According to a scholar here in Uppsala (center of Swedish paganism) a main factor of conversion, which here was deliberate, was that afterlife in heaven was open to all. North paganism only let warriors into Valhall; ill, old and females had another less fancy place.
Valhall was never claimed by pagans to be only for warriors. Valhall means hall of the chosen. Maybe someone who can think can figure out what it means symbolically.
@WilliamGrayIV Nifelheim is the place were most people could expect their afterlife. It was governed by the godess Hel, from which our Hell is coming from.
@@WilliamGrayIV I think you might be mistaken about the etymology of Valhall. "Valkyrie" does mean "chooser of those slain in battle", but the word "valr" means "fallen warrior". It's the "-kyrie" element that refers to choosing. So, Valhall means "hall of those slain in battle". Maybe someone who can think can bother to look a word up in a dictionary.
I think around the advent of Christianity and Buddhism, the civilized world was at a place where love and compassion needed emphasis for the continuation of our species. I lean more pagan these days, but it's completely understandable that the pagans of old would yearn for a sunnier life philosophy with how their societies were structured.
A big part of Christianity's appeal was its egalitarian values, in which humility was glorified and all were made equal at the feet of God. Pre-Christian deities and metaphysics were concerned only with nobility and heroes. If you were just a peasant, the gods didn't care about you and there was no guarantee of a good afterlife in Valhalla. It's no wonder that peasants flocked to Christ, who said "the last shall be first and the first shall be last." Christ was the first god who actually cared.
the whole idea of controlling the masses with Christianity is based on Plato's "The Republic". Plato saw the worship of random gods that had human flaws such as jealousy, mischievousness, etc. He posited the concept of a god that should be only good, whom was all powerful and all knowing. He also proposed to create a religion for the masses to give them purpose and as a means to keep them tied to the center of power
@@Easttowest45 Good point, but it's worth mentioning that pre-Christian pagans placed less emphasis on gods than Abrahamic religions. The myths were stories with morals that could be applied to each pagan's life, and the gods were more akin to modern Marvel heroes than what we see in Hindu or Abrahamic traditions. The early pagans were more concerned with animism, living in harmony with the land spirits, and honoring the ancestors. The Christian and pagan worlds were vastly different simply due to the histories and climates that informed their current cultures. When the Christians proved their strength in battle against the might-valuing pagans, this affirmed Christianity as the stronger faith, which paved the way for conversion. The pagans didn't attribute absolute truth to their gods, they were simply a part of nature. And as the course of nature proved the Christian god stronger, the pagans followed suit. This is overly-simplified but you get the point. There wasn't any single area of the faith that led to mass conversions, it was the completely new worldview paired with a completely different culture/way of relating to one's fellow man, as well as England's relative stability. It was an all-around upgrade for pagan city-dwellers.
@@Easttowest45 I mean, not every pre-Christian god was Odin and the like. I think what happened is that aristocratic version of the religion was exactly as you describe it and that is what was best described and recorded but Local gods and the like we're more worshipped and probably more chill than the aristocratic gods.
Long story short, the Roman Empire and its subsidiaries had degenerated into shockingly low-trust societies after endless wars for personal glory, and Christianity as a civilizational decision came with not only unity, but bureaucracy, responsibility, accountability, and cooperation that made the crazy swinging 'nads of the lone Viking seem both useless and singularly uncompelling by comparison. And there was also war.. who do you think was made to pay for the conversion? -Signed, a Conquistador.
Tribal societies turn into low-trust societies in large populations. Christanity also managed to answer the riddle of clan family that even Plato was complaining about.
Yeah. I think youre definetly on to something. I do think most neo-pagans are in some sence atheists. But in some way they are even more like protestants... trying to reconstruct paganism from handfull texts whithout any living tradition to interpret them. That is, if I grant, that these pagans can reliably differentiate between what is Christian and what is pagan in these texst... which I dont think is possible. Partly because the pagan texts which often were written down by Christians was rememberd for a Chrstian reason. My ancestors viewd Christianity as a fullfilment of their pagan religion and legends and stories, rightly understood the Christian story was never "competition" with the pagan stories but was the very destiny and fullfilment of paganism. As opposed to many pagan religions Christianity is understood as total... in other words, the Christian story contains the pagan story within it. So in some sence one can say that paganism is part of Christianity... or that some parts of "pagan" teaching is ultimatly Christian. Pagan legends and stories was viewd as having remnants of a Christian past hidden within it. It had just been forgotten. The last point Ill make, allthough its a lot more one could say about this topic... is that most people today are materialists even if they know it or not. Even a majority of Christians are materialist in their approach... even though a lot of them are saved by their living tradition (Orthodox Christians) which have kept alive this old, largely forgotten, dark-age view of reality. But in contrast to the modern pagan, there is no way back, and the pagans ive come across dont understand the implications or importans or significans of materialism, a living holy tradition, etc. if they just were a little bit familiar with the consequences, they would see how utterly false and impossible their search is. The problem of matirialism not really just the fault of modern pagans, but also protestants and a lot of modern 'christians' have also muddied the waters. The difference is, Christians have a way forward, we need just "enter into", or "pick up the pieces" of this old view left to us by holy tradition and live out our lives to the Glory of God. Ill end with this. I dont think my ancestors were stupid for converting, if anything, it is much more likely it is we who dont understand them. After all these people knew paganism better than any other moder neo-pagan ever have. And they choose Christ, and they choose him for good reason. God bless! 🙂🇳🇴🙏🏻☦️
Interesting insights, I also come from a part of the world where there's a rising interest in pagan and precolonial culture. People like to pretend that if they returned to such a society they'd be free rich nobility, but the reality is 50% or more would likely be slaves.
I think we can learn lot from our past but to glorify it can be the wrong turn. In same sense, our personal traumas can teach us. We can turn ourselves into better beings or repeat the behaviour (e.g. Children of alcoholics who turn themselves into alcohol abuse).
Yeah. I think youre definetly on to something. I do think most neo-pagans are in some sence atheists. But in some way they are even more like protestants... trying to reconstruct paganism from handfull texts whithout any living tradition to interpret them. That is, if I grant, that these pagans can reliably differentiate between what is Christian and what is pagan in these texst... which I dont think is possible. Partly because the pagan texts which often were written down by Christians was rememberd for a Chrstian reason. My ancestors viewd Christianity as a fullfilment of their pagan religion and legends and stories, rightly understood the Christian story was never "competition" with the pagan stories but was the very destiny and fullfilment of paganism. As opposed to many pagan religions Christianity is understood as total... in other words, the Christian story contains the pagan story within it. So in some sence one can say that paganism is part of Christianity... or that some parts of "pagan" teaching is ultimatly Christian. Pagan legends and stories was viewd as having remnants of a Christian past hidden within it. It had just been forgotten. The last point Ill make, allthough its a lot more one could say about this topic... is that most people today are materialists even if they know it or not. Even a majority of Christians are materialist in their approach... even though a lot of them are saved by their living tradition (Orthodox Christians) which have kept alive this old, largely forgotten, dark-age view of reality. But in contrast to the modern pagan, there is no way back, and the pagans ive come across dont understand the implications or importans or significans of materialism, a living holy tradition, etc. if they just were a little bit familiar with the consequences, they would see how utterly false and impossible their search is. The problem of matirialism not really just the fault of modern pagans, but also protestants and a lot of modern 'christians' have also muddied the waters. The difference is, Christians have a way forward, we need just "enter into", or "pick up the pieces" of this old view left to us by holy tradition and live out our lives to the Glory of God. Ill end with this. I dont think my ancestors were stupid for converting, if anything, it is much more likely it is we who dont understand them. After all these people knew paganism better than any other moder neo-pagan ever have. And they choose Christ, and they choose him for good reason. God bless! 🙂🇳🇴🙏🏻☦️
Varg, or Christian as his first name was on his birth certificate, doesn’t have a coherent philosophy or worldview. He is simply a narcissist who now prefers to live off the French welfare state.
@internetenjoyer1044 Nation is a biological reality, an extended family, people related by blood. Christianity created a spiritual nation, a universal humanity bound by faith in Christ. Paul calls Israel a tree, and says the Gentiles are grafted onto it by faith. This universal message may have been good at reducing tribal conflicts in bygone times, but it's having disastrous consequences for our own real nations in today's world.
@@JB-du3qv Universal Spiritual reality doesnt mean we should all be smashed together. seperation of the nations is important, but they are all put under one name.
