Solo Sailing: The Daily Struggles - UNTIE THE LINES III #43

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • Karl and I are still on our way to Costa Rica. It's the typical crazy up and down of cruising life...Some things went really well and some things went not so fantastic. Travelling by myself always throws me from one mood to the other, sometimes feeling totally on top of my stuff and sometimes feeling overwhelmed with everything that is happening.
    Let me know what feelings you experience when you are out there in the comments, would love to hear about it!
    Ahoy, Nike & Karl
    Visit www.whitespotpi... for more info about KARL, the journey or people I met during my trip.
    This is NOT a live documentary! There is a time difference between filming and publishing due to the time it takes to send data home, to edit the episodes and to internet not always being awailable on those little remote palm tree islands :).
    For real-time updates, please visit / whitespotpirates or / whitespotpirates
    You would like to support this documentary? Become a Patron on / whitespotpirates and get special rewards in return or use to buy Karl and me a beer :). Thank you for your support!

ความคิดเห็น • 224

  • @superwag634
    @superwag634 6 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    For me, when im solo sailing, the worst lows come from lack of sleep. If i have a horrible stormy night at anchor with rocks nearby, i know that sailing the next day will put me in a mood where i just want to dock my boat and sleep under a shady tree. Sometimes the sailing dream is not reality, and there are hassles that go with it. I always said to myself, that once im no longer enjoying it, i will sell the boat. I've had this one for 8 years now, and i sail in the southern ocean under australia most of the time. Huge swells and huge gales. It sometimes wears you out, and you think of other hobbies which would be more enjoyable at that moment. But the call of the sea is strong after a small break on land. Today i went solo sailing after taking 2 weeks off, and it was fun. I dont have anxieties like i had many years ago when i first bought this boat. Its my third boat and im in my late 30s. I always plan long solo trips, but i miss seeing my two young boys when i go sailing. So I dont think sailing is all as great as it is portrayed on youtube, and your feelings are exactly the same as most people go through. Some just want to portray themselves as more macho than they really are. Keep it real. I think thats why your videos are a stand-out. They are real and not edited into a glossy magazine type of show.
    Keep at it, and face your fears and anxieties. They do go away with experience and confidence. all the best

    • @WhiteSpotPirates
      @WhiteSpotPirates  6 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      Thank you for your kind words and the insight to your own experiences. It's good to hear you say those things and I agree that sailing is not always bliss. Some people think that I don't enjoy sailing because I talk about what I don't like or fear about it. I do feel that I talk about the great moments of sailing, living on a boat and travelling as well...but it seems that when I say something like I did in this video, then some people take it in more strongly and assume that something is not right with the way I do things because I admit that I am not happy and jolly 24/7...
      It's not always easy to put your emotions out there the way I did today. But comments like yours show me that it's the right thing to do and I hope there are others that will take it the right way and understand what I was trying to bring across.
      Ahoy, Nike

    • @terry4265
      @terry4265 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Super Wag : You said it just like it is. I live on land and you can have the same feelings if your away from home and alone and I am. Life is like a bowl of Cherries . If you want to eat them then you have to deal with the pits. Ha

    • @DavidBridger1
      @DavidBridger1 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      There are plenty of others who take what you say the right way. Hugs for when you feel down, and smiles and laughs with you when you feel happy.

    • @LazyJacques
      @LazyJacques 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Super Wag. My thoughts exactly. One of the offshore guys I look up to said: it's really dumb, but your biggest enemy isn't the ocean, it isn't the storm, and it isn't the breakdowns - it's very simply your own stupid, exhausted brain, and all the depression, fear and confusion that occurs because you haven't slept. The most important thing you need to fix is exhaustion. With rest, everything is now possible, and solutions to all your problems become self-evident.

    • @PanzerDave
      @PanzerDave 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Spot on. I sail and when tired things can get to you that otherwise wouldn't. When in the Army the issue was the same. A lack of sleep can make you question things that you don't need to think about. It takes a lot of work and training to deal with that, and even then you can only mitigate it, not eliminate it. Well said.

  • @jackcreley5438
    @jackcreley5438 6 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    It's interesting how many genuinely care about you. It's like you're a friend even though you've never met any of them. Myself included. I've seen every video you've made going back to the beginning. You can't share all the struggles you've endured and not somehow feel close to you.
    Your TH-cam friends will still be interested in what you're doing even if you go back home and film yourself making breakfast.
    As for the anxiety, the thing to remember is when your not a little scared you're not living. Safe is boring. You are an adventurer. You always will be. Someday you may set sailing aside for a while or for good. But you'll always be a sailor. Just as you will always be an adventurer.
    Best wishes and lotsa 💕

  • @sailingsoulmate7551
    @sailingsoulmate7551 6 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    We all appreciate you for sure. But to all these people saying “you’re not alone”... well, yes...she really is alone. We all love her but she is at sea by herself and these struggles are always there. I can understand the fear - I sail with my husband and sometimes it scares the hell right out of me even though I’m never by myself! And this is why I subscribe to your channel. It helps me to see someone overcome much more daunting circumstances than I’ll ever be in. So thank you for sharing it all. Keep up the reality. It’s nice to know both the peaks and the valleys of what you’re doing. We are all on the journey with you from our comfy chairs with our morning coffee, but I don’t ever want to discount or minimize the reality of your solitude. I profoundly respect and admire you. Fair winds, and prayers for safety at sea.

