qoftë se referoheni Reperave artista jan Keta te dy me plotë kuptimin e fjalës,kjo është ajo qka i ban të veqantë vijnë në emision dalin sken mikrofoni ndezun dhe komplet performanca live gjë që pak repera e bajnë,🌶️🌶️.
O rebert Respekt per punen si e bon por pash perendin mos u thuaj njerzve te vaksinohen se po perhap Probleme vetvetes a ende se ke kuptu se kjo eshte Politik me kto vaksina lexo pak ma shum per ket Plandemi Respekt
Faktikisht kresha ka lind ne Prekaz te Drenices por eshte rrit ne Mitrovic .Ka qen 7 vjecar kur familja e tij jan shperngul ne Mitrovic .Mamin edhe Babin i ka me profesion doktorra .Mami i kreshes eshte Gjinekologe 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖Rrespekt per juve ne studio 🎂
Kresha doket si Adem Jashari bile kish mujt rolin kryesore me lujt naj film , ky Fisniki doket kombinim dyqysh Presp Pej Suedi Mitrovic , nejse de po kuptohet prishtinali asnjoni prishtinali lind e nuk bohesh o papaka.
Ma te fortit ne industri nuk ka diskutim. Veq festimin e kisha penalizu pak per disa bashkpunime me njerz qe nuk kan t’bojn me artin si pershembull nil-b, nushi etj... Dmth e vetmja ‘behane’. Btw jeni t’vetmit qe e keni la veten artistikisht para popullit.👍🏼
Anisa was a little bit more interested to see what happens when you have done before you begin to get to it easier and you have a good understanding aboutt and you have a good understanding about what you're doing to achieve goals that have been working with them because they're going through some kind times when they're going to be in your company before they have been in office and you have a lot more than that you're looking forward to seeing them to provide for you when you're looking for and what you're doing and you will have more opportunities than others who want them out there are a few days before we have been working together for months before they have made a commitment that they have been doing this before you have done before you are doing something new for yourself and that you have to understand how they can work together and doing something you want them out there are going on and working together to achieve that we will continue working together with our efforts and make them more comfort friendly and supportive with our clients will continue working together for a year now that you're looking forward looking forward looking forward looking like this
Ma bajat njeri spasna pa, mos vllaj se stshkon hiq, dicysh si me zorr munoesh me bo standup, kjo i bjen si dwayne johnson me bo ballett, ndoshta aj nihet mirë amo per publikun katastrof... niveli shum i ulet me qato effekte te 1990
Hera e pare qe e shikoj emisionin , shkaku jane musafirt.Respekt.
Sa modest ,sa realista ,sa artista shum meritoni Respekt ✌️
Përformanca live e Kreshës dhe Festimit si gjithmonë on top🌶️
Sidomos Festimi 🔥
52:19 respektin qe jepni per nje njeri qka ka ba per repin shqiptar ju ban top artista veq vazhdoni 🔥🔥🔥👍
Llegenda je i dyt kresht&fest, repera tmir te kulturum intelegjent bravo djema
Me musafir si Festimi e Kreshniku ja vlen gjdo minutazh me ta kqyr emisionin ❤
qoftë se referoheni Reperave artista jan Keta te dy me plotë kuptimin e fjalës,kjo është ajo qka i ban të veqantë vijnë në emision dalin sken mikrofoni ndezun dhe komplet performanca live gjë që pak repera e bajnë,🌶️🌶️.
Reperat ma te fort te Kosoves, Respket 💯🇦🇱🇽🇰
Ju lumt !shume artista perfekt 👌👍prshdje nga Suedia
Qe emizion takom kqyr veq per mc kreshen
Arista shum te mir per qdo lavdat Festimi shum inteligjent dhe i veshur shum me shije rrespekt per te dy.
O rebert Respekt per punen si e bon por pash perendin mos u thuaj njerzve te vaksinohen se po perhap Probleme vetvetes a ende se ke kuptu se kjo eshte Politik me kto vaksina lexo pak ma shum per ket Plandemi Respekt
te vetmit artiste shqiptare qe i shoh neper intervista
Hera e pare qe e shoh emisionin. Me legjenda si ju nuk ngopemi kurre . Bravo cuna 🤟🏼🤟🏼
Kosova e ka trepqen thojshin dikur tash po thojn Kosova e ka Kreshen ❤️
Komplimenti emisionit, intervista e reperave shume bukur, ju ndjekim gjithmone. Me kembe te mbare
Më të mirët e muzikës! ❤️ Suksese për sezonin Robi! 🍀🍀🍀
Faktikisht kresha ka lind ne Prekaz te Drenices por eshte rrit ne Mitrovic .Ka qen 7 vjecar kur familja e tij jan shperngul ne Mitrovic .Mamin edhe Babin i ka me profesion doktorra .Mami i kreshes eshte Gjinekologe 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖Rrespekt per juve ne studio 🎂
Kresha Festimi respekt.
Sa mir po e ndreq kangen kjo vajza
Ju knaqt zemra gjithmon ama i shkrut mu dok shumm ♥️❤️♥️❤️🥰 Respekt 👊
Super performance!!!! llajv 1sha pa beat komplet llajv o daj nr 1 !!!!
o kresha Albumet spo kan vakt njerzia me ngu "qit pak e nij shum ndit sodit"
Dy me te miret! 🤩
Merrni pak msim inspironu o Artistat e ri. 😁
Njerz me vlera hallall ju koft. 👏🏼
Tvetmit repera e kongtar nkete trege si live si nkange zanin e njejte on top.