Hi there! I saw your comment elsewhere saying that it would be difficult for someone in a polytheist community to be the first to adopt "new gods" without facing difficulty from the community, but this is not how the polytheist cultures I am aware of work! In Roman Dacia alone, they worshiped Gods by Their Roman, Greek, other Balkan, Mesopotamian, Arabic, and Egyptian, and more names! So, no, it certainly wasn't an issue to worship Gods unfamiliar to others. Now, you might notice I did not say "Gods that are Roman, Greek, Mesopotamian" etc. This is because the people in the Mediterranean did not see the Gods as being Roman, or Greek, or of any culture. Rather, They are universal, They are everywhere, and Their names are more like words in a language that can be translated to other languages. As an example of this, the Greeks considered the God that the Jews worshiped to be the same as Dionysos (See: Plutarch, Quaestiones Convivales 4), they saw 'Iuno' as the Latin name of Hera, and the Romans saw 'Hera' as the Greek name of Iuno (See: Ovid's 'Metamorphoses' where he adapts names like this from Roman myths, as well as many other Roman texts, and observe what names Roman authors use when writing in Greek, and what names Greek authors use when writing in Latin). The Egyptians saw 'Hermes' as the Greek name of Thoth, and the Greeks saw 'Thoth' as the Egyptian name of Hermes (The texts that make up the Hermetica, such as the Corpus Hermeticum and the Asclepius are examples of this). The Norse saw 'Iuppiter' as the Latin name of Thor, and so they named Dies Iovis 'Thursday', and when the Danish author Saxo Grammaticus speaks of Thor, he writes 'Iuppiter' as he was writing in Latin, although the Icelandic Icelandic AM 687d 4 links Odin and Iuppiter together instead.
Your comment deserves longer reply but since my video card got fried and my new computer hasn't arrived, I just briefly comment that roman empire and republic were quite different society structures compared to more "primitive" tribes that roamed around earth during the imperial age. You got a good point about the seed being same in many beliefs and I definetly believe that they come from pre-history era for almost all the populations in the world.
I assure you it wasn't terribly funny at the time. I have no idea about Finland, but here in the states a lot of people had their lives destroyed or upended by corrupt and ignorant law enforcement officials indulging in satanic conspiracies. And most of the victims of that were not Satanists or even Pagan of any kind. It worked like the witch hunts of old or the way the secret police in the old Soviet Union worked: An accusation was enough to destroy you. If you denied it, that was taken as proof of your guilt.
Historically, only Lutheran and Orthodox church. After 1923 and freedom of religion there are minor calvinist movements. Mostly Lutheran branch sidelines.
Yes. I do think most neo-pagans are in some sence atheists. But in some way they are even more like protestants... trying to reconstruct paganism from handfull texts whithout any living tradition to interpret them. That is, if I grant, that these pagans can reliably differentiate between what is Christian and what is pagan in these texst... which I dont think is possible. Partly because the pagan texts which often were written down by Christians was rememberd for a Chrstian reason. My ancestors viewd Christianity as a fullfilment of their pagan religion and legends and stories, rightly understood the Christian story was never "competition" with the pagan stories but was the very destiny and fullfilment of paganism. As opposed to many pagan religions Christianity is understood as total... in other words, the Christian story contains the pagan story within it. So in some sence one can say that paganism is part of Christianity... or that some parts of "pagan" teaching is ultimatly Christian. Pagan legends and stories was viewd as having remnants of a Christian past hidden within it. It had just been forgotten. The last point Ill make, allthough its a lot more one could say about this topic... is that most people today are materialists even if they know it or not. Even a majority of Christians are materialist in their approach... even though a lot of them are saved by their living tradition (Orthodox Christians) which have kept alive this old, largely forgotten, dark-age view of reality. But in contrast to the modern pagan, there is no way back, and the pagans ive come across dont understand the implications or importans or significans of materialism, a living holy tradition, etc. if they just were a little bit familiar with the consequences, they would see how utterly false and impossible their search is. The problem of matirialism not really just the fault of modern pagans, but also protestants and a lot of modern 'christians' have also muddied the waters. The difference is, Christians have a way forward, we need just "enter into", or "pick up the pieces" of this old view left to us by holy tradition and live out our lives to the Glory of God. Ill end with this. I dont think my ancestors were stupid for converting, if anything, it is much more likely it is we who dont understand them. After all these people knew paganism better than any other moder neo-pagan ever have. And they choose Christ, and they choose him for good reason. God bless! 🙂🇳🇴🙏🏻☦️
Christian bible is Not proof and neither do your church/CULT fathers serve as proof at all. And, neither does your Quran help you or is proof. And, neither does the tanak serve as proof at all for you. But, it's my True Sacred Texts and Scriptures that are proof of themselves and Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Against you in The Least and More. All of you christians/muslims/judaists and others of hebraists, there's flat out NOTHING you can at all do and never could for a long time. (In fact you never could do anything.) CULTianity is toooo False and rest others of hebraism are Fake too. But, my Religious Ways of us Religionaries Rightfully After you to Correct you and Before too because again and again you are the Curse and plague to The Earth and Life as that it is. Repent and Turn open up and out to The Right Side The Multiple True Gods The Right Creators and Also Destroyers of all too. They are Forever & Ever, but your Fake one False Idol yahweh/allah is NOTTT.
Turn away from yahweh and all his evils and Curse not just to his face downward but shit on him and all his Shitttt that is him and all Jews(aka Hebrew) conspirator shills who made him up are. Look, Yahweh will Not only bless us and you for it but concede defeat as he always has. Gentiles are Superior to all Hebrews and Hebraism in full God-s Will Wise Gentiles are Chosen Over and Blessed, and also Outlast hebrews in full. Repent Sheepbraics and Convert Become Blessed people as Religionaries and Mideast Faithers. Then, True Divines They Almighties will put endless blessings on you. As well as Their Holy Spirit(s) power on you all. Rain Their Glory on you like Snow that is Soft and delightful as can be.
There's Nooo proof at all for your Cult via christianity here if any at all hebraism. In crazyyy crazy Direct Contrast to us Above Religionaries like us Roman(and Byz too) to Kemetic and Hellenic Faiths. Our Better and Correct by labels 'Truths, Ways, Light-s, Lifes Giving, and Love-s'. Toooooo much from us and yourself to over to Farrrrrr to Back us up and More Back us up. I wouldn't be saying this is if I didn't know, but I wayyyyyy Tooooooo much do know. See, I can copy you Rightfully and you know I can now, as well as take back what you stole from me and us Religionaries(Blessed Pagans). See, our Right Faiths are Returning/Restoring and Coming Anew for today and Future Tomorrow. All you have in your cult book Christian boooobbillllll is after 200 years (via 2-3rd Century CE material propaganda) and more after the cult man jerzzezz was claimed. Of course again there's no proof or stand for the bible at all including the areas of Palestine (like the alleged "judea/idumea" province for 5th Century to 1st Century CE). Again you lose. Unlike you I can quote sources and use them rightly unlike you who molests info sources and academic papers.
I do think most neo-pagans are in some sence atheists. But in some way they are even more like protestants... trying to reconstruct paganism from handfull texts whithout any living tradition to interpret them. That is, if I grant, that these pagans can reliably differentiate between what is Christian and what is pagan in these texst... which I dont think is possible. Partly because the pagan texts which often were written down by Christians was rememberd for a Chrstian reason. My ancestors viewd Christianity as a fullfilment of their pagan religion and legends and stories, rightly understood the Christian story was never "competition" with the pagan stories but was the very destiny and fullfilment of paganism. As opposed to many pagan religions Christianity is understood as total... in other words, the Christian story contains the pagan story within it. So in some sence one can say that paganism is part of Christianity... or that some parts of "pagan" teaching is ultimatly Christian. Pagan legends and stories was viewd as having remnants of a Christian past hidden within it. It had just been forgotten. The last point Ill make, allthough its a lot more one could say about this topic... is that most people today are materialists even if they know it or not. Even a majority of Christians are materialist in their approach... even though a lot of them are saved by their living tradition (Orthodox Christians) which have kept alive this old, largely forgotten, dark-age view of reality. But in contrast to the modern pagan, there is no way back, and the pagans ive come across dont understand the implications or importans or significans of materialism, a living holy tradition, etc. if they just were a little bit familiar with the consequences, they would see how utterly false and impossible their search is. The problem of matirialism not really just the fault of modern pagans, but also protestants and a lot of modern 'christians' have also muddied the waters. The difference is, Christians have a way forward, we need just "enter into", or "pick up the pieces" of this old view left to us by holy tradition and live out our lives to the Glory of God. Ill end with this. I dont think my ancestors were stupid for converting, if anything, it is much more likely it is we who dont understand them. After all these people knew paganism better than any other moder neo-pagan ever have. And they choose Christ, and they choose him for good reason. God bless! 🙂🇳🇴🙏🏻☦️
"Finnish paganism wasn't written down, therefore it was never a solid pillar in its principles". Finnish pagans had laws and principles like anyone else in the world regardless of them being written down. Yes, they had slaves, as did Christians and everyone else. Ever head of the enormous Byzantine slave trade or the prague slave trade? Ironically, the treatment of slaves in pagan lands was comparable to an average serf in Christian lands. You don't have to be threatened with violence or eternal damnation by have real principles and virtue.
