Mesut Kurtis - Abazzahra(Lyrics)|مسعود كُرتس - أبا الزهراء(مع الكلمات)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024
  • Lyrics الكلمات
    هاشمِيٌ وكفَى
    Suffice to say that he is a Hashimite,
    الحبيبُ المصطفى
    The Beloved, the Chosen One
    جاء للدنيا يتيماً
    He came into this world as an orphan,
    فنبياً مُشرَّفا
    Then became an honoured Prophet
    قد أضاءَ الكونَ نورَا
    He illuminated the universe with his light,
    وسلامًا وسرورَا
    spreading peace and happiness,
    ينثرُ القرآن عِطرَا
    and spreading the fragrant message of the Quran,
    يُحيِي به الصُدُورَ
    reviving souls with it
    سيدي أبا الزهراء
    My master, the father of (Fatima) Azzahra (Muhammad pbuh),
    ما أعظمَ البُشرى
    How great are the glad tidings that you brought!
    دُمتَ لنا فخرا
    May you forever be the source of our pride
    يا خيرَ خلق الله
    O noblest of God's creation
    سيدي أبا الزهراء
    My master, the father of (Fatima) Azzahra (Muhammad pbuh),
    يا ناصرَ الضُّعفاء
    O helper of the feeble
    يا صاحبَ الإسراء
    It is you who performed the miraculous night journey of Al-Israa
    وإمامَ الأنبياء
    O leader of all the Prophets
    وحيٌ أتاهُ يقول
    The revelation came to him saying,
    اقرأْ لي يا رسول
    Read, O Messenger of God!
    رَتِّل كتابَ الله
    Recite your Lord's Book (the Quran)
    قد أتَيتُكَ بالقبول
    I have come to convey to you His pleasure
    ولطاعةِ المَعْبُود
    To submission to their Lord,
    أُدْعُ قَومَك والوُجود
    invite your people and the world
    قُل جاء الحقُّ حقًّا
    Say: The truth has indeed come,
    والباطلُ لن يعود
    and falsehood shall not return
    يا رسول الله
    O Messenger of Allah
    يا حبيب الله
    O Beloved of Allah

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