Scorsese didn't just make a movie about Christ, he made a movie about Man. A story of man's struggle to do what is righteous in the face of so many worldly temptations. I love the film.
That's what most conservative Christians have a problem with. They cannot see Jesus as a man. After,the core essence of Christianity is that Jesus was born as a human.
As an agnostic, I came out of the film barely suppressing the tears in my eyes. It portrayed Jesus in a way that has never been done before or since. It gave me a new appreciation of Jesus that I could not have attained elsewhere. I went on to read the novel by Nicholas Kazantzakis -- and I never felt closer to the figure of Jesus than from these depictions. So many condemned the film (and probably the novel), but even though the story is not based on scripture, their exploration of man as god was very moving to me. To those who condemn the film and perhaps the novel upon it which it was based, I have to say if such tales can move you closer to Jesus, is this a bad thing? We should all know something about the life and probable torments of Jesus -- whether you are are a believer or not. Depicted in a fictional manner, it enabled me to see the possibility of a real Jesus. The film and novel enhanced my sense of spirituality -- and for me, this was a good thing. These fictional outlets changed my stubborn thinking.
Thor Odinson Nikos Kazantzakis was the novelist's name, not Nicholas. Leaving that aside, your post makes many excellent points. I myself am a Christian but have tended to stay away from much of organized religion because for me it can seem tragically narrow minded and a lot of my personal beliefs far too often clash with those of my church. Anyway. I think that, for me, at very least Christians who have not seen this movie should see it before judging it. Primarily because, in spite of the fact that this is a fictional account of the life of Christ, it was based upon Kazantzakis's own belief structure and, I feel, more fully explains Christ's role in Christianity and why he lived and died as he did. God needed Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of ALL mankind past, present, and future. That is an insanely heavy burden for one man, no matter whether he is the divine son of God or not, whether he knows it or not from the day he was born. Think about the current population of the planet hovering in the neighborhood of 8 billion people. That is a lot of souls and a lot of sin to heap on one person so his death can redeem ALL of our sins, now and forever. But the most important aspect of this whole process was that Jesus be born and raised as a human being, full of all the wants and desires and even sins that we mortal non divine humans experience every day. God believed that it was not enough for Jesus to simply come to earth and sacrifice himself on the cross without first living amongst us as a flawed imperfect human being. Jesus had to understand and fully relate to ALL the sins and temptations we ordinary humans experience on a daily basis, so his death to save us all from our sins could have more meaning, and more emotional, spiritual impact. Jesus had to experience temptation. He had to experience doubt. He had to live his life exactly as we live our lives, in order that the enormous magnanimity of his sacrifice on the cross for our sins could truly mean something. If you remember from your bible readings, or even if you don't, there was a moment where Jesus had a bit of a heart to heart chat with God from the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus was like "If this cup could pass me by..." basically his way of saying "okay, God...Dad, look, I really don't want to die right now and I don't feel like I'm ready to assume the mantel of this very heavy burden you want me to just accept willingly and unquestioningly. I know this is my destiny and all that but does it really have to be tonight, like right now?" And the movie humanizes Christ even further by allowing Jesus to see what his life might be like if the cup could indeed pass him by. He could be happily married to Mary Magdalene, they could have a houseful of children, and they could grow old together, and life as an ordinary human certainly looks very, very appealing...and tempting. And THAT's what I love about the movie especially. It actually shows us what Jesus might have seen as an alternative to being the savior of ALL mankind, but also that while he is seeing this alternate reality, he has that lightbulb moment where he's like "Oh...But, if I do THIS, if I take THIS path, this one selfish act will lead to the downfall and demise of ALL humankind as we know it." Because we humans will never be able to be granted forgiveness for our sins unless Christ DOES sacrifice himself on the cross so we CAN be forgiven. He needs that moment of clarity to help him realize that he has to do this for us, this entirely SELFLESS act, or no one will be able to be forgiven for their sins. Can you imagine what that particular prayer request conversation might sound like if Jesus had not realised the enormous importance of what he had to do and decided he wanted to just be a normal, mortal human for just a little while longer? Be like a phone call to customer service with a little extra twist to it. "Oh. I am so sorry. We are actually unable to forgive your sins today. No, sorry, tomorrow is not looking so good, either. Well, as it happens, Jesus kinda decided he just wasn't up for it today, so it seems he's called off sick for the day. Yeah. Check back with us maybe sometime next week or the week after, we're not entirely certain. As you can probably imagine, we are experiencing an exceptionally high volume of requests for sin forgiveness right now. But I have added your name to our wait list and hopefully we will get to you at some point soon here. Keep in mind, the wait list is getting longer every day Jesus remains out sick.. I know. We are all doing the best we can under the circumstances right now but there may be a protracted delay while we go through this wait and see process. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this uncertain transition period." Fortunately, we don't have to go through all of that because Jesus knew what he needed to do and stepped up and did it. So we now only need to ask that our sins be forgiven and they are. No wait list long lines or uncertainty. And THAT's what makes this movie SO powerful for me. It shows the process Jesus went through for us and showed that even though he had two roads to choose from, one very tempting and appealing to his human side, and one where he knew he was fulfilling the destiny that had been set in place for him before he was born. But he HAD to have those choices placed before him, in order to fully experience the contradicting impulses between making the right decision or making the wrong decision as we humans have to go through every single day of our lives. And when you SEE Jesus have that A-HA moment in the movie? It's overwhelmingly powerful. Because we see his decision was one he absolutely had to NOT take lightly or take for granted or the end result and all of history would be altered irrevocably, quite literally forever. Helluva burden to be saddled with but the sacrifice would have been meaningless without that knowledge. That revelation. And I loved that the movie shows exactly what Jesus went through right up until the very end. And it showed the more human flawed side of Judas Iscariot as well. Ultimately Judas was the only one Jesus could trust to carry out the task of betraying Jesus so he COULD be captured and crucified. Jesus was right. All the other disciples would have tried to be heroic and save Jesus. Jesus knew he needed to die and he needed to be betrayed so he could be nailed up to the cross. Judas was the only one strong enough to do that distasteful task. It did not make him exactly heroic, but the part he played was an important one, and that was why Jesus entrusted Judas with that daunting task. Judas still was overwhelmed with the guilt of what he had done, but for me the movie makes Judas a bit more sympathetic and not just as the ultimate biblical black hat we are so often led to believe he was. It made Judas more three dimensional and less the two dimensional cardboard cutout of evil we were raised to believe he was. It was a hated, thankless task and, in the end, the guilt of his actions still consumed him and overwhelmed him and he could not bear the burden of the guilt any longer and concluded his existence. But without Judas, Christ would not have been crucified and Christ's ultimate destiny would have gone unfulfilled. And that is the true beauty of the film. It shows the importance of all the players in this extremely important story. And I feel like if people can't see that, they're missing out because they just don't get it. Scorsese and Kazantzakis got it. And they shared that divine inspiration with us. (And the most subversive temptation is NOT the one we see coming, like Satan tempting Christ for 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. The most subversive temptation is the temptation WE request ourselves. And we don't see it because there is no external force exerting its pull on us ala Satan saying "just look at all the great stuff I will give you if you would just worship me.")
Thor Odinson - toddvandell85 you two wrote beautifully. Like dang, never knew a movie could hold such wisdom. I'm a relatively new Christian. I actually don't exactly know what to say about the film because it dawned on me as being extraordinarily profound. Especially with how it relates to my belief. For once I could empathize with Christ and sort of understand his pain. If only I could ever pull through with the same strength in God. Which I believe is at the core of every Christian's road. Because we abide in Christ, we must almost bare the same torment of temptation. I don't quite understand it. I'd have to think through it a bit and also go through my own experiences and read the scriptures, for I've always struggled to understand why shedding the sinful flesh has to be so painful and so difficult to pull off. Only Christ could go the distance. And yet we have opportunity to emulate him, but never truly *be* him because only he is the divine son of God. The movie touched me, that's for certain. You don't often find this way of talking in the churches. They'll reject any thought that doesn't frame Jesus as the *perfect human being* Which he is, but he was also *a human being* and suffered through the same temptations we face everyday. And that made me understand Christ a bit more. Understand what price he payed. And what flesh he turned from. Thanks, I'd definitely have to think about all this through my own lifetime for not even I truly understand it fully. But may God bless you all, atheists agnostics and christians alike 🙏
@Christian Tompkins Then why did Jesus say "God, why have you forsaken me?" I've never understood the orthodox Catholic idea that Jesus was literally God - if that's the case, it makes no logical sense why he would, for a moment, feel forsaken by God as he died on the cross. First off, the line implies that he is separated from God since he is talking to an outside being. Secondly, the line implies that Jesus does not WANT to die but is doing so because it is his duty and in that moment felt as if his Lord had abandoned him because the pain was so severe. I think Scorsese's depiction of an unsure Christ dying for the sins of man is not only completely accurate to the Biblical account of the crucifixion, but is a beautiful depiction of a man dying for the good of others despite having the lack of certainty native to all human beings.
