This comedy competition is a magnificent event! I am enthusiastic to attend it through your videos. Thank you so much! It`s really very enjoyable to me and it reveals so much about Salonean mentality and humor. Mutual understanding often follows the way of humor and it might be considered as a tool to approach to people`s daily life. It`s wonderful you chose this cultural event as a topic for your videos. 😊
This comedy competition is a magnificent event! I am enthusiastic to attend it through your videos. Thank you so much! It`s really very enjoyable to me and it reveals so much about Salonean mentality and humor. Mutual understanding often follows the way of humor and it might be considered as a tool to approach to people`s daily life. It`s wonderful you chose this cultural event as a topic for your videos. 😊
Fantastic performance 🎉🎉😂
Keneme we move
Rezo blade
Nice one razor blade
I love this performance
Rezo br
You talk more than the video