"Finnish pagans had laws and principles like anyone else in the world regardless of them being written down" What I have read from local "indo-men", then I would say no. When healing was done then the practices were widely varied and were pretty inconsistent. The evolution of the tales is also evident. The general rule of law was done in "käräjät" with all the households and it does not connect that strongly to paganism altough there was a god for borders. End of Slavery came from christanity without a doubt but the church itself played on two sides when it felt lacking the power to control certain aspect in kingdoms.
Hello, I take my duty as a Rodnover (Slavic Pagan) seriously: to show the reality of our faith. 1.Firstly, to say I am an atheist because I don’t fully understand my faith would be wrong. I am deeply spiritual and knowledgeable about religious concepts. 2.Christianity is not morally superior to the pagan system of faith. In some aspects, it is even worse like punishing descendants for the mistakes of their ancestors, which is not something I find just. On the contrary, it feels entirely wrong. 3.Furthermore, the problem is that Christianity is a faith of desert peoples. The fact that Finns are the happiest nation in Europe is largely because they adopted this faith much later and managed to retain certain practices connected to nature. 4.I understand that you had to discard the reality of what was once a favorite pastime of Christians: the persecution of others and the destruction [of cultures, traditions, or beliefs].Like Second a Third crusadet to Finland.
Lol “I admit I don’t know my own faith, and yes nobody wrote it down and yes it changed over time, and yes I’m just trying to make up rules that coincide with my upbringing in a modern Christian influenced society, and yes I will make things up to make your faith look bad, but I’m actually morally superior to you. TAKE THAT DAD!”
In pre-christian worldview, nobody really dies and their spirits remain on this earth. They often seek revenge because of the injustice they have faced through their lifetime. Christian worldview offered solution for afterlife that removed these psychological strains from the population. My millenial generation is very dismissive to the christian culture and most of the males were and still are very militant atheists that have very childish and modern worldview. The hard edge of it consisted dark metal fans, who burned churches in the name of Satan in early 00´s. I don't find it surprising 1/4 of this heavy metal generation is on SSRI medication.
@Finnishpeasantto be frank, 1/4 of all people today are probably on SSRI’s 😂. Doctors love to prescribe these pills to people who are generally just struggling with normal problems because they get kick backs from the insurance companies. SSRI use has skyrocketed among pretty much the whole population. Here is something you should look into, how much has the percentage of Christians taking SSRIs increased in the last 40 years 😂. You might be surprised.
@@Moesmakendehakker658 in what sense? Ghosts and ancestral worship are pivotal things in pre-christian and christian peasant world and appeasing these creatures was major part of everyones life. Sacrificing was a absolutely necessary to everyone.
@Finnishpeasant since your god is omnipotent and omniscient he created half of us to burn in hell forever. one must be brain dead to believe in something so stupid. Men du er jo finsk så det forklarer alt
Mighty in battle, mighty in war. Our God commands the heavenly host the most hardcore fighting force in existence. He’s Lion, Lamb, King and Councilor. Judge, Jury, and Executioner. There’s nothing more metal than the God we serve.
@@spindoggytheexplorer2915 Totally agree, God is God of love and also a God of War, is exactly that paradox (and many others) that proves that he is the one true God, cause he unites what seems imposible to unite, love and war, man and God, mercy and judgement.
@@ernestooyarzo2881 No proof whatsoever at all for that nonsense spew. Ur Fake one False "god" was allowed to spew his Devilry by The True Multiple AllPowerful Gods Odin and Thor and Apollo and Saturnus to Test us which we horribly Failed.
@@aramkaizer7903 probably having to give up his will, in place of God's will. Then he'd have to refrain from doing things he wants to do that are bad.
Well differentiating between good and evil is an idea that is almost exclusive to christianity. Even in judaism god is seen as somewhat ambivalent as he retained a lot of elements from his polytheistic roots which in turn were brought over into the old testament which contrasts hard with the new message of christ so l can understand why that would confuse some people.
I do think most neo-pagans are in some sence atheists. But in some way they are even more like protestants... trying to reconstruct paganism from handfull texts whithout any living tradition to interpret them. That is, if I grant, that these pagans can reliably differentiate between what is Christian and what is pagan in these texst... which I dont think is possible. Partly because the pagan texts which often were written down by Christians was rememberd for a Chrstian reason. My ancestors viewd Christianity as a fullfilment of their pagan religion and legends and stories, rightly understood the Christian story was never "competition" with the pagan stories but was the very destiny and fullfilment of paganism. As opposed to many pagan religions Christianity is understood as total... in other words, the Christian story contains the pagan story within it. So in some sence one can say that paganism is part of Christianity... or that some parts of "pagan" teaching is ultimatly Christian. Pagan legends and stories was viewd as having remnants of a Christian past hidden within it. It had just been forgotten. The last point Ill make, allthough its a lot more one could say about this topic... is that most people today are materialists even if they know it or not. Even a majority of Christians are materialist in their approach... even though a lot of them are saved by their living tradition (Orthodox Christians) which have kept alive this old, largely forgotten, dark-age view of reality. But in contrast to the modern pagan, there is no way back, and the pagans ive come across dont understand the implications or importans or significans of materialism, a living holy tradition, etc. if they just were a little bit familiar with the consequences, they would see how utterly false and impossible their search is. The problem of matirialism not really just the fault of modern pagans, but also protestants and a lot of modern 'christians' have also muddied the waters. The difference is, Christians have a way forward, we need just "enter into", or "pick up the pieces" of this old view left to us by holy tradition and live out our lives to the Glory of God. Ill end with this. I dont think my ancestors were stupid for converting, if anything, it is much more likely it is we who dont understand them. After all these people knew paganism better than any other moder neo-pagan ever have. And they choose Christ, and they choose him for good reason. God bless! 🙂🇳🇴🙏🏻☦️
@@wikipediaintellectual7088 _"If these people believe in deities they are not atheistic."_ He's saying they don't believe in deities, but say they do as a means of trying to impart gravitas to their racial ideology.
@@wikipediaintellectual7088 Nah I think I understand. The reason he calls them atheists, is cause a large number of neo pagans nowadays came from “atheists” who prop up anything that mocks Christianity . (Just look at the number of atheist that joined the satanic church) That said, I personally would just call these individuals just anti theist or anti Christian rather than atheist.since they do this more as an act of rebellion against societal norms they find oppressive or against a past grievance like being raised under a strict religious household. Note: I’m saying all this as an atheist myself.
@@wikipediaintellectual7088 Do they TRULY believe in their gods though? To me, neopaganism is more of an act of rebelling against the Abrahamic faiths than proper religion.
Just remind the larpagans their god is owned by disney. The Lord God has defeated many "gods" before such as Baal in the old testament, or the germanic pagans when St Boniface cut down their sacred tree and used it to build a church.
Just remind the Paulians that their religion has been a cooperation for most history, they actually pray to "gods" like Baal without actually knowing it and now they are busy with putting pride flags in their churches.
