+william lydon Apparently the Girls und Panzer era is so advanced, it is like 2020. Only the phones didn't advance.... But who the fuck cares about phones! Today is about Panzer! Pants are for! Wait... Panzer vor!
Well Yuki no shingun isn't just from this anime it was a song to boost the morale of imperial japanese soldiers during the battle of waihaiwei (and that was basically their spirt back then just to laugh at the face of death)
got crap back in highschool because my friends and I were gonna work on a ww2 themed film for a stupid little contest, and we had asked for permission for the school to bring our costume uniforms in and use a couple classrooms as "briefing rooms" for a couple scenes. Guess the few of us who were going to be playing germans, our uniforms were too good, and we all got suspended when we all come out of the bathroom in various ranking uniforms, (especially our "SS commander" ) that was rather odd to explain to my parents.
it was about 7 years ago, it was a short 20 min little thing for the film fest. The video itself was finished (and theres a version of it somewhere on the internet I'm sure of, havent honestly looked in a few years, but my friends youtube account has been banned for ages so its not showing up there) but we weren't allowed to enter it in the comp. "too offensive" they said, something about the scenes with soldiers getting shot. (same school that allowed another group to go through with their video that had an implied rape scene, but our crappily acted and edited fighting scenes were gonna traumatize everyone) Literally some of the most basic early freddy wong kind of stuff, and good ole fashioned water flour red coloring blood spatter, and due to our lack of funding, most people are armed with airsoft M-14s with the equipment rails removed (yep, none of those in WW2, but they look quite a bit like M1 garands), 1 thompson sub, and fake homemade prop grenades. The german side literally had 1 STG44, and 1 MP40... oh and 3 AK47s, that we had made some straighter wooden magazines to go in so they looked a bit more like STG44s. And they had a hastily built (which if I do say so myself, looked very good) towed AT gun (which "shelled the woods" The whole video itself was about a group of US forces trying to escape from a village that had been surrounded. But there was the German office/briefing room scene. Been trying to get the nerds together over the last couple years to do a newer better short film (especially since 1 of the guys still has dreams of being a director, but can't afford to go to school) Our costumes would be vastly better, and our airsoft gear has expanded over the years so we'd at least have proper weapons. But meh, people have jobs now.
OK, now we can all sing along...... Yuki no shingun koori no funde Dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu Uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu Koko wa izukuzo mina teki no kuni Mama yo daitan ippuku yareba Tanomisukuna ya tabako ga ni-hon Yaka nu himo no ni han ni e meshini Namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa Korae kire nai samu-sa no takibi Kebui hazudayo namaki ga iburu Shibui kao shite koumyou banashi Sui toyuu no wa umeboshi hitotsu Kinomikinomama kiraku na fushido Hainou-makura ni gaitou kaburya Se na no nuku mi de yukidoke kakaru Yagu no kibigara shippori nurete Musubi kane taru roei no yume o Tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozoki komu Inochi sasagete dete ki ta mi yue Shinu ru kakugo de tokkan suredo buun tsutana ku uchijini seneba Giri ni karame ta juppei mawata Soro ri sororito ku bi shime kakaru Douse ikitewa kaeranu tsumori
Now I can finally start singing -(failing to sing)- this song. Next time it snows in the Old North, I'll be walking around singing this. I'm sure it'll be the _least_ odd thing anyone sees that day.
Gotta explain it then.. The shells are made weak enough, the tanks don't explode. The tanks inside are made with special fiber that also keep the tank from exploding. There is also a sensor that tells if the tank was dealt a killing blow, in which the white flag pops out when a killing blow is sensed. Did you really think that they would use tanks that we're realistic? This is the 21st century, not the 20th.
Yuki no Shingun (The Snowy March) was an Imperial Japanese Army march composed in 1895 after the First Sino-Japanese War by Second Army Headquarter Orchestra member Nagai Kenshi. It contains the feelings experienced by Nagai after the Battle of Weihaiwei between the Japanese Empire forces and the Chinese Empire forces. It is somewhat considered a too depressing song by its suicidal spirit and by some of its phrases. For that, it was forbidden after the start of the Second Sino-Japanese war. English Translation: From the Original song from the Imperial Japanese Army. Marching in the snow, stepping on ice We can't even tell road from river The horses are beaten, but we can't leave them Just what is this place? It's all enemy country Oh well, if we breath a little bravery I'll only ask for little: a couple ciggies Dried fish that won't cook becomes our half-boiled meals It's not long before we're living half-boiled days For this cold that can't be endured, a bonfire Surely it will smoke, chaps! The green wood smoulders Putting on a bitter face, a skilful speech The "sour" thing here's a pickled plum The clothes we wear are our carefree beds We cover under our overcoats on knapsack pillows With the warmth of our backs, the snow thaws Soaking wet our millet-husk bedding In bivouacs that won't tie, there are dreams That the moon peeks into, coldly Because we came here offering our lives With a death resolution, even as we charge shouting If the fortunes of war so wish, we must die in battle The donated padded clothes, entwined in duty Slowly, slowly, fasten upon our necks Anyhow, the intention wasn't to let us return alive
And then, some time in the mid-20th century, was the last line of the song CHANGED to this more patriotic wording: "Anyhow, our intention wasn't to return alive" Just look at the last line of THIS: New year 2020 Romaji made by me from scratch: yuki no shingun koori wo funde dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu koko wa izuku zo mina teki no kuni ma ma yo daitan ippuku yareba tanomi-sukuna ya tabako ga nihon yakanu hi-mono ni han'nie meshi ni namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa korae-kirenai samusa no takibi kemui hazu da yo nama-ki ga iburu shibui kao shite koumyou-banashi sui to yuu no wa umeboshi hitotsu ki no mi ki no mama kiraku na fushido hainou-makura ni gaitou kaburya se no nukumi de yukidoke kakaru yagu no kibigara shippori nurete musubi-kane taru roei no yume wo tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozoki-komu inochi sasagete dete kita mi yue shinuru kakugo de tokkan suredo bu'un tsutanaku uchi-jini seneba giri ni karameta juppei-mawata sorori-sorori to kubi shime-kakaru douse [ikite wa kaeranu] tsumori [ikite wa kaeranu] / [ikashite kaesanu] = [post-war] / [pre-war] version (The post-war version is used by the anime GIRLS und PANZER).
Japan in 1800s: *Sees Japanese Soldiers dying in Snow* Also Japan in 1800s: *We should gather their thoughts before death to make a song, that should rhyme!* Japan in 21st century: *We should let 2 highschool girls to sing songs about soldiers dying, that'll be fun*
you missed the part where they spent the majority of the early 20th century teaching this song to schoolkids, then those kids grew up and sang it the song SO MUCH in ww2, as a way to vent their increasing dissatisfaction, the army banned them form singing it.
The Reki-jo (History buff girls) are my favorite team as well, especially Erwin. She's just so awesome, her and "Guderian" here are the best duo in Ooarai's armada.
Erwin Rommel Heh. Me and my friends are GuP fans and we all decided to pick one gal to be our one girl we'd date. Obviously I had to pick the best girl in the show :P
JoCocomo I chose the commander as well when posed with a similar question as a GuP fan. The best girl on the show with brains as well as an awesome sense of style? No contest I'd choose Erwin, she's the best, no two ways about it :). Panzer Vor!
