When you invest time and money to develop a new variety, that constitutes a trade secret. It is protected under law - domestic and international law - to ensure that entrepreneurs can draw the benefit from their development efforts.
If someone spends the time and money to develop a new variety of any type of plant, their rights are protected by Plant Variety rights, akin to a patent. China evidently does not recognise such rights, but that doesn't make it right to steal or copy the product.
The world must make sure Chinese 🇨🇳 Xi Jinping *won't get away* for starting the Wuhan pandemic.
This is the Last Chance that the world make sure you are staying in your toilet to flush shitting Fort Detrick pandémie 😂😮😮😮😊
Banana Republic
Bolo republic of Taiwan 😮
I love Taiwan from USA
What's the big deal? Pineapples??? They are grown all over Asia and Latin America, no one has a monopoly on any variety.
go 😗 an 🥚
When you invest time and money to develop a new variety, that constitutes a trade secret. It is protected under law - domestic and international law - to ensure that entrepreneurs can draw the benefit from their development efforts.
If someone spends the time and money to develop a new variety of any type of plant, their rights are protected by Plant Variety rights, akin to a patent. China evidently does not recognise such rights, but that doesn't make it right to steal or copy the product.