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Opus | Official Trailer HD | A24
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.พ. 2025
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From writer and director Mark Anthony Green and starring Ayo Edebiri, John Malkovich, Juliette Lewis, Murray Bartlett, Amber Midthunder, Stephanie Suganami, Young Mazino, and Tatanka Means. OPUS - In Theaters March 14.
DIRECTOR: Mark Anthony Green
CAST: Ayo Edebiri, John Malkovich, Juliette Lewis, Murray Bartlett, Amber Midthunder, Stephanie Suganami, Young Mazino, and Tatanka Means
Follow OPUS on X: bit.ly/Opus_X
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“There’s no cult, like celebrity” is such a cool concept to explore in a film, because indeed, the things fans do for celebrities is just straight up weird sometimes. I dont actually know if this film is going that direction, but it would be cool!
The formula is becoming a little obvious don’t you think? Drop a Black protagonist into pool of white people who are doing “activity A” which doesn’t align with the protagonist morales. When protagonist meets someone like themselves that character aligns partially with the opposition (though there is always room for character to switch sides for redemption it’s usually too late). All in all. “I’m black surrounded by these crazy white ppl. What did I get myself into.”
Yeah!! And considering how much everyone thought they loved/admired Neil Gaiman until the truth came out recently, it really hits different! 🤢🤮
Oh I thought it would be about celebrities joining the illuminati lol
@@VeeVeeArcherand t swift fans lol
So glad to see her get leading roles shes incredible actress
Yup especially in the horror genre
As a longtime fan of her as a stand-up comedian, I'm still thrown by her getting movie and tv roles like she does. I don't think we'll get to see her do much any stand-up for a long time to come now.
Who the hell is this
@@37654she is from The Bear. Ayo Edebiri. She has been so good in The Bear, that is all we need to know.
Really, she only has one facial expression, angry
Get Ayo Edebiri on a Jordan Peele movie right now.
Bots stealing comments agian 💀
please no.... let her expand her pallette
@@TobyoDrift ur a bot
How about getting an American girl instead.
This is becoming a genre with well defined tropes. The menu, get out, ready or not, blink twice, midsommar. The whole ‘innocent person invited to a place, one person is revered or special, it’s revealed they have some sort of twisted ritual or obsession and the main protagonist survives many people trying to kill them’.
if its works it works
@@b4nkai yeah for sure
That’s Hollywood for you. If it works on the general movie going audience they continue to reap a profit until everyone eventually burns out. Then they’ll find another trope to rehash.
came here to say this, but you said it better :)
Better than Blumhouse.
Edebiri is the young actress I'm most excited about right now - just beautiful, positive energy - as soon as I saw her face I clicked - idk about this movie but I'll go see her finally in a lead role
she was a lead (or co-lead I guess) in Bottoms too! Great movie, she killed it in her role
@@valeriarossini543 You're responding to a bot/ai comment meant to artificially drive engagement. Just fyi.
@@samismith8752 omg I didn't realize thanks for telling me
I’m seated. The theater employees are scared and asking me to leave because it’s ‘not March yet’ but I’m simply too seated
beautifully selected reference
Before clicking on the video I knew this repetitive ass joke would be the top comment
Such an original comment! Love it
I was an extra in OPUS and the Director Mark Anthony Green was absolutely kind to everyone, a genuine artist with great style!! Guy is a GQ editor and I saw him sweeping floors despite assistants all around offering to help...Filmed in Santa Fe, NM
I knew it looked like my home state…
You got a front row seat to Malkovich? Lucky.
Were you an extraneous extra or an extraordinary extra?
Sooooo how do you become an extra - pls spill the beans
@looncan3743 you just have to be extra
This just looks like a normal Thursday for John Malkovich.
Sanest Malkovich role
And Juliette Lewis!
Now that's a comment!!
Being John Malkovich 2: The View from Outside
Malkovich, malkovich. Malkovich-malkovich malkovich.
Malkovich malkovich...
Ayo Edebiri and John Malkovich = poetic casting. I am here for this. 🙌🏾
1:43 great to see that John Malkovich puppeteering carrer is still active after all these years
Ayo Edebiri, i will be there
I will bedibiri there*
@@37654I wish I were this clever.