    • @rogerleopold8343
      @rogerleopold8343 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Very true statement but I think that sometimes knowing that others are thinking about us can help us too. but you are correct about her being alone out there.

    • @terry4265
      @terry4265 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ruthie your so right. Its just not that scary to us sitting in a comfy chair with a cup a coffee. She's in the ocean and its not easy. :)

    • @californiakayaker
      @californiakayaker 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You must be a writer of some kind, that was beautiful.

  • @micheldawes1
    @micheldawes1 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Once again Nike, thank you for a beautiful episode. You truly are getting to be at home in front of the camera and we (The subscribers/viewers) are indeed blessed that you are sharing some quite intimate thoughts, feelings and emotions. You definitely are a beautiful, strong and resourceful woman and I understand your heartache with the whole dichotomy of being alone and craving company and then having to share the company with another. I agree with your observation that buddy boating seems to be the best compromise. The whole psychology of single handed sailing is a very, very arduous undertaking. Your comments on your fears of the journey remind me of a comment that two seperate individuals have mentioned to me over the years (Both specialised commercial divers, working on ships’ hulls, cleaning off the build up of growth, using ‘Hooka’ units (i.e. surface mounted air compressors, supplying air via very long air hoses to breathe with - and to run the equivalent of an underwater lawn mower to remove the growth). They use fully contained buoyant dry suits and heavily weighted helmets, so as to be able to walk along the ships’ hulls upside-down and have done so for years, but both talked of colleagues who eventually succumbed to a purely psychological condition called ‘Sinking ship syndrome’ where they couldn’t shake the feeling that it was not their bouyancy pushing them up onto the bottom of the ships’ hulls, but the ships’ hulls sinking down on them, even though their years of experience told them that this was ridiculous. It apparently got so bad that more than one of them had to retire due to this purely psychological fear. My point is that even though your rational mind is telling you that there is only a small element of danger in ordinary, every day cruising, still gnawing away at the back of your mind is this irrational fear. Don’t spend too much time worrying about this fear as we all have it to some extent and the only fear you really have is of fear itself. Embrace this adversary called fear and get to know it well, so you can co-exist with it - and over time you will find that this monster called fear becomes smaller and less potent every day. It may never die completely, but the stronger you become, the weaker it becomes. RULE OVER YOUR FEARS, DON’T LET THEM RULE OVER YOU!
    Even though I am a professional seafarer with over twenty-five years of qualifications and experience, I am still in awe of your abilities and your strength. I will always be your ‘Buddy boat’ even though I may never physically get the chance to sail alongside you!
    Warm hugs, Mr Michel Dawes

  • @VetTails
    @VetTails 6 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    So funny seeing Jim in front of you - he arrived just after we did :) Like you said though he is a purist and it took him 5 weeks! (with island visits etc along the way but his route was hilarious to see because there was times he just had to circle until wind picked up). Its nice seeing you tackling it all solo again even with the hard times, never doubt your skills your amazing (they make me jealous all the time hehe) Miss ya x Sheddy
    p.s. We all get scared and anxious I think, others might just not be brave enough to voice it

  • @000001willy
    @000001willy 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I love your honesty Nike. It's never easy being on your own. My career as a volunteer working in remote parts of Africa was one of isolation. Although there were people around I rarely spoke the language. While I may have some friendships very rarely were the type of deep, nourishing relationships that you could rely upon to help you deal with life's challenges. Sailing has a lot a similarities with the challenges of living a volunteer life, where nothing is the same and where there is a lot of boredom and many hours of isolation and plenty of dangers like poisonous snakes, dangerous driving, violent storms, potential sickness, etc. - in general lots of worries that are often low-grade but occasionally rise to high-grade, even life threatening concerns.
    Your personal dialogue always feels like a one-on-one conversation but sadly you do not get an immediate response and the kind of support that helps you deal with your feelings. When I was working as a volunteer there was no video-blogging back then so in the course of two years I wrote approximately 700+ letters. The longest was 32 pages. They helped me get things off my chest and that seemed to help.
    Keep going my dear. You are living your life to the fullest. One further comment....the happiest you seem during the past three years was when you were spending time with Maria. I'm sure there were ups and downs as in all relationships but I saw a lot more laughter than frowns, in fact at least a 90: 10 ratio, which is about as good as relationships ever get. Something to think about.

  • @getyourgnarlon
    @getyourgnarlon 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your candid words were golden. That is what I call bravery.
    Why do some put themselves on the razors edge? Perhaps an impossible question to answer, but maybe they want to propel themselves to something that they would not otherwise choose, and the outcome of that will certainly involve levels of pain.
    You reminded me of this quote by Hugo, “Everybody has noticed the way cats stop and loiter in a half-open door. Hasn't everyone said to a cat: For heavens sake why don't you come in? With opportunity half-open in front of them, there are men who have a similar tendency to remain undecided between two solutions, at the risk of being crushed by fate abruptly closing the opportunity. The overprudent, cats as they are, and because they are cats, sometimes run more danger than the bold”

  • @ChristopherYoung5977
    @ChristopherYoung5977 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    When I single hand I just accept that I'm already dead. If I survive that's an added bonus! It's all about the Mind Game.

  • @BobbieGWhiz
    @BobbieGWhiz 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Most interesting part was to hear your reflections on your fears in sailing. I imagine a lot of people can relate with their own anxieties. You can go on doing what you’re doing with all its rewards and hardships or you can go in a different direction and face new challenges and rewards. Good luck.

