Bear's paw was reputed as finest ingredient along with monkey's brain in old China gourmet history, so people don't eat it just because it's edible, it should taste pretty well unless you don't like Chinese food.
As if the video isn't hard enough to watch already, the fact that he went from touching unwashed meat to fruits and vegetables took me all the way out. He's not wearing gloves and I did not see ANY seasoning anywhere! It's a NO for me!🤦🏾♀️🤮 #CrossContamination #NoGloves
Most Japanese people have never eaten bear food. I'm Japanese too, but I've never eaten bear food in my life, so please don't make the mistake of thinking that Japanese people eat bears on a daily basis. I was also surprised when I saw this video.
Alaska and many lower states where bears are plentiful allow yearly harvest. Most harvested animals are consumed and their hides made into rugs or blankets. Bear fat is highly prized.
Bear meat is edible but tastes like very blubbery venison. And bears live in the woods and typically have a vegetarian diet of berries, nuts and seeds, with some meat here and there in the form of animals carcasses and carrion, fish and other wild running animals like elk and gazelles.
I think what's so unsettling about this video is how human like the paw looks. Also the fact the skin and fur is still attached you can almost envision what the entire creature looked like
@@thomasneal9291It looks yummy af though, you see how soft the foot was when it being cut? How it jiggled? Mmmm but yeah I agree, it probably doesnt taste good even if it looks like it does
And for good fucking reason. Why would anyone go through all that work to make tough meat somewhat edible. Just buy a tender steak and cook it in a pan 😭
This isn’t nothing. I watched some street food shorts last night, and they skinned the eel live, and they were headless. I can’t get it out of my thoughts. Other than that, street food cooking over in Asia is pretty amazing.
@tehtawardinginsatu "I thought this would turn out to be bear paw [...] i didn't expect they cook a real bear paw" ============================== Japan has gone from a country where meat was once banned, to a country where a wide variety of meat is apparently ingested.
مراحل نمو ثمرة التين الشوكي: تتميز شجرة التين الشوكي بقدرتها على التكيف مع الظروف القاسية، ويمر نمو ثمرتها بعدة مراحل: * التزهير: تبدأ الشجرة بإنتاج أزهار صغيرة غير واضحة، تتحول لاحقًا إلى الثمار. * تكوين الثمار الصغيرة: تظهر الثمار الصغيرة بحجم حبة الحمص تقريبًا، وتكون مغطاة بالأشواك. * النمو السريع: تبدأ الثمار بالنمو السريع في الحجم، وتزداد كمية السكر والعناصر الغذائية بداخلها. * النضوج: تكتسب الثمار لونها النهائي (الأصفر أو الأحمر)، وتصبح جاهزة للحصاد. العوامل المؤثرة في نمو الثمار: * الطقس: الحرارة والرطوبة يؤثران بشكل كبير على سرعة نمو الثمار ونوعيتها. * التربة: تحتاج الشجرة إلى تربة جيدة الصرف، غنية بالمواد العضوية. * الري: يجب تنظيم الري لتجنب الإفراط أو النقص في الماء. * التسميد: يساعد التسميد المنتظم على تحسين نمو الثمار وجودتها. ملاحظة: قد تختلف المدة الزمنية لكل مرحلة حسب الظروف البيئية والصنف الزراعي. هل لديك أي أسئلة أخرى حول زراعة التين الشوكي أو ثماره؟ ممكن أقدم لك معلومات أكثر تفصيلاً عن أي مرحلة معينة. ملاحظات: * الصور: لجعل الشرح أكثر وضوحًا، يمكن إضافة صور توضيحية لكل مرحلة من مراحل النمو. * اللغة: تم استخدام لغة بسيطة وواضحة لتسهيل فهم المعلومات. * التنظيم: تم تقسيم المعلومات إلى نقاط واضحة لتسهيل القراءة. آراءك ومقترحاتك مهمة لتحسين هذا الشرح.❤❤❤
This might be the first food video where i started watching food videos because i was hungry, and then by the time the video is over i am not hungry anymore😂😂😂😂
@flowgg_ is exactly that...culture shock 😲. And in the places where cows are considered sacred beings, (like certain cities in India), I am sure they find our killing and eating of cows similarly "barbaric." It's all a matter of perspective 🐄
@@n.c.467 You are sure! There are several countries that may find some food from my country (Brazil) very strange, despite it being super normal for me. like eating shrimp and crab, many countries would be disgusted 🤔
Maybe, but they had plenty of food back then and now, so i don't believe they ate stuff like this out of necessity. More likely a delicacy, or as the previous person said a cultural perception based on superstitious beliefs back then @@vihreelinja4743
Dumb found you all right lol. Looks delicious to me. Mountain folk eat bear all the time in America. Normally I prefer the ribeye but all is to be appreciated.