The first actress@@TheLastDonaldYouMcRonald
Jared Leto was quick to give rights for this one
Beat me to it.
That was my first thought 😂
Here for comments.
It's The Menu for music, not food.
100% my first thought. I loved The Menu so much. Hope this has it's own thing to it.
The tracklist
Pros: Dynamic cast and strong thriller vibes
Cons: First-time director, unproven
No it aint
@@Dark.RoomReviews a stunning rebuttal.
A24 if you're reading this. Keep doing what you are doing. These movies are becoming more interesting and better everytime they come out!!!! Love this idea!!
1:22 anyone else think his blinking looks digital?
Ive never been more simple when it comes to Ayo. I see Ayo. I click.
And speak on that! 🗣️😤🔥
Same I'm watching this because of her
3 years ago called. They want their trendy catch phrase back.
reminds of midsommar with a pop singer. ayo edibiri, I will do anything
Yes, definitely a Midsommar vibe!
Get Out and Midsommar
And a bit of The Menu too
Right it kinda feels like exactly like midsommar or the menu and I’m not a huge fan of the repetitiveness but I’ll watch it for Ayo Edibiri
shieettT!! shieetttttt!! you beat me to it AHHHHHHH!! it hurts so much AHHHHH!!! 😥
I’m not always a fan of A24 movies, but I will give them absolute credit for always trying to make original content that isn’t recycled sequels or franchises. They always attempt to make something interesting, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Really depends on the director and writers mainly though, not so much the studio. This looks very interesting and I’ll definitely check it out though.
Ok but what about Opus
@@tompoynton? I haven’t seen it yet so idk?
That's why I really like A24, is there movies are always very different from each other
Most of them are just lazy shock value cringe. Like this one. I gotta give some credit to them. At least this trailer is honest. @@Berto206
Kinda agree, however this particular one seems like a copy of others already released. I will watch for Ayo, because the trailer itself... Didn't convince me.
1:33 there’s no cult like celebrity is so true
Wait I don’t get it, am I missing something here
Will be tuning in for Ayo
it's the menu mixed with don't blink but somehow looks to be even less subtle
Probably because subtlety isn’t good enough anymore.
Says the person who hasn't seen the film.
Until people prove they actually have an intelligible grasp on media literacy, something that is quite clearly dying, I think people deserve themes to be shoved down their eye holes because subtlety really isn't enough anymore, people simply don't understand most things they consume and are that brain rotted.
Just look at the Boys, was extremely hamfisted even in the first season and way too many people did not actually grasp what it was satirizing at all. It took literally three more seasons for those people to understand they were the joke, it was satirizing them. And then they got mad and victimised themselves because only then did the show go "woke."
Just one example in an ocean of examples unfortunately. Media literacy is dying, so the content has to be made explicitly dumbed down so they really, really know, like a child, what it is they are watching and what they are meant to take away from watching it.
Until people stop being part of an idiocracy, then they can have intelligent things again that aren't so condescending to their intelligence.
Love (but also maybe not a great sign) that the menu/don’t blink was my immediate thought as well
Okay fine. But does that mean that it's definitely not going to be good??? Eh??
I love how I've just viewed this trailer and I'm still confused with questions, making me want to see this in theaters! Actual trailers are a dying breed!
I know right!
A24 always delivers!
Voodoo dolls being used to control people.... pretty much what I got from, y'know, watching the trailer once
2:01 it’s another cult movie.
Brought to you by the makers of ‘not another teen movie’
Dang nice catch I couldn’t tell when the word “cult” was shown on screen.
@@Fenrir1373 You can't compare this lesbian fantasy slop to the masterpiece that is NATM
@@webbs120 you know what you’re right, I don’t know what I was thinking. I can only apologise.
no shit, Sherlock
0:44 tell me this girl is not giving midsommar
So truew
Get Out + Blink Twice + The Menu + Midsommer. How many more of these do we need?
Probably like three more because all of those were good lol
All of these films were good jackass
how many avengers do we need?
Don't forget The White Lotus
Once I saw John Malevich 😂😂😂
I’m sold
same. I've yet to be disappointed by that man!
He's not the one saying the 2:00 line tho and I'm disappointed.
