I’m a boring ass straight white guy that’s married with kids in Denver Colorado and I greatly appreciate this channel because their many different topics are hilarious and relatable you ladies are doing amazing keep up the great job
Definitely the toddler years are crazy as hell but it’s a second place crazy to teenagers imo those are the two phases of our kids lives that compete hard for the craziest phase at least in my personal experience but I’m pretty sure there are lots of parents out there that would agree
I live in Utah and a few years ago I was at a restaurant when this lady, her friends and their kids came in carrying a potty chair. They sat down at a table and one of the women took the pants off of her boy and then put him on the potty chair. Yes, at the restaurant in front of many customers. To say the least I was not only angry and requested that the owner or manager deal with this issue. When management spoke to her she started screaming that her kid was being potty trained and it was all a natural act like breastfeeding in public and she was not leaving so the manager had to call the police to get her removed. WTF???
You ladies are wonderful, joyful, and brilliantly hilarious. The best outlook that we will be needing to survive for the next 4 years of hell. Thank you.
There used to be a time when parents used to teach their children how to behave in public, this should become normal again. I agree that certain establishments should be allowed to tell parents that their children are NOT allowed in said establishment.
My family thought I was too strict because I waited to take my boys to a theater and restaurants until they turned 9 and 10. I couldn’t stand out of control kids in public, period. My boys finally figured out that if they acted up in public they lost Nintendo and tv for 30 days. Well they are now in their 30’s, had a great education and have professional jobs. Both married lovely and intelligent women. Grand kids who are very well behaved. I’ve always said that something odd happened in the 90’s with parenting and since then it’s went down hill. Repercussions when your kids act stupid and out of control was lost in many homes.
I recall as a child with two older brothers 14 to 16 months apart. We were forbidden to act up at the dinner table at home, God forbid in public. Going shopping with my mother in a china shop - hands in your pocket, touch with your eyes. Even dinning at family restaurants none of that display will be tolerated. Napkins on your lap, elbows off the table.
The Dr spock generation of parents that believed in not shaming or holding them accountable like our parents did. This is why we have generated a narcissistic bunch of whiney adults of today
I was born in 80. My 5 kids are 10-19. My parents were pretty liberal. I understood that if I misbehaved, privileges would be taken- BUT! A large part of the lesson was to be considerate. Be empathetic. Think about how you would feel if you were the other moviegoers, restaurant patrons, etc. It was mostly about being aware that we are tiny parts of a huge society and we need to work together. I get the feeling that many parents don't teach the "pay attention and care about the people around you" part. They focus on the "I said xyz and you didn't do it so you're grounded"... more power struggle than teaching how to be a good human. Of course there are ones who let their kids do anything, too 🙄
As a first time mom of a one year old entering the toddler trenches, thank you for your service spreading this wisdom, I salute you, and please send help..
This IHIP episode is hilarious! You two ladies are in the last of our generational parenting etiquette and protocols. I lmao when you both shared about hiding "drinking wine" and "smoking cigarettes." So did I. When my last child was in first year college, I didn't feel like I had to hide anymore, so at a family gathering I was drinking wine and smoked a cigarette (don't smoke anymore), and my adults kids gathered and sat in front on me looking in disbelief and they loudly said to me "MOM! I've never seen you smoke or drink" as they nodded to each other and me. My sibs and cousins laughed so much! While raising them - I did not have any teen smoking and drinking issues to contend with. LOL. Thank you, ladies. You are great!
I think it might be a genetic disposition of of personality that creates a well-behaved child because I was a single parent and both of my children were very well behaved. In fact my grandmother said my children were her favorite because they were so well behaved. Being a single parent is very hard and how did I like when the medal for best behaved kids? I know I was very focused, in tuned and spent a lot of time with my children one-on-one thanks to my father's support to allow me to stay home with them.
Thirty years ago, when I had little kids, it would have been rude to allow them to misbehave in Applebee's, and they have booster seats. We just weren't allowed to let our kids act like that. They would have pointed it out loudly.Then they would have corrected our child for us.
When I was managing a fine dining restaurant, we occasionally had people who let their children run around. I shut that down immediately because it was dangerous with servers carrying heavy trays of hot food. Duh
We were invited to an out of town wedding. I asked the bride if she could recommend a babysitter. She did and allowed us to leave our kids at her house with the sitter during the reception. The kids were invited to the service. I spent most of the time in the playroom at the church with our kids.
Where can I leave a review? I'm a teacher too. ladies. If I cannot watch "I've Had It" while I eat my lunch, while my students are at PE, I feel like my petty grievance cup is too empty. This podcast is my escape from my own insanity, into someone else's.
I really love you guys, you are straight forward, no BS and brilliant. I have been following you for a while and I feel like my like minded friends. I had it with all narcissists, bad parenting, bad driving, maga culture and stupid uninformed people 😂❤❤
May I just add, as a total aside, but I have seen parents with toddlers at the supermarket with kids standing and playing and moving around in the cart. This is one of the worst situations. Dangerous. Annoying. Inappropriate. Obnoxious. Shit parenting.
