I have known ASRAT HAILE over 40 years as fearless player and couch especially for my beloved ST GORGE, I am very happy to see one of my favorite player & his family he was very very calm quite happy human being, as player he was a wonderful defensive player and team leader ( he was a Berlin Wall) as coach Refuses to accept any standard short of perfectionist I think that’s why he was frustrated because he didn’t get what he wanted from his players ( very hard to get your expectations today) I am so happy to see you Asrat and I am looking forward to seeing you soon
Your grate Ethiopian!! Am sorry to say …I think or my advice is to prepare football manual or book or couch manual that can be used for all Ethiopian elementary school.then your knowledge will be transferred to next generation. The manual book can help or crate new players for Ethiopia as you know football can crate income or wealth for country if there is real and gifted (talented) player then you will be remembered for ever. Thank you for reading my comment and discuss it with your family!!!
በጣም ደስ የምትሉ ቤተሰብ ናችሁ ከናተ ብዙ ተምሪያለሁ ፈጣሪ እድሜና ጤና ይስጣችሁ
አስራት ሃይሌን ሳውቀው ከ30 አመት በላይ ነው ሰፈሬም አብነት አካባቢ ነው ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስን ከተበተነበት አሰባስቦ ከታች አምጥቶ ለበርካታ ግዜ የአዲስ አበባ ሻምፒዮን የኢትዮጵያ ሻምፒዮን በማድረግ ታሪክ የማይረሳው ውለታ ለክለባችን ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ እንዲሁም ለሃገራችን ለኢትዮጵያ ከውጭ ለመጀመሪያ ግዜ የምስራቅ አፍሪካን ዋንጫ በማምጣት ትልቅ ታሪክ ሰርተሃልና ክብር ይገባሃል እኛ ሀገር የሞተለሽ ቀርቶ የገደለሽ በላ የተለመደ ቢሆንም የሰራኽው ስራ በወርቅ ቀለም ተመዝግቦ ይኖራል ስላየሁ ደስ ብሎኛል ከመላ ቤተሰብ ጋር ረጅም እድሜና ጤና እመኝልሃለሁ ከጥንት ጀምሮ አድናቂህ ተገኝ መኩሪያ ከአምስተርዳም
ጋሽ አስራት በጣም የምንወድህና የምናከብርህ ምርጥ ኢትዮጵያዊ ነህ ለኢትዬዽያ እግር ኳስም ዋጋ የከፈልክ ሰው ነህ መላው ቤተሰብህን እግዚአብሔርይባርክልህ እረጅም እድሜና ጤና ለመላው ቤተሰቦችህ ተመኘሁ 🙏🏼🙏🏼😍😍🇲🇱🇲🇱
የሚያኮራ ቤተሰብ ነው ጋሽ አሰራትዬ ጀግና ነህ ክብር ይገባኻል አከብርኻለሁ እድሜ ከጤና ተመኘሁ
I have known ASRAT HAILE over 40 years as fearless player and couch especially for my beloved ST GORGE, I am very happy to see one of my favorite player & his family he was very very calm quite happy human being, as player he was a wonderful defensive player and team leader ( he was a Berlin Wall) as coach Refuses to accept any standard short of perfectionist I think that’s why he was frustrated because he didn’t get what he wanted from his players ( very hard to get your expectations today) I am so happy to see you Asrat and I am looking forward to seeing you soon
Wow, Asafe Kifle and Asrat Haile, God bless
Gerat Famliy he is one the best coach i know him since long time he do very weil i get resepict a lot .
Beteseboch siwadedu endet des yilal tebareku zemenachihu yibarek ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Your grate Ethiopian!! Am sorry to say …I think or my advice is to prepare football manual or book or couch manual that can be used for all Ethiopian elementary school.then your knowledge will be transferred to next generation. The manual book can help or crate new players for Ethiopia as you know football can crate income or wealth for country if there is real and gifted (talented) player then you will be remembered for ever. Thank you for reading my comment and discuss it with your family!!!
ሰዎችዬ ግልጽነት ከድሬዎች ተማሩ♥♥♥
Yalitezemerelet chewa jegna❤
Is this the legendary ASRAT GORADEW of st. George? Where can I find part one?
አስራት ማለት ጎራዴው የተባለው ነው?
ዩቱብ ጀማሪ ነኝ የእናንተን እገዛ እሻለው ወገኖቼ ሰብስክራይብ አርጉኝ ያለ እናንተ ማን አለኝ ፈጣሪ ይጠብቃችሁ ድንግል ትከተላችሁ መላዕክታት ፃድቃን ሰማዕታት ይደግፏችሁ