Yeah. I think youre definetly on to something. I do think most neo-pagans are in some sence atheists. But in some way they are even more like protestants... trying to reconstruct paganism from handfull texts whithout any living tradition to interpret them. That is, if I grant, that these pagans can reliably differentiate between what is Christian and what is pagan in these texst... which I dont think is possible. Partly because the pagan texts which often were written down by Christians was rememberd for a Chrstian reason. My ancestors viewd Christianity as a fullfilment of their pagan religion and legends and stories, rightly understood the Christian story was never "competition" with the pagan stories but was the very destiny and fullfilment of paganism. As opposed to many pagan religions Christianity is understood as total... in other words, the Christian story contains the pagan story within it. So in some sence one can say that paganism is part of Christianity... or that some parts of "pagan" teaching is ultimatly Christian. Pagan legends and stories was viewd as having remnants of a Christian past hidden within it. It had just been forgotten. The last point Ill make, allthough its a lot more one could say about this topic... is that most people today are materialists even if they know it or not. Even a majority of Christians are materialist in their approach... even though a lot of them are saved by their living tradition (Orthodox Christians) which have kept alive this old, largely forgotten, dark-age view of reality. But in contrast to the modern pagan, there is no way back, and the pagans ive come across dont understand the implications or importans or significans of materialism, a living holy tradition, etc. if they just were a little bit familiar with the consequences, they would see how utterly false and impossible their search is. The problem of matirialism not really just the fault of modern pagans, but also protestants and a lot of modern 'christians' have also muddied the waters. The difference is, Christians have a way forward, we need just "enter into", or "pick up the pieces" of this old view left to us by holy tradition and live out our lives to the Glory of God. Ill end with this. I dont think my ancestors were stupid for converting, if anything, it is much more likely it is we who dont understand them. After all these people knew paganism better than any other moder neo-pagan ever have. And they choose Christ, and they choose him for good reason. God bless! 🙂🇳🇴🙏🏻☦️
There is nothing stopping a Pagan from venerating a God from a different pantheon. You can venerate Odin, Jesus, and Zeus as a Pagan. It's only the Yahweh cults that don't let you be polytheistic. Even though all of the Yahweh cults DO venerate multiple Gods. It's just that most Christians, Jews, and Muslims are ignorant of their own faiths.
It would be quite difficult to be the first one to adopt new altars in closed communities. If new god brings wealth only to your household or misfortune to the village, then you are going to pay quite heavy toll on it.
@Finnishpeasant Not really. Pagans adopted new Gods all the time in the past. There's even evidence of the Jewish people venerating multiple Gods in the same household. You can do anything in your own house.
@@CoreysPoliticalRiskAnalysis I would say adopted mostly through osmosis if the bordered foreign tribes. Tribal life is collective and not individualistic. Land rights were not that simple in pre-medieval world. I think you can risk lot if you become social outcast with your own community during those times and the social stigma could be worse than death for the tribal folk.
The way I see it, God has many faces, he is many but he is also one, there’s individual nationalistic gods and forces of nature, good and evil and everything in between, the father, son and Holy Spirit, the mother, the daughter and (I forgot the third part), but then there’s the universial GOD, I think of the metatron cube/star
" You can venerate Odin, Jesus, and Zeus as a Pagan." Wrong. No you cannot. Its not "Yahweh cults that don't let you be polytheistic" its Yahweh himself. He says "You shall have no other gods before me You shall not make idols" in two of his 10 commandments. There is a reason why the followers of God reject polytheism, because God himself demands it. and by extension so does Jesus Christ. Christ himself never directly calls himself God but he does say it indirectly multiple times. So no, you cannot worship God (Yahweh) or Christ as a pagan. because you would directly be going against what God called for his followers.
If this was AI voiced, it would be cold, and sterile. And I would not be here. You sound like the folk that embrace Walmart and don't want any more mom and pop stores that used to characterize and define our towns and cities. You want Amazon. You want disposable, easy consumption. You want destruction of individuals and the homogenization of society. Perhaps you should rethink your position. Or not. Because that might take intelligence and insight, which for you apparently would equate as "work." By the way, if the "Finnish" part of "Finnish Peasant" didn't tip you off that he may not be a native speaker of English, then that only edifies my argument you lack certain qualities. Like intelligence and insight.
I thought his accent was quite mild and easily understandable.
11 วันที่ผ่านมา +2
The Christian Trinity which is barely Biblical at all should be understood to symbolize the union of the Flavians and the Alexanders and the Pisos. Epistolary Fiction was extremely popular in the ancient Greco-Roman world. As was Midrash in the ancient Jewish world. And Emperor Vespasian was a big believer in propaganda. And the Flavians were capable of creating something like the Roman Coliseum. Just think what they might be capable of had they wanted to create a new parental deity religion? Which the ancient world had been doing for quite a long time. When the Greeks conquered Kemet which they called Egypt. They created a hybrid parental deity in order to combine Egyptian mythology with Greek mythology. So they combined the Egyptian God Thoth with the Greek God Hermes. They called him Hermes Trismegistus III. Who was known as… “The Thrice Great.” He was famous for triumphing over the season of death. Which is what the number 3 almost always symbolizes in World Mythology. Isn't this what the Flavian Dynasty did after conquering the Jews? Didn't they create a new hybrid form of Greco-Roman Judaism? To integrate Jewish mythology with Greco-Roman mythology? Calling him… “Jesus The Christ.” Who is also famous for triumphing over the season of death. As represented by… “The Trinity.” Again the sacred number 3. Isn't this a better explanation for the origins of Christianity rather than Harry Houdini magic? Wasn't Paul secretly working for the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't all of the original Roman Catholic Saints' members of the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't all of the original symbols used by the earliest Christians identical to those of the Flavian Dynasty? And wasn't the earliest iconographic image of Jesus The Christ, in a catacomb, under the city of Rome, which was owned by a Flavian Princess? Weren't all of the original Jesus cult texts produced under the oversight of the Flavian Dynasty? Didn't the Flavian Dynasty posses the only remaining copy of the Hebrew Tanakh other than the Greek Septuagint translation? Isn't there Flavian typology in the Gospels? Weren't the canonical texts all back dated like the historical fiction of Gone With The Wind? Which was written in the 193O's but back-dated to the 185O's and 186O's. Wasn't Emperor Vespasian known as the Jewish Messiah? Wasn’t Pope Clement of Rome a Flavian? Wasn't Josephus a temple whore for the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't the Flavian’s, as well as Paul, descended from King Herod? There was no separation of Church and State in the Roman Empire. And Christianity is clearly a Greco-Roman hybrid form of Judaism created by the Flavian Dynasty. As an attempt to adapt, pacify, and integrate the rebellious and defiant Jews into the rest of the Greco-Roman Empire. Just like the Greeks created Hermes Trismegistus to integrate Egyptian mythology with Greek mythology. Then finally Neo-Flavian Constantine chose the Flavian family religion to be the official religion of the entire Roman Empire. In order to consolidate power in his fractured Empire. As well as to generate revenue for his depleted treasury. And then Eusebius edited and rewrote the history of the previous 3OO years. Destroying all contradictory evidence. Such as all of the non-canonical Jesus cult texts. It isn't history it is all simply Greco-Roman mythopoetic literature. Today it is known as Historical Fiction. “What profit hath not this fable of Christ brought us.” Pope Leo X 💙
You're sort of correct but also a little too early the Christian cult started more in the second century Paul's own hoax that he made up in the first to end of first century is just in question and challenged by who and how he is
According to a scholar here in Uppsala (center of Swedish paganism) a main factor of conversion, which here was deliberate, was that afterlife in heaven was open to all. North paganism only let warriors into Valhall; ill, old and females had another less fancy place.
Valhall was never claimed by pagans to be only for warriors. Valhall means hall of the chosen. Maybe someone who can think can figure out what it means symbolically.
@WilliamGrayIV Nifelheim is the place were most people could expect their afterlife. It was governed by the godess Hel, from which our Hell is coming from.
@@WilliamGrayIV I think you might be mistaken about the etymology of Valhall. "Valkyrie" does mean "chooser of those slain in battle", but the word "valr" means "fallen warrior". It's the "-kyrie" element that refers to choosing. So, Valhall means "hall of those slain in battle". Maybe someone who can think can bother to look a word up in a dictionary.
there were women warriors to you and they too were let into Valhalla.
I think around the advent of Christianity and Buddhism, the civilized world was at a place where love and compassion needed emphasis for the continuation of our species. I lean more pagan these days, but it's completely understandable that the pagans of old would yearn for a sunnier life philosophy with how their societies were structured.
Thanks for the well thought comment. I will be uploading more pagan concepts in future videos.
