5:18 did it for me, now using 5:45 to warm up at range before practice or round. I could listen to Mr. Kali for hours. Thank you for having him on the Chanel !
We've been taught to "sit into your shot" but often what is left out - "tilt your torso towards the ground." So it's "sit and tilt". This makes your swing arc more vertical allowing your lead shoulder to point down towards the impact. You can see this when you place a club under your arms with the grip pointing towards the target. First, sit but don't tilt. Then rotate your torso and you'll see that the butt end of the club doesn't point down at the ball and your swing path is much too horizontal. Next sit into the shot and tilt your torso towards the ground. Now when you rotate you will see your swing path is vertical with the grip and lead shoulder pointing down at the ball. That's where the path must go to hit the ball first and then take your divot. One more check. For irons, maintain at least one fist length between your body and your hands. For hybrids and driver, at least a fist and a half to two fists. The longer the shaft, the more distance between your body and grip.
We always talk about weight on the left foot but never on how to achieve it and clearly moving the pelvis is key. Thanks again Danny for another great lesson.
My man you have such an affinity for conveying these concepts it's absolutely brilliant. For as beautifully brilliant but practically enigmatic as this game is, an instructor as yourself is a godsend.
A great video Danny and very timely. Just made a couple of swing changes following a lesson and been struggling for the last 2 weeks. This has helped massively. Thank you for always posting such excellent content.
Getting back into the game after 15 years. I was hitting fat most of the time. Sometimes as much as a foot (~30cm) behind the ball. I saw this video and implemented the hip forward. It helped undoubtedly. I still hit a few fat shots but, only when tired or not keeping form.
This video had perfect timing. The last two weeks, I developed a weird strike pattern that has been behind the ball. I just needed someone to explain why I was doing it. Now I’m going to go home and practice. Thank you.
Thanks Danny! I had seen from other youtube channel's in the past that talked about not swaying or bumping your hip and to keep your body centered over the ball so thats what I've been trying to do for over a year now. It might be that they tried to explain this sway or bump at some point but did a very bad job at it but you explained it very simply with great examples. I tried maybe 100 or so swings doing this and it already made a difference. Another thing I noticed was it really helped my early extension and hip rotation. I've never in the last 3yrs have been able to get that feeling of my lead hip pushed back and rotate properly and I think it's because I was always trying to keep my whole body over the ball leading to me to early extend and stand up at impact. It was kind of like that light bulb moment for me, thank you!
Great timing! I've been focusing the last week or so on trying to eliminate my fat shots when using fairway irons (5/6) - I've been trying to trying to get my weight left, moving my hips and upper body left through the downswing. What I didn't appreciate was just how much movement is needed - it feels crazy and first and with lots of unpredictable outcomes - but slowly it comes back in. That - shoev the pelvis left first drill - is a great one to show you just how far you need to move. Danny - does this also apply to longer pitch shots ? (e.g. 50-60 yds with a wedge or ~100yds with a PW)
This video and and some of the others moving the pelvis and keeping the top of my body chest and head central has transformed my contact and changed my game life is good thanks danny ❤
Hi Danny, congratulations, you are a great golf professional. This last lesson can be clearly understood also by stones. Please kindly keep going like that. For us, average golfers, the Saturday meeting with you is a joy. Thank you so much.
Hi Danny, I have mainly been watching videos by you and Jim Venetos for quite a while. As Andreas' suggestion of using the impact position as the setup position (at 5:50) is similar to Jim V's method, I believe that this is the key to better ball striking and increased distances. My setup also includes your tip on the Right elbow being tucked-in. It works very well for me and I am enjoying my golf game since adopting these techniques. Thank you for your lessons.
Cannot wait to try that second drill at the range next week. My low point control is terrible and I can see that getting the correct 'feel' from the weight forward exercise/drill will really help.
Yes, that drill worked really well. My routine was three dry (no ball) drill shots on my Divot board, then one drill shot with a ball, followed by three dry drill shots and then a normal shot with a ball. Overall, I did 5 ball shots with each of my 9, 7, 5 and 3 irons. Far fewer fat shots, although as I worked through to the long irons (5 and 3) more crept in; part of that may have been tiredness - its a lot of swings!
That starting in the weight forward works. I had the misconception that the body stays behind or over. Once I realised it wasn’t all the body that things got so much better. Another thing that’s really helped me recently is a throw away comment of starting with the clubhead ahead of the ball at the lowest point (under armpit). I then put club back behind the ball but not on the ground. I personally have found by doing that my impact has gone crazy 👍👍👍👍
Great video danny I recently returned to golf after a 25 year lay off .I went for a lesson from Nathan at my local course .he explained about having more weight on my left leg and it's much like you explained.im striking the ball much better and farther so it's definitely helped me a lot.
