Great video. I’ve been wanting to start a list for ages and was cautious of SubStack because of some of the reasons you’ve mentioned. But actually this video has made me realise that perhaps it’s the right place to ‘Just Start’ and then maybe move if and when I hit some problems. Thanks - I like your videos on running a creative business, but also I really like your art too.
Guys, there are time stamps if you’re in a hurry to understand why she left. But one look at her name (the calm creative) should be a hint for you that her channel is not made for anxious people. So be present and hear her with intention, or just leave and find a creator that resonates with you ❤
Is not too often someone makes me look if I already subscribed. But you managed to do exactly that. I don't know if it was because your explanaition or how sweet your voice sounded, but I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts about Substack. And I look forward to keep checking your art also more often in the near future
Thank you for sharing your experience! I have a baby email list, and plan to swap to growing on substack for many of the pros. Hearing you chat about the reasons to leave, does make me feel more certain that I will continue to use my squarespace newsletter as the place I will sell or announce as the whole point of starting one there is for ease of keeping everything in one ecosystem. I didn't expect that I would love writing my weekly newsletter as much as I go, and realized they could just as easily be a blog. Yes yes... I can make them a blog on my website... but for the first part it does sound nice to have substack help with increasing my visibility. Thank you again, this gave me more depth in knowledge!
Thanks, Louise! I can see what you mean, the two are very different models for staying in touch with people. Substack is more like a blog; Flodesk is more traditional in the email space. it just depends on what you like to do, how you like to share, what you want to build. it was very cool to see your journey and your review of substack. i definitely want to start my own soon! wishing you the best. your videos are awesome, too.
4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1
Is there an export function in Substack? Just thinking in advance if I ever wanted to migrate subscribers. I've used Wisija/Mailpoet in the past for Wordpress websites/blogs but am starting something new, and easy would be great. Wouldn't offer courses and don't think that I'd need extra features, but if I wanted to switch platforms it's nice to know if there's an *out* so to speak. If you don't have time to respond, no worries! :)
As a multidiciplinary artist your perspective was very helpful for me to finally come to the decision to use substack as a starting point. I was in between using patreon and hosting on my website. The subscription aspect of patreon is overwhelming and i dont want the pressure of being a content creator. As far as my website i dont have the funds to hire someone to build out a format id like to use as a blog so here i am. HAHA. Thank you so much for this video Louise!
Um Here's a clear breakdown of what this lady said in her video. NEGATIVES OF SUBSTACK: 1. No automation capabilities (can't set up email sequences, welcome series, course delivery) 2. No audience segmentation features 3. No personalization (can't use subscriber first names) 4. Limited design control over appearance 5. Limited control over marketing/monetization messaging 6. Content hosted on external platform instead of own website WHERE THEY WENT: Flodesk WHY THEY LIKE FLODESK: They only mentioned one specific benefit - better visual customization, including: - Can pick exact fonts - Can control font sizes - More control over email appearance That's actually all she specifically said about Flodesk. she focused more on why they left Substack than on why they chose Flodesk specifically.
That was really helpful thank you. I only joined substack 2 days ago so still figuring it out. TH-cam put this video in my line of vision so I'm also glad I found you. I love your authenticity and ethics. Thanks so much 🙏 ❤
Great video, thank you for sharing your experience and logical reasons for moving to a different platform. When you left substack, were you able to export your email list and content?
Thanks for all this insight on substack, Louise. You've obviously given this a lot of thought and I see that you decided to go back (no surprise, looks like you were missing it, you just needed a little break!) I've debated on whether to do this or patreon or both, ahhh! I think there's a lot of benefits to substack, but I think what held me back was the idea of having to write blog posts at least once a month and now I see I don't have to do that, hooray! Most weekss I feel like I'm barely able to squeeze out a youtube video so I was wary about adding one more thing to the "to do list". I'm glad I watched this to better understand the pros and cons from the writer's perspective because I only know what I know as a subscriber. Truth be told as a subscriber to a few substackers, I barely read their posts because it's easier to listen and/or have a video on in the background while I work. And now I'm excited to give this a go!
as a consumer i find automation very unreal, substack is more to share stories as it comes not exactly a service of email, that’s not the point, the point is to share stories not to sell products
Thank you for your in-depth and balanced analysis, as I try to figure out which platform will work best for me. All the best for your presence on Flodesk and the pleasure you get from creating!
