Hello, everyone! It’s been a long time coming, but it finally came, you can officially download the Yandere Simulator tracks that I made! onlywednesdaymusic.bandcamp.com/album/yandere-simulator I’d also like to mention that I’m no longer involved with Yandere Simulator, as of earlier this year. I got plenty of my own things to work on, though, so stay tuned for those! I originally wanted to be able to release this album on iTunes and Spotify, though every site/company I tried to go through was being much more of a pain than it would be worth trying to deal with. ANYWAY, along with this album, i’ve updated my own website at onlywednesdaymusic.com/ and reposted all of my existing albums to my new Bandcamp. I hope you enjoy the music as much as I enjoyed working on it! Thank you for the support!
I love how the low sanity theme sounds like a corrupt mockery of the soothing high atmosphere theme. Like the illusion of comfort is being shed to reveal the madness within.
I was an edgy at 9 year old. I remember that even if this is the old version, and at the time this wasn't in the game, I saw a video in which Ayano killed the default students with colored hairs. I remembered how the music changed. On the swings of the park, I hummed the song for myself and slowed it down. In fact, I didn't think I was psychopathic or special, I was only 9 years old. I just enjoyed the song. I also hum for myself fnaf songs on the swings. I remember I was alone in them and I loved that, so nobody heard me, I was ashamed to be heard.
Indeed! It demonstrates the feeling of being misunderstood, leading to pain, sorrow and suffering. This leads to the transformation from being innocent to being psychotic and a emotionally repulsive monster, leading to more misunderstanding. It then leads to anger, rage and you begin to inflict fear onto others. It seems satisfying to blow off your steam on the outside, but deep down, you are ashamed of what you've become, as well as the actions that you are driven to do. For the beauty aspect, it's beautiful because this song is a work that demonstrates those two enotions of fear, sadness and emotional hostility. I go through a lot of emotional struggles, so I have first hand experience in this subject... But yeah......
This just makes me think of what our safe comfort in our lives as children slowly fades away as we get older... until a point where you are always worrying
Me dió nostalgia y justo alas 3:00 de la mañana y pues me quedé ahí relajada y dormida un rato y me desperta y puse la original y otras y me dieron mucha nostalgia ya no quería que fueran las 3:00 de la mañana, se imaginan que esa canción esté en los pasillos de nuestra escuela y cuando se te olvide algo vas y ya no te va a dar miedo ir sin una voz que te acompañe solamente estará esa canción
This song makes me think of everything but yandere sim tbh I mainly picture a back alleyway at midnight after some rain where whatever edgy anime character I'm currently obsessed with is standing
7 dislikes: 1. Someone from hell 2. Rivals 3. No heart 4. Hates yandere sim(I think no one hates it :3) 5. Blind(Also with no heart) 6. Hates dark videos 7. Someone told them and they will get money Why did they watch this vid and just dislike it?
This one is actually not on SoundCloud... can you add it? Well, it supposedly is on SoundCloud but the title is wrong. It says its the Yandere Mix of Schoolday 2 but its the desolate mix
It's so addicting to listen to, it plays in my head when I scare people by walking up to them, twitching, and holding a screwdriver..... but when I listen to it in the dark, I get scared. :c
Commander shut it Stupid child, you are none of those, you are a normal human who has been educated Who is fed who lives under a roof, Stop Being Idiotic And get a therapist
The Ramen Girl :3 It’s So obviously Fake, Stupid And Cringy, I’m doing it for there own sake, when they get older and are mature They will delete this Instantly...
Melapuddin First Of all That is Physically And Mentally Impossible Second Of all Yandere chan Is not. A Psycho she’s a yandere A Yandere is not a Psycho A Psycho Kills Everyone Yandere-Chan/ Ayano Kills her rivals Third of all *Psycho
Hello, everyone! It’s been a long time coming, but it finally came, you can officially download the Yandere Simulator tracks that I made!
I’d also like to mention that I’m no longer involved with Yandere Simulator, as of earlier this year. I got plenty of my own things to work on, though, so stay tuned for those! I originally wanted to be able to release this album on iTunes and Spotify, though every site/company I tried to go through was being much more of a pain than it would be worth trying to deal with. ANYWAY, along with this album, i’ve updated my own website at onlywednesdaymusic.com/ and reposted all of my existing albums to my new Bandcamp. I hope you enjoy the music as much as I enjoyed working on it! Thank you for the support!
I love how the low sanity theme sounds like a corrupt mockery of the soothing high atmosphere theme.
