Grubby reacts to "What Dota 2 role fits your personality?" by

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 122

  • @ky4encetv463
    @ky4encetv463 ปีที่แล้ว +64

    Historically, most of the best veterans/captains in dota e.g. Puppy - Kuroky - N0tail, have played pretty much every role professionally, this is how you get the best understanding who needs what, and what needs to happen.

    • @specttator5704
      @specttator5704 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      not only best veterans, but Captains :3

    • @Shikoh1
      @Shikoh1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I remember Puppey saying that when asked what he looks for in a new player for a role on his team, that he doesn't necessarily look for someone who excels at that role but for someone who is good at dota.

    • @jrbudoybudoy
      @jrbudoybudoy ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Shikoh1 Yes, because any player who is good at dota in general will excel in any role, compared to a certain player who's only good at one aspect of the game.

  • @IAmTheShazz
    @IAmTheShazz ปีที่แล้ว +66

    This video, like a lot of Jenkins' main channel content, reels you in thinking it's gonna be a meme video, but it's actually a well thought out, insightful video.

    • @asmael4456
      @asmael4456 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Imagine jenkins made it opposite and it was just a meme video but ended up having great insights 💀

  • @ArifLateng1
    @ArifLateng1 ปีที่แล้ว +41

    i love grubby so much when he talk so insightful

    • @TMirwansah
      @TMirwansah ปีที่แล้ว +2

      True, i love how he explains things and his thought process

  • @dotanon
    @dotanon ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Empathy makes perfect sense IMO. Empathy has these sort of loaded connotations of kindness oftentimes in common vernacular. . "Oh he's very empathetic!" = "He's understanding and kind and thoughtful"
    But really, the empathy being discussed here is more in line with the concept of "cognitive empathy". Being able to take somebody else's perspective and sort of understand their motivations and emotions. If your midlaner just died, is a level behind, and in a bad matchup, you can reasonably assume that he's close to tilting and evening out that lane is going to be a priority. Or if the enemy carry has been losing their lane, and is currently MIA, you can reasonably assume that in that position he's gonna be jungling somewhere to catch up, and can go hassle him, perhaps even to worsen some assumed mental strain and get them to tilt.
    In the example of the ally midlaner, I might think he's an idiot and not be moved by any sort of desire to actually alleviate his personal mental distress at his losing lane, but I can still assume his mental state and act in self interest to ensure he doesn't start playing worse or give up mentally. So that wouldn't be "empathetic" in the usual casual usage of the word, but it still required gleaning some internal information via empathising with them.
    There are 3 main types of empathy: affective/emotional, cognitive, and compassionate. Affective empathy is when someone's emotional state affects you. I.e. someone is sad and that makes you sad. Cognitive empathy is simply understanding what someone is feeling internally. Compassionate empathy is when your empathy for someone moves you to act in some way to rectify the source of the distress.
    Manipulative shitheads for example are often very empathetic, but it's usually only at the cognitive level. Their understanding of other peoples' emotions allows them to maliciously exploit people.

  • @odarkeq
    @odarkeq ปีที่แล้ว +10

    31:00 Speaking on Pos4 and Jenkin's "empathy": I'd say a pos4 would be the type of person who wishes the mini-map was giant in the main screen area and the fight/farm graphics would be a tiny window in the corner. They are somewhat the chessmasters.

  • @auto1nfanticid3
    @auto1nfanticid3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    the best role for a solo queuer is absolutely pos 2. besides the obvious advantage of not really having to rely on someone else in your lane, you can actually play a vast variety of heroes and playstyles. If your team comp lacks a greedy pos 1, you can do that from mid. if your team lacks a tanky pos 3, you can pick a tanky hero and get into fights earlier than usual. you can even play "support" heroes in the mid lane, and you could even transition to a support role after laning phase if you HAD to.

