also be so stupid, wake up woman!!!!. That lady only spent one night and she is already asking for alcohol, cursing you behind your back, trying to steal some money but she couldn’t cause you’ve locked the door. Don’t leave her by herself in the house she’ll steal your money to buy alcohol. I thought you were smart enough not to take her in but obviously not. Your ex husband is coming back so move your ass to finalise any legal issues that might arise concerning your divorce. Notify Mr Houng so he can give you some legal advice on what to do, don’t try to be a Wonder Woman when you know you can’t do it by yourself. Get rid of that old lady it’s getting to much for your viewers trying to support you but you go and do the opposite. Anything that got do with your house and land prepared everything legal your ex husband will try to twist all that for his gain. Stop being a soft hearted fool it gets you nowhere. All the best ❤❤❤❤
☝☝☝☝☝☝ Sra Tuyet, .... apresse-se .... observe bem as pontuacoes de sua seguidora da mensagem acima,.... voce nao tem mais tempo, .... seu marido ficou sabendo que voce tem um pretendente/amante, .... ele nao aceita sua separacao, .... cuidado ele vira atras do terreno..... nao ira consentir sua simpatia para com o Sr Huan. ... parece que esta bravo. .... "eh demais ne, .... igual a mae , insensato"
Srta Tuyet voce ja ligou para o Sr Huong para analisar os fatos juntos??? Ele conhece bem o Mundo dos Homens aonde muitas vezes encontramos muito egoismo, traicao, mentiras, luxuria,... o Sr Huong conhece bem essas mentes doentes, cheias de materialismo, foi por isso que ele se deslumbrou por voce, .... "viajo muito e nunca me deparei com uma pessoa igual a Yuyet, tao trabalhadora, honesta e cheia de boa vontade", lembra ? Nao pense demais, ... sei que voce nao quer incomodar o Sr Huong, talvez voce esteja nesse impasse pela sua timidez,.... esta decisao que tomaste de aceitar sua ex-sogra por alguns dias desencadeou um mau entendido para os irmaos traidores. Sua boa vontade foi condenada a "fraqueza e impotencia., sim , eles so enxergam por esse prisma, seu marido diz nao aceitar o divorcio aonde reivindicara essa decisao , retomara as terras. SIm, ele com certeza nao aceitara que voce tenha um novo amante. Sabemos que voce aceitou sua sogra por alguns dias por teres um coracao docemente inocente. O Sr Huon antes de tudo se pos como amigo fiel, ..... com certeza ele se sentira orgulhoso de poder defende-la como Profissional e amigo. Nao hesite, nao temos mais tempo, seu ex-marido ja esta a caminho de sua casa. Seja firme nesses momentos, e nao se deixe vencer. procure uma forma de levar sua sogra de volta para ele nao ter motivos para entrar na casa.
Querida Tuyet, ... ainda nao completou 24hrs na sua casa e a sua ex-sogra confirma a sua insanidade a tanta ignorancia..... mas nao foi so isso que desencadeou essa sua acao,... sua irma entrou em contato com seu ex-,marido, ...ele ficou sabendo que voce tem um amante.... ele diz que casou mas deixou claro que nao aceita a separacao com voce, ... com certeza ira contestar o divorcio e as terras. ELe eh igual a mae,.... muita insensatez, ...cuidado!!! Sei que voce eh firme, mas procure uma palavra com o Sr Huong, com certeza ele sabera orienta-la... por favor dessa vez ouca os seus seguidores.💕
Tuyet masa mantan mertuamu suka mengatur kamu hati hati dgn dia otaknya kurang stabil ko kamu mau mengurus dia dia itukan punya anak .anaknya yg bertanggung jawab
Hello Tuyet you just made trouble for yourself your ex-sister-in-law came and left her mother with you they don't want the responsibility of taking care of her They want you to take care of their mother. Your ex-sister-in-law told her brother you have a lover and he is a officer then he said he don't have a job like that. You see Tuyet they come and get information and tell your ex-husband he said the way you divorce him, he didn't sign any papers. We told you to leave your ex-in-laws along he is coming to fight with you you need to stop trusting your ex-sister-in-law they feel their mother should stay with you she is a alcoholic and they don't want to keep her. You need to get your e ex-mother-in-law out the house before her son comes back your ex-sister-in-law told her brother you have put a lock on the gate. Tuyet while you went to get the chicken your ex-mother-in-law tried to go in the room to look for money the door was locked she was mad she wanted to go in and find your money. Please do not keep your money in the house, your ex-sister-in-law is talking behind your back to her brother listen they are jealous of you they was looking at how you have fixed the house up be careful he is coming to start trouble with you. You need to send your ex-mother-in-law back to her daughter as soon as possible don't wait and get your mother to come because you got trouble coming. Your ex-husband don't you to have anyone he is married and a child and move you deserve to be happy as well. Tuyet you need to cut away from your ex-mother-in-law and ex-sister-in-law and all mean the lying ex-husband for good they don't need to come there anymore and you need to stop letting them and make sure your gates are locked at all time you need to put a gate around all the land. You keep saying she is visiting for a few day don't say that again you have created this problem I am glad your mother have the Red Book and your divorce paper that good. Now please get your ex-mother-in-law out the house as soon as possible and bring your mother there and get the police involved because trouble is coming. That's all I got to say is we told you to stop dealing with your ex-in-laws. Well just be careful.❤❤🙏
Now she got you cooking everyday you're not doing what you want you're doing what she wants you to do, you don't want a life for yourself she done left her life now she's living yours 😊🤚
Bonjour tuyet nous t'avons prévenu de ne pas laisser ton ex belle mère retourner chez vous mais vous avez ignorer nos avertissement pourquoi vous créez des problèmes vous n'êtes plus sa famille prenez une décision arrêter de vous faire du mal agissez bon sang et courage
Hallo bu tuyet apa kbr smga sellu sehat dan bahagia tp hati2 dan waspda,mntanmu mau dtng..sgeralh antispasi dgn. keadaan yg tak trduga,klo2 mntanmu ingin mengmbil alih rumah dan tanahmu..sdh dpt d terka orang tua ini punya pikiran jahat,tdk tau trima k sh,hati2 dgn buku merahx
Pa ne moze joj uzeti kucu kada se kuca i zemlja vodi na Tuyet ona je radila orevise da sve otkupi bivsi muz nema prava vise ima drugu zenu i dijete zlo kao i njegova majka Tuyet treba da orica sa svojim ljubavnikom da mu sve isprica sta joj spremaju ne mogu da joj otmu njenu kucu i imovinu a bivsu svekrvu da sto pre vrati cerki nije duzna da se brine o njoj Gospodjo Tuyet svoju crvenu knjizicu daj svom ljubavniku da cuva Svekrva ima namjeru da ukrade rako i njen sin prijavi ih u policiju sta zele da ti urade a najbolji savjet ce ti dati tvoj Huong cuvaj se bivseg i svekrve
Tuyet bom dia muita saúde e felicidades pra vc. Tuyet vai na justiça avisa q esse ex malandro está vindo querendo exigir coisas de vc sem ter direito. Se previna se cerca de segurança tá. Pede a ex cunhada Internar a ex sogra pra desintoxicar se cuida .