Yuki no shingun kōri wo funde Doko ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu Uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu Koko wa izuko zo minna teki no kuni Mama yo daitan ippuku yareba Tanomisukunaya tabako ga nihon Yakanu himono ni hannie meshi ni Namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa Koraekirenai samusa no takibi Kemui hazu da yo namaki ga iburu Shibui kao shite kōmyōbanashi "Sui" to iu no wa umeboshi hitotsu Kinomi-kinomama kiraku na fushido Hainō makura ni gaitō kaburya Sena no nukumi de yukidoke kakaru Yagu no kibigara shippori nurete Musubi kanetaru roei no yume wo Tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozokikomu Inochi sasagete detekita mi yue Shinuru kakugo de tokkan suredo Buun tsutanaku uchiji ni seneba Giri ni karameta juppei mawata Sorori sorori to kubishime kakaru Dōse ikashite kaesanu tsumori ---------------------------------------------- 雪の進軍 氷を踏んで どこが河やら 道さえ知れず 馬は斃れる 捨ててもおけず ここは何処ぞ 皆敵の国 ままよ大胆 一服やれば 頼み少なや 煙草が二本 焼かぬ乾魚に 半煮え飯に なまじ生命の あるそのうちは こらえ切れない 寒さの焚火 煙いはずだよ 生木が燻る 渋い顔して 功名噺 「すい」というのは 梅干一つ 着の身着のまま 気楽な臥 背嚢枕に 外套かぶりゃ 背の温みで 雪解けかかる 夜具の黍殻 しっぽり濡れて 結びかねたる 露営の夢を 月は冷たく 顔覗き込む 命捧げて 出て来た身ゆえ 死ぬる覚悟で 吶喊すれど 武運拙く 討死にせねば 義理に絡めた 恤兵真綿 そろりそろりと 頚締めかかる どうせ生かして 還さぬ積り
Tanker 10001 I got you Marching in the snow, stepping on ice We can't even tell road from river The horses are beaten, but we can't leave them Just what is this place? It's all enemy country Oh well, if we breath a little bravery I'll only ask for little: a couple ciggies. Dried fish that won't cook becomes our half-boiled meals It's not long before we're living half-boiled days For this cold that can't be endured, a bonfire Surely it will smoke, chaps! The green wood smoulders Putting on a bitter face, a skilful speech: The "sour" thing here's a pickled plum. The clothes we wear are our carefree beds We cover under our overcoats on knapsack pillows With the warmth of our backs, the snow thaws, Soaking wet our millet-husk bedding. In bivouacs that won't tie, there are dreams That the moon peeks into, coldly. Because we came here offering our lives, With a death resolution, even as we charge shouting, If the fortunes of war so wish, we must die in battle. The donated padded clothes, entwined in duty, Slowly, slowly, fasten upon our necks. Anyhow, the intention wasn't to let us return alive.
Yuki no singun kori wo funde Dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu Uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu Koko wa izukuzo mina teki mo kuni Mama yo daitan ippuku yareba Tanomisukuna ya tabako ga nihon Yaka nu himo no ni han ni e meshini Namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa Korae kire nai samusa no takibi Kemure hazu da yo namaki ga iburu Shibui kao shite koumyou banashi Sui toyuu no wa umeboshi hitotsu Kinomikinomama kiraku na fushido Hainou-makura ni gaitou kaburya Se na no nuku mi de yuki doke kakaru Yagu no ki bigara seiippori nurete Musubi kane taru roei no yume o Tsuki wa tsumetaku kao no zokikomu Inochi sasagete dete ki ta mi yue Shinu ru kakugo de tokkan suredo Uun tsutana ku uchijini se niba Giri ni karame ta juppei mawata Soro ri sororito ku bi shime kakaru Douse ikitewa kaera nu tsumori Lyrics thanks to Hokzwijn from AnimeForum.
New year 2020 Romaji made by me from scratch: yuki no shingun koori wo funde dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu koko wa izuku zo mina teki no kuni ma ma yo daitan ippuku yareba tanomi-sukuna ya tabako ga nihon yakanu hi-mono ni han'nie meshi ni namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa korae-kirenai samusa no takibi kemui hazu da yo nama-ki ga iburu shibui kao shite koumyou-banashi sui to yuu no wa umeboshi hitotsu ki no mi ki no mama kiraku na fushido hainou-makura ni gaitou kaburya se no nukumi de yukidoke kakaru yagu no kibigara shippori nurete musubi-kane taru roei no yume wo tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozoki-komu inochi sasagete dete kita mi yue shinuru kakugo de tokkan suredo bu'un tsutanaku uchi-jini seneba giri ni karameta juppei-mawata sorori-sorori to kubi shime-kakaru douse [ikite wa kaeranu] tsumori [ikite wa kaeranu] / [ikashite kaesanu] = [post-war] / [pre-war] version (The post-war version is used by the anime GIRLS und PANZER).
I just finished this anime. I'm not a huge anime fan but I really like this one. It has some good humor, you get to learn random facts about tanks, and it actually has some interesting and wholesome character development. 10/10.
Lyrics (as I have found) Yuki no shingun koori wo funde Dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu Uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu Koko wa izuku zo mina teki no kuni Mama yo daitan ippuku yareba Tanomi sukunaya tabako ga nihon Yakanu himono ni han-nie meshi ni Namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa Korae kirenai samusa no takibi Kemui hazu da yo namaki ga iburu Shibui kao shite kōmyō banashi "Sui" to iu no wa umeboshi hitotsu Ki nomi ki no mama kiraku na fushido Hainō makura ni gaitō kaburya Sena no nukumi de yuki doke kakaru Yagu no kibigara shippori nurete Musubi kanetaru roei no yume wo Tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozokikomu Inochi sasagete detekita mi yue Shinuru kakugo de tokkan suredo Buun tsutanaku uchiji ni seneba Giri ni karameta jūppei mawata Sorori sorori to kubi shime kakaru Dōse ikashite kaesanu tsumori
Funny how everyone's kind of sad over the lyrics. Most genuine military songs are like that, either basically "I'm going to die a horrible death" or "I'm getting laid when I go home." Occasionally some general pays some poor bastard to write a song that's more like "our nation is amazing and everyone else are filthy goblins."
I always thought that the guys would have a sport more akin to the role infantry men with artillery and armored cars (no tanks) and they would have some super-advanced body armor to ensure they wouldn't get hurt. I was actually think of making a story for on it.
You see absolutely no young men in the anime, only boys (as sailors) and middle aged and odler men, also don't forget thet the schools are on Aircraft-Carriers and there are only costal cities, with the inland being the Fields for Panzerfahren, uncluding ruins of former cities. I find it very likly that the anime is set in a post-war world, where most of the young men died in conflict and the little of humanity that remains lives in those cities and on those ships, withthe Panzer one of the few remaining Military vehicles around, besides warships. Probably the War was focussed on Inland Urban (infantry) and Aerial fighting, with the Panzer left behind, as it is vulnerable to Airstrikes and inefficient in urban warfare. Since this conflict has likely spanned a long period of time, it is likly that it was mandatory for all people to take up military training, the women being forced into tanks, wich wre less likely to see actual battle at the end state of the conflict, leading to the assosiacion of Women with panzer. The now abunbance of women probably enforces the rolemodel of "strong women" that can lead and rebuild society from the rabbles that remain. As the conflict grew more distant, the former military training for all (women) eveolved from mock battle sinto a sporting event, slowly forgetting what it orgianted from.
Marching in the snow, stepping on ice We can't even tell road from river The horses are beaten, but we can't leave them Just what is this place? It's all enemy country Oh well, if we breathe a little bravery I'll only ask for little: two of your cigarettes Dried fish that won't cook becomes our half-boiled meals It's not long before we're living half-boiled days For this cold that can't be endured, a bonfire Surely it will smoke, chaps! The green wood smoulders Putting on a bitter face, a skilful speech The "sour" thing here's a pickled plum The clothes we wear are our carefree beds We cover under our overcoats on knapsack pillows With the warmth of our backs, the snow thaws Soaking wet our millet-husk bedding In bivouacs that won't tie, there are dreams That the moon peeks into, coldly Because we came here offering our lives With a death resolution, even as we charge shouting If the fortunes of war so wish, we must die in battle The donated padded clothes, entwined in duty Slowly, slowly, fasten upon our necks Anyhow, the intention wasn't to let us return alive Source: Wikipedia: Yuki no Shingun
Romaji Lyrics in case anybody wanted them (excuse my bad spelling): Yuki no singun kori no fundi Dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu Uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu Koko wa izukozo mina teki no kuni Mama yo daitan ippuku yarera Tanomisukuna ya tabako ga ni-hon Yaka nu himo no ni han ni e meshini Namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa Korae kire nai samu-sa no takibi Kemure e hazu da yo namaki ga iburu Shibui kao shite koumyou banashi Sui toyuu no wa umeboshi hitotsu Kinomikinomama kiraku no fushido Hainou-makura ni gaitou kaburya Se na no nuku mi de yukedoke kakaru Yagu no ki bigara seiippori nurete Musubi kane taru roei no yume o Tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozoki komu Inochi sasagete dete ki ta mi yue Shinu ru kakugo de tokkan suredo uun tsutana ku uchijni se niba Giri ni karame ta juppei mawata Soro ri sororito ku bi shime kakaru Douse ikashite kaesa nu tsumori
日本人である私が少々指摘させて頂きますと... kori no fundi→kori o funde(koori o funde) Koko wa izukozo→Koko wa izukuzo(古典的な読み方です) ippuku yarera→ippuku yareba Kemure e hazu da yo→kebui hazudayo kiraku no fushido→kiraku na fushido yukedoke kakaru→yukidoke kakaru Yagu no ki bigara seiippori →Yagu no kibigara shippori uun tsutana ku uchijni se niba→buun tsutana ku uchijini seneba Douse ikashite kaesa nu tsumori→Douse ikitewa kaeranu tsumori(この歌の最後の節は2種類あり、この動画で歌われているのは後者の方です
New year 2020 Romaji made by me from scratch: yuki no shingun koori wo funde dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu koko wa izuku zo mina teki no kuni ma ma yo daitan ippuku yareba tanomi-sukuna ya tabako ga nihon yakanu hi-mono ni han'nie meshi ni namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa korae-kirenai samusa no takibi kemui hazu da yo nama-ki ga iburu shibui kao shite koumyou-banashi sui to yuu no wa umeboshi hitotsu ki no mi ki no mama kiraku na fushido hainou-makura ni gaitou kaburya se no nukumi de yukidoke kakaru yagu no kibigara shippori nurete musubi-kane taru roei no yume wo tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozoki-komu inochi sasagete dete kita mi yue shinuru kakugo de tokkan suredo bu'un tsutanaku uchi-jini seneba giri ni karameta juppei-mawata sorori-sorori to kubi shime-kakaru douse [ikite wa kaeranu] tsumori [ikite wa kaeranu] / [ikashite kaesanu] = [post-war] / [pre-war] version (The post-war version is used by the anime GIRLS und PANZER).