Since I started watching your channel in the past year I have increased my club distance and improved my consistency. I now understand what a repeatable swing is. Great drill that I will implement. Quick question: does this concept apply to the driver?
Thank you Danny for this easy to follow explanation for it takes to strike the ball consistently which has helped me improve my game tremendously. Being a late starter with the game of golf (age 70), I always consider tips to improve my enjoyment of the best game i have found. Thank you again for your time, energy and knowledge! PGA HOPE Carolinas Ambassador
Just a great lesson. I am a 10 handicap (based mostly on my short game) who has always struggled with ball first contact. I am not far off but even a 1/4-1/2” behind the ball means less accuracy and less distance. I love that I can practice this at home given the snow that is outside in Colorado. Thanks for giving me something to work on while it snows outside. 11:24
How true the comment that Andreas makes about knowing how good a golfer is by looking at the divot. I'll be bringing out the towel again to see how I fair. Great content Danny. Have a great weekend
Hi Danny, used the exercise with the towel at the range today and it certainly highlighted where I am making contact with the ground!! How far behind the ball should the towel be placed? My thanks.
Does depend on how thick the towel is as if it’s too think you need it further back to avoid catch it on the way back. If it was just an imaginary line you would have it right next to the ball. As a towel is pretty thick I would give it a clubs width at least
@@DanielMaude many thanks for that. I was using a quite thick golfing towel so it was probably too close to the ball because I caught it a number of times. I will try the same exercise but with the towel further back. Thank you so much for all your golfing tips.
I have found lately that when I address the ball with my irons, I put the head in front of the ball, and then use my wrists to bring it back behind. That helps me create a shaft lean. I will try this as well today on the range. Thanks, Danny.
Weight stays on lead foot. Centered core. Love your videos I have learned a lot. Would be interested in any comments about Stack and Tilt: Weight forward. Lead shoulder down. Arms in. Arms straight etc. Seems like a good way to get better contact (divot in front of ball)
I think it makes a good drill but I do find my students perform better when they are Free to move. I think like any model it’s great as you move toward it but the closer you get to it the less effective and more restrictive it becomes
A tip I received and have used is going into a bunker (I have a practice one where I play) and draw a line in the sand. I then swing to see where I am hitting the sand. I can also place balls on or over the line and use a regular iron to see my strike pattern. Very helpful
I tried this long ago but as per your latter comments I developed a bad excessive hip slide then tilt. One of the drills I have found very useful is to put a piece of broken tee an inch or two in front of the ball and focus on striking that. On the course I pick a piece/blade of grass.
I just gained access to a local place that has Trackman that I can use, so despite the fact that we still have snow on the ground, I can still go and play golf, and I can apply these lessons and see the results!
@@DanielMaude There is a lot of data there, but from the many videos of yours that I have watched, I have a pretty good idea what parameters I need to be watching to achieve a more consistent strike, so I can ignore the rest for now. And when I get tired of practice, I can go play some virtual holes somewhere. That was always a frustration with the normal driving range - you have very limited feedback there, and you don't get the little graph at the end that shows the distribution of shots. I suppose it was good exercise, but the lack of good feedback made it harder to know what I was doing right and what I was doing wrong. But some days I was hitting really well, and some days I wasn't, and I never had a clear idea why.
This helped me hammering my driver again. Somehow lost it. Found out it was due to too must swaying. Before every first shot during a round, it helps me to start with pulling my trail hip back as an exercise. To get the feeling where that hip needs to go to first. Turn far enough to get my lead shoulder under my chin. With driver I now even dare to bend my knees a little bit during the backswing, so I can push myself up from the ground during the swing through. Somehow still hitting it upwards, but with much more concistincy, speed and confidence!
Great visualisation Danny thankyou. I tend to hit the ground hard, predominantly with my wedges. So, too much before the ball. In winter conditions, the ball doesn't go anywhere. I'm guessing this is where I need to focus?
I like the scissoring description. Someone helped me with the description of imaginary ball behind your back (you’re against a wall). During backswing try and move the balloon towards the front but keep the ball from falling.
Very good stuff. i like to start with punch/chips from calf height, Cowan drill from knee height, all focusing on hearing the club brush the ground 6+ inches past the ball with good extension. I find that golfers I play with have a really hard time understanding the need for hands ahead/shaft lean. I prefer to setup/address with the "y" w arms /shaft inline/hands ahead.
Hi Danny I’ve used the chalk line and towel drills regularly and hit the ground consistently after them but on the course still top or chunk the ball regularly and drives me mad.Again great content by the way.