This is very informative thank you. Automated emails do sound very useful, there are gaps of time where creating regular content on a hamster wheel is difficult, so having some stuff queued up would be great, like with video scheduling.
Dear Louise, thank you for your amazing content ! With flodesk I had a lot of emails going in spams, so I moved to convert kit but I wanted your opinion on that, people do open my emails more on convert kit but it's not as beautiful as flodesk and it's more expensive, thank you so much for your insight.
Hi, Louise. I have an existing email list with a few thousand people. I'm thinking of starting a Substack for longer-form writing and keeping that other list separate for shorter weekly emails, inviting them to opt-in to the longer posts on Substack if they want to. Do you think that makes sense? Or does having two separate lists overcomplicate things? The only big thing I can think of is if they unsubscribe from one and then wonder why they weren't unsubscribed from both. But then again, if you unfollow someone on LinkedIn, you don't automatically unfollow them on Instagram. What do you think about having separate email lists for shorter weekly emails and long-form, more storytelling kind of writing? Thank you!
Hi Louise, Thanks so much for this video! Why not keep both platforms? I have my email marketing list on Squarespace, but I don’t have a newsletter yet. I was wondering, how do you switch from one platform to another? And why not keep both: one for email marketing automation and the other for the newsletter / blog?
This was a good review from your experience. I already thought to put my own writings on my blog first and then substack to not worry about not having all my eggs in one basket
Quick question. Why is it so important to have different types of fonts? Wouldn’t the legibility of the font matter most to the reader than cursive or playful fonts? Are creators just trying to make the experience more curated?
Interesting, because I went the other way, from Flodesk to Substack. I found myself getting tied into knots with segments and targeted emails, my little brain has enjoyed the simplicity of Substack. I’m not 100% sure it was the right thing to do, but I’ll sit with it a while.
That's exactly what happened to me too! Been back on Substack since February. 😅 I do still think automation can be done well, and in a less confusing way. But as for now, being on Substack is beautifully simple.
@@LouiseStigell. Yes Simple is Lovely. NO automation. Substack is good for people who love to write and love to share. I do not want to divide my audience.
Good video thanks. I've been on Substack for a year and a half too. I post once a week consistently, I think my content is fun, creative, and excellent. I have 78 subscribers. Not 178, 78.
Great post Louise 👏😊! I'm one of those "intimidated ones" so yes, I'd like to hear more about what/how you are writing about in your weekly letters. Another thing that puzzles me, is how streamlined one has to be for an e-mail audience? I mean if I work on different projects and in different mediums, should I split up my followers and write a separate newsletter for each of my creative areas (painting, illustration etc.)? That would mean a lot of admin work. Also, do you write paralel newsletters in English and Swedish? My followers are a mixed bunch but writing regular posts in 2-3 languages would be far too much trouble for the benefit of it. Best of luck with your course 🎉❤!
Since virtually everything has become a subscription, they have a way of adding up. It is one thing to subscribe to the New Yorker. I just makes little sense to have to subscribe to writers one by one. I believe writers need to be paid and platforms need a way to make money that does not ruin their offering, I enjoy Substack but don’t feel comfortable with turning on subscriptions. Besides, people who can’t afford to subscribe should have access too. It us offensive to me that only those who can afford to read you newsletter get access. I hope to find other ways to monetize my return to writing again. A book, article, or screenplay for which I am paid. If they had an agency function and helped one place one’s better posts in newspapers and magazines and in book deals, that does make sense to me and would help support struggling publishers.
Thank you! You said that initially you had a few people supported you voluntarily without any perks. I can't seem to find an option to make my mine free but in a way people can donate if tbey want. Looks like the only way to have both free and paid subscribers is to give the paid ones some extra things (comments, whatever). Theres also no way to give one-time donations, is there? I'm so confused.
