LCGL Chapter 8 January 24, 2025
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Leaders Communicating God’s Love (LCGL) began as a global group of Toastmasters l who are Believers in Jesus Christ. LCGL is not a Toastmasters group. It is a group of Toastmasters. Since our first meeting on December 15, 2023, LCGL has opened its doors to Believers in Jesus Christ from around the world who wish to benefit from the Leadership and Communication skills to which Toastmasters have access.
LCGL believes that there are about 30,000 Toastmasters who are Believers in Jesus Christ. It is our mission to identify them and form ourselves into a formidable Ministry that offers encouragement, support, and motivation to each other as we pursue the common goal of Matthew 28:19-20 and similar Christian imperatives.
But, as of December 2, 2024, LCGL has now broadened its "tent" to include all Believers in Jesus Christ who subscribe to the vision of LCGL. However, our target group continues to be Toastmasters, and for good reason. Matthew 28:19-20requires eveyt Believer in Jesus Christ, first to become a Disciple of Jesus, and then to make Disciples of all nations. To be a Disciple-make, you must be a leader. And you must be able to communicate God's love. Toastmasters are strategically qualified to be Disciple-makers because of our unique training as leaders and communicators. It follows that every Believer who is going to actively Disciple others must be trained to lead and communicate. For this reason, LCGL endorses the agenda of Toastmasters International and invite all Believers in Jesus Christ to consider becoming a Toastmaster. The result is that every Believer in Jesus Christ now has a seat around the LCGL table.
Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that builds confidence and teaches public speaking skills through a worldwide network of clubs that meet online and in person. Founded in 1924, Toastmasters International is headquartered in Englewood, Colorado with approximately 270,000 members in more than 14,200 clubs in 148 countries.
Toastmasters International was started by Ralph C. Smedley in his capacity as Director of Education for the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA). After his first meeting in 1905, Ralph Smedley was promoted even higher up the ranks of the Young Men's Christian Association and was forced to leave the local office in which he had started his Toastmasters Club. Regrettably, the Club died after he left.
But his vision lived on, and 19 years later Ralph C. Smedley, now a senior national executive of the Young Men's Christian Association, gathered 2 dozen men in the YMCA’s Headquarters’ basement on October 22, 1924, and Toastmasters International was officially born.
For the last 100 years expressions of the Christian Faith have been very visible in the operation of Toastmasters International. There are now several Clubs that are identified as Christian Toastmasters Clubs in the world of Toastmasters’ 14,200 Clubs. But more importantly, in thousands of Clubs around the world, there are Toastmasters who identify as Believers in Jesus Christ. LCGL provides the opportunity for these Believers to fellowship with other Believers across the vast network of Toastmasters Clubs in 148 countries.
Leaders Communicating God’s Love (LCGL) proudly highlights the best products of Toastmasters International. These are leaders and communicators. Our group of Toastmasters are leaders who communicate God’s love.
Formed on December 15, 2023, LCGL is still in its embryonic stage. Our first assignment is to attract every Toastmaster who is a Believer in Jesus Christ. To facilitate each person having access to at least one convenient meeting time, on December 2, 2024, LCGL launched seven (7) additional Chapter meetings. All days and times are on our website. Additionally, our parent Ministry, Pockets of Fire Ministries has merged its Wednesday morning 5 am EST time meeting into a 9tyh pivotal meeting of LCGL. In the first quarter of 2025, this meeting will be the main staging ground for LCGL University. Our major curriculum will focus on Spiritual Warfare Assertiveness Tra8ining (SWAT).
Former Toastmasters are also welcome to join us. For we believe, in the words of our first female International President, Helen Blanchard, DTM, “If you ever get out of Toastmasters all that you can get out of Toastmasters, you will never get out of Toastmasters.”
LCGL has a vision for being a global social missionary that demonstrates the love of God to people who desperately need His love. In fact, we already have ministry to prisoners and abused children in our crosshairs.
Check out our website at All the available information is on our site. Are you one of us? Join us today. Do you know a Toastmaster who identifies as a Believer in Jesus Christ? Connect them with our website. Are you no longer a Toastmaster? Join us today. Our fellowship needs you.