I’m a mom of 5. I get so angry when the lights come on at the end of a movie at the theater, the parents that let their kids make a mess, and never make them clean up their shit. I’m not talking just popcorn that spilled, I’m talking about candy wrappers, popcorn buckets, and soda cups. Disrespectful slobs.
In France, Spain and Italy children are used to eating at restaurants with their parents because they're treated like young adults, not kids. They don't have stupid kids menus and parents familiarise children with drinking wine and eating adult food from an early age, in the home. America, like the UK has become infantilised and it's appropriate that you're going to have the world's oldest toddler back in the Whitehouse again.
@@c123-i6n Great way to proudly flaunt that ignorance of the fact that the European parents don't allow the kids to get drunk on wine. It's only at dinner and in moderate amounts. I love it when people just can't help themselves and think that they have to show their ignorance to everyone while they think that they're chastising others.
If that mother was all dolled up I’d be willing to bet they have a full-time nanny. They took that kid out because they either felt guilty for never eating a meal with him or the nanny was off that night. The nanny must have been sick and they figured “screw everybody else, we’re going because we have reservations and we’re rich! I dare them to try to throw us out!”
PDA is the same dysfunction as parents who think everyone in the restaurant thinks their toddler is cute. The couple thinks their attraction to each other and being in love is as beautiful to everyone else as it is to them.
You ladies are hilarious! You make me laugh with your honesty, directness, bluntness, realism, and knowledge. 😂🥳👏 I appreciate you ladies very much! And I am a Christian woman.
I am a gay guy who adopted 3 kids, 1-3-5, and we adored going out with them (not to bougie places, more like the Olive Garden). The deal was if a stranger complimented their behavior--they got a dessert. It became their goal to entertain one another, and we did lots of coloring, books, etc. They got lots of desserts, and when they got disruptive--out the door, we went. The other thing our kids did not do was interrupt adults; that was just not OK. You have to teach respect and respect them, respect each other and the people around you. We also did not use electronics constantly, but we did use them sparingly.
As a childfree woman who normally doesn't want to be anywhere near a child (especially toddlers), I appreciate this episode. I agree that there should be more childfree spaces.
Pumps & Jen, Your hilarious, honest, and well-informed commentary on every day life occurrences makes my day, whenever I try to watch TH-cam. I am a straight, asian guy who did not grow up in this country; I started watching/listening to your channel only 6 months ago. I wish I had listened a lot sooner. I guess it's never too late to enjoy your sense of humor and accurate and nuanced observations and analyses. You must copyright your content. You are so good. The toddler and email terrorism bit is spot-on. On another episode a listener mentioned about a narcissistic mother who claims her child picked her from among everyone else on this whole planet - it was comedy to the core!!! And the episode about "apply locally... while travelling...." That was crazy funny. So the listeners are funny too. I feel like I am among kindred spirits here. Way to go ladies!!!!
A couple of my adult watering holes started allowing children to accompany their parents on Sundays before 6pm. Then it was the entire weekend till 6pm. Then 7pm. Then it was every day. I haven't been back to those places in 3 years, and these are places I've been frequently patronizing for 15+ years. Its not just the kids running rampant- I dont want to be anywhere near 'parents' who bring their kids while they are getting sloshed. What parent DOES THAT?!? But mostly it's the rampant TODDLER INFESTATION.
Grrr....this trend annoys me. I am a musician and I see toddlers running around wineries regularly, while their young parents get buzzed or downright wasted. I do not understand any of it.
There'r parents who bring all their kids to the grocery store. And boy, they play with every item in the store. Especially the fruits and veggies! Don't even want to talk about them running around and screaming nonstop with no supervision from the parent who brought them!😡😡
Your show is very easy on the eyes & ears. I’m. Canadian living in Toronto & must confess. I got too heavily invested in the American Drama. Now after getting the shock of all shocks on November 05, 2024. I have stopped watching all American channels. Here’s the Conundrum. My local TV station seems to be more of an addict to Trump news than I am. I watch your show to help me detox from the addiction & nurse my hangover. Thank you ladies for making it more a conversation than an imposition of ideas.
I used to fly a lot when my children were Toddlers and my whole plan was to keep them occupied the entire flight. And this was all before cell phones and tablets. As we take off one was drinking the bottle the other I gave chewing gum because when your ears pop children don't know they need to swallow so by chewing gum and drinking a bottle they did that naturally. I had passengers on the flight as they were coming off because I unboarded last because of my kids people would come by and say I didn't know there were children on board. That meant I did my job as a parent not to have my kids disturb other people.
I don't think their sadist. I think they are generally unaware of their child's disruptive behavior and are inconsistent and absent in their parenting...and obviously give zero fucks about the peace of people around them because they are the void of self-awareness.
Speaking as Owner of Steakhouse for years . Toddlers running free present danger of injury to them & others. It is Not a Play Area & has to be Presented as that by the Management. There are ways of handling this Problem. Also ways of discretely making a complaint. The Statistics of Complaints moves Management. Even Corporate that take their time to Answer & Fix Complaints.