Thanks for sharing this! which perks did your paid subscribers get besides being able to comment? and do you mind sharing how much your paid option was? just so I have an idea of how much to charge, if you feel comfortable sharing :)
People considering joining Substack should first search online its controversies of allowing objectionable sites, such as white supremacists and conspiracy theorists, and of not curtailing harassment of transsexuals.
It is not that great of a platform tbh. The founders are lazy idiots. And the chances of people making money there is....very thin. No substacker seem to talk about this. But this is reality.
The CALM Creative? By Manhattan standards, you be on Vailum, baby. Word! Dry it up! Than again, maybe, off camera, the Calm Creative is a screaming maniac. L:ike most people whose public persona is one of Zen calmness. Like the guy who wrote "Don't the Sweat Small -- and It's All Small Stuff." Those who worked him said he sweated not only the small stuff - - but everything else, too. Off camera, he was a total wreck, dying of a pulmonary embolism at the age iof 45. Calm, huh? Sure.
I can barely hear you on my iPhone. Increase volume or speak more loudly. We can always turn our volume down. I stopped watching 7 minutes in because it’s too difficult to hear you. Bye!
Does it make sense to have both Substack and a personal email list like Flodesk? Can I bring in people who connect with me via substack into my personal email list?
Substack -is- your email list. The people there have already opted in to hearing from you. So yeah, you could. I did have both a Substack and a separate email list for a while, but it quickly got confusing and tiring. 😅 Now I have my list on ConvertKit, and I've made it clear on my Substack (About page + welcome letter) that if they want more stuff from me, they'll have to sign up via my website.
Great video. I’ve been wanting to start a list for ages and was cautious of SubStack because of some of the reasons you’ve mentioned. But actually this video has made me realise that perhaps it’s the right place to ‘Just Start’ and then maybe move if and when I hit some problems. Thanks - I like your videos on running a creative business, but also I really like your art too.
Guys, there are time stamps if you’re in a hurry to understand why she left. But one look at her name (the calm creative) should be a hint for you that her channel is not made for anxious people. So be present and hear her with intention, or just leave and find a creator that resonates with you ❤
Your voice and presentation style is very easy on the ear.
Is not too often someone makes me look if I already subscribed. But you managed to do exactly that.
I don't know if it was because your explanaition or how sweet your voice sounded, but I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts about Substack.
And I look forward to keep checking your art also more often in the near future
It’s great to hear from you again, Louise! Thank you for your content, it’s a delight❤
Thank you for sharing your experience! I have a baby email list, and plan to swap to growing on substack for many of the pros. Hearing you chat about the reasons to leave, does make me feel more certain that I will continue to use my squarespace newsletter as the place I will sell or announce as the whole point of starting one there is for ease of keeping everything in one ecosystem. I didn't expect that I would love writing my weekly newsletter as much as I go, and realized they could just as easily be a blog. Yes yes... I can make them a blog on my website... but for the first part it does sound nice to have substack help with increasing my visibility. Thank you again, this gave me more depth in knowledge!
Thanks, Louise! I can see what you mean, the two are very different models for staying in touch with people. Substack is more like a blog; Flodesk is more traditional in the email space. it just depends on what you like to do, how you like to share, what you want to build. it was very cool to see your journey and your review of substack. i definitely want to start my own soon! wishing you the best. your videos are awesome, too.
Is there an export function in Substack? Just thinking in advance if I ever wanted to migrate subscribers. I've used Wisija/Mailpoet in the past for Wordpress websites/blogs but am starting something new, and easy would be great. Wouldn't offer courses and don't think that I'd need extra features, but if I wanted to switch platforms it's nice to know if there's an *out* so to speak. If you don't have time to respond, no worries! :)
As a multidiciplinary artist your perspective was very helpful for me to finally come to the decision to use substack as a starting point. I was in between using patreon and hosting on my website. The subscription aspect of patreon is overwhelming and i dont want the pressure of being a content creator. As far as my website i dont have the funds to hire someone to build out a format id like to use as a blog so here i am. HAHA. Thank you so much for this video Louise!
Here's a clear breakdown of what this lady said in her video.