Try thinking about hitting the equator of the ball instead of right behind the ball. Almost like you are trying to top the golf ball. It’s all about intent. You will be amazed how well this works. Be patient and give it some time. Good luck
Danny, how do I take a divot on a mat? How much impact should I feel? As I'm hitting the balls off the mat, sometimes have a great strike and don't feel the ball or the mat at all.
If you can’t feel it listen for the sounds. There will be a sound of the club striking the ball and a different one when it strikes the mat. Listen out for which h one comes first
Thanks as ever, Danny, for reinforcing these good habits. Please try and get Adam Young on as he's been advocating that good impact (where on the face, ground contact and swing path) skills for years. Like you, I like his simplicity in his instruction and ideas for easy drills at home or on the course.
Danny - I absolutely "bomb" my driver and I am mediocre with irons. One tip that helped me which you've never talked about was the iron swing should be more upright which brings the swing path out to in. (My driver is always in to out). This has helped my iron game tremendously. What are your thoughts on this? It introduces two separate swings which certainly doesn't feel natural to me.
excellent here Danny........ty...... would offer that at address the club is held as close to the ball as possible giving you a visual for return of the club during the swing...your channel is the go to channel for excellent instruction period
There are golf striking mats out there that are excellent for identifying your contact position...ie...before/after the ball. I've been using one for over a year and it is inexpensive, durable and gives you instant feedback. It has really helped my ball striking. You can use indoors or outdoors at the range with balls. Using these drills only adds to that.
I try n take all these tips with me when i go to play. Knowing why im fatting/thinning really helps me concentrate on what im doing wrong. And a lot of the time i don't realise what im doing! 😂 More of this please DM
It needs to be emphasized that just getting your hips / lower body far ahead at impact does not mean that you will be striking ball first then divot in front. I used to do this but would chunk a lot of shots and would be very frustrated. I realized that I would slide my hips way out front, but would tilt my upper body slightly backwards quite a bit into impact (like in this video). Once I started really focusing on trying to keep the "tower" mindset of getting my upperbody ABOVE, or close as possible to above my hips into impact, I got a lot more consistent contact. Also, you want to make sure you're holding some wrist angle (some lag) with the shaft into impact and are not early releasing, because you can still chunk shots even by getting your pelvis + upper body in front of the ball at impact if you're releasing your wrist angle too early in the downswing. So good contact comes down to: Pelvis + Upper Body out in front at impact + Enough wrist angle heading into impact to where when you do release it your timing is proper.
Danny, I think the idea of moving the body more vertical rather than horizontal is a great thought. I can do the drill with no club when the hands can work independently but as soon as I put both hands on the club my swing wants to go more around my body. How do I get the “scissor” action when both hands are on the club?
This 2nd fault is what I struggle with. On the downswing, I think I shift the pelvis towards the target too aggressively so pressure shifts to my lead leg but upper body dips rearward. Thus, fat shots. I have to focus on syncing up the lower and upper better. Nice lesson!
The faults described are exactly what I suffer with. Look forward to trying this. Thanks Danny. Interestingly, when I was talking to our club pro about this, he said "I bet you don't have the problem when there's no ball there". He's right, so why does a little white ball make the difference?
Tom Buck I saw a tip ,that said a right hand golfer ,who is having trouble with ball contact is leading his swing with his right side. The solution was to learn to lead the swing with your left side. What are your thoughts regarding this?
hi danny, i assume this will affect your distances? the other day i hit my approach shot with an 8 iron about 15m over the green when i accidentally got it right. hehe. i was buggered for the rest of the round not sure which iron to hit in to the green. especially because i couldn't hit it consistently like that. 🙂
When your striking the ball3-4 in before ground, does that mean you don’t contact the ground at all until 3-4 in past ball. May seem like a dumb question but how do you not top the ball
Danny how tall are you? When i saw you in the video with Xander Schauffele, you look liked you about a head taller. Maybe this explains why you can swing smoothly and hit it relatively far.
good lesson, BUT you might consider adding a comment that when out on the course, the ground is not often flat. It is imperative then to watch carefully where the club is touching the ground, THEN move your stance so that the ball is in the same relative position to your practice swing. Too many try to keep the ball in the same place relative to their stance (e.g. off the trailing toe for an 8 iron) with taking the slope of the ground into consideration.
I am going to disagree a bit here. I certainly may be wrong BUT. I agree that during the backswing the trail hip essentially moves straight back and as the trail leg straightens the trail hip gets higher than the lead hip, The base of the spine does not move (very little) during the backswing. During the through swing the lead hip will bump forward slightly but the main mover of the center of the pelvis towards the lead leg is when the hips open and the trail side of the pelvis moves towards the hole much more than the lead side. I think this "rotation" is much more commonly accepted in the "modern" swing than bumping the hips towards the target and creating the old "reverse "C" finish. When I look at your swing the lead hip may "bump" forwards 3"-5" but the center of your pelvis moves up to even with your lead leg as the hips open, If I am mislead. Please explain. Thank-you.