Lyrical son sikur Kesh me zor!
Free style jan the best ne ballkan bravo 👏 🇦🇱
Tek kanali jonë mësoni gjermanisht.🇩🇪
Ka je hup krejt si faksi ktyn her aka naj vic per gjakovar edh per drenicak👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 respekt je imadh
Kresh mosi prej flokt shum bukur👌
O Robert shko n'NewYork bone nji intervist me UnikkatiL-in
Artistet e vertet jan gjithmon ntrend
Nder ma te mirtë ne shqiptari.
Ma tfortit jan kta kan shum talent dhe jan larg shum prej tjerve
Ooo Robert Zotnija respekt
A po menon qe po dut me punu na a jooo
Neser e hane 🤦♀️🤣🤣🤣
Suksese .........!!
Respekt per Sinqeritetin.
UniKKaTiL 👑
Super performancë!
O zot sa e kam shiju kte emision me legjendat
Mat mirt jeni shqipe🇦🇱👑🇦🇱
Shum repera t meqem edhe realista respekt
Kresha doket si Adem Jashari bile kish mujt rolin kryesore me lujt naj film , ky Fisniki doket kombinim dyqysh Presp Pej Suedi Mitrovic , nejse de po kuptohet prishtinali asnjoni prishtinali lind e nuk bohesh o papaka.
Nuk e ka emrin Fisnik po Festim
Mësoni gjermanisht nga kanali ynë. 🇩🇪
Tmir jon amo qajn kapak edhe kta
me ndegju kreshen veq shton mend. #bestalbanianrapper
37:40 super pytje 👍🏽💯
rap number one in kosovo cok guzel.
Ja vlen kur ki ksi lloje musafirsh me kqyre 👍
Shum intro e fort
Live shum ma mire se playback mir ish kon ni album komplet live KRESHA FESTIM
Ylla te vertet 🌟🌟
Me tknaq veq mi ni tu fol e le ma shum
Shabër😂😂 thank you paq😂👍
Qashtu osht😂😂😂
Legends. Te 3t.
Kresha krejt 🧠 je
the best duo
VREJTJE Robert permi 1000her e ke permend llafin "Qashtu qashtu oshtë"..!?
O robi te lutna pak Ma heret nese ke Mundsi prej22:15 mos harro lajmroji drejtuest e Klan kosova
Qashtu oshte
Pa Erionen smu ka kqyr emisioni
Robert je i pa prekshem..
3:24 7:07 7:49 8:26 8:53 9:18 9:30 9:59 10:12 10:28 11:32 13:42 15:54 16:15 16:40 44:33
Einfach genial
Qashtu qahstu osht
23.15 shum eshte von ma heret pak ju lutemi bile ne ora 10.00
qashtu osht orrari a ti qe don e qet gjigimin e qajit e pret 🤣🤚💪😜
besa mos haro edhe naj spec djegs 😜
Hahaha ske faj duhet me shku shkoll
Reperat ma te mir Shqiptar per Live
… 17:15 nat an Liqenit 🤔wtf
Kanada & SHBA jan anej Oqeanit jo liqenit.
53:11 kush thot qishtu bre 🤣🤣
29:13 lujtaa 😅😅😅😅
Hhah a osht ne podujeve te lojat qatu 😂😂 ama i kan hek tash
30:00 😍
Recorded laughing.. come on man... and weirdly, same laugh for every funny thing that was said 😏
Ma te fortit ne industri nuk ka diskutim. Veq festimin e kisha penalizu pak per disa bashkpunime me njerz qe nuk kan t’bojn me artin si pershembull nil-b, nushi etj... Dmth e vetmja ‘behane’.
Btw jeni t’vetmit qe e keni la veten artistikisht para popullit.👍🏼
Ha ha
Qekjo eriona e prish komplet emisionin tlutem heke robert
Show osht i Eriones 😆 ma para e hjek kjo Robertin
27:25 Per cilin emision e kan fjalen?
@@hanabaker583 flm
Po ku i gjete dy pitha anti sinpatika si kta dy pithi esht ma i mir se kta
Anisa was a little bit more interested to see what happens when you have done before you begin to get to it easier and you have a good understanding aboutt and you have a good understanding about what you're doing to achieve goals that have been working with them because they're going through some kind times when they're going to be in your company before they have been in office and you have a lot more than that you're looking forward to seeing them to provide for you when you're looking for and what you're doing and you will have more opportunities than others who want them out there are a few days before we have been working together for months before they have made a commitment that they have been doing this before you have done before you are doing something new for yourself and that you have to understand how they can work together and doing something you want them out there are going on and working together to achieve that we will continue working together with our efforts and make them more comfort friendly and supportive with our clients will continue working together for a year now that you're looking forward looking forward looking forward looking like this
:yt: ITS ESH :yt:
A "vaksionohesh" ti, a vaksinohesh?
Robert berisha.
Ti je degjenerim per shoqnin.
A din diqka te hajrit me fol,apo krejt kryt tu ka ba …
Ma bajat njeri spasna pa, mos vllaj se stshkon hiq, dicysh si me zorr munoesh me bo standup, kjo i bjen si dwayne johnson me bo ballett, ndoshta aj nihet mirë amo per publikun katastrof... niveli shum i ulet me qato effekte te 1990
:yt: ITS ESH :yt:
:yt: ITS ESH :yt:
:yt: ITS ESH :yt:
:yt: ITS ESH :yt: