Just wanted to let you know because a comment from Elijah actually got me thinking! You can look at the wayback machine like this link here web.archive.org/web/20111017175549/worldoflogs.com/zones/Blackwing_Descent/Magmaw/10N/ and go to dps ranking etc but its incredibly hard to really take any useful information from it because you would need to be looking at it when the patch state was 4.3.4 at which point everyone is raiding in near BIS gear. But its something else to look at if you want
Yea i have tried in the past, i use the way back machine all the time for elitist jerks but i dont remember having much luck with world of logs, i will try again though
Just to follow up, here is a link to world of logs, i actually remember what the problem was now web.archive.org/web/20111017175549/worldoflogs.com/zones/Blackwing_Descent/Magmaw/10N/ Whenever i tried to open an actual log to look at individual damage it wouldn't work. I'll see if i can find a work around.
I hope we see gamma stuff again in dungeons. As someone who doesn’t have a lot of time to raid constantly, it’s so nice to fill in missing slots through dungeons.
Warrior was consistently good, but rarely the top DPS on fights - because it changed fight to fight a lot of the time. Warriors had a high consistency and rarely did poorly. Mages were a slow burner, becoming good later on and gradually reaching the top spots. No class was truly 'bad', but some just shone more then others on certain fights.
Once you hit Dragon soul Sub rogue is the highest Single target dps class in the game. Both combat and Sub rogue are S tier for Dragon soul - Also their abilities to destroy the sappers on lootship battle, Avoid Ultraxion Mechanic completely. Also avoid damage and mechanics on Spine of Deathwing. Soaks on the ball on 2rd or 3rd boss with feint and cloak. Sub rogue single target burst on Hagara adds and again abilities like sprint and cloak to completely avoid mechanics in intermission phases. Rogues are basically god tier in Dragon soul with Legendary daggers.
did some BoT on an illegal server as enh, and i was just below the mage on halfus, you can reach some pretty nutty numbers with the new fire nova mechanic
Never played past Wrath and that was with me starting from Classic WOW. Is there a vendor for 320 flying speed in Cata? Had someone say there was in a random WOW video and wanted to know if you could confirm it, and if so, where is it located and the price? LOVE your content, Brother! Been watching since I started in Classic!
Aren't all these logs influenced by a) 4.3 patch class changes and b) legendary staff for casters, how's the info on those logs going to be even remotely useful for cata release?
Why are you considering a private server? I played on this exact server 2 months ago for "research purposes" before Cata classic, I killed all hc bosses and I can say that the classes on this server work disgustingly. There is no point in looking at these stats.
Just to point out, those Whitemane logs are absolute horsecrap. The Max, Median thing is completely wrong and doesn't update correctly so they're not a good example of who does what, at all.
Errrr well they do for me so i dont know what you are looking at tbh? Got any examples? I looked at my own raid in firelands and compared it to details in game and it was literally within 10 dps for every one of us in the raid?
@@Scottejaye individual logs are accurate on Whitemane but the overview page is completely off. So if you wanted a good idea of how all classes do on each encounter, the overview page gives you literally nothing. For example it claims the maximum DPS on Domo 10 -man heroic for a Shaman is 40k across all specs yet I've personally got logs of 50k dps as enhancement in phase 4 so by now it's probably more like 60k+ as Ele. So a good 1/3 of the damage isn't represented here.
I'm really sad about enhancement falling off in Cataclysm. It's my main, I always play enhance, but it seems that everyone is switching to elemental and enhancement shamans won't even be able to get a raid spot.
@@WesLUCHIANO Everyone will be going elemental because of the legendary. The damage ceiling for Ele is just much higher by the end of the expansion, they're also significantly stronger in Bastion of Twilight. Like, 4-5k more damage stronger. Unless they do some changes, I don't see enhancements being taken in many raids. If you're lucky enough to be allowed in a raid, you're still griefing it.