    • @cannypride8191
      @cannypride8191 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'd have to disagree. Having that degree of versatility as mid also requires skill and mid is quite punishing to players who aren't quite used to it. Failing mid is worse than failing offlane because that would enable the enemy mid while the enemy carry still needs farm.
      Though, if you are really above your rank, mid is a fasttrack upwards but I still think offlane is the safest choice when climbing ranks because the offlane also offers versatility in picks and role in fights

    • @auto1nfanticid3
      @auto1nfanticid3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cannypride8191 well idk that you should choose your role planning to lose your lane. by the same token losing as pos 3 means that youve at least given their pos 1 a good start if you havent outright fed them; and again that is at least somewhat dependent on the stranger playing pos 4. also, if you dont play pos 2 when youre climbing you never will, because its a hotly contested role at high mmr, when role queue stops being an option.

    • @cannypride8191
      @cannypride8191 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@auto1nfanticid3 Nah, just noting offlane is more forgiving than mid. I mostly play 3-5 but i also mid sometimes. But my mid hero pool is limited and even if the pick i can get is ideal in theory, it doesnt really mean I can play it well enough at that particular skill bracket. Then again, if you are better than your opponents, you are bound to rise in rank

    • @auto1nfanticid3
      @auto1nfanticid3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cannypride8191 you might just be thinking of viable mid picks too rigidly. pretty much every hero that can offlane can and does get played mid, so your mid options should be just about as limited as your options for pos 3. Usually the major difference is that youll be buying bottle instead of bracers, but thats not even 100%.; a hero like razor can build the same way for 3 or 2.

    • @Lagbara
      @Lagbara ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah, that's why smurfs/boosters usually play mid

  • @_cyanite
    @_cyanite ปีที่แล้ว +7

    a lot of people call the "computer brain" as "lizard brain" as well which is the basic instinct like reflexes and hunger and stuff

  • @VENOM11011
    @VENOM11011 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I really like videos where you speculate about your experience, it’s so satisfying to hear an unbiased and fair line of thought of yours :)

  • @OrdoMallius
    @OrdoMallius ปีที่แล้ว +135

    How to make a 12 minute video in 50 minutes by Grubby

    • @beridledodopidop4822
      @beridledodopidop4822 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The show must go on "I am an entertainer" lord Grubby said

    • @NEBUL4
      @NEBUL4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Asmongold would be proud!

    • @HakaishinCat
      @HakaishinCat ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That's how successful react content work these days

    • @kjyu
      @kjyu ปีที่แล้ว +11

      this is exactly what reacting should be, pausing and building upon the points given in the video

    • @sunbro6998
      @sunbro6998 ปีที่แล้ว

      You hush, I like our talks with Grubby.

  • @yorkshire_tea_innit8097
    @yorkshire_tea_innit8097 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That's why I only play position 5's that are on a mount. Because Im the leader, I need a mount for status. I need to feel like Napoleon running around on a horse giving orders.

  • @skysaber23
    @skysaber23 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    i love how grubby paused the video and proceed to answer all questions asked by jenkins like its a legit interview,, 😁

    • @lucasvalenteSNG
      @lucasvalenteSNG ปีที่แล้ว +1

      YEah, that's amazing. And lesson of how we should act out if we really want to learn new stuff that will actually be useful to our lives, not just pile up on knowledge.

  • @manoi8
    @manoi8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I think pos 4 is "intuitive" but on map present (instead of button pressing for pos 2)
    sure you need the knowledge too, but you also need to execute it fast

    • @claudiopereira5163
      @claudiopereira5163 ปีที่แล้ว

      What do you mean by map present?
      I agree pos 4 is intuitive, but only in tf and ganks. After so many matches as main pos 4 I see the role as very cold and planing guided. You need to be able to identiny how the laning stage is going to develop based on the draft, so you can choose were to figth, gank, presure, farm. You have the liberty to choose wich lane and area(after laning stage) focus, sometimes you need to abandon your pos3 or even your team to achieve what is needed to win.