Ayo has the best face for a "WTF" expression. Excellent actress paired with John Malkovich? Heaven! I'm in!
This trailer reminds me of a mixture of Get Out, Midsommar, The Menu, White Lotus, Don't Worry Darling, and Blink Twice...
I’m still waiting for an A24 film that doesn’t fall apart in the third act.
Shush. You're supposed to just praise every A24 trailer as though it's the greatest thing you've ever seen like all the other mindless zombies here. 😂😂
Agreed. It's going from groundbreaking to just a grind.
@NoirFan84 Lol. I was one of them but lately, as mentioned, the movies start falling apart after the premise has been established.
@EndyMX Yeah, they are very hit & miss these days. They were in their early years too. They had a middle period where they put out banger after banger but I think I've liked more of the titles NEON have put their name to in the last few years.
Well deserved. Our girl is leading this movie into the second half of the 20s!
It's giving The Menu. Love seeing Ayo Edebiri in more projects!!
get Ayo Edebiri on a jordan peele movie NOW
OMG! Yes, she would totally kill that role. No pun intended.
Shit man, I think she’s already there.
No she's fine where she is, I'm tired of horror genres that make racism that "horror" part. We get enough of it in real life don't need it thrown at us 247, sometimes you just want to escape and let the story just tell itself.
@@LonnieBhi bro? Us and Nope are two of the three jordan peele movies and racism isnt the “horror part”
A24 has made this movie at least 3 times now
I can only think of midsommar…but there are 2 other movies ik that did this premise being blink twice and the menu
@@reyecoonthose are all three of what came to mind when watching this trailer. It’s like they put them in a blender and this is what we get.
But it's been great every single time, I'm eating it up
@@bpal7006blink twice isn’t a24
@@jzhvaeduh I was meaning this movie has been made before, in reply to the guy who was thinking the same as I was.
So glad to finally see the Billy Corgan biopic
LMAO underrated comment
😂😂😂😂😂 Best comment so far.
10 bucks says the singer will drop a "despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage" during his villain monologue
0:20 me when I first get called to do my presentation in class
0:48 I can't believe that A24 gave me the Blue Lobster Jumpscare in 2025...
Why is this the plot of every movie now😭
exactly lmao
How do you mean? I’m genuinely asking because I’m not keeping up with the last 5-10 years of movies. I only watch select movies every few months
I'm with Charlie, wdym?
Only 3 other movies pop to mind being blink twice, the menu, and midsommar all which came out a few years of each other other than that we don’t get much of this
This is like the 8th film trailer I've seen in the last 2 years that has this exact premise....
That being said, none of those films had Ayo Edebiri in it so, we will be there
Which others?
We will be there!!!
Yeah. It’s always some type of crazy celebrity / rich people cult.
Opus vibes like the Midsommar + The Menu = Opus
I'm a simple man. I see Ayo Edebiri, I click.
0:18 Not the Sweet Old Woman from Better Call Saul!
0:27 and the Lawyer Bill from Better Call Saul!!
@@ankitkamal6716totally missed that!
Of course I'm late to noticing this, AND Bill as the creepy airplane greeter lol I'm rewatching BCS right now and just finished season 3 and Irene being ignored by her friends is still the dirtiest thing Jimmy McGill ever did in his damn life
I'm here for ayo.. looking forward to this! 🔥🇧🇷
I only needed to see that Ayo was involved and I'm there.
John Malkovich AND Juliette Lewis!?! I’m so there.
This looks to be another great one from A24 Films.
Interesting to see Juliette Lewis in a movie about cults. For those unaware, she’s a Scientologist.
she *was* a scientologist, not anymore
(edit: nvm. i'd googled it and seen that she said she was a "spiritualist" and didn't identify as a scientologist so i figured it meant she'd left, but apparently scientologists are allowed to do that - lie in interviews. until she actually speaks out against scientology, it's safe to assume she's still a part of the cult.)
@@prenchwhere did she say she left?
@@ZachSMarsh2021 interview with New York Times
@@ZachSMarsh a quick Google search will help you out a lot.
Very Dennis Quaid in the Substance territory
A24 buying the rights to literally all movies in existence this year.
They made it !