Real story, when i was in 1st year junior high, we had foreign language as a subject. Those two being Mandarin/Chinese and Nihonggo/Japanese. My homie, who also chose Nihonggo class was very excited because he watches alot of anime. Our english teacher (that teaches Nihonggo) had a japanese teacher as a partner, Megumi, we often call her Megumi-san. She left after 5 months of teaching us. Moving to 2nd year junior high, she returned with plane tickets to japan for all of nihonggo students and was sponsored by her rich relative. This happend in december, so you already know it was snowy in japan. We had a field trip from one place to another. I remember when we visited kyoto. The whole class was dead silent until my homie sang the first line of Yuki no shingun, then i sang with him. We shocked Megumi-san because she thought we dont know how to sing in japanese. Many people in kyoto also curious why two Filipino teenagers know how to sing in nihonggo. But after she composed herself from an initial shock, megumi-san was happy that we know how to sing in japanese. I'll always remember how scared i was while singing because i know yuki no shingun is a war song, but my homie told me that as long as we dont promote War and just sing peacefully and out of fun, we'll be fine. The trip only lasted for 7 weeks.
All those who like this song may be interested to listen to the original version or where it comes from. It's called "The Snowy March". I am not 100% sure but I believe it's from the Russo-Japanese war period. It was used then anyway. 《軍歌》雪の進軍("Yuki no Shingun"- Snowy march)
listening to this song always make me well up a tear. the fact that they're singing in an upbeat tune, you know, "the gap" to the lyrics make it more so. war is hell people.
Перевод: Маршем по снегу - ступаешь по льду, Так не знаешь, река это или дорога. Лошади падают, а бросать их нельзя, И куда ни глянь, везде вражья сторона. Эх, ладно, смелей! Закурим! А осталось-то две паршивых сигаретки. Едим вяленую необжаренную рыбу и недоваренный рис И не можем выносить мороза Просто потому, что мы живые, и разводим огонь, Который, естественно, дымит и чадит от сырых дров. Нахмурившись, хвалимся любовными победами И едим маринованные сливы, кислые, как cкисшая любовь. Беззаботно спим прямо в одежде, Вещмешок вместо подушки, а шинель - вместо одеяла. От тепла наших спин начинает таять снег, И постель из соломы промокает насквозь. На привалах мы беспокойно дремлем, И луна холодно глядит нам в лица. Отказавшись от своей жизни, Я бросаюсь в атаку, готовый к смерти, А если воинская удача мне изменит, и я не погибну, То долг, как шёлковый шарф, из тех, что посылают на фронт, Медленно-медленно начнёт затягиваться у меня на шее. А вообще нам не дадут вернуться живыми.
Boys und Jaeger, male only high schools on aircraft carriers. That would be a cool spinoff sequel. I don't know what the premise would be though, since GuP already took any good plot points I could think of.
What about a interschool event where tankery and aviation meet? Like the squad of the boys could be paired to protect the ooarai Academy tanks? The match is lost after both teams get defeated, just like in real war. Idk, it could possibly be set in the University period of the girls. Ooarai University, and a way higher level of tankery. Let's set up this yo. 5 years have passed since ooarai Academy won their first tournament, and during that period the girls have won many tournaments of tankery, giving the academy an incredible boost in popularity and findings, and the ooarai University is funded. However, tankery gets into a way higher level of difficulty in university, the tanks are from more advanced eras and on top of that they get to pair up with teams of boys who use aircraft to support the tanks. So a new tournament comes, and the future of the ooarai University is at stake, because if their joint teams can't prove themselves in the tournament, funding for the University will be cut, closing it and threatening everyone to scatter once again.
As I understand it the march is based on an actual event that took place during the Russo-Japanese war where a Japanese artillery unit moved howitzers through a mountain pass during a blizzard to gain the advantage over Russian troop to turn the tide of battle. The unit lost many soldiers to the elements...
Greetings from Japan. Ever since I learned this song when I was in junior high school, I always sang it when I was walking home on a snowy road... I still sing sometimes. :)
japanese lyrics 1 雪の進軍 氷を踏んで どれが河やら 道さえ知れず yuki no shingun kori wo hunde dore ga kawa yara miti sae sirezu 馬は斃れる 捨ててもおけず ここは何処ぞ 皆敵の国 uma ha taoreru sutetemo okezu koko ha izukuzo mina teki no kuni ままよ大胆 一服やれば 頼み少なや 煙草が二本 mamayo daitan ippuku yareba tanomi sukunaya tabako ga nihon 2 焼かぬ乾魚に 半煮え飯に なまじ生命の あるそのうちは yakanu himono ni hannie meshi ni namaji inoti no arusonouti ha こらえ切れない 寒さの焚火 煙いはずだよ 生木が燻る koraekirenai samusa no takibi kemuihazudayo namagi ga iburu 渋い顔して 功名噺 「すい」というのは 梅干一つ shibui kaosite komyobanashi "sui"toiu no ha umeboshi hitotu 3 着の身着のまま 気楽な臥 背嚢枕に 外套かぶりゃ kinomi kinomama kirakuna hushido hainou makura ni gaitou kaburya 背の温みで 雪解けかかる 夜具の黍殻 しっぽり濡れて sena no nukumi de yukitokekakaru yagu no kibigara sippori nurete 結びかねたる 露営の夢を 月は冷たく 顔覗き込む musubikanetaru roei no yume wo tuki ha tumetaku kaonozokikomu 4 命捧げて 出てきた身ゆえ 死ぬる覚悟で 吶喊すれど inochisasagete detekita miyue shinuru kakugo de tokkan suredo 武運拙く 討死にせねば 義理にからめた 恤兵真綿 buun tutanaku utiziniseneba giri ni karameta zyuppeimawata そろりそろりと 頚締めかかる どうせ生きては 還らぬ積り sorori sorori to kubi simekakaru douse ikite ha kaeranu tumori
It amazes me how many good marching songs GuP has that must be perfect rhythm for everyday's walking exercise to prevent hypertension. I wish my dad will like it
This is one of the reasons I love Japanese anime. You see things from a totally different point of view, and its not an affectation or someone just trying to wind you up. Growing up, all I would hear is "Patton! Montgomery! Patton! Mongomery!" then you watch Japanese anime and they're all "Rommel! Guderian! Rommel! Guderian! Hurrah!"
Man, this is my favourite song to sing while commiting war crimes.. Yes, they did that. It's against the Geneva Convention to disguise yourself as an enemy soldier, which they both did in this OVA.
@@ekamandalaputra5517 Mhm. Disguising yourself as enemy soldiers is against the Geneva convention. I don't think that means it bans spies in general and only refers to soldiers wearing enemy soldier uniforms.
@@wesleyward5901 It does technically include spies as spies are considered military personel. But you know, it's only a problem if you get caught, and as a spy your entire job is to not get caught. So if nobody knows or can prove you wore an enemy uniform they can't charge you with warcrimes.
Now to clarify a few things. The act of 'perfidy' refers specifically to taking a hostile action (firing upon an enemy soldier, commiting sabotage, etc.) while wearing an enemy uniform or civilian clothing. However, militias are not considered to be official military and thus are permitted to commit hostile actions while wearing civilian clothes as long as they have identifiable insignias, and soldiers in disguise may commit hostile actions as long as they have "sufficiently identified their true affiliation as for there to be no missidentification" (or at least that's how it was described to me). For example, a soldier can disguise themselves as the enemy for espionage, but the moment they open fire they must don correct insignias or wear their own uniform, and if a ship is sailing under false flag they must first lower that flag before engaging. This is to prevent encouraging paranoia that can lead to the harming of civilians or PoWs who lacks propper uniforms and insignias. It's the same principle as the idea that when you are captured during war you are to identify yourself or have documents that can do so sufficiently (the whole rank, number, name, and date of birth thing) so that you can be properly identified as a PoW, as PoWs have certain protections under the Geneva Convention.
