[4K] Pattaya Soi Buakhao Scenes | September 2022 Thailand

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 เม.ย. 2024
  • Welcome to '' Pattaya Info '' channel. Daily 4K scenes from streets of Pattaya. If you like, please subscribe to my channel and press the Like.
    Pattaya Soi Buakhao & Pattaya Tai
    0:00 Pattaya Tai Road
    03:36 Around Tukcom
    05:11 Soi Buakhao
    07:53 Around Marin Place
    10:38 Action Street
    13:20 Around Holiday Inn Express
    18:07 Around Sutus Court
    19:38 Intersection Soi Buakhao & Soi Lengkee
    21:48 Around LK Metro Entrance
    24:35 Around Tree Town
    29:08 Around Buakhao Market
    30:21 Around R-Con
    33:55 Around LK Royal Suite
    36:11 Pattaya Klang Road
    In this videọ wẹ ạre cọnsidering abọut PDPA lạw as recẹntly beẹn ạpplied, so wẹ will nọt fọcus ọn ạny peọple in ọrder to avọid the persọnal’s dạmage. Oụr cọntent is tọ prẹsent Paṭtaya strẹet scẹnes dạily ạnd imprọve Paṭtaya tọurism attractiọns. If anyọne is in this videọ and fẹel unsạtisfied, pleạse cọntact ụs by chạnnel emạil, wẹ will dẹlete thẹ pạrt. Thạnk yọu for understạnding.
    #pattayatoday #pattayacity #pattayanightlife #pattaya

ความคิดเห็น • 37