Hi George, you are right, that’s exactly what happens which is why I don’t talk about swaying the hips only about feeling where they need to be. It’s also why I discuss the centre of the chest as if you just sway your hips the centre of the chest can tip away from the target causing all sorts of problems . The key here is very few amateur golfers ever get forward enough at impact with their lower body so feeling where it needs to be is key to learning this aspect of the swing. You are absolutely right in that just swaying the hips can be disastrous. Some people have left side feels and others right side feels. Some get naturally forward by tuning their right side into the ball while others feel their left side staying forwards and spiralling down towards the ball. There’s no right or wrong here just appreciating that the location of your pelvis is the primary factor to great ball striking
I just changed my grip and added 20 yards to my 9 iron. Ball flight is amazing but it feels so awful… dunno if I can do it consistently and all the way through my bag and on the course. If I did the same with drive I’d be hitting at least 280yd. That would be amazing.
5:18 did it for me, now using 5:45 to warm up at range before practice or round. I could listen to Mr. Kali for hours. Thank you for having him on the Chanel !
@chrissnyder7968 you’re more than welcome. Thank you 👍🏻
Easily the best YT golf coach. Another great video Danny!
Really do appreciate the feedback. Means a lot
The Danny pivot is the key. Love this video and the reminder on the pivot, not turning but pivot. Thank you Danny.
You are very welcome Jim
We've been taught to "sit into your shot" but often what is left out - "tilt your torso towards the ground." So it's "sit and tilt". This makes your swing arc more vertical allowing your lead shoulder to point down towards the impact. You can see this when you place a club under your arms with the grip pointing towards the target. First, sit but don't tilt. Then rotate your torso and you'll see that the butt end of the club doesn't point down at the ball and your swing path is much too horizontal. Next sit into the shot and tilt your torso towards the ground. Now when you rotate you will see your swing path is vertical with the grip and lead shoulder pointing down at the ball. That's where the path must go to hit the ball first and then take your divot. One more check. For irons, maintain at least one fist length between your body and your hands. For hybrids and driver, at least a fist and a half to two fists. The longer the shaft, the more distance between your body and grip.
We always talk about weight on the left foot but never on how to achieve it and clearly moving the pelvis is key.
Thanks again Danny for another great lesson.
You are very kind
My man you have such an affinity for conveying these concepts it's absolutely brilliant. For as beautifully brilliant but practically enigmatic as this game is, an instructor as yourself is a godsend.
Really kind Brew thank you
Danny, thanks for asking the mat question as many of us don't have access to grass ranges
A great video Danny and very timely. Just made a couple of swing changes following a lesson and been struggling for the last 2 weeks. This has helped massively. Thank you for always posting such excellent content.
@ricd4950 that’s great to hear. Thank you 👍🏻
@@davewesolik9242 really kind Dave thank you
Getting back into the game after 15 years. I was hitting fat most of the time. Sometimes as much as a foot (~30cm) behind the ball. I saw this video and implemented the hip forward. It helped undoubtedly. I still hit a few fat shots but, only when tired or not keeping form.
Great to hear
All of this makes so much sense
Love to hear how you get on with it
This video had perfect timing. The last two weeks, I developed a weird strike pattern that has been behind the ball. I just needed someone to explain why I was doing it. Now I’m going to go home and practice. Thank you.
Happy to help
Thanks Danny! I had seen from other youtube channel's in the past that talked about not swaying or bumping your hip and to keep your body centered over the ball so thats what I've been trying to do for over a year now. It might be that they tried to explain this sway or bump at some point but did a very bad job at it but you explained it very simply with great examples. I tried maybe 100 or so swings doing this and it already made a difference. Another thing I noticed was it really helped my early extension and hip rotation. I've never in the last 3yrs have been able to get that feeling of my lead hip pushed back and rotate properly and I think it's because I was always trying to keep my whole body over the ball leading to me to early extend and stand up at impact. It was kind of like that light bulb moment for me, thank you!
You are very welcome, so happy to hear that
Great timing! I've been focusing the last week or so on trying to eliminate my fat shots when using fairway irons (5/6) - I've been trying to trying to get my weight left, moving my hips and upper body left through the downswing. What I didn't appreciate was just how much movement is needed - it feels crazy and first and with lots of unpredictable outcomes - but slowly it comes back in. That - shoev the pelvis left first drill - is a great one to show you just how far you need to move.