Идёт бычок качается вздыхая на ходу, ой,ой доска кончается сейчас я упаду)) Можно вспомнить ещё массу стишков про животных ,рыб и птиц. Но Бог нам их дал в пищу, и ни к чему так драматизировать! К стати, этот мишка ,вряд-ли плакал бы если откусил тебе ручку))
It's coz that meat is gamet as hell and shouldn't be eaten like this. If he used less ingredients it would taste disgusting like bear foot lol 😅@@Ro-chan1
POV: When you missed the biology class. "You see son, if the measly crabs can grow them back, why can't the bears do the same " *cracks a hand off the bear and tosses the handless bear into the river*
Современные люди комнотно-диваное поколение. Наши предки охотились, убивали, снимали шкуру, только так и выжили. На травке, корешках такой мозг не нарастишь. Это не нами так придумано, чтобы выжить один живой организм, должен поглотить другой. Даже растения живые, их поглощают травоядные.Пишевую цепочку изучали в школе?
@@watchyoutube-c9xLol. Pigs is actually in the top 10 smartest animals and considered more smarter than a dog. So, it is much more ethical to eat a dog than a pig. But who cares, unless you are a vegan, there's no reason to care about what animal gets eaten.
@@watchyoutube-c9xТо есть по вашему мнению, тот кто ниже интеллектом не заслуживает жизни? Вы видели как корову забиваю?, эти мучения. Хозяйственные животные, называются так, потому что их в неволе разводят, а не потому что они жить не хотят или боли не чувствуют. Наши предки начали селекцию, чтобы более мягкое мясо получить, а не из-за интеллекта, высокоителлектуальная вы наша.Очень у вас избирательная жалость. Всю жизнь наши предки на медведя ходили(шкура, мясо) ВЫ ЛИБО КРЕСТИК СНИМИТЕ, ЛИБО ТРУСЫ НАДЕНЬТЕ. К отрубленой куриной ноге вы просто привыкли.
Очень жаль медведя, кроме ужаса ничего не испытала !Мир сходит с ума, вместо того , чтобы защищать природу, помогать животным, выставляют это на показ, насколько жестокие люди. Расстроена 😭
To some cultures, a Protein is a Protein, is a Protein. It was, strangely,😏 interesting watching the time intensive, & expert techniques of a world-class Chef. 🧬 🧬🐻🐻🐾🐾 20:47
@@kottiakottia8948у вас где жопа в тепле, там и родина Подумать о животных,каким все образом это делается, не охота мозг свой напрягать или вообще плевать на это Из-за таких как вы, мир и катится в пропасть
Я как-то на камчатке охотился на медведя. Местные коряки пытались потом накормить меня жареными лапами. Редка гадость, можно только водку ею закусывать. Не вижу в этом никакого смысла.
Once before, I heard that the Chinese eat anything that moves except tanks, anything that flies except airplanes, and anything that swims except submarines. Well, I think this one goes a little bit further.
the bear was let go after they caught it and the paw will grow back in a year or so. then they will catch the bear again and harvest another paw from it.
Tom- you are very silly. I’m sure they took the liver or whatever else out of the bear and sold that for Chinese medicine. Unfortunately, there’s a huge market for endangered animals in Asia.
Tom- you are very silly. I’m sure they took the liver or whatever else out of the bear and sold that for Chinese medicine. Unfortunately, there’s a huge market for endangered animals in Asia.
Indeed. Bear paw especially, apparently. To stew anything more than once is impressive. An entire stockpot full of veggies just for a single paw. Either it’s necessary to soften it up several times, or this restaurant wishes to increase profit by throwing extra ingredients at it while doing so.
The reason I describe this process as bureaucratic is because there is such an intricately excessive manner and pomp about the handling of the bear paw. This is high-end cuisine, though only because of both the rarity of this centerpiece and the fact that one wouldn’t want to waste two pots full of veggies and fruits on a single piece of chicken. It’s handled bureaucratically because it’s with awe and respect that this chef seems to show towards the former paw of a fearsome predator. It’s many steps. Perhaps necessary to soften the paw pads and fur, but many steps nonetheless. Thus, a bureaucratic cooking process.
@@flickmew99 Most Japanese people have never eaten bear. We don't hunt bears primarily for food. In the Tohoku region, there are many cases of bears coming down to towns and attacking people, so they have no choice but to hunt them. However, I feel that respect for life is not just killing, but consuming the lives taken effectively.
In 22 years of living in Japan and having half of my family Japanese, I never ever never ever imagined they could cook and eat a bear paw! I'd better be careful from now on I might wake up without one of my foot and served for breakfast!🤣😂🤣😂
@@matthewbattie1022facts, and its usually full of parasites so gotta boil the heck out of it otherwise trichinosis literally feels like crawling/burning under your skin
Accordingly, Only the China Emperors get to eat Bear paws. This is the 1st time, I seen it been cooked. 😢..same like shark's fin. These delicacies themselves have no taste whatsoever, but rather the cleverness of the chef to bring out the flavour. 😊
Japan stole many traditional skills from China and patented them. South Koreans prefer to steal Chinese cultural content and symbols and then apply for World Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection.
I think this is on another planet. In my life, I've never seen bear paws or anyone eating bear meat. I'm astonished to see this. How is it possible, especially in a country like Japan? I can't even imagine this happening in Japan."
@@coconutfroyo_3462 That's really funny. I read you comment and it made me chuckle out loud. Unsuspecting cook Google's for dinner ideas and is offered boiled bear claw. :)
@@romeamiri cooking the hairy foot with the nails still on is not an American cuisine thing lmao. This is not even an insult, Asians are great at incorporating the weirdest things into their food :)
@@randalthor6872 When i’m wrong i’m wrong. I shouldn’t have taken your statement as an insult. But black bear is still an American thing well steak and stew. But that’s midwest and the backwoods type of thing.. so idk if that counts lmao
I've kind of been kickin back today so I watched a cow's head, eyeballs included, a cuttlefish, a camel's hump, a cow's utter and now a bear's paw get cooked today. What kind of nightmares am I going to have??