A big part of Christianity's appeal was its egalitarian values, in which humility was glorified and all were made equal at the feet of God. Pre-Christian deities and metaphysics were concerned only with nobility and heroes. If you were just a peasant, the gods didn't care about you and there was no guarantee of a good afterlife in Valhalla. It's no wonder that peasants flocked to Christ, who said "the last shall be first and the first shall be last." Christ was the first god who actually cared.
the whole idea of controlling the masses with Christianity is based on Plato's "The Republic". Plato saw the worship of random gods that had human flaws such as jealousy, mischievousness, etc. He posited the concept of a god that should be only good, whom was all powerful and all knowing. He also proposed to create a religion for the masses to give them purpose and as a means to keep them tied to the center of power
@@Easttowest45 Good point, but it's worth mentioning that pre-Christian pagans placed less emphasis on gods than Abrahamic religions. The myths were stories with morals that could be applied to each pagan's life, and the gods were more akin to modern Marvel heroes than what we see in Hindu or Abrahamic traditions. The early pagans were more concerned with animism, living in harmony with the land spirits, and honoring the ancestors.
The Christian and pagan worlds were vastly different simply due to the histories and climates that informed their current cultures.
When the Christians proved their strength in battle against the might-valuing pagans, this affirmed Christianity as the stronger faith, which paved the way for conversion.
The pagans didn't attribute absolute truth to their gods, they were simply a part of nature. And as the course of nature proved the Christian god stronger, the pagans followed suit.
This is overly-simplified but you get the point. There wasn't any single area of the faith that led to mass conversions, it was the completely new worldview paired with a completely different culture/way of relating to one's fellow man, as well as England's relative stability. It was an all-around upgrade for pagan city-dwellers.
@@Easttowest45 I mean, not every pre-Christian god was Odin and the like. I think what happened is that aristocratic version of the religion was exactly as you describe it and that is what was best described and recorded but Local gods and the like we're more worshipped and probably more chill than the aristocratic gods.
Long story short, the Roman Empire and its subsidiaries had degenerated into shockingly low-trust societies after endless wars for personal glory, and Christianity as a civilizational decision came with not only unity, but bureaucracy, responsibility, accountability, and cooperation that made the crazy swinging 'nads of the lone Viking seem both useless and singularly uncompelling by comparison. And there was also war.. who do you think was made to pay for the conversion? -Signed, a Conquistador.
Tribal societies turn into low-trust societies in large populations. Christanity also managed to answer the riddle of clan family that even Plato was complaining about.
Yeah. I think youre definetly on to something.
I do think most neo-pagans are in some sence atheists. But in some way they are even more like protestants... trying to reconstruct paganism from handfull texts whithout any living tradition to interpret them.
That is, if I grant, that these pagans can reliably differentiate between what is Christian and what is pagan in these texst... which I dont think is possible.
Partly because the pagan texts which often were written down by Christians was rememberd for a Chrstian reason. My ancestors viewd Christianity as a fullfilment of their pagan religion and legends and stories, rightly understood the Christian story was never "competition" with the pagan stories but was the very destiny and fullfilment of paganism. As opposed to many pagan religions Christianity is understood as total... in other words, the Christian story contains the pagan story within it. So in some sence one can say that paganism is part of Christianity... or that some parts of "pagan" teaching is ultimatly Christian. Pagan legends and stories was viewd as having remnants of a Christian past hidden within it. It had just been forgotten.
The last point Ill make, allthough its a lot more one could say about this topic... is that most people today are materialists even if they know it or not. Even a majority of Christians are materialist in their approach... even though a lot of them are saved by their living tradition (Orthodox Christians) which have kept alive this old, largely forgotten, dark-age view of reality.
But in contrast to the modern pagan, there is no way back, and the pagans ive come across dont understand the implications or importans or significans of materialism, a living holy tradition, etc. if they just were a little bit familiar with the consequences, they would see how utterly false and impossible their search is.
The problem of matirialism not really just the fault of modern pagans, but also protestants and a lot of modern 'christians' have also muddied the waters. The difference is, Christians have a way forward, we need just "enter into", or "pick up the pieces" of this old view left to us by holy tradition and live out our lives to the Glory of God.
Ill end with this. I dont think my ancestors were stupid for converting, if anything, it is much more likely it is we who dont understand them.
After all these people knew paganism better than any other moder neo-pagan ever have. And they choose Christ, and they choose him for good reason. God bless! 🙂🇳🇴🙏🏻☦️
Interesting insights, I also come from a part of the world where there's a rising interest in pagan and precolonial culture. People like to pretend that if they returned to such a society they'd be free rich nobility, but the reality is 50% or more would likely be slaves.
I think we can learn lot from our past but to glorify it can be the wrong turn. In same sense, our personal traumas can teach us. We can turn ourselves into better beings or repeat the behaviour (e.g. Children of alcoholics who turn themselves into alcohol abuse).
Yeah. I think youre definetly on to something.
I do think most neo-pagans are in some sence atheists. But in some way they are even more like protestants... trying to reconstruct paganism from handfull texts whithout any living tradition to interpret them.
That is, if I grant, that these pagans can reliably differentiate between what is Christian and what is pagan in these texst... which I dont think is possible.
Partly because the pagan texts which often were written down by Christians was rememberd for a Chrstian reason. My ancestors viewd Christianity as a fullfilment of their pagan religion and legends and stories, rightly understood the Christian story was never "competition" with the pagan stories but was the very destiny and fullfilment of paganism. As opposed to many pagan religions Christianity is understood as total... in other words, the Christian story contains the pagan story within it. So in some sence one can say that paganism is part of Christianity... or that some parts of "pagan" teaching is ultimatly Christian. Pagan legends and stories was viewd as having remnants of a Christian past hidden within it. It had just been forgotten.
The last point Ill make, allthough its a lot more one could say about this topic... is that most people today are materialists even if they know it or not. Even a majority of Christians are materialist in their approach... even though a lot of them are saved by their living tradition (Orthodox Christians) which have kept alive this old, largely forgotten, dark-age view of reality.
But in contrast to the modern pagan, there is no way back, and the pagans ive come across dont understand the implications or importans or significans of materialism, a living holy tradition, etc. if they just were a little bit familiar with the consequences, they would see how utterly false and impossible their search is.
The problem of matirialism not really just the fault of modern pagans, but also protestants and a lot of modern 'christians' have also muddied the waters. The difference is, Christians have a way forward, we need just "enter into", or "pick up the pieces" of this old view left to us by holy tradition and live out our lives to the Glory of God.
Ill end with this. I dont think my ancestors were stupid for converting, if anything, it is much more likely it is we who dont understand them.
After all these people knew paganism better than any other moder neo-pagan ever have. And they choose Christ, and they choose him for good reason. God bless! 🙂🇳🇴🙏🏻☦️
@@pkm2053 The same could be said about returning to old Christian societies.
Vastly more people have been enslaved under Christianity than in the many dozens of thousands of years preceding it.
You just earned a new subscriber.
Varg Vikernes still asks himself this question.
Inner monologue and questions. I doubt Varg has either of those.
@Finnishpeasant boom roasted 😂
loooolll @Finnishpeasant
Varg, or Christian as his first name was on his birth certificate, doesn’t have a coherent philosophy or worldview. He is simply a narcissist who now prefers to live off the French welfare state.
Let's find out
"foreign religion from the desert" where's the lie?
Your nation is Christ's whether you acknowledge it or not
The Levant is not a Desert and Was even less of Desert like when Jesus lived. What next? Calling Spain a Desert?.
@internetenjoyer1044 Nation is a biological reality, an extended family, people related by blood. Christianity created a spiritual nation, a universal humanity bound by faith in Christ. Paul calls Israel a tree, and says the Gentiles are grafted onto it by faith.
This universal message may have been good at reducing tribal conflicts in bygone times, but it's having disastrous consequences for our own real nations in today's world.
@@MorrisJohn-vo2vn did Jesus have to travel far away when the Devil tempted him for 40 days?
@@JB-du3qv Universal Spiritual reality doesnt mean we should all be smashed together. seperation of the nations is important, but they are all put under one name.
Hi there! I saw your comment elsewhere saying that it would be difficult for someone in a polytheist community to be the first to adopt "new gods" without facing difficulty from the community, but this is not how the polytheist cultures I am aware of work!
