To my mind it's better to ignite the minds of the CBIC authorities who have made simple goods and services Tax Act a misnomer by way of issuing hundreds of circulars uninterruptedly puzzling the proper officer in particular and making the Act detrimental to revenue augmentation.
Sir can you explain does solatium amount received under right to fair 2013 act fall under the GST as per Section 7(1A) read with Entry No. 5(e) of Schedule II
Most valuable seminar
Bow down to you sir
Thanks sir
Thank you sir🎉
To my mind it's better to ignite the minds of the CBIC authorities who have made simple goods and services Tax Act a misnomer by way of issuing hundreds of circulars uninterruptedly puzzling the proper officer in particular and making the Act detrimental to revenue augmentation.
Ultimate session
Sir, what would be the treatment , If the guarantee was provided 4 year's back and still given to banks?
Canteen facility services to workers eligible ITC ?
Sir whether only e will suffice to prove the provision of receipt of goods, if not then what would be ?
Sir can you explain does solatium amount received under right to fair 2013 act fall under the GST as per Section 7(1A) read with Entry No. 5(e) of Schedule II
Sir, pls inform what happens to Bonafied buyer if supplier's supplier does not submit return?
Need to defend by litigation