Yes!!....genius......But then it's not Martin Scorsese....I take him as he is. Fast talking, ultra engaged, & incapable of hiding his love for film making.
I felt that Scorsese is right. If you are a doubter this movie gave you even more to believe in. We left the church years ago and the one thing church gives you is that close proximity to other believers. We have not regretted leaving the church, but have to work harder to keep Jesus front and center. It can be especially hard in a world where hatred seems to be growing. He came to show us love was the answer. The religious don't always follow Jesus no matter how much they pretend to.
Religious people don't really follow the full BIBLE they follow ideology and pathetic conservative politics.Example why did they support a silly man like Donald orange Trump still baffles me.
This was my favorite film. Such a profoundly moving experience. The score played on repeat in my tape Walkman until it finally gave way. Just a perfect movie about a perfect man.
I saw the film at my local cinema in 1988. In those days, the controversy over the film had to do with the news sources saying that it "depicted Jesus coming off the cross and having sex with Mary Magdalene". They made it sound like they were messing around on Golgotha. In the story, he is deceived into believing he God spared his life, marries Mary Magdalene and then Lazarus' sister. He realizes that he was deceived and accepts his divinity. I went into it as a man of faith and came out as a man of faith, who felt closer to Jesus. I would have said that my love of Jesus is unconditional but he gives me so much every day. There were protestors telling me I was going to burn in Hell. Then another one said that there was a bomb in the theater. I responded "Well, if I die in there I will be ready."
+Alasdair M The Gosple should not be twisted or altered from the original text or meaning, if Jesus came down or off from the cross, there would be no would be null and void...the saving of peoples soul from hell.
+Martin Kelly The gospel has already been twisted and altered through the editing by the Romans, through the different translations and even the Bible story itself is unclear with four differing opinions in the gospels. Jesus' story is not perfectly told by any means so why shouldn't we today try and put our own interpretation as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John did. If God wanted a perfect explanation of his son's life, he presumably would have given us one story but the Bible is human made, so everything we know can be interpreted.
Martin Kelly It is clearly a dream sequence in the movie. The book was presented as fiction, no one ever said they were giving a factual account of Jesus' life.
He wasn't tempted, temptation ensues from a disparage of human will and Gods Will. "I come not to do my Will but the Will of He who sends me". Jesus was God becoming man, not man becoming God. Trying to become God is an affront to Him.
@Truth Seeker yes there's places in the bible where if you read too literally you get the wrong idea. There's also something in the bible that states what you create on earth will never match the likeness in heaven, or that you cannot create anything with it's likeness in heaven. doesn't mean you can't sculpt crosses or paint Jesus as some literalist would have you believe... Temptation insinuates that Jesus struggled, which he did not, he knew his purpose and kept to it. There was no vulnerability and no disparagement for Satan to use... Literally google "is Jesus God?" And it's accepted he is... Jesus himself claimed to be God... John 10:30 "I and the Father are One"... Or maybe I don't understand the difference between "God" and "the son of God"... Or perhaps it's my understanding of the word temptation, perhaps it means more than I know, like the word perfect means more than just value...
@Truth Seeker Well after reading, his dual nature would give him a type of multiplicity... He was both tempted and not. Yes because of his human nature, but ultimately no because of his divine nature...
I have the film and it is raw. A great production highlighting the divine and human side of man because that is what made Jesus relatable.. The hardest thing a human being can do is to surrender their will to God because you have to fight yourself
GodsWork InProgress great interview have you ever seen this movie this is one of the worst pieces of propaganda I've ever seen I can't think of a more Blasphemous movie this movie was terrible and his explanation was very lame
It's a terrific movie, but still, very dangerous to an unprepared viewer, because the idea of it is to make Jesus unsure of what he is - uncertain of his destiny and nature. Jusus was God in human form (to me he was, since I'm a Christian), yet according to this story he is a human being, unsure of whether or not he wants to become God. True Jesus had no such problem, because he was God from the moment of his birth, and knew it.
A Light Piercing The Kingdom of Darkness Ministry The movie, by definition is about a Prophet struggling so much. Powerful film, and maybe the greatest movie soundtrack of all time, although I would hardly call it a movie soundtrack. It is more of a symphony.
Melissa Medling It's not based on the Gospels. It's based on a book, but in the Gospels Jesus showed humanity. He cried, he was angry, he didn't want to die, but despite his feelings he fulfilled God's will.
Even as an atheist I can respect this film a lot I see it as a great work of art in a fascinating interpretation of a story told many times over I understand the struggle that Jesus is going through and it is an uplifting one even without faith and I am inspired by his message regardless of beliefs.
At 3:19, when he says 'film', the tip of the reel on the almirah behind him gets unstuck and sways. I think it's nature's expression that he is really connected to films. He likes getting the film to be shot through.
As a believer, I put off viewing this film for decades. There is this feeling among us believers (Christians and I am sure other faiths) that to deviate from spiritual texts in any way is a betrayal of our faith. This film makes it clear from the start that this story is not based on the Bible. Rather, it's a work of fiction ... an exploration of Jesus' spiritual battle told with the use of many metaphors and allegories. Ultimately the goal of the filmmakers is to make Christ more accessible by revealing what would have been his very real human struggles. To that end, I enjoyed the film. For the first time as a Christian, I saw that the spiritual battle Jesus undertakes on the cross is a conflict he very well could have lost. The film delves into the world we would have inherited should that have happened, and it's not a pleasant place. Thank you for the filmmakers for putting this story together. I hope it encourages millions to pick up a Bible or walk into the church and learn the truth about our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
OF COURSE if your FAITH in "God" entails our "HUMANITY", Jesus, Our Lord was 100 percent HUMAN and 100 percent GOD. How do these 2 reconcile each other??? LOVE YOU SO MUCH MARTIN and for "Silence" and "Killers of the Flower Moon" and your series on "The Saints".
wow artists has always that immediat and direct explanations even to a complex existential problems wich is not as the same for philosophers and scientists .
Being an artist does not exclude science or philosophy. The thing about film or writing is that while there is a creative aspect, there is also a content aspect, and so many movie directors will have interests in science, history, literature, or philosophy that they express in their films.
This might be my favorite film of his. It is by far the most moving film I have seen about Jesus. It may not be true to the gospels entirely, but we have no way to know how true the gospels are to history. I have been studying the gospels for years, and I can definitely say the gospel writers took their own creative liberties (for instance the nativity stories in Matthew and Luke don't line up with one another, nor do the resurrection accounts, nor do their respective Christologies: Mark's Jesus is quite differently portrayed than John's, for instance) In fact, in writing a story about anyone and the significance, you have to, especially if you're trying to convey a message. Notice, Luke and Matthew who both used Mark as a source each make their own alterations to some of the text. They also drew from the Q "sayings source" , our earliest source on Jesus teachings, but selectively, and differently in each case, and included traditions not found in the other gospel. John uses other sources, some of which contain accounts that aren't in the synoptic tradition. Unlike Mark, written 20 years earlier (around 70 CE), in John's gospel, Jesus uses the miracles to show he is the messiah; in Mark, however, Jesus tries to keep it a secret. The point is, they were each trying to present their view of who they thought Jesus was, and what he said and did. So I think Scorsese' interpretation of Kazantzakis' novel is faithfully following in their footsteps.