Never in my life would I ever expect to see someone cooking a bear paw
The nail and hair plucking part really made my skin crawl uncomfortably! 😩
I don't eat this too, but it's alos their Food.
@@김종인-c3m this guy from midland
Same, but I guess nothing should go to waste. Wow, just not what I would expect to see. Interesting though, boiled bear paw with the hair.
Bear's paw was reputed as finest ingredient along with monkey's brain in old China gourmet history, so people don't eat it just because it's edible, it should taste pretty well unless you don't like Chinese food.
these are the types of food videos i can watch without getting hungry
You got that right 😢
As if the video isn't hard enough to watch already, the fact that he went from touching unwashed meat to fruits and vegetables took me all the way out. He's not wearing gloves and I did not see ANY seasoning anywhere! It's a NO for me!🤦🏾♀️🤮 #CrossContamination #NoGloves
We're just here for "Hows?!"
Nauseated 😂
I do not like fur hair in my meals
Most Japanese people have never eaten bear food. I'm Japanese too, but I've never eaten bear food in my life, so please don't make the mistake of thinking that Japanese people eat bears on a daily basis. I was also surprised when I saw this video.
It’s a good thing you cleared that knowing how people minds are these days
Thanks for clearing up
@@lakinchanel4216 No it's not, who gives a f if people think they eat bears?
This is a Chinese dish!
@Ash-d...The Cook use ingredients like chinese style...also used Chinese knife shape from the beginning...
It’s so beautiful. The shiny fur and the sharp nails. So much power in that paw. Incredible and sad at the same time.😢
Never in my 31 years of life would I ever think I’d see someone preparing to cook a bear claw by choice
Are you married?
@@sanjhachichawatni Yeah, she's my wife.
Alaska and many lower states where bears are plentiful allow yearly harvest. Most harvested animals are consumed and their hides made into rugs or blankets. Bear fat is highly prized.
Same in my 29 years 😂
It looks like it’s almost pure fat
Never in a million years, I thought anyone would even have an appetite for bear 🐻 paw.😮
you've had bear claw before. At the donut shop...Same thing......
taste like chicken
Bear paw, abalone, shark fin, sea cucumber. East Asians call it delicacies. It is a top-notch delicacy enjoyed by the royal family and the rich.
@@lee-xi8mb Well, thank goodness I'm Po.
Some people try to cook tiger 😂
My level of shock and awe is unmatched 😮 How did I get here?
damn TH-cam and its advice
Bruh I was watching a Justin Bieber video and here come Smokey the bears paw.
Bad luck i guess
Bear meat is edible but tastes like very blubbery venison. And bears live in the woods and typically have a vegetarian diet of berries, nuts and seeds, with some meat here and there in the form of animals carcasses and carrion, fish and other wild running animals like elk and gazelles.
That "bearly" looks edible. Wocka! Wocka!
i also preparing my bear pun too but it's all gone in the middle of the video and at the end I forgot why I even watched this lol
Tidak ada binatang yang lebih buas dari manusia.😢😢😢
Hey what language you speak how you know manus means human?
@@Nagvanshieus Indonesia bro, manusia = human
@@jhonalfariezie2426 in marathi we say manusia as human also
@@Nagvanshieusriko gak ngerti po bro, iku bahasa indonesia😂
Why am i watching someone cook bear paw at 2am? How did i get here ?
lmao 2:36 AM right now and asking myself same question
@summerloveleigh Same here.
I'm having pasta at this very moment... Why am I watching this
1:30 am here in NYC and I’m doing the same thing 😢
I think what's so unsettling about this video is how human like the paw looks. Also the fact the skin and fur is still attached you can almost envision what the entire creature looked like
Maybe we go vegan?
This is questioning my convictions lol
@@shakealhuggins4387 Naah man
It's from a fursuit I think
Lab grown meat?
What happened to the rest of the guy in the costume is my question
Summa Alhmdulillah for being Muslim ❤❤❤
When you use all flavors accessible to hide the funky taste of bear.
If it eats a balanced amount of fruit and things it won't taste bad
correct. Bear is NOT a tasty meat, at all. People are quite literally stupid to eat this.
@@thomasneal9291It looks yummy af though, you see how soft the foot was when it being cut? How it jiggled? Mmmm but yeah I agree, it probably doesnt taste good even if it looks like it does
This is what exactly come out to my mind when I saw the quantity of ginger. The taste and smell must be horrendous 🫠
I like the taste of bear meat. And it smelled like berries
The last laugh is the bear scratched his ass with that paw.
adds flavor.
As if that matters...he would eat the paw scratched ass too. 🤣
I will never ever again complain at my wife's cooking!!!!!
Right!!!! Okay!!!
If you thought chicken feet was good, just wait till you've tried a bear claw.
Even better i bet
first time in 46 years of my life i see someone cook bear paw.
