
  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • 材料 / Ingredient
    公仔麵 / 出前一丁 1包
    1 packet of instant of noodles.
    1/2 stick of celery
    1 piece of carrot
    1 stalk of scallion
    醬料/ Sauce
    Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
    Soy sauce 1 tsp
    Dark Soy sauce 0.5 to 1 tsp
    White pepper 1/4 tsp
    4 to 6 tbsp of garlic or shallot
    A. 煮公仔麵/出前一丁
    1. 水大滾,放入公仔麵。
    Rolling boil, add noodles.
    2. 大火煮1分鐘至1分15秒或煮至剛散開。
    Boil noodles at high heat for 1 min to 1.25 mins or boil until a bit soft.
    3. 撈起,去除多餘水分。
    Take them out. Remove excessive water.
    4. 平放。吹乾5至10分鐘。
    Blow dry 5 to 10 mins.
    B. 準備配菜
    1/2 條西芹,1小片紅蘿蔔切幼條。
    Shred 1/2 stick of celery and a small piece of carrot.
    C. 調配醬汁/ Sauce
    Mix them well.
    D. 爆炒公仔麵/ Fry the noodles
    1. 燒熱鑊至出煙 ( 生鐵鑊/熟鐵鑊)
    Fry the pan until piping hot.
    2. 下一湯匙油。
    Add 1 tbsp of oil.
    3. 油要均勻塗於鑊。
    Oil splash over the pan evenly.
    下油後燒鍋(約10至最長20秒。😉 期間會旋轉一下個鍋)
    4. 下公仔麵 ( 已烚約1分鐘及涼乾)
    Add (boiled and blow dried) instant noodles.
    5. 用筷子炒散
    Fry the noodles with wooden chopsticks.
    6. 用大火煎30秒,用筷子炒散 ( 期間稍作旋轉)。
    Fry the noodles (twist them with chopsticks) at high heat for 30 seconds.
    7. 鑊邊放入蔥段。
    Add scallion (chop 1 to 2 stalk scallions into chunks.
    8. 加入10至20條紅蘿蔔絲及西芹絲.
    Add a little bit of shredded carrots and celery.
    9. 放入2湯匙已炸好乾蔥及蒜。( 可加入少許乾蔥油)
    Add 2 tbsp of fried garlic or fried shallots, 1 tsp of fried oil.
    10. 平均地淋上調味
    蠔油一湯匙,豉油一茶匙,老抽一茶匙, 胡椒粉少許。(不用公仔麵調味)
    Add 1 tbsp of oyster sauce, 1 tsp of soy sauce, 1 tsp of dark soy sauce.
    11. 大火炒45秒。完成
    Fry at high heat for 45 mins. Done. Serve hot.
    E. 炸金蒜,炸乾蔥
    1. 燒熱鍋,下一杯油。
    Hot pan, add 1 cup of oil.
    2. 油冷時放入蒜或乾蔥小火炸5分鐘。
    Add garlic or shallot while oil in room temperature. Deep fry at low heat for 5 mins.
    3. 5分鐘後用中火炸至微泥黃色(約3分鐘)。
    Deep fry at medium heat until light brown. (at about 3 mins)
    F. 翻熱/處理五香肉丁
    Reheat the spiced pork cubes
    1. 五香肉丁隔水蒸2分鐘。備用。(不可以蒸得過久。)可去掉罐頭內的油。
    Steam the pork cubes for 2 mins. Take it out. Remove the oil.from the tin
    #instant noodles

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