Führer des Benutzers I didn't know you are a Japanese descendant, to which I apologise, however, the combination must have reminded me of Eva at the time I wrote the comment. Also - It might be an idea not to be too serious. Life isn't serious so maybe you shouldn't be either :) From my point of view - You took what I said so seriously it was harsh. Can I ask whereabouts in Japan you are descended from? I don't like to ask which person historically because some don't know. Personally, I like a good laugh with a twist on seriousness. Sometimes seriousness can be good but I often look at it as rather restrictive xD Listen to me, I'm writing a novel, haha. That was a deliberate joke there in case you or anyone didn't know :D I love Yukari...So fluffy and funny. I guess it was her hair style and eyes that gave me that impression....Nevermind :)
On the surface, the song is just a simple way to pass time whilst doing snowy reconnaissance, but on a nicely deep perspective, it's basically the perfect way for two tank and warfare nerdy fangirls to express themselves with frank openness.
Tragic that the only cartoons in the united states that get enough attention to have moments of epic glory singing are shows like American Dad or Family Guy.
The voice actresses of these two could make a whole podcast series based on discussing WWII armor and it wouldn't be boring.
+utubrGaming Mhm, or one discussing how bullets work, even that would be amazing.
Or a special episode on comparing Soviet Deep Battle and German Offensive Combined arms tactics.
+utubrGaming There actually are a series of shorts with Yukari talking about similar things. I'd love to hear Erwin's input though.
+KOBUN40 gunmetals stugs take on yukari talks tanks KV-2
Yeah, there's that too. Foo'.
Hi, welcome back, we both know this isn't your first time watching this.
Eternal Goddess Many thanks.
It actually is though
Well you got me.
Thank you.
this and the GuP version of ''When johnny comes marching home''
This is what happens when you turn Field Marshal Rommel into an anime character
+Kyaw Thu Or he has a daughter?
+william lydon Apparently the Girls und Panzer era is so advanced, it is like 2020. Only the phones didn't advance.... But who the fuck cares about phones! Today is about Panzer! Pants are for! Wait... Panzer vor!
Air Chief Marshal Commander Starscream Panzer Vor.
william lydon You didn't watch the anime, did you?
Air Chief Marshal Commander Starscream I did, it's a joke from their first match.
Rare footage of Rommel and Guderian singing
That's it!
@@Telukin SORE DA!
Nagatoro staring at me.
Me and the bois creating a new tactic and calling it Blitzkrieg:
they're singing about their inevitable death on the war so joyfully :D
@1tiercel but the music is good
Diez Walter the song is the winter war i think a japanese song
Charlie scene oh shet my bad and thanks for the reminding xD
Well the scene is set in an allegory for Operation Barbarossa
Well Yuki no shingun isn't just from this anime it was a song to boost the morale of imperial japanese soldiers during the battle of waihaiwei (and that was basically their spirt back then just to laugh at the face of death)
kids in my high school love showing their designer brands and what not, but how i want to go to school in a full german panzer commander uniform.
***** original, or repro
repro of course, i wouldnt ever want to damage an original
***** i ordered an german crusher cap used for 250 bucks, a real one. not an replica.
got crap back in highschool because my friends and I were gonna work on a ww2 themed film for a stupid little contest, and we had asked for permission for the school to bring our costume uniforms in and use a couple classrooms as "briefing rooms" for a couple scenes. Guess the few of us who were going to be playing germans, our uniforms were too good, and we all got suspended when we all come out of the bathroom in various ranking uniforms, (especially our "SS commander" ) that was rather odd to explain to my parents.
it was about 7 years ago, it was a short 20 min little thing for the film fest. The video itself was finished (and theres a version of it somewhere on the internet I'm sure of, havent honestly looked in a few years, but my friends youtube account has been banned for ages so its not showing up there) but we weren't allowed to enter it in the comp. "too offensive" they said, something about the scenes with soldiers getting shot. (same school that allowed another group to go through with their video that had an implied rape scene, but our crappily acted and edited fighting scenes were gonna traumatize everyone)
Literally some of the most basic early freddy wong kind of stuff, and good ole fashioned water flour red coloring blood spatter, and due to our lack of funding, most people are armed with airsoft M-14s with the equipment rails removed (yep, none of those in WW2, but they look quite a bit like M1 garands), 1 thompson sub, and fake homemade prop grenades. The german side literally had 1 STG44, and 1 MP40... oh and 3 AK47s, that we had made some straighter wooden magazines to go in so they looked a bit more like STG44s. And they had a hastily built (which if I do say so myself, looked very good) towed AT gun (which "shelled the woods"
The whole video itself was about a group of US forces trying to escape from a village that had been surrounded. But there was the German office/briefing room scene.
Been trying to get the nerds together over the last couple years to do a newer better short film (especially since 1 of the guys still has dreams of being a director, but can't afford to go to school) Our costumes would be vastly better, and our airsoft gear has expanded over the years so we'd at least have proper weapons. But meh, people have jobs now.
OK, now we can all sing along......
Yuki no shingun koori no funde
Dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu
Uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu
Koko wa izukuzo mina teki no kuni
Mama yo daitan ippuku yareba
Tanomisukuna ya tabako ga ni-hon
Yaka nu himo no ni han ni e meshini
Namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa
Korae kire nai samu-sa no takibi
Kebui hazudayo namaki ga iburu
Shibui kao shite koumyou banashi
Sui toyuu no wa umeboshi hitotsu
Kinomikinomama kiraku na fushido
Hainou-makura ni gaitou kaburya
Se na no nuku mi de yukidoke kakaru
Yagu no kibigara shippori nurete
Musubi kane taru roei no yume o
Tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozoki komu
Inochi sasagete dete ki ta mi yue
Shinu ru kakugo de tokkan suredo
buun tsutana ku uchijini seneba
Giri ni karame ta juppei mawata
Soro ri sororito ku bi shime kakaru
Douse ikitewa kaeranu tsumori
what about those who can't see is that every body huh?????
+must not fap
I promise I am, but the R/Ls trip me up. Ah Well, Panzer VOR!
D minus 11, "Girls und Panzer the Movie"!
Meh we can all try XD
nice job!
Now I can finally start singing -(failing to sing)- this song.
Next time it snows in the Old North, I'll be walking around singing this. I'm sure it'll be the _least_ odd thing anyone sees that day.
Erwin sure has a lot of fanboys....gotta be the hat.
In one manga she get off his hat xd and paint in black his hair
well in the manga spinoff she wears a dissolve in water german swimsuit and guess what, boys? that things dissolves
@@richie_23 Who could've thought of that?
Yeah ... My fav genera- i mean anime character
Its her hat and coat
meanwhile the russians are doing the Cossack dance around a bonfire lol
And telling the Seniors all the intel :3
And then they take Berlin
One of these things is not like the others...
Wehraweeb kawaii
Amazing how the Girls Und Panzer version has more views than the original, lol.
Cuz' the GuP version sounds better and it's anime. So... yeah.
Not surprising since the original is more than a hundred years old.
+AceTheMusicMan this version sounds like ass. The older version is way better
Darth Revan why does it sound like ass though
+Joe Briseño performed by a bunch of girls to please a bunch of neckbeard weeaboos.
When you're a weeb and a history nerd at the same time
When you are a weeb a history nerd and a fan of heavymetal you have a far worse problem my freind. . . . . ! SHIROYAMA !
*_s a m e_*
Isn’t that why all of us are here?
You just described my dad🤣🤣🤣
If there's a tankery course like gup will you join?
Steve Slayer As long as its a guys division.
Me too and of course the shells is weak tho
Gotta explain it then..
The shells are made weak enough, the tanks don't explode. The tanks inside are made with special fiber that also keep the tank from exploding. There is also a sensor that tells if the tank was dealt a killing blow, in which the white flag pops out when a killing blow is sensed.
Did you really think that they would use tanks that we're realistic? This is the 21st century, not the 20th.
MegaTNT32 what?
Steve Slayer i would if there is a guy division or unisex idk i just want to drive one and blow the other team up
Yuki no Shingun (The Snowy March) was an Imperial Japanese Army march composed in 1895 after the First Sino-Japanese War by Second Army Headquarter Orchestra member Nagai Kenshi. It contains the feelings experienced by Nagai after the Battle of Weihaiwei between the Japanese Empire forces and the Chinese Empire forces. It is somewhat considered a too depressing song by its suicidal spirit and by some of its phrases. For that, it was forbidden after the start of the Second Sino-Japanese war.