Tuyet. Vc jamais deixa sua ex sogra ficar com vc. Vc não tem mais nada pra acolher essa senhora tóxica. Ninguém merece ter uma pessoa dessa de companhia. Fala pra sua filha vir buscar ela. vai criar problema pra vc. Põe essa velha pra correr de sua casa. Vc esta muito bem sozinha. Se vc não fizer isso seus seguidores vão cancelar suas intenções porque ninguém suporta essa velha. Inclusive eu.
Querida Tuyet gosto muito do seus vídeos mas se você ficar com essa senhora insuportável eu mesma não vou te assistir mais, e seus vídeos e o meu preferido, mas essa senhora é o seu ex marido tem que sair da sua vida para sempre 💔🥺
Your x Mother ln Law daughter has really talked about you too anybody that will listen, Becareful your x is on the way home to take care thing’s Be Blessing 🌹♥️♥️♥️♥️
Buenas noche señorita tuyet pecaste sobre alertada esa señora no es nada tuyo y ahora quiere alcohol toma iniciativa tu y llévala a donde su hija que ellas resuelvan con su madre por favor . Tu mamá que es una bella persona te necesita 🎉❤😊.. por favor bota a esa señora sus intenciones son malas.
Bagus begitu Ban, dan hatti2 juga nnti rumah di rusak. Atau.. ..,diakan sentimen sama km Ban, pokokx hatti 2 ,anakx saja enda tahan ortux ,pecandu suka mengutuk anak.
Selamat bu tuyet ku tersayang, jgn biar kan mantan mertua mu minum anggur, lebih baik ,takutin atau ancam dia, blg kalau paman masih bersih keras minta belikan anggur, saya akan lapor polisi, biar paman di penjara😂
Тайет мне ты нравишься очень сильная женьшина но зачем ты оставила свекровь у себя посидели покушали и на этом всё. У нас говорят не было хлопот купила баба парося ток и ты
I told you thst old lady will not do any good gor you but insted create conflict in your peacefull life be ready to call a police assistance in case her son comes and harm you dont ever allow them to interfer your life
Tuyet nie dawaj jej ani pieniędzy ani ziemi to Ty ciężko pracowałaś na to żeby ją kupić i tylko Ty masz do niej prawo i nikt inny A stara kobieta niech woła od swoich dzieci pieniądze to ich obowiązek
Tuyet please be on guard ,,ur x is coming to cause trouble for u and the officer,,and try to take ur house,don't let him do this to u after all u have done in the past t cae for his mom and now he plns to hurt u,,no no no
This EX-mother-in-law, is not your family any longer. She is old an alcoholic, but not your responsibility now. She is a serious trouble-maker, so you must not let her stay with you at all. I hope that the son will do the right thing and take responsibility, but he also sounds like trouble!
Tuyet ja nie rozumiem jak taka odobe po tylu przykrosciach mozna wpuscic do domu!!!Ona ma tylko jedno w glowie okrasc cie!!!Juz sie dobierala do pokoju. Ty to zdobylas ciezka swoja praca. I ten byly niech sie lepiej tu nie pojawia. Co znow bedzie cie chcial okrasc???? To nie czlowiek to oszust!!!!Czemu sie nie decytujesz wyjsc za oficera porzadnego czlowieka. Kiedy byly wroci zglos na policje oby nie robil ci klopotow. Pozdrawiam cie kochana Tuyet♥️🌹😘
Hola tuyet creo que tienes un problema grande al aceptar a esa señora es un abuso lo que ella te está pidiendo cuando tu tenías problemas nadie de su familia te tendió la mano alejate de esas personas ten cuidado ese señor se siente con derecho sobre ti y tu persona realmente son personas muy feas cuídate saludos
Hola tuyet ve a dejar a la anciana con su hija ella que la cuide es su mamá no te combine que tengas esa víbora en tu casa 🏠 es mi humilde opinión gracias
What a shameless ex-husband, and his gossip sister. He robbed his mother and Tayet by mortgaging the house and throwing them out on the street. For many years he worked somewhere, but for all these years he did not bring money, Tayet supported his alcoholic mother, and he walked there and made children with another woman, now he loves her and does not agree and does not recognize her divorce from him.