The thing is, yes Jesus was fully human and he dealt with temptation but at the same time, he was fully God- look at how he deals with those temptations, he rebuked the devil. Yes he was tempted at the cross but remember his words- Not my will but Yours be done father- he didn’t want to die on the cross and he begged his father to withdraw him from having to suffer if there was another way but he was willing to go to the cross if that’s what it cost- and we clearly see that he did. It says that he could have called his angels to free him from the cross and strike down everyone but he didn’t, he chose to redeem his creation.
Look at it like this: he made this movie and he was not struck down.. Instead he's lived an incredible long life and is still mega successful. My guess is God liked the film too
Have you ever thought about wanting to go home and couldn't find a way to get back there.And the window of time was short to stay open like a portal in the sky.Once it's closed that's it.We are all looking to God to get us thru that portal in time.Dont want to be left behind.To figure out his will in time and do the one thing he called you to do that will cost your life.Give it all to me and trust me. I will never leave you. Eternal life for yours.
Frankly, I think it's pretty dumb that people actually think Christians shouldn't be offended by this film. Most people themselves get offended and get into fights over the silliest things in politics and other stuff. And it's obvious that this movie did something that's way more troubling than petty politics.
No, it’s extremely silly to go on the warpath because you feel your favorite fairy tale isn’t being told right in a movie. Much sillier than fighting about politics, which is at least sometimes about real things.
Thing is, how does a Marvel fan react when my beloved Marvel character is radically different onscreen? Will the explanation come together with the movie?
@@thebacons5943 He wasn't tempted, temptation ensues from a disparage of human will and Gods Will. "I come not to do my Will but the Will of He who sends me". Jesus was God becoming man, not man becoming God. Trying to become God is an affront to Him.
@@kingkoi6542 I’m a little confused by your comment… maybe you’re using temptation in a different sense of the word? In the Bible, Jesus is said to have been tempted three times by Satan during their encounter in the desert. Even at the crucification, Christ asks “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” This may not represent doubt or temptation, but surely it represents some mental state of uncertainty which comes from the human aspect of his being (both fully man and fully divine). Edit: don’t like my own use of the word “uncertainty” here. Indeed, a tricky subject. Maybe better to say Jesus was a human being and as such would have known desire, self-interest, etc. even as he had the wherewithal to reject it
Im not gonna hate Martin Scorsese because i dont think his intention was to hurt Christians . If he was blasphemous don't you think jesus would have taken care of him ? I saw parts of the movie i didn't see that it was offensive . Religious people are always gonna be offended but they're a bit hypocritical because if Christ wasnt human and wasn't tempted at all then why especially orthodoxy puts a human face to jesus ? With the icons ? We show a human face to a divine entity it's just hypocritical if you ask me , he bled on the cross that in itself is human . How can someone ve divine when he had human flesh and qualities ? It just doesn't make sense to me . They say hes " the son of god " but we don't even know what god looks like yet we think we know what Jesus looked like ?
However i do recommend that a director held in such high esteem as Martin Scorsese ...why doesn't he do a film about Mohammed ? See the reaction of the muslim world . If you're gonna make a video about Jesus Christ and say he gave in to temptation then do one about another religious deity and see the results of that...i guarantee muslims would take it a lot further than what Christians did because there are different global interpretations when it comes to religious discussions
Ironically, the Christians who attacked this movie did more to push people away from their religion than any movie could. It was one of those moments when the nutty and dishonest bigotry of so many Christians was put on display for the world.
The last temptation was for Christ to not as Judas said live like an ordinary man ,. It’s all going on in his head on the cross . Then he rejects it and finishes the job the Godman
In my opinion, as a man who no longer believes in christianity, this is the best depiction of this story on film that I have seen to date. Probably one of my favorite scorcese films.
I saw this movie when it first hit the box office back in 1988. At that time I would have mostly agreed with you. I am a musician and at the time I had been heavily influenced by Peter Gabriel and still am to some degree. Its probably a good thing not to follow a set religion these days. I do however feel very strongly about the soul and the Truth. Men are really good at being deceitful, using others for their own purposes and the like. I wish you all the Best!
To be honest a very disturbing movie I did see a scene in which Jesus removes his heart physical heart . Do you think he is saying the truth or I can't say I'm deeply hurt because he hay shown something wrong the movie is not honestly made
As far as I remember this Jesus is the messaih that was originally conceived by Jews. The one who would set them free from the Romans and reassert them as the privilege true sons of God!!
Does Martin believe jesus was a real manor just a work of fiction ?subjective therefore Its still more than just an average jesus movie though.The production implies jeusus is real rather than just open minded.However we still don't really see the adult side of the manman of actionman of actionman of actionman of action[5]
The movie is very controvential. Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church claim that story is heretic. For sure we hardly know Jesus's life before he begins teaching. As a Jude and Rabi he should have a wife and family.
@@zacharysiple629 I saw it and it was ok kinda of corny at times but they worked with what they had back in the day.But hopefully in the future we can do it better.
The acting is great and the cinematography is stunning. However I personally cannot stand the film yes I am an Orthodox Christian so I’m gonna be extremely biased against the material in the movie. And yes I acknowledge that the movie isn’t trying to be an accurate portrayal of Jesus it’s based on a fictional novel. But still I feel like it’s just an insult to adapt something like that into a movie Jesus is the most influential human to ever exist no one even comes close maybe you could say Aristotle. But I don’t really know who this movie is for either because it’s obviously not for Christians. This is more of a criticism of the novel and not the movie but the movie mixed Jesus to human and that was the problem, it’s trying to deconstruct Jesus down to human and make them like us which is the complete opposite of what the gospels yes yes I know I know the movies not based on the gospels in the novel isn’t attempting to be an accurate depiction of Jesus either but still. We see that Jesus has Temptations in the gospels and Pauls epistles. And Martin Scorsese isn’t that educated when it comes to Christian church history or the history of Christian theology but I’m not really surprised. But he will still be on my favorite filmmakers of all time. Good fellas, Casino, Wolf of Wall Street, taxi driver, King of comedy, The departed, The Irishman, after hours which is a criminally underrated movie. But I’m sorry I just couldn’t enjoy the movie. I have to agree with him though this movie does not affect my faith in any way shape or form. At least he made it up with silence though that was a banger.
Personally I think Jesus was a real, historical person, and I won't disagree with you that he was the most influential person ever to exist- a Jewish peasant of all people, that no one in his hometown had expected much of (Jesus actually has a wonderful quote about this "a prophet is accepted anywhere save in his own country"). In fact he was a more fully realized human than most of humanity, and perhaps that was what makes him divine. The thing is, we don't know how much of the gospels is historical. Historians have different criteria for determining that. Whether you believe he was immaculately conceived (personally I don't) and/or was physically raised from the dead or even died to atone for the sins of all mankind (Which Paul claims. I don't because it says in God's own words, if you believe what the Bible says, no innocent man shall pay for the sins of another)- is a matter of faith, that doesn't stand up to historical scrutiny, nor is it necessarily meant to. The gospels weren't meant to be literal biographies; they were each written to convey the writer's theological and soteriological view about Jesus and the meaning of his teachings and sacrifice to their Jewish and Gentile audience. But I do believe Jesus is still very much with us. After all, we're still talking about this Jewish peasant, 2000 years later. His vision of God's Kingdom and universal brotherhood still lives on the human heart, and in the deeds of those who care for their fellow humans (Matthew 25:31-49. "What you have done for the least of us you also did for me"). "Last Temptation" might be my favorite Scorsese movie, and I do love his work too (even if some of his films, like Gangs of New York are longer than they need to be). It is by far my favorite Jesus movie, precisely because it humanizes him. But it's also a beautiful movie to watch, the music score, the cinematography, the story, and I really like that he used contemporary-sounding dialogue, which in its way gives the film a much more authentic feeling - it would have read the same way in the original Aramaic. People wouldn't have been speaking in lofty Shakespearian English! Jesus wouldn't have been using highfalutin language to preach to the 1st-century Jewish equivalent of blue-collar workers from New York. The Galileean dialect sounded pretty backwater to the Jerusalem priestly class.