    • @manoi8
      @manoi8 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@claudiopereira5163 that's what I mean by map present. Also sure you want to be it planned, but more dynamic based on what currently happens.
      what if the ward is dewarded, should we smoke to reclaim, or just go by yourself, or wait and then cover the cores, or go to another lane
      what if suddenly the mid gets haste or dd, should we go to their lane, or wait for them to get sideline, etc
      I think pos 5 is more about where to play, what to play
      meanwhile, pos 4 is more about how to play, and when to play

  • @davidstojanovski8472
    @davidstojanovski8472 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I dont think you understand how good you are on making Content. You give me hopes in this dark world. Thanks for being my light in these dark times.

  • @BortPimpson
    @BortPimpson ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Personally I've been p2wing with Jenkins help. I just spam his voice lines in games and everyone want's to kill me. This is how I play position 5 and make myself happy.

  • @gordonchristophertubo3164
    @gordonchristophertubo3164 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I got to legend/ancient, mainly pos 4, and my mindset that pushed me here is "i am gonna be the most impactful in this team, more than crybaby 1 and self centered 2, despite given the 4th farm priority. I am gonna achieve this through mechanical superiority, relentless aggression and insatiable bloodlust."
    I love invoker 4, earthspirit, hoodwink, dark willow.

  • @TanToRza
    @TanToRza ปีที่แล้ว +5

    When I play core I almost always take wards. I know if I need safe farm, I'll put a ward in that area to make it more safe and farm. If I know we are going to fight, I'll take a ward to place and protect an area the enemies may come from.

    • @XenFPV
      @XenFPV ปีที่แล้ว +5

      No, no, that's wrong.
      Even though wards are free now and sentries pay for themselves, you should spam "We Need Wards" over and over and flame your supports in all chat so then when you lose everyone knows it's not your fault.

    • @auto1nfanticid3
      @auto1nfanticid3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@XenFPV we've got a lazy support here who wont do the single most important job his role entails.
      problems with expecting your cores to ward:
      1.general ignorance of ward spots, and ward/deward mini game. its actually a skill set that people who specialize at support should know a fair bit more about than core players.
      2.cost. sure obs are free, but post laning phase you cant just be placing blind observers without also using a sentry to make sure you arent seen/dewarded immediately
      3. time. sure a pos 2 or 3 might have some free time to go place active wards, but in most cases, and certainly in the case of a pos 1, those heroes have far more important things to do than ward. this ties in with point 2, any core taking time and gold to ward is going to undercut their gpm and networth.

    • @XenFPV
      @XenFPV ปีที่แล้ว

      @@auto1nfanticid3 Supports should ward, but if I'm playing carry and my Russian or Spanish speaking support just wants to rush a sceptre or something dumb and blow people up, your choices are:
      A: Flame them, have an argument in broken English, affect your team's mood, then lose.
      B: Quietly do the next best thing and buy wards for yourself, play around how your teammates are playing, maybe win.

    • @auto1nfanticid3
      @auto1nfanticid3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@XenFPV its a false dichotomy, there is actually a middle path here. What you should do is use the command to ping "I think someone should purchase observer ward," perhaps several times delayed over the course of 5-7 minutes, and in the meantime, do as you described and ward as minimally and defensively as you need to to secure farm.

  • @Somm_RJ
    @Somm_RJ ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've never considered support role to be chill. It seems like there is something to do, whatever it may be, all the time throughout the game. Sometimes, you can't even do something you want/also need to do because you are preoccupied with something more important.
    I think carry is more chill early, your goal is simply last hit more than you opponent and avoid unnecessary death.
    If you're not mechanically inclined. Don't play 2 and 4. I feel like those 2 positions have the most mechanically-dependent heroes.
    Who is your target? That's more of a 2 and 4 dilemma because they usually have gap closer ability or item. Let's say Ember picking off the backline. As a carry, most of the time you don't have to select which target because you are mostly observing the fight and join when you can win. Most of the time showing up late and do the cleanup duties. Of course, there are exceptions for every role. I get that you had that viewpoint because you play a lot of Clinkz as he is not what a typical carry playstyle is.
    I remember PieLieDie position 5. He dies like 15 times every game. He was essentially a walking ward. Sometimes he was called position 6, not 5, lol.