Tuyet, please go to the police and let them know your ex-husband will be coming back in a few days. Confirm that the warrant for his arrest is still valid (remember his mother charged him for stealing the red book and selling her house). There is probably a record regarding his leaving his mother and his then-wife homeless.
now the old lady have another version to take part on your property never compromise your self she has an evil mind cant understand the right of others same with his son let the authorities solve your problem in legal process
Essa ex cunhada da tu e uma fofoqueira,so faz fuxico porque nao querem ficar com a velha,nao de mole tu o nosso dever e com nossos pais e o seu divorcio e valido sim coloque essa gente para correr e seja feliz.
They are taking advantage of your good nature you will end up with nothing all the good work you done on the house they will profit from and you will be in debt.
Madame Tuyet tu n'es plus seule tu as des amis écoute les conseils de tes amies abonnés demande conseil a ta mère elle très intelligente et sages n'oublie pas ton ami aussi l officier n agit pas seule le problème et grave cette vieille femme vous devais la faire soigner au lieu de lui acheté l alcool trop d annui chez toi par ta faute aussi tu n'as rien a voir avec cette famille très dangereux
Devolve essa senhora pra família dela você não tem mais nada com essa família
Querida Tuyte va logo na Polícia e veja os seus direitos.
Não aceite o seu marido bandido de volta.
Tenha cuidado com essa família ruim.❤
@@anacustodiaamorimsilva1435 verdade
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
Ci você ficar com está mulher com você muitos seguidores vão Pará de aciste teus vídeos
ใช่เลยเบื่อความดีของตูเยทเกินไป รับมาปัญหามีอยู่แล้วด้วยนิสัยของเธอ
Senhora tuyet não deixa esta velha ruim com vc não,ela não w mais sogra sua ela já te judior dimais roba suas coisas manda esta velha ruim ir morar com a filha dela e vc seja feliz ☺️ com oficial da comuna.Antonia Brasil ❤❤❤😊😘🙏🙏
С мужем развелась, я не могу понять, зачем ей бывшая свекровь. Что она себя показывает добрая, останешься без денег без дома, может тогда поймёшь.
Не зря офицер оставил у себя старую Красную книгу дома Тайет.. Возможно что новую украдут, и она просто будет недействительной. А по старой восстановят права Тайет на этот дом. И опять её спасёт этот порядочный человек, офицер. Когда же Тайет наконец оценит все его старания и поймёт,что именно он к ней испытывает настоящие чувства. Удивляюсь, зачем Тайет, которая умная, так поступает.. Зачем так усложнять свою жизнь.. Есть пословица:-Дважды в одну реку не войдëшь..
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Tôi cảm thấy cuộc đời tôi thật khó khăn bạn ạ.
Отправь её назад к дочери . Вы ей больше не кто. Вы итак много вреда получили. Берегите свою жизнь и здоровье. Запирайте двери где лежат деньги и документы пожалуйста.
💯dokumenti ona otdala svoey mame
ทั้งหมดทั้งมวลขึ้นอยุ่กะทูเยตคนเดียว จะให้อดีตแม่สามีไปหรืออยุ่ เราไปแนะนำก็แค่นั้น เธอคงรักของเธอ แม่สามีดีเด่น หมดคำจะเตือนค่ะ
Me to she want listen the ex-mother-in-law was trying to go in the room to find money to leave and buy alcohol but the door was .locked that was good. Tuyet needs to start fighting back and stop being on soft that is not her family I also are running out of words.
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
Du bist eine tolle Frau denk an dich und nicht an dein Schwiegermutter...Der Beamte ist ein sehr lieber Mann❤❤❤❤❤❤
Eso se llama durmiendo con el enemigo. UD estaba muy tranquila amiga y debió cerrar ese ciclo definitivamente y mantener alejada a esas persona pero ahora la vida se le volverá a complicar por no ponerle freno a su corazón. Cuánto lo siento y no me gustaria dejar de seguirte pero creo qye a ninguno de tus seguidores nos gusta ver como tu misma estas atrayendo mas desgracias a tu vida y no nos haces caso cuando solo queremos ayudarte
Cảm ơn bạn đã động viên tôi ạ.
Vì cuộc đời bất hạnh nên tôi phải cố gắng vượt qua mọi khó khăn thử thách bạn ạ.
No amiga no diga que su vida es infeliz, tienes vida, tienes salud y tus seguidores te amamos. Son esas malas personas que quieren que vivas infeliz, por eso debes alejarlos de tu vida
รีบให้ลูกสาวเขามารับไปเลย ลูกสาวเขาเห็นแก่ตัวมากๆเลยเอาทุกข์มาให้tuyet มันไม่ใช่ธุระของเรา
Tuyet no meu Paiz as sogras vao para as filhas ou ficao em casa delas tu ja nao es nada a ela nao estas para aturala que va para o filho dela o filho que lhe deia para ela beber eu ja a tinha ma dado para os filhos dela nao queiras essa responsabilidade a tuá mae vive a maneira dela e nao te chateia mais uma vez te digo manda pára os filhos dela abraço de teu fa Portugal ❤
Bonjour ma belle Tuyet j'espère que tu vas bien ? Au sais que te regarde toujours mes fais attention ton ex veux retourner avec toi tu seras plus heureuse avec cette famille tu seras mieux avec le policier ma chérie réfléchi bien tu es divorcé pourquoi ta permis ton ex belle mère de rester chez toi
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Bác ấy đòi vào chơi vài hôm thôi bạn ạ.