He didnt explore the human side of Jesus. It is not human nature to be sinful. Jesus is fully human and Divine not was. Jesus is without sin, we are born in sin. Sin is not human nature it is an affliction. So Jesus was the perfect human
Not at all. I think it might even by my favorite film of his. It is by far the most moving film I have seen about Jesus. It may not be true to the gospels entirely, but we have no way to know how true the gospels are to history. Have you even read the gospels? I have been studying them for years, and I can definitely say the the gospel writers took creative liberties. In fact, in writing a story about anyone, you have to.
@@gilroyopinionI've read the entire Bible a few times and the movie wasn't biblical and he had no respect making this movie I love scoresse and his movies and I love William Defoe but this movie was blasphemy
That's the problem when plumbers do heart surgery, lawyers fix electrics and directors do theology! 1. No ecumenical council came together to decide what the nature of Christ is, not in this context, the nature of Christ is what it is and is not a matter of human decision. The main problem was the different heresies, it was the heresies the main reason for the councils to come together. So in order to address this disease of people becoming Christians and then altering the theology the ecumenical councils took place in order to state clearly what the right (orthodox) theology is. It is the holy spirit which will guide an ecumenical council into the right theology! Cannot fully explain here how and why. 2. *Christ took our human nature apart from the sin *he was conceived from a virgin young girl who remained virgin (for ever and ever) even after giving birth *she was cleansed from the ancestral sin at the moment of the annunciation *Christ is the second person of the Trinity *and because we cannot separate the Trinity, we call Christ our God, (cannot go to much detail in a youtube comment). So! how can this lad here on this video talk about Christ suffering from temptations! What kind of theology is this! How can God, go under temptation, cause it is God in flesh, born from the holy spirit and a virgin woman, is not one of us who do carry the consequences of Adam's fall! As we say I am John the accountant, Mark the painter etc etc born in flesh and I now that I am and who I am it is the same with Christ. He is the Son of God, the second person of Trinity, how can he suffer from temptations! 3. Christ is God, he took human flesh for specific reasons, as God he knows everything, he knows our flaws and weaknesses, he does not need to sin in order to understand or empathize us. These things said in this video are distorted or better said, demonic!
@Thomas Hancock feeding the poor, and visiting the prisoners are not worth much if you call God "a clown"! you cannot do things for the glory of God if you defame and blespheme against God. The Orthodox Faith is a virtue, is a gift, is a requirement. If you deny me in front of men I will deny you in front of my Father! Christ will ask you: You got mad and upset when someone offended your mother. But you didn't care a bit to defend my name! And now you come here, telling me I gave to the poor and did this and that! They offended my name, and you did nothing! What will you answer to this? "we can argue till infnity"! God made the man a man and the woman a woman. A man must be a man! and open his mouth when appropriate and close it when not
He wasn't tempted, temptation ensues from a disparage of human will and Gods Will. "I come not to do my Will but the Will of He who sends me". Jesus was God becoming man, not man becoming God. Trying to become God is an affront to Him.
The movie, "The Last Temptation of Christ" (directed by Martin Scorsese) is satanic. The movie portrays Jesus as a human sinner. This is incorrect. JESUS DID NOT SIN! Jesus Christ was the perfect sacrifice to pay for the sins of man, for those who believe and trust in Him. The movie is yet another slam on God, trying to get man to think he can obtain righteousness without Jesus The Christ! Below, From The King James Holy Bible, Bible Verses About Jesus Did Not Have A Sin Nature! 1 Peter 2 : 2 2 22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Hebrews 4 : 1 5 15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 2 Corinthians 5 : 2 1 21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 1 John 3 : 5 5 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin. Hebrews 9 : 1 4 14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? 1 Peter 1 : 1 9 19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: Romans 8 : 3 3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: John 1 : 1 4 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. Hebrews 5 : 8 - 9 8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; 9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; James 1 : 1 3 13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: Romans 6 : 2 3 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. John 14 : 1 0 10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
It is not satanic. Calm down. It is based on a book by talented Nobel-Prize nominated Greek author. It explores the dual nature of Christ in such a fascinating way that really gets you thinking.
Nobody ever said He did. This is a book from the imagination of a Greek writer in the mid 1960s. It is a work of fiction that he has reinforced many times. There's even a disclaimer at the beginning of the movie that says (I'm paraphrasing) "The following is not a representation of what's written in the bible, but based on the award winning novel." So nothing to worry about. Kazantzakis is not claiming anything. It is all his own imagination.
The people who blindly rail against a film like this, an honest exploration of the nature of faith and the artist's perspective on the nature of Jesus, do more damage to their faith than a movie ever could.
Scorsese didn't just make a movie about Christ, he made a movie about Man. A story of man's struggle to do what is righteous in the face of so many worldly temptations. I love the film.
Me too. It is so moving.
That's what most conservative Christians have a problem with. They cannot see Jesus as a man. After,the core essence of Christianity is that Jesus was born as a human.
This is a man who directs films but who also truly believes in God and has witnessed the holy spirit. You’re the best, Marty 👌🏽
As an agnostic, I came out of the film barely suppressing the tears in my eyes. It portrayed Jesus in a way that has never been done before or since. It gave me a new appreciation of Jesus that I could not have attained elsewhere. I went on to read the novel by Nicholas Kazantzakis -- and I never felt closer to the figure of Jesus than from these depictions. So many condemned the film (and probably the novel), but even though the story is not based on scripture, their exploration of man as god was very moving to me. To those who condemn the film and perhaps the novel upon it which it was based, I have to say if such tales can move you closer to Jesus, is this a bad thing? We should all know something about the life and probable torments of Jesus -- whether you are are a believer or not. Depicted in a fictional manner, it enabled me to see the possibility of a real Jesus. The film and novel enhanced my sense of spirituality -- and for me, this was a good thing. These fictional outlets changed my stubborn thinking.
Thor Odinson Nikos Kazantzakis was the novelist's name, not Nicholas.
Leaving that aside, your post makes many excellent points.
I myself am a Christian but have tended to stay away from much of organized religion because for me it can seem tragically narrow minded and a lot of my personal beliefs far too often clash with those of my church.
Anyway. I think that, for me, at very least Christians who have not seen this movie should see it before judging it.
Primarily because, in spite of the fact that this is a fictional account of the life of Christ, it was based upon Kazantzakis's own belief structure and, I feel, more fully explains Christ's role in Christianity and why he lived and died as he did.
God needed Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of ALL mankind past, present, and future.
That is an insanely heavy burden for one man, no matter whether he is the divine son of God or not, whether he knows it or not from the day he was born.
Think about the current population of the planet hovering in the neighborhood of 8 billion people.
That is a lot of souls and a lot of sin to heap on one person so his death can redeem ALL of our sins, now and forever.
But the most important aspect of this whole process was that Jesus be born and raised as a human being, full of all the wants and desires and even sins that we mortal non divine humans experience every day.
God believed that it was not enough for Jesus to simply come to earth and sacrifice himself on the cross without first living amongst us as a flawed imperfect human being.
Jesus had to understand and fully relate to ALL the sins and temptations we ordinary humans experience on a daily basis, so his death to save us all from our sins could have more meaning, and more emotional, spiritual impact.
Jesus had to experience temptation.
He had to experience doubt.
He had to live his life exactly as we live our lives, in order that the enormous magnanimity of his sacrifice on the cross for our sins could truly mean something.
If you remember from your bible readings, or even if you don't, there was a moment where Jesus had a bit of a heart to heart chat with God from the Garden of Gethsemane.
Jesus was like "If this cup could pass me by..." basically his way of saying "okay, God...Dad, look, I really don't want to die right now and I don't feel like I'm ready to assume the mantel of this very heavy burden you want me to just accept willingly and unquestioningly.
I know this is my destiny and all that but does it really have to be tonight, like right now?"
And the movie humanizes Christ even further by allowing Jesus to see what his life might be like if the cup could indeed pass him by.
He could be happily married to Mary Magdalene, they could have a houseful of children, and they could grow old together, and life as an ordinary human certainly looks very, very appealing...and tempting.
And THAT's what I love about the movie especially.
It actually shows us what Jesus might have seen as an alternative to being the savior of ALL mankind, but also that while he is seeing this alternate reality, he has that lightbulb moment where he's like
"Oh...But, if I do THIS, if I take THIS path, this one selfish act will lead to the downfall and demise of ALL humankind as we know it."