At my 34🤣
And for good fucking reason. Why would anyone go through all that work to make tough meat somewhat edible. Just buy a tender steak and cook it in a pan 😭
Same at 48 lol… but I’d try it tbh 🤷🏾♀️
@@dark6.6E-34why waste the paw. Bear was killed, might as well try to get the most out of it.
@@otroflores91 fair. Bear meat is tough tho, unless there are no alternatives a dish with that much prep doesnt make sense to me
This is the perfect weight loss video!!
Definitely looks like one of those "you don't eat this because it tastes good, you eat it because it has the essence of the animal" type of foods.
"You eat this because you hate bears"
More like „I eat this to make weewee strong“. But I think I’m Russia this also used to be customary, might be wrong though.
Same thing to my kind in America.
@@Glittersmagicfinally someone that understands my perspective 🤣
This is the type of shit you eat to boost your male stamina 😂
There is a great dearth of bears in my country - a fact for which I am now profoundly grateful.
It's pretty surreal seeing this enormous severed bear claw. The claws, the fur!!!
Does it cook off
This isn’t nothing. I watched some street food shorts last night, and they skinned the eel live, and they were headless. I can’t get it out of my thoughts.
Other than that, street food cooking over in Asia is pretty amazing.
The muscles! Aren't bears mostly muscle tissue?🤢🤮😵
in China, they say... We cook anything that has legs, except chairs and tables, and we cook anything that has wings, except airplanes 😆😆😆
True 😂😂😂
This is Japan, he is Japanese.
But it seems like in Japan 🤔
We noticed that immediately after covid happened.
I thought this would turn out to be bear paw shaped cake or something like that but God, i didn't expect they cook a real bear paw 😭
Pobre animal
I know I know I know💯surprised beyond💯 OML💯I don't want to think about what happened to the rest of 👺RIP✌️✌️✌️ pieces💯
"I thought this would turn out to be bear paw [...] i didn't expect they cook a real bear paw"
Japan has gone from a country where meat was once banned, to a country where a wide variety of meat is apparently ingested.
حتى أنا اعتقدت ذلك
I thought so, too.
مراحل نمو ثمرة التين الشوكي:
تتميز شجرة التين الشوكي بقدرتها على التكيف مع الظروف القاسية، ويمر نمو ثمرتها بعدة مراحل:
* التزهير: تبدأ الشجرة بإنتاج أزهار صغيرة غير واضحة، تتحول لاحقًا إلى الثمار.
* تكوين الثمار الصغيرة: تظهر الثمار الصغيرة بحجم حبة الحمص تقريبًا، وتكون مغطاة بالأشواك.
* النمو السريع: تبدأ الثمار بالنمو السريع في الحجم، وتزداد كمية السكر والعناصر الغذائية بداخلها.
* النضوج: تكتسب الثمار لونها النهائي (الأصفر أو الأحمر)، وتصبح جاهزة للحصاد.
العوامل المؤثرة في نمو الثمار:
* الطقس: الحرارة والرطوبة يؤثران بشكل كبير على سرعة نمو الثمار ونوعيتها.
* التربة: تحتاج الشجرة إلى تربة جيدة الصرف، غنية بالمواد العضوية.
* الري: يجب تنظيم الري لتجنب الإفراط أو النقص في الماء.
* التسميد: يساعد التسميد المنتظم على تحسين نمو الثمار وجودتها.
ملاحظة: قد تختلف المدة الزمنية لكل مرحلة حسب الظروف البيئية والصنف الزراعي.
هل لديك أي أسئلة أخرى حول زراعة التين الشوكي أو ثماره؟
ممكن أقدم لك معلومات أكثر تفصيلاً عن أي مرحلة معينة.
* الصور: لجعل الشرح أكثر وضوحًا، يمكن إضافة صور توضيحية لكل مرحلة من مراحل النمو.
* اللغة: تم استخدام لغة بسيطة وواضحة لتسهيل فهم المعلومات.
* التنظيم: تم تقسيم المعلومات إلى نقاط واضحة لتسهيل القراءة.
آراءك ومقترحاتك مهمة لتحسين هذا الشرح.❤❤❤
I never imagined that humans would make bear hands into food 😭
People eat everything
Nothing special. Others are eating pig feets, cow tongues, sheep heads.Can't see any difference except for the animal that had to die for it.
@@Lumbeseckel-OoIdk bear paw kinda nasty tho
Is payback ...
would you like people to waste stuff?
This might be the first food video where i started watching food videos because i was hungry, and then by the time the video is over i am not hungry anymore😂😂😂😂
🐻🐻🐻🐻 Yummy, yum yum🐻😋😛😋 it tasted superlicious😋😂
He put a lot of sweeteners in the broth he cooked the paw in (red days, sugar, honey, apples). The meat must not be very palatable by itself.
The broth contained so many items bears love to eat. It's as though the paw were still reaching for the things it wanted.
so he made a broth?
That’s just a natural broth
Kinda what I was thinking. Anything that has to be cooked *THAT* long can't possibly be any good without a LOT of help.
Naturally, bear meat has a very gamey taste and very strong smell. So yeah, spices are needed to nullify it
theres really someone out there in Tokyo Japan who gets hungry and their first thought is "damn i wanna go get some of that ol' boiled bear paw"
I guess the chef has the Bear essentials he needed to cook this out of this world dish....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Parece un entierro
Bruh fkdhdkshd
Where the hell did you get a bear paw and now you have to eat it!!!!!!