Like the illusion of comfort is being shed to reveal the madness within.
matiandre16 XD
A lot of edgy teens here XD
The Boogeyman Holy shit dude
2:01 scared me. but i loke it stills
It's my favorite part
Steafly wow
@@winterangel002 wha
Steafly idk
Low Sanity = Low Sanity + Baseball Bat = Lower Sanity + Knife = Lowest Sanity = The most satisfying part in the game.
ikr..... 😏
_AH, _*_MURDER._*
ayooooo ikr
TH-cam comment section theme.
Maksik pfft ❤️😂
Now imagine it with the dark mode update
Low sanity, high atmosphere
high sanity: cute, endearing
mid-sanity: desolate, dark
low sanity: fuck it
high sanity: 2019
mid sanity: 2021
low sanity: 2020
@@tommybakes5972 low sanity: 2001
Omg Idk why put I love the song. It just sounds so broken and creepy!
Head twitching, scary look , creepy walking.
and maybe some giggles here and there
It is Wednesday, my dudes.
Maid of Blood Sweat and Tears aaaaaaah
Only old YS fans will remember enjoying all the old soundtracks in all sanity and this was my fav lol.
Yo conoci yandere simulator en el 2017
Especially when it plays this part, my favorite of the song :3 2:42 its so insane, those weird sounds merged into the music
I already love that part its rlly cool
I was an edgy at 9 year old.
I remember that even if this is the old version, and at the time this wasn't in the game, I saw a video in which Ayano killed the default students with colored hairs. I remembered how the music changed. On the swings of the park, I hummed the song for myself and slowed it down. In fact, I didn't think I was psychopathic or special, I was only 9 years old. I just enjoyed the song. I also hum for myself fnaf songs on the swings.
I remember I was alone in them and I loved that, so nobody heard me, I was ashamed to be heard.
wait me too wtfff
This song is beautiful,scary and sad at the same time :)
Indeed! It demonstrates the feeling of being misunderstood, leading to pain, sorrow and suffering. This leads to the transformation from being innocent to being psychotic and a emotionally repulsive monster, leading to more misunderstanding. It then leads to anger, rage and you begin to inflict fear onto others. It seems satisfying to blow off your steam on the outside, but deep down, you are ashamed of what you've become, as well as the actions that you are driven to do. For the beauty aspect, it's beautiful because this song is a work that demonstrates those two enotions of fear, sadness and emotional hostility. I go through a lot of emotional struggles, so I have first hand experience in this subject... But yeah......
The Freedom Reuploader I love it when people analyse stuff so deeply
Story Teller same
It is very nostalgious and therefore relaxing and at the same time a little psychological
Thank you
me to hahaha
[Intense stabbing noises]
when you're depressed and everyone around you is happy
The feels☺
@@unknown-yh9jr yeah
When you realize weekend is over
2:01 oh my favorite part of the song is so spooky now
This just makes me think of what our safe comfort in our lives as children slowly fades away as we get older... until a point where you are always worrying
High sanity + Low atmosphere?
damn man looks like youre doing pretty damn well
Me dió nostalgia y justo alas 3:00 de la mañana y pues me quedé ahí relajada y dormida un rato y me desperta y puse la original y otras y me dieron mucha nostalgia ya no quería que fueran las 3:00 de la mañana, se imaginan que esa canción esté en los pasillos de nuestra escuela y cuando se te olvide algo vas y ya no te va a dar miedo ir sin una voz que te acompañe solamente estará esa canción
When you walk outside the classroom without permission and all the Teachers come looking for you.
Man you're so talented! I found you by looking at the little music cd with your channel name on it that's in the turtle tank...Keep this up man!
I'm guessing you're talking about this? th-cam.com/video/MyUqXabOhss/w-d-xo.html
Only Wednesday Music omg thank you I've been looking everywhere for that song
3:03 it's my favorite part hehehe ^w^
i love this song
This song makes me think of everything but yandere sim tbh
I mainly picture a back alleyway at midnight after some rain where whatever edgy anime character I'm currently obsessed with is standing
But it's not Wednesday
+Gerrinx not with that attitude, my man.
+Only Wednesday Music lol x3
Yes it is!
ACNLJaylen yes it is
Only Wednesday Music u wot m8
So chilling... I love it.
how about nemesis mode soundtrack?
hi info chan
are you trying to look at my youtube profile? you dont need to know anything other then that im the creator..and your the viewer
Johny Bogan
Hate to be that guy, but
Are you trying to look at my information? Look away now.
Lots of edgy kids in the comments.