  • @TheRealPac003
    @TheRealPac003 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Dota is not just a game. It teaches you the way of life.

  • @Perkedelsapi
    @Perkedelsapi ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "I am pos 4 and im-pathetic"

  • @marcosiles2436
    @marcosiles2436 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think i see a grubby very calm to play and when the team blame him he dont be upset about it, i think he is a position 3

  • @iRedEyes
    @iRedEyes ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The very problem of supports is - dramatical amount of ppl play it "just to get their role queue", or just play "a videogame" while watching netflix in parallel.
    And always ping cores on map.
    They expect to just chill and cores WIN GAME FOR THEM.
    Because, you know - u r core and u OWE THEM TO WIN this game.
    I just imagine my sups - they r old fat grumpy dudes, who plays in dota using only mouse and other hand hold beer.

    • @creekee1124
      @creekee1124 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hahahahaha, that detail of how you imagine them.
      On the other note, yes that's the main problem of supports, most doesn't even do anything that contributes on winning.
      Worst is that most of these talkative supports talks as if they play carry even if they don't.

  • @DrZaius3141
    @DrZaius3141 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    One overlooked aspect about pos3 is the high versatility. This goes for heroes (from Timber to Ench), playstyles (from a greedy third core to a sacrificial third support) and itemization. This does mean that you need a broad game knowledge to make the right choice on those three axes, but it also means that you can enjoy a wide variety while still focusing on just a single position.
    And of course there are a few "zoo" heroes at pos3 that can benefit from WC3-honed micro skills.

    • @whatdothlife4660
      @whatdothlife4660 ปีที่แล้ว

      I assumed from day 1 that Grubby would be best at pos 3 because I always thought his Tankand Bruiser play in HOTS was quite good while also having micro and macro skills from WC3 that translate so well to a lot of Offlaners.

    • @Dayz3O6
      @Dayz3O6 ปีที่แล้ว

      No, big role as a 3 is to take risk and initiate the fight, heroes that are good a surviving. Earl role is to disrupt 1 and draw attention from enemies

    • @reformierende_person
      @reformierende_person ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Dayz3O6 ur not a versatile 3 then bcz ur stuck with one purpose

    • @manoi8
      @manoi8 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think it's about utility and pressure too. being tanky is one of the mainstream ways, but we sometimes also see veno and enigma offlane

  • @EisbaerOO
    @EisbaerOO ปีที่แล้ว

    Grubby, I think the best pos for you is pos 2. Because being cocky doesn't mean to be arrogant. You have the same kind of self-awareness of your skills as dendi has. Dendi is not a bit arrogant and a really wholesome human being. Still his mid plays are legendary.
    It's the same self-awareness you need in wc3 1on1 games. If you play dota the same way you play wc3 you will get a really good understanding of mechanics, strategy, tactics. You will learn how to win the mid and when to go for a gank.

  • @oneoneone4376
    @oneoneone4376 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I like your thoughts on what Jenkins said. I keep smiling when you agree or disagree to one opinion and even more so when you said pos 4 is "knowledgeable". I love this video, Grubs!

  • @Grovion
    @Grovion 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    empathy is the right word for what he tried to say. I just junk grubby didn't quite get what he meant. Empathy is the ability to put yourself into the situation of others. And that's exactly what Jenkins tried to say: A good support is able to to predict what the opponents do and for that he needs to get into their heads. Therefore he does need a high level of empathy.

  • @svenmuller6902
    @svenmuller6902 ปีที่แล้ว

    Personally, I see you very clearly as position 5.
    - First, you come from a strategy game
    - Second, look at how strategically you learned dota
    Furthermore, you are mature enough to give players their space and to trust their creativity.
    Your explanations are clear and well argued.
    You know a lot about mindset and motivation.
    For me you are ideal in position 5, as the one who gives the instructions, works out the game plan, lays out the tactics and puts the team in a winning mentality.
    Maybe not in a public game, but definitely in a professional team.