@@xorphz this is the problem with the game lol. Just because another spec can perform better doesn’t mean the other is shit. Enhance is still decent. You only griefing if you raiding as a frost mage
@@WesLUCHIANO I know it's the problem with the game, I've been raiding every week for the last 3 years straight, I've seen this decline into meta bullshittery and WCL circlejerking. If there is a clearly superior DPS spec and buffs aren't an issue (Marks and Frost DK bring enhance buffs and are better DPSers) you will not be brought to raids. Being a C tier DPS isn't enough to get you a raid spot. 1 Ele and 1 resto will be taken in 25 mans. If you're lucky as enhance, you might be able to get a spot there, but for 10 mans no one is taking an enhance shaman.
well i have compared spell coefficients like for like on my own completely different ran core pserver which i host locally for my own use and its literally identical to 4.3.4 values, so not really sure what scripting your not happy with tbh
this site gives the worst information i have ever seen. its beyond useless. but i appreciate the attempt, and dont want to discourage you from making more content like this. so keep at it
Those logs are from private server WHITEMANE currently runnin a fast progression server full cata exp in 3 months,incresed exp and all rates are x5 DONT WASTE YOUR TIME ON A X1 CLASSIC SERVER WIT GDKPS+BOTS
thanks for the valuable insight we appreciate you taking the time to come to this video to let us know this is 100% fact with your very logical statement.
Just wanted to let you know because a comment from Elijah actually got me thinking! You can look at the wayback machine like this link here web.archive.org/web/20111017175549/worldoflogs.com/zones/Blackwing_Descent/Magmaw/10N/ and go to dps ranking etc but its incredibly hard to really take any useful information from it because you would need to be looking at it when the patch state was 4.3.4 at which point everyone is raiding in near BIS gear. But its something else to look at if you want
Can we keep getting daily Cata videos please 🤩
I will do my very best
For real man, I watch most of your content and these videos just make me hype Cata more and more!@@Scottejaye
This, sod took over for a while there lol
@@elite1234564 Sod was cancer I just wanna forget all about it. Don’t wanna hear that word anymore
@@albeshino8875 yah my guild and some friends switched to it til cata but its just something nobody asked for.
This video wasnt nearly long enough. Please i need like hour long videos to satiate my thirst for cata!!!!
World of logs was used for wotlk and cata but the site was taken down. Think you can use the way back machine probably.
Yea i have tried in the past, i use the way back machine all the time for elitist jerks but i dont remember having much luck with world of logs, i will try again though
Just to follow up, here is a link to world of logs, i actually remember what the problem was now web.archive.org/web/20111017175549/worldoflogs.com/zones/Blackwing_Descent/Magmaw/10N/
Whenever i tried to open an actual log to look at individual damage it wouldn't work. I'll see if i can find a work around.
@@Scottejayelol just saw u replied while I tuned into ur stream lol
quality of the videos are top notch mate, roll on Cata!
"Every healer in Cata is doing some kind of damage"
And that is why I stopped healing altogether.
I hope we see gamma stuff again in dungeons. As someone who doesn’t have a lot of time to raid constantly, it’s so nice to fill in missing slots through dungeons.
There’s no doubt that we’ll get all the titan rune dungeons again. Probably the best and most well received change Blizzard made to WOTLK
Warrior was consistently good, but rarely the top DPS on fights - because it changed fight to fight a lot of the time. Warriors had a high consistency and rarely did poorly. Mages were a slow burner, becoming good later on and gradually reaching the top spots. No class was truly 'bad', but some just shone more then others on certain fights.
Is there old worldoflogs data out there somewhere?
Aye i put a link in the pinned comment mate
Just can’t wait to get my Gurthalak on UH DK and re-gem pure mastery for huge tentacle damage
Once you hit Dragon soul Sub rogue is the highest Single target dps class in the game. Both combat and Sub rogue are S tier for Dragon soul - Also their abilities to destroy the sappers on lootship battle, Avoid Ultraxion Mechanic completely. Also avoid damage and mechanics on Spine of Deathwing.
Soaks on the ball on 2rd or 3rd boss with feint and cloak.
Sub rogue single target burst on Hagara adds and again abilities like sprint and cloak to completely avoid mechanics in intermission phases.
Rogues are basically god tier in Dragon soul with Legendary daggers.
when will the rest of the class changes videos be posted?
currently editing the warrior one mate, they are taking quite a while :
@@Scottejaye take your time scotty! love your content
did some BoT on an illegal server as enh, and i was just below the mage on halfus, you can reach some pretty nutty numbers with the new fire nova mechanic
Never played past Wrath and that was with me starting from Classic WOW. Is there a vendor for 320 flying speed in Cata? Had someone say there was in a random WOW video and wanted to know if you could confirm it, and if so, where is it located and the price? LOVE your content, Brother! Been watching since I started in Classic!