@@banthituyet-9999da nu ai ce sa vorbesti tu cu femeia aia alcolica care te uraste ,iti fura bani ,pasarile ,legumele ,iti maninca mincarea pe furisi tu realizezi ce fapte face ?te comanda si lista poate sa continue deci bagati mintile in cap si termina cu oameni acestia de nimic pradatori intelege draga ca te sfatuieste o lume intreaga de peste tot pamamintul tu spui :doar va multumesc si continui sa creezi tot aceleasi fapte nu sin bune terminati cu provocarea la acte de violenta ,ura si rautate schimbati actiunile in pace ,liniste ,iubire ,bunatate sau ce acestea sau terminat pe la voi ,nu stiti decit ura sa folositi !!!!??????🤦🤦🤦🤦🤗
Infelizmente querida Tuyet se você queria problema achou essa ex sogra agora acabou sua liberdade 🤔
Здравствуйте! Вы токая добрая, но её надо гнать. Она очень плохая женщина. Такие люди неисправимы. Она вас ограбит как и её сын. ❤
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
Omg. Tuyet u make me so upset. Shouldn't allow her to stay in your house. She's talking bad things behind your back. This evil will never changed. Don't tolerate with her and do evil things to you.
Her son is not a good person keep him away from tuyet she has build a lovely house and works so hard .💖
TUYET,sua cunhada ligou para seu ex marido e falou que ela se divociou, ele não aceita e anda disse que vc é a esposa dele porque vc é muito gentil e tem que cuidar da mãe dele,garota não seja mais gentil com esta família.
Vc não deveria aceita esta senhora louca vc já sofreu com ela e o marido,eles não que a responsabilidade com a velha por ela ser viciada ,eles não são. Ais sua família seu e. Marido disse que ainda cuida de vc mesmo estando longe mas como se ele nunca te ajudou em nada e roubou a mãe fugiu sumiu.
Agora ele tem mulher e filho foi infiel mesmo sendo casado,e fala que vc não pode casar por vc ser muito gentil,seja esperta contrata um advogado fala com seu amigo para quando ele voltar vc já está preparada,ele não tem direito em nada se vc não tomar cuidado vão querer sua casa,sendo que já não era mais da sua sogra,vc trabalhou muito até esta doente de tanto trabalhar pra comprar o terreno, ele sumiu e deixou a mãe viciada pra vc cuidar.
Não aceita manda ela embora eles não tem direito nenhum, parece que vc gosta de sofrer, mulher sai fora desta família vc não deve nada a eles enquanto vc estava com ele só trabalhava era uma empregada pra eles sendo maltratada pela velha,se eles não quer cuidar da mãe vc não tem obrigação de ficar com ela.
No meu país quando os filhos casam vão embora não dá certo os sogros ficar entromentendo na vida dos filhos.
Não aceite um homem que já tem mulher e filho,ele só te quer para cuidar da mãe dele, nenhum deles que a mãe viciada com eles,seja decidida mandam todos pra cadeia.
Não tem a dor eles não gosta de vc,ele vai esta de volta enfrenta eles,no meu país quando o marido trai a mulher deixa sem nada porque o errado foi ele,quando ele ver que vc recuperou o terreno e sua casa está bonita limpa e organizada vai querer ter direito.
Procura um advogado fala com oficial seu amigo e sua mãe para te orientar.
Deixe sua casa trancada e leva embora esta velha alcoólica logo.
Falo do Brasil
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
Ms tuyet,let your ex mother in law go back to her own daugther.shes just giving stress on your daily life.forget about them. Concentrate for the commune officer so that your life be change to happy life
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Tuyet hati2 sama mantanmu dia akan datang segeralah minta bantuan hukum supaya tidak salah paham dan pintu ke tempat tidur kunci selalu takut hal tidak diinginkan datang hati2 dan waspada ❤❤❤❤❤❤
I can’t tell she hungry of chicken not alcohol look she haven’t had chicken to ate for years what a shame
Es muy noble, muy educada y amable tiene que pedir ayuda para que no le quite el marido todo lo que a luchado para conseguir lo que a echo con su esfuerzo
Ponte las pilas tu ex viene a pelear contigo no le parece bien que tú rehagas tu vida y seas feliz busca ayuda profesional y prepárate el hombre es egoísta y malo
Тает, не понимаю тебя
Теряю уважение к тебе. Ты на грани беды, своими опрометчиваемыми поступками можешь потерять все. Будет обидно если потеряешь своего друга. Твой бывший и его семейка приложат к этому все силы. Семья алкоголиков, ты гробила самое здоровье чтобы содержать их мать алкоголичку... А я теряю к тебе интерес, думаю что многие твои друзья тоже.
Ms Tuyet ,she will not change take her back,she is not your responsable any more.She will cause trouble for you, stand firm to your words.
Несчастная женщина даже жети от нече отказываются зачем она цепляется за бывшую невестку которой сделала сколько злых неприятностей. Гнать ее надо
Hello ms.tuyet why you care that old demanding woman she's not your mother -in-lae anymore and remember his son he tricked you and he married already so,now it's time to marry someone too and please think that mr.cadastral he loves you dearly so think carefully that old woman always demands you
Bom dia senhorita tuyet um abraço aqui do Brasil manda sua ex sogra imbora você não pôde ficar com ela vai tirar sua liberdade ❤❤❤❤
@@NiumarAndrade-g1p verdade
Meine liebe Tuyet ich bin eine Deiner Verehrerinnen und sehr traurig nicht mehr Eure Stimmen zu hören.Ich lese Deine Geschichte,es ist nicht das Selbe.Bleibe stark und lass Dich
nicht von Deinem Ex überrumpeln.Rufe Herrn Huon zur Hilfe.Bis Morgen.