Who the heck came up with this kitchen sink of a recipe?
Everytime my Bear acts up, I show him this video as a reminder……
😅😂 You crack me up 😅😂
I don't even know how to explain the culture shock I'm feeling right now 😂
bro how about some dog, cat or bats ?! a stuffed rat maybe?! :XD
@flowgg_ is exactly that...culture shock 😲. And in the places where cows are considered sacred beings, (like certain cities in India), I am sure they find our killing and eating of cows similarly "barbaric."
It's all a matter of perspective 🐄
@@n.c.467 You are sure! There are several countries that may find some food from my country (Brazil) very strange, despite it being super normal for me. like eating shrimp and crab, many countries would be disgusted 🤔
@@alexxenaosas2416 hahaha I don't know which one is the scariest
If aliens came to our planet, these countries will find out a way to eat them.
I will never be that hungry!
try not be ignorance. your culture eat mud pie
Same here
Shaun Sutton said it better smh neither will I no thank you I wonder what it smelled like in there 😮
@@JazzolovesWhoady804 Smelled Dr. Scholl’s foot spray and corn chips.
That’s when fasting kicks in. The Lord will provide
I knew he didn’t care when he started cooking the onion wrapper 🤣🤣
It's good in broth, gives it a nicer colour
He also cooks the hair of paw bear
@@faithtapinit7958is easier to remove the fur/hair…
Why would he if that one can be cooked…
@@faithtapinit7958because it’s easier to removed… you should try to see the difference
Then you're at the Zoo and see a bear missing a paw.
😂😂😂 no é possível
He’ll likely be missing his testicles, haunches, and ribs too. Bear eaters don’t just go for the paws.
I’ll bet that dish ain’t cheap
I’m sure those claws won’t go to waste
Ah yes, now when the apocalypse hits, I can cook a bear paw and try it.
Im just dumbfounded by the idea that someone was hungry but decided "i think i wanna eat a bears paw"
I think a lot if these bizarre dishes are created long time ago when people believe eating a strong animal will give you their power
When you have nothing else. You will eat rotten fish and bear paws.
Maybe, but they had plenty of food back then and now, so i don't believe they ate stuff like this out of necessity. More likely a delicacy, or as the previous person said a cultural perception based on superstitious beliefs back then @@vihreelinja4743
Dumb found you all right lol. Looks delicious to me. Mountain folk eat bear all the time in America. Normally I prefer the ribeye but all is to be appreciated.
Same like history of cheese discovery, tbh.
"Уронили мишку на пол, Оторвали мишке лапу.
Все равно его не брошу - Потому что он хороший "😢
Агния Барто
Идёт бычок качается вздыхая на ходу, ой,ой доска кончается сейчас я упаду)) Можно вспомнить ещё массу стишков про животных ,рыб и птиц. Но Бог нам их дал в пищу, и ни к чему так драматизировать!
К стати, этот мишка ,вряд-ли плакал бы если откусил тебе ручку))
That Is the reason why aliens don't visit us
Nooo they do since centuries! With the same fascination people go to the zoo or to wrestling.
ขอบคุณ ที่นำมาให้ชม นับเป็นวัฒนธรรมด้านอาหาร ที่มีศิลปะ ในการจัดทำอย่างปราณีต นับถือ พ่อครัว ครับ
“Honey what’s wrong? You’ve barely touched your stewed bear claw?”
Ok I can't with u😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ur frens must call u when they are down😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Браво! такие же мысли пришли на ум 😀
Muita maldade e nojento comer pata de urso.
Had this bear paw in the fridge about to turn, so boy am I glad I found this video!
Maya as a muslim this is for medecine sory my english languege
😢😢😢😢 que gente caníbal.Que comerán después ,ya se personas .Me da mucho asco. Guácala guácala guácala gente de m......!!!
seeing him put all that honey in the pot with the bear paw would be like someone cooking me in a beer batter
You funny😅😅
I guess it's because honey is a good tenderizer
It's coz that meat is gamet as hell and shouldn't be eaten like this. If he used less ingredients it would taste disgusting like bear foot lol 😅@@Ro-chan1
Lol i thought ..omg these people can eat "size 14 homosapien foot" 😮😅
Bruh the way the claws just come off.
When he started degloving that paw, something in my brain was not having it
Lil biotch ! Definitely worth a try
same out
You didn't even get to the part where he removes the claws only to leave behind their soft inner cores 😩
Нет зверя хуже человека!!!
Жалко мишку😢
@@Nekotyanloveme а человека съешь?
Todos los animales se come el ser humano están hechos para comer
Almenas que seas vegetariano 😊
He being so mythological I would ate a bowl of those vegetables an fruit lol!😅 Just might cook me a paw one day!
The only type of vids i can watch without getting hungry and drooling over them
Im weird. I'll eat practically anything. I've had the live sushi in Japan. I ate it without flinching. Both foreigners and Japanese though I was crazy
But I want to try it once becoz it's a food from their culture 👍🥲😐
Copy paste comment shame on u
@@xpmedia8660 so u would try ths
@@multimillion-p51I don't see why not. If it's edible. Yolo
Masha y oso bad ending:
Masha and the Bear Bad ending:
POV: When you missed the biology class.