  • @mrrandom7920
    @mrrandom7920 ปีที่แล้ว

    For me, pos 3 is the most important role in DotA. You need to be active because your carry will be passive most of the early and mid game. Most of the players assume that it is fine if you lose offlane, that is true if you are in 2015. I play pos 1 and pos 2 most of the time and the game is WAY easier if i have a decent offlaner.

  • @rohansanap765
    @rohansanap765 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    the difference between gorgc and grubby content has been defined here!
    chose your streamer wisely

  • @zanec14
    @zanec14 ปีที่แล้ว

    We admit that we are not strategic, love playing support but absolutely suck at creating plans of any sort that would apply in a team setting, and we don't like the pressure of leading.
    Also we suck at general things as well, like breathing and talking at the same time :^)

  • @geraldbriceno7425
    @geraldbriceno7425 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Enjoying your videos Grubby. Keep them coming!

  • @yscozy
    @yscozy ปีที่แล้ว +5

    It’s for Brazilian!!!
    A foto de capa é mesmo o meme da Nazaré tedesco?😂😂😂
    You’re the best Grubby…

  • @peoul1
    @peoul1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    if you are narcisist or didnt think about your friend you are realy good with role 1 and 2 as alternative

  • @sentilopis
    @sentilopis ปีที่แล้ว

    I wouldn’t say “cocky” is the right word for position 2. The right word should be “competitive”, describing the willingness the match and escalate the duel.

  • @MrTheSmoon
    @MrTheSmoon ปีที่แล้ว +1

    my favorite sports psychology podcast

  • @robin2thek
    @robin2thek ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This was a great video! I love the stories!

  • @ClassicMechanicc
    @ClassicMechanicc ปีที่แล้ว

    Oh my when Grubby told about that cocky attitude thing, I mean honest truth is that it helps even tho it is being like asshole. No matter how good you are, if you are unsure about yourself beating opponent in mid, you are already halfway to losing mid

  • @DavidLotherington
    @DavidLotherington ปีที่แล้ว

    Make a video on just the chimp paradox. Love the content and the dragon mug, been watching for a few years now.

  • @MrMalimer
    @MrMalimer ปีที่แล้ว

    Grubby has my exact same play profile for many of the same reasons. A man of taste.

  • @beattheovenludwigvan
    @beattheovenludwigvan ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Grubby the philosopher. I love it!

  • @mausihasizauberfee
    @mausihasizauberfee ปีที่แล้ว

    i think 'insightful' might also be a good word for the position 4

  • @JustApositiveGuyxd
    @JustApositiveGuyxd ปีที่แล้ว

    That meme woman in the interface of the video, is a crazy psichopath character in one the most iconic brazilian novel. Her name is Nazareth Tedesco.

  • @mario_gabriel
    @mario_gabriel ปีที่แล้ว

    People saying stuff like "Nisha, Nine and Ori are not cocky" etc. Guys, the video means cocky in the game, and yes they are cocky but they don't show it. They go in the game thinking they're gonna destroy the other midlaner, they go for risky plays because they are cocky enough to think they can pull it off, and that's why they're always trying to outplay the opponent because they're thinking they are better. Also, there's a reason why midlaners fail when they're playing scared, the moment you lose that confidence or cockiness, you're done.

  • @stuffstuff7711
    @stuffstuff7711 ปีที่แล้ว

    What I learned today:
    Chimps think 5 times faster than humans.
    Maybe that's why we invented computers...

  • @azux.
    @azux. ปีที่แล้ว

    i feel like jenkins is what speedy wanted to be

  • @igormenkaur8659
    @igormenkaur8659 ปีที่แล้ว

    Carry is easier for newbies than any role as long as it's easier to know if you're doing right. Just look at gpm, xpm, items etc. How to see if 5 is doing great?

