The Jealousy of God - Timothy Keller [Sermon]

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ต.ค. 2024
  • Tim Keller sermons via Gospel in Life: Modern people are often uncomfortable when the Bible speaks of God’s jealousy. Yet, God’s jealousy is intimately related to God’s love toward us. The relationship that God calls us to is not merely one of subjects obeying a king. Rather, God calls us into a marriage relationship with Him, and His jealousy is spousal. God seeks a relationship with us that is characterized by priority, fidelity, and intimacy.
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    This sermon was preached by Rev. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on March 27, 2011.

ความคิดเห็น • 34

  • @joyalways1179
    @joyalways1179 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14


  • @justkingjones9881
    @justkingjones9881 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @rebanelson607
    @rebanelson607 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    After reading the comments here I get the impression that some people did not hear the last few minutes of the sermon. In case you missed it the point of this sermon is the GOSPEL. Go to 33:55 and listen. Jesus DIED for US. God does not "suffer from jealousy" because he is imperfect but because he is HOLY. How could there be greater love than what was shown when Jesus died as a Lamb and God raised him from the dead so we could be free to enter his presence? "Herein is love, not that we loved God but that HE LOVED US and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins." 1 John 4:10 This is the greatest hope, the greatest message ever given to human beings. But it must be appropriated by FAITH and that is what is bothering some of the commenters here. "Without faith it is impossible to please God..." Hebrews 11:6

  • @johnkim7802
    @johnkim7802 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Many people find the narrow path that God offers along with the demand that He must be the only way as very offensive and intolerant in modern society. The claim of Christianity being the only way with no guarantee of salvation for people having other religion(s) is often cited as the worst. Such is first expressed in the Old Testament and Jesus explicitly makes it clear in the New Testament as well, claiming how no one can serve multiple masters and must serve one master along with Him being the only way.

  • @edwardlongfellow5819
    @edwardlongfellow5819 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The definition of jealously is when you're worried someone's trying to take what you have. And if God suffers this very human condition then he is an imperfect god.

    • @icecoolguita
      @icecoolguita 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      In the sermon, he describes how the two different kinds of jealousy are different. (the difference between human jealousy and God's jealousy)

    • @edwardlongfellow5819
      @edwardlongfellow5819 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jealousy is a serious imperfection in a perfect god.

    • @redskittlez12
      @redskittlez12 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@edwardlongfellow5819 God is jealous for his relationship with his people because he passionately loves them and does not want them to be destroyed by idolatry
      “Holy jealousy means that one is appropriately possessive of something that belongs to him or her. For example, I am not willing to share my husband’s heart or body with any other woman because he is mine.
      Sinful jealousy is the desire to have something that doesn’t belong to us; another word is envy. When we want something God has not given to us, such as other people’s fame, or material goods, or a job, or favor, or a spouse, that is a sin.
      God exhibits holy jealousy because our love and adoration rightfully belong to Him; He is jealous with a holy jealousy when we love and worship false gods in idolatry. His kind of jealousy is not sinful because we belong to Him and He created our hearts to belong to Him as well.”
      I hope this helps

    • @edwardlongfellow5819
      @edwardlongfellow5819 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      When you say God passionately loves his people we must first identify who exactly his people are? The answer of course is the ancient Hebrew/Israelite tribes. Yet the ghastly punishments he inflicted upon them at times shows not just a lack of love but an anger replete with barbaric cruelty.

  • @iasongerdes1774
    @iasongerdes1774 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @yatexasnycaflnvnigga
    @yatexasnycaflnvnigga 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Reallly hmmm okay

  • @legomeego8581
    @legomeego8581 ปีที่แล้ว

    So I watched a documentary on a porn star who’s husband allows her to be in the business and he isn’t jealous and he loves her. Can God do this? If not then why?

  • @nickvoutsas5144
    @nickvoutsas5144 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am a jealous God because whilst you know” I AM “ my church is divided by self justifying beliefs. Don’t you know that because there is only one God and one holy trinity there should only be one church. Count your words should anyone separate my essence. The sermon was beautiful but there is no need to criticize the traditional churches for they 1st received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. It was the early church which compiled your bible and gave you the creed. I am an Orthodox Christian and tradition is at the roots of my faith and in saying that ,I love you in God not because I am different but in essence my God is a jealous God and we all abide in him and he in us. Do you not realize that the more you self justify yourself by telling someone else that there Christian religion has something wrong it is just another self justifying idol in the making. At the core we all pray to the holy trinity,confess our sins and believe that the holy communion is truly the body and blood of Christ .

    • @jllemin4
      @jllemin4 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think He goes even deeper than that too. Often I think that God exists as the ultimate unabated truth behind every corrupt idea and construct of man. In every rewrite, edit, and copy of His word contains His truth on a spectrum of corruption. God is in the quran because He was there before its human corruption. If 99% is wrong but there is a single truth or wisdom it is His. Even if things as tainted as modern American media the themes of His glory sing His praise if your ears and eyes are open to sensing them.

  • @yamingxie3451
    @yamingxie3451 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What is God jealous about?About earthlings worshipping other divine entities,other "Gods"?If there is only one "God",then there is no need to be jealous,because the other "Gods" that people worship do not exist.If He is getting jealous,then there really are other divine entities beside the Biblical "God",exactly what Buddhist scriptures reveal.The realm of heavenly beings is where the Biblical "God" resides,as Lord Shakyamuni Buddha teaches.He is Great Brahma in Buddhism("God" has many names),characterised by pure white light,as Buddhist scriptures tell us.Read Buddhist scriptures(both Theravada and Mahayana) carefully to get the true picture of divine dimensions.They reveal that beside the realm of humans,there are five other realms of existence,namely,that of heavenly beings,that of asuras,that of lower animals,that of hungry ghosts and that of hell.All are sentient beings like you and me who have yet to attain Anuttarasamyaksambodhi(Enlightenment,Buddhahood)Believing that there can only be one "God"is akin to believing that there can only be one billionaire on earth.Also,the Bible is not literally true,as proven by unwise Christian fanatics who met with tragic ends when they tried to verify Mark 16:18.(handling of poisonous snakes).The Buddha taught us not to accept His words blindly without verification in daily experience(Kalama Sutta).

    • @beedee9534
      @beedee9534 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      How bout this one it created man in our image our fathers our jealousy

    • @hughbelcher5106
      @hughbelcher5106 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The Bible teaches that there are many false “gods,” but one true God. While the various Buddhist gods are certainly examples of false gods, the false gods of sexual fulfillment apart from marriage, materialism, recreation, and one’s self are the more common to 21st Century man. Being educated in the teachings of Buddhism is a very difficult place to come from when one arrives to study the Word of God to man. There is however, hope, as seen by literally millions of conversions in China and beyond. That hope is to found in a sincere study of the person, words and work of Christ. I wish you well and that you might have a burning desire to research further.

    • @tharpeaddy
      @tharpeaddy 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Imagine you in a relationship and you’re married. She’s only for you no other man yet she goes to other men for fulfillment in the husband area. God is God. Therefore you worship him and only him. Same thing different circumstance

    • @hughbelcher5106
      @hughbelcher5106 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Addison Tharpe with all due respect, I have read this several times and cannot understand where you're coming from. I would certainly like you to expand on your thoughts if you would like.

    • @yamingxie3451
      @yamingxie3451 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@robertbaratheon5086 If God is perfect,how can He have jealousy?His is "good jealousy"?