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Lumbar Spine Anatomy - What Causes A Slipped Disc? - Dr Gill
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- Lumbar Spine Anatomy - What Causes "A Slipped Disc"? - Dr Gill
Let me come straight to it, the thing that you'll hopefully get out of this video is the understanding that the phrase slipped disc, is quite accurate. In fact, by the end of this video, I'd hope that you would all appreciate that a dis doesn't slip as much as it pops
In this video, we're going to go over the bony anatomy of the lumbus spine, highlight the features of the virtual body, the vertical arch, spine processes, a laminar, and the superior and inferior articular processes
It's really important to understand the bony anatomy before you can understand the process which can cause pathology in it. The particular process we'll go into detail for is that of a lumbar disc herniation, or slipped disc, obviously, general wear and tear can increase the risks, but we will look at how forces that can pass through the lumbar spine can be very considerable in increasing risk of an intervertebral disc herniation
#drgill #anatomy #spine #asmr
Thank you for this, much better understanding of my back now, I had a nasty fall backwards off of my bicycle where I landed directly on my back on a dirt/gravel path about 15 years ago and my back was never fully the same since so this helps me understand why. Physical therapy did absolute wonders to bring it back to almost normal post accident but sometimes certain damage is permanent and no amount of therapy can fix it. I’m also glad I practice proper lifting at work when necessary to prevent further damage!
Good to see you back
Thanks. Babies VASTLY reduce your evening time!
I learned so much with your videos! I'm not directly working in medical field, but it's so interesting to understand anatomy, processes and causes!
My only problem now is, that I know a lot of smart words and understand the meaning of them in English, but have no idea what's the translation to my own language. 😄
😂😂 I’m not sure I can help with that! Which is your own language?
@@DrJamesGill No need to do so. Your channel is perfect as it is! 😁 My first language is German.
0:17 the forbidden lollipop
Tis true!
Very good . Often see piriformis syndrome masquerading as sciatica. Great videos.
Nice medical cabinet in the background
The wonders of Kickstarter!
Thanks for posting this. I was this year at only 36 diagnosed with osteoporosis, with the worst of it in the spine, following a tibial fracture on a light jog. Do you have experience with this in younger patients and any advice you can offer?
Quite a interesting one doc 👌
Thanks for this. Im 42 and have had back trouble for nearly 20 years. I hurt my neck badly as a teenager and, apparently, this has caused lumbar problems! The discs between L1 - L5 are all damaged and have lost their 'sponginess'....I'm an inch shorter than I used to be.
I had an MRI about 6 or 7 years ago and I was told then that I had the "back of a 60 year old who did hard labour". 😳
The only thing that has had any lasting pain relief, without constant medication, is my chiropractor who performs the adjustor technique. Nothing else worked nearly as well.
About 30 yrs ago (when I was in my 20s) I had an X-ray taken for hip/knee pain. In passing, the doctor said "has anyone ever told you you're missing the processes on your bottom vertebrae?". Um, no. And then he went on to look at something else...no big deal. Later, after reading a bit, I realized stuff was supposed to attach there. I've always wondered where the muscles/ligaments attach if the spiky bits are missing -- or are they missing too? Curiouser and curiouser.
Honestly I don’t know the answer to that. I’d assume that as it was congenital your body and worked it out!
@DrJamesGill Not as fun as having an extra organ, but I'm ambulatory so somehow things work!
My c2-s1 discs 💀
The VA: nope not our fault
Sort of a wierd question:
I was thinking about how pretty much anyone i know has lower backpain, was this a problem long time ago as well? Meaning, is it a user made problem or design/production problem?
Unfortunately that’s is such a wide question I don’t think anyone could give a reasonable answer to it
Happy 2025 🎉
Thank you
Happy new year 🎉
Same to you
Happy 2025 people sitting down to watch this while eating dinner 👌
i kinda want a butter sandwich now
Don’t forget the cucumber
My dad always takes the cucumber slices out of his sandwiches, so where does that fit in this analogy?
10:01 O_o? what is that? a ghost?
ghost in the machine, or poorly edited baby cry!
Did you shave your beard? You look different