Because we humans will never be able to be granted forgiveness for our sins unless Christ DOES sacrifice himself on the cross so we CAN be forgiven.
He needs that moment of clarity to help him realize that he has to do this for us, this entirely SELFLESS act, or no one will be able to be forgiven for their sins.
Can you imagine what that particular prayer request conversation might sound like if Jesus had not realised the enormous importance of what he had to do and decided he wanted to just be a normal, mortal human for just a little while longer?
Be like a phone call to customer service with a little extra twist to it.
"Oh. I am so sorry.
We are actually unable to forgive your sins today.
No, sorry, tomorrow is not looking so good, either.
Well, as it happens, Jesus kinda decided he just wasn't up for it today, so it seems he's called off sick for the day.
Yeah. Check back with us maybe sometime next week or the week after, we're not entirely certain.
As you can probably imagine, we are experiencing an exceptionally high volume of requests for sin forgiveness right now.
But I have added your name to our wait list and hopefully we will get to you at some point soon here.
Keep in mind, the wait list is getting longer every day Jesus remains out sick..
I know. We are all doing the best we can under the circumstances right now but there may be a protracted delay while we go through this wait and see process.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this uncertain transition period."
Fortunately, we don't have to go through all of that because Jesus knew what he needed to do and stepped up and did it.
So we now only need to ask that our sins be forgiven and they are.
No wait list long lines or uncertainty.
And THAT's what makes this movie SO powerful for me.
It shows the process Jesus went through for us and showed that even though he had two roads to choose from, one very tempting and appealing to his human side, and one where he knew he was fulfilling the destiny that had been set in place for him before he was born.
But he HAD to have those choices placed before him, in order to fully experience the contradicting impulses between making the right decision or making the wrong decision as we humans have to go through every single day of our lives.
And when you SEE Jesus have that A-HA moment in the movie?
It's overwhelmingly powerful.
Because we see his decision was one he absolutely had to NOT take lightly or take for granted or the end result and all of history would be altered irrevocably, quite literally forever.
Helluva burden to be saddled with but the sacrifice would have been meaningless without that knowledge. That revelation.
And I loved that the movie shows exactly what Jesus went through right up until the very end.
And it showed the more human flawed side of Judas Iscariot as well.
Ultimately Judas was the only one Jesus could trust to carry out the task of betraying Jesus so he COULD be captured and crucified.
Jesus was right. All the other disciples would have tried to be heroic and save Jesus.
Jesus knew he needed to die and he needed to be betrayed so he could be nailed up to the cross.
Judas was the only one strong enough to do that distasteful task.
It did not make him exactly heroic, but the part he played was an important one, and that was why Jesus entrusted Judas with that daunting task.
Judas still was overwhelmed with the guilt of what he had done, but for me the movie makes Judas a bit more sympathetic and not just as the ultimate biblical black hat we are so often led to believe he was.
It made Judas more three dimensional and less the two dimensional cardboard cutout of evil we were raised to believe he was.
It was a hated, thankless task and, in the end, the guilt of his actions still consumed him and overwhelmed him and he could not bear the burden of the guilt any longer and concluded his existence.
But without Judas, Christ would not have been crucified and Christ's ultimate destiny would have gone unfulfilled.
And that is the true beauty of the film. It shows the importance of all the players in this extremely important story.
And I feel like if people can't see that, they're missing out because they just don't get it.
Scorsese and Kazantzakis got it. And they shared that divine inspiration with us.
(And the most subversive temptation is NOT the one we see coming, like Satan tempting Christ for 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. The most subversive temptation is the temptation WE request ourselves.
And we don't see it because there is no external force exerting its pull on us ala Satan saying "just look at all the great stuff I will give you if you would just worship me.")
The book 'Rabbi Jesus' is also very informative about Jesus in his life as a Hebrew man, and reconciling that with his role in life/politics...
Thor Odinson - toddvandell85 you two wrote beautifully. Like dang, never knew a movie could hold such wisdom.
I'm a relatively new Christian. I actually don't exactly know what to say about the film because it dawned on me as being extraordinarily profound. Especially with how it relates to my belief. For once I could empathize with Christ and sort of understand his pain. If only I could ever pull through with the same strength in God. Which I believe is at the core of every Christian's road. Because we abide in Christ, we must almost bare the same torment of temptation.
I don't quite understand it. I'd have to think through it a bit and also go through my own experiences and read the scriptures, for I've always struggled to understand why shedding the sinful flesh has to be so painful and so difficult to pull off. Only Christ could go the distance. And yet we have opportunity to emulate him, but never truly *be* him because only he is the divine son of God.
The movie touched me, that's for certain. You don't often find this way of talking in the churches. They'll reject any thought that doesn't frame Jesus as the *perfect human being*
Which he is, but he was also *a human being* and suffered through the same temptations we face everyday. And that made me understand Christ a bit more. Understand what price he payed. And what flesh he turned from.
Thanks, I'd definitely have to think about all this through my own lifetime for not even I truly understand it fully. But may God bless you all, atheists agnostics and christians alike 🙏
@Christian Tompkins Then why did Jesus say "God, why have you forsaken me?" I've never understood the orthodox Catholic idea that Jesus was literally God - if that's the case, it makes no logical sense why he would, for a moment, feel forsaken by God as he died on the cross. First off, the line implies that he is separated from God since he is talking to an outside being. Secondly, the line implies that Jesus does not WANT to die but is doing so because it is his duty and in that moment felt as if his Lord had abandoned him because the pain was so severe. I think Scorsese's depiction of an unsure Christ dying for the sins of man is not only completely accurate to the Biblical account of the crucifixion, but is a beautiful depiction of a man dying for the good of others despite having the lack of certainty native to all human beings.
@@joni1405 my brother Lord Jesus Christ says i and the father are one john1, john 10:30 my brother Lord Jesus Christ forgave sins wich only god can do
Watch it with 0.75 speed, his speech speed gets normal.
Yes!!....genius......But then it's not Martin Scorsese....I take him as he is. Fast talking, ultra engaged, & incapable of hiding his love for film making.
And here i am at 1:25
Fr 😂😂
That's right 😂😂😂 Then it's not martin scorsese anymore
Cocaine is a hell of a drug!
I felt that Scorsese is right. If you are a doubter this movie gave you even more to believe in. We left the church years ago and the one thing church gives you is that close proximity to other believers. We have not regretted leaving the church, but have to work harder to keep Jesus front and center. It can be especially hard in a world where hatred seems to be growing. He came to show us love was the answer. The religious don't always follow Jesus no matter how much they pretend to.
Religious people don't really follow the full BIBLE they follow ideology and pathetic conservative politics.Example why did they support a silly man like Donald orange Trump still baffles me.
He's speaking in an apologetic tone, don't apologize for this movie, Scorsese! It was a beautiful and amazing film!!
Totally agree
grvonny wtf of my favorite films, if not just one of the best films, ever...
@Christian Tompkins yes my brother you are100 procent right the movie doesn't follow the scriptures
The movie doesn't follow the scripetures
This was my favorite film. Such a profoundly moving experience. The score played on repeat in my tape Walkman until it finally gave way. Just a perfect movie about a perfect man.
I saw the film at my local cinema in 1988. In those days, the controversy over the film had to do with the news sources saying that it "depicted Jesus coming off the cross and having sex with Mary Magdalene". They made it sound like they were messing around on Golgotha. In the story, he is deceived into believing he God spared his life, marries Mary Magdalene and then Lazarus' sister. He realizes that he was deceived and accepts his divinity. I went into it as a man of faith and came out as a man of faith, who felt closer to Jesus. I would have said that my love of Jesus is unconditional but he gives me so much every day.
There were protestors telling me I was going to burn in Hell. Then another one said that there was a bomb in the theater. I responded "Well, if I die in there I will be ready."
Scorsese, Tarantino, Hitchcock and Bogdanovich are the only directors I could listen to all day long.
Listen to some William Friedkin, Paul Thomas Anderson and Richard Linklater.