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Tôi rất lo lắng vì làm phiền tới anh ấy bạn ạ.
What you did now will bring you troubles be careful don't trust your sister in law or your bad husband be careful because you are going to be in trouble again and I will feel really sorry for you this time with all my love to you ❤️
Tuyet… you just don’t know how to be happy and live in peace. Now the Son is coming upset you are divorced and is ready to fight you. You should had let the daughter take her mother back home. You better get yourself a lawyer? Call the police and report them and have your ex mother n law put in a police for addiction. Why did you do this to yourself. I no longer think you are suitable for the officer. You like this type of drama and you want your husband back and that’s why y you. Snot commit to having a relationship with the officer! You are do sad but I no longer sympathize with you, because you are the blame for what’s going to happen to you next!
Rekao je sestri preko telefona da nece pristati na razvod Samo ce se uvaliti u kucu i ponasati se kao gazda. Tujet ne slusa nase savete. Ja bi oterala staru vesticu i otisla kod majke na nekoliko dana da vidim sta ce kockar uciniti. Jednom je prokockao kucu pokusace opet
Don't agree about the divorce? He abandoned you Tuyet and leave a huge amount of debt. Now that you redeemed that land he will come back and won't agree to a divorce. Now let somebody sneak to his new life as well with a new wife and child enough ground for him and that ex mother in law of your should be return immediately to his biological daughter. Ask you mom to stay with you for a while because there would be a fight between you and your ex husband. And pls have a lawyer and inform the police about his coming especially the good policeman who helped you in that problem so with the official. Fight for your right Tuyet.
Tuyet se lo tiene merecido, porque no escarmientan!!
Ella sigue enamorada de ése hombre y por eso tiene la esperanza de recuperar lo que nunca ha tenido, el amor de ése hombre, ni amor propio
Tuyet does not want her husband back after all he did to her he married to some one else he divorce tuyet a while back I love tuyet she now has someone
yes you must be wise always lock your house and keep your money in a safer place never give her a chance and be ready for the coming of his son
Bu tu yet kunci lemari nya ada nnk tua itu ga nyaman drmh mu dia kan suka mencuri orangnya hati2 waspada Bu tu yet
Здравствуй,дорогая Тайет, они замышляют очень не хорошие дела,а можно сделать, продать этот дом и купить в другом месте ,вот уж наверно точно они не будут никакого отношения к вам,а так они не оставят вас в покое пока ваша бывшая свекровь жива и будет требовать алкоголь,но её надо лечить.
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
Tôi sẽ cố gắng vượt qua mọi khó khăn bạn ạ.
Дорогая Тает !Я с уважением смотрю твои будни , горжусь твоей силой Духа и честной позицией по жизни. Но сегодня меня насторожило поведение дочери и свекрови. Дочь плетет интригу от имени своей матери, за твоей спиной. Твоя доброта ими понимается как слабость и неумение защищать себя и свою свободу по жизни. И бывший муж тоже с плохими намерениями. уже намерен вернуть снова имущество и оставить тебе заботу о своей матери. Эти дети не желают заботиться о ней. Очень огорчило твоё обещание поделиться землёй со свекровью. Этого делать, даже говорить об этом, никак нельзя! Много подписчиков сердечно переживают за твою судьбу, я тоже. Поделись ,поговори честно с офицером, прими его помощь, делай поступки, согласно законам твоей страны. Защити себя !!!! Огорчена видео за сегодня. Буду надеяться на завтра, жду приятных новостей. Мужества и здоровья тебе ! Мы переживаем и поддерживаем тебя. Я , Надежда, с надеждой буду ждать добрых вестей. Обнимаю всем сердцем. Стойкости и удачи.
No intentarlo sino hacerlo. Con esa actitud perderás a muchas personas que te siguen, porqué te quieren,es insoportable verte tropezar siempre con la misma piedra💔😢o sea aceptando su maltrato mental y físico
For someone that’s smart can also be so stupid, wake up woman!!!!. That lady only spent one night and she is already asking for alcohol, cursing you behind your back, trying to steal some money but she couldn’t cause you’ve locked the door. Don’t leave her by herself in the house she’ll steal your money to buy alcohol. I thought you were smart enough not to take her in but obviously not. Your ex husband is coming back so move your ass to finalise any legal issues that might arise concerning your divorce. Notify Mr Houng so he can give you some legal advice on what to do, don’t try to be a Wonder Woman when you know you can’t do it by yourself. Get rid of that old lady it’s getting to much for your viewers trying to support you but you go and do the opposite. Anything that got do with your house and land prepared everything legal your ex husband will try to twist all that for his gain. Stop being a soft hearted fool it gets you nowhere. All the best ❤❤❤❤
☝☝☝☝☝☝ Sra Tuyet, .... apresse-se .... observe bem as pontuacoes de sua seguidora da mensagem acima,.... voce nao tem mais tempo, .... seu marido ficou sabendo que voce tem um pretendente/amante, .... ele nao aceita sua separacao, .... cuidado ele vira atras do terreno..... nao ira consentir sua simpatia para com o Sr Huan. ... parece que esta bravo. .... "eh demais ne, .... igual a mae , insensato"
Srta Tuyet voce ja ligou para o Sr Huong para analisar os fatos juntos??? Ele conhece bem o Mundo dos Homens aonde muitas vezes encontramos muito egoismo, traicao, mentiras, luxuria,... o Sr Huong conhece bem essas mentes doentes, cheias de materialismo, foi por isso que ele se deslumbrou por voce, .... "viajo muito e nunca me deparei com uma pessoa igual a Yuyet, tao trabalhadora, honesta e cheia de boa vontade", lembra ? Nao pense demais, ... sei que voce nao quer incomodar o Sr Huong, talvez voce esteja nesse impasse pela sua timidez,.... esta decisao que tomaste de aceitar sua ex-sogra por alguns dias desencadeou um mau entendido para os irmaos traidores. Sua boa vontade foi condenada a "fraqueza e impotencia., sim , eles so enxergam por esse prisma, seu marido diz nao aceitar o divorcio aonde reivindicara essa decisao , retomara as terras. SIm, ele com certeza nao aceitara que voce tenha um novo amante. Sabemos que voce aceitou sua sogra por alguns dias por teres um coracao docemente inocente. O Sr Huon antes de tudo se pos como amigo fiel, ..... com certeza ele se sentira orgulhoso de poder defende-la como Profissional e amigo. Nao hesite, nao temos mais tempo, seu ex-marido ja esta a caminho de sua casa. Seja firme nesses momentos, e nao se deixe vencer. procure uma forma de levar sua sogra de volta para ele nao ter motivos para entrar na casa.