English Translation: From the Original song from the Imperial Japanese Army.
Marching in the snow, stepping on ice
We can't even tell road from river
The horses are beaten, but we can't leave them
Just what is this place? It's all enemy country
Oh well, if we breath a little bravery
I'll only ask for little: a couple ciggies
Dried fish that won't cook becomes our half-boiled meals
It's not long before we're living half-boiled days
For this cold that can't be endured, a bonfire
Surely it will smoke, chaps! The green wood smoulders
Putting on a bitter face, a skilful speech
The "sour" thing here's a pickled plum
The clothes we wear are our carefree beds
We cover under our overcoats on knapsack pillows
With the warmth of our backs, the snow thaws
Soaking wet our millet-husk bedding
In bivouacs that won't tie, there are dreams
That the moon peeks into, coldly
Because we came here offering our lives
With a death resolution, even as we charge shouting
If the fortunes of war so wish, we must die in battle
The donated padded clothes, entwined in duty
Slowly, slowly, fasten upon our necks
Anyhow, the intention wasn't to let us return alive
Underrated comment
And then, some time in the mid-20th century, was the last line of the song CHANGED to this more patriotic wording:
"Anyhow, our intention wasn't to return alive"
Just look at the last line of THIS:
New year 2020 Romaji made by me from scratch:
yuki no shingun koori wo funde
dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu
uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu
koko wa izuku zo mina teki no kuni
ma ma yo daitan ippuku yareba
tanomi-sukuna ya tabako ga nihon
yakanu hi-mono ni han'nie meshi ni
namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa
korae-kirenai samusa no takibi
kemui hazu da yo nama-ki ga iburu
shibui kao shite koumyou-banashi
sui to yuu no wa umeboshi hitotsu
ki no mi ki no mama kiraku na fushido
hainou-makura ni gaitou kaburya
se no nukumi de yukidoke kakaru
yagu no kibigara shippori nurete
musubi-kane taru roei no yume wo
tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozoki-komu
inochi sasagete dete kita mi yue
shinuru kakugo de tokkan suredo
bu'un tsutanaku uchi-jini seneba
giri ni karameta juppei-mawata
sorori-sorori to kubi shime-kakaru
douse [ikite wa kaeranu] tsumori
[ikite wa kaeranu] / [ikashite kaesanu] = [post-war] / [pre-war] version
(The post-war version is used by the anime GIRLS und PANZER).
what's crazy is in mordern day, they are allowed to use this song.
Something the commie china would not allow.
Once its banned, its forever gone.
Japan in 1800s: *Sees Japanese Soldiers dying in Snow*
Also Japan in 1800s: *We should gather their thoughts before death to make a song, that should rhyme!*
Japan in 21st century: *We should let 2 highschool girls to sing songs about soldiers dying, that'll be fun*
Absolut corret
Fun part, one of them wears a German Africa korps uniform, and is named after a real general, Erwin rommel
That’s her soul name. Her real name is *Riko Matsumoto* .
you missed the part where they spent the majority of the early 20th century teaching this song to schoolkids, then those kids grew up and sang it the song SO MUCH in ww2, as a way to vent their increasing dissatisfaction, the army banned them form singing it.
we did
History team is the best team, and Erwin is the best girl on History Team, therefore Erwin is best period.
The Reki-jo (History buff girls) are my favorite team as well, especially Erwin. She's just so awesome, her and "Guderian" here are the best duo in Ooarai's armada.
What a compliment:-)
Erwin Rommel Heh. Me and my friends are GuP fans and we all decided to pick one gal to be our one girl we'd date. Obviously I had to pick the best girl in the show :P
JoCocomo I chose the commander as well when posed with a similar question as a GuP fan. The best girl on the show with brains as well as an awesome sense of style? No contest I'd choose Erwin, she's the best, no two ways about it :). Panzer Vor!
Erwin is indeed the best. FUR DAS VATERLAND UND PANZER VOR!
Two best girls singing best song. Fantastic.
Darjeeling is my favorite
+JCfailgamer Agreed.
Ben Krause Maho > everyone else you all can fuck right off
Nonna is my favorite
Go pravda! YPA!!!
The OVA that these two had to themselves was funny and informative plus they got to interact with each other exclusively which made me smile.
I love the upbeat nature of this song even though their saying "We're freezing and starving in the snow."
I always find myself marching when i hear this song
Marching? Mate, I get an invisible tapping stick/conductor’s baton out and start waving it while marching.
I just use a heavy as a scouting tank in WoTB when this song plays
I end up freezing to death and losing a battle
...have this march on my mp3-player when winter is coming and i've to sweep snow...!
My first anime, that nostalgia
Motormoli a good one to start with
Motormoli Mine to! :D
Motormoli The first anime I found by myself and completely watched when it was still airing.
Near N yes, it's Konata Izumi
I like this version better than the original simply because it's more lively and more upbeat
The-Changeling-King which contrasts nicely with the lyrics talking about dying horribly in war
and more adorable too
Yuki no shingun kōri wo funde
Doko ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu
Uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu
Koko wa izuko zo minna teki no kuni
Mama yo daitan ippuku yareba
Tanomisukunaya tabako ga nihon
Yakanu himono ni hannie meshi ni
Namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa
Koraekirenai samusa no takibi
Kemui hazu da yo namaki ga iburu
Shibui kao shite kōmyōbanashi
"Sui" to iu no wa umeboshi hitotsu
Kinomi-kinomama kiraku na fushido
Hainō makura ni gaitō kaburya
Sena no nukumi de yukidoke kakaru
Yagu no kibigara shippori nurete
Musubi kanetaru roei no yume wo
Tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozokikomu
Inochi sasagete detekita mi yue
Shinuru kakugo de tokkan suredo
Buun tsutanaku uchiji ni seneba
Giri ni karameta juppei mawata
Sorori sorori to kubishime kakaru
Dōse ikashite kaesanu tsumori
雪の進軍 氷を踏んで
どこが河やら 道さえ知れず
馬は斃れる 捨ててもおけず
ここは何処ぞ 皆敵の国
ままよ大胆 一服やれば
頼み少なや 煙草が二本
焼かぬ乾魚に 半煮え飯に
なまじ生命の あるそのうちは
こらえ切れない 寒さの焚火
煙いはずだよ 生木が燻る
渋い顔して 功名噺
「すい」というのは 梅干一つ
着の身着のまま 気楽な臥
背嚢枕に 外套かぶりゃ
背の温みで 雪解けかかる
夜具の黍殻 しっぽり濡れて
結びかねたる 露営の夢を
月は冷たく 顔覗き込む
命捧げて 出て来た身ゆえ
死ぬる覚悟で 吶喊すれど
武運拙く 討死にせねば
義理に絡めた 恤兵真綿
そろりそろりと 頚締めかかる
どうせ生かして 還さぬ積り
kaesanu tsumori -> kaeranu tsumori
Please do English lyrics too
Tanker 10001
I got you
Marching in the snow, stepping on ice
We can't even tell road from river
The horses are beaten, but we can't leave them
Just what is this place? It's all enemy country
Oh well, if we breath a little bravery
I'll only ask for little: a couple ciggies.
Dried fish that won't cook becomes our half-boiled meals
It's not long before we're living half-boiled days
For this cold that can't be endured, a bonfire
Surely it will smoke, chaps! The green wood smoulders
Putting on a bitter face, a skilful speech:
The "sour" thing here's a pickled plum.
The clothes we wear are our carefree beds
We cover under our overcoats on knapsack pillows
With the warmth of our backs, the snow thaws,
Soaking wet our millet-husk bedding.
In bivouacs that won't tie, there are dreams
That the moon peeks into, coldly.
Because we came here offering our lives,
With a death resolution, even as we charge shouting,
If the fortunes of war so wish, we must die in battle.
The donated padded clothes, entwined in duty,
Slowly, slowly, fasten upon our necks.
Anyhow, the intention wasn't to let us return alive.
+GeckoVonRiva The _ONLY_ thing missing from this is the official English translation of the lyrics.
Your profile
This was a great anime.
I agree
Cade Williams wym was
Its still a great anime
And stills a great anime with das finale
@@western2500 One of the Best..
I love Erwin, she is just...Awesome :D
I know ;)
Erwin Rommel I happened to meet Field Marshall Rommel here. " Eyes Right !" From Japan.
Same, I might love her a little bit too much but it makes me happy do idrc
Pretty cheery melody for such depressing subject matter.
Because this is a cynical march to morale troops.
Same for Blood Riser
The lyrics are about death,
Yeah I love sad songs that have a deceptively happy tune.
I ... want ... her ...HAT !!!