Yes there is a flying trainer in orgrimmar he sells the 310% for 5000 gold if I recall correctly
@@Thrall966 Thank you!
@@astupidmonkeyygaming544 you are most welcome !
So warrior is the best. Let’s gooo
Uncertain I'll have time to sub and enjoy cata later this year, but can't help but click a scottejaye cata vid!
Please use your inner circle contacts to find out if blizzard plan to merge wrath realms in the pre patch!
But we need tier lists and tier list tier lists
you can't take my word for it because im a random but i played years on cata private servers mage was my top usually
Aren't all these logs influenced by a) 4.3 patch class changes and b) legendary staff for casters, how's the info on those logs going to be even remotely useful for cata release?
What’s a good na server to roll on boys
Why are you considering a private server? I played on this exact server 2 months ago for "research purposes" before Cata classic, I killed all hc bosses and I can say that the classes on this server work disgustingly. There is no point in looking at these stats.
Yo scottejaye do you like fishsticks?
This video would probably better be titled “how to look at dps numbers for yourself in a slightly more informed way”
For me min maxing and analizing so many details in 15y old game takes away All the fun
Then dont do it
analizing? lol
You don't have to analize anything. You can just play the game, imagine that.
Just to point out, those Whitemane logs are absolute horsecrap.
The Max, Median thing is completely wrong and doesn't update correctly so they're not a good example of who does what, at all.
Errrr well they do for me so i dont know what you are looking at tbh? Got any examples? I looked at my own raid in firelands and compared it to details in game and it was literally within 10 dps for every one of us in the raid?
@@Scottejaye individual logs are accurate on Whitemane but the overview page is completely off. So if you wanted a good idea of how all classes do on each encounter, the overview page gives you literally nothing.
For example it claims the maximum DPS on Domo 10 -man heroic for a Shaman is 40k across all specs yet I've personally got logs of 50k dps as enhancement in phase 4 so by now it's probably more like 60k+ as Ele. So a good 1/3 of the damage isn't represented here.
I'm really sad about enhancement falling off in Cataclysm. It's my main, I always play enhance, but it seems that everyone is switching to elemental and enhancement shamans won't even be able to get a raid spot.
Ele is definitely better in cata but im enhance too. Enhance isn’t bad. Just play what you want to play.
@@WesLUCHIANO Everyone will be going elemental because of the legendary. The damage ceiling for Ele is just much higher by the end of the expansion, they're also significantly stronger in Bastion of Twilight. Like, 4-5k more damage stronger. Unless they do some changes, I don't see enhancements being taken in many raids. If you're lucky enough to be allowed in a raid, you're still griefing it.
@@xorphz this is the problem with the game lol. Just because another spec can perform better doesn’t mean the other is shit. Enhance is still decent. You only griefing if you raiding as a frost mage
@@WesLUCHIANO I know it's the problem with the game, I've been raiding every week for the last 3 years straight, I've seen this decline into meta bullshittery and WCL circlejerking. If there is a clearly superior DPS spec and buffs aren't an issue (Marks and Frost DK bring enhance buffs and are better DPSers) you will not be brought to raids. Being a C tier DPS isn't enough to get you a raid spot. 1 Ele and 1 resto will be taken in 25 mans. If you're lucky as enhance, you might be able to get a spot there, but for 10 mans no one is taking an enhance shaman.
"switching", pfff. I've been Ele since the start of wrath mang. I'm owed!
Sorry, but this server wasn't good at scripting especially on its start.
well i have compared spell coefficients like for like on my own completely different ran core pserver which i host locally for my own use and its literally identical to 4.3.4 values, so not really sure what scripting your not happy with tbh
Scott, great videos man. I'm so burned out with Wrath. I did dragonflight. It's not all bad. I quit at the gay centaur
this site gives the worst information i have ever seen. its beyond useless. but i appreciate the attempt, and dont want to discourage you from making more content like this. so keep at it
Those logs are from private server WHITEMANE currently runnin a fast progression server full cata exp in 3 months,incresed exp and all rates are x5 DONT WASTE YOUR TIME ON A X1 CLASSIC SERVER WIT GDKPS+BOTS
Cata was dogshit
thanks for the valuable insight we appreciate you taking the time to come to this video to let us know this is 100% fact with your very logical statement.
I like cata and mop the most 🤞🏻
must.parse.cata.content..... XD