Cooking' Frying on pans SWAGGIN Sicker than a crab Poisonous Clothes Hottest places Laidback blunted Lemonade with ice ..I roll streets Turning backs Tattooed cat Chain frozen like a glacier/ Adidas suits Handle the stacks I place another order And throw it into sale/ No front, with a big blunt Rolled up like a bouquet I'm cold blooded ice.. Icecream with Caramel and strawberry's/ Icecold chains Stacking notes/ And I'm so consistent to myself ..swag from another planet/ And I don't chill around Paperboxes flaunting exaggerations/ Margharitas, boys on a mission Dough, cheese, nothing but money/ Baked, medical Shirt in style with shoes I'm so elegant Let them heat up, caynne pepper They all want a bite because I make it rain/ They say I'm cute, made from sugar Easttown chillin, chocolate piece/ Way too much heat, brand new haircut Crawl around in a leatherseated car/ And you don't know what I'm doing ''swaggin'' And you'll be get this later ..Icecold chains I'm cold blooded ..stacking notes
lol pulls pants down at 15 seconds. Around here baggy pants mean you haven't afforded new ones or they r hand me downs, or you lost your belt. and you know what it means in prison. If you pull them down yourself then your asking for it! lol Not rly hating just saying what would happen here.
@NarkoRap gaur wtf mana þig að syna hver þu ert og segja þetta við hann i personuleika ef þu villt að hann hætti þessu væri gamman að sja það allavega fyrir mer hann vera diamond shining aautograph signing with a lifestyle thats far out every week he brings new car out
Still here 2021! 🏴
This beat and the low pitched voice is perfect when you're high.. someone recognized the Akira sample ?
Incredibly underrated beat. Greetings from the USA! 😊
Frying on pans
Sicker than a crab
Poisonous Clothes
Hottest places
Laidback blunted
Lemonade with ice
..I roll streets
Turning backs
Tattooed cat
Chain frozen like a glacier/
Adidas suits
Handle the stacks
I place another order
And throw it into sale/
No front, with a big blunt
Rolled up like a bouquet
I'm cold blooded
Icecream with
Caramel and strawberry's/
Icecold chains
Stacking notes/
And I'm so consistent to myself
..swag from another planet/
And I don't chill around
Paperboxes flaunting exaggerations/
Margharitas, boys on a mission
Dough, cheese, nothing but money/
Baked, medical
Shirt in style with shoes I'm so elegant
Let them heat up, caynne pepper
They all want a bite because I make it rain/
They say I'm cute, made from sugar
Easttown chillin, chocolate piece/
Way too much heat, brand new haircut
Crawl around in a leatherseated car/
And you don't know what I'm doing
And you'll be get this later
..Icecold chains
I'm cold blooded
..stacking notes
*sicker than cancer
Illað !
Sagði gaurinn sem lipsyncaði "Sexy And I Know It" og setti það á youtube...
besta gp lagið to date
Tony Romo still
af hverju er lagið hægt niður? til að hann hljómi meira dimmraddaður?
Damn Tko Capone commented this... Only real artist like him are still humble enough to show love to other people.
HipHop aint dead it just had a heart attack..
Luv U my lil Star
Djöfull er þetta dope beat....eruði með instrumental version til niðurhals?
Braddarefur med kadamellum og jadabedum?
svona er etta
fattar þetta seinna.
lil wayne íslands eða ?
heldur betur
Þessar athugasemdir eru næstum eins fyndið og myndbandið ;)
Tsssss the real right here No warning shots ! Lmao.
þetta er sick!!!
Yoo what language is this?
flúraður kötdur
Hvaða cameru(r) notuðu þið?
swaggin! illa töff
áttu ekki bol ?
heyrðu ég tók eftir því á facebook síðu Mohawks að þú værir búinn að kaupa þér bol hvernig væri að fara að nota hann
boggi representin
@Daddivik það er ekki eins og Tyler hafi byrjað með low pitch... þótt að hann sé meistari
hvað er ''hood video''????
Way2Good Yo!
@guttilittli þegiðu einar !
Ekki vera dissa. þetta er hans stíll. Bara alveg eins og Björk, sumt fólk skilur þetta og fólkið sem skilur þetta ekki á ekki að vera commenta
@ivangud kommentið þitt meikar ekki sens
ég fæ bara ekki leið á þessu lagi
Ég fæ mér líka bragðaref með Kadamellum og Jadabedjum
I fuck with this song so hard on the real, the rest of his stuff is pretty mediocre, but this song is so amazing
AWWW YEAA!! thats my shit!
dreepleiðinlegt verð að seigja
Þetta er nice lag!
Shits dope. -TkoCapone
Leggur hann lögin sín þannig upp að maður heyrir ekki rassgat það sem hann er að segja ? annars nett myndband
@TheOjayo "swaggin' þu munt kannski fatta þetta seinna.."
Fuck me sideways hvað þetta er illað
gott hood video
Leximann eyey
@Darkstar659 Þegiðu ...
hvaða svali gaur er í grasinu 0:31
@TheOjayo þú ert bara ekki nógu þroskaður fyrir þetta gusta
damn, this song was pretty cool until i saw this video
WEDIDIT brought me here
hahahahaha þetta er sorglegt
Rósaleegt shit...sWag.sWag
ætlaru ekki bara ad lækka röddina aðeins meira ?
this is sick as fuck
lol pulls pants down at 15 seconds. Around here baggy pants mean you haven't afforded new ones or they r hand me downs, or you lost your belt. and you know what it means in prison. If you pull them down yourself then your asking for it! lol Not rly hating just saying what would happen here.
Hahahahaha! So desperate. I love the lost white kids in the background out of it...
This is hilarious.
@NarkoRap gaur wtf mana þig að syna hver þu ert og segja þetta við hann i personuleika ef þu villt að hann hætti þessu væri gamman að sja það allavega fyrir mer hann vera diamond shining aautograph signing with a lifestyle thats far out every week he brings new car out
Jesú er dauður, sry kid.
Brosantos gp deyr aldrei
var að svara Sverri. gp deyr aldrei það er satt
Djöfull ertu með þetta on lock. Af því að Gísli höfðar ekki til þín persónulega þá er tónlistin hans ekki marktæk.
ahahahaha! "hood video" lmfao
Beat cool Myndband cool Lyrics wack
The beat isn't bad, shame about everything else
þetta er svo wack bara hálvitar fila þetta