Тайет ты меня разочаровала зачем тебе бывшая свекровь? Ты не хочешь быть счастливой вот и страдай дальше я отписываюсь . Привет из России
Cảm ơn bạn đã động viên tôi ạ.
Bác ấy vào chơi vài hôm nhưng lại đòi uống rượu bạn ạ.
Querida Tuyet, ... ainda nao completou 24hrs na sua casa e a sua ex-sogra confirma a sua insanidade a tanta ignorancia..... mas nao foi so isso que desencadeou essa sua acao,... sua irma entrou em contato com seu ex-,marido, ...ele ficou sabendo que voce tem um amante.... ele diz que casou mas deixou claro que nao aceita a separacao com voce, ... com certeza ira contestar o divorcio e as terras. ELe eh igual a mae,.... muita insensatez, ...cuidado!!! Sei que voce eh firme, mas procure uma palavra com o Sr Huong, com certeza ele sabera orienta-la... por favor dessa vez ouca os seus seguidores.💕
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
Chúc bạn và gia đình ngày mới tốt lành nhé.
Tuyet. 是個善良的人!但人善被人欺,雪伊應該保護自己、想好對策,看來前夫還是不會放手,祝福您凡事順心。
Cảm ơn bạn đã động viên tôi ạ.
Tôi rất lo lắng bạn ạ.
Bu tuyet wanita pintar pasti ada jln keluar dr masalahx,semngat trs,mnta tlong pd pihak yg berwenang utk mnyelesaiknx
Tuyet masa mantan mertuamu suka mengatur kamu hati hati dgn dia otaknya kurang stabil ko kamu mau mengurus dia dia itukan punya anak .anaknya yg bertanggung jawab
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Bác ấy vào chơi vài hôm không ngờ lại đòi rượu bạn ạ.
Hello Tuyet you just made trouble for yourself your ex-sister-in-law came and left her mother with you they don't want the responsibility of taking care of her They want you to take care of their mother. Your ex-sister-in-law told her brother you have a lover and he is a officer then he said he don't have a job like that. You see Tuyet they come and get information and tell your ex-husband he said the way you divorce him, he didn't sign any papers. We told you to leave your ex-in-laws along he is coming to fight with you you need to stop trusting your ex-sister-in-law they feel their mother should stay with you she is a alcoholic and they don't want to keep her. You need to get your e ex-mother-in-law out the house before her son comes back your ex-sister-in-law told her brother you have put a lock on the gate. Tuyet while you went to get the chicken your ex-mother-in-law tried to go in the room to look for money the door was locked she was mad she wanted to go in and find your money. Please do not keep your money in the house, your ex-sister-in-law is talking behind your back to her brother listen they are jealous of you they was looking at how you have fixed the house up be careful he is coming to start trouble with you. You need to send your ex-mother-in-law back to her daughter as soon as possible don't wait and get your mother to come because you got trouble coming. Your ex-husband don't you to have anyone he is married and a child and move you deserve to be happy as well. Tuyet you need to cut away from your ex-mother-in-law and ex-sister-in-law and all mean the lying ex-husband for good they don't need to come there anymore and you need to stop letting them and make sure your gates are locked at all time you need to put a gate around all the land. You keep saying she is visiting for a few day don't say that again you have created this problem I am glad your mother have the Red Book and your divorce paper that good. Now please get your ex-mother-in-law out the house as soon as possible and bring your mother there and get the police involved because trouble is coming. That's all I got to say is we told you to stop dealing with your ex-in-laws. Well just be careful.❤❤🙏
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
Tôi rất lo lắng bạn ạ.
