Devon I’m a 176 pro at 45 years old I feel like I could be competitive in the National stage here in the USA! Thanks for motivating me to do better ! Honestly feel with a pancake diet I could crush everyone given my current horsepower without the extra syrup😎💪
@@Halo3Matalix no I’m a guy from upstate New York . Never pulled Devon . However I have pulled with Todd Hutchins and monster Michael Todd . Been pulling 5 years hard recently competed at winter blast . Ranked about 60th in the Aers ranking system
@@viperdad847 keep it up dude! Funny I'm also from upstate! Between syaracuse and rochester. I've been wanting to pull but not too many people around here wanting to arm-wrestle.
bands are honestly super underrated, i have weights, however like you i don't just solely use them, i use bands because they are really useful for pushing past failure. you just move closer and the resistance decreases, easy drop sets, and you keep the tension.
i always felt they were really good for developing an 'elastic' type of strength, forgive the pun. For body building purposes, they are hard to keep track of progressive overload so they aren't as good as weights in that regard, but they work really well for developing explosive power. You have to feel it rather than being able to measure the progress, however.
Ive had severe wrist trauma for over 20 years ,almost lost total use of my thumb from undiagnosed carpal tunnel and I refuse to get a Wrist fusion. It hurts every day and these bands do me wonders with therapy,keeping my wrist alive and now i have my thumb back and feeling in my hand again !! 12 days!!!!! Get em!!! 💪🏻
I highly doubt that would happen, infact if Devon wins, that would be a huge surprise to me. Love the guy, but Levan is just so strong, so I will have to side with Levan winning.
Thank You for this Brother. Trsvs Bagent and you have drawn me to Arm Wrestling. But you have peaked my interests with your approach and training methods. I will adopt these for my personal growth.
Hey I've got my armbet strap! Btw thanks for sharing this. I think the bands work as well as they do because they match your form and motion more naturally than lifting weight. Far better for recovery. easy and portable.
Hello Devan I hope u rok I have tennis elbow will some of your exercises help me get better and i am rooting for you as u r an inspiration and one of life's good guys respect 💪💪💪
He's not wrong, bands are one of the greatest things to use for any type of workout really. I use them for pulling training, bench, squat, deadlifts and even arms.
I know you’re not doing this for the money. You don’t want to get embarrassed again. You’re doing this because you believe you can win even after you already felt how strong he is. That’s what makes me pumped for this rematch! LFG!!!
3:21 Historic moment in armwrestling history
left arm😧
Bro said historic twice.
@theangryslav9115 Because it's that historic. Oops that's a 3rd time
Huge respect! This time, you will win! 😎🎉
Vamos devon !!! Saludos desde argentina !!!
3:21 OMG he trained his LEFT arm!
Lol I know. I was like, why is he not doing right?? Lol
Historic moment in armwrestling
he always does just not to the extent of his right haha
@@Halo3Matalix No he doesnt
Devon is the man!!! Go champ, go!!! You can win!!!
2:20 That's incredible pronator 😮
The win is all yours Devon! Wayyyyy toooo strongggg
Devon Larratt, your name will go down in history💪
Click the like button👍
what the fuck are you saying about devon larratt
Respect him❤
@@Luciferdx287 what do you say, son of a bi*ch
thank u Devon, im only have like 4,5 resistance band at home and didnt know how to train for armwrestling with that
now i know!
Devon I’m a 176 pro at 45 years old I feel like I could be competitive in the National stage here in the USA! Thanks for motivating me to do better ! Honestly feel with a pancake diet I could crush everyone given my current horsepower without the extra syrup😎💪
are you grey shirt guy he arm-wrestled a few years ago on the street?
@@Halo3Matalix no I’m a guy from upstate New York . Never pulled Devon . However I have pulled with Todd Hutchins and monster Michael Todd . Been pulling 5 years hard recently competed at winter blast . Ranked about 60th in the Aers ranking system
@@viperdad847 keep it up dude! Funny I'm also from upstate! Between syaracuse and rochester. I've been wanting to pull but not too many people around here wanting to arm-wrestle.
At your age, TRT wouldn’t even be a BAD idea, yknow? It would be medically fine
Im 176 as well but not pro yet. Only done one tourney..did good though
Dev I love Bands because they keep pressure through the workout 💪
Like cables but cheaper and portable.
@@themonsterunderyourbed9408 Absolutely 💯
@@themonsterunderyourbed9408 Absolutely 💯 and I love that it keeps everything with pressure very awesome
Thx, especially the riser "setup", I always fumbles that, this helps totally
He is gonna make levan humble
bands are honestly super underrated, i have weights, however like you i don't just solely use them, i use bands because they are really useful for pushing past failure. you just move closer and the resistance decreases, easy drop sets, and you keep the tension.
i always felt they were really good for developing an 'elastic' type of strength, forgive the pun. For body building purposes, they are hard to keep track of progressive overload so they aren't as good as weights in that regard, but they work really well for developing explosive power. You have to feel it rather than being able to measure the progress, however.
Great content! Very educative.
Very informative. Thank you for that Devon please give more tips for us newbies. Best of luck for the match!
One of the most attention to detail focused athlete ever💪
Devon the champ of champs!
Payed for match last night, cant wait!
That’s amazing! What a great idea! Thank you for sharing these exercises! I will definitely do it!