I would gladly add a 20% tip to servers and a $30 surcharge fee to enjoy adult only restaurants, no children allowed at all. There's a time and place to enjoy children, fine dining restaurants and theaters are not those places. And I have witnessed that over the years, a HUGE lack of attention to good manners. Young parents these days are clueless. Children aren't being taught to be considerate of others 🤷♀️
I freaking luv these chicks!!! 😂I find myself cracking up a lot because I so agree with them on many points, especially the , I Had Its. Keep doing what y’all doing ladies. I’m here for it.
So ladies, when is your Netflix special airing? I’m all in if it ever happens. You two have me laughing so much! Thank you for my much needed therapeutic release of MAGA toxins that I can’t seem to get away from. I’m indebted to you both, much love from a black Jersey girl living in TN.
I happened upon you ladies and I love you both. You say everything everyone is thinking. So funny, we need you more than ever, especially since this shit show coming into office. I have a son who happens to be gay and he is terrified of his rights being taken away..now is the time for self care on the 20th all day pampering nails massage shopping what ever gives us comfort..thank you for your honesty please keep up the great work. Peace and love
I've always said, people who have children are oblivious to noise. They think it is normal because they have screaming kids who are loud and obnoxious. There needs to be "no children" establishments. Not all of us have children or like them.
I don't go out to eat much anymore because of this pervasive lack of even basic consideration. There is usually at least one ear-piercing screaming toddler or infant ruining my infrequent forays into dining out. Sometimes they will apologize/take the kid outside until it calms down, but mostly it is utter obliviousness to the rights of other to enjoy their evening out. I must say that I feel the same way about adults who, as they get progressively drunker, get progressively louder, shrieking with laughter at the decibels of a jet engine. I erupted once at one of these shriekers, and the restaurant erupted in applause from several tables. These people have the same lack of regard for the comfort of others as the smokers who used to light up after they finished their food, or even during eating. I can't believe that ever existed, but it did -- so you really had no choice as to whether or not you were a smoker. They MADE you one.
Growing up in the 50s and 60s, kids were expected and taught to behave in public places. No giving choices to Johnny and Susie. This applied to schools, other people's homes, stores, etc.
I was born in 1963, so grew up more in the 70's. It was still the same. I even remember neighbors' and friends parents' occasionally disciplining us. Not spankings, but a few stern words were always enough. Tried doing that a few years ago at a public business. Got an "eff off" from the kid... and then the mom.
I just wrote this two minutes ago , I noticed That Trump isn't the only Pathological Liar They all sit their and lie . with no shame . This is the new America . Didn't we all teach our kids never to lie ? Didn't you learn that in school never to lie ?
I learned in school that you don’t put a space before a “.” as well as the difference between “there,” “their,” and “they’re.” But as Trump has said, he does great among the poorly educated. That clearly isn’t a lie…
I hate that this country has fallen so far that it seems that the entire republican party has given up all principles &self respect to instead bow down to the worst excuse for a human in the world.
Say it louder for the people in the cheap seats. Thank you Pumps, I had it with those parents too. No regard for the other patrons, no regard for the waitstaff.
If parents don’t require their children to behave at home in general and at the dinner table what makes them think they’re going to behave at a restaurant. Drives me insane!! Parenting is work not a spectator sport.
This parent trend of bringing kids in adult spaces is on my list. Parents think they can live the way they did without kids with kids. The other place is breweries! Parents walk in the door and stop supervising or parenting.
it must be a midwest thing, out in Utah it's common place, once while dining at a Wendy's the family next to us let their kids run around laughing and screaming playing tag around my and my friend's table... unreal! and if you say anything holy the push back is REAL
PDA is fundamentally a way to be disrespectful to others without paying a price. And because it's a team sport I refuse to be a spectator to a show I did not buy a ticket for. If I can't remove myself from the situation I call it out. I point at them and let them know how ridiculous they are. "Get a room" is a phrase we all understand for a reason 😊
Agree so much re: the rug rats at a fancy adult restaurant or any where that is really for adults. Drives me crazy. Have a friend who feels the same. At a restaurant we went to quite a bit, we were there together, when a table of 3 couples came in. 2 of the couples brought their children, all under 6 yrs. Once they were seated, the adults began talking & drinking, ignoring the kids who were getting bored. Soon they started playing hide & seek & running between the tables. The parents did NOTHING! They just allowed the kids to run around the restaurant, running into wait staff, into other customers etc. My friend had had enough. We all had, but she took matters into her own hands. As they came running past our table, her foot suddenly appeared & tripped the 1st kid who went down hard. Then the one who was chasing after the 1st, tripped on him going down so fast. They were both in shock & started crying. It was then that one of the mothers came & picked up number 1 to comfort, kinda looking around & glanced at our table a bit suspiciously. My friend very sincerely asked if kid #1 was ok? The mother answered back that she though he’d be fine, dabbing at the little cut on his forehead. They all went back to their table & those kids never moved! It was so quiet. The other patrons kinda looked over at us, one woman just nodded her head & kinda smiled. I don’t know if those kids ever ran around in a restaurant again!