1. No automation capabilities (can't set up email sequences, welcome series, course delivery)
2. No audience segmentation features
3. No personalization (can't use subscriber first names)
4. Limited design control over appearance
5. Limited control over marketing/monetization messaging
6. Content hosted on external platform instead of own website
They only mentioned one specific benefit - better visual customization, including:
- Can pick exact fonts
- Can control font sizes
- More control over email appearance
That's actually all she specifically said about Flodesk. she focused more on why they left Substack than on why they chose Flodesk specifically.
Thanks. Saved me a lot of time.
Incredible you have a waitlisr for you workshops. This is a goal!🎉
Thanks for this video. I have been on substack for a year now, and this video really helped me step back and clarify how I want to develop it.
That was really helpful thank you. I only joined substack 2 days ago so still figuring it out. TH-cam put this video in my line of vision so I'm also glad I found you. I love your authenticity and ethics. Thanks so much 🙏 ❤
Great video, thank you for sharing your experience and logical reasons for moving to a different platform. When you left substack, were you able to export your email list and content?
i decided to use beehiiv instead of substack. The UI isn't quite as simple but it's 10x better for tracking audience metrics and scaling.
Do you think Beehiv has enough in terms of driving new readers to your newsletter/page?
Really helpful and transparent. Thank you. We could do with more videos of this quality and authenticity.
Thanks for all this insight on substack, Louise. You've obviously given this a lot of thought and I see that you decided to go back (no surprise, looks like you were missing it, you just needed a little break!) I've debated on whether to do this or patreon or both, ahhh! I think there's a lot of benefits to substack, but I think what held me back was the idea of having to write blog posts at least once a month and now I see I don't have to do that, hooray! Most weekss I feel like I'm barely able to squeeze out a youtube video so I was wary about adding one more thing to the "to do list". I'm glad I watched this to better understand the pros and cons from the writer's perspective because I only know what I know as a subscriber. Truth be told as a subscriber to a few substackers, I barely read their posts because it's easier to listen and/or have a video on in the background while I work. And now I'm excited to give this a go!
Ooh, that’s interesting…didn’t realise she went back again!
The reasons you gave for leaving are valid. Personal control is important.
Thank you for that detailed insight. I recently started writing a regular newsletter so seeing someone else experience is awesome
This is such a helpful video. Thank you 🙏 can I ask why FloDesk over Convertkit?
Thank you for the video- it was helpful to get an idea what Substack is like.
You're so sweet. I didn't actually know what substack was until this and I immediately made one and am so excited 😆
Thank you for the great overview. I am considering starting a substack and looking for the pros and cons...
Excellent discussion. Lots of great info. Thank you for sharing your views and experience.
Thank you. Your info has helped me make a decision about using the platform.
as a consumer i find automation very unreal, substack is more to share stories as it comes not exactly a service of email, that’s not the point, the point is to share stories not to sell products
thank you, this was helpful. I was wondering what substak was good for and who/why/when to use it
Thank you for your in-depth and balanced analysis, as I try to figure out which platform will work best for me. All the best for your presence on Flodesk and the pleasure you get from creating!
Even if you were talking about any other thing, I could listen to you for hours...
Hey Louise! Thanks for sharing your experience, that's very helpful. What did you do with the yearly subscribers on Substack after switching?
This is very informative thank you. Automated emails do sound very useful, there are gaps of time where creating regular content on a hamster wheel is difficult, so having some stuff queued up would be great, like with video scheduling.
Thank you. This was so informative.
Dear Louise, thank you for your amazing content ! With flodesk I had a lot of emails going in spams, so I moved to convert kit but I wanted your opinion on that, people do open my emails more on convert kit but it's not as beautiful as flodesk and it's more expensive, thank you so much for your insight.
how do you know that your emails going in spams? I am only starting and haven't selected a platform for email marketing
What are you using now?