  • @RuRu0091
    @RuRu0091 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pos 3 like the older brother of pos 4 and 5
    They feed alot but pack alot more punch than their younger brother lol

  • @Sherudons
    @Sherudons ปีที่แล้ว

    I play support mostly for the que speed, I am a better carry, and fair offlaner, I definitely not a passive farmer and will very much bully my opposite out of the lane with any aggressive support.
    In SEA aggression wins a lot more games than passive rice farming, they don't know what to do except run away.
    It's very rare that you lose a game because of being outplayed or it being unrecoverable, it's nearly 90% of the time you get one person who throws a tantrum and destroys items and feeds because they died once.

  • @lucasvalenteSNG
    @lucasvalenteSNG ปีที่แล้ว

    Grubby with psichology. Could'nt ask for more.

  • @avramandrei5423
    @avramandrei5423 ปีที่แล้ว

    Try the 900cs challenge if you’re considering doing pos1

  • @ddenozor
    @ddenozor ปีที่แล้ว +1

    pos5 is either old mature person or an e-girl.

  • @undurundur1748
    @undurundur1748 ปีที่แล้ว

    could u upload. ur reaction about The international archive..

  • @shnitzel68
    @shnitzel68 ปีที่แล้ว

    Grubby is definitely an offlaner

  • @Dirkulos
    @Dirkulos ปีที่แล้ว

    The Problem about 5 ist, your Team ist mostly Not listening to you, and U have the lowest Farm(Impact)

    • @Dirkulos
      @Dirkulos ปีที่แล้ว

      Playing 3 teaches you also a little bit about carries, since U are laning against Them all the time

  • @johan790
    @johan790 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think you should play 2&5, 2 when you feel good and confident, 5 when you want to zoom out and look at the big picture.
    IMO you don't have the game knowledge yet to leverage pos1, nor how to play from behind as 3/4, while you've had good progress with map awareness as far as ganks go (req for 2) and overall strategy is something you have such a history of, it's going to come fast.

  • @sangyec
    @sangyec ปีที่แล้ว

    *4 sec into a Jenkin’s video
    wait, what 😮

  • @earlgrey2130
    @earlgrey2130 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The chimp-brain theory at around 8 minutes upsets me. I only had basic neurology for my degree, but even i know that this is NOT how our brains work.

  • @meleeagility4761
    @meleeagility4761 ปีที่แล้ว

    Grubby, You are a position 5 player.

  • @sgtgarabucho
    @sgtgarabucho ปีที่แล้ว

    Grubby = offlane micro god

  • @whitesugar1268
    @whitesugar1268 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thre are a lot heroes can be pos 3 eaither way in mid late game they became pos 5 or mybe 1, you need too knowledge all heroes also watch pro might be helps😊

  • @julianbock3849
    @julianbock3849 ปีที่แล้ว

    Chimp Paradox Great Book !

  • @rollerskdude
    @rollerskdude ปีที่แล้ว

    The moment any non hard carry reaches lvl 6 it should pretty always be non stop ganking from there. Then contentious ganks turn into team fights. This continues until 11-15 mins when it's just non stop team fights with breaks if you win to push out the lanes and take towers.
    That's how all games of Dota 2 are most effectively played from amateur to pro.
    There are infinite ways of doing it though so you can endlessly experiment.
    So basically buy Rapier on every hero 1st item and its GG you totally win! 🤣🤣🤣

  • @MitoseNorikoFan
    @MitoseNorikoFan ปีที่แล้ว

    Can't you just play 10 games of each and whichever wins more you stick with?

  • @SalveASMR
    @SalveASMR ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm a tryhard so I fit the Carry role

  • @yuutootosaki4327
    @yuutootosaki4327 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wish you get coached by Jenkins!

