Dokumentarju - Art Għatxana - L-ewwel parti

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2024
  • Art Għatxana - dokumentarju li jesplora l-kunċett ta' desertifikazzjoni u jekk Malta hix qed timxi f'din id-direzzjoni. X'inhu l-impatt ta' din il-kundizzjoni - waħda minn bosta - riżultat tat-tibdil fil-klima, fuq gżiritna?
    Bl-għajnuna ta' diversi esperti fil-qasam tagħhom, il-ġurnalista Antonia Micallef tistħarreġ fid-dettal l-istatistika dwar kemm tinżel xita u kif tinżel. Fil-perjodu qasir tal-istaġun tax-xita, l-art tassorbi biżżejjed biex iservi għall-istaġun itwal tas-sajf?
    Kif tkampa l-biedja u x'qed jiġri bl-ilma tal-pjan? Il-pajjiż Kif il-pajjiż qed jissodisfa d-domanda għall-ilma?

ความคิดเห็น • 1

  • @antoniamicallef633
    @antoniamicallef633 ปีที่แล้ว

    Art Għatxana - a documentary that explores the concept of desertification and whether Malta is moving in this direction. What is the impact of this condition - one of many - as a result of climate change, on our island?
    With the help of various experts in their field, journalist Antonia Micallef examines in detail the statistics on how much rain falls and how it falls.
    In the short period of the rainy season, does the soil absorb enough to serve the longer summer season?
    How do farmers cope and what is happening with groundwater? How is the country meeting the demand for water?