Danny - does this also apply to longer pitch shots ? (e.g. 50-60 yds with a wedge or ~100yds with a PW)
Absolutely, even more so as if you can set your weight forward you then don’t have to move at all
This video and and some of the others moving the pelvis and keeping the top of my body chest and head central has transformed my contact and changed my game life is good thanks danny ❤
Wonderful! Well done Ian
Hi Danny, congratulations, you are a great golf professional. This last lesson can be clearly understood also by stones.
Please kindly keep going like that. For us, average golfers, the Saturday meeting with you is a joy. Thank you so much.
That’s so kind of you thank you
An absolute1st class lesson Danny, pure quality and produced great results today with my new irons. Than you for brilliant consistent golf coaching
@@DavidKerr-b9e really kind David thank you
Once again Danny: chapeau! Straightforward Lessons, to the point. Continue being a big Fan of yours!
Really kind thank you
Thanks again Danny for the great ball striking drills. Can't wait to try them out!
Glad you like them Larry
Great lesson again Danny thank you . Rain & wind stopping play today.!
@ronaldworth4146 thank you. Glad you enjoyed it 👍🏻
Hi Danny,
I have mainly been watching videos by you and Jim Venetos for quite a while. As Andreas' suggestion of using the impact position as the setup position (at 5:50) is similar to Jim V's method, I believe that this is the key to better ball striking and increased distances. My setup also includes your tip on the Right elbow being tucked-in. It works very well for me and I am enjoying my golf game since adopting these techniques. Thank you for your lessons.
You are very welcome John
Cannot wait to try that second drill at the range next week. My low point control is terrible and I can see that getting the correct 'feel' from the weight forward exercise/drill will really help.
Yes, that drill worked really well. My routine was three dry (no ball) drill shots on my Divot board, then one drill shot with a ball, followed by three dry drill shots and then a normal shot with a ball. Overall, I did 5 ball shots with each of my 9, 7, 5 and 3 irons. Far fewer fat shots, although as I worked through to the long irons (5 and 3) more crept in; part of that may have been tiredness - its a lot of swings!
Good stuff Danny. Something to work on during the cold winter months. Stay warm!
That's the plan!
This is an outstanding lesson Danny, thank you. You explaining his concepts was gold!
Glad you liked it Steve
That starting in the weight forward works. I had the misconception that the body stays behind or over. Once I realised it wasn’t all the body that things got so much better. Another thing that’s really helped me recently is a throw away comment of starting with the clubhead ahead of the ball at the lowest point (under armpit). I then put club back behind the ball but not on the ground. I personally have found by doing that my impact has gone crazy 👍👍👍👍
That’s great to hear, thanks for sharing
Brilliant, the shift of weight CANNOT be underestimated and your explanation of this concept was excellent 😁
Thanks again Danny
Pleasure 🙏
Great lesson Danny exactly what my coach has been trying to get me to do.I have a habit of swaying not turning so this drill is excellent
That’s great to hear Richard, keep it up
Great video danny I recently returned to golf after a 25 year lay off .I went for a lesson from Nathan at my local course .he explained about having more weight on my left leg and it's much like you explained.im striking the ball much better and farther so it's definitely helped me a lot.
@tamcargill5060 that’s great. Well done 👍🏻
Another excellent video Danny thanks
Really kind John thank you
Okay Danny, this lesson is one of the reasons you are one of the best teachers
Really kind Terry, what did you enjoy about this one?
Such great advice, brings me back to ‘swish’ drills scuffing the ground as a kid….love it! Also, love the new clobber Danny!
Thanks Rodger! 🙏
Since I started watching your channel in the past year I have increased my club distance and improved my consistency. I now understand what a repeatable swing is. Great drill that I will implement. Quick question: does this concept apply to the driver?
Excellent explanations! Thanks again Danny💗
Thank you Danny for this easy to follow explanation for it takes to strike the ball consistently which has helped me improve my game tremendously. Being a late starter with the game of golf (age 70), I always consider tips to improve my enjoyment of the best game i have found. Thank you again for your time, energy and knowledge! PGA HOPE Carolinas Ambassador
@haroldhill5055 Great to hear. Thank you for your support 👍🏻
Good lesson as always Danny
Glad you enjoyed it Gary
Just a great lesson. I am a 10 handicap (based mostly on my short game) who has always struggled with ball first contact. I am not far off but even a 1/4-1/2” behind the ball means less accuracy and less distance. I love that I can practice this at home given the snow that is outside in Colorado. Thanks for giving me something to work on while it snows outside.
@josephmarolla3438 that’s great. Well done. Thank you 👍🏻
Like the idea of practicing the pelvis forward & then the scissor action - when my new (fitted!) irons arrive I will take this video with me!
@@martynmurfitt-wrather7555 happy to help Marty
This was a good video mate was simple and easy instructions for maximum results. This will definitely help me fine tune my swing
Amazing to hear
Thanks again Danny.