  • @SailingKittiwake
    @SailingKittiwake 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thanks for sharing the highs and lows. It’s very interesting to watch for us, as we never sailed solo. You’re an incredible lady! 😊

  • @kwantao69
    @kwantao69 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anxity is usually an irrational fear and often is not your 'stuff' but somebody else in your space. You are dealing with it in an amazing maner. Thanks for sharing.

  • @AdventuresofanoldSeadog
    @AdventuresofanoldSeadog 6 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Highs, lows and fears, same for me. Must be a single handed sailor thing!

    • @saltysailor9401
      @saltysailor9401 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Adventures of an old Seadog Barry! You old seadog! I just watched your new episode! Don't you have pizza and beer to tend to?

    • @WhiteSpotPirates
      @WhiteSpotPirates  6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Adventures of an old Seadog wish we would have had a bit more time to talk about it in time!!!! And then I want to hear you play something!!!

    • @davidlester6673
      @davidlester6673 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      No its a lonely human thing. Happens when you spend too much time without much human contact.

  • @teejay7157
    @teejay7157 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fatigue makes cowards of us all. And things are always much scarier when we're alone. Solo sailing gives you a major dose of both. Sorry to see you down, but thanks for letting us see both the good and the bad. No matter what you always inspire.

  • @alansailing1387
    @alansailing1387 6 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Sailing is always a scary thing, the moment you stop being scared and get complacent is when thing go wrong. Keep safe and enjoy life.

    • @WhiteSpotPirates
      @WhiteSpotPirates  6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I think you are probably right about that. It keeps you on your toes if you are a bit scared. Keeps you prepared for the worse...:).
      Ahoy, Nike

  • @SVHahalua
    @SVHahalua 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There is nothing wrong with feeling lonely... this is especially true on a boat where you alone have to take on all the burdens of being in charge of everything that happens on or to the boat. You don't have anyone to lean on when things are frustrating or just plain shitty and you don't have anyone to share your highs with either, except us online of course. There really is nothing wrong with taking on a companion and although you may like being alone, everyone does sometimes, having someone (a friend of significant other) there to share those burdens or just say hello to in the morning really can lift your mood. Get a long term sailing companion! I would not recommend a pet - they are expensive.

  • @smokedoliver1
    @smokedoliver1 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We all have those feelings and fears, it’s life. You’re fine! Bless you.

  • @mariocooke5463
    @mariocooke5463 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    watching your struggles leads me to make a couple of comments. i'm old now,but in my young years I worked as a fisherman on a purse-seiner tunaboat. We stayed out on the average, 2 1/2 months at a time until we were full. You need crew in your boat. It is too much work for one person, as you are still learning, and will need another ten years to learn all you have to know to keep your boat ship-shape; and then you will have forgotten much of what you learned in the past. Three people on that boat would keep it in beautiful shape, and then you could take a little time to explore an island or do a field trip. It is too much work for one person. I sit here with great admiration watching you tackle technical jobs you may have never done before, but at the same time I think you could use crew with multiple skills who will pay their way to sail with you.

  • @dalegraham4058
    @dalegraham4058 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Found the end of your vid. Inevitable being alone is time to examine the distractions, the risks of living that are always with us. Vulnerability is awareness. Awareness is being comfortable with that part too. Being contemplative is best uninterrupted. Brave of you to talk into the camera. Thanks for that.

  • @lotophagi711
    @lotophagi711 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    When you get low just remember "Nike" is the goddess of victory...

  • @prereed
    @prereed 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There is a time when rest is important. My lows come when I am most tired.

  • @matteobonomi6706
    @matteobonomi6706 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Something to share about fear by someone who is also often choosing to go alone for the reasons that you know very well. With experience I learned that fear is not really a bad thing, something to overcome or "cure" somehow. Fear is ok. Keeps you safe and vigilant and prevents troubles to come at you as surprises. It doesn't matter if you don't see fear in others: it is there for them in the same way as for you.
    Only thing you can work on is what you do with it.
    And expect that if you are in a tired condition or "not at your best" you Will have a harder time managing it.
    By working on your awareness about fear and yourself in general you learn to relax even in fear thus making a good use of it and whatever else life throws at you.
    Pretty sure you already know all this, but (as for me) it is good to hear (or read) it from others.
    Hope it helps!

  • @pmnmd62
    @pmnmd62 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are so much braver than 99.9% of all of us. I admire your strength.

  • @bobhamilton298
    @bobhamilton298 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm not a therapist, but sounds like your mind is producing reasons (like fear of sinking) to generate enough doubt for re-evaluation. This seems pretty normal to me. Life is about balance and when its out of balance, your mind will try to help you to a decision point. Don't let the fears result in a snap judgement simply to ease the doubt. In my experience, that usually results in regrets down the road. But obviously (so it would seem) its time to evaluate what you are doing and make some adjustments that bring back some balance.
    For me, I enjoy a home base. For one thing, it means I don't have to purge everything I own and (in some cases) cherish. Provides a place for my stuff and a comfortable place to go when I just need a break from whatever else I am doing.
    I also enjoy working on my boat (a Catalina 30) and I spend a lot of time and effort making it more comfortable and easier to sail and motor. Although it can be a very difficult job in such a small space, I also try my best to keep it clean and organized. If I don't need it (at the moment), I have the luxury to take it home and store it in the garage. My boat prefers some heel and often requires un-reefed sails to generate decent speed. Which is fine, because I happen to like sailing like this, watching the rails take some water from time to time! But if the boat is not well kept, stuff starts flying about and my joy goes to zero. So for me, an organized boat is a happy boat.
    I prefer solitude but also enjoy sailing with friends and like to share experiences with others. Yet in the end, having the whole boat to myself is pretty cool. I don't have to adapt to different habits or personalities and I don't feel compelled to entertain whoever I am with. I feel myself starting to ramble, so I will close by suggesting you find creative ways to generate more balance in your life. Some things will be cost prohibitive, but with some careful thought, I'm sure you will get back to an equilibrium you can live with.