+Sturmwind True, that is an awesome hat.
Why just the hat? Why not the whole Afrika Korps general uniform?
Why not all WW2 Heer Officer Uniforms?
Someone knows where we can buy it?
Eike Bjørn at eBay. Not sure if its real tho but they also have the uniform.
Yuki no singun kori wo funde
Dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu
Uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu
Koko wa izukuzo mina teki mo kuni
Mama yo daitan ippuku yareba
Tanomisukuna ya tabako ga nihon
Yaka nu himo no ni han ni e meshini
Namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa
Korae kire nai samusa no takibi
Kemure hazu da yo namaki ga iburu
Shibui kao shite koumyou banashi
Sui toyuu no wa umeboshi hitotsu
Kinomikinomama kiraku na fushido
Hainou-makura ni gaitou kaburya
Se na no nuku mi de yuki doke kakaru
Yagu no ki bigara seiippori nurete
Musubi kane taru roei no yume o
Tsuki wa tsumetaku kao no zokikomu
Inochi sasagete dete ki ta mi yue
Shinu ru kakugo de tokkan suredo
Uun tsutana ku uchijini se niba
Giri ni karame ta juppei mawata
Soro ri sororito ku bi shime kakaru
Douse ikitewa kaera nu tsumori
Lyrics thanks to Hokzwijn from AnimeForum.
Thx :**
Jack Middleton Copy and paste ftw, eh?
Ikite kaere yo...
New year 2020 Romaji made by me from scratch:
yuki no shingun koori wo funde
dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu
uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu
koko wa izuku zo mina teki no kuni
ma ma yo daitan ippuku yareba
tanomi-sukuna ya tabako ga nihon
yakanu hi-mono ni han'nie meshi ni
namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa
korae-kirenai samusa no takibi
kemui hazu da yo nama-ki ga iburu
shibui kao shite koumyou-banashi
sui to yuu no wa umeboshi hitotsu
ki no mi ki no mama kiraku na fushido
hainou-makura ni gaitou kaburya
se no nukumi de yukidoke kakaru
yagu no kibigara shippori nurete
musubi-kane taru roei no yume wo
tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozoki-komu
inochi sasagete dete kita mi yue
shinuru kakugo de tokkan suredo
bu'un tsutanaku uchi-jini seneba
giri ni karameta juppei-mawata
sorori-sorori to kubi shime-kakaru
douse [ikite wa kaeranu] tsumori
[ikite wa kaeranu] / [ikashite kaesanu] = [post-war] / [pre-war] version
(The post-war version is used by the anime GIRLS und PANZER).
I want Erwin's hat!!
Many do comrade! :D
***** i just got it today :3
Levi Jaeger Where from. Tell me your secrets. I must own it :DDDDDD
EBay comrade
Levi Jaeger Can you give me the link?
My favourite episode of the show
+Doxi99 Have you seen the OVA that's an ENTIRE episode of these two? Pure History nerd heaven!
+william lydon Link?
+ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ gogoanime.io/girls-und-panzer-specials--episode-5 This is the link the Girls und Panzer special episode 5.
INH 037 Thanks!
Doxi99 Descartes stop being such weeb and start defending existence of God again!
A full decade later and I have returned to listen to this.
Erwin the Desert Fox
hehe ya
Erwin Rommel *gasps and almost dies from a heart attack*
These two are so cute. The chemistry between the two is just perfect.
Erwin and Yukari are amazing! I love this.
Watched this 10 years back, still watching today.
Who thought a song about one's feet freezing off would be this catchy?
I just finished this anime. I'm not a huge anime fan but I really like this one. It has some good humor, you get to learn random facts about tanks, and it actually has some interesting and wholesome character development. 10/10.
Let’s all admit these would be a legendary pair,if only they were given more time together and were on the same crew.It would be so much better!
Lyrics (as I have found)
Yuki no shingun koori wo funde
Dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu
Uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu
Koko wa izuku zo mina teki no kuni
Mama yo daitan ippuku yareba
Tanomi sukunaya tabako ga nihon
Yakanu himono ni han-nie meshi ni
Namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa
Korae kirenai samusa no takibi
Kemui hazu da yo namaki ga iburu
Shibui kao shite kōmyō banashi
"Sui" to iu no wa umeboshi hitotsu
Ki nomi ki no mama kiraku na fushido
Hainō makura ni gaitō kaburya
Sena no nukumi de yuki doke kakaru
Yagu no kibigara shippori nurete
Musubi kanetaru roei no yume wo
Tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozokikomu
Inochi sasagete detekita mi yue
Shinuru kakugo de tokkan suredo
Buun tsutanaku uchiji ni seneba
Giri ni karameta jūppei mawata
Sorori sorori to kubi shime kakaru
Dōse ikashite kaesanu tsumori
Funny how everyone's kind of sad over the lyrics.
Most genuine military songs are like that, either basically "I'm going to die a horrible death" or "I'm getting laid when I go home." Occasionally some general pays some poor bastard to write a song that's more like "our nation is amazing and everyone else are filthy goblins."
I find it strange that Panzerfahren is a women only sport. Then on the other hand, there could be a male league... who knows...
To quote from the anime: "Have you ever heard of a man driving a Panzer? ridiculous!"
I always thought that the guys would have a sport more akin to the role infantry men with artillery and armored cars (no tanks) and they would have some super-advanced body armor to ensure they wouldn't get hurt. I was actually think of making a story for on it.
You see absolutely no young men in the anime, only boys (as sailors) and middle aged and odler men, also don't forget thet the schools are on Aircraft-Carriers and there are only costal cities, with the inland being the Fields for Panzerfahren, uncluding ruins of former cities.
I find it very likly that the anime is set in a post-war world, where most of the young men died in conflict and the little of humanity that remains lives in those cities and on those ships, withthe Panzer one of the few remaining Military vehicles around, besides warships. Probably the War was focussed on Inland Urban (infantry) and Aerial fighting, with the Panzer left behind, as it is vulnerable to Airstrikes and inefficient in urban warfare.
Since this conflict has likely spanned a long period of time, it is likly that it was mandatory for all people to take up military training, the women being forced into tanks, wich wre less likely to see actual battle at the end state of the conflict, leading to the assosiacion of Women with panzer.
The now abunbance of women probably enforces the rolemodel of "strong women" that can lead and rebuild society from the rabbles that remain.
As the conflict grew more distant, the former military training for all (women) eveolved from mock battle sinto a sporting event, slowly forgetting what it orgianted from.
TainakaRicchan That's one dark conspiracy for what is otherwise a pretty upbeat anime
Actually, the sailors are also girls...
Still listening to this 10 years later
Every time I go out for a walk on the trail, this plays in my head and I tirelessly keep pace with the rhythm.
Ahh, cute anime girls singing about freezing to death
Marching in the snow, stepping on ice
We can't even tell road from river
The horses are beaten, but we can't leave them
Just what is this place? It's all enemy country
Oh well, if we breathe a little bravery
I'll only ask for little: two of your cigarettes
Dried fish that won't cook becomes our half-boiled meals
It's not long before we're living half-boiled days
For this cold that can't be endured, a bonfire
Surely it will smoke, chaps! The green wood smoulders
Putting on a bitter face, a skilful speech
The "sour" thing here's a pickled plum
The clothes we wear are our carefree beds
We cover under our overcoats on knapsack pillows
With the warmth of our backs, the snow thaws
Soaking wet our millet-husk bedding
In bivouacs that won't tie, there are dreams
That the moon peeks into, coldly
Because we came here offering our lives
With a death resolution, even as we charge shouting
If the fortunes of war so wish, we must die in battle
The donated padded clothes, entwined in duty
Slowly, slowly, fasten upon our necks
Anyhow, the intention wasn't to let us return alive
Source: Wikipedia: Yuki no Shingun
soldiers coping with horrible situation through humour at its finest
These two would've deserved more screentime.
Well, there's always season 2...
It's here!
Sorry, i meant that it was already out for public, but only in Japan, i fear. Sorry there, good sir... I was somewhat exited...
Then again, i don't know what crunchyroll is, so you can try it.
There is a movie!
And there is an OVA about the italian school, watch that first, though.
