I am trying to do exactly this, but with a convex round shield. I am still building the mold, but want to also strengthen the shield with fiberglass on the interior. Have you seen something like this before, and do you think this would work?
Hi there! This is a good question for our tech support team, can you send them a ticket here? www.smooth-on.com/support/ticket/add/agree/ Thanks for watching!
Wow, that looks fantastic. Well done!
That looks really cool!
The stock music you're using for this video gets old REALLY fast though.
I am trying to do exactly this, but with a convex round shield. I am still building the mold, but want to also strengthen the shield with fiberglass on the interior. Have you seen something like this before, and do you think this would work?
Hi there! This is a good question for our tech support team, can you send them a ticket here? www.smooth-on.com/support/ticket/add/agree/ Thanks for watching!
@@smoothon Thank you!
Would this work on EVA foam?
+Xerephyna And how about pink insulation foam?
I have the same question.
Is this resin flexible so you can crush it and it will reshape automatically after? sorry for my english.
It is flexible - a urethane rubber.
What product was used to make the original pink mold?
+musicaroo22 Rebound 25 silicone rubber
That's one expensive play shield.