Listen - I used to review outdoor gear for a living. And NOT everything is as it seems (shocker I know). Here are 3 things to look for when you're reading reviews from highly popular outdoor media outlets and blogs. 1. Read about their review policy and process. Don't have one? Red flag. 🚩 2. Are they offering anything unique that other big outlets AREN'T saying? I find the rinse-and-repeat nature of outdoor media outlets to be pretty boring. Same products, same stick, same outcome. They get a nice packet from the PR company that gives them a lot to say. This signals laziness to me. Instead of finding something new to talk about, they are regurgitating what is given to them. 3. Anything labeled "sponsored" isn't legit. Regardless of the integrity of the outlet it's impossible to NOT recommend something in exchange for money and people are far less likely to speak ill of it.
Great tips! I wouldn't have thought to ask these questions. I was wondering if it's possible to salvage bags that were washed/dried incorrectly, so thank you for confirming that they can't!
You can TRY to fix it. Put a bunch of tennis balls, dryer balls, or even dog toy balls in the dryer on low/no heat and tumble for an hour or so. That plus using your hands to break it up and fluff it up CAN help a little bit. But it's an involved process and there will still be some damage to the loft. However, if you've got something lying around where you messed it up, it's always worth trying (just not worth buying if that makes sense).
Listen - I used to review outdoor gear for a living. And NOT everything is as it seems (shocker I know).
Here are 3 things to look for when you're reading reviews from highly popular outdoor media outlets and blogs.
1. Read about their review policy and process. Don't have one? Red flag. 🚩
2. Are they offering anything unique that other big outlets AREN'T saying? I find the rinse-and-repeat nature of outdoor media outlets to be pretty boring. Same products, same stick, same outcome. They get a nice packet from the PR company that gives them a lot to say. This signals laziness to me. Instead of finding something new to talk about, they are regurgitating what is given to them.
3. Anything labeled "sponsored" isn't legit. Regardless of the integrity of the outlet it's impossible to NOT recommend something in exchange for money and people are far less likely to speak ill of it.
Great points. Good questions to ask. Excellent video. New follower here. Crow
Thank you! Glad you found the video helpful.
Great tips! I wouldn't have thought to ask these questions. I was wondering if it's possible to salvage bags that were washed/dried incorrectly, so thank you for confirming that they can't!
You can TRY to fix it. Put a bunch of tennis balls, dryer balls, or even dog toy balls in the dryer on low/no heat and tumble for an hour or so. That plus using your hands to break it up and fluff it up CAN help a little bit. But it's an involved process and there will still be some damage to the loft. However, if you've got something lying around where you messed it up, it's always worth trying (just not worth buying if that makes sense).