I found you through your TikTok clips and am now obsessed and sharing the podcast with friends. You are so good and funny that I may not even be sure whether this is real or really, really good semi-scripted improv. It doesn't matter - I love it either way! Rock on, ladies.
my wife and I are older we don’t drink anymore. Whet on a family vacation for week. First night out for hole Famley we all split the bill liquor was the biggest part of the bill. The youngest of the family hade strews hanging out of their noses 👃. There parents thought it was quite, my wife looked at me we did things on ,own the rest of the week. Best thing we did you girls are great .👍
Cause of high blood pressure my dr. recommended to due some stress reduction exercises. One being to find a couple podcasts which I am politically aligned with. Picked 2 others and yourselves and then leave comments. This exercise is working for me.U now part of my therapy, thanks
I don't have kids, but to me it seems like many parents abdicate their parenting responsibilities allowing these kids to behave this way. Nothing wrong with family friendly restaurants and leave some places for the grown ups! Love your content ladies!
Parents who dont deal with their annoying babies, toddlers and little kids Do Not Give A Sht about anyone else. And I Despise them. Ive been known to tell a toddler, “Stop It!” wagging a finger and then getting a round of applause by all the patrons and workers. Yeah, Im that A-Hole. But like you two, as soon as my kid made a peep out the door we went and Im talkin’ grocery store, Target…we would NEVER take her to an adult dining place…Never.
I'm a parent and couldn't agree more. Discipline your child! That mother didn't do anything because she's Zann'D out of her mind. A sober parent won't & can't tolerate that.
Why not just teach your child to behave like a well trained human? My children only needed one look to behave properly in public. At home is the ONLY place/time they were allowed to be hooligans.
I'll take it a step further, these are the parents with out-of-control kids, and no parental control, that a few years later are sent to school with the same out-of-control behavior, which is why the good teachers are leaving the teaching profession in droves.
It's so petty but I love it. Please don't bring your kids to expensive places and coffee shops. These are really adult spaces. Often people use coffee shops for work, study, dates, etc... it's a vibe. If you have a kid, get in and get out or maybe sit outside.
I live in the south of France and upper middle class 30 somethings who are affluent enough to live in the historical center but also want to enjoy the café life and drink outside meeting friends on weekday evenings will show up with the stroller and screaming kid in tow at 11pm to have alcohol and loudly chat while other adults are smoking tobacco and reefs right next to them. It used to be that you would see that behaviour from trash people at McDonald's, but now it's "en terrace" where alcohol is being consumed, in crowded places. Not only do they endanger their child who's not able to sleep normally, but it's also asking to lose them in the crowd. And it DOES get crowded.
Love to see this sign posted at the entrance ...
"If your child is disruptive ... you will not be 'asked' to leave. You WILL leave."
I’m a boring ass straight white guy that’s married with kids in Denver Colorado and I greatly appreciate this channel because their many different topics are hilarious and relatable you ladies are doing amazing keep up the great job
Definitely the toddler years are crazy as hell but it’s a second place crazy to teenagers imo those are the two phases of our kids lives that compete hard for the craziest phase at least in my personal experience but I’m pretty sure there are lots of parents out there that would agree
Ladies I’m black and I call you my best blonde friends ❤
Hi stranger, i hope you’re doing fine, especially the next coming years…i am sad and tired but also combative…lots of love from Switzerland
I live in Utah and a few years ago I was at a restaurant when this lady, her friends and their kids came in carrying a potty chair. They sat down at a table and one of the women took the pants off of her boy and then put him on the potty chair. Yes, at the restaurant in front of many customers. To say the least I was not only angry and requested that the owner or manager deal with this issue. When management spoke to her she started screaming that her kid was being potty trained and it was all a natural act like breastfeeding in public and she was not leaving so the manager had to call the police to get her removed. WTF???
Former waiter here and I've seen that and diapers changed on the TABLE
People are just crazy
Legend has it that the boy was never, ever potty trained...
You ladies are wonderful, joyful, and brilliantly hilarious. The best outlook that we will be needing to survive for the next 4 years of hell. Thank you.
Great idea! I would name the restaurant "🚫 Kids." The slogan would be "Your child doesn't have to go home, but they can't stay here."
Preparing America for Trump is like preparing the house for a two year old toddler-child proofing.Trump’s pathetic! 🤡🎪🤡
This healthy, therapist-originated, relationship talk was not what I was expecting today but it was a refreshing injection of realism I needed
There used to be a time when parents used to teach their children how to behave in public, this should become normal again.
I agree that certain establishments should be allowed to tell parents that their children are NOT allowed in said establishment.
My family thought I was too strict because I waited to take my boys to a theater and restaurants until they turned 9 and 10. I couldn’t stand out of control kids in public, period. My boys finally figured out that if they acted up in public they lost Nintendo and tv for 30 days. Well they are now in their 30’s, had a great education and have professional jobs. Both married lovely and intelligent women. Grand kids who are very well behaved. I’ve always said that something odd happened in the 90’s with parenting and since then it’s went down hill. Repercussions when your kids act stupid and out of control was lost in many homes.
I recall as a child with two older brothers 14 to 16 months apart. We were forbidden to act up at the dinner table at home, God forbid in public. Going shopping with my mother in a china shop - hands in your pocket, touch with your eyes. Even dinning at family restaurants none of that display will be tolerated. Napkins on your lap, elbows off the table.
The Dr spock generation of parents that believed in not shaming or holding them accountable like our parents did.