In Roman Dacia alone, they worshiped Gods by Their Roman, Greek, other Balkan, Mesopotamian, Arabic, and Egyptian, and more names! So, no, it certainly wasn't an issue to worship Gods unfamiliar to others. Now, you might notice I did not say "Gods that are Roman, Greek, Mesopotamian" etc. This is because the people in the Mediterranean did not see the Gods as being Roman, or Greek, or of any culture. Rather, They are universal, They are everywhere, and Their names are more like words in a language that can be translated to other languages. As an example of this, the Greeks considered the God that the Jews worshiped to be the same as Dionysos (See: Plutarch, Quaestiones Convivales 4), they saw 'Iuno' as the Latin name of Hera, and the Romans saw 'Hera' as the Greek name of Iuno (See: Ovid's 'Metamorphoses' where he adapts names like this from Roman myths, as well as many other Roman texts, and observe what names Roman authors use when writing in Greek, and what names Greek authors use when writing in Latin). The Egyptians saw 'Hermes' as the Greek name of Thoth, and the Greeks saw 'Thoth' as the Egyptian name of Hermes (The texts that make up the Hermetica, such as the Corpus Hermeticum and the Asclepius are examples of this). The Norse saw 'Iuppiter' as the Latin name of Thor, and so they named Dies Iovis 'Thursday', and when the Danish author Saxo Grammaticus speaks of Thor, he writes 'Iuppiter' as he was writing in Latin, although the Icelandic Icelandic AM 687d 4 links Odin and Iuppiter together instead.
Your comment deserves longer reply but since my video card got fried and my new computer hasn't arrived, I just briefly comment that roman empire and republic were quite different society structures compared to more "primitive" tribes that roamed around earth during the imperial age. You got a good point about the seed being same in many beliefs and I definetly believe that they come from pre-history era for almost all the populations in the world.
i tapped on this video thinking it was gonna be a mockumentary, joking about the satanic panic of the 1980s and 90s
That was internesting period.
I assure you it wasn't terribly funny at the time. I have no idea about Finland, but here in the states a lot of people had their lives destroyed or upended by corrupt and ignorant law enforcement officials indulging in satanic conspiracies.
And most of the victims of that were not Satanists or even Pagan of any kind. It worked like the witch hunts of old or the way the secret police in the old Soviet Union worked: An accusation was enough to destroy you. If you denied it, that was taken as proof of your guilt.
Are there any Reformed churches in Finland or are they all Lutheran?
Historically, only Lutheran and Orthodox church. After 1923 and freedom of religion there are minor calvinist movements. Mostly Lutheran branch sidelines.
Subbed. God bless
You got a new subscriber
Because the people who were spreading the gospel were authentic. If you believe in it than also because they were spreading the Truth.
I do think most neo-pagans are in some sence atheists. But in some way they are even more like protestants... trying to reconstruct paganism from handfull texts whithout any living tradition to interpret them.
That is, if I grant, that these pagans can reliably differentiate between what is Christian and what is pagan in these texst... which I dont think is possible.
Partly because the pagan texts which often were written down by Christians was rememberd for a Chrstian reason. My ancestors viewd Christianity as a fullfilment of their pagan religion and legends and stories, rightly understood the Christian story was never "competition" with the pagan stories but was the very destiny and fullfilment of paganism. As opposed to many pagan religions Christianity is understood as total... in other words, the Christian story contains the pagan story within it. So in some sence one can say that paganism is part of Christianity... or that some parts of "pagan" teaching is ultimatly Christian. Pagan legends and stories was viewd as having remnants of a Christian past hidden within it. It had just been forgotten.
The last point Ill make, allthough its a lot more one could say about this topic... is that most people today are materialists even if they know it or not. Even a majority of Christians are materialist in their approach... even though a lot of them are saved by their living tradition (Orthodox Christians) which have kept alive this old, largely forgotten, dark-age view of reality.
But in contrast to the modern pagan, there is no way back, and the pagans ive come across dont understand the implications or importans or significans of materialism, a living holy tradition, etc. if they just were a little bit familiar with the consequences, they would see how utterly false and impossible their search is.
The problem of matirialism not really just the fault of modern pagans, but also protestants and a lot of modern 'christians' have also muddied the waters. The difference is, Christians have a way forward, we need just "enter into", or "pick up the pieces" of this old view left to us by holy tradition and live out our lives to the Glory of God.
Ill end with this. I dont think my ancestors were stupid for converting, if anything, it is much more likely it is we who dont understand them.
After all these people knew paganism better than any other moder neo-pagan ever have. And they choose Christ, and they choose him for good reason. God bless! 🙂🇳🇴🙏🏻☦️
Christian bible is Not proof and neither do your church/CULT fathers serve as proof at all. And, neither does your Quran help you or is proof. And, neither does the tanak serve as proof at all for you.
But, it's my True Sacred Texts and Scriptures that are proof of themselves and Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Against you in The Least and More.
All of you christians/muslims/judaists and others of hebraists, there's flat out NOTHING you can at all do and never could for a long time. (In fact you never could do anything.) CULTianity is toooo False and rest others of hebraism are Fake too.
But, my Religious Ways of us Religionaries Rightfully After you to Correct you and Before too because again and again you are the Curse and plague to The Earth and Life as that it is.
Repent and Turn open up and out to The Right Side The Multiple True Gods The Right Creators and Also Destroyers of all too. They are Forever & Ever, but your Fake one False Idol yahweh/allah is NOTTT.
Turn away from yahweh and all his evils and Curse not just to his face downward but shit on him and all his Shitttt that is him and all Jews(aka Hebrew) conspirator shills who made him up are. Look, Yahweh will Not only bless us and you for it but concede defeat as he always has. Gentiles are Superior to all Hebrews and Hebraism in full God-s Will Wise Gentiles are Chosen Over and Blessed, and also Outlast hebrews in full. Repent Sheepbraics and Convert Become Blessed people as Religionaries and Mideast Faithers. Then, True Divines They Almighties will put endless blessings on you. As well as Their Holy Spirit(s) power on you all. Rain Their Glory on you like Snow that is Soft and delightful as can be.
There's Nooo proof at all for your Cult via christianity here if any at all hebraism. In crazyyy crazy Direct Contrast to us Above Religionaries like us Roman(and Byz too) to Kemetic and Hellenic Faiths. Our Better and Correct by labels 'Truths, Ways, Light-s, Lifes Giving, and Love-s'. Toooooo much from us and yourself to over to Farrrrrr to Back us up and More Back us up. I wouldn't be saying this is if I didn't know, but I wayyyyyy Tooooooo much do know.
See, I can copy you Rightfully and you know I can now, as well as take back what you stole from me and us Religionaries(Blessed Pagans).
See, our Right Faiths are Returning/Restoring and Coming Anew for today and Future Tomorrow. All you have in your cult book Christian boooobbillllll is after 200 years (via 2-3rd Century CE material propaganda) and more after the cult man jerzzezz was claimed. Of course again there's no proof or stand for the bible at all including the areas of Palestine (like the alleged "judea/idumea" province for 5th Century to 1st Century CE). Again you lose. Unlike you I can quote sources and use them rightly unlike you who molests info sources and academic papers.
Frohes neues Jahr.
Kiitos samoin.
If there was Metal back then they would have chosen it instead.
I do think most neo-pagans are in some sence atheists. But in some way they are even more like protestants... trying to reconstruct paganism from handfull texts whithout any living tradition to interpret them.
That is, if I grant, that these pagans can reliably differentiate between what is Christian and what is pagan in these texst... which I dont think is possible.
Partly because the pagan texts which often were written down by Christians was rememberd for a Chrstian reason. My ancestors viewd Christianity as a fullfilment of their pagan religion and legends and stories, rightly understood the Christian story was never "competition" with the pagan stories but was the very destiny and fullfilment of paganism. As opposed to many pagan religions Christianity is understood as total... in other words, the Christian story contains the pagan story within it. So in some sence one can say that paganism is part of Christianity... or that some parts of "pagan" teaching is ultimatly Christian. Pagan legends and stories was viewd as having remnants of a Christian past hidden within it. It had just been forgotten.
The last point Ill make, allthough its a lot more one could say about this topic... is that most people today are materialists even if they know it or not. Even a majority of Christians are materialist in their approach... even though a lot of them are saved by their living tradition (Orthodox Christians) which have kept alive this old, largely forgotten, dark-age view of reality.
But in contrast to the modern pagan, there is no way back, and the pagans ive come across dont understand the implications or importans or significans of materialism, a living holy tradition, etc. if they just were a little bit familiar with the consequences, they would see how utterly false and impossible their search is.