"You see son, if the measly crabs can grow them back, why can't the bears do the same " *cracks a hand off the bear and tosses the handless bear into the river*
EXCUSE ME..... SIR! .......There is a hair in my food.
i want my money back there is hair in my food
It will grow some thick dark brittle bear hair on your crotch!
And the waiter gets blamed anyway.
They floss their teeth with the hairs and toenails
Вот не зря говорят... Что нет ничего на земле страшнее, чем человек... 😢Но. Приготовлено стирильно...
чем японец...
А сами вы чем питаетесь?
Современные люди комнотно-диваное поколение. Наши предки охотились, убивали, снимали шкуру, только так и выжили. На травке, корешках такой мозг не нарастишь. Это не нами так придумано, чтобы выжить один живой организм, должен поглотить другой. Даже растения живые, их поглощают травоядные.Пишевую цепочку изучали в школе?
@@mangonus9293 но уж точно не лапами медведя.. Я на Кубани живу, у нас то есть что кушать..
@@ТатьянаДроздова-у3чвообще непонятно тогда что ты имеешь ввиду? Тебе животное жалко, ты сам вегетерианец?
Move over Little Debbie. We have a new and improved bear claw.
Очень жаль мишку😢
No si Oso Esta Vivo se estan comiendo la pata nada mas
А курочку, бычка, свинку...
@@watchyoutube-c9xLol. Pigs is actually in the top 10 smartest animals and considered more smarter than a dog. So, it is much more ethical to eat a dog than a pig. But who cares, unless you are a vegan, there's no reason to care about what animal gets eaten.
@@watchyoutube-c9xТо есть по вашему мнению, тот кто ниже интеллектом не заслуживает жизни? Вы видели как корову забиваю?, эти мучения. Хозяйственные животные, называются так, потому что их в неволе разводят, а не потому что они жить не хотят или боли не чувствуют. Наши предки начали селекцию, чтобы более мягкое мясо получить, а не из-за интеллекта, высокоителлектуальная вы наша.Очень у вас избирательная жалость. Всю жизнь наши предки на медведя ходили(шкура, мясо) ВЫ ЛИБО КРЕСТИК СНИМИТЕ, ЛИБО ТРУСЫ НАДЕНЬТЕ. К отрубленой куриной ноге вы просто привыкли.
Очень жаль медведя, кроме ужаса ничего не испытала !Мир сходит с ума, вместо того , чтобы защищать природу, помогать животным, выставляют это на показ, насколько жестокие люди. Расстроена 😭
Mas qual a diferença de matar um urso e um porco
Toda vida deve ser respeitada
12 часов ночи, зачем я это смотрю? 😒
This is life
I love how it starts off normal with him chopping vegetables until all of the sudden he brings out the bear paw
Did you forget the onion skin?
To some cultures, a Protein is a Protein, is a Protein.
It was, strangely,😏 interesting watching the time intensive, & expert techniques of a world-class Chef.
🧬 🧬🐻🐻🐾🐾
This is a horror movie to me. I'm traumatized
You’re vegan? Cus it’s the same as eating any animal
I thought to myself..." I'm telling God".
Felt it when he pulled out bros nail 😭😭🤞🏻
he gone bro
Ouch, that must hurt a lot😆😫😄
Когда я вижу отрубленные лапы с когтями хочется стать вегетарианкой.
Это же вкусно
Тоже. 🤮
@@kottiakottia8948у вас где жопа в тепле, там и родина
Подумать о животных,каким все образом это делается, не охота мозг свой напрягать или вообще плевать на это
Из-за таких как вы, мир и катится в пропасть
@@alphalexicon361 сам иди лечись, не хрена браконьерством заниматься
Я как-то на камчатке охотился на медведя. Местные коряки пытались потом накормить меня жареными лапами. Редка гадость, можно только водку ею закусывать. Не вижу в этом никакого смысла.
BRO WHY TF WOULD THEY KILL A BEAR FOR THIS?? i’ve lost respect for japan a bit. honestly this is just disgusting
Once before, I heard that the Chinese eat anything that moves except tanks, anything that flies except airplanes, and anything that swims except submarines. Well, I think this one goes a little bit further.
This is Japan dude. Learn to read.
@@destinationskyline07 doesnt change the fact that asians have no standards
@@destinationskyline07 he meant Asians in general. Even the japs have some weird food 🤢
Stop this xenophobic ass comment bro
Japanese eats bear paw. "aCkShUaLlY iS cHiNa"
Mesmo que eu tivesse todo o dinheiro do mundo eu jamais pediria esse prato🐻
True same
Más que asco yo diría pena así los extinguirán😢
Come mocotó?
@@FeelingBlue... nunca
@@bruxado7125 tenho dó do animal , pra mim isso é um tabu
Never in my 53 years would I expect to see someone cooking a bear claw. Poor Bear
the bear was let go after they caught it and the paw will grow back in a year or so. then they will catch the bear again and harvest another paw from it.
Why not? It's just an animal
Tom- you are very silly. I’m sure they took the liver or whatever else out of the bear and sold that for Chinese medicine. Unfortunately, there’s a huge market for endangered animals in Asia.
