"I am not a scholar" au contraire, mon Frere. Cemetery degrees do not a scholar make. (Cemetery...seminary...is where faith goes to die in many cases, but that's ok bc Jesus can raise that up to resurrection life, right? mmm...probably projecting again....) What degrees did any of our bible heroes have? You have the same "scholarly" creds Jesus did....read a lot, study a lot... it's the heart attitude; *that* you definitely embody. in my VERY humble opinion [You all don't know me but let me tell you now very humble that is, ;-) ] I appreciate your humility and recognizing you don't have a credential that neatly categorizes the path of your study. So What? Like there's a huge school...waves and waves of folk following in this admittedly niche (Jesus following, Rabbinic flavored) hermeneutic? Maybe that's where Bema goes long term: The Marty Solomon Seminary and Pub, with the Brent Billings Pint O'Bacon.... ;-) (really wish yt did emojis...) seriously....love what all y'all do (h/t Elle, Josh, et al)
"I am not a scholar"
au contraire, mon Frere.
Cemetery degrees do not a scholar make. (Cemetery...seminary...is where faith goes to die in many cases, but that's ok bc Jesus can raise that up to resurrection life, right? mmm...probably projecting again....)
What degrees did any of our bible heroes have?
You have the same "scholarly" creds Jesus did....read a lot, study a lot... it's the heart attitude; *that* you definitely embody.
in my VERY humble opinion
[You all don't know me but let me tell you now very humble that is, ;-) ]
I appreciate your humility and recognizing you don't have a credential that neatly categorizes the path of your study. So What? Like there's a huge school...waves and waves of folk following in this admittedly niche (Jesus following, Rabbinic flavored) hermeneutic? Maybe that's where Bema goes long term: The Marty Solomon Seminary and Pub, with the Brent Billings Pint O'Bacon.... ;-) (really wish yt did emojis...)
seriously....love what all y'all do (h/t Elle, Josh, et al)