Hi, Louise. I have an existing email list with a few thousand people. I'm thinking of starting a Substack for longer-form writing and keeping that other list separate for shorter weekly emails, inviting them to opt-in to the longer posts on Substack if they want to. Do you think that makes sense? Or does having two separate lists overcomplicate things? The only big thing I can think of is if they unsubscribe from one and then wonder why they weren't unsubscribed from both. But then again, if you unfollow someone on LinkedIn, you don't automatically unfollow them on Instagram. What do you think about having separate email lists for shorter weekly emails and long-form, more storytelling kind of writing? Thank you!
I would advise you just merge them into one list. Much simpler and efficient that way.
Hi Louise,
Thanks so much for this video! Why not keep both platforms? I have my email marketing list on Squarespace, but I don’t have a newsletter yet. I was wondering, how do you switch from one platform to another? And why not keep both: one for email marketing automation and the other for the newsletter / blog?
Hello, if I understand well, you don't lose "subscribers" from one newsletter to another ?
Some subscribers may decide to unsubscribe if you move.
I appreciate these thoughtful comments. Where are you now? Or am I missing it somewhere? Your own website?
Flodesk. =)
@@LouiseStigell where's the automated newsletter that you are writing now., where can I subscribe to them?
I’m just starting growing my art online. You’re pleasant to listen too. Hope to get to know ya better j.france Ratsch
This was a good review from your experience. I already thought to put my own writings on my blog first and then substack to not worry about not having all my eggs in one basket
Quick question. Why is it so important to have different types of fonts? Wouldn’t the legibility of the font matter most to the reader than cursive or playful fonts? Are creators just trying to make the experience more curated?
Why not use both Substack and ESP like Convertkit to leverage automation only?
I actually think it's good it doente have automations. It males the platform more focused on content versus Sales oriented content
Interesting, because I went the other way, from Flodesk to Substack. I found myself getting tied into knots with segments and targeted emails, my little brain has enjoyed the simplicity of Substack. I’m not 100% sure it was the right thing to do, but I’ll sit with it a while.
That's exactly what happened to me too! Been back on Substack since February. 😅
I do still think automation can be done well, and in a less confusing way. But as for now, being on Substack is beautifully simple.
Hey @LouiseStigell - are you back on Substack now? What made you leave Flodesk again? I hope you share an update. ❤
Exactly!! I do not like Flodesk!!!
@@LouiseStigell. Yes Simple is Lovely. NO automation. Substack is good for people who love to write and love to share. I do not want to divide my audience.
Louise, great Video! I have one question tough: Could you export your email list when you decided to leave Substack? Thank you for your answer 🙂
Yes, you can. =) (Would never have used them otherwise.)
Hey, Young Lady! I just read your bio. If the paintings behind you are yours and you just started in 2020, Van Gogh is going to have a problem. 🙂
Good video thanks. I've been on Substack for a year and a half too. I post once a week consistently, I think my content is fun, creative, and excellent. I have 78 subscribers. Not 178, 78.
This was fantastic. I was on the fence about it.
Beside automation, substack should work for me when i get off my butt and make a list, mostly because its free and i am cheap lol
Which platform did you switch to?
Start at 14:00
Thank you!
Great post Louise 👏😊! I'm one of those "intimidated ones" so yes, I'd like to hear more about what/how you are writing about in your weekly letters. Another thing that puzzles me, is how streamlined one has to be for an e-mail audience? I mean if I work on different projects and in different mediums, should I split up my followers and write a separate newsletter for each of my creative areas (painting, illustration etc.)? That would mean a lot of admin work. Also, do you write paralel newsletters in English and Swedish? My followers are a mixed bunch but writing regular posts in 2-3 languages would be far too much trouble for the benefit of it. Best of luck with your course 🎉❤!
ok I learned something about Substack , thanks
Since virtually everything has become a subscription, they have a way of adding up. It is one thing to subscribe to the New Yorker. I just makes little sense to have to subscribe to writers one by one. I believe writers need to be paid and platforms need a way to make money that does not ruin their offering, I enjoy Substack but don’t feel comfortable with turning on subscriptions. Besides, people who can’t afford to subscribe should have access too. It us offensive to me that only those who can afford to read you newsletter get access. I hope to find other ways to monetize my return to writing again. A book, article, or screenplay for which I am paid. If they had an agency function and helped one place one’s better posts in newspapers and magazines and in book deals, that does make sense to me and would help support struggling publishers.
