Inquiry and refusal to registration:(Company Act 2063 sec 5(1) and (6): The application for incorporation of a company, the office investigate necessary things in the respect of the application. The office has rights to refuse to register a company if it is finds the following circumstances durinog the inquiry or investigation over such application. a)name of company,trademark previously registered. b) objective of the company seems contrary to the exisiting laws and against public intrest. c) if name of the proposed company seems indentical create confussion with the name of a company deregistered under this act or insolvent. d) if requirements for incorporation of the company under this act not fullfilled.and the office refuses to register any compny or fails to give notice to the applicant within 15 days, a person who is not satisfied can file a case in the court within 15 days.
Inquiry and refusal to registration:(Company Act 2063 sec 5(1) and (6):
The application for incorporation of a company, the office investigate necessary things in the respect of the application. The office has rights to refuse to register a company if it is finds the following circumstances durinog the inquiry or investigation over such application.
a)name of company,trademark previously registered.
b) objective of the company seems contrary to the exisiting laws and against public intrest.
c) if name of the proposed company seems indentical create confussion with the name of a company deregistered under this act or insolvent.
d) if requirements for incorporation of the company under this act not fullfilled.and the office refuses to register any compny or fails to give notice to the applicant within 15 days, a person who is not satisfied can file a case in the court within 15 days.