It is a movie that Macaulay Culkin starred in but it isn’t Home Alone. It is called the good son and is about a young pre teenager named Mark who after the death of his mother and after his father left on a bissnuess trip was sent to live with his aunt and uncle. He then interacts with their son Henry who is his cousin and while they innitally get along with each other it is then revealed that Henry is a violent evil psychopath who killed his younger brother. Macaulay Culkin played Henry in the movie which is why he looks like the home alone kid.
The messed up thing is that it is also possible that fegeleins son is his son with his wife gretel who like in real life was Eva Brauns sister and if Eva Braun is married to Hitler like in real life then that would make Hitler the boys uncle meaning that Hitler tried to kill his own nephew.
Fegelein must be very proud of his son.
Looks like Little Fegel inherited something from his father Fegelein. That of course is Fegeleins immortality.
It's The Home Alone Kid!
Brandon Callaway Why of course it’s our dear Culkin, playing antics on poor Dolfy!
Home alone but if it was scary.
It is a movie that Macaulay Culkin starred in but it isn’t Home Alone. It is called the good son and is about a young pre teenager named Mark who after the death of his mother and after his father left on a bissnuess trip was sent to live with his aunt and uncle. He then interacts with their son Henry who is his cousin and while they innitally get along with each other it is then revealed that Henry is a violent evil psychopath who killed his younger brother. Macaulay Culkin played Henry in the movie which is why he looks like the home alone kid.
This is WAY better than "The Good Son"!!!!
The messed up thing is that it is also possible that fegeleins son is his son with his wife gretel who like in real life was Eva Brauns sister and if Eva Braun is married to Hitler like in real life then that would make Hitler the boys uncle meaning that Hitler tried to kill his own nephew.
It should be my son
Hermann Fegelein so you admit it, that’s your kid, right there?
@@Raidmasterprod ya
can you do a part 2@@Raidmasterprod
Best parody