Now she got you cooking everyday you're not doing what you want you're doing what she wants you to do, you don't want a life for yourself she done left her life now she's living yours 😊🤚
Mulher deixa de ser boba você não tem mas nada com esta ex sogra não vou mas ver seus vídeos
Bonjour tuyet nous t'avons prévenu de ne pas laisser ton ex belle mère retourner chez vous mais vous avez ignorer nos avertissement pourquoi vous créez des problèmes vous n'êtes plus sa famille prenez une décision arrêter de vous faire du mal agissez bon sang et courage
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Hallo bu tuyet apa kbr smga sellu sehat dan bahagia tp hati2 dan waspda,mntanmu mau dtng..sgeralh antispasi dgn. keadaan yg tak trduga,klo2 mntanmu ingin mengmbil alih rumah dan tanahmu..sdh dpt d terka orang tua ini punya pikiran jahat,tdk tau trima k sh,hati2 dgn buku merahx
Tuyet ,你自己找苦的,他只是想要你的钱和你的屋子,然后把你赶出门,你不肯听读者的劝告我们都不想看了。很失望对你好。
Pa ne moze joj uzeti kucu kada se kuca i zemlja vodi na Tuyet ona je radila orevise da sve otkupi bivsi muz nema prava vise ima drugu zenu i dijete zlo kao i njegova majka Tuyet treba da orica sa svojim ljubavnikom da mu sve isprica sta joj spremaju ne mogu da joj otmu njenu kucu i imovinu a bivsu svekrvu da sto pre vrati cerki nije duzna da se brine o njoj Gospodjo Tuyet svoju crvenu knjizicu daj svom ljubavniku da cuva Svekrva ima namjeru da ukrade rako i njen sin prijavi ih u policiju sta zele da ti urade a najbolji savjet ce ti dati tvoj Huong cuvaj se bivseg i svekrve
Oi menina bom dia! Você foi bem orientadora pra não ficar com a x- sogra, não levou a sério acabou seu socego. Devolve ela pra filha. ❤
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Tôi rất lo lắng bạn ạ.
Heureusement tu as fermé ta porte ton ex belle mère voulait fouiller pour volé de l argent mon dieu Tuyet fallais pas faire sa
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Tôi khóa cửa rồi bạn ạ.
Nghe co gái nói chuyện với anh co ấy.Cậu này không đáng hoàng ,cậu đó về để làm kho T rồi.Mong T sẽ vượt qua mọi khó khăn.
Tuyet bom dia muita saúde e felicidades pra vc. Tuyet vai na justiça avisa q esse ex malandro está vindo querendo exigir coisas de vc sem ter direito. Se previna se cerca de segurança tá. Pede a ex cunhada Internar a ex sogra pra desintoxicar se cuida .
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
A bu niyə otumur yerində Tuyet bacım burax bunun başın ayrılmısan qutardı getdi öz həyatını yaşa ❤❤❤ Azərbaycanan qucağ dolu salamlar olsun sizə bacım
Tuyet. Vc jamais deixa sua ex sogra ficar com vc. Vc não tem mais nada pra acolher essa senhora tóxica. Ninguém merece ter uma pessoa dessa de companhia. Fala pra sua filha vir buscar ela. vai criar problema pra vc. Põe essa velha pra correr de sua casa. Vc esta muito bem sozinha. Se vc não fizer isso seus seguidores vão cancelar suas intenções porque ninguém suporta essa velha. Inclusive eu.
며느리도 아닌데 왜 시키세요?
그렇게 구박하더니
못 됐네 아들 따라 가세요
Querida Tuyet gosto muito do seus vídeos mas se você ficar com essa senhora insuportável eu mesma não vou te assistir mais, e seus vídeos e o meu preferido, mas essa senhora é o seu ex marido tem que sair da sua vida para sempre 💔🥺
Your x Mother ln Law daughter has really talked about you too anybody that will listen, Becareful your x is on the way home to take care thing’s Be Blessing 🌹♥️♥️♥️♥️
รีบให้ลูกสาวเขามารับกลับไปก่อนที่สามีเก่าที่เห็นแก่ตัวจะมา ความจริงมันน่าอายนะไปมีใหม่แล้วยังมาว่ามันไม่ได้หย่าtuyetหย่าฝ่ายเดียว อย่ายอมให้ที่ดินมันนะ มันเห็นแก่ตัวโทรปรึกษาเจ้าหน้าที่เฮืองเลยนะ
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
Boa tarde linda tuyte não deixe a sua eis sogra deixa você estressada ligue para a filha dela que venha buscar a mãe dele ❤
Cảm ơn bạn đã động viên tôi ạ.
Não tenha pena desta venha a família não gosta de você ❤
Tuyet can't get his land becouse the title is named,,,,don4't worry guys'''tuyet can do that,,,and the officer help tuyet for sure,,,
Mon dieux Tuyet va voir la police ton ex viens pour te reprendre pour te frapper 😡
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Tôi sẽ cố gắng cẩn thận bạn ạ.
Hola tuyet no dejes que se moje mucho las laminas se van a dañar
Buenas noche señorita tuyet pecaste sobre alertada esa señora no es nada tuyo y ahora quiere alcohol toma iniciativa tu y llévala a donde su hija que ellas resuelvan con su madre por favor . Tu mamá que es una bella persona te necesita 🎉❤😊.. por favor bota a esa señora sus intenciones son malas.
Tuyet send the old lady back the daughter and son wants you to keep the lady
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Tôi sẽ cố gắng bạn ạ.
Bagus begitu Ban, dan hatti2 juga nnti rumah di rusak. Atau..
..,diakan sentimen sama km Ban, pokokx hatti 2 ,anakx saja enda tahan ortux ,pecandu suka mengutuk anak.
Selamat bu tuyet ku tersayang, jgn biar kan mantan mertua mu minum anggur, lebih baik ,takutin atau ancam dia, blg kalau paman masih bersih keras minta belikan anggur, saya akan lapor polisi, biar paman di penjara😂
Cảm ơn bạn đã động viên tôi ạ.