You are very welcome Robert
@robertsneddon5848 you’re more than welcome 👍🏻
Very comprehensive, as usual. Thanks for these drills, Danny!
@wrjong you’re more than welcome. Thank you 👍🏻
one of your best lessons yet!!! Thank you
@alb9830 thank you so much. Pleased you enjoyed it 👍🏻
How true the comment that Andreas makes about knowing how good a golfer is by looking at the divot. I'll be bringing out the towel again to see how I fair. Great content Danny. Have a great weekend
@@mattcristino9804 you too Matt thank you
Doesn't tiger woods take little to no divot?
One of your top five best ever, Danny. Classic!
@mikebooth9619 thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed it 👍🏻
Thanks for another great concept from one of your best guest instructors
Very kind thank you AP 😁
As always, you are spot on! I watched the butterfly video you made yesterday, and this one goes along with it perfectly! Thank you!
@proddarunner you’re welcome. Thank you for watching 👍🏻
Hi Danny, used the exercise with the towel at the range today and it certainly highlighted where I am making contact with the ground!! How far behind the ball should the towel be placed?
My thanks.
Does depend on how thick the towel is as if it’s too think you need it further back to avoid catch it on the way back. If it was just an imaginary line you would have it right next to the ball. As a towel is pretty thick I would give it a clubs width at least
@@DanielMaude many thanks for that. I was using a quite thick golfing towel so it was probably too close to the ball because I caught it a number of times. I will try the same exercise but with the towel further back. Thank you so much for all your golfing tips.
Another cracking video ,, looking sharp today Danny 🤙
I have found lately that when I address the ball with my irons, I put the head in front of the ball, and then use my wrists to bring it back behind. That helps me create a shaft lean. I will try this as well today on the range. Thanks, Danny.
You are very welcome
Weight stays on lead foot. Centered core. Love your videos I have learned a lot. Would be interested in any comments about Stack and Tilt: Weight forward. Lead shoulder down. Arms in. Arms straight etc. Seems like a good way to get better contact (divot in front of ball)
I think it makes a good drill but I do find my students perform better when they are Free to move. I think like any model it’s great as you move toward it but the closer you get to it the less effective and more restrictive it becomes
Great video - more videos with Andreas please 🙏🏼
More to come!
A tip I received and have used is going into a bunker (I have a practice one where I play) and draw a line in the sand. I then swing to see where I am hitting the sand. I can also place balls on or over the line and use a regular iron to see my strike pattern. Very helpful
I tried this long ago but as per your latter comments I developed a bad excessive hip slide then tilt. One of the drills I have found very useful is to put a piece of broken tee an inch or two in front of the ball and focus on striking that. On the course I pick a piece/blade of grass.
Like that Andy
Danny -just wanted to say that I love your content!
@rlee99p thank you so much for your support. I really appreciate it 👍🏻
This is gold for me. Thanks.
Thanks Andy 👍
I just gained access to a local place that has Trackman that I can use, so despite the fact that we still have snow on the ground, I can still go and play golf, and I can apply these lessons and see the results!
Brilliant Jack thanks for the support 😁
@@DanielMaude There is a lot of data there, but from the many videos of yours that I have watched, I have a pretty good idea what parameters I need to be watching to achieve a more consistent strike, so I can ignore the rest for now. And when I get tired of practice, I can go play some virtual holes somewhere.
That was always a frustration with the normal driving range - you have very limited feedback there, and you don't get the little graph at the end that shows the distribution of shots. I suppose it was good exercise, but the lack of good feedback made it harder to know what I was doing right and what I was doing wrong. But some days I was hitting really well, and some days I wasn't, and I never had a clear idea why.
This helped me hammering my driver again. Somehow lost it. Found out it was due to too must swaying.
Before every first shot during a round, it helps me to start with pulling my trail hip back as an exercise. To get the feeling where that hip needs to go to first. Turn far enough to get my lead shoulder under my chin.
With driver I now even dare to bend my knees a little bit during the backswing, so I can push myself up from the ground during the swing through. Somehow still hitting it upwards, but with much more concistincy, speed and confidence!
Well done Joris, thanks for taking the time to share
Well done Danny 👏 😊
Thank you Roy
It’s like you knew I had a crap round yesterday where I fatted everything 🤷♂️🤦♂️ my next range practice will be concentrated on this!
Great visualisation Danny thankyou. I tend to hit the ground hard, predominantly with my wedges. So, too much before the ball. In winter conditions, the ball doesn't go anywhere. I'm guessing this is where I need to focus?
This would be the very first thing to do, yes 👍
Fantastic! New left hip needs to relearn this sequence. Now I have a plan.
How is it you always seem to send me the exact instruction I need?