  • @speedfreakpsycho
    @speedfreakpsycho ปีที่แล้ว

    Playing offlner in pubs is jack sheet. Ppl don't appreciate it. I have 4k games on Ebola spirit, and by now i know what i can and what i cant do with him. So many times i went diving on emeny core at their tier 2 tower, knowing that i will die in process, by their complete team tping to help their carry.. but in meantime my team got free rosh. These players are not possible with average dota pub player brain. I've done similar things countless of times, and got acknowledged maybe just by 1% of players for them.
    Most of the time while I push lanes ppl flame you, as they don't know when to take fight. They flame you for not being there in a fight that its impossible to win. But if they waited 20 more seconds when one of their teammates tpes to defend..i would come and we easily win 5vs 4 fight..
    Thats why i don't pay topo much attention to pubs anymore, i still try my best..but don't expect much in return.

  • @Juliana0303
    @Juliana0303 ปีที่แล้ว

    Olha onde o meme da Nazaré foi parar 🤧🤧🤧🇧🇷

  • @williamlord8064
    @williamlord8064 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If you like 3 more just play 3 and take time to learn how to play the role well. It's not instinct, you have to practice :)

  • @johnrammyespanola969
    @johnrammyespanola969 ปีที่แล้ว

    I bet the haters who cant believe Grubby climb the ranks fast is the same people who cant do this. These people play braindead dota and is angry and confused why they cant climb. They cannot self reflect like this guy.

  • @Joel2Million
    @Joel2Million ปีที่แล้ว

    sadge, wanted another fellow 1 player, but I guess this leaves more 1 games for me 👀

  • @supEnoc
    @supEnoc ปีที่แล้ว

    Pos 4 players aren't empathetic, they're just trolls who really want to play core but without the responsibility.

  • @Claptrap_
    @Claptrap_ ปีที่แล้ว

    Is there a splitpush raider in dota 2?

    • @lori977
      @lori977 ปีที่แล้ว

      What do you mean exactly by splitpush raider?
      If you mean pushing the lanes and threatening towers then there are some. Lycan and Nature Prophet fit the description the most.
      But many heroes do the pushing part to shove the lanes foward, just buying Teleportation Boots lets you do so in many heroes. Ember, Lina, Leshrack. Mostly midlaners.

    • @arrgghh1555
      @arrgghh1555 ปีที่แล้ว

      There hasn't been split push since they destroyed the concept after Ti3.

  • @yorkshire_tea_innit8097
    @yorkshire_tea_innit8097 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is like zodiac signs for young men. Define me!

  • @jaypegtv
    @jaypegtv ปีที่แล้ว

    Very mischievous of you to pretend that it's a democratic choice...

  • @IAmebAdger
    @IAmebAdger ปีที่แล้ว

    The link isn't in fact in the decription, even though Grubby says it is at the beginning
    EDIT: It's fixed now

    • @NaldaxTV
      @NaldaxTV ปีที่แล้ว

      Try refreshing, the link is added shortly before release and sometimes TH-cam takes a little while to update the desc ;)

    • @IAmebAdger
      @IAmebAdger ปีที่แล้ว

      @@NaldaxTV Yup, that fixed it, thanks

  • @Gwgitu77
    @Gwgitu77 ปีที่แล้ว

    Based 17 year old grubby lul

  • @АндрейЮдаков-е4м
    @АндрейЮдаков-е4м ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice 50 min reaction to a 10 minute video:)
    Also, mr editor, could you please start short videos down to 15 minutes its very hard to watch 50 min games now

  • @mondays2661
    @mondays2661 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @Tartersauce101
    @Tartersauce101 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is Jenkins gay? Or Trans? Or just a hetero guy who likes how he looks in girl stuff?

    • @auto1nfanticid3
      @auto1nfanticid3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      he has a long term girlfriend from what I can understand (i think they might be married), and he only really gets femme when he has professional makeup artists and stylists like when hes on the panel for large events. I dont know what's truly going on in the man's mind, but he seems too slovenly to genuinely be gay or trans. I'm guessing he just does it for the memes. watch his videos when he isnt at a major event, he just seems like an average dota slob

  • @Gellidus
    @Gellidus ปีที่แล้ว

    I play Oracle as a single target nuker.