ทูเยตทำถูกแล้ว ต้องระวัง
Sister tuyet, please let her go back to her daughter, it's not your responsibility
giao nó ląi cho con nó đi , đűng đeo gông vào cô nűa , coi mų này thây ghét
Тайет мне ты нравишься очень сильная женьшина но зачем ты оставила свекровь у себя посидели покушали и на этом всё. У нас говорят не было хлопот купила баба парося ток и ты
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
I told you thst old lady will not do any good
gor you but insted create conflict in your peacefull life be ready to call a police assistance in case her son comes and harm you dont ever allow them to interfer your life
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Tôi sẽ cố gắng bạn ạ
Tuyet nie dawaj jej ani pieniędzy ani ziemi to Ty ciężko pracowałaś na to żeby ją kupić i tylko Ty masz do niej prawo i nikt inny A stara kobieta niech woła od swoich dzieci pieniądze to ich obowiązek
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
Deja que se valla esa señora con su hija ya es muy agresiva y por más que la tiendas es muy terca ten mucho cuidado con ella
Que de al pelo,las deja en la.calle suerte se va con otra pero Tuyet no puede divorciarse jajajaj ese tipo esta loco
Tuyet please be on guard ,,ur x is coming to cause trouble for u and the officer,,and try to take ur house,don't let him do this to u after all u have done in the past t cae for his mom and now he plns to hurt u,,no no no
Cảm ơn bạn đã động viên tôi ạ.
Tôi sẽ cố gắng vượt qua mọi khó khăn bạn ạ.
Tuyetต้องกลับไปหาแม่ให้พ้นจากผู้ชายใจร้ายระวังนะเขาเห็นแก่ตัวเห็นtuyetไถ่บ้านคืนมาทำบ้านใหม่แล้วคิดจะกลับมาอย่าดีกับเขานะเขาเป็นคนไม่ด้ทิ้งเธอไปเอาใหม่แล้วยังหาว่ามันไม่ได้หย่าtuyetหย่าข้างเดียว คงคิดจะกลับมาเอาที่ไปขายอีกนะ
Esconde el dinero
This EX-mother-in-law, is not your family any longer. She is old an alcoholic, but not your responsibility now. She is a serious trouble-maker, so you must not let her stay with you at all. I hope that the son will do the right thing and take responsibility, but he also sounds like trouble!
Tuyet ja nie rozumiem jak taka odobe po tylu przykrosciach mozna wpuscic do domu!!!Ona ma tylko jedno w glowie okrasc cie!!!Juz sie dobierala do pokoju. Ty to zdobylas ciezka swoja praca. I ten byly niech sie lepiej tu nie pojawia. Co znow bedzie cie chcial okrasc???? To nie czlowiek to oszust!!!!Czemu sie nie decytujesz wyjsc za oficera porzadnego czlowieka. Kiedy byly wroci zglos na policje oby nie robil ci klopotow. Pozdrawiam cie kochana Tuyet♥️🌹😘
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
Tôi sẽ cố gắng vượt qua mọi khó khăn bạn ạ.
Vi ste Tuet, super osoba❤
Hola tuyet creo que tienes un problema grande al aceptar a esa señora es un abuso lo que ella te está pidiendo cuando tu tenías problemas nadie de su familia te tendió la mano alejate de esas personas ten cuidado ese señor se siente con derecho sobre ti y tu persona realmente son personas muy feas cuídate saludos
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
Bảy giờ không có quyền gì mà cầm người ta có chồng sam quá ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hola tuyet ve a dejar a la anciana con su hija ella que la cuide es su mamá no te combine que tengas esa víbora en tu casa 🏠 es mi humilde opinión gracias
What a shameless ex-husband, and his gossip sister. He robbed his mother and Tayet by mortgaging the house and throwing them out on the street. For many years he worked somewhere, but for all these years he did not bring money, Tayet supported his alcoholic mother, and he walked there and made children with another woman, now he loves her and does not agree and does not recognize her divorce from him.
Tuyet, please go to the police and let them know your ex-husband will be coming back in a few days. Confirm that the warrant for his arrest is still valid (remember his mother charged him for stealing the red book and selling her house). There is probably a record regarding his leaving his mother and his then-wife homeless.
now the old lady have another version to take part on your property never compromise your self she has an evil mind cant understand the right of others same with his son let the authorities solve your problem in legal process
What a silly idea send her away she will bring big trouble
Que señora tan descarada pidiendo para alcohol😢😢botala o llévala ya donde sus hijos .tuyet ya sufriste mucho
That’s good miss tuyet everytime you leave the house always lock all the door
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Essa ex cunhada da tu e uma fofoqueira,so faz fuxico porque nao querem ficar com a velha,nao de mole tu o nosso dever e com nossos pais e o seu divorcio e valido sim coloque essa gente para correr e seja feliz.
Cảm ơn bạn đã cho tôi lời khuyên ạ.
They are taking advantage of your good nature you will end up with nothing all the good work you done on the house they will profit from and you will be in debt.
Hola amiga tuyet ya dile a dios a esa familia tú ya no eres parte de esa familia complicada
Ko nói với bà này mà ra công an bảo. Đến nhà và đuổi cổ bà ra khỏi nhà ngay và luôn ko nể nang j hết
Madame Tuyet tu n'es plus seule tu as des amis écoute les conseils de tes amies abonnés demande conseil a ta mère elle très intelligente et sages n'oublie pas ton ami aussi l officier n agit pas seule le problème et grave cette vieille femme vous devais la faire soigner au lieu de lui acheté l alcool trop d annui chez toi par ta faute aussi tu n'as rien a voir avec cette famille très dangereux
Amiga soluciona lo del lava platos se te va a oxidar el metal de la puerta
Cảm ơn bạn ạ.
Tuyet sent her back to her daughter's house that ex mother inlaw will keep on using you
Mọi người đều góp ý với bạn là ko cho bà già đó ở nữa , mà bạn cứ nề ,h bà ấy đang tìm cách an trô. Tiền của ban rồi đó , bạn luu í nhé
What is she going to use for money to by the land with she is up o no good