Saunuoliai, kad Jus pagerbet mokytoja tikrai labai geras gestas!.LInkiu Jums istvermes, sveikatos , visus darbus dirbate su ugnele, labai malonu stebeti .Sekmes Jums Mielieji Jus Saunuoliai !🥰🥰
Yeah, the desk is from the same school. And the paper is the lessons timetable/schedule from those days. And the postcard is from parents committe, thanking the teacher. Written back in 1973
@@juliuskaveckas oh how wonderful. I work in the archaeology dept. And I've always hd fascination for historical things and object. What all stories and tales those rooms and walls be having in them is mind-boggling 😲😲. And wht abt the cemetery u guys went ?
Oh, achaeology is so cool🙂 we heard a lot of stories from locals who used to go to school here. Today (Sept 1st) in Lithuania is the day when all kids return to school after summer holidays. It’s a bit like a celebration and schoolchildren usually bring flowers to their teacher. We brought flowers to the teacher’s grave. She worked and later lived in this school
Čia Biržuose toks žmogus vis turi kelis traktoriukus pardavimui. Nematau, kad labai reklamuotūsi, tai ir aš nenoriu viešint kontaktų čia. Bet jei jūs vietinis, tai parašykit man žinutę į facebook ir duosiu kontaktus :)
Saunuoliai, kad Jus pagerbet mokytoja tikrai labai geras gestas!.LInkiu Jums istvermes, sveikatos , visus darbus dirbate su ugnele, labai malonu stebeti .Sekmes Jums Mielieji Jus Saunuoliai !🥰🥰
Ačiū labai už šiltus linkėjimus ir tvirtą palaikymą 😊
Kad gėlių mokytojai Erikai nuvežėt - toks nuostabus gestas 😊 Šaunuoliai!
Ačiū :)
Good to see u guys all cleaned up and in good clothes after long time 😂😂
Haha :D thanks bro!
Labai pavojinga leistis į pridusintą, dėl puvėsių, šulinį be deguonies aparato
Kai užuodžiau kaip vanduo smirda tai atšoko noras lipt ten 😬 o šulinių meistrai ir leidžias su deguonim, ar dar kažkokių variantų yra?
@@juliuskaveckas jei jau lipsi, tai tik prisirišęs ir su 2 budinčiais vyrais viršuje, kad ištrauktų apalpusį. Arba samdyti šulinių valytojus.
Uff. Reiks matyt samdyt valytojus. Visai nevilioja šuliny apalpt 😬
Is that a school desk from the same school u guys are renovating ? And what is written on the paper @1:50
Yeah, the desk is from the same school. And the paper is the lessons timetable/schedule from those days. And the postcard is from parents committe, thanking the teacher. Written back in 1973
@@juliuskaveckas oh how wonderful. I work in the archaeology dept. And I've always hd fascination for historical things and object. What all stories and tales those rooms and walls be having in them is mind-boggling 😲😲.
And wht abt the cemetery u guys went ?
Oh, achaeology is so cool🙂 we heard a lot of stories from locals who used to go to school here. Today (Sept 1st) in Lithuania is the day when all kids return to school after summer holidays. It’s a bit like a celebration and schoolchildren usually bring flowers to their teacher. We brought flowers to the teacher’s grave. She worked and later lived in this school
@@juliuskaveckas so wonderful to hear this. I'm sure she would be very happy from the heaven. ❤️❤️
Love from sri Lanka ❤we don't understand.if you can put subtitles
Thank you! 🥰 I wish I would be able to add english subtitles, but it takes way too long to translate my local slang and subtitle the video :(
kur toki traktoriuka nusipirkot? aciu :)
Čia Biržuose toks žmogus vis turi kelis traktoriukus pardavimui. Nematau, kad labai reklamuotūsi, tai ir aš nenoriu viešint kontaktų čia. Bet jei jūs vietinis, tai parašykit man žinutę į facebook ir duosiu kontaktus :)
@@juliuskaveckas Ok 🙂 aciu
Geriau jau kasti naują šulinį.
Nu gal kokie meistrai dar šitą atgaivins kaipnors :)