Lynch too
@東勝男 I’m a moron because I think some directors have more charisma? Sure……
What about Kubrick?just saying🤔
Jesus' life should be interpreted by each and every one of us alone, not by any churches. This is his interpretation, we should respect that.
+Alasdair M The Gosple should not be twisted or altered from the original text or meaning, if Jesus came down or off from the cross, there would be no would be null and void...the saving of peoples soul from hell.
+Martin Kelly The gospel has already been twisted and altered through the editing by the Romans, through the different translations and even the Bible story itself is unclear with four differing opinions in the gospels. Jesus' story is not perfectly told by any means so why shouldn't we today try and put our own interpretation as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John did. If God wanted a perfect explanation of his son's life, he presumably would have given us one story but the Bible is human made, so everything we know can be interpreted.
Martin Kelly It is clearly a dream sequence in the movie. The book was presented as fiction, no one ever said they were giving a factual account of Jesus' life.
Alasdair M all that I can say is wow
he kind of looked like Christoph Waltz back then oO
He sure talks really fast.
Frijolero Man79 most italian new yorkers spoke like this at the time 😂😂
He talks fast when he talks about movies he gets very excited and cant control himself sometimes.
I can understand him.When we speak slow think fast and speak fast think slow.
I noticed that in his Taxi Driver cameo
Imagine how fast he must have talked during his cocaine years.
Brilliant film. If you 'get it', this is a powerful perspective that can deepen one's faith.
I read the book 21ys ago.. saw the film recently...
Im a philosophy lecturer... it really got into my mind..
The study in duality was stunning
but I think Jesus had human moments and really felt the temptation, he wasn't a holy robot
He wasn't tempted, temptation ensues from a disparage of human will and Gods Will. "I come not to do my Will but the Will of He who sends me". Jesus was God becoming man, not man becoming God. Trying to become God is an affront to Him.
@Truth Seeker yes there's places in the bible where if you read too literally you get the wrong idea. There's also something in the bible that states what you create on earth will never match the likeness in heaven, or that you cannot create anything with it's likeness in heaven. doesn't mean you can't sculpt crosses or paint Jesus as some literalist would have you believe... Temptation insinuates that Jesus struggled, which he did not, he knew his purpose and kept to it. There was no vulnerability and no disparagement for Satan to use... Literally google "is Jesus God?" And it's accepted he is... Jesus himself claimed to be God... John 10:30 "I and the Father are One"...
Or maybe I don't understand the difference between "God" and "the son of God"... Or perhaps it's my understanding of the word temptation, perhaps it means more than I know, like the word perfect means more than just value...
@Truth Seeker Well after reading, his dual nature would give him a type of multiplicity... He was both tempted and not. Yes because of his human nature, but ultimately no because of his divine nature...
I have the film and it is raw. A great production highlighting the divine and human side of man because that is what made Jesus relatable.. The hardest thing a human being can do is to surrender their will to God because you have to fight yourself
Good interview.. Jesus is both human And Divine.. For that reason alone He suffered more than any person.
GodsWork InProgress great interview have you ever seen this movie this is one of the worst pieces of propaganda I've ever seen I can't think of a more Blasphemous movie this movie was terrible and his explanation was very lame
Your God didn't even exist
GodsWork InProgress:
It was no picnic for Mary, either (Mother AND Wife). You need to have RESPEKT for ME! or you defile His very existence. IAMCC/GOD
I'll defile his existence - be cause he never existed.
KonicavaBR he never existed!
It's a terrific movie, but still, very dangerous to an unprepared viewer, because the idea of it is to make Jesus unsure of what he is - uncertain of his destiny and nature. Jusus was God in human form (to me he was, since I'm a Christian), yet according to this story he is a human being, unsure of whether or not he wants to become God. True Jesus had no such problem, because he was God from the moment of his birth, and knew it.
I think you can still be a christian and see Jesus as a man first.
Melissa Medling perfect answer . I think they should have done it about a prophet struggling so much
A Light Piercing The Kingdom of Darkness Ministry The movie, by definition is about a Prophet struggling so much. Powerful film, and maybe the greatest movie soundtrack of all time, although I would hardly call it a movie soundtrack. It is more of a symphony.
The film disclaims at the beginning that it is no Biblical.
Melissa Medling It's not based on the Gospels. It's based on a book, but in the Gospels Jesus showed humanity. He cried, he was angry, he didn't want to die, but despite his feelings he fulfilled God's will.
Nana ....That's Crazy I know she's gone but , That was the strongest person I ever saw in my life .....They don't make them like that anymore
Fully Human, Fully Devine......Such a New concept to me.
This is the traditional Orthodox stance and truly profound
Martin Scorsese A Very Talented Director One of the best ever
Even as an atheist I can respect this film a lot I see it as a great work of art in a fascinating interpretation of a story told many times over I understand the struggle that Jesus is going through and it is an uplifting one even without faith and I am inspired by his message regardless of beliefs.
Christ was God, Jesus was Man
At 3:19, when he says 'film', the tip of the reel on the almirah behind him gets unstuck and sways. I think it's nature's expression that he is really connected to films. He likes getting the film to be shot through.
Nice catch. I've watched this interview many times and never noticed that crazy coincidence. Or was it?
Great film!! I've seen it in holy week. Again, Mr. Scorsese.
As a believer, I put off viewing this film for decades. There is this feeling among us believers (Christians and I am sure other faiths) that to deviate from spiritual texts in any way is a betrayal of our faith. This film makes it clear from the start that this story is not based on the Bible. Rather, it's a work of fiction ... an exploration of Jesus' spiritual battle told with the use of many metaphors and allegories. Ultimately the goal of the filmmakers is to make Christ more accessible by revealing what would have been his very real human struggles. To that end, I enjoyed the film. For the first time as a Christian, I saw that the spiritual battle Jesus undertakes on the cross is a conflict he very well could have lost. The film delves into the world we would have inherited should that have happened, and it's not a pleasant place. Thank you for the filmmakers for putting this story together. I hope it encourages millions to pick up a Bible or walk into the church and learn the truth about our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
OF COURSE if your FAITH in "God" entails our "HUMANITY", Jesus, Our Lord was 100 percent HUMAN and 100 percent GOD. How do these 2 reconcile each other??? LOVE YOU SO MUCH MARTIN and for "Silence" and "Killers of the Flower Moon" and your series on "The Saints".
We're all human/Devine . We have to struggle in order to live
This is interesting. This discussion certainly makes one think about these events. Seeing Jesus as both Human and Divine.
But he's probably the greatest living director
A very accessible Christ!
I almost had a heat attack when i saw the movie. But the next day i was at peace and o prayed more.
Those of you who liked this more human Jesus might also appreciate "Last days in the desert"
does anyone here know where did this interview take place, pls?
(I need to quote this source for the research paper I am doing).
wow artists has always that immediat and direct explanations even to a complex existential problems wich is not as the same for philosophers and scientists .
Hey you Mary is a good women
Being an artist does not exclude science or philosophy. The thing about film or writing is that while there is a creative aspect, there is also a content aspect, and so many movie directors will have interests in science, history, literature, or philosophy that they express in their films.
This might be my favorite film of his. It is by far the most moving film I have seen about Jesus. It may not be true to the gospels entirely, but we have no way to know how true the gospels are to history. I have been studying the gospels for years, and I can definitely say the gospel writers took their own creative liberties (for instance the nativity stories in Matthew and Luke don't line up with one another, nor do the resurrection accounts, nor do their respective Christologies: Mark's Jesus is quite differently portrayed than John's, for instance) In fact, in writing a story about anyone and the significance, you have to, especially if you're trying to convey a message. Notice, Luke and Matthew who both used Mark as a source each make their own alterations to some of the text. They also drew from the Q "sayings source" , our earliest source on Jesus teachings, but selectively, and differently in each case, and included traditions not found in the other gospel. John uses other sources, some of which contain accounts that aren't in the synoptic tradition. Unlike Mark, written 20 years earlier (around 70 CE), in John's gospel, Jesus uses the miracles to show he is the messiah; in Mark, however, Jesus tries to keep it a secret. The point is, they were each trying to present their view of who they thought Jesus was, and what he said and did.
So I think Scorsese' interpretation of Kazantzakis' novel is faithfully following in their footsteps.