  • @arniestuboud
    @arniestuboud 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I didn't read all the comments and replies BUT it seems obvious that MOST of them were addressing your spoken concerns and fears. Many of these friends essentially stated that they too had those same feelings sitting in an armchair safely ashore.
    First, I must say that as a sole practitioner of architecture I have often had those same fears over the years. Second, as a human being without a loving mate, it can be lonely at times but it is also well understood how at other times that loneliness can turn (perhaps a bit selfishly) to relief and relish of being privileged to be alone.
    Nike, you have created a reality which enables you to travel in a unique way, meet many new joyful friends who have helped you and who you have been able to help, experience the human ups and downs involved in that travel, and gain a completely unique and expanded insight into our world, our planet and your own soul.
    Last and perhaps even most important in your case, never fail to look back to the beginning of this lovely adventure, at the beginning of your "Season One" to see how far you have come in these three years sailing and DYI knowledge, confidence in general, and in personal and spiritual strength and growth.
    Thank you for having the guts and confidence to share even these less than bubbly thoughts and fears with all of us. It is not possible to achieve the highest highs without also experiencing the lows for comparison.
    Nike, you ROCK!!! It is a privilege to know you even just thru your wonderful vlog. "Your strength is an inspiration to us all." "You GO girl!!!"

  • @RenegadeADV
    @RenegadeADV 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fear is the mind killer!
    I think we all second guess ourselves sometimes.
    You may doubt if this is the life you want, but if you gave it up before long you would miss it so much that it would tear your guts out.
    That and the downside to being a fiercly independent person means at tines being lonely.
    When you look back at where you have come from, you have overcome great obstacles to get Karl where he is today, that is bo small feat, and at times it has tested you to your limits.
    Now though you are just getting to the point where your boat is ready to enjoy.
    Get out there and enjoy it!

  • @edrosenberger6947
    @edrosenberger6947 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I understand both your fears and joys of being alone. When things go wrong at sea, I would enjoy having someone to help with the task at hand and I like listening to other points of view. But....there are long moments where I enjoy not needing to respond. I hope for an human-like alter ego robot that will not pout and understand when I need a quiet time. (:-/) Enjoyable Episode!

  • @UCanDoIt2Mike
    @UCanDoIt2Mike 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Love the opening section where you share with us a taste of how you make these great videos!! Cheers!!!!!

  • @twistedrace6885
    @twistedrace6885 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have always felt that you do an amazing job and handle the adversity of the Sea with a straight forward determination . It is only natural to second guess your thoughts and fears at times... and perhaps the solitude makes one over think the situation , but it also bring such peace to life.

    • @WhiteSpotPirates
      @WhiteSpotPirates  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Twisted Race yes, I think you are very right in that last part!

  • @waynejenkins3607
    @waynejenkins3607 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The fear factor, I think these feelings of fear are a survival instinct. Everything you do be mindful of the possibilities of injury, whether it be boiling water for cooking, slipping or tripping on deck, finger caught in the anchor chain, loosing a finger or cutting your own wrist with the angle grinder, being caught in the rotating prop shaft. So being mindful and in the moment.
    If your NOT thinking this could hurt me, then your not doing it right. When your tired...sleep.
    Meditate or what it's called nowadays is "mindfulness" this will help the fears and the frown lines disappear.

    • @WhiteSpotPirates
      @WhiteSpotPirates  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wayne Jenkins yes, I think you are very right about that 👍

  • @risasb
    @risasb 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You and Karl dukin' it out with the elements and the apprehension. Respect.

  • @leonjennings6615
    @leonjennings6615 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    A very lovely man once said something along the lines of "You should not fear being alone; but being around people that make you feel alone". Sadly he is no longer with us but his sentiment it true.

  • @brentfriedland
    @brentfriedland 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    That last part hits home. My only constant in life has been weight lifting and where I call home now is just another place. How do you work out on a boat? I have free weights and a squat rack in my living room. I need that time. I've worked in banking and at the same time been recalled to the Army 10 times over 20+ years always with different people and somewhere else never expecting anything beyond today. I come home and want to just be like everyone else but there is no way to blend so you do your own thing and you're alone. I guess we just keep building and fixing and gardening and working and take solace in where we've been and where we're going.

  • @b5kinner
    @b5kinner 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your willingness to share both the highs and lows, the shear honesty and rawness of it all, is what differentiates your story from others. "Hold Fast" we're all pulling for you - Bob SV Chaos

  • @melee401
    @melee401 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Self introspection is a good thing as long as you omit any judgments on yourself. I think your perseverance with the engine issue through completion if anything has been a great compliment to your determination and spirit. It must be very rewarding to know you have a top shelf, worry free engine now whose installation was second to none. I myself am not too partial to those "dripless" seal arrangements. I have re-packed so many packing glands on stern tubes and pumps and whatever that I do not even think twice about it while underway even. It's that fewer proprietary parts to have to deal with.