Romaji Lyrics in case anybody wanted them (excuse my bad spelling):
Yuki no singun kori no fundi
Dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu
Uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu
Koko wa izukozo mina teki no kuni
Mama yo daitan ippuku yarera
Tanomisukuna ya tabako ga ni-hon
Yaka nu himo no ni han ni e meshini
Namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa
Korae kire nai samu-sa no takibi
Kemure e hazu da yo namaki ga iburu
Shibui kao shite koumyou banashi
Sui toyuu no wa umeboshi hitotsu
Kinomikinomama kiraku no fushido
Hainou-makura ni gaitou kaburya
Se na no nuku mi de yukedoke kakaru
Yagu no ki bigara seiippori nurete
Musubi kane taru roei no yume o
Tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozoki komu
Inochi sasagete dete ki ta mi yue
Shinu ru kakugo de tokkan suredo
uun tsutana ku uchijni se niba
Giri ni karame ta juppei mawata
Soro ri sororito ku bi shime kakaru
Douse ikashite kaesa nu tsumori
kori no fundi→kori o funde(koori o funde)
Koko wa izukozo→Koko wa izukuzo(古典的な読み方です)
ippuku yarera→ippuku yareba
Kemure e hazu da yo→kebui hazudayo
kiraku no fushido→kiraku na fushido
yukedoke kakaru→yukidoke kakaru
Yagu no ki bigara seiippori →Yagu no kibigara shippori
uun tsutana ku uchijni se niba→buun tsutana ku uchijini seneba
Douse ikashite kaesa nu tsumori→Douse ikitewa kaeranu tsumori(この歌の最後の節は2種類あり、この動画で歌われているのは後者の方です
しょうあああふぇえ Thanks! I'll update it ^u^
New year 2020 Romaji made by me from scratch:
yuki no shingun koori wo funde
dore ga kawa yara michi sae shirezu
uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu
koko wa izuku zo mina teki no kuni
ma ma yo daitan ippuku yareba
tanomi-sukuna ya tabako ga nihon
yakanu hi-mono ni han'nie meshi ni
namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa
korae-kirenai samusa no takibi
kemui hazu da yo nama-ki ga iburu
shibui kao shite koumyou-banashi
sui to yuu no wa umeboshi hitotsu
ki no mi ki no mama kiraku na fushido
hainou-makura ni gaitou kaburya
se no nukumi de yukidoke kakaru
yagu no kibigara shippori nurete
musubi-kane taru roei no yume wo
tsuki wa tsumetaku kao nozoki-komu
inochi sasagete dete kita mi yue
shinuru kakugo de tokkan suredo
bu'un tsutanaku uchi-jini seneba
giri ni karameta juppei-mawata
sorori-sorori to kubi shime-kakaru
douse [ikite wa kaeranu] tsumori
[ikite wa kaeranu] / [ikashite kaesanu] = [post-war] / [pre-war] version
(The post-war version is used by the anime GIRLS und PANZER).
Real story, when i was in 1st year junior high, we had foreign language as a subject.
Those two being Mandarin/Chinese and Nihonggo/Japanese.
My homie, who also chose Nihonggo class was very excited because he watches alot of anime. Our english teacher (that teaches Nihonggo) had a japanese teacher as a partner, Megumi, we often call her Megumi-san.
She left after 5 months of teaching us. Moving to 2nd year junior high, she returned with plane tickets to japan for all of nihonggo students and was sponsored by her rich relative. This happend in december, so you already know it was snowy in japan. We had a field trip from one place to another. I remember when we visited kyoto. The whole class was dead silent until my homie sang the first line of Yuki no shingun, then i sang with him. We shocked Megumi-san because she thought we dont know how to sing in japanese. Many people in kyoto also curious why two Filipino teenagers know how to sing in nihonggo. But after she composed herself from an initial shock, megumi-san was happy that we know how to sing in japanese. I'll always remember how scared i was while singing because i know yuki no shingun is a war song, but my homie told me that as long as we dont promote War and just sing peacefully and out of fun, we'll be fine. The trip only lasted for 7 weeks.
DANG the Philippines gets field trips to Japan while I'm stuck in my school
I must learn this song...having marched through the snow last year and now in this winter shoveling snow, it's highly appropriate!
All those who like this song may be interested to listen to the original version or where it comes from. It's called "The Snowy March". I am not 100% sure but I believe it's from the Russo-Japanese war period. It was used then anyway.
《軍歌》雪の進軍("Yuki no Shingun"- Snowy march)
Major Kirrahe it’s a china Japan war song
Aaand now it's copyrighted
@@ceiling_cat I posted that 5 years ago to be fair
What have we learned folks?
I've been hearing this on loop for 3 hours now I need help plea-
most cuttest march ever!!!
🗿🗽🌏 ✅
👕👖👙 ❌
Erwin Rommel Youre really enjoying this..right General?
***** The soulname "Erwin" is from the generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel ^^
Her real name is Riko Matsumoto.
There is guy who knows it right ;) I like you :D
But better call me Erwin ;)
listening to this song always make me well up a tear. the fact that they're singing in an upbeat tune, you know, "the gap" to the lyrics make it more so. war is hell people.
they have been standing there for 8 years
Маршем по снегу - ступаешь по льду,
Так не знаешь, река это или дорога.
Лошади падают, а бросать их нельзя,
И куда ни глянь, везде вражья сторона.
Эх, ладно, смелей! Закурим!
А осталось-то две паршивых сигаретки.
Едим вяленую необжаренную рыбу и недоваренный рис
И не можем выносить мороза
Просто потому, что мы живые, и разводим огонь,
Который, естественно, дымит и чадит от сырых дров.
Нахмурившись, хвалимся любовными победами
И едим маринованные сливы, кислые, как cкисшая любовь.
Беззаботно спим прямо в одежде,
Вещмешок вместо подушки, а шинель - вместо одеяла.
От тепла наших спин начинает таять снег,
И постель из соломы промокает насквозь.
На привалах мы беспокойно дремлем,
И луна холодно глядит нам в лица.
Отказавшись от своей жизни,
Я бросаюсь в атаку, готовый к смерти,
А если воинская удача мне изменит, и я не погибну,
То долг, как шёлковый шарф, из тех, что посылают на фронт,
Медленно-медленно начнёт затягиваться у меня на шее.
А вообще нам не дадут вернуться живыми.
Boys und Jaeger, male only high schools on aircraft carriers. That would be a cool spinoff sequel. I don't know what the premise would be though, since GuP already took any good plot points I could think of.
+TechTheHedgehog Boys und Jaeger? So every episode would end with them getting drunk?
Lord Acclaim Pfft. You, sir, get my applause.
+TechTheHedgehog Certainly would be supersized robots. Like the ones in Pacific Rim.
What about a interschool event where tankery and aviation meet?
Like the squad of the boys could be paired to protect the ooarai Academy tanks?
The match is lost after both teams get defeated, just like in real war.
Idk, it could possibly be set in the University period of the girls.
Ooarai University, and a way higher level of tankery.
Let's set up this yo.
5 years have passed since ooarai Academy won their first tournament, and during that period the girls have won many tournaments of tankery, giving the academy an incredible boost in popularity and findings, and the ooarai University is funded.
However, tankery gets into a way higher level of difficulty in university, the tanks are from more advanced eras and on top of that they get to pair up with teams of boys who use aircraft to support the tanks.
So a new tournament comes, and the future of the ooarai University is at stake, because if their joint teams can't prove themselves in the tournament, funding for the University will be cut, closing it and threatening everyone to scatter once again.
Razgriz Knight Perfect. Let's make this happen, people! We need artists! Voice actors! Animators! This needs to be pitched!
It was nice to see these two characters having fun together. I wish they were paired up more often.
As I understand it the march is based on an actual event that took place during the Russo-Japanese war where a Japanese artillery unit moved howitzers through a mountain pass during a blizzard to gain the advantage over Russian troop to turn the tide of battle. The unit lost many soldiers to the elements...
Yeah i think i read something like these. And thanks now i have the Movie in my head of Hanibal crosing the Alps with his Army while singing this.
The song is about sino-japanese war
2020 anyone? Im marathonning this anime for quarantine and am now in love with GuP
I love GUP..
how was das finale?
My father asked me if I wanted to join the army because of this song being played over and over again-
Greetings from Japan.
Ever since I learned this song when I was in junior high school, I always sang it when I was walking home on a snowy road...
I still sing sometimes. :)
It’s a freezing morning and a long way commute to work. I throw this on and everything feels better xD
Just watch out that you dont loose your way and you wander into Manchuria and find yourself in a New Sino Japanese war.
My fav OVA is Erwin and Yukari scouting Pravda's tanks. It's nice to hear a full version of them singing.
I've listened to this song probably 100 times in the past week, and I'll probably listen to it 100 times over the next week
Glorious. Simply glorious.
LordVader1094 How are you on every video I fucking watch, LordVader?
The epic game bros I get around, man. You do as well, it seems.