This is why we have generated a narcissistic bunch of whiney adults of today
Can you adopt me?
I was born in 80. My 5 kids are 10-19.
My parents were pretty liberal. I understood that if I misbehaved, privileges would be taken- BUT! A large part of the lesson was to be considerate. Be empathetic. Think about how you would feel if you were the other moviegoers, restaurant patrons, etc. It was mostly about being aware that we are tiny parts of a huge society and we need to work together.
I get the feeling that many parents don't teach the "pay attention and care about the people around you" part.
They focus on the "I said xyz and you didn't do it so you're grounded"... more power struggle than teaching how to be a good human.
Of course there are ones who let their kids do anything, too 🙄
@@jackieblue4128 shaming is not useful. The accountability part is seriously missing, though :(
As a first time mom of a one year old entering the toddler trenches, thank you for your service spreading this wisdom, I salute you, and please send help..
Oh you ladies are definitely welcome to the cookout, and will sit at the family table ❤ thank you for all you do, and the joy you bring.
Toddlers are like trying to herd a bunch of loud drunk people in the pub at closing time!
You ladies are so on point about the toddlers and the email breakups! Keep up the great work!
This IHIP episode is hilarious! You two ladies are in the last of our generational parenting etiquette and protocols. I lmao when you both shared about hiding "drinking wine" and "smoking cigarettes." So did I. When my last child was in first year college, I didn't feel like I had to hide anymore, so at a family gathering I was drinking wine and smoked a cigarette (don't smoke anymore), and my adults kids gathered and sat in front on me looking in disbelief and they loudly said to me "MOM! I've never seen you smoke or drink" as they nodded to each other and me. My sibs and cousins laughed so much! While raising them - I did not have any teen smoking and drinking issues to contend with. LOL. Thank you, ladies. You are great!
I cannot adequately express how much I LOVE the anti-toddler and the email/relationship segments!! You took the words out of millions of mouths. 🤣
Thank you! ! I just love your episode on Toddler terrorism. I am a pastor and you ladies keep me sane. I truly enjoy your show. Bless you!
Only you two could do a whole section on how you hate kids only to come back with how big you are on child advocacy. I love it! 🤣
I’ve had it with the parents. They are the assholes for not teaching the toddlers how to behave.
But they want to be their friends.
I think it might be a genetic disposition of of personality that creates a well-behaved child because I was a single parent and both of my children were very well behaved. In fact my grandmother said my children were her favorite because they were so well behaved. Being a single parent is very hard and how did I like when the medal for best behaved kids? I know I was very focused, in tuned and spent a lot of time with my children one-on-one thanks to my father's support to allow me to stay home with them.
They let kids run up and down the aisles like wild beasts because mommy's phone is stuck in her ear.
Exactly said 👍thank you pumps and Jen, you gals are awesome! 😎 🤩love luv you both! 🥰Wpg🇨🇦💕
Thank god I raised my toddler during covid lockdown! 😅 never had a chance to be an asshole. 100% agreed
Thirty years ago, when I had little kids, it would have been rude to allow them to misbehave in Applebee's, and they have booster seats. We just weren't allowed to let our kids act like that. They would have pointed it out loudly.Then they would have corrected our child for us.
When I was managing a fine dining restaurant, we occasionally had people who let their children run around. I shut that down immediately because it was dangerous with servers carrying heavy trays of hot food. Duh
We were invited to an out of town wedding. I asked the bride if she could recommend a babysitter. She did and allowed us to leave our kids at her house with the sitter during the reception. The kids were invited to the service. I spent most of the time in the playroom at the church with our kids.
You did not share if you actually wanted to do that at her wedding.. attention focused on the children instead of the Bride and other invited guest...
When Jenn said “You’re pathetic” it made me cackle so mf fast. I love you both, thank you for the endless laughs and education (IHIP News) ❤️
Where can I leave a review? I'm a teacher too. ladies. If I cannot watch "I've Had It" while I eat my lunch, while my students are at PE, I feel like my petty grievance cup is too empty. This podcast is my escape from my own insanity, into someone else's.
I really love you guys, you are straight forward, no BS and brilliant. I have been following you for a while and I feel like my like minded friends. I had it with all narcissists, bad parenting, bad driving, maga culture and stupid uninformed people 😂❤❤
May I just add, as a total aside, but I have seen parents with toddlers at the supermarket with kids standing and playing and moving around in the cart. This is one of the worst situations. Dangerous. Annoying. Inappropriate. Obnoxious. Shit parenting.
I’m a mom of 5. I get so angry when the lights come on at the end of a movie at the theater, the parents that let their kids make a mess, and never make them clean up their shit. I’m not talking just popcorn that spilled, I’m talking about candy wrappers, popcorn buckets, and soda cups. Disrespectful slobs.
I totally agree with you ladies😊
In France, Spain and Italy children are used to eating at restaurants with their parents because they're treated like young adults, not kids. They don't have stupid kids menus and parents familiarise children with drinking wine and eating adult food from an early age, in the home.
America, like the UK has become infantilised and it's appropriate that you're going to have the world's oldest toddler back in the Whitehouse again.
When I lived in Germany for a couple of yrs way back in the 80’s I noticed this as well. Kids were just well behaved.