I highly appreciate your contribution. Thank you Devon
levan is watching closely. thanks devon, enjoying watching your training tips including your static heavy lifts and high rep movements. cheers
This Video came right on Time Dev. I love Training with Bands.❤
Ive had severe wrist trauma for over 20 years ,almost lost total use of my thumb from undiagnosed carpal tunnel and I refuse to get a Wrist fusion. It hurts every day and these bands do me wonders with therapy,keeping my wrist alive and now i have my thumb back and feeling in my hand again !! 12 days!!!!! Get em!!! 💪🏻
Devon if you're seeing this keep up the good work man, levan will be crying after you break his arm
I highly doubt that would happen, infact if Devon wins, that would be a huge surprise to me. Love the guy, but Levan is just so strong, so I will have to side with Levan winning.
I picked up this set of bands and am not disappointed. Very high quality bands; probably the nicest ones I've ever used
Thanks for teaching us mr. devon i have a huge respect for you❤
Really interesting,,, cause i am in a rehab,,, and i didn't have the will for the weight..... Thank you for the sharing !
I love bands, I use them while laying down and watching YT, Netflix, etc.
I need some more, gonna grab a bunch off AB tonight.
I really appreciate you showing how you get stronger,that’s all I need to learn how to Crush just like you brotha 💪🏻😎
Thanks for the vid, starting my journey with bands. This helps.
I LOVE the t-shirt! That's gotta be Matt "Wild Horse" Mask's hand!
thank you devon this is great advice
This is super useful, thank you devon!
I was searching TH-cam for these bands Review 😅
What a lucky day 🥰
Thank you Devon.
Thank you, Devon! I finally found out about the door anchor!!
Hi Devon nice to meet you es a pleasure
Thank You for this Brother. Trsvs Bagent and you have drawn me to Arm Wrestling. But you have peaked my interests with your approach and training methods. I will adopt these for my personal growth.
2:20 in...I'm pretty sure that pronator now officially has its own soul.
Thanks for sharing, Devon!
Greay video!! I love your open honestly about training. It take a person who loves the sport to do this.
Hey I've got my armbet strap! Btw thanks for sharing this. I think the bands work as well as they do because they match your form and motion more naturally than lifting weight. Far better for recovery. easy and portable.
I use bands alot this helped thanks boss
Ty Devon! Was really looking forward to you showing more training for us lesser mortals lol
This is so helpful thank you Devon
Thank you for sharing man.
Thanks for the demo and explanation on these exercises Devon. From one Vet to another Keep It Up Brother.
a real champion, a real master show his technique. this is a real master mark
nice that you share training tips
I like more the long hair Devon. Especially for the matches
This is perfect, thank you Devon. 👊
great video devon extremely informative
Just the video I needed cause i just got some bands. thanks devon
My favourite band move is the stage dive
Just got my ARMBET bands in the mail today.
Big fan devon 🤠can't wait to see u destroy levan.. Keep working! Nail it 💪
Keep dreaming
1:43 that's how it's supposed to look😤
Your match is the same day as Haney Vs Garcia. Lol what a day this will be
If Devon is not getting hurt, I don’t see how Levan beats him over 5 rounds.
Let's goo Devon 🤟. Very informative video btw. Hope your rehab period is going well. Can't wait to see you on 20th.
Love the way you edit your videos look vintage 👌
Konkreet Albow wake up
Give him 5 minutes and we’ll get ten videos out of this one! 😁. Gotta love the Albow made of Konkreet!
He sucks
@@KonkreetAlbowwe are all waiting for the next vid
Amazing videos my friend
Band work is great its killer. Way more concentration and constant tension.
jesus christ that pronator is madness
This is atleast 4 videos worth of content for Konkreet Albow
Love you sir❤❤
I'm from india
Love you! Hello from Russia you inspire me
TBH, I think devon will actually win this time, Devon is the hero of this sport, we all believe in you💪🏻❤️
Been using bands for years, a tool everyone can afford.
That pronator is absoloutely ridiculous.14 more sleeps buddy 💪💪💪
All that matters is he's going to crack that giant. 💪
Hello Devan I hope u rok I have tennis elbow will some of your exercises help me get better and i am rooting for you as u r an inspiration and one of life's good guys respect 💪💪💪
Cool stuff
He's not wrong, bands are one of the greatest things to use for any type of workout really. I use them for pulling training, bench, squat, deadlifts and even arms.
Stay masive Devon, we trust you 💪🏻
love ya devon legend larratt
Using bands to beat Levan, no limits!!!
Thank you, sir. I have bands but no idea how to use them.
Awesome ❤❤
Is it just me or does Devon look real light in this video? Especially the arms look thin. My oh my ...
At 3:52 there is no bicep tattoo. Devons like the Terminator right now. I bet he weighs 315 plus.
Bands will make Levan dance!
Where I’m from, as blue collar as it gets, all the guys would call Devon a “tuff sum bitch” lol. You’re awesome Devon
You will get him man
Great video
Devon larrat the king
I know you’re not doing this for the money. You don’t want to get embarrassed again. You’re doing this because you believe you can win even after you already felt how strong he is. That’s what makes me pumped for this rematch! LFG!!!
You got this champ!
Thanks for sharing us champ make more videos about how to grow pronator muscle ❤
Devon you are the MAN
Devon i wanted to ask that do you use these bands for better recover and warm up?
Very excited for the match❤❤ love from India🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳...
Homeless World champion right there ❤
Esse pronador tá em outro nível💪🏆🥇
At this point it is negligent not to copy his training. Proof is in the pudding, we will see on April 20th
I am here for the tips.
I have the exact same bands. I know how heavy that yellow one is.
Levan mate sorry you're done