It feels like my macro has just been completely pointless. I got placed in iron, which, whatever, ha ha, he’s terrible, but, I feel this season has been more of a coin flip than any other season. I main jungle and mid. As jungle, if your team plays around you, you win, and if your team doesn’t, you lose. That’s how it feels. And it’s a total flip at low elo whether your team is good at that, or even knowledgeable enough about objectives to join you.
Self plug here, but the video I uploaded prior to this one goes over a really solid jungle path that you don't need others REALLY to help with and can put you in a position to carry, feel free to check it out or stop by stream to ask any questions you may have. But yeah the reliance 100% on teammates can be frustrating as there aren't too many games that you can 1v9 like you used to! Thanks for checking out the video and I hope you enjoy the next ones :D
With all the new objectives in the game, jungle is very important! And all the new stuff is making games insanely hard to win when you are behind! I only had one game were we lost feats, dragon soul and atakhan and managed to win with 2 barons, with champs that scaled waaay harder in late game, despite a team of quitters that kept ff-ing. And after yapping all game that we need to ff in all chat and the usual LoL toxicity, of course they started "gg ez" bs at the end. To be honest...i have no idea why i still play ranked. It is not fun and people suck ass, not only as players, but as humans...
Yeah it does seem super snowbally and the new bounty system is just terrible. Even if you're massively behind, if ONE player on the losing team happens to be farming well, they'll be slapped with a bounty to be collected by a 15-1 adc. I do believe the new stuff added is good for the game but they still have a ways to go to make the game enjoyable to the level that it used to be. Thanks so much for watching the video and I hope you stick around and enjoy future videos :)
so finally good upgrade
Lol apparantly
It feels like my macro has just been completely pointless. I got placed in iron, which, whatever, ha ha, he’s terrible, but, I feel this season has been more of a coin flip than any other season. I main jungle and mid. As jungle, if your team plays around you, you win, and if your team doesn’t, you lose. That’s how it feels. And it’s a total flip at low elo whether your team is good at that, or even knowledgeable enough about objectives to join you.
Self plug here, but the video I uploaded prior to this one goes over a really solid jungle path that you don't need others REALLY to help with and can put you in a position to carry, feel free to check it out or stop by stream to ask any questions you may have.
But yeah the reliance 100% on teammates can be frustrating as there aren't too many games that you can 1v9 like you used to!
Thanks for checking out the video and I hope you enjoy the next ones :D
With all the new objectives in the game, jungle is very important! And all the new stuff is making games insanely hard to win when you are behind! I only had one game were we lost feats, dragon soul and atakhan and managed to win with 2 barons, with champs that scaled waaay harder in late game, despite a team of quitters that kept ff-ing. And after yapping all game that we need to ff in all chat and the usual LoL toxicity, of course they started "gg ez" bs at the end. To be honest...i have no idea why i still play ranked. It is not fun and people suck ass, not only as players, but as humans...
Yeah it does seem super snowbally and the new bounty system is just terrible. Even if you're massively behind, if ONE player on the losing team happens to be farming well, they'll be slapped with a bounty to be collected by a 15-1 adc. I do believe the new stuff added is good for the game but they still have a ways to go to make the game enjoyable to the level that it used to be.
Thanks so much for watching the video and I hope you stick around and enjoy future videos :)