Hope she had ENOUGH SENSE to have him "sign" a prenuptial. Ray Charles could have seen this was not going to work and certainly would NOT BRING GLORY TO GOD AND DEFINITELY THIS WAS NOT FROM THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB ❤ I'LL BE SENDING YOU BOTH MY PRAYERS
No you know we have had leaders! However, God’s work was always mysteriously enacted. Sometimes our eyes and minds are placed on what could be, but whatever it could be fudge that! Think about the real reason they did it! Some have been hurt by some scandal but you know the root… My wife was a strong goal oriented person and I stood beside her. Mrs. Henderson infidelity isn’t the problem it’s the cameras! Re-visit God’s plan and go with that.
Mistake if he has to reach way down Jesus will pick you up let's not let's not judge one another on faults we all make them good or bad judge you not or be judged
She was just on line with her husband. Get your story right and stop putting out rumors.
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Where did you get this information from ?
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Sending prayers to Shaunie for covering in Jesus name!❤
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The lies, the liesss!!!!!
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Good for you
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They are the happiest people on earth cover them Jesus.
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He has empty pockets. I NEVER TRUSTED HIS PLAID PANTS.
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Hope she had ENOUGH SENSE to have him "sign" a prenuptial. Ray Charles could have seen this was not going to work and certainly would NOT BRING GLORY TO GOD AND DEFINITELY THIS WAS NOT FROM THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB ❤ I'LL BE SENDING YOU BOTH MY PRAYERS
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No you know we have had leaders! However, God’s work was always mysteriously enacted. Sometimes our eyes and minds are placed on what could be, but whatever it could be fudge that! Think about the real reason they did it! Some have been hurt by some scandal but you know the root… My wife was a strong goal oriented person and I stood beside her. Mrs. Henderson infidelity isn’t the problem it’s the cameras! Re-visit God’s plan and go with that.
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Jesus will pick you up if he has to reach way down God never fails that's not judge
Mistake if he has to reach way down Jesus will pick you up let's not let's not judge one another on faults we all make them good or bad judge you not or be judged
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