Way to brag about giving alcoholic beverages to children.
My daughter said the same thing when she was in Ireland as a student in Ireland. The kids there were angels compared to US kids.
Great way to proudly flaunt that ignorance of the fact that the European parents don't allow the kids to get drunk on wine. It's only at dinner and in moderate amounts.
I love it when people just can't help themselves and think that they have to show their ignorance to everyone while they think that they're chastising others.
You two are so great to watch and listen to!!!!
Yes, yes, yes on unwanted emails. I refuse to fill out the break-up survey. The worst are the ones that continue to send the unwanted crap!
Another black lady who loves your show. Thank you.💐
If that mother was all dolled up I’d be willing to bet they have a full-time nanny. They took that kid out because they either felt guilty for never eating a meal with him or the nanny was off that night. The nanny must have been sick and they figured “screw everybody else, we’re going because we have reservations and we’re rich! I dare them to try to throw us out!”
PDA is the same dysfunction as parents who think everyone in the restaurant thinks their toddler is cute. The couple thinks their attraction to each other and being in love is as beautiful to everyone else as it is to them.
You describe narcissism.
You ladies are hilarious! You make me laugh with your honesty, directness, bluntness, realism, and knowledge. 😂🥳👏 I appreciate you ladies very much! And I am a Christian woman.
I am a gay guy who adopted 3 kids, 1-3-5, and we adored going out with them (not to bougie places, more like the Olive Garden). The deal was if a stranger complimented their behavior--they got a dessert. It became their goal to entertain one another, and we did lots of coloring, books, etc. They got lots of desserts, and when they got disruptive--out the door, we went. The other thing our kids did not do was interrupt adults; that was just not OK. You have to teach respect and respect them, respect each other and the people around you. We also did not use electronics constantly, but we did use them sparingly.
As a childfree woman who normally doesn't want to be anywhere near a child (especially toddlers), I appreciate this episode. I agree that there should be more childfree spaces.
Pumps & Jen, Your hilarious, honest, and well-informed commentary on every day life occurrences makes my day, whenever I try to watch TH-cam. I am a straight, asian guy who did not grow up in this country; I started watching/listening to your channel only 6 months ago. I wish I had listened a lot sooner. I guess it's never too late to enjoy your sense of humor and accurate and nuanced observations and analyses. You must copyright your content. You are so good. The toddler and email terrorism bit is spot-on. On another episode a listener mentioned about a narcissistic mother who claims her child picked her from among everyone else on this whole planet - it was comedy to the core!!! And the episode about "apply locally... while travelling...." That was crazy funny. So the listeners are funny too. I feel like I am among kindred spirits here. Way to go ladies!!!!
Pumps forgot " GO get A Happy Meal!" Lol
A couple of my adult watering holes started allowing children to accompany their parents on Sundays before 6pm. Then it was the entire weekend till 6pm. Then 7pm. Then it was every day. I haven't been back to those places in 3 years, and these are places I've been frequently patronizing for 15+ years. Its not just the kids running rampant- I dont want to be anywhere near 'parents' who bring their kids while they are getting sloshed. What parent DOES THAT?!? But mostly it's the rampant TODDLER INFESTATION.
Grrr....this trend annoys me. I am a musician and I see toddlers running around wineries regularly, while their young parents get buzzed or downright wasted. I do not understand any of it.
There'r parents who bring all their kids to the grocery store. And boy, they play with every item in the store. Especially the fruits and veggies! Don't even want to talk about them running around and screaming nonstop with no supervision from the parent who brought them!😡😡
That is my absolute pet peeve
Your show is very easy on the eyes & ears. I’m. Canadian living in Toronto & must confess. I got too heavily invested in the American Drama. Now after getting the shock of all shocks on November 05, 2024. I have stopped watching all American channels. Here’s the Conundrum. My local TV station seems to be more of an addict to Trump news than I am. I watch your show to help me detox from the addiction & nurse my hangover. Thank you ladies for making it more a conversation than an imposition of ideas.
The dynamic that you describe, that you don't like someone until they dislike you, and vice versa, sums up a lot of the toxicity in relationships!
You ladies brighten my everyday 👌
I used to fly a lot when my children were Toddlers and my whole plan was to keep them occupied the entire flight. And this was all before cell phones and tablets. As we take off one was drinking the bottle the other I gave chewing gum because when your ears pop children don't know they need to swallow so by chewing gum and drinking a bottle they did that naturally. I had passengers on the flight as they were coming off because I unboarded last because of my kids people would come by and say I didn't know there were children on board. That meant I did my job as a parent not to have my kids disturb other people.
I don't think their sadist. I think they are generally unaware of their child's disruptive behavior and are inconsistent and absent in their parenting...and obviously give zero fucks about the peace of people around them because they are the void of self-awareness.
Speaking as Owner of Steakhouse for years . Toddlers running free present danger of injury to them & others. It is Not a Play Area & has to be Presented as that by the Management. There are ways of handling this Problem. Also ways of discretely making a complaint. The Statistics of Complaints moves Management. Even Corporate that take their time to Answer & Fix Complaints.