  • @michaelmckenzie6416
    @michaelmckenzie6416 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    i haven't watched in awhile and now im binge watching. I forgot how much I love your clogs, but more on that next week.

  • @organicrich
    @organicrich 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Look forward to your videos. I imagine it can be difficult on a solo mission, always best to share the highs and lows with someone.

  • @randyowens2717
    @randyowens2717 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Like the rain suit repair!

  • @BastienKoert
    @BastienKoert 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nike, you are on top of your game. Being lonely sometimes isn't much fun, but you are never really alone. We are all here cheering you on!

  • @danbush7270
    @danbush7270 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your videos are wonderful. I’ve watched so many, and you keep everything simple,and pure. You know, what you do is important to so many who watch your trip. And sharing your thoughts really helps connect us to who you are. Hang in there and know that we all root for you.

  • @pinebearclub
    @pinebearclub 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are one courageous woman! Thanks for sharing your ups and downs. It kinda sounds like you need a companion who shares the same passion as you. Chin up girl, you’re doing great and take care.
    Bryan aus Vancouver

  • @MsStrong30
    @MsStrong30 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great ending! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  • @festitraining
    @festitraining 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Happy Thoughts for you.....Keep up the great work

  • @simonhantler8062
    @simonhantler8062 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i know what you mean about anxiety when youre alone. im not a lone sailer but am planning to sail pacific seasonally in a couple of years and hopefully with a cool lady, but i find i really get anxious about starting a business or tackling an adventure by myself and as soon as i get some positive feedback or complete the adventure with someone else it alls sems ok. im probably like you as i do to many adventures alone, not sure if its agood thing but that wont stop me or you. a bit of fear of the sea is a good thing.

  • @somadevo
    @somadevo 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Cruising with other friends in their sailboats is most ideal when the flow provides that arrangement.

  • @andrewreid3983
    @andrewreid3983 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You are an amazing, inspirational, courageous person who has shown us the ability to move forward under stress which most people never face, the fear is normal, magnified as you are alone and pressured by us. You need a companion, a loving four legged fury friend to off load on and to share the good and bad times with. After all you are just human like the rest of us :)
    Be assured you continue to inspire me and lots more. We feel you're fears, laugh when you do and want you to continue to have amazing times with Karl. OXO

  • @andrewburnett2215
    @andrewburnett2215 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Everyone needs to know their own limitations. Enjoy the journey.

  • @donalexander2480
    @donalexander2480 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nike..... too much loneliness is not good. we are social creatures and need support and fellowship. I say.....and this is hard, sell karl ...go back to wherever you can earn the most money the quickest and save up. Newer boat..... less repairs..... and bigger boat for either patreon crew or even do some chartering in and around your most comfortable area. I'm sure you will follow your heart but it's hard to watch you suffer. You have done a most amazing thing..... tackling the refit of Karl and pushing through all your initial fears to arrive where you are today. you have everything to be proud of. No matter what you choose I am sure your utube followers will stay supportive. The Very Best to You! You are amazing!!!

  • @2jsims
    @2jsims 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    LOVE the honest, candid remarks! Not many have the courage to openly express their doubts & fears. You are stronger than you think you are and you can do more than you think you can. SO happy that you have the Beta!! Cheers!

  • @kunstmol
    @kunstmol 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    a healthy fear or at least trepidation and a realization of the dangers are good things for the solo sailor. of course confidence in your boat is important. your boat needs to be up to the task at hand. and never think you have to do big heroic sailing feats just to satisfy us, the youtube hangers on. you're doing great. we love you.

  • @twinlions
    @twinlions 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. They give us knowledge about a single handed sailor's daily life.

  • @mikeashburn4866
    @mikeashburn4866 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I know how you feel and that's what keeps you safe. Don't let the devil on the other shoulder get a hold of you. Good weather and following seas to ya

  • @soving
    @soving 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Nike, great episode. I loved when you got on a roll of all the bad things that happened then, the vid just flowed back to the regular upbeat inspiration we come here for. Thanks.

  • @majesticmark6054
    @majesticmark6054 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    We are all human after all. Becoming exhausted makes even the best things more challenging. Daily responsibilities can become daunting and keeping a 100 percent positive attitude is not even a realistic idea. Sharing everything simply brings out your honesty and I think why so many people admire you. Having watched from the beginning we can all see just how many challenges you have already overcome. I think you hit the nail on the head about facing things alone however. We are social beings and the ability to get direct feedback during certain situations gives us an extra sense of confidence when we need it most. Cheers

  • @rickchollett
    @rickchollett 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've only sailed twice and that was just in Galveston Bay, but I would happily sail with you anytime. You seem to be more capable than others that I follow as they tend to use more gadgets. Should you ever decide to take on crew I'm positive there would be no shortage of volunteers. Having doubts and fears is normal. Facing and overcoming them brings great satisfaction. You don't know me from the next person but I hope you feel better when I say that I am proud of you! You are truly an inspiration.