The problem of matirialism not really just the fault of modern pagans, but also protestants and a lot of modern 'christians' have also muddied the waters. The difference is, Christians have a way forward, we need just "enter into", or "pick up the pieces" of this old view left to us by holy tradition and live out our lives to the Glory of God.
Ill end with this. I dont think my ancestors were stupid for converting, if anything, it is much more likely it is we who dont understand them.
After all these people knew paganism better than any other moder neo-pagan ever have. And they choose Christ, and they choose him for good reason. God bless! 🙂🇳🇴🙏🏻☦️
"Finnish paganism wasn't written down, therefore it was never a solid pillar in its principles". Finnish pagans had laws and principles like anyone else in the world regardless of them being written down. Yes, they had slaves, as did Christians and everyone else. Ever head of the enormous Byzantine slave trade or the prague slave trade? Ironically, the treatment of slaves in pagan lands was comparable to an average serf in Christian lands. You don't have to be threatened with violence or eternal damnation by have real principles and virtue.
"Finnish pagans had laws and principles like anyone else in the world regardless of them being written down"
What I have read from local "indo-men", then I would say no. When healing was done then the practices were widely varied and were pretty inconsistent. The evolution of the tales is also evident. The general rule of law was done in "käräjät" with all the households and it does not connect that strongly to paganism altough there was a god for borders.
End of Slavery came from christanity without a doubt but the church itself played on two sides when it felt lacking the power to control certain aspect in kingdoms.
Hello, I take my duty as a Rodnover (Slavic Pagan) seriously: to show the reality of our faith.
1.Firstly, to say I am an atheist because I don’t fully understand my faith would be wrong. I am deeply spiritual and knowledgeable about religious concepts.
2.Christianity is not morally superior to the pagan system of faith. In some aspects, it is even worse like punishing descendants for the mistakes of their ancestors, which is not something I find just. On the contrary, it feels entirely wrong.
3.Furthermore, the problem is that Christianity is a faith of desert peoples. The fact that Finns are the happiest nation in Europe is largely because they adopted this faith much later and managed to retain certain practices connected to nature.
4.I understand that you had to discard the reality of what was once a favorite pastime of Christians: the persecution of others and the destruction [of cultures, traditions, or beliefs].Like Second a Third crusadet to Finland.
Lol “I admit I don’t know my own faith, and yes nobody wrote it down and yes it changed over time, and yes I’m just trying to make up rules that coincide with my upbringing in a modern Christian influenced society, and yes I will make things up to make your faith look bad, but I’m actually morally superior to you. TAKE THAT DAD!”
@FunkBastid A Christian tells me that I don't know my faith, but he doesn't know his🙂.
@FunkBastid such as the view on abortion according to the Bible.
Might not be very pagan but I choose Christian heavy metal and weaknesses are banished.
What do you mean dude? Can you please elaborate?
In pre-christian worldview, nobody really dies and their spirits remain on this earth. They often seek revenge because of the injustice they have faced through their lifetime. Christian worldview offered solution for afterlife that removed these psychological strains from the population.
My millenial generation is very dismissive to the christian culture and most of the males were and still are very militant atheists that have very childish and modern worldview. The hard edge of it consisted dark metal fans, who burned churches in the name of Satan in early 00´s. I don't find it surprising 1/4 of this heavy metal generation is on SSRI medication.
@Finnishpeasant You don't know what you're talking about.
@Finnishpeasantto be frank, 1/4 of all people today are probably on SSRI’s 😂. Doctors love to prescribe these pills to people who are generally just struggling with normal problems because they get kick backs from the insurance companies.
SSRI use has skyrocketed among pretty much the whole population.
Here is something you should look into, how much has the percentage of Christians taking SSRIs increased in the last 40 years 😂. You might be surprised.
@@Moesmakendehakker658 in what sense? Ghosts and ancestral worship are pivotal things in pre-christian and christian peasant world and appeasing these creatures was major part of everyones life. Sacrificing was a absolutely necessary to everyone.
@@Moesmakendehakker658your failure to understand does not reflect his ability to understand
yeah but at least we got heavy metal
And highway to hell
@Finnishpeasant since your god is omnipotent and omniscient he created half of us to burn in hell forever. one must be brain dead to believe in something so stupid. Men du er jo finsk så det forklarer alt
Interesting video.
Because Heavy metal can be Christian? See stryper for example.
Read about revelation and judgement day.
They didn't. The wrath of God is a very important part of Christianity
Mighty in battle, mighty in war. Our God commands the heavenly host the most hardcore fighting force in existence. He’s Lion, Lamb, King and Councilor. Judge, Jury, and Executioner. There’s nothing more metal than the God we serve.
@@spindoggytheexplorer2915 Totally agree, God is God of love and also a God of War, is exactly that paradox (and many others) that proves that he is the one true God, cause he unites what seems imposible to unite, love and war, man and God, mercy and judgement.
@@ernestooyarzo2881 No proof whatsoever at all for that nonsense spew. Ur Fake one False "god" was allowed to spew his Devilry by The True Multiple AllPowerful Gods Odin and Thor and Apollo and Saturnus to Test us which we horribly Failed.
There is something very dark and infernal about Christianity the majority of people are not aware of .
Pray tell? What's so infernal about it?
@@aramkaizer7903 probably having to give up his will, in place of God's will. Then he'd have to refrain from doing things he wants to do that are bad.
Are you referring to the fact that everyone is consigned to the clutches of the Devil?
Well differentiating between good and evil is an idea that is almost exclusive to christianity.
Even in judaism god is seen as somewhat ambivalent as he retained a lot of elements from his polytheistic roots which in turn were brought over into the old testament which contrasts hard with the new message of christ so l can understand why that would confuse some people.
I do think most neo-pagans are in some sence atheists. But in some way they are even more like protestants... trying to reconstruct paganism from handfull texts whithout any living tradition to interpret them.
That is, if I grant, that these pagans can reliably differentiate between what is Christian and what is pagan in these texst... which I dont think is possible.
Partly because the pagan texts which often were written down by Christians was rememberd for a Chrstian reason. My ancestors viewd Christianity as a fullfilment of their pagan religion and legends and stories, rightly understood the Christian story was never "competition" with the pagan stories but was the very destiny and fullfilment of paganism. As opposed to many pagan religions Christianity is understood as total... in other words, the Christian story contains the pagan story within it. So in some sence one can say that paganism is part of Christianity... or that some parts of "pagan" teaching is ultimatly Christian. Pagan legends and stories was viewd as having remnants of a Christian past hidden within it. It had just been forgotten.
The last point Ill make, allthough its a lot more one could say about this topic... is that most people today are materialists even if they know it or not. Even a majority of Christians are materialist in their approach... even though a lot of them are saved by their living tradition (Orthodox Christians) which have kept alive this old, largely forgotten, dark-age view of reality.
But in contrast to the modern pagan, there is no way back, and the pagans ive come across dont understand the implications or importans or significans of materialism, a living holy tradition, etc. if they just were a little bit familiar with the consequences, they would see how utterly false and impossible their search is.
The problem of matirialism not really just the fault of modern pagans, but also protestants and a lot of modern 'christians' have also muddied the waters. The difference is, Christians have a way forward, we need just "enter into", or "pick up the pieces" of this old view left to us by holy tradition and live out our lives to the Glory of God.
Ill end with this. I dont think my ancestors were stupid for converting, if anything, it is much more likely it is we who dont understand them.
After all these people knew paganism better than any other moder neo-pagan ever have. And they choose Christ, and they choose him for good reason. God bless! 🙂🇳🇴🙏🏻☦️
>Pagans are actually atheist
You lost me there. Inherently wrong take.
No, I think what he's saying is that neopaganism and modern interpretations of paganism are atheistic, and therefore missing the point entirely.
I know exactly what he was saying and it still doesn't make sense.
If these people believe in deities they are not atheistic.
@@wikipediaintellectual7088 _"If these people believe in deities they are not atheistic."_
He's saying they don't believe in deities, but say they do as a means of trying to impart gravitas to their racial ideology.
Nah I think I understand. The reason he calls them atheists, is cause a large number of neo pagans nowadays came from “atheists” who prop up anything that mocks Christianity . (Just look at the number of atheist that joined the satanic church)
That said, I personally would just call these individuals just anti theist or anti Christian rather than atheist.since they do this more as an act of rebellion against societal norms they find oppressive or against a past grievance like being raised under a strict religious household.
Note: I’m saying all this as an atheist myself.