Agree with this completely!!
Or you could simply create good free content, and also good paid content....
How about the traffic from Google?
This video is very valuable, thank you Louise.
I just found you on TH-cam 😂 glad I did.
This has been very helpful 😊 Do you plan reviewing the platform you're using currently?
This is helpful. Thank you.
Thank you! You said that initially you had a few people supported you voluntarily without any perks. I can't seem to find an option to make my mine free but in a way people can donate if tbey want. Looks like the only way to have both free and paid subscribers is to give the paid ones some extra things (comments, whatever). Theres also no way to give one-time donations, is there? I'm so confused.
Substack is developing options.
It’s called pledges and I think they come up automatically until you put a paywall in
Great video, thank you 🙏
Thanks for sharing this! which perks did your paid subscribers get besides being able to comment? and do you mind sharing how much your paid option was? just so I have an idea of how much to charge, if you feel comfortable sharing :)
Can you write blog posts and set it to publish at a later date?
how can i help u
Another question - have you tried or considered using Kartra?
A good video should be : why I return to substack ?
Thanks for sharing
Thank you!
Informative. Thanks!
Thank you for this! You've ruled out substack for me. ;)
Platforms are always risky. They can change the rules at will.
thank you!
very nice
Write a story about my company!!?
thanks for sharing
People considering joining Substack should first search online its controversies of allowing objectionable sites, such as white supremacists and conspiracy theorists, and of not curtailing harassment of transsexuals.
Oh my wow...thanks 4 letn us no
only made it to 13 minutes, seems like a tricky advertisement for substack.
i want to be a podcaster p[lease
It is not that great of a platform tbh. The founders are lazy idiots. And the chances of people making money there is....very thin. No substacker seem to talk about this. But this is reality.
why she is whispering
"Route" is pronounced as in "root"
Potato potatto…. It CAN BE pronounced both ways. Thats the beauty of human dialect. It’s different in the geographical regions.
Your video takes way to long to tell us why you left
she has put timestamps
Thank God it's not your video!
Have you heard of time stamps
I didn’t find it too long. I appreciated the thoughtful, considered details. Thank you
The CALM Creative? By Manhattan standards, you be on Vailum, baby.
Word! Dry it up!
Than again, maybe, off camera, the Calm Creative is a screaming maniac. L:ike most people whose public persona is one of Zen calmness. Like the guy who wrote "Don't the Sweat Small -- and It's All Small Stuff."
Those who worked him said he sweated not only the small stuff - - but everything else, too. Off camera, he was a total wreck, dying of a pulmonary embolism at the age iof 45.
Calm, huh? Sure.
I am sure all of your subscribers will be disappointed as well as those who recommended you.
I can barely hear you on my iPhone. Increase volume or speak more loudly.
We can always turn our volume down.
I stopped watching 7 minutes in because it’s too difficult to hear you. Bye!
so 23mins of blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah
Sounds like you gotta clean your ears 🤮
@@SpaceBandit666 Four of us agreed. Blah blah blah blah blah on and on and on. Get to the point already.
This woman is an absolute pleasure to listen to 😊. She can do audiobooks and voiceovers in English, even though she's Swedish, she's that good.
Why do people bother leaving these types of comments. There are millions of videos on TH-cam. Just politely move to another 🤦♀️
@DallasGordonCoachCEOCreative honestly, they're acting like she cornered them and forced them to stay lmao.
Does it make sense to have both Substack and a personal email list like Flodesk? Can I bring in people who connect with me via substack into my personal email list?
Substack -is- your email list. The people there have already opted in to hearing from you. So yeah, you could. I did have both a Substack and a separate email list for a while, but it quickly got confusing and tiring. 😅 Now I have my list on ConvertKit, and I've made it clear on my Substack (About page + welcome letter) that if they want more stuff from me, they'll have to sign up via my website.
ok I gave u my email. I'm looking forward to being more creative.
Thank you Love! This was helpful. Off to check out your recent video Walking you through my CALM, social media-free, marketing strategy😀