Tom- you are very silly. I’m sure they took the liver or whatever else out of the bear and sold that for Chinese medicine. Unfortunately, there’s a huge market for endangered animals in Asia.
Guess the chef ran out off goat hooves, shark fins, and camel toes
We’re all out of moose knuckle too I’m afraid…
We eat bear in America you dumbass lol. Joe Rogan eats bear all day.
You forgot dinosaur feet.
Camel toe 💀🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@DEFBONEZZ Don't know about knuckle, but moose nose is a Canadian delicacy of the indigenous.
As a chef myself, this is the only the time I’ve ever seen anything cooked in such a bureaucratic fashion. No less for a bear paw.
Bureaucratic? What a weird way of describing things
Yeah, just because of how many steps there are lol
Many things are cooked in a "bureaucratic" manner as attention to detail is crucial to many dishes considered delicacies.
Indeed. Bear paw especially, apparently. To stew anything more than once is impressive. An entire stockpot full of veggies just for a single paw.
Either it’s necessary to soften it up several times, or this restaurant wishes to increase profit by throwing extra ingredients at it while doing so.
The reason I describe this process as bureaucratic is because there is such an intricately excessive manner and pomp about the handling of the bear paw. This is high-end cuisine, though only because of both the rarity of this centerpiece and the fact that one wouldn’t want to waste two pots full of veggies and fruits on a single piece of chicken. It’s handled bureaucratically because it’s with awe and respect that this chef seems to show towards the former paw of a fearsome predator. It’s many steps. Perhaps necessary to soften the paw pads and fur, but many steps nonetheless. Thus, a bureaucratic cooking process.
I searched easy cooking recipes now I’m here
Same lol
Hell, I specifically searched for "easy KOREAN recipes. How in TF did I end up on the rough east side of TH-cam?
Looks easy enough 🤣
Easy to cook, not easy to catch 😅
the real question is.. where's the rest of the bear.. ?
Exactamente 😮dónde y que tristeza matar a un oso
That must be in some another ones plate
@@shambhuniralathe left paw.
U just already know that poor bear suffered
No freezer 😂😂😂
The took care of this bear paw more than my family took care of me my entire life 😂😂😂😂😂
obviously bearpaw is hotter than your family
Did your family cook your hand? 😂
Bear paw, abalone, shark fin, sea cucumber. East Asians call it delicacies. It is a top-notch delicacy enjoyed by the royal family and the rich.
He looked at the bear paw for a whole 2 mins questioning life. 🤣🤣
this is unBEARlievable 😮
You're hardly bearing the video 😅
Cooking at its bear basics 😂
bear for beer 🐻 🍺
Неужели в этом мире больше нечего жрать...бедные животные...😢😢😢😢
Веган что ли ?
Если ты веган то тебя можно понять но если и ешь мясо то для чего этот комент
Говядину,баранину,утятину,курицу не кушаешь что ли?
I salute all the vegetarians out there 👋
Bear paw😋🐻
Thank you sir!
Very envious of them after watching this
Thanks 😊
Between the chicken feet and the bear paw, this chef is the culinary equivalent of Quentin Tarantino
Is there not enough genetically modified cows and chickens in this earth for them to leave poor old yogi the bear alone, and let him keep his paws
@@flickmew99 Most Japanese people have never eaten bear. We don't hunt bears primarily for food. In the Tohoku region, there are many cases of bears coming down to towns and attacking people, so they have no choice but to hunt them. However, I feel that respect for life is not just killing, but consuming the lives taken effectively.
@@flickmew99 wtf people die bc this earthquake. Most people do not even eat bear. Say sorry to all the people who lost their families.
@@Thehorsetiktokgirl An earthquake is an act of God, ask any insurance company.
No te preocupes, luego le crecen. ☺️👍🏻
😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 26:58 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Ti credo io sono stato in Giappone per vacanza non ho mai visto una cosa dal genere e disgustoso
@@bonustruck 私も中国料理なら知ってます。中華料理屋の間違いなんじゃないの?と思ってしまいます。
Heeuh eta siga di Thailand anjir
In 22 years of living in Japan and having half of my family Japanese, I never ever never ever imagined they could cook and eat a bear paw! I'd better be careful from now on I might wake up without one of my foot and served for breakfast!🤣😂🤣😂
😂ha ha
...nice comment brother
This was unbelievable 😂 Finally a video that deserves a like comment & share
First time in my life I've heard of someone eating a Bear Paw. Seems more like something you would eat if you're starving.
An old hillbilly told my uncle and me that bear is the nastiest meat there is. I believe him!
@@matthewbattie1022facts, and its usually full of parasites so gotta boil the heck out of it otherwise trichinosis literally feels like crawling/burning under your skin
@@matthewbattie1022 shit if a Hillbilly of all people say its nasty, it must be fucking nasty
Isn’t this the long-lost bear paw delicacy in China😄? Japan actually saw it😄
Accordingly, Only the China Emperors get to eat Bear paws.
This is the 1st time, I seen it been cooked. 😢..same like shark's fin.
These delicacies themselves have no taste whatsoever, but rather the cleverness of the chef to bring out the flavour. 😊
it's for the texture@@elainedickinson7521
Japan stole many traditional skills from China and patented them. South Koreans prefer to steal Chinese cultural content and symbols and then apply for World Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection.