@@wikipediaintellectual7088 Do they TRULY believe in their gods though? To me, neopaganism is more of an act of rebelling against the Abrahamic faiths than proper religion.
Just remind the larpagans their god is owned by disney. The Lord God has defeated many "gods" before such as Baal in the old testament, or the germanic pagans when St Boniface cut down their sacred tree and used it to build a church.
Just remind the Paulians that their religion has been a cooperation for most history, they actually pray to "gods" like Baal without actually knowing it and now they are busy with putting pride flags in their churches.
@user98344 Imagine not having a church doctrine (oh wait, you are an American protestant)
@user98344 I have no clue what you are insinuating or who that is aimed at
No real life religious figure can be owned by Disney. That's not how intellectual property works.
Yeah. I think youre definetly on to something.
I do think most neo-pagans are in some sence atheists. But in some way they are even more like protestants... trying to reconstruct paganism from handfull texts whithout any living tradition to interpret them.
That is, if I grant, that these pagans can reliably differentiate between what is Christian and what is pagan in these texst... which I dont think is possible.
Partly because the pagan texts which often were written down by Christians was rememberd for a Chrstian reason. My ancestors viewd Christianity as a fullfilment of their pagan religion and legends and stories, rightly understood the Christian story was never "competition" with the pagan stories but was the very destiny and fullfilment of paganism. As opposed to many pagan religions Christianity is understood as total... in other words, the Christian story contains the pagan story within it. So in some sence one can say that paganism is part of Christianity... or that some parts of "pagan" teaching is ultimatly Christian. Pagan legends and stories was viewd as having remnants of a Christian past hidden within it. It had just been forgotten.
The last point Ill make, allthough its a lot more one could say about this topic... is that most people today are materialists even if they know it or not. Even a majority of Christians are materialist in their approach... even though a lot of them are saved by their living tradition (Orthodox Christians) which have kept alive this old, largely forgotten, dark-age view of reality.
But in contrast to the modern pagan, there is no way back, and the pagans ive come across dont understand the implications or importans or significans of materialism, a living holy tradition, etc. if they just were a little bit familiar with the consequences, they would see how utterly false and impossible their search is.
The problem of matirialism not really just the fault of modern pagans, but also protestants and a lot of modern 'christians' have also muddied the waters. The difference is, Christians have a way forward, we need just "enter into", or "pick up the pieces" of this old view left to us by holy tradition and live out our lives to the Glory of God.
Ill end with this. I dont think my ancestors were stupid for converting, if anything, it is much more likely it is we who dont understand them.
After all these people knew paganism better than any other moder neo-pagan ever have. And they choose Christ, and they choose him for good reason. God bless! 🙂🇳🇴🙏🏻☦️
There is nothing stopping a Pagan from venerating a God from a different pantheon. You can venerate Odin, Jesus, and Zeus as a Pagan. It's only the Yahweh cults that don't let you be polytheistic. Even though all of the Yahweh cults DO venerate multiple Gods. It's just that most Christians, Jews, and Muslims are ignorant of their own faiths.
It would be quite difficult to be the first one to adopt new altars in closed communities. If new god brings wealth only to your household or misfortune to the village, then you are going to pay quite heavy toll on it.
@Finnishpeasant Not really. Pagans adopted new Gods all the time in the past. There's even evidence of the Jewish people venerating multiple Gods in the same household. You can do anything in your own house.
@@CoreysPoliticalRiskAnalysis I would say adopted mostly through osmosis if the bordered foreign tribes. Tribal life is collective and not individualistic. Land rights were not that simple in pre-medieval world. I think you can risk lot if you become social outcast with your own community during those times and the social stigma could be worse than death for the tribal folk.
The way I see it, God has many faces, he is many but he is also one, there’s individual nationalistic gods and forces of nature, good and evil and everything in between, the father, son and Holy Spirit, the mother, the daughter and (I forgot the third part), but then there’s the universial GOD, I think of the metatron cube/star
" You can venerate Odin, Jesus, and Zeus as a Pagan." Wrong. No you cannot. Its not "Yahweh cults that don't let you be polytheistic" its Yahweh himself. He says "You shall have no other gods before me
You shall not make idols" in two of his 10 commandments. There is a reason why the followers of God reject polytheism, because God himself demands it. and by extension so does Jesus Christ. Christ himself never directly calls himself God but he does say it indirectly multiple times. So no, you cannot worship God (Yahweh) or Christ as a pagan. because you would directly be going against what God called for his followers.
Can you use AI voice generator instead ? You sound like you just figured out human speech...
If this was AI voiced, it would be cold, and sterile. And I would not be here. You sound like the folk that embrace Walmart and don't want any more mom and pop stores that used to characterize and define our towns and cities. You want Amazon. You want disposable, easy consumption. You want destruction of individuals and the homogenization of society. Perhaps you should rethink your position. Or not. Because that might take intelligence and insight, which for you apparently would equate as "work." By the way, if the "Finnish" part of "Finnish Peasant" didn't tip you off that he may not be a native speaker of English, then that only edifies my argument you lack certain qualities. Like intelligence and insight.
Donate me the money to buy that service and you shall receive.
@Finnishpeasant anything for thus quick-witted gentleman...
I thought his accent was quite mild and easily understandable.
The Christian Trinity which is barely Biblical at all should be understood to symbolize the union of the Flavians and the Alexanders and the Pisos.
Epistolary Fiction was extremely popular in the ancient Greco-Roman world. As was Midrash in the ancient Jewish world. And Emperor Vespasian was a big believer in propaganda. And the Flavians were capable of creating something like the Roman Coliseum. Just think what they might be capable of had they wanted to create a new parental deity religion? Which the ancient world had been doing for quite a long time.
When the Greeks conquered Kemet which they called Egypt. They created a hybrid parental deity in order to combine Egyptian mythology with Greek mythology. So they combined the Egyptian God Thoth with the Greek God Hermes.
They called him Hermes Trismegistus III. Who was known as… “The Thrice Great.” He was famous for triumphing over the season of death. Which is what the number 3 almost always symbolizes in World Mythology.
Isn't this what the Flavian Dynasty did after conquering the Jews? Didn't they create a new hybrid form of Greco-Roman Judaism? To integrate Jewish mythology with Greco-Roman mythology?
Calling him… “Jesus The Christ.” Who is also famous for triumphing over the season of death. As represented by… “The Trinity.” Again the sacred number 3. Isn't this a better explanation for the origins of Christianity rather than Harry Houdini magic?
Wasn't Paul secretly working for the Flavian Dynasty?
Weren't all of the original Roman Catholic Saints' members of the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't all of the original symbols used by the earliest Christians identical to those of the Flavian Dynasty? And wasn't the earliest iconographic image of Jesus The Christ, in a catacomb, under the city of Rome, which was owned by a Flavian Princess?
Weren't all of the original Jesus cult texts produced under the oversight of the Flavian Dynasty? Didn't the Flavian Dynasty posses the only remaining copy of the Hebrew Tanakh other than the Greek Septuagint translation? Isn't there Flavian typology in the Gospels?
Weren't the canonical texts all back dated like the historical fiction of Gone With The Wind? Which was written in the 193O's but back-dated to the 185O's and 186O's. Wasn't Emperor Vespasian known as the Jewish Messiah? Wasn’t Pope Clement of Rome a Flavian? Wasn't Josephus a temple whore for the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't the Flavian’s, as well as Paul, descended from King Herod?
There was no separation of Church and State in the Roman Empire. And Christianity is clearly a Greco-Roman hybrid form of Judaism created by the Flavian Dynasty. As an attempt to adapt, pacify, and integrate the rebellious and defiant Jews into the rest of the Greco-Roman Empire. Just like the Greeks created Hermes Trismegistus to integrate Egyptian mythology with Greek mythology.
Then finally Neo-Flavian Constantine chose the Flavian family religion to be the official religion of the entire Roman Empire. In order to consolidate power in his fractured Empire. As well as to generate revenue for his depleted treasury. And then Eusebius edited and rewrote the history of the previous 3OO years. Destroying all contradictory evidence. Such as all of the non-canonical Jesus cult texts. It isn't history it is all simply Greco-Roman mythopoetic literature. Today it is known as Historical Fiction.
“What profit hath not this fable of Christ brought us.”
Pope Leo X 💙
You're sort of correct but also a little too early the Christian cult started more in the second century Paul's own hoax that he made up in the first to end of first century is just in question and challenged by who and how he is