  • @gunterford7014
    @gunterford7014 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    another great , honest video. this one reminds me of the early days when you had hit some walls and were doubting going on.. I think that was several years ago. back in those days, I, like all others worried about you during the week . but now that I know we are watching videos in some cases weeks and months passed. and I know from your facebook that you are in germany or doing a film premier etc . or sailing with joanna, I no longer have the anxiety of watching these the same way. Now I watch them like a novel / travelog. still highly entertaining. looks like depression brought on by sleep depravation. And of course these stretches are long due to karl's speed. so perhaps on long legs find a buddy. joanna2.. fair winds g

  • @RoyClare
    @RoyClare 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Loved this episode. Posted a long message on Patreon. Won’t repeat here, but proud to have been one of your Patrons for so long. You’re an awesome inspiration, Nike.

  • @RenegadeADV
    @RenegadeADV 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I was in the Navy we had a term for the bad days: Embrace the suck!
    It is amazing how much attitude changes things, but I think you knew that already!

  • @Bravo21
    @Bravo21 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sending you a big hug Nike, every solo sailer has been there. I have a little thing I would say to myself when it gets heavy.
    'Peace, I can never beat Mother nature or Father ocean, the best I can do is get along. What can I do to get along?' This would usually get me out of my funk and focused on acting and thinking positively. Good thing you learned about that weakness in the autopilot now.
    Best wishes for you and Karl ~ Be kind to yourself.

  • @Prel8
    @Prel8 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are an amazing young person, strong and adventurous. I know that the negative thoughts tend to creep in, but you can master them. you have in the past, when things were actually going wrong. Nothing is wrong now. Enjoy tour time, you can beat this.

  • @robertcolvin3182
    @robertcolvin3182 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Been following you for a couple years. Always enjoyed the fact that you shared all the issues that face a single sailor; learning, fixing, exploring, provisioning and sailing. Also, that you share your innermost thoughts about the journey. It takes a secure person to share fears and anxieties and although your concerns in this video are loneliness and fear, I believe it is a video of great courage. Thanks for sharing. Sleep helps....

    • @WhiteSpotPirates
      @WhiteSpotPirates  6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thx Robert, I am happy to hear you see it as and act of courage since I did not want to lament that I am not feeling well or that I am not able to handle my situation but just share some (what I believe is "normal") doubts and general thoughts that were running through my head. It's not that I was or am unhapy with my situation, I am just trying to analize some of the feelings that I have...some of them are good, some of them not so good ;).
      And I totally agree that sleep helps heeeeeeps! My body need a fair amount of it and I tend to get a bit cranky when I lack sleep ;)
      Ahoy, Nike

  • @Westcoasterrt
    @Westcoasterrt 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I hope that you know the admiration that so many others have of you! ❤️. And who doesn’t have a little fear of the unknown? Keeps you on your toes. 🍻

  • @medsailingcouple8376
    @medsailingcouple8376 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    you have many reasons to be thinking about alot, but when we do things that we are uncomfortable with we energize ourselves and it it helps break us out from darker thoughts we may have, have fun, enjoy the amazing journey you are on, fair winds

  • @jon8078
    @jon8078 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your comments at the end remind me of when i went off backpacking alone having been with a friend for months. You pretty much hit the nail on the head - when you're travelling alone, the highs are higher and the lows are lower. Although i found it best not to spend too long alone. I motorbiked around where you are now a few years back and after a week or so on the road i found it very difficult to socialise when i got to a hostel. Normally ended up drinking beers with the long distance cyclists! Keep up the good work.

  • @waynedoeblin6801
    @waynedoeblin6801 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks Nike for sharing your adventures,I certainly admire your attitude and positive spirit,all the very best😊

  • @SailingSVPlanB
    @SailingSVPlanB 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Back in the seventies, I rented sailboats from a place and in their flyer they said "If you bring rain gear, we promise it won't rain." It was San Diego, it was safe bet.

  • @huffster6344
    @huffster6344 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    There are thousands of people out there that have never been able to separate the things they can control from the things they cannot. It usually results in stress of some kind. Try not to be one of those people. Sometimes it is best to not think too much.

  • @the_smithcrew
    @the_smithcrew 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    “Adventure is worthwhile in itself.”
    -Amelia Earhart

  • @caktus5
    @caktus5 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    About single handed, the most difficult part is the lack of sleep. And when you're tired, sometimes it can increase your fears/anxiety...

  • @WaterTrails
    @WaterTrails 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Personal accomplishment. That's what it's about. Go for it... not much in the way!

  • @rogerleopold8343
    @rogerleopold8343 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    No worries, life is a balancing act anyway. Learning how much time one needs to be alone and with others means that we are finding and knowing ourselves better. Congratulations with that!!!!!!

  • @lancedaniels
    @lancedaniels 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for your thoughts. Best wishes/fair winds, following seas.

  • @crikycrocky
    @crikycrocky 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great job. Something I learned from mental illness is that I can control my own thinking. I can actually decide not to think bad negative stuff and decide to see good stuff all around me. Sure there is bad stuff but I don't need to dwell on that, I can instead look at the positive aspects of my life like health and well-being and freedom and choices and friends and so on.