The thing is, yes Jesus was fully human and he dealt with temptation but at the same time, he was fully God- look at how he deals with those temptations, he rebuked the devil. Yes he was tempted at the cross but remember his words- Not my will but Yours be done father- he didn’t want to die on the cross and he begged his father to withdraw him from having to suffer if there was another way but he was willing to go to the cross if that’s what it cost- and we clearly see that he did. It says that he could have called his angels to free him from the cross and strike down everyone but he didn’t, he chose to redeem his creation.
I feel Scorsese s best ever .
Look at it like this: he made this movie and he was not struck down..
Instead he's lived an incredible long life and is still mega successful.
My guess is God liked the film too
Have you ever thought about wanting to go home and couldn't find a way to get back there.And the window of time was short to stay open like a portal in the sky.Once it's closed that's it.We are all looking to God to get us thru that portal in time.Dont want to be left behind.To figure out his will in time and do the one thing he called you to do that will cost your life.Give it all to me and trust me. I will never leave you. Eternal life for yours.
Frankly, I think it's pretty dumb that people actually think Christians shouldn't be offended by this film. Most people themselves get offended and get into fights over the silliest things in politics and other stuff. And it's obvious that this movie did something that's way more troubling than petty politics.
No, it’s extremely silly to go on the warpath because you feel your favorite fairy tale isn’t being told right in a movie. Much sillier than fighting about politics, which is at least sometimes about real things.
It’s a wonderful film. I really felt the lLove of Christ in certain scenes…
He always sounds like he's being played at 1.5 speed
i like this movie
Body language tells all. He knows what he did.
Way to go Scorcese, you are the CHAMP.
luv u marty hav my babiez
Gabriel Bello No thank you.
Out of curiosity would you all said this had more charisma than Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ
I laugh when Scorcese says this Jesus is more accessible and understandable. Finally after all these years...someone got this story right! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣
Thing is, how does a Marvel fan react when my beloved Marvel character is radically different onscreen? Will the explanation come together with the movie?
Amazing ❤️
Martin Scorsese on The Last Temptation of Christ [deutsch untertitelt]
If Jesus did sin, we wouldn't be here right now
Well I’m not sure Jesus truly does sin in the movie, he’s just tempted. He’s tempted in the Bible as well
He never sinned in the movie, he just had doubt but never wavered.
@@thebacons5943 He wasn't tempted, temptation ensues from a disparage of human will and Gods Will. "I come not to do my Will but the Will of He who sends me". Jesus was God becoming man, not man becoming God. Trying to become God is an affront to Him.
@@kingkoi6542 I’m a little confused by your comment… maybe you’re using temptation in a different sense of the word? In the Bible, Jesus is said to have been tempted three times by Satan during their encounter in the desert.
Even at the crucification, Christ asks “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
This may not represent doubt or temptation, but surely it represents some mental state of uncertainty which comes from the human aspect of his being (both fully man and fully divine).
Edit: don’t like my own use of the word “uncertainty” here. Indeed, a tricky subject. Maybe better to say Jesus was a human being and as such would have known desire, self-interest, etc. even as he had the wherewithal to reject it
Congratulations on maybe the dumbest comment in this thread (a real achievement).
Why was J. Cox uncredited?
It was announced yesterday that Scorsese is making a new film about Jesus. Boy, what is it going to be about?
they did the film like if Christ did not do what he did we see what might have happend.
This movie is Gnosticism at its best.
Im not gonna hate Martin Scorsese because i dont think his intention was to hurt Christians . If he was blasphemous don't you think jesus would have taken care of him ? I saw parts of the movie i didn't see that it was offensive . Religious people are always gonna be offended but they're a bit hypocritical because if Christ wasnt human and wasn't tempted at all then why especially orthodoxy puts a human face to jesus ? With the icons ? We show a human face to a divine entity it's just hypocritical if you ask me , he bled on the cross that in itself is human . How can someone ve divine when he had human flesh and qualities ? It just doesn't make sense to me . They say hes " the son of god " but we don't even know what god looks like yet we think we know what Jesus looked like ?
3:18 whats that thng left of his head in view moves?
Beautiful film.
However i do recommend that a director held in such high esteem as Martin Scorsese ...why doesn't he do a film about Mohammed ? See the reaction of the muslim world . If you're gonna make a video about Jesus Christ and say he gave in to temptation then do one about another religious deity and see the results of that...i guarantee muslims would take it a lot further than what Christians did because there are different global interpretations when it comes to religious discussions
what year was this interview?
Slowly william defoe turns to be real Jesus with in ten minutes of movie.
What publication was this interview for?
Listening to Marty sounds like 1.5x
Ironically, the Christians who attacked this movie did more to push people away from their religion than any movie could. It was one of those moments when the nutty and dishonest bigotry of so many Christians was put on display for the world.
The last temptation was for Christ to not as Judas said live like an ordinary man ,. It’s all going on in his head on the cross . Then he rejects it and finishes the job the Godman
نظرة سكورسيزي والغاية من الفلم
In my opinion, as a man who no longer believes in christianity, this is the best depiction of this story on film that I have seen to date. Probably one of my favorite scorcese films.
Best movie on Jesus imo…
Hmmm...Which Christ is Martin talking about?
its just a fairy tale.
Terry Silvester
Did you ever see this movie?
BretNorman Yeah its very good. Im not religious at all though
I saw this movie when it first hit the box office back in 1988. At that time I would have mostly agreed with you. I am a musician and at the time I had been heavily influenced by Peter Gabriel and still am to some degree. Its probably a good thing not to follow a set religion these days. I do however feel very strongly about the soul and the Truth. Men are really good at being deceitful, using others for their own purposes and the like. I wish you all the Best!
Terry Silvester why do you think it is fairytale
Jesus! Protect me from your followers!
effective commentary... [confusion] from the 88' picture/
Very profound film
we don't see any rivers in the 88 picture/
To be honest a very disturbing movie I did see a scene in which Jesus removes his heart physical heart . Do you think he is saying the truth or I can't say I'm deeply hurt because he hay shown something wrong the movie is not honestly made
Amen xo
As far as I remember this Jesus is the messaih that was originally conceived by Jews. The one who would set them free from the Romans and reassert them as the privilege true sons of God!!
did martin keep another [picture back]secret picture? mmmm
Did jeus wear a suitworks in offices [1]negotiates the canyon of the crescent moon [2] 89'
weakness: jesus 2. jesus3. which one is which [3]
See also Prince of THieves 91'
interesting interpreatation on the life on the lord [jezus] 88''by no way a definitive movie though/
Does Martin believe jesus was a real manor just a work of fiction ?subjective therefore Its still more than just an average jesus movie though.The production implies jeusus is real rather than just open minded.However we still don't really see the adult side of the manman of actionman of actionman of actionman of action[5]
Has Oliver Stone produced a Jesus [picture]?
If he has im going to see it
No. In fact, I initially thought this movie was directed by Stone.
If the Catholic Church didn’t like a pice of art, then it’s probably something worth experiencing. Marty once again proving he’s the GOAT.
The movie is very controvential. Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church claim that story is heretic. For sure we hardly know Jesus's life before he begins teaching. As a Jude and Rabi he should have a wife and family.
*s w a l l o w*
I wish we had black people and other minority filmmakers making Bible epics if The Bible supposed to be for everybody why can't we do it?🤔
There's one from 1936 called The Green Pastures. TCM is playing it on Easter at 7am EST.
@@zacharysiple629 Ok I'll check it out and let you know after I see it.
@@Thespeedrap Cool. :)
@@zacharysiple629 I saw it and it was ok kinda of corny at times but they worked with what they had back in the day.But hopefully in the future we can do it better.
Dafoe is attractive in the movie though 88'the farmers story is interesting + {market]Do you believe JEsus's life was an open book?