😂 happy to help Ann
Love it Danny ⛳️ 🏌️♀️ 💥👊
@paulbunn72 thank you. Glad you enjoyed it 👍🏻
I like the scissoring description. Someone helped me with the description of imaginary ball behind your back (you’re against a wall). During backswing try and move the balloon towards the front but keep the ball from falling.
Very good stuff. i like to start with punch/chips from calf height, Cowan drill from knee height, all focusing on hearing the club brush the ground 6+ inches past the ball with good extension. I find that golfers I play with have a really hard time understanding the need for hands ahead/shaft lean. I prefer to setup/address with the "y" w arms /shaft inline/hands ahead.
great video!!!!! Can you do the same but for a driver?
@@tinoa861 I certainly will
Hi Danny I’ve used the chalk line and towel drills regularly and hit the ground consistently after them but on the course still top or chunk the ball regularly and drives me mad.Again great content by the way.
Keep paying attention to where your club is grounding and simply use what I show here in the video if you happen to ground early
Try thinking about hitting the equator of the ball instead of right behind the ball. Almost like you are trying to top the golf ball. It’s all about intent. You will be amazed how well this works. Be patient and give it some time. Good luck
Danny, how do I take a divot on a mat? How much impact should I feel? As I'm hitting the balls off the mat, sometimes have a great strike and don't feel the ball or the mat at all.
If you can’t feel it listen for the sounds. There will be a sound of the club striking the ball and a different one when it strikes the mat. Listen out for which h one comes first
Thanks as ever, Danny, for reinforcing these good habits. Please try and get Adam Young on as he's been advocating that good impact (where on the face, ground contact and swing path) skills for years. Like you, I like his simplicity in his instruction and ideas for easy drills at home or on the course.
Thanks for the suggestion
Danny - I absolutely "bomb" my driver and I am mediocre with irons. One tip that helped me which you've never talked about was the iron swing should be more upright which brings the swing path out to in. (My driver is always in to out). This has helped my iron game tremendously. What are your thoughts on this? It introduces two separate swings which certainly doesn't feel natural to me.
excellent here Danny........ty...... would offer that at address the club is held as close to the ball as possible giving you a visual for return of the club during the swing...your channel is the go to channel for excellent instruction period
There are golf striking mats out there that are excellent for identifying your contact position...ie...before/after the ball. I've been using one for over a year and it is inexpensive, durable and gives you instant feedback. It has really helped my ball striking. You can use indoors or outdoors at the range with balls. Using these drills only adds to that.
This is the one I’ve been waiting for.
@powerpath659 great. Enjoy 👍🏻
I try n take all these tips with me when i go to play. Knowing why im fatting/thinning really helps me concentrate on what im doing wrong. And a lot of the time i don't realise what im doing! 😂
More of this please DM
Happy to help Stuey 😁
It needs to be emphasized that just getting your hips / lower body far ahead at impact does not mean that you will be striking ball first then divot in front. I used to do this but would chunk a lot of shots and would be very frustrated. I realized that I would slide my hips way out front, but would tilt my upper body slightly backwards quite a bit into impact (like in this video). Once I started really focusing on trying to keep the "tower" mindset of getting my upperbody ABOVE, or close as possible to above my hips into impact, I got a lot more consistent contact. Also, you want to make sure you're holding some wrist angle (some lag) with the shaft into impact and are not early releasing, because you can still chunk shots even by getting your pelvis + upper body in front of the ball at impact if you're releasing your wrist angle too early in the downswing. So good contact comes down to: Pelvis + Upper Body out in front at impact + Enough wrist angle heading into impact to where when you do release it your timing is proper.
Thanks 🏌️♂️
You're very welcome 😊
I would call it a pulley effect, rather than scissors. I need to try it ASAP, many thanks!
Great image 🙏
Danny, I think the idea of moving the body more vertical rather than horizontal is a great thought. I can do the drill with no club when the hands can work independently but as soon as I put both hands on the club my swing wants to go more around my body. How do I get the “scissor” action when both hands are on the club?
This 2nd fault is what I struggle with. On the downswing, I think I shift the pelvis towards the target too aggressively so pressure shifts to my lead leg but upper body dips rearward. Thus, fat shots. I have to focus on syncing up the lower and upper better. Nice lesson!
Thank you 😁
Hi Danny, so it seems like stack and tilt method?
Hi Sam, what do you see in the video that looks like stack and tilt
Alot of great info Danny!!! Love the vids!!
Glad you like the video Danny 🙏
The faults described are exactly what I suffer with. Look forward to trying this. Thanks Danny. Interestingly, when I was talking to our club pro about this, he said "I bet you don't have the problem when there's no ball there". He's right, so why does a little white ball make the difference?
Good question, so how do you get forward when the ball is there?