  • @chasingthedream6707
    @chasingthedream6707 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Nikki this is Elliott I've been watching you for gosh the last couple years and I know you're talking about as far as anxiety I just completely close my business Most states just bought a boat I'm refurbishing it pretty much recommissioning it and it's scary when you everything's fine everything's paid your bill is running good your car is running good and you still feel like a bottom is going to fall out you just have to work through it and think of the good things and snap yourself out of it I know it sounds silly but LOL I've been dealing with this for the last 2 years

  • @z_actual
    @z_actual 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Plenty of scary things single handing, and perhaps a little too much time to contemplate them. But what can you do, that must go to your fears and strategies to stop thinking about them.
    In some ways it isnt more difficult than, if you wondered what time it was you could get a clock, then you wouldnt have to wonder. If you are scared of flooding while you might be asleep, install a loud high water alarm and connect in another bilge high capacity automatic pump making sure the outfall can cope with both pumps on.
    Not sure Ive ever seen a life raft on your boat, you might want to think about that too. Then if all else fails all you need to do is inflate the raft, grab your ditch kit, and if you have time whatever secondary things you will need.
    Sometimes our soul is trying to tell us something, and sometimes we need to learn to listen. You are a practical and imaginative woman and capable of dealing with this. Take care of both sides of yourself.

  • @murrat
    @murrat 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are truly a strong woman. No challenge to big for you.A while back you were talking about sailing the great lakes. It this still a dream? Our boat is on Lake Ontario. Lake Superior is my favourite however.

  • @carlmic7
    @carlmic7 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you! Please talk more! we love you.

  • @horstkotte6114
    @horstkotte6114 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Most good sailors I know have to actually manage anxiety, you're not alone with that. The sea is freaking terrifying, there's no way around it and everybody who suggests otherwise properly hasn't seen much of her. So the only thing you can do is minimize risk and train procedures. Taking on competent crew can minimize plenty of risks but also introduces some social risks. I do mostly solo sailing because everybody I'd really like to come with has plenty of excuses. Crew makes everything more easy, it's always a big relief for me to not having to do all the chores. My compromise is to take on crew when I feel like it and/or for more complicated/exhausting passages, hoping that someday somebody will become a permanent partner for adventures.

  • @insaynbcr
    @insaynbcr 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    That last chat at the end sounds like you are craving a mate on the boat. You'll work it out, you always do.

  • @bluejuice57
    @bluejuice57 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Big hugs, I had to sell my liveaboard yacht of 4yrs with dreams of doing what you are doing. Enjoy it because life can be shitty and give out blows from the blue. Miss my boat but enjoy your movies. X

  • @mikelarson401
    @mikelarson401 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Cheer up Niki ! Your not alone, stay safe.

    • @WhiteSpotPirates
      @WhiteSpotPirates  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thx Mike. It's an up and down. Mostly happy times, just sometimes gets a bit frustrating, that's all. Just the normal "life" stuff ;).
      Ahoy, Nike

    @OHFORPEATSAKES 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    You say you see so many people that are not terrified or anxious, I disagree. Most people are but won't talk about it. It takes courage to open-up and express your feelings, especially the 'negative' ones. Many people think it shows that they are weak.
    Nike, you are anything but weak. You are courageous, strong, independent, resourceful and intelligent.
    What I see from my office chair is someone who is alone again, (maybe a bit lonely?) and tired. I've noticed as I am getting older I worry more and more. Stuff that never bothered me now sits in the back of my mind, gnawing away at my enjoyment of the moment. Like will this hose clamp fail? will the shaft bearing overheat? will the halyard snap? will the keel fall off? (!)
    Anxiety is unreasonable fear. As long as you practice proper seamanship, you have no reason to fear the future.
    Remember to "Change the things you can, don't worry about the things you can't, and be smart enough to know the difference".
    Karl is a good strong boat, has a new engine and rigging, and a great captain.

  • @CemTuten
    @CemTuten 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    😍 dear #SuperWag, I personally agree after 1 year. you are right. Nike did you talked to Maria? I hope and believe you did because i am still watching this wonderful adventure . you are very strong 💪. 👍

  • @terry4265
    @terry4265 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I know just what your saying. I've been by myself for many years now and no family close and last year I went through some really hard times health wise and I had so much anxiety and fear and panic attacks it was unreal. Now that I'm nearly well its not bad now but at times the panic feelings gets to me a little. Having someone around really helps and I'd like to move back home closer to my family but stuck right now. Not enough money coming in to move. But with all that said. I know just what your saying. To bad I'm on land or I could sail home. Ha :) Hang in. I've been with you from the beginning.

  • @donb4386
    @donb4386 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Seeing Nike despondent and introspective gives us a tiny glimpse into what makes this young woman tick. I think most of us can relate to the angst of being alone, but there is something unique about being alone while bobbing around in the open ocean. The personal and environmental conditions, the cold damp air combined with the fatigue of regular watches and a mind churning the same thoughts over and over, that bombard your senses is something few of us have ever experienced.
    Nike, just trying to glean an insight into who you are from fifteen minutes a week of video is fraught with danger, however my sense is you have always been an independent woman, one who appreciates a little quiet time to spend with your own thoughts. I wonder if you would experience similar emotions, on occasion, in a crowded room.
    I think most here would agree your channel is among the top five in the sailing genre, maybe top three. That said you are in the prime of your life and the exhilaration of exploring these exotic locations must be balanced against the sacrifices you make: friends, family, companionship. I'm not sure the scale has been invented that could measure that equation.
    Thank you for providing this special insight into the conflicting emotions you experience on your travels. I hope you find the same life balance in your world that we all seek in ours.

  • @dirtyfax
    @dirtyfax 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another great video. I really love your videos VS some others that focus only on when they have arrived at their dreamy destination. I guess the term "Keeping it real" applies to yours. It certainly keeps me watching.

  • @sailingdijan9128
    @sailingdijan9128 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice video Nike, keep up the spirit, your not alone a lot of people are riding along with you! Enjoy.