Ohh Spoiler Alert Marty!!!...;-)
The acting is great and the cinematography is stunning. However I personally cannot stand the film yes I am an Orthodox Christian so I’m gonna be extremely biased against the material in the movie. And yes I acknowledge that the movie isn’t trying to be an accurate portrayal of Jesus it’s based on a fictional novel. But still I feel like it’s just an insult to adapt something like that into a movie Jesus is the most influential human to ever exist no one even comes close maybe you could say Aristotle. But I don’t really know who this movie is for either because it’s obviously not for Christians. This is more of a criticism of the novel and not the movie but the movie mixed Jesus to human and that was the problem, it’s trying to deconstruct Jesus down to human and make them like us which is the complete opposite of what the gospels yes yes I know I know the movies not based on the gospels in the novel isn’t attempting to be an accurate depiction of Jesus either but still. We see that Jesus has Temptations in the gospels and Pauls epistles.
And Martin Scorsese isn’t that educated when it comes to Christian church history or the history of Christian theology but I’m not really surprised. But he will still be on my favorite filmmakers of all time. Good fellas, Casino, Wolf of Wall Street, taxi driver, King of comedy, The departed, The Irishman, after hours which is a criminally underrated movie. But I’m sorry I just couldn’t enjoy the movie. I have to agree with him though this movie does not affect my faith in any way shape or form.
At least he made it up with silence though that was a banger.
Personally I think Jesus was a real, historical person, and I won't disagree with you that he was the most influential person ever to exist- a Jewish peasant of all people, that no one in his hometown had expected much of (Jesus actually has a wonderful quote about this "a prophet is accepted anywhere save in his own country"). In fact he was a more fully realized human than most of humanity, and perhaps that was what makes him divine. The thing is, we don't know how much of the gospels is historical. Historians have different criteria for determining that. Whether you believe he was immaculately conceived (personally I don't) and/or was physically raised from the dead or even died to atone for the sins of all mankind (Which Paul claims. I don't because it says in God's own words, if you believe what the Bible says, no innocent man shall pay for the sins of another)- is a matter of faith, that doesn't stand up to historical scrutiny, nor is it necessarily meant to. The gospels weren't meant to be literal biographies; they were each written to convey the writer's theological and soteriological view about Jesus and the meaning of his teachings and sacrifice to their Jewish and Gentile audience.
But I do believe Jesus is still very much with us. After all, we're still talking about this Jewish peasant, 2000 years later. His vision of God's Kingdom and universal brotherhood still lives on the human heart, and in the deeds of those who care for their fellow humans (Matthew 25:31-49. "What you have done for the least of us you also did for me").
"Last Temptation" might be my favorite Scorsese movie, and I do love his work too (even if some of his films, like Gangs of New York are longer than they need to be). It is by far my favorite Jesus movie, precisely because it humanizes him. But it's also a beautiful movie to watch, the music score, the cinematography, the story, and I really like that he used contemporary-sounding dialogue, which in its way gives the film a much more authentic feeling - it would have read the same way in the original Aramaic. People wouldn't have been speaking in lofty Shakespearian English! Jesus wouldn't have been using highfalutin language to preach to the 1st-century Jewish equivalent of blue-collar workers from New York. The Galileean dialect sounded pretty backwater to the Jerusalem priestly class.
why the fuck he speaks so fast?
Usually because he gets very excited talking about an interesting subject matter. Some ppl are like that
He didnt explore the human side of Jesus. It is not human nature to be sinful. Jesus is fully human and Divine not was. Jesus is without sin, we are born in sin. Sin is not human nature it is an affliction. So Jesus was the perfect human
Sick movie. Scorsese should be ashamed.
Are you gonna cry?
Scorcesse fucked up on this one
Not at all. I think it might even by my favorite film of his. It is by far the most moving film I have seen about Jesus. It may not be true to the gospels entirely, but we have no way to know how true the gospels are to history. Have you even read the gospels? I have been studying them for years, and I can definitely say the the gospel writers took creative liberties. In fact, in writing a story about anyone, you have to.
@@gilroyopinionI've read the entire Bible a few times and the movie wasn't biblical and he had no respect making this movie I love scoresse and his movies and I love William Defoe but this movie was blasphemy
That's the problem when plumbers do heart surgery, lawyers fix electrics and directors do theology!
1. No ecumenical council came together to decide what the nature of Christ is, not in this context, the nature of Christ is what it is and is not a matter of human decision. The main problem was the different heresies, it was the heresies the main reason for the councils to come together. So in order to address this disease of people becoming Christians and then altering the theology the ecumenical councils took place in order to state clearly what the right (orthodox) theology is. It is the holy spirit which will guide an ecumenical council into the right theology! Cannot fully explain here how and why.
2. *Christ took our human nature apart from the sin *he was conceived from a virgin young girl who remained virgin (for ever and ever) even after giving birth *she was cleansed from the ancestral sin at the moment of the annunciation *Christ is the second person of the Trinity *and because we cannot separate the Trinity, we call Christ our God, (cannot go to much detail in a youtube comment). So! how can this lad here on this video talk about Christ suffering from temptations! What kind of theology is this! How can God, go under temptation, cause it is God in flesh, born from the holy spirit and a virgin woman, is not one of us who do carry the consequences of Adam's fall! As we say I am John the accountant, Mark the painter etc etc born in flesh and I now that I am and who I am it is the same with Christ. He is the Son of God, the second person of Trinity, how can he suffer from temptations!
3. Christ is God, he took human flesh for specific reasons, as God he knows everything, he knows our flaws and weaknesses, he does not need to sin in order to understand or empathize us. These things said in this video are distorted or better said, demonic!
Amen! 😂
theres always one batshit crazy christian - and you take that prize today, well done!
@Thomas Hancock feeding the poor, and visiting the prisoners are not worth much if you call God "a clown"! you cannot do things for the glory of God if you defame and blespheme against God.
The Orthodox Faith is a virtue, is a gift, is a requirement.
If you deny me in front of men I will deny you in front of my Father!
Christ will ask you: You got mad and upset when someone offended your mother. But you didn't care a bit to defend my name! And now you come here, telling me I gave to the poor and did this and that!
They offended my name, and you did nothing!
What will you answer to this? "we can argue till infnity"!
God made the man a man and the woman a woman.
A man must be a man! and open his mouth when appropriate and close it when not
He wasn't tempted, temptation ensues from a disparage of human will and Gods Will. "I come not to do my Will but the Will of He who sends me". Jesus was God becoming man, not man becoming God. Trying to become God is an affront to Him.
Awww, does it hurt your feelings that another Christian gets to offer their own view on the story? Do you need a hankie?
Beautifully shot, but such a dreadful film, the casting of which was ludicrous. The best thing about it was the soundtrack. Rant over!
The movie, "The Last Temptation of Christ" (directed by Martin Scorsese) is satanic.
The movie portrays Jesus as a human sinner.
This is incorrect. JESUS DID NOT SIN!
Jesus Christ was the perfect sacrifice to pay for the sins of man, for those who believe and trust in Him.
The movie is yet another slam on God, trying to get man to think he can obtain righteousness without Jesus The Christ!
Below, From The King James Holy Bible, Bible Verses About Jesus Did Not Have A Sin Nature!
1 Peter 2 : 2 2
22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:
Hebrews 4 : 1 5
15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
2 Corinthians 5 : 2 1
21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
1 John 3 : 5
5 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.
Hebrews 9 : 1 4
14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
1 Peter 1 : 1 9
19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
Romans 8 : 3
3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
John 1 : 1 4
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Hebrews 5 : 8 - 9
8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;
9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
James 1 : 1 3
13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
Romans 6 : 2 3
23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
John 14 : 1 0
10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
It is not satanic. Calm down. It is based on a book by talented Nobel-Prize nominated Greek author. It explores the dual nature of Christ in such a fascinating way that really gets you thinking.
Christ did not sin. By the way, He paid for all of yours!
Nobody ever said He did. This is a book from the imagination of a Greek writer in the mid 1960s. It is a work of fiction that he has reinforced many times. There's even a disclaimer at the beginning of the movie that says (I'm paraphrasing) "The following is not a representation of what's written in the bible, but based on the award winning novel." So nothing to worry about. Kazantzakis is not claiming anything. It is all his own imagination.
There are man naive people in the world who would think this movie is a correct portal of Christ, which it is not. Therefore, the movie is not good...
The people who blindly rail against a film like this, an honest exploration of the nature of faith and the artist's perspective on the nature of Jesus, do more damage to their faith than a movie ever could.