LordVader1094 Ah well. True
japanese lyrics
雪の進軍 氷を踏んで どれが河やら 道さえ知れず
yuki no shingun kori wo hunde dore ga kawa yara miti sae sirezu
馬は斃れる 捨ててもおけず ここは何処ぞ 皆敵の国
uma ha taoreru sutetemo okezu koko ha izukuzo mina teki no kuni
ままよ大胆 一服やれば 頼み少なや 煙草が二本
mamayo daitan ippuku yareba tanomi sukunaya tabako ga nihon
焼かぬ乾魚に 半煮え飯に なまじ生命の あるそのうちは
yakanu himono ni hannie meshi ni namaji inoti no arusonouti ha
こらえ切れない 寒さの焚火 煙いはずだよ 生木が燻る
koraekirenai samusa no takibi kemuihazudayo namagi ga iburu
渋い顔して 功名噺 「すい」というのは 梅干一つ
shibui kaosite komyobanashi "sui"toiu no ha umeboshi hitotu
着の身着のまま 気楽な臥 背嚢枕に 外套かぶりゃ
kinomi kinomama kirakuna hushido hainou makura ni gaitou kaburya
背の温みで 雪解けかかる 夜具の黍殻 しっぽり濡れて
sena no nukumi de yukitokekakaru yagu no kibigara sippori nurete
結びかねたる 露営の夢を 月は冷たく 顔覗き込む
musubikanetaru roei no yume wo tuki ha tumetaku kaonozokikomu
命捧げて 出てきた身ゆえ 死ぬる覚悟で 吶喊すれど
inochisasagete detekita miyue shinuru kakugo de tokkan suredo
武運拙く 討死にせねば 義理にからめた 恤兵真綿
buun tutanaku utiziniseneba giri ni karameta zyuppeimawata
そろりそろりと 頚締めかかる どうせ生きては 還らぬ積り
sorori sorori to kubi simekakaru douse ikite ha kaeranu tumori
I can't find this anywhere but here! I MUST HAVE THIS!!!
_When your Chi-to gets flanked by An IS-1 But you manage to kill it first by sheer luck_
It amazes me how many good marching songs GuP has that must be perfect rhythm for everyday's walking exercise to prevent hypertension.
I wish my dad will like it
This is one of the reasons I love Japanese anime. You see things from a totally different point of view, and its not an affectation or someone just trying to wind you up. Growing up, all I would hear is "Patton! Montgomery! Patton! Mongomery!" then you watch Japanese anime and they're all "Rommel! Guderian! Rommel! Guderian! Hurrah!"
God.. the nostalgia can't believe it has been 7 years...
When it comes to tanks, Yukari and Erwin are my spirit animals.
Man, this is my favourite song to sing while commiting war crimes.. Yes, they did that. It's against the Geneva Convention to disguise yourself as an enemy soldier, which they both did in this OVA.
Wait, disguise is illegal?
@@ekamandalaputra5517 Mhm. Disguising yourself as enemy soldiers is against the Geneva convention. I don't think that means it bans spies in general and only refers to soldiers wearing enemy soldier uniforms.
But its not an actual war so its prolly allowed considering spying is fine
@@wesleyward5901 It does technically include spies as spies are considered military personel. But you know, it's only a problem if you get caught, and as a spy your entire job is to not get caught. So if nobody knows or can prove you wore an enemy uniform they can't charge you with warcrimes.
Now to clarify a few things. The act of 'perfidy' refers specifically to taking a hostile action (firing upon an enemy soldier, commiting sabotage, etc.) while wearing an enemy uniform or civilian clothing. However, militias are not considered to be official military and thus are permitted to commit hostile actions while wearing civilian clothes as long as they have identifiable insignias, and soldiers in disguise may commit hostile actions as long as they have "sufficiently identified their true affiliation as for there to be no missidentification" (or at least that's how it was described to me).
For example, a soldier can disguise themselves as the enemy for espionage, but the moment they open fire they must don correct insignias or wear their own uniform, and if a ship is sailing under false flag they must first lower that flag before engaging. This is to prevent encouraging paranoia that can lead to the harming of civilians or PoWs who lacks propper uniforms and insignias. It's the same principle as the idea that when you are captured during war you are to identify yourself or have documents that can do so sufficiently (the whole rank, number, name, and date of birth thing) so that you can be properly identified as a PoW, as PoWs have certain protections under the Geneva Convention.
It's times like this that no matter nation we all should stand together in friendship and here Yukari & Erwin show it splendidly.
A battle song about freezing to death in the Manchurian tundras by teen girls. Seems legit.
I found my ringtone, alarm, and notifications sound.
this is my alarm pal....but still my ringtone is still katsusya...xD
Brave Japanese soldiers using outdated tactics and beliefs only to be mowed down by a machine gun ;)
Hmm western spy
sometimes in my region snows and my school is 12 kilometers far from home. next occasion my friend and me will have something to sing :3
@@carlthecoworker5596 Chinise*
if you knew the lyrics then things suddenly turn very morbid
despite the cheery tune
Dying in the snow is fun!
*analysing Yukari*
She....Reminds me of Hitler's Wife in the film "Downfall"......*sighs* I've been watching anime too much xD
+Studer Andrew Wow.
+Generalfeldmarschall Cassell
You my good General...You need +1
So I gave you one xD
Führer des Benutzers I didn't know you are a Japanese descendant, to which I apologise, however, the combination must have reminded me of Eva at the time I wrote the comment.
Also - It might be an idea not to be too serious. Life isn't serious so maybe you shouldn't be either :) From my point of view - You took what I said so seriously it was harsh.
Can I ask whereabouts in Japan you are descended from? I don't like to ask which person historically because some don't know.
Personally, I like a good laugh with a twist on seriousness. Sometimes seriousness can be good but I often look at it as rather restrictive xD
Listen to me, I'm writing a novel, haha. That was a deliberate joke there in case you or anyone didn't know :D
I love Yukari...So fluffy and funny. I guess it was her hair style and eyes that gave me that impression....Nevermind :)
Führer des Benutzers Well,perhaps pm me maybe one day...There's more out there that's not welcome....BELIEVE ME
1.ゆき の しんぐん こおり を ふんで
どれが かわやら みちさえしれず
うま は たおれる すててもおけず
ここは いずくぞ みな てきのくに
ままよ だいたん いっぷくやれば
たのみ すくなや たばこがにほん
2.やかぬ ひものに はんにえめしに
なまじ いのちの あるそのうちは
こらえきれない さむさのたきび
けむい はずだよ なまき が いぶる
しぶい かおして こうみょうばなし
すい と いうのは うめぼし ひとつ
3.きのみ きのまま きらくなふしど
はいのう まくらに がいとう かぶりゃ
せなの ぬくみで ゆけかとけかかる
やぐ の きびがら しっぽり ぬれて
むすび かねたる ろえいの ゆめを
つきは つめたく かおのぞきこむ
4.いのち ささげて でてきた みゆえ
しぬる かくごで とっかんすれど
ぶうん つたなく うちじにせねば
ぎりに からめた じゅっぺいまわた
そろり そろり と くびしめ かかる
どうせ いきては かえらぬ つもり
零迎撃 ありがとうございます
Is this song like a drug for anyone else? I can't get enough after days, it's just like instant serotonin.
@Reif wars Basiert
Fuck I want her hat
You can buy it
Its not that easy to find
Well that sucks... You can always search up German military hats WW2 because they look similar like what the girl is wearing.
I already did that but I still didn't find the one I want also they are pretty expensive
Hmm... How much?
When you're causally just hanging around your KV-2 and two senpai that you never saw before approach you:
That's fine
On the surface, the song is just a simple way to pass time whilst doing snowy reconnaissance, but on a nicely deep perspective, it's basically the perfect way for two tank and warfare nerdy fangirls to express themselves with frank openness.
This is what the world needs
Благодаря этому аниме я начал изучать историю и заниматься реконструкциями
Imagine being so happy when you about dying in the middle of winter war
they were pretty chill about it
that moment when you go whit your history loving friend to a other fiiend in the snow but you also love anime
When you like both watching anime and playing HOI4
I shall finish my essay while listening to this fine piece of a song.
Tragic that the only cartoons in the united states that get enough attention to have moments of epic glory singing are shows like American Dad or Family Guy.
Nothing wrong with that
@@brandonkyc1472 no those shows are extremely degenerate.
Something about this song......I cannot stop listening!
Necrovamp101 i think its the voices lol :D
Die Mucke könnte ich mir noch Stundenlang geben!^^
7 years ago, damn I feel old
My favorite song, i sing it all the time
Everytime i'm cold, i think of them and inmediatly feel better
only recording of the Russo-Japanese war of the 1910s colorized
Yukari(Heinz Guderian) & Erwin(Erwin Rommel) Blitzkrieging in the Ardennes in to France be like:
I whistle this tune where ever I go.
You're not ze only one, I also do this.