Bear's paw was one of the royal dishes in ancient Chinese dynasties
Seu cu também.
I think this is on another planet. In my life, I've never seen bear paws or anyone eating bear meat. I'm astonished to see this. How is it possible, especially in a country like Japan? I can't even imagine this happening in Japan."
Never in my life have i ever thought about eating a bear's paw like.... Ever. Who the hell decided to try this one day?
Ancient chinese 2000 yrs ago
@@Canufindnowlol love racist here while you watching this channel
@@evan8402 wdym? What's racist about this comment
i mean u hunt it and u eat all of it
No tienen limites estas personas
No duden que muy pronto estarán pensando como preparar y cocinar carne humana.
EN LA INDIA@@ricardocordero7615
А люди ли это?
Wow que horror y. Triste 😢
whats bugging me the most is why he isn't taking off the onion skins
ayı pençesi yemesi normal ama problem olan soğan kabuğu öylemi?
Unbelievable. I am speechless
Neanche per un Milione di dollari😮
"I made everything with my bare hands, including the bear hands" - Dragon Ball Abridged
Keep your paws to yourself...🐾😂😂😂
I just wanted to learn how to cook food as an adult. That’s it.
I literally looked up dinner ideas and got here 😅
@@coconutfroyo_3462 😂
That's really funny. I read you comment and it made me chuckle out loud. Unsuspecting cook Google's for dinner ideas and is offered boiled bear claw. :)
You mean foot
I am a Pilot & experiencing shock waves , as to how elegantly someone is cooking Bear Paw for someone 😮😮😮😮😮
I never thought I would get nauseated from watching a chef pull hairs from a boiled bear paw. Yet here I am.
WTF Asia? first it was bats that disgusted me, now it's bear paws?
@@randalthor6872 People eat and cook bear here in the USA. It’s not an Asian thing lmao smh.
@@romeamiri cooking the hairy foot with the nails still on is not an American cuisine thing lmao. This is not even an insult, Asians are great at incorporating the weirdest things into their food :)
@@randalthor6872 When i’m wrong i’m wrong. I shouldn’t have taken your statement as an insult. But black bear is still an American thing well steak and stew. But that’s midwest and the backwoods type of thing.. so idk if that counts lmao
@@romeamiri Heck yea bud. I would totally love to try some bear meat, I just don't know about that boiled paw ; P
U kno how good this has to taste for a person to pick every hair follicle off of a bear’s paw before eating??😂😂😂
Gots to be good lol
just Asians mayne. They’ll pick the hair off a ball sack and eat it
I never see someone cook a bear paw, tbh this is quiet scary and incredible at the same time
من با شما موافق هستم🇮🇷
disgusting also, to cook anything with hair and nails/claws is gross unless one doesn't know how that smell
Que nojo
This is considered one of two the most delicious course of food in China for thousands of years. The other on is shark fin.
この料理を丁寧に調理していることにとても感銘を受けました。あの足の毛をすべて取り除くには、本当に熱心なシェフの忍耐力が必要です。驚いたのは、足を熱いスープに浸した後でも、残った毛を抜くのにかなりの労力が必要だったことです。シェフに心からお祝いを申し上げます。また、この料理は格別に美味しそうでした。北海道に長く滞在していたとき、広く食べられているわけではありませんが、熊肉は食べられました。その味を懐かしく思い出し、調理してくれたシェフに感謝したいと思います。シェアしてくれてありがとう 👍
I've kind of been kickin back today so I watched a cow's head, eyeballs included, a cuttlefish, a camel's hump, a cow's utter and now a bear's paw get cooked today. What kind of nightmares am I going to have??
LMFAOOOOOOO the cow head w eyeballs had to of been wild to watch 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tourists: "What authentic Japanese food are we eating today? Sushi? Onigiri?"
Japanese chef: "Iie. Only giant bear paw. Eatadakimasu."
Right if I eat a dat I'm a sue too!!!
Can't believe there's actually a place that serves bear paw. 😮
disgusting people
there are people out there who eat cooked camel shit, so this cant be thatbig of a surprise
I can't believe there are actual places that serve beef.
@@Nguyen12121r yu a Hindu?
😂😂😂😂ninja there
its 1:30 AM. I just searched for Japnanese Cooking, and then I landed in this...🙃🙃
Какое терпение 😮у повара и выдержка... Представить не могла о приготовлении еды, блюда из лапы медведя....
Местные ярославские тоже охотились на медведя и делали тушенку медведем углу его загоняли и там калбасили .
@@ЕленаГорянина-ц6ятак дело то не в медведи охотятся на него во всех странах где он обитает тут вопрос к лапе
Лапы медвежьи и у нас едят!
Бедный медведь.Никогда не подумала бы что это можно есть.
Поверьте азиаты и не это могут съесть,они и кошек с крысами только в путь херачат )))
I guess they r able to eat the whole body,,,
Можно, оказывается, но , как то, не хочется
@@ИннаОстровецкая Да нет конечно, просто для меня это что-то за гранью и очень жалко медведя .Мне до сих пор не посебе .
@@МусакаримоваКлара И для меня медведь не еда.
Never in my life would I ever expect to see someone cooking a bear paw #2
Very soon you will watch a bear eating a human
I think this is the first time I see a Cold Bloody Chefs in my life..😂😂