I would gladly add a 20% tip to servers and a $30 surcharge fee to enjoy adult only restaurants, no children allowed at all. There's a time and place to enjoy children, fine dining restaurants and theaters are not those places. And I have witnessed that over the years, a HUGE lack of attention to good manners. Young parents these days are clueless. Children aren't being taught to be considerate of others 🤷♀️
I freaking luv these chicks!!! 😂I find myself cracking up a lot because I so agree with them on many points, especially the , I Had Its. Keep doing what y’all doing ladies. I’m here for it.
So impressed with Pumps' honesty about her flaws. It's as good as listening to Seth Meyers analyze the failure of his own jokes.
So ladies, when is your Netflix special airing? I’m all in if it ever happens. You two have me laughing so much! Thank you for my much needed therapeutic release of MAGA toxins that I can’t seem to get away from. I’m indebted to you both, much love from a black Jersey girl living in TN.
I happened upon you ladies and I love you both. You say everything everyone is thinking. So funny, we need you more than ever, especially since this shit show coming into office. I have a son who happens to be gay and he is terrified of his rights being taken away..now is the time for self care on the 20th all day pampering nails massage shopping what ever gives us comfort..thank you for your honesty please keep up the great work. Peace and love
I can't help wondering if that woman has watched this episode and if so, does she recognise herself! 😂
I've always said, people who have children are oblivious to noise. They think it is normal because they have screaming kids who are loud and obnoxious. There needs to be "no children" establishments. Not all of us have children or like them.
OMg ive only seen this video and the Margerine Taylor Green one so far and y’all are the role models that us Louisiana moms need ☺️
Your book reminds me of my favorite saying.
“Life is like a shit sandwich. The more bread you’ve got, the less shit you eat.”
I don't go out to eat much anymore because of this pervasive lack of even basic consideration. There is usually at least one ear-piercing screaming toddler or infant ruining my infrequent forays into dining out. Sometimes they will apologize/take the kid outside until it calms down, but mostly it is utter obliviousness to the rights of other to enjoy their evening out. I must say that I feel the same way about adults who, as they get progressively drunker, get progressively louder, shrieking with laughter at the decibels of a jet engine. I erupted once at one of these shriekers, and the restaurant erupted in applause from several tables. These people have the same lack of regard for the comfort of others as the smokers who used to light up after they finished their food, or even during eating. I can't believe that ever existed, but it did -- so you really had no choice as to whether or not you were a smoker. They MADE you one.
I didn't take my kids ANYWHERE until they were 8 years old!
They don’t remember or appreciate anything under 8 anyway.
Growing up in the 50s and 60s, kids were expected and taught to behave in public places. No giving choices to Johnny and Susie.
This applied to schools, other people's homes, stores, etc.
I was born in 1963, so grew up more in the 70's. It was still the same. I even remember neighbors' and friends parents' occasionally disciplining us. Not spankings, but a few stern words were always enough. Tried doing that a few years ago at a public business. Got an "eff off" from the kid... and then the mom.
Not only should they control their kids, and they don't. When they bring dogs to food places, also is a peeve for me
I just wrote this two minutes ago , I noticed That Trump isn't the only Pathological Liar They all sit their and lie . with no shame . This is the new America . Didn't we all teach our kids never to lie ? Didn't you learn that in school never to lie ?
Is this the same Trump who took credit for the Gaza ceasefire?
I have been thinking thinking the same from Vance on down. They’re all cut from the same cloth a bunch of devils.
I have been thinking the same thing lately. From Vance on down they’re all the same.
I learned in school that you don’t put a space before a “.” as well as the difference between “there,” “their,” and “they’re.” But as Trump has said, he does great among the poorly educated. That clearly isn’t a lie…
I hate that this country has fallen so far that it seems that the entire republican party has given up all principles &self respect to instead bow down to the worst excuse for a human in the world.
Say it louder for the people in the cheap seats. Thank you Pumps,
I had it with those parents too. No regard for the other patrons, no regard for the waitstaff.
If parents don’t require their children to behave at home in general and at the dinner table what makes them think they’re going to behave at a restaurant. Drives me insane!! Parenting is work not a spectator sport.
Why does a kid under 12 yo need a Caramel Macchiato??
This parent trend of bringing kids in adult spaces is on my list. Parents think they can live the way they did without kids with kids.
The other place is breweries! Parents walk in the door and stop supervising or parenting.
This helps explain how MANY of them grow up, but do not truly mature, & then vote Orange. They are out of control. . .as is the non-parented Orange.
I love these ladies. Preach ladies ❤💙❤️🇺🇸
LOVE Jillian! Been following her for a few years. Her words hit home every time she speaks. Thank you for having her on!!!