  • @JCFNor
    @JCFNor 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi, I think you're doing great and you are following your dream!
    (nasty comment coming - Considering you could be attending high school in a western country you're probably safer there you are.)
    A solo sailor friend told me of his experiences of resting in the cabin and listening to dolphins and other sounds he recognized. Then he heard something he didn't recognize, and quickly found out that he would stop listening so closely. :)

  • @UweBehrendt
    @UweBehrendt 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    duck tape is a must on a sailboat ,sailors only get stressed when they have made a commitment and then are on a schedule, no schedule ,no problem enjoy Thanks

  • @gogs1468
    @gogs1468 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video, love seeing the day to day stuff.

  • @lyfandeth
    @lyfandeth 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Perhaps you have heard the old Breton prayer ''Oh God thy sea is so great and my boat is so small''. It can overwhelming, especially alone. But you will find a way to make peace with it. So many of us have faith in your abilities. When y ou need a break, don't be reluctant to take it.

  • @CarolineAlice
    @CarolineAlice 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fears come with being at sea and you are handling them very well. At sea the day you stop being cautious and scared your dead. I spent 10 years as the Second Mate, the navigating officer, on those enormous oil tankers called ULCC's. Even with a crew of forty odd people there were many times I felt alone and scared. Making a command decision in the dead of night to alter course for some reason or other could have had terrifying implications like the Exon Valdez or the Torrey Canyon but as luck had it that sort of thing never happened. More than a few close calls sure but no, my fears and caution kept me and many others alive to sail another day. No doubt it will do the same for you. Bon Voyage.

  • @liongod1000
    @liongod1000 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    "someone else on the boat and Buddy boating" EXACTLY! You were undoubtedly extremely happy when you had your friend onboard to help with the new engine installation........... Right now you're Tired and Lonely!! Maybe here's your answer.... BUDDY TIME is what you NEED!!

    • @WhiteSpotPirates
      @WhiteSpotPirates  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ;) ah well, there are always two sides to each medal...I do enjoy the alone time as well as the "buddy time" but also both have their annoying part about them. I cannot say that it is all roses when I have someone on I don't think that is the solution. I also have moments of extreme happiness when I am by myself. But of course I cannot sit an share my feelings and thoughts as in to deep when I have someone on board. Especially because it is not only my privacy anymore at that time. That's why you might get the impression that all is unicorns and flowers when I have a friend with me...and that I am always worrying when I am by myself. It's really just the fact that I am able to share those moments of feeling down when by myself and I don't have the opportunity to do so when I have trouble when I am not by myself...
      Ahoy, Nike

    • @DavidBridger1
      @DavidBridger1 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is a superb explanation. Your self-knowledge and ability to communicate with others is on a par with your other talents. You truly are inspirational, Nike.

  • @robertouimet3027
    @robertouimet3027 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Land or Sea, life is what it is, you finally reach your dream and some people will be satisfied. For others, the need of challenges and struggles is constantly there. You maybe feel like it’s harder to make videos when all is good? Or you really should share your life with someone, challenges and struggles will at the rendez-vous 🙂

  • @johnmccormick175
    @johnmccormick175 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video as always...your amazing!

  • @Maddie-Girl
    @Maddie-Girl 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    When solo I always sleep threw the day and stay awake at night even though I have radar and Ais I still feel safer sleeping in the day cheers Niki and keep up the great work

  • @tiaramisu
    @tiaramisu 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    So impressed by your engine replacement, your sailing skill, and your your videos! Long Live Karl!
    Oh yeah and fear doubt and anxiety are good things, without them we'd try to play with Great Whites and stop trains by standing in front of them. So they are your friends to be embraced. :-)

  • @chenegabfree7617
    @chenegabfree7617 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Agree with the highs and lows emotions of single handing. .. Sail on

  • @hyperchannel4048
    @hyperchannel4048 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wanted to exclude two things when traveling on a boat. The first thing is that water gets into the boat while I'm sleeping or not on board. Why does almost no boat owner have a water alarm?Second, I wanted to avoid anything approaching my boat that I can't see or don't notice because I'm sleeping or not on board. Why do many boat owners not have an underwater camera and radar with a proximity alarm? But the biggest fact about ships is that they have such powerful motors, but they can't pump water with them. I think that more than 50% of all sunken ships would not have sunk if they had also been able to pump water out of the boat with their main drive. I would integrate a huge waterpump directly in the propshaft of my boat. The Titanic's engines had more than 50,000 hp, just imagine how long you could have kept the ship afloat if you could have switched this power from the propellers to a pump. But in this special case the Titanic would never have sunk if the two guards at the lookout had been given a torch or a spotlight. Just two things: they cannot see and they cannot pump! Every day when nothing happens this fact is suppressed more and more. Try not to run in this trap!

  • @saturnracing6712
    @saturnracing6712 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ahoy if I could make a suggestion that may help improve your boats performance would be a main sheet that you could center your boom. What I'm suggesting is a 4 to 1 purchase that would lead forward and then down to the deck to a cleat and possibly winch next to your companionway hatch the shopping list is 5 single blocks and one single with a Beckett you have the mounting spots on your aft cabin top. It's not good perhaps not even safe from a standpoint of being able to properly sale out of Harm's Way to have your mainsheet pulling from one side good luck in your voyage

  • @rossipop
    @rossipop 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Maybe go and look back at your first vids just to refresh your spirit.... You have so got this miss...much hugs ...