124Nightwing Truth, it’s so cringy and annoying “I gEt lIke tHis wHeN iM mAd !!mskfjcjs raWr XD” Like Shut the fuck up
@@formulalance8822 and "twitcH3z HeAd"
@@amethyst4578 wait rlly LMFAO
3:10 i love it!!!
I love u Only Wednesday 🌚❤
this song makes me want to go to sleep because it satisfies me
0:19 that piano drop thing is soo good
that song never scared me... to me is relaxing... and i love that song...
why do i love all of these
i actually like this
When i was going to sleep i used my playlist with songs on youtube and this turned on
Now i can’t sleep
3:10 - 3:12 i love it!!!
Why do I love 2:01 So much?!
low atmosphere and low sanity please! (2nd theme)
I like this one more than the other low sanity one who agrees
the picture is going down down down...
sploof! blood everywhere
7 dislikes:
1. Someone from hell
2. Rivals
3. No heart
4. Hates yandere sim(I think no one hates it :3)
5. Blind(Also with no heart)
6. Hates dark videos
7. Someone told them and they will get money
Why did they watch this vid and just dislike it?
This one is actually not on SoundCloud... can you add it? Well, it supposedly is on SoundCloud but the title is wrong. It says its the Yandere Mix of Schoolday 2 but its the desolate mix
This makes me calm.
+Only Wednesday Music i think i already love your songs. 😄👍👍👍
Amo esta cancion 😍😍😍😍😍😍❤❤
Oh, I was waiting for this
It's so addicting to listen to, it plays in my head when I scare people by walking up to them, twitching, and holding a screwdriver..... but when I listen to it in the dark, I get scared. :c
please tell me you only did that in the game
please tell me you only--
Good Wednesday to you too
1:19 my favorite part
is it just me or does it feel like time goes slower when i listen to this....
tanks for video 😄
i would listen to this cause i found it comforting for some reason, to this day i still do.
idk if i should be concerned or not-
I fkin love this track ✨😂
Omfg try this on 0.25 speed ;)
i love it :D
3:02 my favourite part since i was 12
This song chill me
Dunno why
Is it weird that i actually like this 0-0
Ayano, please stop default dancing-
To tell the truth I am more Yandere than Kuudere...
Don't hunt me down
Commander shut it Stupid child, you are none of those, you are a normal human who has been educated Who is fed who lives under a roof, Stop Being Idiotic And get a therapist
how do you feel after 5 years of character development
My sanity was low was like that yesterday!
Que hermsa musica :'3
I made my friends suffer hearing this music :D
Basically a forced fusion theme, then? Because you’re forcing murder and blood into an environment that’s supposed to be safe and cutesy?
I acting like this when I get mad and start twitching
@@formulalance8822 temper dude r/woosh
The Ramen Girl :3 It’s So obviously Fake, Stupid And Cringy, I’m doing it for there own sake, when they get older and are mature They will delete this Instantly...
@@formulalance8822 B R U H
Senpai will notice me
H e d o e s n t h a v e a c h o i c e
So Yan-Chan, I hope you don't use the same tactics as your Momma.
She is cute even if she killed a bunch of people
Watching video
Oh sorry I was chatting someone
...and it's not even Wednesday... hehe....
At the end, you could hear school day 1 music but creepy
2:01 😳
4:15 meh fav
Could you upload the new radio's music please ? I really love this track :3
From what I saw in the update video, the radio uses this track: th-cam.com/video/fjsCUF7LVzc/w-d-xo.html
No, not YSU! The one from the July 8th build
I haven't heard it, so I don't know what it is. Probably not something I made, sorry!
+Only Wednesday Music Oh okay. Thanks for replying me ! And sorry for bothering you, you make good tracks anyway ! :D
No problem, I didn't know it changed from the video. Thanks!
Amo, AMO la música hací
So relaxing... I'm weird.
Same and you’re not weird
Me too
Sounds more scary...
My favorite part is 3:02
thats makes me little bit scary meow!
My Tuesday and Wednesday music
I feel like this song will damage my brain into being a phyco like yan-chan
Melapuddin First Of all That is Physically And Mentally Impossible Second Of all Yandere chan Is not. A Psycho she’s a yandere A Yandere is not a Psycho A Psycho Kills Everyone Yandere-Chan/ Ayano Kills her rivals Third of all *Psycho
Mix - Music of Japan
2:01 I'm not okay
Lonely Girl17 Your Fine
when you just killed a student in front a teacher in yandere simulator
2:10 i lobe it!!!
pitch black - bird soul
When everyone have good grade fro the test and you've got bad:
*twitch head* *screaming noises* *
Creppyest one I've ever heard so far