Jenn ,Pumps and Katrina with the comfy chairs amazing podcast...♥️💚💜🇨🇦
it must be a midwest thing, out in Utah it's common place, once while dining at a Wendy's the family next to us let their kids run around laughing and screaming playing tag around my and my friend's table... unreal! and if you say anything holy the push back is REAL
PDA is fundamentally a way to be disrespectful to others without paying a price. And because it's a team sport I refuse to be a spectator to a show I did not buy a ticket for. If I can't remove myself from the situation I call it out. I point at them and let them know how ridiculous they are. "Get a room" is a phrase we all understand for a reason 😊
With the kid thing, those people dont consider the wants and needs of other people. It literally never crosses their minds. Its that simple
Agree so much re: the rug rats at a fancy adult restaurant or any where that is really for adults. Drives me crazy. Have a friend who feels the same. At a restaurant we went to quite a bit, we were there together, when a table of 3 couples came in. 2 of the couples brought their children, all under 6 yrs. Once they were seated, the adults began talking & drinking, ignoring the kids who were getting bored. Soon they started playing hide & seek & running between the tables. The parents did NOTHING! They just allowed the kids to run around the restaurant, running into wait staff, into other customers etc. My friend had had enough. We all had, but she took matters into her own hands. As they came running past our table, her foot suddenly appeared & tripped the 1st kid who went down hard. Then the one who was chasing after the 1st, tripped on him going down so fast. They were both in shock & started crying. It was then that one of the mothers came & picked up number 1 to comfort, kinda looking around & glanced at our table a bit suspiciously. My friend very sincerely asked if kid #1 was ok? The mother answered back that she though he’d be fine, dabbing at the little cut on his forehead. They all went back to their table & those kids never moved! It was so quiet. The other patrons kinda looked over at us, one woman just nodded her head & kinda smiled. I don’t know if those kids ever ran around in a restaurant again!
I never wanted to be “that parent” when my sons were toddlers. Nope.
I found you through your TikTok clips and am now obsessed and sharing the podcast with friends. You are so good and funny that I may not even be sure whether this is real or really, really good semi-scripted improv. It doesn't matter - I love it either way! Rock on, ladies.
Thank you for helping me realize I am THE BIGGEST toddler advocate because I care about safety in public…..or everywhere ❤🎉
I agree with you about the kids in restaurants. Also the parents know their kids aren’t as cute to others as they are to them.😂
I always say this on social media, when applicable:
“Only mommy and granny think they’re cute.”
Donald Trump is a grown terrible toddler lol
my wife and I are older we don’t drink anymore. Whet on a family vacation for week. First night out for hole Famley we all split the bill liquor was the biggest part of the bill. The youngest of the family hade strews hanging out of their noses 👃. There parents thought it was quite, my wife looked at me we did things on ,own the rest of the week. Best thing we did you girls are great .👍
Toddler infestation 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Cause of high blood pressure my dr. recommended to due some stress reduction exercises. One being to find a couple podcasts which I am politically aligned with. Picked 2 others and yourselves and then leave comments. This exercise is working for me.U now part of my therapy, thanks
I don't have kids, but to me it seems like many parents abdicate their parenting responsibilities allowing these kids to behave this way. Nothing wrong with family friendly restaurants and leave some places for the grown ups! Love your content ladies!
Parents who dont deal with their annoying babies, toddlers and little kids Do Not Give A Sht about anyone else. And I Despise them. Ive been known to tell a toddler, “Stop It!” wagging a finger and then getting a round of applause by all the patrons and workers. Yeah, Im that A-Hole. But like you two, as soon as my kid made a peep out the door we went and Im talkin’ grocery store, Target…we would NEVER take her to an adult dining place…Never.
I love you girls. Keep up the awesome work. This world needs the humor.
I'm a parent and couldn't agree more.
Discipline your child!
That mother didn't do anything because she's Zann'D out of her mind. A sober parent won't & can't tolerate that.
“You don’t even fucking know me, L.L. Bean!” Haha Oh Jennifer, you’re my hero. 🤣
Thnx for the free therapy, I learned a thing or 2!🙏🙏
Why not just teach your child to behave like a well trained human? My children only needed one look to behave properly in public. At home is the ONLY place/time they were allowed to be hooligans.
I was in hot spring spa in Peru and family brought two devils aka toddlers
It was awful those kids screamed and screamed
I hate the parents
I'll take it a step further, these are the parents with out-of-control kids, and no parental control, that a few years later are sent to school with the same out-of-control behavior, which is why the good teachers are leaving the teaching profession in droves.
When my girls were young we did not go to restaurants nor diners until they were able to self regulate and behave calm in public
OMG! I love you ladies so much. I really needed this laugh today!!! 😂❤
AH! The raging "UNSUBSCRIBE" stalking surveys! Ive had it too!!🤬🤬
I saw the title and thought you were going to talk about Elonia and Felonia
It's so petty but I love it. Please don't bring your kids to expensive places and coffee shops. These are really adult spaces. Often people use coffee shops for work, study, dates, etc... it's a vibe. If you have a kid, get in and get out or maybe sit outside.
5:14 leave the kid with congresswoman MS Greene to look after
Keep on keeping on. Inspiring
I live in the south of France and upper middle class 30 somethings who are affluent enough to live in the historical center but also want to enjoy the café life and drink outside meeting friends on weekday evenings will show up with the stroller and screaming kid in tow at 11pm to have alcohol and loudly chat while other adults are smoking tobacco and reefs right next to them. It used to be that you would see that behaviour from trash people at McDonald's, but now it's "en terrace" where alcohol is being consumed, in crowded places. Not only do they endanger their child who's not able to sleep normally, but it's also asking to lose them in the crowd. And it DOES get crowded.