And most of them are great
And then dropping the ball with all of them next award season.
@@hydqjuliilq27 the old guard aren't the biggest fans of A24
Everyone is saying that the "cult" genre is overdone now but this is actually A24s second or third film about it so i'm definitely more interested than i was for the others lol also i love ayo edebiri i'm glad she's getting more lead roles!
we're living in the age of cult ....
This is why i always go back to old movies
0:16 I love that little detail from the film that most videos of Alfred Moretti on TH-cam that has millions of views, especially the first one "TEN UNKNOWN FACTS ABOUT ALFRED MORETTI" has 82 Million views in 21 minutes which is NUTS!
I’m not interested in the concept of the film, BUT I'm still going to watch it for my girl Ayo
Who here got Midsomar PTSD ? 😂
clicked for ayo. stayed for ayo. will watch for ayo.
0:12 who's that?? 👀
That looks like Kim’s friend Stephanie
Nah for real
is that not kerri colby??
@@lisavanderpump7475 I think you're right
My girlfriend...
Feels like A24 never misses! This looks so interesting and ayo is amazing, can’t wait!
Really interesting.
One of those thrillers that I really like.
Very happy to see the very good Ayo Edebiri again, she deserves it a lot.
Very curious to see this movie.
That little bobble head Malkivich spooked me!
This almost feels like a mix of midsommar and the menu
Favorite studio, and I'm seated for it.
This is what Sidney do when she's not working at the Bear
John Malkovich and Ayo Edebiri is such an interesting pairing. This'll be great.
Ayo and John Malkovich together is the fever dream I didn't know I needed.
I stopped the trailer at about the 1:20 mark. That means, yes, I definitely want to see this one!
Sydney from the Bear! It’s good to see her again.🎉🎉🎉
Ayo???? I'm already solddd!!
When "don't blink explained" pops up after the video.....😂😂
A weird comedy horror??? I’m with it💪🏼💪🏼
“Blink Thrice” 😏
Meets The Menu with a bit of Midsommar 😉
Ehhh not so much but I like those movies as well 😅
Ayo Edebiri is fantastic and Malkovich’s character looks like it was written specifically him to play.
If Ayo Edibiri’s in a movie, I’ll be watching
The bobblehead at 1:50 is the most alarming thing in the trailer.
Listen, if Ayo is in it, Im there
Point, Blank, Period 🖤
is that drew phillips at 0:11 ?
Will watch ANYTHING with Ayo Adebri in it
Its giving the Menu
But I'm so here for it. Ayo, you will always have my heart babe!❤
This is looking like "The Menu" combined with "Blink Twice". I'm in!
i saw this at the premiere last night... AMA
yay ayo
Love that they didn’t show much! Mix of blink twice, Midsommar, and menu. I’m on board. For a first feature not too bad
seated for the one and only miss ayo edebiri
Such an amazing film! Y’all are going to LOVE IT!
This is going to be a commentary on stan culture and I'm here for it
Am a simple girl, I see Ayo, I click.
I love her notebook-
The plane
• blacked out windows
• pilot wouldn’t speak
• only seltzer + yak milk
Uh…yeah 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
Ayo just nails that naive teenage energy 😊❤
I'm geeked for Mark Anthony Green's debut film 🙌🏽
Holy effn' cast! Looking forward to this!
Ayo in a leading role in a spooky cult horror film? You will have to surgically remove me from the theater seat.
The Menu + Midsommar + Get Out + Wicker Man + Mr. Holland's Opus
A24 has become so A24 that this looks like a parody of an A24 film.
Every year has its "The Menu". Let us go again.
Great codec!
They knew EXACTLY what they were doing putting miss Ayo as the thumbnail… and we love to see it
ayo edebiri final girl LET’S GOOOOOOO
Going to see it at the premiere next week at Sundance! Can’t wait!!!
Omg! Have fun!!
the beginging gave white lotus while the rest gave Blink Twice and i love it
So who else got "The Menu" vibes from this?
Here for Juliette Lewis.
Ayo as a final girl I’ve dreamed of this!!!
Lame I try and support original black actors with talent not the industry plants hollywood pushes on us like zendaya or the Issa Rae Tyler Perry films they pump out non stop to bring down the people