@@DanielMaude I don't. That's the problem! I think I'm trying to hit the ball rather than swinging the club.
@ This is why I mention to pay attention to where the club is grounding rather than making it a major goal
Very helpful
Thanks Daniel!
@Daniel-hp7gq Glad to hear that. Thank you 👍🏻
Tom Buck I saw a tip ,that said a right hand golfer ,who is having trouble with ball contact is leading his swing with his right side. The solution was to learn to lead the swing with your left side. What are your thoughts regarding this?
hi danny, i assume this will affect your distances? the other day i hit my approach shot with an 8 iron about 15m over the green when i accidentally got it right. hehe. i was buggered for the rest of the round not sure which iron to hit in to the green. especially because i couldn't hit it consistently like that. 🙂
It certainly can do as you will strike the ball better
Would this technique apply for hitting a tee'd up ball ?
Danny on my 5/26 * hybrid it seems to be wearing more towards the toe not centre would it be the lie angle?
Not necessarily, it could be that you are moving away from the ball at some point in the swing. Often seen by standing up too early
To add
Keeping trail arm tucked in close to chest
It really helps 👌
When your striking the ball3-4 in before ground, does that mean you don’t contact the ground at all until 3-4 in past ball. May seem like a dumb question but how do you not top the ball
Hi Lynn, great questions. You won’t top the ball because the clubface will strike the ball on the way down.
I need to use the towel trick on the mat! I think the mat is more forgiving than grass and I’ve hit the mat behind the ball but I don’t always notice.
Let me know how you get on JT 😁
Hi Dan - do you think good idea to push the pelvis forward at address ?
As a drill yes, just to give you an experience as to where it should be when you hit a ball
The drill with weight forward is called the wrench drill.
Danny how tall are you? When i saw you in the video with Xander Schauffele, you look liked you about a head taller. Maybe this explains why you can swing smoothly and hit it relatively far.
I’m almost 6 foot 2
Danny, I'm a 20 handicap distance. I hit my 9,8,7,6,5 irons all the same distance!! I just really don't understand the golf swing. HELP Please.
Start here with contact Steve
Danny, I barely ever strike the ground. Tell me my irons shafts are too short so I can justify to the missus buying new custom fitted ones😊
Your irons are way too short 😂
good lesson, BUT you might consider adding a comment that when out on the course, the ground is not often flat. It is imperative then to watch carefully where the club is touching the ground, THEN move your stance so that the ball is in the same relative position to your practice swing. Too many try to keep the ball in the same place relative to their stance (e.g. off the trailing toe for an 8 iron) with taking the slope of the ground into consideration.
Thanks for the suggestion Seth
How do I find your video with Andreas Kali on the driver?
Here it is th-cam.com/video/jmBdZDTQf4o/w-d-xo.htmlsi=ks9j5KOM8MWd271P
I am going to disagree a bit here. I certainly may be wrong BUT. I agree that during the backswing the trail hip essentially moves straight back and as the trail leg straightens the trail hip gets higher than the lead hip, The base of the spine does not move (very little) during the backswing. During the through swing the lead hip will bump forward slightly but the main mover of the center of the pelvis towards the lead leg is when the hips open and the trail side of the pelvis moves towards the hole much more than the lead side. I think this "rotation" is much more commonly accepted in the "modern" swing than bumping the hips towards the target and creating the old "reverse "C" finish. When I look at your swing the lead hip may "bump" forwards 3"-5" but the center of your pelvis moves up to even with your lead leg as the hips open, If I am mislead. Please explain. Thank-you.
Hi George, you are right, that’s exactly what happens which is why I don’t talk about swaying the hips only about feeling where they need to be. It’s also why I discuss the centre of the chest as if you just sway your hips the centre of the chest can tip away from the target causing all sorts of problems .
The key here is very few amateur golfers ever get forward enough at impact with their lower body so feeling where it needs to be is key to learning this aspect of the swing.
You are absolutely right in that just swaying the hips can be disastrous.
Some people have left side feels and others right side feels. Some get naturally forward by tuning their right side into the ball while others feel their left side staying forwards and spiralling down towards the ball.
There’s no right or wrong here just appreciating that the location of your pelvis is the primary factor to great ball striking
Cannot seem to download the practice plan. It just has a page asking me to join with no plans.
I just changed my grip and added 20 yards to my 9 iron. Ball flight is amazing but it feels so awful… dunno if I can do it consistently and all the way through my bag and on the course. If I did the same with drive I’d be hitting at least 280yd. That would be amazing.
Stick with it if it’s working
On my mat, i use blue painters tape for the line. Thanks to Bryson.
Morning Danny , thank you for the simplicity 👍🥃🇨🇦
My pleasure Tom